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Narrative Theory

By definition, a narrative is a way in which a story is told in both fictional

and non-fictional media texts.
The 4 main narrative theorists are Todorov, Propp, Mulvey and Levi-

Tzvetan Todorov:

Todorov was a Bulgarian literary theorist, this theory provides a basic
format for all narratives he suggested that most narratives start with a
state of equilibrium, he then goes on to describe five stages that
structure conventional narratives:

1. A state of equilibrium (All is as it should
2. A disruption of that order by an event.
3. A recognition that the disorder has
4. An attempt to repair the damage of the
5. A return or restoration of a NEW

This structure is valid to our own production, Division, as the state of
equilibrium is to be at the beginning where there is to be a montage of
both Anna and Tom, this allows the audience to gain an understanding
and a strong liking towards both characters.

The state of disequilibrium is to be before the rewind, when both Anna
and Tom get in to a heated argument, this is a disruption of the
equilibrium. From this, as we get the audience it is to be almost as
though not only are we experiencing the idea of how they met, both
characters are reminiscing and remember how they got together, and
why they are still together this also adds to the attempt to repair the
disruption. Finally, they return it fast-forwards and it ends in a silhouette
of both characters, restoring the new equilibrium.

Vladimir Propp:

Vladimir was a Russian critic and literary theorist that analysed over 100
Russian fairytales in the 20s. The model is applicable and useful in that
it highlights the contrast between supposedly unique stories. He
anticipated that it was possible to categorise characters and their
actions into clearly categorised functions and roles.
Vladimir also stated that there are 8 main characters involved in such a
narrative, these are:

The villain
The dispatcher
The donor
The hero
Her father
The helper
The princess of the prize
The false hero

It does not seem as though this narrative will be applicable to our short
film, the reason being, our short film only has two characters, both of
which are in love and there is no such villain or father, or a helper or a
princess, etc.

Claude Levi-Strauss:

Strauss was a French anthropologist who
studied Myths and Tribal cultures, examined
how stories subconsciously reflect the
values, beliefs and myths of culrture; his
theory argued that all narratives could be
reduced down to binary opposites for
instance, the poor and the rich, the old and
the young, a boy and a girl.

According to Claude All narratives have to
be driven by a conflict by a series of
opposing forces. This conflict would
eventually cause the narrative to restore
some sort of balance. A good example of a binary opposition could
be in many marvel films, however, specifically, Batman; The Joker
being the villain, and of course, Batman being the hero. Within the
media industry, this theory is used very frequently in films, however
perhaps not so much my own. There may be a binary opposite as
there are two characters, one is a boy, the other a girl, and so, once
they argue, this may show a binary opposition.

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