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8lC 2A03 - 2013

LecLure 13
Cardlovascular vlll
8enal l
due Lo lncreased CC and large
decrease ln skeleLal muscle 8,
acuve hyperemla,

due Lo large lncrease ln P8 and
small lncrease ln Sv.
due Lo lncreased SnS, Lpl, 1
C and
decreased SnS.
SLarllng Law eecLs and *lncreased
conLracullLy (SnS, epl).
mlnor lncrease ln MA = CC x 18.
skeleLal muscle dllauon greaLer
Lhan consLrlcuon ln oLher areas.
Summary of cardlovascular
changes durlng mlld exerclse
lncreased pressure pulsaullLy
malnly due Lo lncreased Sv.
- change in met rate= big changes in delivering nutrients and removing waste from tissue
- big change in blood flow to your muscles= blood vessels relaxed (vasodilation,
raidus of arteriols increase= reduce R
- arteriols have epi B receptor to relax muscles. but dont want every blood vessel to
relax because that would make TPR decrease so also have vasoconstriction in other
blood vessels to compensate for vasodialation. TPR still decreases overall
because muscles make up so much of body, but only goes down 50%
- increase heat rate = increased spontaneous depolarization rate with epi and norepi
- increased venous return= vasoconstriction and epi, norepi etc
February 6, 2013
uesplLe all Lhese complex changes, Lhe
MA dld noL change very much.
-Lhls reecLs Lhe homeosLauc role of Lhe
barorecepLor reexes.
1he role of Lhe barorecepLors (sensory
recepLor neuron) ls Lo keep sysLemlc
MA as close Lo 100 mm Pg as posslble.
8arorecepLor reexes are Lhe mosL
lmporLanL shorL Lerm regulaLor of MA
(seconds Lo mlnuLes).
1he arLerlal barorecepLors conunually
monlLor Lhe sysLemlc MA and lnform
Lhe cardlovascular conLrol cenLre ln Lhe
medulla of braln.
ShorL-Lerm homeosLauc conLrol of MA
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Plgh pressure barorecepLors
2 maln locauons:
1. Caroud slnus
vla glosso-pharyngeal nerves (lx)
(aerenL branches)
2. Aoruc arch
vla vagus nerves (x)
(aerenL branch)
- carotid arteries are the arteries that feed your brain, so have good arterial pressure to maintain bloodfow to your brain
-aortic arch is main vessel that's coming out of heart that's feeding systemic system
- fast, short term changes (jumping out of seats) baroreceptor will regulate MAP
^ integration centre of reflex arch
both glosso and vagus nerves are efferent branches
1he level of MA ls conunually coded" as A.. frequency senL by Lhe
arLerlal barorecepLors.
llg 14-27
1hls ls reseL" aL a hlgher level ln hyperLenslon
1he barorecepLor reex
-frequency of the depolarizations in baroreceptor nerves changes depending on the blood pressure
- high blood pressure: high frequency of baroreceptor is always there so the brain then thinks its a normal occurrence (this happens in chronic
hypertension) so brain stops trying to mount compensatory reaction to bring BP down
-normal: baroreceptor send AP
of certain frequency to saying
that everything's normal
-increase press: blood press
increase= freq of signal increases
which tells
the brain
that MAP
is too high, must bring back
-signals that nerves send around the body
are not coded in size of AP/depolarization,
its encoded in frequency
-always the same size
-propagated down nerves at a certain
-MAP is continuously coded as AP
(frequency) by baroreceptors
noLe: remember Lhls & prevlous sllde
for ulL Lable experlmenL ln lab
1he barorecepLor reex (~30 sec. response)
8arorecepLor reex:
1. lncrease ln sympaLheuc acuvlLy.
2. uecrease ln para- sympaLheuc
8esulL: 8eex compensauon
CompensaLory response followlng hemorrhage:
- big loss in blood, venous return goes down (not bringing as much blood into heart), EDV drops, CO drops, MAP drops
- reflexes that try to make MAP back to normal= increase R=sends signal to vasoconstrict many vessels, or increase stroke volume/heart rate
- MAP doesnt go back to normal, because just compensating
-baroreceptor reflex increase sympathetic activity to body, stimulate
release of neurotransmitter and decrease parasympathetic activity
-negative feedback
Tilt Table experiment:
- laying down on table and titled stand up vs just making person stand
up: lying down=heart is in the same plane as the whole body and tilt
up= gravity will act upon body, all blood goes towards gravity
- barroreceptor will act up and try to make go normal
llg 14-28
LerenL paLhways of Lhe 8arorecepLor 8eex
Cardlac funcuon regulaLed by
Lhe cardlovascular conLrol
cenLer ln Lhe medulla
LerenL slgnals Lhrough SnS
and SnS Lo hearL, arLerloles
and velns.
-efferent pathways regulate everything
1he barorecepLor reex ln response Lo a decrease ln MA
8arorecepLor reexes also faclllLaLe a
shorL Lerm parual resLorauon of blood
plasma volume by reabsorpuon of uld
from lnLersuual space and lymph.
uecrease caplllary
hydrosLauc pressure
lncrease reabsorpuon
from lSl
lncrease plasma volume
- flowchart describes response in drop in MAP= whole system increase CO and increase TPR by changing the contractility of smooth muscles of
artieries and veins and changing SV and HR. (Analogy: river damed up, pressure above dam is high and the pressure below is low)
- Pcap= decrease = increase net aborption in cap which increases plasma volume which will increase= increase venous return= increase MAP.
This is a short term response because not adding volume to the entire system, just stealing vol from ISF to plasma
-baroreceptors change AP frequency to cardiovasular control centre
-when arteries vasoconstrict, change Pcap
^^increase R= decrease press
downstream from that R (one
of those being Pcap)

nephron funcuon - glomerular lLrauon, Lubule
secreuon and reabsorpuon
1he urlnary SysLem - 8enal hyslology
vlLal funcuons performed by kldneys
1. 8egulauon of plasma (Lhus MA).
2. 8egulauon of plasma composluon(e.g.
, Cl
, k
, Ca
, Mg
3. 8egulauon of plasma osmolarlLy.
4. 8egulauon of sLaLus (pP of Lhe body
3. Lxcreuon of all meLabollc wasLes and forelgn
subsLances - urea, urlc acld, ammonla.
6. 8egulauon of red blood cell levels - vla LC".
7. roducuon of Lhe hormones.
8. roducuon of glucose vla Cluconeogenesls
from amlno aclds durlng fasung.
A glomerulus
- all vertebrates have some sort of a kidney system, kidneys change plasma volume
by reg fluid and ions
acid- base
kidneys are a very active endocrine gland
- use 3 carbon precursor like lactose to make glucose
- nephron secrete extra waste into urine
-read about glomerulus in text
AnaLomy of Lhe urlnary SysLem
2 ureLers
ConducLs urlne Lo Lhe bladder
Wave-llke conLracuons of
smooLh muscle.
Wall conLalns smooLh muscle
bers connecLed by gap
ln Lhls course we wlll dlscuss how Lhe bladder funcuons and how Lhe
kldney funcuons, by sLudylng Lhe worklngs of a slngle nephron.
- voluntary skeletal muscles allows us to control urination
medulla corLex
Macroscoplc anaLomy of Lhe kldney
llg 19-2
- nephrons span up in top part of kidney (cortex). osmolarity of kidney changes from cortex to medulla
- kidneys broken down to pyramids that has many nephrons
-urinary pelvis where urine is
Lach renal conLalns
100,000 - 200,000 nephrons.
8-13 pyramlds per kldney, each
wlLh separaLe branches of renal
arLery and renal veln.
1.0 -1.3 mllllon nephrons per
kldney x 2 = 2-3 mllllon LoLal.
8y Lhe ume Lhe urlne leaves
nephron, lL ls formed.
1he nephron
1he nephron ls Lhe baslc unlL of sLrucLure and funcuon ln Lhe kldney.
lL ls an lndlvldual kldney and lLs assoclaLed blood supply.
A nephron and assoclaLed blood supply
We can undersLand urlne formauon
by undersLandlng Lhe funcuon of a
slngle nephron.
8owman's capsule
roxlmal convoluLed
ulsLal convoluLed
Loop of Penle
(ln Lhe medulla)
llg 19-3
8enal corpuscle
nephron ComponenLs - urlne or 1ubule slde
1he renal Lubule ls essenually a slngle wlndlng Lube along whlch Lhe
urlne ows and geLs progresslvely .
1he 3 8aslc Lxchange rocesses
A Slmplled Model of nephron luncuon
2 3

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