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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
MDaemon configuration recommendations
for dealing witb spam related issues
WlLhouL a doubL, our mosL common supporL querles Lhese days fall lnLo one of Lhe followlng groups:-
1. Why dld Lhls emall geL flagged as spam?
2. Why dldn'L Lhls emall geL flagged as spam?
3. ls Lhere anyLhlng we can do Lo reduce Lhe amounL of spam we recelve?
Muaemon has an amazlng, probably unsurpassed, arsenal of anLl-spam Lools LhaL have evolved over Lhe years,
however lL's falr Lo say LhaL some of Lhese Lools are falrly 'Lechnlcal' and lf mls-managed can ofLen resulL ln
more problems Lhan Lhey solve.
Whlle a large proporLlon of lssues Lo do wlLh spam fllLerlng are as a resulL of Muaemon's seLLlngs belng mls-
conflgured, Lhe way emall arrlves aL Muaemon ls also a ma[or conLrlbuLlng facLor as ls Lhe SecurlLylus plug-ln
for Muaemon noL belng lnsLalled.
1hls documenL ls deslgned Lo provlde some very speclflc guldellnes on how your Muaemon server should be
conflgured Lo reduce spam and false poslLlves Lo an absoluLe mlnlmum.
If you've fo||owed the recommendat|ons |n th|s document, your organ|sat|on shou|d not be suffer|ng from
any s|gn|f|cant |ssues re|at|ng to spam. If you are st|||, then p|ease contact us!
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
Some |mportant |n|t|a| 'requ|rements'
Use the |atest vers|on of MDaemon ro
1he lree and SLandard verslons of Muaemon do noL lncorporaLe any slgnlflcanL spam fllLerlng feaLures so you
should be uslng Lhe ro verslon of Muaemon oLherwlse Lhls documenL lsn'L relevanL Lo you. ?ou should also
be runnlng Lhe laLesL verslon Lo ensure you've goL all Lhe laLesL updaLes and feaLures.
Insta|| the |atest Secur|ty|us p|ug-|n
Muaemon's SecurlLylus plug-ln adds Lwo slgnlflcanL feaLures Lo Muaemon's arsenal of securlLy Lools. 1he
flrsL ls a slgnaLure based anLlvlrus scannlng englne (whlch lncludes auLomaLed updaLes) and Lhe second, only
enabled wlLh Muaemon ro, ls CuLbreak roLecLlon. 8aLher Lhan looklng aL Lhe conLenL of a message Lo
deLecL spam and vlruses, CuLbreak roLecLlon fllLers emalls based on Lhe way ln whlch Lhey've been seen Lo be
spreadlng across Lhe lnLerneL ln real-Llme. Addlng SecurlLylus makes a huge dlfference Lo Lhe fllLerlng of
unwanLed emalls.
D|sab|e MDaemon's 8ayes|an f||ter|ng
1he 8ayeslan fllLerlng componenL of Muaemon's spam fllLer englne ls deslgned Lo flne-Lune Lhe spam fllLer
scorlng based on whaL ls good emall and whaL ls spam. lL relles on careful managemenL of whaL ls fed back Lo
Lhe 8ayeslan englne by users so LhaL lL can 'learn' (ln a sLaLlsLlcal sense) abouL lLs mlsLakes as Llmes goes by. ln
our experlence on mosL Muaemon servers, Lhls feaLure ls elLher lgnored or ls 'fed' lncorrecLly and as a resulL
can begln Lo acL counLer-lnLulLlvely. Cur recommendaLlon ls Lo dlsable Lhls componenL of Lhe spam fllLer
unless you are 100 sure LhaL lL's worklng wlLh you raLher Lhan agalnsL.
1o dlsable Lhe 8ayeslan fllLerlng, press C18L+, and conflgure Lhe '8ayeslan' secLlon as shown below:-
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
Also ensure LhaL Lhe 'AuLomaLlc Learnlng' secLlon ls dlsabled as shown below:-
llnally, dlsable Lhe 'updaLe Lhe 8ayeslan englne wlLh whlLe llsLed messages' opLlon ln Lhe 'WhlLe LlsL
(auLomaLlc)' secLlon here:-
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
Cnce you've dlsabled all Lhe 8ayeslan feaLures, you may also wanL Lo deleLe Lhe publlc folders relaLlng Lo Lhls
feaLure Lo avold any confuslon your users may have. 1o do Lhls, press l2, Lhen selecL 'lolder llsLlng & ACLs'
from Lhe 'ubllc & Shared lolders' secLlon. PlghllghL Lhe '8ayeslan Learnlng' parenL folder on Lhe rlghL and
cllck Lhe '8emove' buLLon as shown below:-
1hls should remove Lhe Lwo 8ayeslan Learnlng sub-folders aL Lhe same Llme.
Sw|tch to d|rect SM1 de||very w|th a s|ng|e Mk record
Many Muaemon cusLomers sLlll use uomalnC or MulLlC collecLlon Lo recelve emall lnLo Lhelr Muaemon
server or have Lhelr emall forwarded on vla SM1 from a Lhlrd parLy mall servlce. unforLunaLely, dolng Lhls
masslvely reduces Muaemon's ablllLy Lo deLecL unwanLed spam and vlrus lnfecLed messages.
unti/ you switch to direct 5M1P de/ivery, you wi// continue to hove prob/ems with spom!
lf emall doesn'L arrlve dlrecLly aL your Muaemon server and lnsLead ls accepLed on your server's behalf by
anoLher mall server, Lhen lL's unreasonable Lo expecL Muaemon Lo be able Lo do lLs [ob properly. 1hls ls
because a number of Muaemon's securlLy feaLures rely on lL belng able Lo see Lhe connecLlng l, Lhe raLe of
connecLlons, Lo verlfy Lhe sender's address, Lo valldaLe Lhe reclplenL's address and Lo check Lhe emall conLenL
and dlsLrlbuLlon paLLern before accepLlng or re[ecLlng Lhe message durlng Lhe SM1 sesslon lLself.
SwlLchlng Lo SM1 dellvery ls acLually a sLralghLforward process and requlres Lhree lnlLlal Lhlngs Lo be ln place:-
1. A permanenL rellable lnLerneL connecLlon,
2. A sLaLlc l address,
3. A rouLe Lhrough your flrewall/gaLeway so LhaL lnbound connecLlons from Lhe lnLerneL on 1C porL 23
can be rouLed Lo your lnLernal Muaemon server.

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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
Cnce Lhese Lhree requlremenLs are ln place, you would Lhen need Lo ensure LhaL your domaln name's unS ls
seL-up so LhaL:-
1. ?ou have an 'A record' eg. polnLlng Lo your sLaLlc l address,
2. ?ou have a SlnCLL Mx record polnLlng Lo Lhe new 'A record', le. make sure LhaL you don'L have any
addlLlonal 'back-up' Mx records.

why on/y o sinq/e Mx record?
8ack-up Mx servers Lend noL Lo provlde Lhe same number of valldaLlon checks on lnbound emalls and as a
resulL can become Lhe LargeL for spammers because Lhey represenL a 'back door' lnLo your Muaemon server.
Muaemon ls much beLLer able Lo fllLer unwanLed emalls lf lL recelves Lhem dlrecLly raLher Lhan vla an lnLerlm
relaylng emall server.
8ut wont we /ose emoi/ if our connection or server qoes down?
no, you shouldn'L because sendlng emall servers on Lhe lnLerneL oughL Lo be conflgured Lo aLLempL redellvery
aL regular lnLervals for up Lo 3 days. So lf your server ls unavallable, once lL comes back up, Lhe emalls should
arrlve as normal wlLhouL any furLher lnLervenLlon. AL worsL, lf you don'L geL your server back up and runnlng
qulckly enough, Lhe sendlng server should slmply glve-up Lrylng and wlll send a non-dellvery noLlflcaLlon
message back Lo Lhe orlglnal sender.
lf Llmely recelpL of your emall ls ulLra-crlLlcal, lL ls recommended LhaL you apply resources Lo a second lnLerneL
connecLlon and spare redundanL server hardware. lf you have a second lnLerneL connecLlon, Lhen seLLlng up a
secondary Mx record polnLlng Lo a second A record whlch rouLes vla Lhe alLernaLlve connecLlon Lo your maln
Muaemon server ls a good ldea.
lf havlng a backup Mx record polnLlng Lo a Lhlrd parLy emall relay ls an absoluLe requlremenL, Lhen we would
recommend conflgurlng lL as a secondary Mx, buL Lhen addlng anoLher LerLlary Mx record whlch dupllcaLes
your prlmary Mx record. 8ecause spammers wlll Lend Lo LargeL Lhe lowesL prlorlLy Mx record Lhey wlll sLlll hlL
your Muaemon server and be sub[ecL Lhe usual securlLy checks.
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
Spam f||ter sett|ngs
ress C18L+ Lo access Muaemon's Spam lllLer seLLlngs.
Spam I||ter genera| sett|ngs
8y defaulL, when Muaemon deLecLs a spam emall, lL flags lLs headers and pre-pends a ***SAM*** Lagllne
and score Lo Lhe message sub[ecL before allowlng Lhem Lo conLlnue down Lhe dellvery paLh Lo Lhe end user. ln
mosL cases, lL ls acLually preferable Lo fllLer messages flagged as spam lnLo a 'spam Lrap' publlc folder whlch
can be monlLored for false poslLlves by an admlnlsLraLor (how Lo do Lhls uslng WebAdmln ls descrlbed laLer on
ln Lhls documenL). 1o enable Lhls Lo happen, selecL Lhe mlddle opLlon ln Lhe 'WhaL Lo do wlLh spam' secLlon on
Lhe wlndow shown below.
neur|st|c scor|ng opt|ons
ln Lhe 'PeurlsLlcs' secLlon, conflgure Lhe scores as shown below:-
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
1he defaulL values of 3.0 and 12.0 are flne for mosL slLes alLhough Lhe score of 3.0 can be lowered a blL (eg. Lo
4.0) lf you wanL Lo make Lhe spam fllLer more aggresslve aL Lhe rlsk of seelng a few more false poslLlves.
We also recommend dlsabllng Lhe opLlon Lo 'Sklp queue-based scan on messages processed durlng SM1
sesslons'. 1hls does puL more load on Muaemon's spam fllLer, buL should provlde more accuraLe fllLerlng ln
cerLaln clrcumsLances.
Wh|te L|st (no f||ter|ng)
1hls secLlon allows you Lo deflne emall addresses or domaln names Lo be excluded from Muaemon's spam
fllLerlng. lf you flnd LhaL emalls from genulne senders are conLlnually belng flagged as spam by your server,
Lhen add Lhe sender's emall address here. We would recommend uslng Lhls sparlngly and only when
Wh|te L|st (by rec|p|ent)
1hls whlLellsLs (le. subLracLs 100 from Lhe message's overall spam score) emall 1C any address or domalns
llsLed here. We ofLen see cusLomers add Lhelr own addresses ln here before complalnlng LhaL Lhey're geLLlng
loLs of spam. Cur recommendaLlon ls Lo noL have any addresses or domalns llsLed ln here unless you're
compleLely happy for Lhem Lo recelve spam.
Wh|te L|st (by sender)
1hls whlLellsLs (le. subLracLs 100 from Lhe message's overall spam score) emall l8CM any address or domalns
llsLed here. lL's hard Lo see why you would use Lhls llsL lnsLead of Lhe 'WhlLe LlsL (no fllLerlng)' llsL and our
recommendaLlon ls Lo noL add any of your own enLrles ln here.
8|ack L|st (by sender)
1hls blackllsLs (le. adds 100 Lo Lhe message's overall spam score) emall l8CM any address or domalns llsLed
here. 8ecause spammers generally don'L use Lhelr own emall addresses when sendlng spam, blackllsLlng Lhe
addresses Lhey've spoofed ls largely lneffecLlve. Cur recommendaLlon ls Lo noL add any of your own enLrles ln
here and lnsLead use Muaemon's 'Address 8lackllsL' feaLure (see laLer) Lo block emalls from unwanLed
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
1hls feaLure checks Lhe l address of lncomlng SM1 connecLlons agalnsL publlcly hosLed l based blackllsLs.
ulfferenL llsLs have varylng seLs of crlLerla relaLlng Lo why any parLlcular l address ls blackllsLed buL over Lhe
years, one llsL whlch has proven Lo be very rellable ls Lhe Spamhaus one. 8y defaulL, Muaemon lncorporaLes
Lhls llsL buL Lhe feaLure ls dlsabled because Lhere are some commerclal requlremenLs LhaL Spamhaus sLlpulaLe
musL be saLlsfled before an organlsaLlon can uLlllse Lhelr llsL. 1hese crlLerla are llsLed on Lhe Spamhaus
webslLe here:-
lf your slLe meeLs Lhe crlLerla for free usage (mosL Muaemon slLes wlll), Lhen we'd recommend enabllng Lhls
feaLure and conflgurlng lL wlLh Lhe defaulL seLLlngs as shown below:-
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
Spam 1raps
Confuslngly named, Lhls feaLure dlffers from Lhe 'Spam Lrap' folder where messages flagged as spam are senL
Lo. 1hls feaLure ls deslgned Lo provlde emall addresses whlch acL as 'honey Lraps' for spammers so LhaL Lhelr
spam can Lhen be fed Lo Muaemon's 8ayeslan fllLerlng englne. 8ecause our recommendaLlon ls Lo dlsable
Muaemon's 8ayeslan feaLures, we'd also recommend noL uslng Lhls feaLure aL all.
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
Add|t|ona| secur|ty features to check]conf|gure
8|ock re|ay|ng attempts w|th 'ke|ay Contro|'
Mall 8elaylng ls where emall ls nelLher Lo or from a local address. ln almosL all cases, you should noL be
allowlng relaylng Lhrough your Muaemon server. 1o check LhaL Lhls ls Lhe case, you should press C18L+S,
selecL Lhe '8elay ConLrol' secLlon and conflgure as shown here:-
8|ock spoof|ng w|th the 'I Sh|e|d'
A meLhod commonly used by spammers ls Lo send emalls Lo or Lhrough a server clalmlng Lo be users aL Lhe
local domaln (le. spooflng). 1o ensure LhaL Lhls doesn'L happen Lo your server, you should conflgure
Muaemon's 'l Shleld' Lo proLecL your local domalns.
ress C18L+S , selecL Lhe 'l Shleld' secLlon and conflgure as shown (buL uslng your own domaln name and
lnLernal l range):-
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
1hls Lells your server Lo check LhaL anyone sendlng emall Lo or Lhrough your Muaemon server clalmlng Lo be
from Lhe llsLed domaln ls acLually connecLlng from Lhe expecLed l address range. lL ls hlghly recommended
LhaL you conflgure an l Shleld enLry for each domaln name on your Muaemon server.
noLe LhaL once conflgured lf you do have local users connecLlng from ouLslde of your local neLwork Lo send
emall Lhrough your server, LhaL Lhey wlll need Lo enable Lhe 'use SM1 AuLhenLlcaLlon' opLlon ln Lhelr own
emall cllenLs (by defaulL, SM1 auLhenLlcaLed sesslons bypass Lhe l Shleld checks).
Check that your account passwords are strong enough!
?ou should ensure LhaL all your Muaemon accounLs are conflgured wlLh passwords whlch are noL easy Lo
guess. CLherwlse, a spammer may be able Lo auLhenLlcaLe as a local user and bypass mosL of Muaemon's
securlLy seLLlngs - obvlously noL a good Lhlng.
asswords such as '1234', 'password', 'leLmeln' or ones LhaL are Lhe same as Lhe user's mallbox name (very
common!) should be avolded aL all cosLs.
SM1 Authent|cat|on
ress C18L+S and selecL Lhe 'SM1 AuLhenLlcaLlon' secLlon. ?ou should check LhaL Lhe seLLlngs are conflgured
wlLh aL leasL Lhe Lhree Llckboxes shown below belng enabled. Lnabllng Lhe oLher Lwo seLLlngs wlll LlghLen up
your securlLy conslderably buL you wlll need Lo enable SM1 AuLhenLlcaLlon on all your users' emall cllenLs flrsL
so enable Lhese wlLh care!
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
keverse Lookups
ress C18L+S and selecL Lhe '8everse Lookups' secLlon. 1he defaulLs seLLlngs (shown below) are Lhe
recommended ones.
1rusted nosts
ress C18L+S and selecL Lhe '1rusLed PosLs' secLlon. 8y defaulL Lhere are no enLrles llsLed here and Lhls ls
recommended. 1rusLed hosLs are exempL from a loL of Muaemon's securlLy checks and are only valldaLed by
Lhelr l address or hosL name. lf you do have any l addresses llsLed ln Lhls secLlon, you should be 100 sure
LhaL you know why Lhey're Lhere. We hlghly recommend LhaL you do noL have any LrusLed hosLs conflgured.
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
nand||ng annoyance ema||s w|th 'Address 8|ack||st'
Spam can generally be classed lnLo Lwo Lypes. 1he flrsL Lype are Lhe Lyplcal vlagra, bank fraud and porn
LouLlng emalls whlch Lyplcally orlglnaLe from hl[acked/spoofed addresses. 1he second Lype are Lhe annoyance
Lype markeLlng emalls whlch are senL ouL by genulne companles LouLlng for buslness, buL whlch are hard or
lmposslble Lo unsubscrlbe from.
1he former Lype are really besL lefL Lo Muaemon's spam fllLerlng because aLLempLlng Lo blackllsL a
hl[acked/spoofed emall address ls usually a fuLlle exerclse.
1he laLLer Lype can slmply be blocked durlng Lhe lnlLlal SM1 LransacLlon uslng Muaemon's 'Address 8lackllsL'
feaLure. 1o access Lhls, selecL 'SecurlLy SeLLlngs' from Lhe 'SecurlLy' menu (C18L+S) and Lhen go Lo Lhe
'Address 8lackllsL' secLlon. ln general, when addlng an address we would recommend addlng Lhe sender's
enLlre domaln name by uslng a wlldcard enLry eg. * as shown below:-
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
Mon|tor|ng your spam trap fo|der us|ng WebAdm|n
lf you've conflgured Muaemon's spam fllLer Lo auLomaLlcally fllLer spam lnLo a publlc 'spam Lrap' folder, you'll
wanL Lo have someone monlLor LhaL folder each day for any false poslLlves before clearlng ouL any remalnlng
spam. ?ou can do Lhls very easlly from any web browser on your neLwork by logglng lnLo WebAdmln. llrsL of
all, you'll need Lo check LhaL your accounL ls conflgured as a 'Clobal admlnlsLraLor'. 1o check Lhls, go lnLo your
accounLs seLLlngs (AL1+l3, Lhen double-cllck your accounL). ln Lhe 'CpLlons' secLlon, check LhaL Lhe accounL ls
enabled as a 'Clobal AdmlnlsLraLor' as shown below:-
?ou should now be able Lo log lnLo WebAdmln by enLerlng Lhe followlng u8L lnLo any web browser on your
local neLwork uslng your usual Muaemon emall address and accounL password:-
(replaclng wlLh your server's own local neLwork l address)
Cnce, logged ln, selecL 'SecurlLy' from Lhe boLLom lefL and Lhen 'Spam 1rap lolder' from Lhe 'Spam lllLer'
secLlon. 8y sorLlng Lhe messages ln Lhe spam Lrap folder by Lhelr score so LhaL Lhe lower scored messages are
aL Lhe Lop, you can qulckly plck ouL any false poslLlves LhaL may have been flagged ln error. lf you do see any
false poslLlves, slmply hlghllghL Lhem and Lhen cllck Lhe '8elease' buLLon Lo have Lhem dellvered Lo Lhe orlglnal
reclplenL as shown below.
AfLer releaslng any false poslLlves, you can hlghllghL Lhe remalnlng spam messages and deleLe Lhem Lo clear
Lhe spam Lrap folder.
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Registered office: Parkway 5 (1st Floor), Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7LU
Registered in England: 4097823
VAT registration number: 748 8527 79
Zen Software Ltd
Tel: 0161 660 5738
St||| suffer|ng from too much spam?
lf afLer maklng Lhe recommendaLlons ln Lhls documenL, your organlsaLlon ls sLlll sufferlng from slgnlflcanL
volumes of spam you should check Lo make sure LhaL you've noL lnadverLenLly whlLellsLed or excluded Lhe
sender's or reclplenL's address from Muaemon's spam fllLer. ?ou should also check LhaL Lhe spammer dldn'L
manage Lo auLhenLlcaLe Lhelr SM1 sesslon by guesslng a local user's accounL password and LhaL Lhelr
connecLlon dldn'L orlglnaLe from a LrusLed or local l address.
1o check Lhese Lhlngs, lL's besL Lo refer Lo your Muaemon server's lnbound SM1 and anLl-spam log flles. ?ou
wlll flnd Lhese ln your '\Muaemon\Logs' folder, look for fllenames llke Lhls:-
Suffer|ng from too many fa|se pos|t|ves?
lf you flnd LhaL you're sufferlng from a loL of false poslLlves, check LhaL you've noL lnadverLenLly blackllsLed Lhe
sender's or reclplenL's address ln Muaemon's spam fllLer seLLlngs.
1he comblnaLlon of Muaemon ro, lLs SecurlLylus plug-ln and dlrecL SM1 dellvery vla a slngle Mx record
should mean LhaL your organlsaLlon does noL suffer from slgnlflcanL volumes of spam or false poslLlves.
MosL spam relaLed lssues derlve from elLher noL uslng Muaemon ro, noL havlng SecurlLylus lnsLalled, noL
havlng dlrecL SM1 dellvery vla a slngle Mx or mls-conflguraLlon of Muaemon's seLLlngs.
ln addlLlon Lo checklng LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of feaLures are reseL Lo Lhelr defaulLs, Lhere are a few addlLlonal
changes LhaL we would hlghly recommend maklng based on our experlence over years of supporLlng
Muaemon. 1hese are deLalled ln Lhls documenL.
lf afLer followlng Lhese recommendaLlons, you are sLlll havlng problems, please double-check Lhe relevanL logs
on your server Lo see lf someLhlng obvlous has been mlssed, buL Lhen conLacL us for furLher asslsLance and

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