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Discussion of Results of Investigation into the effect of exercise on internal body

temperature. Expected Answers

We did not have enough time to conduct as many trials as we know that we should in order to get
reliable results..
1. To increase reliability in an investigation we should conduct more than one trial. Explain
why we should conduct more than one trial. (3 marks)

There will be variation in each trial that is run.
Some trials may differ wildly.
Running a minimum of three trials evens out the individual differences.

2. Explain two ways to increase accuracy of measurement in this investigation. (2 marks)

The thermometer should respond more quickly to the body temperature of the exerciser
The time between the exercise and the measurement should be minimal.

Table 1 shows the average body temperature of Mrs Morritt taken over ten sessions on the
stationary bike. Temperature measurements were taken over eighty minutes of exercise and the
average over ten sessions calculated.

3. What do you observe about the time intervals in Table 1? (1 mark)

As you can see from the table the data for time were not recorded at even intervals. This is valid

Table 1. The effect of length of time spent exercising on average internal body temperature.
(Note: some of the data have been removed so that the table may fit on this page.)

Time spent
0 5 10 15 17 20 27 30 35 44 50 52 57 60 65 70 78 80

37.0 37.5 37.0 36.5 36.7 37.0 36.7 37.0 36.5 37.4 37.0 36.8 36.7 37.0 37.5 37.0 37.0 37.2

4. Compare your results to the second-hand data shown in Table 1 above. (3 marks)

STudnets may have made time intervals even.
There is a longer set of data shown in Table 1.
The values for body temperature are averages.

ure (oC)

Figure 1. shows the average body temperature of Mrs Morritt plotted over eighty-minute
sessions on the stationary bike

Figure 1. The effect of length of time spent exercising on internal body temperature.

5. Even though the data was not collected at even intervals of time the intervals on the axes
of the graph must be even. Why must intervals on the axes be even?
(3 marks)
Each interval represents a particular quantity.
For example on the X-axis 1 cm = 10 minutes, on the Y-axis 1 cm = 0.25 C

6. Use a pencil to join the points on the graph to make one continuous line.
How would you describe the shape of the graph? (2 marks)

The graph looks like a wave.

7. What is the highest temperature reached? __37.5 degrees Celsius_____ (1 mark)

8. What is the lowest temperature reached? ___36.5 degrees Celsius ___ (1 mark)

This type of graph is complex so is made of different parts.
9. Label the crest and the trough. (2 marks)
10. Identify the temperature around which the graph line to oscillates (or goes up and down).
Draw a horizontal line in pencil at this point and starting at the Y axis. This line will be
horizontal to the X axis. It represents the normal body temperature. (1 mark)
0 20 40 60 80 100

Time spent exercising (minutes)




11. The amplitude is the displacement (or distance) from the line you have drawn and the
crest. Rule a line in pencil to show the amplitude on the graph. (1 mark)

12. The amplitude is also the displacement (or distance) from the line you have drawn and the
trough. Show the amplitude on the graph. (1 mark)

13. What is the value of the amplitude in degrees? ______________________ (1 mark)

14. Comment on the data that you collected over the time that you had in class in regard to
seeing a trend like the graph in Figure 1. . (2 mark)

Two valid points, for example;
If we had more time we may have seen a wave pattern like the one in Figure 1.

15. When this experiment is repeated many times with many different subjects we see the
same type of graph. What does this graph show about body temperature in humans, even
though they may feel hot as they exercise?

The graph shows that the body temperature in humans moves up and down about 0.5 degrees
Celsius, even though the person may feel hot.

16. Which body tissues are responsible for working by contracting ? (1 mark)


17. Contraction of this tissue requires energy .The cells of this body tissue contain a high
density of mitochondria. Explain the function of mitochondria. (4 marks)

Release energy from glucose and oxygen
through cellular respiration.

18. Write the word equation for this process. (1 mark)

glucose + oxygen -! carbon dioxide + water + chemical energy

19. Some of this energy is lost as heat energy. What would you expect body temperature to do
as muscles contract repeatedly? (1 mark)

body temperature rises as muscles contract repeatedly

20. This increase in body temperature is called a stimulus. How would you expect the body of
a mammal to respond? (2 marks)

Response trends in the opposite direction to the original stimulus so expect body temperature to

21. Other observations were recorded during exercise; sweating and redness of the skin.
a. What effect does sweating have on body temperature? (2 marks)

Sweating makes the body cool down as heat is removed when the liquid water evaporates.

b. Why does the skin appear redder? (1 mark)

Redness is caused by more blood being delivered closer to the skin.

c. Predict the effect on internal body temperature of bringing a greater volume of blood
to the surface of the body. (2 marks)

Bringing more volume of blood closer to the skin brings with it heat energy from the
So internal body temperature should decrease.

22. A Flow Chart is a drawing that represents your thinking about a topic. It includes:
Concept Terms (in boxes).
One-way arrows that relate two Concept Terms.
Linking phrases or words that label the arrows and describe the relationship
between a pair of Concept Terms

Draw a flow chart to summarise the science of this investigation. That is; explain what happens to
body temperature as we exercise. Use the concepts;
stimulus, response, temperature increase, temperature decrease, negative feedback,
homeostasis, mitochondria, cellular respiration, muscles, contract, work, energy, heat

Wonder question. I wonder why the internal body temperature remains constant around a set

Evaluation of the Investigation
Address each of the dot points in the Evaluation Section of the Report Writing Template and hand
your work in.

Guided Discussion of Results of the Investigation into the
Effect of Exercise on Internal Body Temperature.

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

We did not have enough time to conduct as many trials as we know that we should to get reliable
1. To increase reliability in an investigation we should conduct more than one trial.
Explain why we should conduct more than one trial. (3 marks)


2. Explain two methods to increase accuracy of measurement in this investigation. (2 marks)


Table 1 shows the average body temperature of Mrs Morritt taken over ten sessions on the
stationary bike. Temperature measurements were taken over eighty minutes of exercise and the
average over ten sessions calculated.

3. What do you observe about the time intervals in Table 1? (1 mark)


Table 1. The effect of length of time spent exercising on average internal body temperature.
(Note: some of the data have been removed so that the table may fit on this page.)

Time spent
0 5 10 15 17 20 27 30 35 44 50 52 57 60 65 70 78 80
37.0 37.5 37.0 36.5 36.7 37.0 36.7 37.0 36.5 37.4 37.0 36.8 36.7 37.0 37.5 37.0 37.0 37.2

4. Compare your results to the second-hand data shown in Table 1 above. (3 marks)


Figure 1. below shows the average body temperature of Mrs Morritt plotted over ten 80 minute
sessions on the stationary bike

Figure 1. The effect of length of time spent exercising on internal body temperature.

5. Even though the data was not collected at even intervals of time the intervals on the axes
of the graph must be even. Why must intervals on the axes be even?
(3 marks)

6. Use a pencil to join the points on the graph to make one continuous line.
How would you describe the shape of the graph? (2 marks)


7. What is the highest temperature reached? ______________________ (1 mark)

8. What is the lowest temperature reached? _______________________ (1 mark)

This type of graph is complex so is made of different parts.
9. Label the crest and the trough of the graph. (2 marks)

10. Identify the temperature around which the graph line to oscillates (or goes up and down).
Draw a horizontal line in pencil at this point and starting at the Y axis. This line will be
horizontal to the X axis. It represents the normal body temperature. (1 mark)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time spent exercising (minutes)




11. The amplitude is the displacement (or distance) above the line you have drawn and the
crest. Rule a vertical line in pencil to show the amplitude on the graph. (1 mark)

12. The amplitude is also the displacement (or distance) below the line you have drawn and
the trough. Show the amplitude on the graph. (1 mark)

13. What is the value of the amplitude in degrees? ______________________ (1 mark)

14. Comment on the data that you collected over the time that you had in class in regard to
seeing a trend like the graph in Figure 1. . (2 marks)


15. When this experiment is repeated many times with many different subjects we see the
same type of graph. What does this graph show about body temperature in humans, even
though they may feel hot as they exercise?


16. Which body tissues are responsible for working by contracting? (1 mark)


17. Contraction of this tissue requires energy .The cells of this body tissue contain a high
density of mitochondria. Explain the function of mitochondria. (4 marks)


18. Write the word equation for this process. (1 mark)


19. Some of this energy is lost as heat energy. What would you expect body temperature to do
as muscles contract repeatedly? (1 mark)


20. This increase in body temperature is called a stimulus. How would you expect the body of
a mammal to respond? (2 marks)


21. Other observations were recorded during exercise; sweating and redness of the skin.
a. What effect does sweating have on body temperature? (2 marks)


b. Why does the skin appear redder? (1 mark)


c. Predict the effect on internal body temperature of bringing a greater volume of blood
to the surface of the body. (2 marks)


22. A Flow Chart is a drawing that represents your thinking about a topic. It includes:
Concept Terms (in boxes).
One-way arrows that relate two Concept Terms.
Linking phrases or words that label the arrows and describe the relationship
between a pair of Concept Terms
On a left-side page draw a flow chart to summarise the science of this investigation. That is;
explain what happens to body temperature as we exercise. Use the concepts;
stimulus, response, temperature increase, temperature decrease, negative feedback,
homeostasis, mitochondria, cellular respiration, muscles, contract, work, energy, heat, sweating,
redness of skin

Wonder question. I wonder why the internal body temperature remains constant around a set

Evaluation of the Investigation
Address each of the dot points in the Evaluation Section of the Report Writing Template and hand
in your work.

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