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... through Bertha Dudde

Different kinds of creations
correspond to the beings fa ....
!ou inhabitants of earth are destined to beco"e chidren of God#
and therefore $ou ha%e to o%erco"e the o&est depths in order
to be abe to reach the highest heights. !ou &i on$ understand
this &hen $ou kno& that the beings apostas$ &as insofar 'uite
different as their resistance to (e &as not e'ua$ strong
either .... that# as a resut of $our "akers &i# $ou &ere aso
'uite different$ natured $ourse%es# &hich on$ reates to $our
degree of resistance# &hen $ou &ere supposed to "ake $our
free decision for (e or for ($ ad%ersar$.
!ou a &ere per"eated b$ the ight of reaisation# and $et $ou
turned a&a$ fro" (e and )oined ($ ad%ersar$# because $ou &ere
abe to see hi" in a his beaut$# &hereas * &as in%isibe to $ou.
+e%ertheess $ou kne& that $ou had originated fro" (e.
,ence $our resistance &as "ore or ess strong &ith the resut
that $ou &ere aso assigned to different creations &here $ou
&ere ike&ise "eant to take the path of return to (e# on$ the
conditions differed fro" those &hich the inhabitants of earth had
to co"p$ &ith.
-arth is the &ork of creation &hich essentia$ "akes the
greatest de"ands on the faen being in order to ascend again#
&hereas other stars offer their inhabitants easier possibiities#
ne%ertheess# the uti"ate goa .... the chidship to God .... can
on$ be attained on earth# e%en though the beings on other stars
are granted uni"aginabe beatitudes after the$ ha%e concuded
their higher de%eop"ent and their &i is subse'uent$ directed
correct$ ....
But in order to attain the chidship to God the path across earth
has to be tra%eed# and this can aso be co%ered b$ a sou# if it so
&ishes# &hich has entered the spiritua kingdo" fro" other
hea%en$ bodies and &hich has reached the specific degree of
"aturit$ that it can be granted a ife on earth for the purpose of
a "ission. .hen the$ /such sous0 are aread$ enightened# $et
the$ are not 1non2faen beings but beings fro" other stars ....
&hose distance to (e has not been so great# so that the$
rein'uished their resistance to (e sooner and endea%oured to
reach (e again.
3nd as soon as the$ are enightened again the$ aso reaise the
significance of the creation &ork -arth# and "an$ sous aso
desire to attain the degree of chidship to God and thus accept
the e4tre"e$ difficut conditions because their o%e for (e and
for hu"anit$ i"pes the" to do redee"ing &ork.
3nd thus sous# &hich do not achie%e the degree of "aturit$
during their earth$ ife# &i si"iar$ be abe to continue their
de%eop"ent in the be$ond# and corresponding to their degree of
"aturit$ the$ &i be assigned to schoohouses &here the$ can
steadi$ ascend ....
For creations e%er$&here are prepared for sous of a degrees of
"aturit$# and since a creations are arranged different$ and
offer different i%ing conditions the$ can aread$ signif$ a state of
)o$ for the sous ha%ing been transferred to the"# for the$ are
far "ore beautifu$ shaped than earth# since the creations
therein deight the sous and inspire the" to greater spiritua
endea%our# for the$ so ob%ious$ testif$ of ($ o%e and "ight and
&isdo"# that it aso intensifies these beings o%e for (e.
For &hen the apostas$ of the beings took pace an incredib$ ong
ti"e ago# &hich $ou &oud aread$ consider an eternit$# a
beings indeed turned a&a$ fro" (e# but a countess nu"ber aso
separated fro" ($ ad%ersar$ again soon after their apostas$#
the$ did not foo& hi" into the deepest ab$ss but eft the arge
host .... 3nd ($ &i did the sa"e unto the" as it did unto those
&ho had faen a&a$ furthest5
Fro" the strength &hich had been e"anated b$ (e as a being *t
for"ed different kinds of hea%en$ bodies than earth# and the
process through these &orks of creation &as far easier and
continued faster for the faen spirits# so that the beings returned
to (e sooner# since 6esus act of 7a%ation &as acco"pished for
these beings as &e and it &as possibe to redee" their origina
sin# depending on each indi%idua beings attitude to&ards its God
and 8reator# Who" the$ aso recognised in 6esus. For the$# too#
recei%ed the kno&edge of the act of 7a%ation through
"essengers of ight &ho &orked a"ongst the"# &ho" * assigned
as teachers to a beings so that the$ &i find and take the path
to (e.
8onse'uent$# there are untod possibiities for the sti i"perfect
sou departing fro" earth to "ature spiritua$# and ($ o%e and
&isdo" tru$ recognises the "ost beneficia opportunit$ to
achie%e "aturit$ for e%er$ singe sou.
3nd thus a creations in the uni%erse are popuated b$ spiritua
beings in "ost di%erse degrees of "aturit$# and the$ offer
unparaeed kinds of biss and spendours to those &ho ha%e
aread$ achie%ed a higher degree of ight# $et the$ &i a&a$s ....
e%en for ess "ature beings .... e4hibit better and easier i%ing
conditions than earth.
For this tru$ is the "ost &retched &ork of creation# &hich
re'uires a ot of effort and "akes great de"ands on the faen
being .... up to the hu"an being .... but &hich can ead to the
"ost gorious fate5 the childship to God# &hich "akes up for a
hardship a thousand fod and turns the being into the "ost
bessed chid &hich &i be abe to create and &ork &ith (e
throughout the &hoe of eternit$.
.o &hat e4tent the creations in the uni%erse are of a spiritua or
sti "ateria consistenc$ &i on$ be recognised b$ $ou hu"ans
&hen $ou ha%e attained a particuar degree of "aturit$ or ight#
but this "uch is certain# the$ a ser%e the once faen spiritua
beings as an abode and thus are aso shaped in accordance &ith
their state of "aturit$.
,ence $ou shoud consider a hea%en$ bodies as schoohouses
&hich * estabished ($sef in order to one da$ besto& upon ($
i%ing creations the biss again# &hich the$ once had %ountari$
forfeited and &hich the$ &i aso ha%e to %ountari$ ac'uire
again ....
9ubished b$ friends of ne& re%eations of God :*nfor"ation#
do&noad of a transated re%eations# the"e2bookets at5


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