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Civil Rights Era

Booker T. Washington and WEB Du Bois diagreed on the issue of racial equality in that Du Bois fought
for both social and economic equality, but Washington fought for only economic equality.
ohandas !andhi"s #ritings and $ractices ins$ired artin %uther &ing 'r. and other nonviolent civil
rights $rotesters.
&ennedy demonstrated his su$$ort for the civil rights movement most clearly #hen he used federal
troo$s to desegregate the (niversity of ississi$$i.
)ll of the follo#ing civil rights organa*ations em$loyed non+violent methods of $rotest,
The -.CC
The -C%C
The Black 0anthers did not em$loy non+violent methods of $rotest.
The decision of the -u$reme Courts 1234 Bro#n v. Board of Education of To$eka, &ansas reversed
0lessy v. 5erguson.
The -u$reme Court ruled in Bro#n v. Board of Education of To$eka, &ansas, that segregated $ublic
facilities #ere unconstitutional.
During the ontgomery bus boycott, artin %uther &ing 'r. first become a nationally $rominent
6iolence against $eaceful civil rights $rotesters in -elma, )labama $rom$ted the $assage of the 6oting
Rights )ct.
D#ight Eisnho#er #as the $resident #ho su$$orted the civil rights movement the least.
The 6oting Rights )ct of 1273,
/utla#ed literacy tests
-ent federal authorities to the -outh to hel$ blacks register to vote
Dramatically boosted black"s $olitical $artici$ation in the -outh
alcolm 8 #as initially affiliated #ith the .ation of 9slam.
The E:ecutive /rder 22;1 desegregated the military.
%yndon B. 'ohnson thre# his su$$ort behind the civil rights movement so he could (nify the
Democratic 0arty.
9t #as during the arch on Washinton that artin %uther &ing 'r. delivered his famous <9 have a
dream= s$eech.
Blacks in ontgomery, )labama, boycotted $ublic trans$ortation for a year after Rosa 0arks #as
arrested for refusing to give her seat on a bus to a #hite man.
Thurgood arshal #as the first )frican )merican to serve on the -u$reme Court.
9n the early t#entieth century, civil rights activist arcus !arvey $ushed for resettling all )merican
blacks in )frica.
'ackie Robinson made headlines in 124> #hen he became the first black man to $lay for a a?or
%eague Baseball team.
)ll of the follo#ing statements accurately characteri*e the civil rights movement bet#een 124@+>@"s,
ore and more activists advocated the use of violence after the mid+127@"s.
artin %uther &ind 'r. served as the movement"s unofficial leader from 1233 until his
The first ma?or civil rights victories for black )mericans #ere achieved in the courtroom.
.))C0 $rimarily em$loyed legal tactics to #in victories for the movement in order to achieve civil
rights goals.
The Civil Rights )ct of 123> had no significant im$act.
Eisenho#er sent federal troo$s to desegregate $ublic high schools in %ittle Rock, )rkansas, in 123>
mainly because !overnor 5aubus"s use of the .ational !uard to $revent integration challenged federal
artin %uther &ing 'r founded the organi*ation the -C%C.
0resident Eisenho#er"s res$onse to the Bro#n v Board of Education decision #as to say nothing.
The T#enthy+5ourth )mendment outla#ed $oll ta:es as a requirement for voting in federal elections.
During the 5reedom -ummer cam$aign of 1274, #hite activists from the .orth held voter registration
drives in the -outh.
%os )ngeles had the most infamous and destructive race riots of the mid+to late 127@s.

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