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Our employees are the driving force that enables us to create value in the work that we do.

We understand that the most essential factor determining our success is motivated
employees and communication plays an important role in understanding their needs. We
undertake employee engagement initiatives which help us understand their needs and
address their concerns. Various formal and informal methods are employed to determine
employee satisfaction which help us in identification of critical issues and devising action
plans to assist our workforce. As a responsible organization, we prefer to hire our non
management cadre employees from local communities, thereby uplifting the economic
status of the areas where we operate. We are also guided by the respective state laws
regarding local hiring of non management workforce. We hire our management cadre
employees purely based on merit. FY 2010-11 saw us attracting substantial talent to fill
some key senior leadership positions. The permanent manpower headcount also increased
by 7 percent to 26,214
Tata Motors has established Tata Motors Academy as the learning and development
platform for the employees. Through Government approved apprentice programmes, the
Company supports technical skills development for the industry workforce. Adoption and
support to ITIs is another key initiative towards enhancing the industry skill pool. The
Company undertakes significant efforts to enhance the dealer workforce skills levels
through various dealer development and certificate programs. Safety has been a key thrust
area at all the manufacturing plants. Regular trainings are provided to all workforce
including temporary and contractual workforce on various aspects of safety.
Tata Code of Conduct is imbibed in all aspects of the business and its dealing with various
stakeholders. The Code is applicable to all Tata Motors permanent, temporary and
contractual workforce, suppliers, vendors, dealers, channel partners, subsidiaries, business
associates and any other entity / stakeholder associated with the Company. Training and
awareness on TCoC is provided to all employees and relevant stakeholders are also made
aware of the Code
Tata Motors marks the biggest turnarounds in the history of Indian
automobilemanufacturing industry which happened in 2001. This success story of Tata
Motorscan be entirely attributed to the timely change adopted by the Tatas and the then
M.DRavi Kant who led the change.Today Tata Motors ranks as the worlds fifth-largest
manufacturer of medium andheavy trucksit has a 61 percent domestic market share in
this segmentand hastaken the number-two position for sales of passenger vehicles in the
Indian market. Ithas also built a significant global presence, both through sales efforts in
overseasmarkets (such as the former Soviet republics, the Middle East, South Africa,
SouthAsia, and Turkey) and through acquisitions such as the takeover of
Daewooscommercial-vehicle business in South Korea and the purchase of a 21 percent
stake inthe Spanish bus manufacturer Hispano Carrocera.Tata Motors was predominantly a
manufacturer of commercial vehicles, and that is avery cyclical business. The commercial-
vehicle market in India shrank by more than40 percent, with massive consequences for both
the top and, more particularly, the bottom lines of the company. The 5 billion rupee loss in
2001 was the first timesomething on this scale had happened in the companys history, and
it really shook everybody within the organization.They tried to understand what had gone
wrong and wanted to create a path for thefuture to ensure that they never got into such a
situation again.

Formulation of a clear strategic vision:
In order to make a cultural
changee f f e c t i v e a c l e a r v i s i o n o f t h e f i r m s n e w s t r a t e g y , s
h a r e d v a l u e s a n d behaviours is needed. This vision provides the intention
and direction for theculture change2.

Display Top-management commitment:
I t i s v e r y i mp o r t a n t t o k e e p i n mind that culture change must be managed from
the top of the organization, aswi l l i ngnes s t o change of t he s eni or management
i s an i mpor t ant i ndi cat or (Cummings & Worley, 2005, page 490). The top of the
organization should bevery much in favour of the change in order to actually
implement the changein the rest of the organization. De Caluw & Vermaak
(2004, p 9) provide aframework with five different ways of thinking about change.3.

Model cul t ure change at t he hi ghes t l evel :
I n o r d e r t o s h o w t h a t t h e management team is in favour of the change,
the change has to be notable atfirst at this level. The behaviour of the
management needs to symbolize thek i n d s o f v a l u e s a n d b e h a v i o u r s t h a t
s h o u l d b e r e a l i z e d i n t h e r e s t o f t h e company. I t i s i mpor t ant t hat
t he management s hows t he s t r engt hs of t he current culture as well, it must
be made clear that the current organizational does not need radical changes, but just a
few adjustments.4.

Modify the organization to support organizational change:
The f our t hstep is to modify the organization to support organizational change.5.
Sel ect and s oci al i ze newcomers and t ermi nat e devi ant s :
A w a y t o implement a culture is to connect it to organizational
membership, people can be selected and terminate in terms of their fit with the new

Develop ethical and legal sensitivity:
Ch a n g e s i n c u l t u r e c a n l e a d t o tensions between organizational and
individual interests, which can result inethical and legal problems for
practitioners. This is particularly relevant for changes in employee integrity, control,
equitable treatment and job
security.Change of cul t ur e i n t he or gani z at i ons i s ver y
i mpor t ant and i nevi t abl e. Cul t ur ei n n o v a t i o n s i s b o u n d t o b e b e c a u s
e i t e n t a i l s i n t r o d u c i n g s o me t h i n g n e w a n d substantially different from
what prevails in existing cultures. Cultural innovation is bound t o be mor e
di f f i cul t t han cul t ur al mai nt enance. Peopl e of t en r es i s t changes h e n c e
i t i s t h e d u t y o f t h e ma n a g e me n t t o c o n v i n c e p e o p l e t h a t l i k e l y
g a i n wi l l outweigh the losses. Besides institutionalization, deification is
another process tha

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