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Comparison Between the Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill (GARB) and the

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)

Posted $% Bulatlat
Prin&iples and '$(e&tives
To break up the monopoly of a few landowners and foreign control of our
To implement genuine agrarian reform in order to finally end the feudal
and semi-feudal exploitation of our farmers.
To increase the income of farmer-beneficiaries and raise their living
standard through the promotion of cooperatives and other forms of mutual
aids as the main vehicle for improving their productivity.
Adheres to the empowerment of rural women and respects the rights to
ancestral domain and self-determination of indigenous peoples.
To launch the thorough going development of our agricultural sector and
lay the foundation for national industrialization.
Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill (GARB) Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
All agricultural lands. It has no exemption
and exclusion. It doesnt depend on the
legal name but on the actual use of public
and private land.
a. rivate Agricultural !ands
T"# plantations$ local agro-corporations
%#ommercial farms&
'aciendas$ livestock and cattle
including those which are presently under
various schemes considered as
alternative to land transfer
idle lands
b. ublic Agricultural !ands
all lands that have been declared
by various residential )ecrees*
residential roclamations* other
laws and issuances as part of
reserved or devoted areas for
tourism development* military
reservations* human settlements
pro+ects* special economic
development authorities* export
exemption and exclusion %original,
land of -tate #olleges and
.niversities* military reservations*
experimental farms and others/ also
the human settlements* )01 0pinion
"o. 22* livestock and a(uaculture*
lands under residential
roclamations for eco-tourisms*
special economic development
authorities* regional industrial
centers* special economic zones*
reclassifications* !.#&

alternative to land transfer %-)0&
different schemes to maintain the
monopoly of land %leaseback* +oint
venture* corporative scheme* lease*
farm management contract&
processing zones* regional
industrial centers* or special
economic zones
all lands that have been
reclassified as commercial*
industrial or residential %#I3& lands
by local government units and
other government line departments
all agricultural lands with
approved land use conversion
all lands that are part of the
reservations of state colleges
all timber and mineral lands
all government-owned lands
all private and public lands that
have remained idle
Definition of terms
T"# plantations 4 plantations owned by transnational corporations such as the
)ole hilippines and )el 5onte hilippines
!.# 4 land-use conversion
-)0 4 stock distribution option* such as in 'acienda !uisita in Tarlac. Instead of
physical distribution of land* farmers and farm workers are provided stocks.
"ime )rame and Priorities
Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
Time frame 4 within a period of five
%6& years from the effectivity of this
Act. The )epartment of Agrarian
3eform %the )epartment& is hereby
mandated to complete the land
distribution of this Act within the
specified time frame.
rioritization within simultaneous
distribution 4 The )epartment shall
exert all efforts to simultaneously
distribute the lands covered by this
The scope is getting smaller* the
longer it takes* it lacks land to
"eeds additional 78 years of
implementation. The original 78 years
according to the law went 98 years
and planning to make it :8 years.
Retention #imits
Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
"0 3;T;"TI0" !I5IT.
<ut it has different approaches and
-enlightened$small landlords %option
to sell&
6 hectares for landlords and :
hectares for the landlords children
= hectares %under the ) 9=&
- lands lower than 6 hectares
%encouraged to sell&
)ree #and *istri$ution
Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
>ree land distribution 4 distributed at
no cost to farmer beneficiaries.
The amortization schedule or any
balance thereof of lands already
distributed under . ). 9= and 3.A.
??6= are hereby declared by this Act
as written off. The farmer-
beneficiaries of such lands shall be
deemed their full owners upon the
effectivity of this Act.
3estoration to farmer-beneficiaries of
lands under cancelled #!0As* #!Ts
and ;s or with pending cancellation
proceedings due to non-payment
Issuance of Title of >ull ;mancipation
4 All lands distributed to farmer-
beneficiaries under this Act shall be
issued* at no cost* a Title of >ull
@ith 6 years tax holiday
ayment for :8 years
>armers paid for amortization and
land rent to landlords
Definition of terms:
.). 9= 4 residential )ecree 9= issued by then resident >erdinand 5arcos in
7A=9. The tenant pays the cost of the land* including six percent interest per
annum* for 76 years in e(ual annual amortization.
3A ??6= 4 also known as the #omprehensive Agrarian 3eform !aw of 7ABB
#!0As 4 certificate of land ownership awards
#!Ts 4 certificate of land titles
;s - emancipation patents
+odes of A&,uisition
Genuine Agrarian reform Bill
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
-;!;#TIC; A#D.I-ITI0"
"ationalization of lands and
agribusiness enterprises operated by
;xpropriation of lands of commercial
farms* agricultural estates* cattle and
The land distribution is considered
livestock farms* a(uaculture and
pasture owned and operated by
>ilipino landowners or corporations
0n the non-land assets in commercial
farms and agricultural estates and the
3ight of >irst 3efusal of agricultural
#onfiscation of sullied landholdings
-mall landowners option to sell
"o expropriation of landholdings
below five %6& hectares and lands
owned by higher-income and middle-
income farmers
Genuine Agrarian reform Bill
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
a.& all landless farmers
b.& farmers* who became beneficiaries
of .). 9= and 3. A. ??6=
c.& agricultural workers informally
employed in the farm units of small
d.& fishers occupying foreshore lands/
e.& settlers and tillers in alienable and
disposable lands of the public domain
and settlement areas/ and
f.& in all other lands* the present
farmer-occupants and other landless
farmers in nearby barrios or
The farmers need to apply and it has
"ot all farmers are beneficiaries.
<ecause of the retention* many
peasants are still tenant or
Provisions for the Prote&tion of the #ands of Benefi&iaries
Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
rohibition against sale* mortgage*
transfer or any conveyance or
rohibition against land
reclassification and land use
;xemption and retention
It can be classified in !and .se
#onversion %!.#&
The #!0A* #!T or ; can be
Immunity of covered lands from levy
on unpaid taxes and writing off of tax
arrears and delin(uencies
Indefeasibility of the land
!and 3eform Eones as protected
(uestioned or cancelled anytime even
if its paid or not.
!upport !ervi&es and mproving the Produ&tivit% and Wor-ing Conditions
of the Benefi&iaries
Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
The allocated budget is 68 <* it is
called !A") 3;>035 -.03T
-;3CI#;- >."). To ensure the
support services of land distribution
in 6 years.
consist of credit facilities* production
post-harvest* market access and
market* price guarantees and such
other services necessary to making
their production viable and increase
their income
continuous services in 6 years
the land used as collateral to have
support services %credits& to the
"o support services
According to the original law* the
government allocated 68 < as
Agrarian reform >und to pay the
landlords. It became 788 < and
added 68 < last 7AAB.
.ow to mprove the #ives of Agri&ultural Wor-ers
Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP)
Agricultural workers operating the
farms or plantations in nationalized
lands all the indispensable and
necessary support* incentives* and
privileges to make their enterprise
3egularization of security of tenure
The wages and benefits of
agricultural workers in nationalized
agribusiness enterprise and in +oint
corporate relations shall not be
diminished from the level they
received prior to land distribution
additional income and non-wage
benefits to their agricultural workers
roduction sharing on commercial
farms and haciendas
0ne of the examples is the scheme
%-)0& used in 'acienda !uisita in
Tarlac #ity
Agricultural workers can work if the
landlords would want them to work*
in some cases* the agricultural
workers worked for : days in 7
Improving the working conditions of
agricultural workers employed by
higher income and middle-income
Role of )armers
They are not passive beneficiaries of land distribution. They are also active
participants of eoples #oordinating #ouncil for Agrarian 3eform %##A3&
which coordinates the participation of the peasants. They would help in
surveying* making lists of despotic landlords* planning for land distribution*
helping in the controversies of distribution* building cooperatives and
delivering support services to the farmers beneficiaries.

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