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ACC/250 Version 6
School of Business
ACC/250 Version 6
Accounting Information Systems
Copyright 2012! 2010! 200"! 200# by $ni%ersity of &hoeni'( All rights reser%e)(
Course Description
Accountants to)ay ha%e put asi)e paper an) pencil an) ta*en a)%antage of a)%ances in technology(
Speciali+e) soft,are has ma)e accounting transactions an) reporting more )ynamic an) efficient( In this
course! stu)ents e'plore the role of accounting information systems in organi+ations( -he course co%ers the
)ifferent types of accounting systems use) for the collection! organi+ation! an) presentation of information(
$sing accounting soft,are! stu)ents learn ho, accounting information systems assist management in )ecision.
ma*ing processes( -he course also emphasi+es the internal controls that shoul) be inclu)e) in an accounting
information system(
/aculty an) stu)ents ,ill be hel) responsible for un)erstan)ing an) a)hering to all policies containe) ,ithin the
follo,ing t,o )ocuments0
$ni%ersity policies0 1ou must be logge) into the stu)ent ,ebsite to %ie, this )ocument(
Instructor policies0 -his )ocument is poste) in the Course Materials forum(
$ni%ersity policies are sub2ect to change( Be sure to rea) the policies at the beginning of each class( &olicies
may be slightly )ifferent )epen)ing on the mo)ality in ,hich you atten) class( If you ha%e recently change)
mo)alities! rea) the policies go%erning your current class mo)ality(
Course Materials
1acht! C( 320145( Computer accounting with Peachtree by Sage complete accounting 2012 316th e)(5( 6e,
1or*! 610 7c8ra,.9ill/Ir,in(
Note. This is a hardcopy textbook that you must purchase at your expense.
All electronic materials are a%ailable on the stu)ent ,ebsite(
Complete Accounting

APA Guidelines for Written Assignments
A&A gui)elines are to be use) for formatting ,ritten assignments an) for citations of original ,or*s ,ithin the
bo)y of ,ritten assignments( /or information on A&A gui)elines! refer to the Center for ;riting <'cellence
38rammar an) ;riting 8ui)es5(
ACC/250 Version 6
Where to Go to Class

Main# -his is the main forum for the class an) is ,here )iscussion is con)ucte)( It has rea).an).,rite access
for e%eryone(
Chat$%oom# -his is a rea).an).,rite access forum( It is )esigne) as a place to )iscuss issues not relate) to
the course content( -his is the forum to ,hich ,e ,ill sen) our bios(
Course$Materials# -his is a rea).only forum! ,hich means you can rea) messages here but cannot sen) any(
-his is ,here I ,ill post the course syllabus an) materials(
&ndi'idual (orum# 1ou ,ill see one forum ,ith your name on it( -his is a pri%ate forum! share) only by you an)
me! the facilitator( 1our classmates ,ill not ha%e access to this forum( 1ou can as* =uestions here( 9o,e%er! if
you ha%e general =uestions about instructions of assignments! please post those in the 7ain forum! since other
stu)ents may benefit by that e'change as ,ell(

Where to Submit Your Assignments
Assi)nment ection# -his is ,here you ,ill submit all formal assignments( 6a%igate to the Assi)nments link
on eCampus( >ocate the lin* to submit your assignment as an attachment(
ACC/250 Version 6
Week ne! Accounting Soft"are
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es ,., I)entify )ifferent types of accounting soft,are(
,.2 <'plain factors to consi)er ,hen choosing accounting soft,are(
%ead the course )escription an) ob2ecti%es(
%ead the instructor?s biography an) post your o,n(
%eadin) %ead Appen)i' A foun) on the stu)ent ,ebsite(
%eadin) %ead this ,ee*?s <lectronic @eser%e @ea)ings(
.rite a 200. to 400.,or) response to the AA Strategy for /in)ing the
@ight Accounting Soft,areB article locate) in this ,ee*?s <lectronic
@eser%e @ea)ings 3see the 7aterials lin* for the article5.
&nclude the follo,ing0
I)entify the )ifferent types of accounting soft,are(
&ro%i)e the names of )ifferent soft,are programs for each
type of soft,are(
Cetermine ,hich companies might use each type of soft,are(
-ost your paper as an attachment(
i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay E 40
Soft,are 7emo
%ead the follo,ing memo0
1our )epartment?s accounting soft,are is e'tremely out)ate) an)
you ha%e inclu)e) the purchase of ne, soft,are in this year?s fiscal
bu)get( 1ou ha%e chosen someone in your )epartment to un)erta*e
the tas*( 1ou ,ant to )raft a memo for your employee to help gui)e
her in the purchasing process(
.rite a 450.,or) memo )iscussing the factors to consi)er ,hen
choosing accounting soft,are( Analy+e ,hy each factor is important
an) the ris*s of not consi)ering each factor(
-ost your paper as an attachment(
i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay # #0
ACC/250 Version 6
Week #"o! Getting Started
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es 2., I)entify the )ifferences bet,een manual an) computeri+e)
2.2 &erform bac* up an) restore functions(
%eadin) %ead Ch( 1 of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012.
%eadin) %ead Ch( 2 of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012.
%eadin) %ead Ch( 4 of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012.
-articipation -articipate in class )iscussion( 40
%espond to ,ee*ly )iscussion =uestions(
.eek T"o /iscussion 0uestions
1ou ha%e 2ust complete) training for your ne, position in a
large accounting firm( -he trainer has co%ere) the )ifference
bet,een manual accounting an) computeri+e) accounting( ;hat
=uestions )o you ha%e regar)ing the )ifferencesF ;hat are the
a)%antages of computeri+e) accounting %ersus manual
;hat ,as the most challenging aspect of the material
co%ere) this ,ee*F ;hat aspects )i) you fin) most beneficialF

Cay 2

Cay E
8ar)en Supply0
Bac* $p an)
@estore Cata
Complete <'ercises 1.1 an) 1.2 in Ch( 1 of the te't using
Complete Accounting 2012(
a'e your ,or*( Cisplay the report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(
-ost the file containing the A<mployee >istB as an attachment(
i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay 5 40
ACC/250 Version 6
Week #hree! $endor and Customer #ransactions
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es 2., Apply the fi%e steps use) to complete a %en)or transaction(
2.2 Analy+e %en)or cre)it memos(
2.2 Complete the four basic accounts recei%able tas*s(
2.3 Analy+e customer cre)it memos(
8ar)en Supply0
Complete <'ercises 2.1 an) 2.2 in Ch( 2 of the te't using
Complete Accounting 2012(

a'e your ,or*( Cisplay the report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(

-ost the files containing the AVen)or >istB an) the AVen)or >e)gersB
as attachments(
i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay E 40
8ar)en Supply0
@ecor) a
Complete <'ercises 4.1 an) 4.2 in Ch( 4 of the te't using
Complete Accounting 2012(
a'e your ,or*( Cisplay the report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(

-ost the files containing the ASales In%oice G102B an) the ACustomer
>e)gersB 3inclu)ing the Customer -erms column5 as attachments(

i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay # #0
ACC/250 Version 6
Week %our! &mplo'ees
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es 3., Illustrate the steps to set up payroll accounting(
3.2 Input payroll )ata for employees(
%eadin) %ead Ch( E of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012.
%eadin) %ead Ch( 5 of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012.
%eadin) %ead Ch( 6 of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012.
-articipation -articipate in class )iscussion( 40
%espond to ,ee*ly )iscussion =uestions(
.eek (our /iscussion 0uestions
Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete
Accounting 2012 co%ers ho, to enter payroll information for
hourly an) salary employees( ;hy is it important to precisely
enter informationF ;hat are the possible conse=uences if the
information is not correctF
<ntering payroll information is a %ital part of accounting( ;hat
aspects of setting up payroll in &eachtree
Complete Accounting

2012 )i) you fin) most challengingF <'plain(

Cay 2

Cay E
8ar)en Supply0
Complete <'ercises E.1 an) E.2 in Ch( E of the te't using
Complete Accounting

a'e your ,or*( Cisplay the report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(

-ost the files containing the A&ayroll Chec*sB for Bran)on 9ugley an)
Cerric* 8rossH an) the A&ayroll Chec* @egisterB as attachments(

i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay 5 40
ACC/250 Version 6
Week %i(e! )n(entor'* )nternal Controls* and +ob Costs
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es 5., <'plain the purpose of the charts of accounts(
5.2 &erform in%entory functions(
5.2 Ciscuss the importance of internal controls an) au)it trails(
5.3 Apply the 2ob cost system to purchases! sales! an) payroll(
Chart of
.rite a 150 ,or) response an) a))ress the follo,ing base) on your
;ee* /our rea)ings0
;hat is the purpose of the chart of accountsF
;hy are internal controls an) au)it trails important in a
computeri+e) accounting systemF
-ost your paper as an attachment(
i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay E 40
8ar)en Supply0
Iournali+e an)
Complete the follo,ing e'ercises from Ch( 5 J 6 of the te't using
Complete Accounting

5.1 an) 5.2 in Ch( 5
6.1 an) 6.2 in Ch( 6
a'e your ,or*( Cisplay each report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(

-ost the files containing the A8eneral >e)ger -rial BalanceB an) the
AIob &rofitability @eportB as attachments(

i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay # #0
ACC/250 Version 6
Week Si,! %inancial Statements
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es 6., <'plain the purpose of financial statements(
6.2 Interpret information foun) on the )ifferent financial statements(
%eadin) %ead Ch( # of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012(
%eadin) %ead Ch( K of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012(
-articipation -articipate in class )iscussion( 40
%espond to ,ee*ly )iscussion =uestions(
.eek ix /iscussion 0uestions
Complete Accounting

2012 generates se%eral
financial statements base) on the information entere)( I)entify
an) briefly summari+e each financial statement( 9o, are these
statements use)F ;hy is it important that these statements are
-his ,ee*! you learne) about the information containe) in
se%eral financial statements generate) by &eachtree
Accounting 2012 an) ho, these statements interrelate( ;hat
information )i) you fin) most challengingF <'plain(

Cay 2

Cay E
Complete <'ercises #.1 an) #.2 in Ch( # of the te't using
Complete Accounting 2012(
.rite a paragraph for each e'ercise analy+ing ,hat the information
from each financial statement means an) ,hy the information is
useful to those ,ho rea) the financial statements(
-ost your paper as an attachment(
i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay 5 40
ACC/250 Version 6
Week Se(en! #ime and -illing
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es 4., Cifferentiate bet,een time tic*ets an) e'pense tic*ets(
4.2 Complete the four steps of the time an) billing feature(
-ic*et 7emo
-repare a 250. to 400.,or) memo about time tic*ets an) e'pense
tic*ets( Inclu)e an e'planation about ,hat each is use) for! ho, the
t,o are )ifferent! an) ,hat information may be foun) on each(
-ost the memo as an attachment(
i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay E 40
-ime an) Billing
Complete <'ercises K.1 an) K.2 in Ch( K of the te't using
Complete Accounting

a'e your ,or*( Cisplay each report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(
-ost the files containing the AIob >e)gerB! the A-ime -ic*et @egisterB
an) the A&ayroll -ime SheetB as attachments(
.rite a paragraph for each e'ercise e'plaining ,here! in &eachtree!
you foun) the screens to process the transactions in <'ercise K.1
an) the importance of *no,ing ,here to fin) this information(
-ost your paper as an attachment(
i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay # #0
ACC/250 Version 6
Week &ight! Closing Acti(ities
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es 5., @ecor) financial information for a sample company(
5.2 <'plain ho, source )ocuments are use)(
%eadin) %ead Ch( " of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012(
%eadin) %ead Ch( 10 of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012(
%eadin) %ead Ch( 11 of Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage
Complete Accounting 2012(
-articipation -articipate in class )iscussion( 40
%espond to ,ee*ly )iscussion =uestions(
.eek 1i)ht /iscussion 0uestions
;hen completing the accounting cycle! the accounting
professional uses source )ocuments( Ciscuss the importance of
the accuracy of these source )ocuments( ;hat problems might
arise if the source )ocuments are inaccurateF
-his ,ee*! you learne) ho, to maintain accounting recor)s
for a ser%ice business( ;hat )i) you fin) the most challenging
aspect of this informationF <'plain(

Cay 2

Cay E
Creating a 6e,
Complete <'ercises ".1 an) ".2 in Ch( " of the te't using
Complete Accounting


a'e your ,or*( Cisplay the report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(

-ost the files containing the AChart of AccountsB an) the ABalance
Sheet 3at 0"/40/20125B as attachments(

i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay 5 40
ACC/250 Version 6
Week Nine! .sing Peachtree Complete
Details Due Points
*b+ecti'es 6., &erform =uarterly a)2ustments for a sample company(
6.2 Ciscuss ho, to close the fiscal year(
&rinting an)
Complete the follo,ing e'ercises from Ch( 10 J 11 of the te't using
Complete Accounting

10.1 an) 10.2 in Ch( 10
11.1 an) 11.2 in Ch( 11
a'e your ,or*( Cisplay each report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(

-ost the files containing the reports liste) on the A;ee* " Capstone
Chec*&oint 8ra)ing @ubricB in one compresse) +ippe) file 3see the
Course 7aterials forum for the gra)ing rubric an) instructions for
sa%ing multiple &C/ reports in one compresse) +ippe) file5(

i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay E 40
(inal -ro+ect
Susan Babbage!
%esources# Appen)i' A an) Computer Accounting with Peachtree
Complete 2012
Complete A&ro2ect 10 Susan Babbage! AccountingB locate) at the en)
of Ch( 11 in the te't using &eachtree
Complete Accounting

a'e your ,or*( Cisplay each report on the &eachtree screen an)
click the -/( or 1xcel icon on the menu across the top of the
&eachtree screen(

-ost the files containing the reports liste) on the A/inal &ro2ect
8ra)ing @ubricB in one compresse) +ippe) file 3see the Course
7aterials forum for the gra)ing rubric an) instructions for sa%ing
multiple &C/ reports in one compresse) +ippe) file5(

i)n an) post a Certificate of Driginality(
Cay # 250
ACC/250 Version 6
Associate Level Material
Appendix A
(inal -ro+ect *'er'ie" and Timeline
(inal -ro+ect *'er'ie"
-he final pro2ect for this course is comprehensi%e! )esigne) to bring e%erything you ha%e been practicing
together an) apply the concepts to a realistic scenario( -his pro2ect gi%es you more insight into ho, the
in)i%i)ual concepts an) practices are applie) ,hen using &eachtree
Complete Accounting( -he scope of this
pro2ect encompasses entering balances for the charts of accounts! recor)ing transactions! completing the
account reconciliation! 2ournali+ing an) posting a)2uste) entries! printing financial statements! an) closing the
fiscal year(
(inal -ro+ect Timeline
1ou shoul) bu)get your time ,isely an) ,or* on your pro2ect throughout the course( As outline) belo,! some
assignments in the course are )esigne) to assist you in creating your final pro2ect( If you complete your course
acti%ities an) use the fee)bac* pro%i)e) by the instructor! you ,ill be on the right trac* to successfully complete
your pro2ect(
Suggeste) in .eek *ne0 @ea) the /inal &ro2ect D%er%ie, an) -imeline in Appen)i' A(
Cue in .eek Three0 Bell,ether 8ar)en Supply0 @ecor) a -ransaction( -his assignment pro%i)es you ,ith
the opportunity to practice recor)ing transactions! as ,ell as posting receipts an) in%oices( -hese are s*ills
that ,ill help you complete the final pro2ect(
Cue in .eek (i'e0 Bell,ether 8ar)en Supply0 Iournali+e an) &ost(
Cue in .eek ix0 /inancial Statements( In this Chec*&oint! you ans,er =uestions using information an)
)ifferent financial statements( -his Chec*&oint co%ers information you ,ill nee) to complete your final
Cue in .eek 7ine0 /inal &ro2ect0 Susan Babbage! Accounting
$ni%ersity of &hoeni': is a registere) tra)emar* of Apollo 8roup! Inc( in the $nite) States an)/or other countries(
7icrosoft:! ;in)o,s:! an) ;in)o,s 6-: are registere) tra)emar*s of 7icrosoft Corporation in the $nite) States an)/or other countries(
All other company an) pro)uct names are tra)emar*s or registere) tra)emar*s of their respecti%e companies( $se of these mar*s is not
inten)e) to imply en)orsement! sponsorship! or affiliation(
&eachtree is a registere) tra)emar* of Sage Soft,are! Inc(
<)ite) in accor)ance ,ith $ni%ersity of &hoeni': e)itorial stan)ar)s an) practices(

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