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By Alan L. Chrisman, 2014

I was watching the 10-part series on CNN and thinking about how much has changed (and
hasnt) in this past 50 years. Perhaps, its helpful to look back a little. Before, TV in the 1950s
had been in black and white, and that reflected the society then. On popular TV shows like
Leave It to Beaver and The Nelsons, it was almost always a two-parent family. The men had the
jobs (and would often stayed at the same one their whole lives), and the women were
housewives, raised the kids, and marriages lasted, for good and bad. The world outside was
also literally black and white too. There was segregation of the races, especially in the U.S.
South. A Good vs. Evil mentality dominated in the Cold War with the U.S. against Russia and
the ever-present threat of nuclear war.
But in the 60s, TV became in color and that also reflected the changing times. Youth rebelled
against many of the values their parents had worked so hard to build after W.W. 2. The Civil
Rights Movement had started racial change. Popular culture and rock n roll helped bring
about these changes too. Elvis had appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, in the late 50s, but they
didnt show his moving hips. This powerful new medium TV, replaced radio, and would reach
into every living room. When The Beatles played on Ed Sullivan in Feb.64, it couldnt contain
their live energy and humor. The 60s and the youth revolution had started. From now on,
things would be in Technicolor and Stereo. The world was no longer black and white or as
simple and innocent perhaps. There was violence and upheavals with the assassinations of the
Kennedys and Martin Luther King and the Vietnam War. These political and social changes
divided people, often along generational lines. But things only got more gray and blurred in
the process too-they were not to be so clear-cut anymore. Because of this new electronic
media, it was able to reach the whole world. It wasnt just restricted to a small town or
country, but a global village as Marshall McLuhan had called it. We didnt have to even speak
the same language, for music and visuals are universal, and it was one of the first times in
history when that happened. Thats why The Sixties changed the world and would continue to
do so for decades after.
Younger generations, especially, who didnt grow up then, may not fully understand the impact.
In this age of internet and social media, its just an accepted part of their and our daily lives.
But its hard to even fathom the changes in such a relatively short time. Itd be like the Wright
Brothers flying in one of our space capsules. So much has changed these past decades and a lot
of it started then in the 60s- the first electronic media, rock music as something more than just
entertainment, and our whole obsession with youth. Of course, the Baby Boomers, also the
first generation to carry it on into their old age, have helped to keep it alive. The market knows
how to re-package it and sell it back. In the 70s, women and the feminist movement
demanded more equal jobs and pay (although theres still more to go) and this changed the
roles for both men and women and their kinds of relationships. More and more people are
remaining single or postponing marriage and very few will have just one life-long partner or job.
These are massive social differences from the past and we sometimes forget this. Today,
technology is moving so fast that it would be curious to see if these new generations will feel
perhaps the same when theyre the older generations themselves.
There is no black and white anymore, nothing is so clear and certain in our current world.
Whereas, we once feared from threats outside (and still somewhat do with terrorism and wars,
Russia and Putin, etc. and there hasnt been a clear-cut war since, including Vietnam). There
was violence and terror before, but now it seems to be more internal. Weve come to fear
some even right around us. Almost weekly theres another school or mall shooting. There are
too many guns and obviously mentally-ill people with access to them. Marshall McLuhan
predicted, in the global village, we would lose a lot of our personal identities and some would
try to get recognition through terrorism and violent acts. All this new technology has helped us
communicate faster, but it has also helped some of us feel more alienated from each other too.
We even have to worry about our own governments and corporations spying on us. As I said,
The Sixties were but the start of these changes and it was a turning point for what was to come-
in media, pop culture, in relationships, in society, and politics. That is why The Sixties are still
important today.

More about Growing Up in the 60s:

HUMAN RACE Song lyrics by Alan Chrisman
Yes, were the Human Race
From a tiny single cell
Millions of years ago
We still carry that DNA trace

We have the same African-Eve mother
We really are all each others brother
Yet some of us, still kill
Just for the thrill

We have such big brains
Yet we complain, our petty pains
We can make buildings and art
But we break each others heart

So come and take your place
Do your rightful part
On this journey of the Human Race
Use your brain, express your heart

We can explore outer space
But were still afraid of a strangers face
And if we feel fright
We still revert to fight or flight

We still make war
And some of us scheme
To only want more, more, more
But we can still, Imagine and dream

We get on our knees and pray to above
Its hard to know how to love
But after were gone
Our legacy, good and bad, will carry on c. 2012

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