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In Malaysia, dolmens or commonly known as megaliths monuments are a very rare sight.
Since megaliths are usually located in another country, most people doesnt even know that
there a few megaliths located in our very own country. One of them is located in Pa Lungan,
Sarawak. This megalith site has been known with many dolmens structures. However, most
of them collapsed over the year thus leaving the site with only the remains of the monuments.
One of the still standing is Batu Ritong. This megalith is in critical condition that it needs to
be remake in order for it to remain standing still. Any strong wind or force exerted on the
megalith will eventually make the megalith unbalance and collapse. So, to preserve this
megaliths monument, remaking of the monuments should be done. In order to do this,
designing a new machine that can fulfil the purpose of lifting is one of the objectives. This
paper focused on how a new design of uplifting machine can lift the top stone and thus, the
process of remaking the structures can be done. Before starting the project, a few parts of
uplifting mechanism are studied in order to understand more on the lifting machines. We
make a benchmark on certain parts and use them in our design. They are combined to design
a better and suitable machine for this project. Research is not only done on the machineries
and mechanisms involved, but also the surrounding place as well. With almost no road access
and transportation, this is by far the hardest complications faced by us. The machine design
should consider how the type of land effects the operation of the machine. It is also important
to take a look into transportability. In this design report, the calculations of certain materials
are also important. Every materials involved in the design has its own traits that need to be
calculated so it can afford certain load exerted on it. This is to avoid accidents that can cause
the stone to drops and cause casualties to people involved in the remaking of structures. With
different approach of design, a few changes also have been made from the earlier conceptual
design to make the machines more reliable. The improvement on certain parts of the machine
also leads to the improvement for the operation of the machine. Analysis has also been made
to determine the capability of the machine to operate. This includes the speed of the system
itself. As a result, better machines that can perform the process of lifting stone for remaking
monuments are designed. With a reasonable cost and easy resource of material, the design
that has been chosen is efficient.

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