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Gregorio Ortega, Tomas del Castillo, Jr. and Benjamin Bacorro v.

CA, SEC and Joaquin Misa

G.R. o. !"#$%& Jul' (, !##)
*itug, J.
-Ortega, t.en a senior /artner in t.e la0 1irm Bito, Misa, and 2o3ada 0it.dre0 in said 1irm.
-4e 1iled 0it. SEC a /etition 1or dissolution and liquidation o1 /artners.i/.
-SEC en 5anc ruled 0it.dra0al o1 Misa 1rom t.e 1irm .ad dissolved t.e /artners.i/.Reason, since
it is /artners.i/ at 0ill, t.e la0 1irm could 5e dissolved 5' an' /artner atan'time, suc. as 5'
0it.dra0al t.ere1rom, regardless o1 good 1ait. or 5ad 1ait., since no/artner can 5e 1orced to continue in
t.e /artners.i/ against .is 0ill.
!. 7O t.e /artners.i/ o1 Bito, Misa 8 2o3ada 9no0 Bito, 2o3ada, Ortega 8 Castillo:is a /artners.i/
at 0ill; $. 7O t.e 0it.dra0al o1 Misa dissolved t.e /artners.i/ regardlesso1 .is good or 5ad 1ait.;
!. <es. T.e /artners.i/ agreement o1 t.e 1irm /rovides =>t?.e /artners.i/ s.allcontinue so long as
mutuall' satis1actor' and u/on t.e deat. or legal inca/acit' o1 one o1 t.e /artners, s.all 5e continued
5' t.e surviving /artners.=$. <es. An' one o1 t.e /artners ma', at .is sole /leasure, dictate a dissolution
o1 t.e/artners.i/ at 0ill 9e.g. 5' 0a' o1 0it.dra0al o1 a /artner:. 4e must, .o0ever, act in good1ait.,
not t.e attendance o1 5ad 1ait. can /revent t.e dissolution o1 t.e /artners.i/ it can result in
a lia5ilit' 1or damages.
76226AM @<, Alainti11BA//ellee , vs. BARTO2OME A@CO, su5stituted 5' +RACOA@CO,
G.R. o. 2B)##)E Oct. (!, !#&%Justice Gutierre3, Jr.
-Aecson and Moran entered into an agreement 1or t.e /rinting o1 /osters 1eaturing t.e delegateso1 t.e
!#F! Constitutional Convention #)G /osters 0ere su//osed to 5e /rinted and sold at A$Heac. eac. 0ould contri5ute A!)G Moran 0ill su/ervise t.e 0orG, 0.ile Aecson 0ould receive a A!G mont.l'commission
-Aecson gave Moran A!"G 1or 0.ic. t.e latter issued a recei/t
-Onl' $G /osters 0ere /rinted, 5ut eac. 0as sold 1or A)
oMoran t.en eIecuted $ /romissor' notes in 1avor o1 Aecson
-Aecson t.en 1iled an action 1or t.e recover' o1 a sum o1 mone' 1or t.e return o1 .is A!"Gcontri5ution,
/a'ment o1 .is s.are in t.e /ro1its t.e /artners.i/ 0ould .ave earned
RTC, eac. /art' is entitled to rescind t.e contract since 5ot. 1ailed to 1ul1ill t.eir res/ective/romises
9MoranJt.e /rinting o1 t.e #)G /osters; AecsonJt.e A!)G contri5ution:
-CA, Moran must /a' Aecson, among ot.ers, t.e amount o1 eI/ected /ro1its and t.e latterK
scommission in t.e /artners.i/
7O Moran is o5liged to give Aecson t.e amount o1 eI/ected /ro1its 1rom t.eir /artners.i/.
-o, .e is not.
-Rule, 0.en a /artner 0.o .as undertaGen to contri5ute a sum o1 mone' 1ails to do so, .e5ecomes a
de5tor o1 t.e /artners.i/ 1or 0.atever .e ma' .ave /romised to contri5ute 9Art.!F&E: and 1or interests
and damages 1rom t.e time .e s.ould .ave com/lied 0it. .is o5ligations9Art. !F&&:
-Being a contract o1 /artners.i/, eac. /artner must s.are in t.e /ro1its and losses o1 t.e venture,1or is t.e essence o1 /artners.i/.
oEven in t.e assurance o1 t.e /artner t.e' 0ould earn a .uge amount o1 /ro1its, in t.e
a5sence o1 1raud, t.e cannot claim a rig.t to recover t.e .ig.l's/eculative /ro1its
o6n t.e /resent case, t.e 1antastic nature o1 eI/ected /ro1its is o5vious various1actors need to 5e
oT.e 1ailure o1 COME2EC to /roclaim all ($" candidates o1 t.e Constitutional Convention
on time 0as a major 1actor in MoranKs decision not to go o
n 0it. t.e /rinting o1 all#),""" /osters.
E*AGE26STA 8 CO. v. ABAD SATOSG.R. o. 2B(!E&%; June $&, !#F(Aonente, J. MaGalintal
On Octo5er #, !#)% a coB/artners.i/ 0as 1ormed under t.e name o1 LEvangelista 8 Co.L On
June F, !#)) t.e Articles o1 CoB/artners.i/ 0ere amended so as to include .erein res/ondent, Estrella
A5ad Santos, as industrial /artner, 0it. .erein /etitioners Domingo C. Evangelista, Jr., 2eonarda
Atien3a A5ad Santos and Conc.ita A. avarro, t.e original ca/italist /artners, remaining in
ca/acit', 0it. a contri5ution o1 A!F,)"" eac.
On Decem5er !F, !#E( .erein res/ondent 1iled suit against t.e t.ree /artners, alleging
t.e /artners.i/, 0.ic. 0as also made a /art'Bde1endant, .ad 5een /a'ing dividends to t.e /artners
eIce/t to .er; and not0it.standing .er demands t.e de1endants .ad re1used and continued to re1use
to let .er eIamine t.e /artners.i/ 5ooGs or to give .er in1ormation regarding t.e /artners.i/ a11airs or
to /a' .er an' s.are in t.e dividends declared 5' t.e /artners.i/
T.e de1endants, in t.eir ans0er, denied ever .aving declared dividends or distri5uted /ro1its o1
t.e /artners.i/; denied liGe0ise t.e /lainti11 ever demanded s.e 5e allo0ed to eIamine t.e
/artners.i/ 5ooGs; and 5' 0a' o1 a11irmative de1ense alleged t.e amended Articles o1 CoB
/artners.i/ did not eI/ress t.e true agreement o1 t.e /arties, 0.ic. 0as t.e /lainti11 0as not an
industrial /artner; s.e did not in 1act contri5ute industr' to t.e /artners.i/.
6SS@E, A5ad Santos is entitled to see t.e /artners.i/ 5ooGs 5ecause s.e is an industrial /artner
in t.e /artners.i/
<es, A5ad Santos is entitled to see t.e /artners.i/ 5ooGs.
T.e Su/reme Court ruled according to
ART. !$##. An' /artner s.all .ave t.e rig.t to a 1ormal account as to /artners.i/ a11airs,
9!:61 .e is 0rong1ull' eIcluded 1rom t.e /artners.i/ 5usiness or /ossession o1 its /ro/ert' 5' .is coB
9$:61 t.e rig.t eIists under t.e terms o1 an' agreement;
9(:As /rovided 5' article !&"F;
9%:7.enever circumstances render it just and reasona5le.L
6n t.e case at .and, t.e com/an' is sto//ed 1rom den'ing A5ad Santos as an industrial /artner 5ecause
it .as 5een & 'ears and t.e com/an' never corrected t.eir agreement in order to s.o0 t.eir true
intentions. T.e com/an' never 5ot.ered to correct t.ose u/ until A5ad Santos 1iled a com/laint.

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