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Fellow Kenyans,
In the last 48 hours, more than 50 Kenyans were murdered as they went about
their normal daily activities, by criminals in Lamu County.
On my behal, that o the !overnment and the "eo#le o Kenya, I e$#ress my
dee#est sym#athy to the amilies who lost their loved ones, as well as those
who were a%ected by the un&usti'able and barbaric attac(.
I cannot 'nd words to ade)uately e$#ress my shoc( and outra*e at the
tra*edy o this brutal and heinous crime.
+y !overnment stands in solidarity with everyone a%ected by this tra*edy, the
bereaved and those in&ured, #hysically and #sycholo*ically.
-he !overnment will meet the uneral e$#enses o the sadly de#arted
com#atriots and *ive them a di*ni'ed send.o%.
/e will ensure that the in&ured receive the re)uired medical attention.
I wish them s#eedy recovery and resum#tion o their normal lie.
-o those that lost their #ro#erties, the *overnment will stand with you in their
Fellow Kenyans,
/e are all hurtin*. +any o us are an*ry. I share and understand your eelin*s,
and wish to state as ollows,
/e live at a time when our #eo#le are vulnerable to rec(less leaders and hate.
mon*ers, who mani#ulate them, to create hate, intolerance and anaticism.
-his ma(es them easy #rey to radicali0ation and crime. 1ec(less leaders
#ro#a*ate the unlawul messa*e that some are more or less Kenyan than
2an*erous leaders #reach the insidious messa*e that some #eo#le are holy
whilst others are evil.
-he sum total o these cam#ai*ns is to #ortray certain #eo#le as less human,
and thereore less deservin* o com#assion and consideration, and #erha#s,
air *ame or brutality and abuse.
3uch leaders divide instead o unite, scatter where they should *ather, and
destroy where they should build.
-hey also ma(e it easy or terrorists to o#erate comortably amon* us, and to
in4ict murder and mayhem on innocent Kenyans.
-he attac( in Lamu was well #lanned, orchestrated, and #olitically motivated
ethnic violence a*ainst a Kenyan community, with the intention o #ro'lin* and
evictin* them or #olitical reasons. -his thereore, was not an 5l 3habaab
terrorist attac(.
6vidence indicates that local #olitical networ(s were involved in the #lannin*
and e$ecution o the heinous attac(s.
-his also #layed into the o##ortunist networ(s o other criminal *an*s.
It is now clear that intelli*ence on this attac( was availed to the security
o7cers in +#e(etoni.
8nortunately, the o7cers did not act accordin*ly. -his ne*li*ence and
abdication o duty and res#onsibility is unacce#table.
5ccordin*ly, all concerned o7cers have been sus#ended and will be char*ed
immediately in a court o law.
5ny other o7cers that will be ound to have ailed will ace a similar ate.
Kenyans e$#ect no less.
"ublic o7ce o whatever ran( and stature is a hi*h trust. 6very o7cer who
abdicates his or her #roessional standards, or en*a*es in corru#tion or
ne*lects his duty, casts his lot with terrorists, ra#ists, robbers, murderers and
other criminals.
9ecause they condone crime throu*h their slac( and com#licit conduct, they
are the acilitators and collaborators o terrorists and criminal activity, and
must be discarded rom the system and dealt with 'rmly.
-o restore normalcy in the a%ected areas, my !overnment has enhanced
security in Lamu.
/e are also ocusin* attention on actors and other entities that are actively
en*a*ed in other 4ash#oints around the country.
Kenyans and the !overnment in #articular, have, over the last several wee(s,
observed ren0ied #olitical rhetoric laced with ethnic #ro'lin* o some Kenyan
communities and obvious acts o incitement to lawlessness and #ossible
-he inciters have also *iven e$am#les o other countries where thousands o
citi0ens have died and been maimed in similar circumstances.
-his rhetoric is unacce#table and will not be condoned.
+y 2e#uty and I undertoo( to ma(e sure that the country will never *o the
route o ethnic division and #olitical violence.
I reiterate that Kenya will not *o that route a*ain: /e will not allow Kenya to *o
down this violent #ath a*ain.
-o these #olitical actors, I relay to you the disa##ointment o the #eo#le o this
country, in those who thin( that leadershi# is a s#ort.
-hose o you *iven to ill.thou*ht, intem#erate and rec(less s#eech and
conduct, are now on notice, there will be accountability in accordance with the
1ec(less rhetoric, incitement and ne*ative #ro#a*anda do not constitute
res#onsible leadershi#. -hey will not be tolerated.
-hose unwillin* to wor( to unite Kenyans will not have the s#ace to divide
-here is no constitutional #rotection or hate s#eech, incitement and other
abuses o ree s#eech.
I call on every Kenyan to do their #art ully in ensurin* that no crime succeeds
due to ailure on their #art.
-o wananchi, I ur*e each o you to stay vi*ilant. Know everythin* *oin* on
around you.
2o not s#eculate or hesitate. 1e#ort anythin* that stri(es you as odd, and let
the security services ta(e the a##ro#riate action. I also ur*e you not to ta(e
the law into your hands.
Fellow Kenyans, I am satis'ed that, or the most #art, our security a*encies
have #erormed well and thwarted innumerable terrorist and other criminal
cons#iracies and attem#ts.
3ecurity is a vital national re)uirement; everyone livin* in Kenya has a ri*ht to
e$#ect the security o their #ersons and #ro#erty as well as those o their loved
Fellow Kenyans,
/e have been victims o terrorism in the #ast and the threat o terror continues
to han* over us.
Fellow Kenyans, 5s we mourn the dead, condole with the bereaved and comort
the in&ured, I as( every one o us to re4ect dee#ly on what each must do to
(ee# our country sae, and to be our brother<s and sister<s (ee#er.
I also ur*e every Kenyan to revisit our core values and remember who we are...
Fear and hel#lessness are not, and will never be our way o lie.
-o*ether, we shall *row and (ee# risin*. Let us not *ive s#ace or those who
want us to be araid, or divided.
I also ta(e this o##ortunity to assure every Kenyan that no matter the
challen*es assailin* us, my !overnment stands with the #eo#le and wor(s or
all Kenyans wherever they are.
!od bless you all.

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