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Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the

1 .947
.897 .896 .11450
2 .960
.921 .920 .10052
3 .970
.941 .940 .08720
4 .973
.948 .946 .08241
5 .973
.948 .946 .08210

a. Predictors: (Constant), H
b. Predictors: (Constant), H, O
c. Predictors: (Constant), H, O, R
d. Predictors: (Constant), H, O, R, SES
e. Predictors: (Constant), H, R, SES

The R value of 0.973 (97.3%) denotes a strong correlation between the pshycap and employee
performance. For the model used in this present study, it can be observed that the R-squared
value is quite high. It is equal to 0.95 and is close to 1.0. Thus it can be deduced that the
dependent variables are highly correlated with the dependent variable. The dependent variable
which is the employee performance can therefore be said to be highly related to the independent
variables which are SES, R, H and O (excluded from the model). Consequently, it can be said
that about 95% of the variation in the dependent variable which is the employee performance is
explained by the independent variables found in the equation while the remaining 5% is
explained by the error tem. The error term will usually capture the factors which have not been
mentioned in the set of independent variables. The error term will represent the effect of those
variables which have not been included in the regression. Include other factors those are
effecting to phsycap.

R-squared, also termed as the coefficient of determination is the most commonly used measure
of the goodness of fit of a regression line. A value of 1 usually means a perfect fit while a value
of zero would normally mean that there is no relationship between the dependent variable and
the independent variables. In the present study the R square value is 0.948 so it can be concluded
that the model has good fit.


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 14.771 1 14.771 1126.609 .000

Residual 1.704 130 .013
Total 16.475 131
Regression 15.172 2 7.586 750.802 .000

Residual 1.303 129 .010
Total 16.475 131
Regression 15.502 3 5.167 679.624 .000

Residual .973 128 .008
Total 16.475 131
Regression 15.613 4 3.903 574.698 .000

Residual .863 127 .007
Total 16.475 131
Regression 15.612 3 5.204 772.062 .000

Residual .863 128 .007
Total 16.475 131

a. Dependent Variable: DEPS
b. Predictors: (Constant), H
c. Predictors: (Constant), H, O
d. Predictors: (Constant), H, O, R
e. Predictors: (Constant), H, O, R, SES
f. Predictors: (Constant), H, R, SES

The multiple regression model with the F-statistics of 772.062 for (3, 128) degrees of
freedom is statistically significant at a p-value (sig.) of 0.000 level. The full model is statistically
significant (F = 772.062, df = 11,128, sig. = .000)


Model Unstandardized
t Sig. Collinearity
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) .435 .116 3.758 .000
H .900 .027 .947 33.565 .000 1.000 1.000
(Constant) .463 .102 4.557 .000
H .794 .029 .835 27.414 .000 .661 1.513
O .110 .017 .192 6.300 .000 .661 1.513
(Constant) .745 .098 7.605 .000
H .457 .057 .481 8.016 .000 .128 7.787
O .152 .016 .266 9.257 .000 .560 1.784
R .236 .036 .347 6.590 .000 .166 6.025
(Constant) 1.033 .117 8.839 .000
H .301 .066 .317 4.552 .000 .085 11.767
O .007 .039 .013 .192 .848 .089 11.281
R .313 .039 .461 8.056 .000 .126 7.959
SES .159 .039 .321 4.037 .000 .065 15.321
(Constant) 1.044 .101 10.317 .000
H .297 .062 .312 4.795 .000 .096 9.375
R .315 .037 .465 8.592 .000 .140 7.158
SES .166 .016 .335 10.632 .000 .413 2.423
a. Dependent Variable: DEPS

According to the table XXX all the VIF values are less than the 10 demonstrating no

The table XXX shows the regression analysis H, R and SES; were significant to be identified as
good predictors of the overall employee performance (Sig. T < 0.05), the O has been excluded
from the model it has 0.848 P values which is higher then the 0.05. Furthermore, among the two
significant dimensions, R (Beta () = 0.315) has the strongest association with employee
performance with a high significant level P = 0.000. Followed by the H and SES, the H has (Beta
() = 0. 297) with a high significant level P = 0.000 and SES has the least association with the
employee performance (Beta () = 0.166) with the significant level P = 0.000. According to the
stepwise regression model, one out of four dimensions was excluded.

T-Ratio is often used in statistics and econometrics to measure whether an independent variable
is statistically significant in explaining the dependent variable. It is normally calculated by
dividing the estimated regression coefficient by its standard error. Thus, the t-statistic, as it is
also called, is a tool for measuring the number of standard errors from which the coefficient is
away from zero. T-Ratio values are generally accepted if they are found to be greater than +2 or
less than -2. The various T-statistic values for the independent variables used in the regression
are listed in the table below

Independent variables T-statistic values
H 4.795
R 8.592
SES 10.632

According to the above table it is noted that the T statistics are greater than the + 2 so it has
accepted. From the regression results shows in above table, it can be observed that the third
variable which is short SES has a very high positive t-ratio of 10.632. This implies that the SES
independent variable is statistically significant and that it greatly contributes in predicting the
value of the dependent variable which is the employee performance.

Excluded Variables

Model Beta In t Sig. Partial
SES .190
5.712 .000 .449 .578
R .157
2.515 .013 .216 .196
O .192
6.300 .000 .485 .661
SES .005
.062 .951 .005 .086
R .347
6.590 .000 .503 .166
3 SES .321
4.037 .000 .337 .065
5 O .013
.192 .848 .017 .089
a. Dependent Variable: DEPS
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), H
c. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), H, O
d. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), H, O, R
e. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), H, R, SES

According to above discussions the researcher developed the revised regression equation as

= 1.044+ 0.315
+ 0.297
+ 0. 166
+ u

According to the above revised equation in the present study the R, H and SES has effected to
the employee performance.

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