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Government Summer School

- 1.00
o Citizenship-
Civic duties and protect American Values and rights
- 1.01
o Natural Rights:
Govt- goal to protect natural rights
Led founding fathers to include Bill of Rights- ensure guaranteed protections
Hoped to keep Govt small and limited in power
o People seek greater opportunities
People get freedom to make own decisions
o Government not same as used to be- 310 million people today
Have to adapt with times
Goal- keep peace within territory
Schools and hospitals purpose to improve quality of life
Provides us with:
Quality education
Ensures people are qualified
Protects citizens in and out of country
Monitors people crossing border
Fire protection
o Without Govt:
No highways, no hospitals, courts
o Government carries out purpose by:
Through laws- place limitations on individuals for greater good
o Consent of governed:
People must agree with existence
Social Contract- Govt must protect rights of people or must be overthrown
People did not like having king with unlimited power
o Representative Democracy vs. Direct Democracy:
Democracy is slow as it is, only much slower with direct
Representatives make up majority rule rather than people on many laws and
o Key words:
Federalism- Division of powers among local, state, and national govt
Rule of law- no one above it
Limited Govt- Govt should be restricted to protect natural rights
- 1.02
o What is Citizenship
Amendment- citizens born or naturalized- due protections and privleges no
state can take away
- Steps to Naturalization
- Application
- Must be at least 18 years old, have been a legal, permanent resident for minimum period,
and pay a fee
- Fingerprints
- Must give fingerprints and pay for the service
- Interview
- Answer questions about personal background and application, as well as questions on
U.S. history and government in English
- Oath of Loyalty
- Swear an oath to give up loyalty to other nations and governments, support and defend
the U.S. Constitution and laws, and serve the military or national government if required
by law

- Citizenship in Action:

o is up to the citizens to choose people carefully to fulfill those roles in government,
support the system of laws through obeying them, and challenge unfair laws through
legal means
o Tools such as email, blogs, and podcasts help connect people with the same goals and
ideas across wide geographic areas. People coordinate activities such as protests and
demonstrations using these tools.
o Americans who are complacent to simply follow laws and pay taxes without exercising
responsible citizenship run the risk of allowing government to take more of that
responsibility for itself. People need to hold government accountable for its actions
o To protect our representative democracy, more citizens need to speak up through
contacting officials, voting, and other forms of political participation.
o people working together is a more powerful and effective way to create change.

- Service Project
o Giving back to your community is rewarding for both you and those that you serve.
o College story of giving
o Note the word unity in community. People in a community group unite through what
they have in common
o All people have individual strengths that they can use to help their communities.
o Interdependence means that people depend on each other.
o Investigate-Plan-Act-Reflect-Celebrate

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