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[B fc JEE Advanced/ IIT-JEE

KO- ; 1 1 5.
The AH: forC02(g), CO(g) andH20(g) are-393.5, -1 10.5
A system is said to be ................ if it can neither exchange
matter nor energy witb the surroundings.(l993 - I Murk)
The heat content of the products is more than that of the
reactants in an ..: ............. reaction. (1993 - 1 Murk)
3. Enthalpy is an ................ property. (1997- 1 Murk)
First law of thermodynamics is not adequate in predicting
the direction of a process. (I982 - I Mark)
Heat capacity of a diatomic gas is higher than thai of a
n~onoatomic gas. (1985 - % Murk)
1. The difference between heats of reaction at constant
pressure and constant volume for the reaction :
2 C6H6([) + 1 502(g) ' 12C02(g) + 6H20(1) at 25'C in kJ is
. . (1991 - I Mark)
(a) -7.43 (b) +3.72
(c) -3.72 . - (d) +7.43
2. For which change AH t AE : . (1995s)
(a) Hyg) t I*(,) -f 2HI(g) (b) HCI +N~OH+N~CI
(c) C(Si + 02( pj 3 C02(p) (d) N2(g) + , 3H2(g) 3
- 2NH3(g)
Molar heat capacity of water in equilibrium with ice at
consta~it pressure is (1997C- 1 Mark)
(a) zero @) inifinity (m)
(c) 40.45 W K-I mol-' (d) 75.48 kJ K-' mol-'
Standard molar enthalpy offonat i on of C02 is equal to
(1997C- 1 Mark)
(a) zero
(b) the standard molar enthalpy of combustion of gaseous
(c) the sum of standard molar enthalpies of formation of
CO and O2
(d) the standard molar enthalpy of combustion of carbon
and -241.8 kJ mol-' respectively. The standard enthalpy
change (in kJ) for the reaction C02(g) + H2(g) + CO(g) +
H20(g) is (2000s)
(a) 524.1 . (b) 412
(c) -262.5 (d) -41.2
6. In thermodynamics, a process is called reversible when
(a) surroundings and system change into each.other.
(b) there is no boundatybetween system and surroundings.
(c) the surroundings are always in equilibrium with the
(d) t he system changes i nt i the , surroundings
7. Which one of the following stateme~ts is false? (2001s). . 5 . ' .
(a) ' work is i state function.
(b) Temperature is a state function.
(c) Change in the state is completely defued when the
, initial and final states are specified.
(d) Work appears at the boundary of the system.
8.' One mole of a no]?-ideal gas undergoes a change of state
(2.0 atm,3.OL, 95(K) + (4.0 arm, 5.0 L,245K)withachange
in internal energy, AU = 30.0 Latm .The change inenthalpy
(AH) of the in L itm is (2002s)
(a) 30.0
. @) 42.3
(c) 44.0
(d) not defined, because pressure is not constant
9. Which of the reaction defines AH; ? (2003s)
10. Two moles of an ideal gas is expanded isothermally and
reversibly from 1 litre to 10 litreat 300 K. Theenthalpy change
(in kJ) for the process is (2004s)
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Topic-wise solved Papers - CHEMISTRY
-. . - .
(a) 11.4k.l (b) -11.4kJ 4. Among the following, the intensive propertyis(properties are)
(4 OkJ . (d) 4.8kT
11. The enthalpy of vapourization i f liquid is 30 W mol-I and
(a) molar conductivity (b) elechomotive forcq
entropy of vapourization is 75 J mol-I K. The boiling point
(c) resistance
(d) heat capacity
of the liquid at 1 a m is (2004s) 5.
For an ideal gas, consider only P-V work in going from an
(a) 25GK (b) 400K
initial state X to the final state Z. The final state Z can be
(c) . 450 K (d)' 600K
reached by either of the two paths shown in the figure.
12. The direct conversion ofAto B is difficult, hence it is carried
Which ofthe following choice(s) is (are) correct?
out by the following shown path :
[Take AS as change in entropy and w as work done]. (2012)
Given A B
= 50 e.u., AS(c,,,) = 30 e. n. , dS(B-tD) = 20 e.u.,
where e.u. is the entropy unit, then AS(A+B) is
(2006 - 3M, -1)
(a) +60 e.u. @) +100e.u.
(c) 4 0 e.u. (d) -100 e.u.
13. The value of logl0 K for a reaction A + B is
(Given: A~H,,,, = -54.07 k~ mol- , A ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~
= 10 JK-I mol-I andR= 8.314 JK-' mol-I;
2.303 x8.314~298=5705) (2007)
(a) 5 (b) 10
6 ) 95 (4
14. For theprocess H20(f) (1 bar, 373 K) + H20(g) (I bar, 373
K), the correct set of thermodynamic parameters is (2007)
(a) AG = 0, AS=+ve (b) AG=O,AS=-ve
(c) AG=+ve, AS=O . (d) AG=-ve? AS=+ve
15. The species which by definition has ZERO standard molar
enthalpy of formation at 298 K is (2010)
(a) Br2 (g) (b) CI 2k)
(c); H20 (g) ( 4 'CH4Cg)
16. The standard enthalpies of formation of C02(g), H20(1) and
glucose(s) at 25C a r e 40 0 kJ/mol, -300 kJImol and-1300
kJImol, respectively. The standard enthalpy of combustion
per gram of 25C is' . (JEEAdvanced2013-I)
(a) +2900kl (b) -2900k.l
(c) -16.11k.J (d) +16.11kJ
1. Identify the intensive quantities from the following: '
(1993 - 1 Mark)
(a) Enthalpy (b) Temperature
(c) Volume (d) Refractive Index
2. The following is (are) endothermic reaction(s):
(a) Combustion of methane (1999 - 3 Marks)
(b) Decomposition of water
(c) Dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene
(d) Conversion of graphite to diamond
3. Among the following the state function(s) is (are) (2009)
(a) Internal energy
(b) Irreversible expansion work
(c) Reversible expansion work
(d) Molar enthalpy
V(litre) . ,
(a) AS, = + ASy+
(b) wx+z= wx+y + wy+: . . ,
(c) / wx+y+z- wx-tr
(4 ASx.++:=
6. ' The reversible expansionof an ideal gas under adiabatic
and isothermal conditions is shown in the figure. Whichof
the following statement(s) is (are) correct ?
(PI! Vl , TI )
so thermal
(P,, v,, T2)
(P,! V2, T,)
(a) TI = T2 (2012-11)
@) T3 > TI
(c) wisothermal > Wadiabatic
(d) A"isothermal > A"adiabatic
I @- & 1 m
1. ' The enthalpy for the following riaction (AH") at 25C are
given below :
(1981 - 2 Marks)
1 1
( i ) - Hz&) + 7 02(g) + OH(g) 10.06 kcal
(ii) Hz@) -t 2H(g)
104.18 kcal
(iii) 02(g) + 2o(g)
118.32 kcal
Calculate the 0-H bond energy in the hydroxyl radical.
2. The standard heats of formation at 298 K for CCI4(g), H20&),
C02(g) and HCl(g) are-25.5, -57.8, -94.1 and-22.1 kcaVmol
respectively. Calculate AH;,* for the reaction
CC14(g) + 2H20 -t C02(g) + 4HCl(g)
(1982 - 2 Marks)
3. The molar heats of combustion of C2H2(g), C(graphite) and
H2(g) are310.62 kcal, 94.05 kcaland 68.32 kcal, respectively
Calculate the standard heat of formation of C2H2(g).
(1983 - 2 Marks)
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Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
The heat energy, q, absorbedby a gas AH, is hue at what
condition(s). - (1984 - I Mark)
5. Given the following standard heats of reactions :
(i) heat of formation of water = 4 8 . 3 kcal;
(ii) heat of combustion of acetylene =-3 10.6 kcal;
(iii) heat of comblistion of ethylene = -337.2 kcal; .
Calculate the heat of reaction f or t he hydrogenation of
acetylene at constant volun~e (2SC). (1984 - 4 Marks)
6. . The bond dissociation energies of gaseous H2, Cf2 and HCI
are 104, 58 and 103 kcallmole respectively. Calculate the
'enthklpy of formation of HCI gas. (1985 - 2 Marks)
7. The standard molar heats of formation of ethane, carbon
dioxide and liquid water are -21.1, -94.1 and 4 8 . 3 kcal
respectively. Cal cul at e the standard molar heat of
combustion of ethane. (1986 - 2 Marks)
8. An intimate mixture offerric oxide, Fe203, and aluminium,
Al, is used in solid fuel rockets. Calculate the fuelvalue pet
gram and fuel value per cc ofthe mixture. Heats of formation
and densities are as follows :- (1988 - 2 Marks)
HJ(A1203) = 399 kcallmole;
H,(Fe203)= 199 kcaVmole;
Density of Fe203 = 5.2 glcc;
Density of kl = 2.7 glcc.
An athlete is given 100 gm ofglcuose ( C ~ H , ~ O ~ ) of energy
equivalent to 1560 kJ. He utilizes 50 percent ofthis gained
energy in the event. In order to avoids storage of energy in
the body, calculate the weight of water he would need to
perspire. The enthalpy of evaporation of water is 44 kJI
nlole. (1989 - 2 ~ a r k s )
10. The standard enthalpy of combustion at 25C of hydrogen,
cyclohexene (C6HI0) and cyclohexane (C6HI2) are -241;
-3800 and -3920 kJ/mole respectively. Calculate the heat of
hydrogenation of cyclohexene. (1989 - 2 Marks)
11.. Using the data (all values are in kcal,mol-I at 2%) given
below, calculate the bond energy of C-C and C-H bonds:
(1990 - 5 Marks)
AHocombustion(ethane) ,= -372.0
AHocombustion(~'o~ane) = -530.0
AH0CO)-> C(g)
= 172.0 ,".
Bond energy'of H-H = 104.0 , .
AH"pf H20(1) , - - 48. 0
AH$~c o~( ~)
= -94.0
12. A gas mixture of 3.67 litres'of ethylene and methane on
complete combustion at 25C produces 6.1 1 litres of COz
Find out the amount of heat evolved on burning one line of
the gas mixture. The heats of combustion of ethylene and
.methane are-1423 and -891 kJ mol-I at 25C.
(1991 - 5 Marks)
13. Determine the enthalpy change of the reaction.
C3Hs(g) +
-+ c2H6(g) + CH4k), at 2 5 y i n g !he
given heat of combustion values under standarg ond~t ~ons
Compound H2(g) CH4(g) C2H6(g) C(graphite)
AHo(Wmol) -285.8 490.0 -1560.0 -393.5
The standard heat of formation of CJH8(g) is-103.8 kJlmol.
(1992 - 3 Marks)
14. In order to get maximum calorific output, a burner shbuld
have an optimum fuel to oxygen ratio which corresponds to
3 times as much oxygen as is required theoretically for
complete combustion of the fuel. A bumer which has been
adjusted for methane as fuel (with x litrehour ofCH4 and 6x
litrehour of 02) is to be readjusted for butane, C4Hl o. In
order to get the same calorific output, what should be the
rate of supply of butane and oxygen ?Assume that losses
due to incomplete combustion, etc, are the same for both
the fuels and the gases behave ideally. (1993 - 3 Marks)
Heats of combustion :
CH4 -809 kJ/mol;C4Hlo = 2878 kJ1mol
15. The polymerisation of ethylene to linear polyethylene is
represented by the reaction (1994 - 2 Mrrrks)
where n has a large integral value. Given that the average
enthalpies of bond dissociation for C = C and C-C at 298 K
are + 590 and + 331 kJ mol-I, respectively, calculate the
enthalpy of polymerisation per mole of ethylene at 298 K.
16. The standard molar enthalpies of formation of
cyclohexane(l)and benzene(l) at 25'C are- 156 and+ 49 kJ
mol-' respectively. The standard enthalpy of hydrogenation
of cyclohexene(l) at 25" C is -1 19 kJ mol-I. Use these data
to estimate the magnitude of the resonance energy of
benzene. (1996 - 2 Marks)
17. The enthalpy change involved in'theoxidation of glucose
is 72880 kJ mol-I, Twene five percent of this energy is
available for muscular work. If 100 kJ of muscular work is
needed to walk one kilometer, what is the maximum distance
that a person will be able to walk afler eating 120 g of glucose.
- (1997C - 2 Marks)
18. Compute the heat offonnation of liquid methyl altohol in
kilojoules per mole, using the following data. Heat of
vaporization of liquid methyl alcohol = 38 kJlmol. Heat of
formation of gaseous atoms from the elements in their
standard states; H, 218 kJ1mol; C, 715 kJ1mol; 0,249kJ 1mol.
Average bond energies :
C-H = 415kJ/mol, C- 0 =365 Wmol, 0-H=463 kJImol
(1997- 5 Marks)
- 19. Anhydrous AlCI3 is covalent. From the data given below,
predict whether it would remain covalent or become ionic in
aqueous solution. (Ionisation energy for Al = 5137 kJ
mol-I; AHhydration f o r ~ l ~ + = 4 6 6 5 kJ mol-'; Mhydration
f or ~l - =- 381 k~ mol-I.) (1997- 2 Marks)
20. From the following data,'calculate the enthalpy change for
the combustion of cyclopropane at 298 K. The enthalpy of
fonnation of C02(g), H20(1) and propene(g) are - 393.5,
- 285.8 and 20.42 kJ mol-I respectively. The enthalpy of
isomerisation ofcyclopropane to propene i s ~33. 0 kJ mol-I.
(1998 : 5 Marks)
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C-96 Topic-wise Solved Papers - CHEMISTRY
21. Estimate the average S-F bond energy in SF6 The values 26. Two moles of a perfect gas undergo the following
of standard enthalpy of formation of SF&), S(g)and F(g) ~rocesses:
(2002 - 5 Marks)
-. ~-
are : - 1100,275 and 80 kJ mo!-I respect&zy.
(a) areversible isobaric expansion from (1.0 am, 20.0L) to
(1999 - 3 Marks)
(l.O~atm, 40.0 L);
A sample of argon gas at 1 a m pressure and 27"Cexpands
(b) a reversible isochoric change of state from (1.0 atm,
reversibly and adiabatically from 1.25 dm3 to 2.50 dm3.
. .
40.0 L) to (0.5 atm, 40.0 L);
Calculate the enthalpy change in this process.C,,, , for
argon is 12.48 J ~ - I mo r l ; (2000 - 4 Marks)
(c) areversible isothermal compression from (0.5 am, 40.0
to (1.0 am. 20. 0~) .
Show that the reaction CO(g)+-02(g)+C02(g) at
2 -
300 K, is spontaneous and exothermic, when the standard
entropy change i s4. 094 kJ mol - l ~- l . The standard Gibbs
free energies of formation for C02 and CO are -394.4 and,
-137.2kJ mol-I, respectively. (2000 - 3 Marks)
Diborane is a potential kocket fuel which undergoes
combustion according to the reaction. . (2000 - 2 Marks)
B2H6 (8) + 3 o2 (g) -t B203 (s)+3.H2O (g)'
From the following data, calculate the enthalpy change for
the combustion of diborane.
, .
~ B ( s ) + ~ H ~ ( ~ ) + B , H , ( ~ ) A ~ = 3 6 k~moi-'
25. When 1-pentyne (A) is treated with 4 N alcoholic KOH at
17SC, it is converted slowly into an equilibriummixture of
1.3% I-pentyne (A), 95.2% 2-pentyne (B) and 3.5% of 1,2-
pentadiene (C). The equilibrium was maintained at 175C.
Calculate AGOfor the following equilibria :
From the calculated value of AGT and AG; indicate the
order of stability of (A), (B) and (C). Write a reasonable
reaction mechanism showing all intermediates leading to
(A), (B) and (C).
(2001 - 10 Marks)
, .
(i) Sketch with labels each. of the processes on the
same P-V diagram.
(ii) Calculate the tofal work (w) and the total heat
chanse (q) involved in the above processes.
(iii) What will be the values of AU, AH and AS for the
' . overall process?
C, value of He is always 3W2 but C, value-of H2is 3W2 at
low temperature and 5W2 at moderate temperature and more
than 5W2 at higher temperature explain in two to three lines.
(2003 - 2 Marks)
An insulated container contains 1 mol of a liauid, molar
. -
volume 100 ml, at 1 bar. When liquid is steeply pressed to
100 bar,volume decreases to 99 ml. Find. AHand AUforthe
process. (2004 - 2 Marks)
29. In the followingequilibriumN204 (g) + 2N02(g)
(2004 - 2 Marks)
' WhBn 5 moles of each is taken and the temperature is kept . .
at 298 K, the total pressure was found to be 20 bar.
Given : AG;(N,o.+) = 100kJ; AG;(N02) = 50 kJ
Find AG ofthe reaction at 298 K.
(ii) Find the direction ofthe reaction
30;' Forthe reaction, 2c0 + o2 -+ 2 ~ 0 ~ ; AH = -560kJ. TWO
moles of CO and one mole of 0, are taken in a container of
volume 1 L. They completely form two moles of CO,, the
gases, deviate appreciably from ideal behaviour. If the
pressure in the vessel changes from 70 to 40 am, find the
magnitude (absolute value) ofAUat 500K. (1 Latm=O.l.kT)
(2006 - 6M)
Each question contains statements given in two columns, which have to be inatched. The statements in Column-I are IabelledA,
5, C and D, while the statements in Column-II are labelled p, q, r, s and t. Any given statement in Column-I can have correct
matchingwith ONE OR MORE statemknt(s) in column-11.- he appropriate bubbles corresponding to the answers to these
questions have to be darkened as illustrated in the following example :
Ifthe correct matches are A-p, s and t; 5- q andr; C-p andq; and D-s then the correct darkening of bubbles'will look like thegiven.
p q r s t
. .
, ,
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B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email.
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
I :
Match the transformations in column 1 with appropriate options in column I1
. . Column-I . .
. .
(A) coz ($1 + COz (g) (p) phase transition
(B) CaC03 (s) -+ CaO(s) + C02(g) ,
(C) 2H- +Hz ( @'
@) P(uhi~e. solid) -) '(red, solid]
(q) allotropic change
(r) AH is positive
(s) AS is positive o
(t) AS is negative
If assenion is CORKL'CT, but reason is INCORRECT.
(d) Ifassenion is INCORRECT, but reason is CORRECT.
~, .
(JEE Adv. 22013) I @- *
II -
1. In a cbnstant volume calorimeter, 3.5 g ofa gas with molecular
The succeeding operations that enable this transformation
of states are
- weight 28 was burnt in excess oxygen at 298.0 K. The.
. ' (a) Heating cooling, heating, cooling ~ +
temperature of the calorimeter was found to increase from
(b) Cooling, heating, cooling, heating
298.0 K to 298.45 K due to the combustion process. Given .
(c) Heating, cooling, cooling, heating
that the heat capacity of the calorimeter is 2.5 kJ K-I, the
(d) Cooling, heating, heating, cooling
numerical vali~e for the enthalpy of combustion of the gas
: 2. The pair of isochoric processes among the transformation
in W mol-' is (2009 - 6M)
of states is
2. One mole of an ideal gas is taken from a to b along two
(a) Kt qLandLt oM (h) ~ t o ~ a n d ~ t o ~
paths denoted by the solid and the dashed lines as shown
(c) L to M aridM to N (d) M to N and N to K
in the graphs below. If the work done along the solid line
path w, and that along the dotted line path is wd, then the
I@ -.1'1 #
integer closest to the ratio +vdl w, is : (2010)
A fixed illass 'ln' of a gas is'subjected to transformation of states 2.
Statement - 1 : There is a natural as)n~metry between
from K to L to M to N and back to K as shown in the figure
converting work to heat and converting heat to workand
A Statement - 2 : No process is possible in which the sole ;
result is the absorption of heat form a reservoir and its
f l ; , -.
ccmplete conversion into work. ' (2008S)
(ti) Statement-l is.True, Statement3 is True; Statement-2
. is a correct explanation for Statement-I.
@) Statement-l is True, Statement-2 isTrue; Statement-2 .
is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-l
(c) Statement-l is True, Statement-2 is False
N " M (d) Statement-! is False, Statement-2 is True..
1. Read the following statement and explanation and answer . . 4.5 -
as per the options given below :
1 Assertion : The heat absorbed, during the isothermal 0 - 3.j-
expansion of an ideal gas against vacuum is zero.
Reason : The volume occupied by the tnolecules of an ideal
P 25 -
gas is zero.
. (a) If both assertion and reason are CORRECT, and reason
is the CORRECT explanation ofthe assertion. 1.5-
(b) If both assertion and reason are CORRECT, but reason 0.5-
is NOT theCORRECT explanation ofthe assertion.
i\_ ' , ,
. ,
. -..,.>
. * b . *
' .
0.0 d.5 1.b 2.b 215 310 315 20 25.510 515 2.0
I fc JEE Main) AlEEE
If an endothermic reaction is ion-spontaneous at freezing 2. A heat engine abosrbs heat Q, at temperahre TI and heat
point of water and becomes feasible at its boiling point, Q, at temperature T,. Work done by the engine is J (Q, +
then Q,). This data lZOO2l
[ZOO21 (a) violates IS' law of thermodynamics
(a) AH is -ve, &Y is +ve
. ~
(b) AH rind AS both are +ve
(b) - violates 1" law of t h e m~ d ~ a mi c s if Ql is -ve
(c) violates Is' law ofthermodynamics of Qi is -ve .
- (c) ~ f j and s both are -ve
(d) does not violate IS' I& of themodynamics.
(d) AH is +ve, &s is -ve
. ,
. .
TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd
B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email.
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
, C-98
. .
Topic-wise Solved Papers - CHEMISTRY
, 3. For the reactions, 120021
(a) there is no definite relation between Eb and Ef
2C+O, -+2C02; AH =-393 J
(b) E, =E, , ,
2Zn + 0, -+ 2Zn0 ; AH =-412 J
. ,
(a) carbon can oxidise Zn (c) Eb > E f
@) oxidation of carbon is not feasible
( 4 E b < E f
(c) oxidation of Zn is not feasible
(d) Zn can oxidise carbon.
13. consider the reaction : N2 + 3H2 -+ 2NH3 carried out at
4. he heat raise the temperature of body by 1 K is
constant temperature and If AH and AU are the
called [ZOOZ]
enthalpy and intemal energy changes for the reaction, which
(a) specific heat . (b) thermal capacity of the following expressions is true ?
(c) water equivalent . (d) none of these.
The internal energy change when a system goes froni state A
(a) AH > AU @) AH<AU
to B is40kJ/mole~lfthesy~temgoes f i - om~t o B by areversible (c) AH = AU (d) AH = 0
pat11 andreturns to state Aby an irreversiblepath whatwould
the disSociation energies of XY, X2 and Y2 (all
be the net change in internal energy ? [2003]
(a) 74Ok.r (b)<40 kJ , . '
diatomic molecules) are in the ratio of 1 : 1 : 0.5 and AH,for
(c) Zero . . (d) 40kJ , the formation of XY is - 200 k ' ~ mole" ; The bond
If at 298 K the bond energies of C -H& -C, C = C and H.
dissociation e n e r ~ of X2 will b'e
, .
- H bonds are respectively 414,347,615 and 435 kJ mol-I,
the value of enthalpy changefor the reaction,
(a) 400k.l mol:' @) 300W mol-'
H,C = CH2(g)+H.2(g) --, H3C - ~ ~ , ( g ) a t 2 9 8 ~ wi \ l b e
(c) 200k.1 mol-' (d) 100 w mol-'
. . 120031 15. An ideal gas is allowed to expand both reversibly and
(a) -25OkJ ' b)+l2fk. l . ~ irreversibly in an i so~at eh' s~st em. If Ti is the initial
(c) -125k.I (d) +250k.l
temperature and Tf is the final temperature, which of the
In an irreversible process taking place at constant Tand P and
following statements is correct? [2006\
. .
in which only pressure-volume work is being done, the change
(a) (Tf),,'(Tr)jne,.
in Gibbs freeenergy (dG) and change in entropy (dS), satisfy
(b) T,= Ti for both reversible and ineversible processes
. the criteria [ZOO31 (c) (Tf)imv>(Tf)rev . .
(a) ' (ds)", & > 0, ( d ~ ) ~ , < 0 @) (dSlV, = 0, (cIG)~., = 0 (d) TI> Ti for reversibleprocess but Tf=Ti for irreversible
(c) ( ds ) ~, E = 0, (dGIS p > 0 ( 4 (d%, , E.< 0, (dG)T, P < 0
The correct relationsh~p between free energy change in a 16. The standard enthalpy of formation (AfHo) at 298 K for
reaction and thecorresponding equilibrium constant Kc is
methane, CH, (g) i s -74.8 kJ mol-I. The additional
information required to determine the average energy for
(a) -AG=RTInK, (b) AGO= RT In Kc C - H bond formation would be . . 120061
(c) - AGO= RT ln Kc (d) AG = RT In Kc
(a) the first four ionization enkrgies ofcarbon and electron
The enthalpy cliange for a reaction does not depknd upon
gain enthalpy of hydrogen
@) the dissociation energy of hydrogen molecuie, H,
(a) use of different reactants for the same product ' .
(c) the dissociation 'energy of H2 and enthalpy of
(b) the nature of intermediate reaction steps
sublimation of carbon
(c) the differences in initial o r final temperatures of
(d) latent heat of vapourization of methane
involved substances
17. The enthalpy changes for the following processes are listed
242.3 kJ mol-'
lo5 Nix-,. The work
15 1.0 W mol-"
states for iodine and dhlorine are
Z(s).and C12(g), thestandardenthalpy offormation for ICl(g)
12. Gonsidij?~n>$ilflothe$mi!&'?f@adii!6bz~s@; y($ith the 0(=8,314JK-lmorilj: y,.. i.. : ". . . ..,! ,. . ,!/- hl!i < : , iii
-,,. ." c,\' \rj; ?.r!,sq\)! ~ , . *,.;<r p:>. ' ~.>?: !?i !,.>i,< (..~'
actli)atlbn energles'.kb atid'E'f:'for the backh$rd and (a) -2477.57 ~ ~ ~ l ~ j . : - .~.~!;.:!(b) :2377:.7 J . ~ ~ ~ [ - I ( L:
e ; i , ; r ~ n. , i ~ . ~ : ~ ~ ! 3 6 ~ ' ~ ~ ; ..vr! i sisio!,q IQ;; 2303 {i,:
forv;.ard reacflons, respect~vely. I n general [ZOO51 ' . (c) , -1238.78 ~mol-' ; (d) - 1238.78Jmol-'ii-:
TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd
B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email.
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
. , .
19. In conversion of lime-stone io lime,
25. The standard enthalpy of formation of NH3 is
CaC03(q + CaO(,) +COZ( ~) the values of AH" and ASw
- 46.0 kJ rnoT1. If the ent hal ~y of fuhiatioil of H, from its
atoms is-436kJ mol-I and that ofN2 is-712 kjmol-I, the
are+ 179.1 Wmol-' and 160.2 JKrespectively at298 Kand 1
average bond enthalpy of N - H bond in NH3 is - [2010]
bar. ~ s ' s u mi n ~ that AHo and ASo do not cliapge with tem-
(a)' -964kJ mol-I (b) + 352 kJ moi-!
perature, temperature above which conversion of limestone
to lime will be spontaneous is 120071 -(c) + 1056 W mol-' (d) - 1102 Wmol-I
(a) l I l8.K (b) 1008K . 26. Fora p&ticularreversible reaction at temperaiu-e T, Ma n d
(c) 1200K (d) 845K. . ' AS were found to be both +ve. If T, is the ten~perature at . ,
20. Assumi~ig that water vapour is an ideal gas, the internal
equilibrium, the reaction wou!d be spontaneous when
energy change (AU) when 1 mol ofwater is vapourised at [2OlO[
I bar pressure and IOO"C, (given : mb~ar enthalpy of
vapourisation ofwater at 1 bar and 373 K = 41 kJ mol-' and
R=8.3 Jmol-' K-')will be [to071
(a) 41.00Wm0l-~ (b) 4.liJOkJmoI-'
(c) ~3.7904klmol-' (d) 37.904 kJ r n~l - ~ ~.
Identify the correct statement regarding a spontaneous pro-
cess: ' . [2007]
(a) Lowering of energy in the process is the only criterion
for spontaneity.
(b) For a spontaneous process in an isolated system,the
change in entropy is positive.
(c) Endothermic processes are never spontaneous. ' .
(d) Exothermic processes are always spontaneous.
0xidising power of chlorine in a'queous solution can be
determinedby the parameters indicated below:
A~ y d H" >Cl-(aq)
(using the data,
Q -1
A ~ , ~ H : ~ ~ = 240 kJ mol-I, Aeg Hcl = -349 kJ mol ,
A,,, H:,- = -381 kJ mol-I), willbe
(a) + l52kJm0I-~ (b) -610 kJ mol-I
(c) - 850 kJ mo121 (d) + I20 kJ mol-I
23. Standard entropy ofX2, Y, andX Y3 are 60,40 and 50 J K-'
molt', respectively. For the reaction,
1 3
-X2 +-Y2 -) XY3,AH = -30kJ ,tobeatequilibrium, the
2 2
temperature will be
- [ZOO81
(a) l250K. (b) 500K
(c) 750K (d) IOOOK
24. On the basis of t he following-themochemical data :
(A~GOH&,? = O) 120091
The value bf enthalpy of formation of OH-ion at 25" C is: ~.
(a)' -228.88kJ (b) +228,88W ,
(c) -343.52kJ 1 (d) -22.88kJ
(a) Te> T (b) T>T,
(c) T, is 5 times T (d) T=T,
The entropy 'change involved in the isothermal reversible
expansion of 2 mole of an ideal gas from a volume of 10 dm3
to a volumeof I00 dm3 at 27'C is: [Zolll
(a) 38.3 ~mol - ' K-' @) 35.8 ~mol:!.~-l . .
, . , ; "
@) 32.3 J marl K-1 , (d) 42.3 J moI- K
The value of-enthilpy chaAie (AH) for th?it&ctiofi-' ' .
: ~: .~ ,,,.. , ..
, ! . . . . ";
C2H50H(e) +302 (g) + 2.
at 27" Ci s- 1366.5 k J mol-
change for the above reaction
(a) -1369.0W (b) -1364.0e . . . .
(c) -1361.5k.l
Consider the reaction : ~ .
If N205(s) is formed instead of ,N205(g) \in, the above
reaction, the A,H value will be : : . . [ ~OI I RS] . _ .
(given, AH of sublimation for N20j is 54 kJ mol-I).:.:.
(a) +54kT. @) +219W ; i : , .::I;.
(c) -219 J (d) -165k.l
. .
.. v,: , i
(b) In isothermal process, wreXnible = -nRT en-
. . .yil . :
31. A piston filled with 0.04 mpl' of an ideal gas expad+
reversibly from 50.0 mL to 375 mL at a constant temperature
of 37.0C.As it does'so, it absorbs208 3of heat: Thevalues
. .
of q and w for the process will be: :!. I : [JEE M20131
, .
(R=8.314J/molK)(In7.5 =2.01) ' f::.: , .
(a) q=+208J,w=-208J (b) q=-208J, w=-208J
(c) q =- 2 0 8 ~ , w=+2 0 8 ~ ( d ) q=+208~, w=+208J
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B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email.
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204

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