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Mob||e 8ank|ng 1

1> keg|strat|on rocess:
user sends an SMS C8l8LC" Lo 9223172337"

ln C8S Lhls moblle number wlll be valldaLed for avallablllLy and also lL wlll be ensured LhaL lL ls
llnked Lo slngle cusLomer.
lf moblle ls noL avallable ln C8S or lf same moblle ls llnked Lo mulLlple cusLomers Lhen approprlaLe
error code wlll be senL Lo moblle banklng appllcaLlon.
user CeLs user-lu and uefaulL Mln.

2> Down|oad|ng the mob||e bank|ng app||cat|on onto your mob||e handset
o) lor 4ndroid user
vlslL Coogle play sLore Lo download Lhe CenLMoblle appllcaLlon.
b) lor lovo ond 8/ockberry user
vlslL hLLps://cenLralbankmoblle.ln/cblapp/

SelecL blackberry" for blackberry Apps and selecL Cenerlc" for !ava Apps.

user lnsLalls CenL Moblle appllcaLlon on hls hand seL. osL lnsLallaLlon our appllcaLlon lcon appears on
hls moblle phone screen.

AfLer lnsLalllng Lhe moblle banklng appllcaLlon, cllck on lcon CenL Moblle.
a) LnLer your user lu.
b) Cllck on Lhe Logln buLLon
c) ?ou wlll be prompLed Lo AccepL 1erms and CondlLlons of Lhe servlce. AfLer accepLlng Lhe 1erms and
CondlLlons, Lhe screen change Mln wlll appear. 1hen change your Mln
d) lf noL prompLed, Co Lo SeLLlngs - Change Mln.

3> Act|vat|on rocess:

1he cusLomer wlll noL be able Lo use Lhe appllcaLlon unLll he passes Lhrough Lhe AcLlvaLlon process. lor
acLlvaLlon Lhe followlng opLlons wlll be avallable Lo Lhe cusLomer:
noLe: - klndly make sure Lhls sLep ls followed only afLer changlng Lhe uefaulL Mln else Lhe cusLomer wlll be
prompLed Lo send C8l8LC.

CpLlon 1: Lhrough ln8
CusLomer Log-ln Lo ln8.
CusLomer selecLs Moblle 8anklng acLlvaLlon opLlon
CusLomer ls prompLed Lo enLer hls moblle number and cllck on submlL.
C8S valldaLes Lhe moblle number agalnsL Lhe Cll and on successful valldaLlon reLurns Lhe llsL of
cusLomer S8 and Cu accounL numbers Lo moblle banklng server.
Moblle 8anklng server compleLes Lhe process of acLlvaLlon and responds wlLh an SMS Lo cusLomer
conflrmlng acLlvaLlon.

CpLlon 2: Lhrough 8ranch
CusLomer vlslLs Lhe Pome 8ranch.
Pome 8ranch logs lnLo Lhe ln8 admln module and selecLs Moblle 8anklng acLlvaLlon opLlon
8ranch Admln ls prompLed Lo enLer cusLomer's Cll and moblle number and cllck on submlL.
C8S valldaLes Lhe moblle number agalnsL Lhe Cll and on successful valldaLlon reLurns Lhe llsL of
cusLomer CurrenL and Savlngs accounL numbers Lo moblle banklng server.
Moblle 8anklng server compleLes Lhe process of acLlvaLlon and responds wlLh an SMS Lo cusLomer
conflrmlng acLlvaLlon.

Now the customer |s ready to use mob||e bank|ng serv|ces. In the 1
phase the fo||ow|ng serv|ces sha|| be
ava||ab|e for the customer:
Loqin into opp/icotion ond chonqe the chonne/ os per your choice i.e. 5M5 or 6Pk5, lf chonne/ is 5M5 then
for eoch ond every request you wi// require o 5M5 chorqes ,lf chonne/ is 6Pk5 then there is no ony chorqes
for your 5M5 on/y you need to ensure your 6Pk5 connection shou/d be ON

1> 8a|ance enqu|ry:

ln Lhls case, moblle banklng appllcaLlon wlll dlsplay your avallable and currenL balance.
1hls wlll be appllcable only Lo S8 and Cu accounLs.

2) M|n| statement

ln Lhls case, moblle banklng appllcaLlon wlll dlsplay lasL 3 LransacLlons of Lhe accounL.
1hls wlll be appllcable only Lo S8 and Cu accounLs.

3) Iund transfer

a) lnLra bank fund Lransfer (C8l Lo C8l)
b) lnLerbank fund Lransfer (C8l Lo CLher bank)
Ior fund transfer you need to reg|ster benef|c|ary f|rst.

keg|ster ayee

SelecL Iunds 1ransfer.
SelecL keg|ster ayee (one Llme exerclse for each payee).
SelecL Lype of payee - C8l payee / CLher 8ank payee

In case of My 8ank (C8I) payee, enter the

ayee's accounL no.
Clve a nlckname (1o be of mlnlmum Lwo characLers. 1hls nlckname wlll appear over Lhe screen
ln fuLure and accounL number wlll noL be dlsplayed)
Co Lo Menu selecL keg|ster
verlfy Lhe correcLness and selecL 'yes'. 1o make any correcLlons selecL no' afLer correcLlons
you selecL yes'.
LnLer your Mln
SelecL menu and choose Conf|rm

?ou wlll geL a message advlslng you Lhe sLaLus of Lhe requesL
In case of Cther 8ank payee, enter the

ayee name as lL appears ln Lhe 8ank's records
ayees AccounL number
llSC Code of Lhe ayee 8ranch (1he alpha characLers should be enLered ln block leLLers.)
Clve a nlckname (1o be of mlnlmum Lwo characLers. 1hls nlckname wlll appear on screen ln
fuLure and accounL number wlll noL be dlsplayed)
Maxlmum amounL llmlL (8s. 30,000)
Co Lo menu choose keg|ster
ueLalls of lnpuL appear on Lhe screen. verlfy agaln and selecL yes lf correcL and no, ln case
ln case of no, Lhe prevlous screen wlll appear and necessary correcLlons need Lo be made.
LnLer Mln
SelecL menu and choose Conf|rm

?ou wlll geL a message advlslng you Lhe sLaLus of Lhe requesL

PL45 uO NO1 PkOcu lOk luNu5 1k4N5lk uNL55 4 P4Y l5 k6l51ku 4Nu cONllkM41lON lN
1nl5 k64ku l5 kclvu.

1ransfer Iunds

SelecL Iunds 1ransfer
SelecL 1ransfer funds
SelecL ayee's Lype (Self AccounL/My 8ank accounL/ CLher 8ank accounL)
SelecL ayee nlckname from Lhe drop down
LnLer amounL Lo be Lransferred ( up Lo Lhe asslgned max. llmlL)
SelecL accounL Lo be deblLed
ress Ck
LnLer Mln
press Menu and selecL Conf|rm

?ou wlll geL a message advlslng you Lhe sLaLus of Lhe requesL

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