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... through Bertha Dudde

The significance of life on earth
as a human being ....
Your life as a human being is the last stage in the deelo!ment of
the once fallen entit" #hich is !ersonified as the $soul% #ithin "ou
and #hich& still enclosed in a !h"sical e'ternal sha!e& can no#
oercome it and leae this form to enter the s!iritual (ingdom as
a s!iritual being.
During this earthl" e'istence the last transformation into the
original entit" can ta(e !lace again if free #ill is used correctl"&
that is& if it consciousl" stries to return to )e again& Whom it
had once left oluntaril" ....
*nd this transformation is certainl" !ossible because the human
being receies a multitude of blessings and #ith the right use of
these blessings has enough strength aailable to cast off all
im!urities and to lie #holl" #ithin the diine order+ that is& to
lie a life of loe through #hich he can s!iritualise soul and bod"
and thus the return to )e is accom!lished ....
,o#eer& the human being can also disregard all the blessings at
his dis!osal and instead of ascending he can return into the
ab"ss+ this cannot be !reented because he has free #ill as a
sign of his diine origin ....
But then he !laces himself once again into the dreadful fate of
bondage and it #ill ta(e an infinitel" long time until he finall" can
be released again ....
You do not #ant to beliee ho# significant earthl" e'istence is for
"ou human beings and are therefore half-hearted in
accom!lishing "our tas( on earth. But it concerns "our o#n
destin"& "ou "ourseles hae to bear the conse.uences& and the
fate "ou !re!are for "ourseles cannot be ta(en a#a" from "ou.
You can choose bet#een eerlasting ha!!iness and an infinitel"
long state of torment and "ou are doing little to ac.uire the first+
instead "ou rather follo# "our earthl" !ath indifferentl" .... *nd if
fello# human beings& #ho (no# of the great significance of
earthl" life& dra# "our attention to this "ou listen #ith disbelief
and remain unim!ressed but beliee them to be fantasists
instead of thin(ing about the reasons for "our earthl" e'istence
"ourseles ....
Yet time and again "ou #ill be confronted #ith eents #hich
could cause "ou to thin( .... Time and again "our thoughts are
!ushed into that direction b" means of conersations& the
reading of boo(s and "our o#n e'!eriences so that "ou should
become mentall" actie and as( .uestions #hich concern "ou
and "our earthl" e'istence.
/f onl" "ou #ould beliee that human earthl" life is a most
significant gift of grace #hich& if "ou ma(e right use of it& can
lead to unimaginable ha!!iness .... if onl" "ou #ould beliee that
there is meaning and !ur!ose to "our earthl" life& that "ou are
not $chance life forms% #ho are not res!onsible for their earthl"
!rogress and cease to e'ist #hen the bod" dies ....
/t is the soul .... the original s!irit #hich once had fallen a#a" ....
#ho should achiee its final release from all !h"sical e'ternal
form and human earthl" life is the last !hase of an endless long
!rocess of deelo!ment ....
You humans are self-a#are and "ou are onl" $self-a#are% because
"our outer coer incor!orates an original s!irit #ho once came
forth from )e as a self-a#are entit" .... Thus& not "our bod" nor
"our intelligence triggers "our consciousness of self but "our
soul& #hich is "our real life and #hich ultimatel" turns the human
being into a self-a#are being. Without this soul the human being
is onl" a !h"sical outer sha!e #ithout life& een #hen all internal
organs are !resent the" cannot function #ithout this soul .... The
$life% of this outer sha!e de!ends on that soul .... an original s!irit
.... #ho enliens the bod" and enables it to function in all
manners ....
You humans should al#a"s (ee! in mind that "ou lie on earth
for a s!ecific !ur!ose and should tr" to find this cause and
!ur!ose& then "ou #ill also receie e'!lanations in the form of
thoughts& #hich / )"self #ill send to "ou in order that "ou ma"
come to understand it.
*nd thus / #ill send "ou )" messengers again and again and
through these tr" to ma(e "ou thin(& and it #ill certainl" be a
blessing for "ou if "ou don%t #al( through life in ignorance but
also use the gift of intelligence. This can result in the right
attitude to#ards "our God and 0reator and #ith this "ou #ill also
find the right (no#ledge ....
Because / trul" care that eer" single human being should use
the short time of grace as a human being in the right #a" and
reach his final destination .... that his soul #ill return to )e again
from Whom it once had come forth as created s!irit ....
1ublished b" friends of ne# reelations of God 2/nformation&
do#nload of all translated reelations& theme-boo(lets at3


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