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Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 1
This Logbook will take you through the steps you need to take in order to
qualify for the C.U.E.D lndustri al Experience Requirements.
lf you take l5 minutes to read through the instructi ons contai ned herein,
presenti ng your documentati on to qualify for lndustrial Experience will be
a formal i t y. Engineers need to be able to understand and meet specified
criteria and also to produce clear and concise reports, so completi ng the
logbook will help you to develop these skills.
The booklet contai ns important sections on:
Heal th & Safety, and there is a checklist included. There is also a
letter addressed to your employer to remi nd them of their obligati ons
regardi ng Health & Safety matters, you should detach this note and
are made aware of its contents.
Recording your activi ti es correctl y, documentati on in the correct
format is essenti al for qualificati on for the C.U.E.D lndustrial
Experience Requirements to be met full y. Please ensure your
report is completed and signed before depart ure . Failure to
perform this relati vel y simple task often causes hours of future lost
ti me attempti ng to rectify this oversight.
The Employer is requested to fill in a short feedback section, which
will give you a better idea of your performance on some of the non-
technical areas of the lndustri al Experience. You can also use the
Employers section as a reference for any future employment.
Once you have completed all the sections, you should then present the
document to the lndustrial Placement Co-ordinator for confirmati on that
you have met the requirements.
Lastl y, the vast majori t y of the students conduct themsel ves admi rabl y
whilst on lndustrial Experience and most are invi ted back the followi ng
year. Some are even offered jobs on Graduati on as a resul t. Whilst not
everyone wishes to return, please keep in mind that in future a C.U.E.D.
student may wish to follow in your footsteps. Continui ng in this vein, it
would be helpful to me if you could ensure that you complete all the
details on the employer' s organisati on so l can easily maintai n contact
wi th them in the future.
l hope you enjoy your experiences and l look forward to hearing all about
them on your return.
Igor Wow !ctober "#$# Industri al E%perience &o'
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 2
(E)!RE *!+ S,-R,
l. Refresh your memory regardi ng the AlMS of lndustri al Experience.
2. &hec criteri a : Make sure that the work you are going to
undertake will meet the Department Regulati ons. So check CUED
criteria against any verbal or wri tten descripti on given by the
employer. lf there is any doubt refer to lndustrial Placement Co-
!. -RRI/-0
3. a) Health & Safety at Work
Read the enclosed informati on and then liaise with the
employer to ensure that Health & Safety will be deal t wi th
during your inducti on to the organisati on. Hand over Health
& Safety statement to your supervisor.
b) Show your supervisor your logbook and make them aware
that they will have to complete the review and sign your
summary at some ti me BEFORE your departure.
c) )ill in Placement Summary Page , photocopy or e-mail an
electronic version and send to industri al '
e%peri ence1eng2 cam2 ac2 u2
3+RI.4 P0-&E5E.,
4. a) Record your acti vi ti es in preparati on for your summary.
b) Conduct yoursel f appropri atel y and show respect to your
!. &!5P0E,I!. !) *!+R P0-&E5E.,
5. Complete your own summary and ensure it is signed by your
supervisor or a senior person in the organisati on, before you
leave the premises .
Ensure your review is completed by a suitable person in the
5I&H-E05-S ,ER5
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 3
6. Present completed documentati on to the lndustri al Placement Co-
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page
- to help students to meet certai n course objecti ves.
- to give added understandi ng to academic principles and added
relevance to course work.
- to develop anal ytical, problem solving, practical and presentati on
- to develop an understandi ng of commerci al, ti me, practical and
human restrai nts.
- to develop personal skills in particul ar self management, worki ng in
teams, relati ng effecti vel y to others and customer/cli ent
relationshi ps.
- to develop your careers aspirati ons and assist decision maki ng in
this area.
The exami ners feel that wi thout meeti ng the requi rement you are not
able to graduate as an Engineer wi th Honours from the B.A part of your
*!+R !W. -I5S
A period of lndustrial Experience may enable you to:-
- make certai n aspects of the course more understandabl e.
- appl y skills and knowledge gained on the course.
- make more informed career decisions.
- improve your career profile.
- develop some of your existi ng interests and some new ones
previousl y untried.
- gain confidence and improve your personal skills.
- gain experience of what it is like to be a shop floor worker,
technician or other type of worker.
- earn some money and visi t different places.
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page !
3EP-R,5E.,-0 &RI,ERI-
lndustrial Experience Requirement for the Engineering Tripos & the
Manufacturi ng Engineering Tripos
To obtain Honours in Part lB of the Engineering Tripos a candidate must satisfy
the Examiners that he or she has such workshop or equivalent experience as
shall be determi ned by the Faculty Board of Engineering, and to obtain Honours
in Part llA of the Engineering Tripos, in Part l of the Manufacturi ng Engineering
Tripos and in Part l of the Electrical and lnformati on Sciences Tripos a candidate
must satisfy the Examiners that he or she has such industrial or equivalent
experience as shall be determi ned by the Faculty Board.
The Faculty Board have approved the followi ng requirements:
Engineering Tripos Part lB
)our wees of relevant industri al e%peri ence2
Engineering Tripos Part llA, Manufacturi ng Engineering Tripos Pt. llA,
)our addi ti onal wees of rel evant industri al e%peri ence or, for a
student who has not been a candi dat e for Part IB of the Engineeri ng
Tripos, four weeks of rel evant industri al experi ence.
Relevant industrial experience is defined as any work of an engineeri ng nature
involving other people in an engineering environment, except where the work is
only computer programmi ng of a routine nature. lt may involve design,
development, manufacturi ng, constructi on or research work, provided that this
includes interaction with the work of others on an engineeri ng subject.
l. Practical training in the use of tools in an engineeri ng training workshop
will be acceptable for one period of four weeks of relevant industrial
experience whether for Part lB or for the Engineering Tripos Part llA,
Manufacturi ng Engineering Tripos Part l and Electrical and lnformat i on
Sciences Tripos Part l but not for both the required periods.
2. Computer programmi ng of a routine nature means programmi ng which
uses only standard spreadsheets or other similar standard software. The
development of new programs for engineeri ng analysis is not considered
to be routine programmi ng.
3. Any dispute concerning the interpretati on of these requirements will be
determi ned by appeal to the Head of the Depart ment of Engineering
whose decision will be final.
Confirmat i on is required from an authorised officer of the company or institut i on
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page "
that the industrial experience has been obtained. This should preferabl y be in
the form of a signed up logbook. This writ ten confirmati on of the work should be
presented by the candidate to Mr l Wowk, the lndustrial Experience Co-ordinator,
who can also supply pro- forma logbooks. Mr Wowk has an office on the second
floor Centre Wing of the Baker Building Room BC3-07. He may be contacted on
0l223 332778 for an appoint ment and he holds a comprehensi ve database of
suitable companies which may be accessed at any time in working hours. He is
also available via electronic mail: or industri al-
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page #
HE-0,H -.3 S-)E,*
HE-0,H -.3 S-)E,* 0-W
Various acts cover Health and Safety ( H & S ) , mainl y the Health and Safety at
Work Act (l974). lt ensures that the company should:
l. have a writ ten H & S Policy available for inspection.
2. be registered with the Health and Safety Executi ve or Local Authori t y
Environment al Health Depart ment.
3. undertake risk assessments in all appropriate areas of work.
4. have a formal procedure for recording accidents.
3+RI .4 *!+R P0-&E5E.,
l. lf you are asked to handle or operate any equipment make sure you
- full operational instructi ons.
- awareness training on potential hazards.
- emergency procedures if appropriate.
2. Make sure you are eligible by law to operate machinery or equipment e.g.
forklift truck drivers require appropriate training and certification.
3. lf you have any problem with the Health and Safety aspects of your
placement, raise them initiall y with your workplace supervisor, appointed
Safety Officer or management.
4. lf you have any concerns about Health & Safety on your placement which
cannot be resolved by the organisation, you should contact the lndustrial
Placement Co-ordinator (lgor Wowk, tel: +44 (0)0l223 332778) or
alternati vel y the Deputy Head of Depart ment (Teaching) currentl y Dr
Simon Guest, tel: +44 (0)l223 332625
W!R6I .4 -(R!-3
You are strongl y advised to take out appropriate Travel and Medical lnsurance if
you are going to work abroad, particularl y if you are a E.U citizen working
anywhere outside the member states, or you are a non E U citizen working in
another E U country outside the UK.
Many countries have reciprocal health arrangements especiall y inside the
European Union, which for UK & E U citizens will be covered by the European
Health lnsurance Card (EHlC).
For students working abroad it is suggested that they check with the Foreign
Embassy of the country they are intendi ng to visit.
For Foreign students returning to their own country they should check with the
equivalent of the Depart ment of Employment (in the UK) as to the appropriate
Each country has a Governmental organisation with the responsibili t y for Health
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page $
& Safety.
S,+3E., P0-&E5E., S-)E,* I.3+&,I!.
This student safety checklist for placement students is for guidance. All
on site safety requi rements 5+S, be adhered to. Below are items you
need to be made aware of.
l. Means of fire evacuati on from work area/buil di ng
2. Fire evacuati on and assembl y points
3. Location of fire alarm call points and exti nguishers
4. First Aider and first aid facili ti es, accident reporti ng
5. Personal Protecti ve equipment where issued (wi th instructi on
as required) (You have a duty to report any damage, loss or
defects of issued items to your local supervisor )
6. Housekeepi ng, toilet facili ties, locations where you
can/cannot eat and drink
7. Observati on of safety signs e.g. noise areas, safety specs etc
8. Transport movement on site e.g. fork lift truck
9. The known local safety hazards applicable to a process or
l0. Check if relevant Risk and C.O.S.H.H assessments available
ll. Permi ts to operate/work where applicable
l2. I) ,HERE IS -.*,HI .4 -(!+, HE-0,H -.3 S-)E,*
*!+ -RE .!, S+RE !) ,HE. -S6, .E/ER -SS+5E
Under Sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act l974 all
employees have a duty as follows:-
lt shall be the duty of every employee while at work:
(a) to take reasonable care of the health and safety of
HI5SE0)7HERSE0) and of !,HER PERS!.S who may be
effected by her/his acts or omissions at work.
(b) as regards and duty or requi rement imposed on his/her employer
or any other person by or under any of the statutory provisions, to
co-operate with him/her so far as is necessary to enable that duty
or requi rement to be performed or complied wi th.
No person shall intenti onall y or recklessly interfere wi th or misuse
anythi ng provi ded in the interest of Health, Safety or Welfare in
pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions.
lt is important that you ensure -00 items on the checklist and any other
local heal th and safety concerns are explai ned to/and understood by you.
Please remember item l2, the organisations would rather you asked than
assumed .
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page %
3!&+5E.,I .4 *!+R P0-&E5E.,
P-R, !.E 8 Pages 9 : $; < =
You must provi de a descripti on of your period of work (maxi mum three
A4 pages). You may hand wri te it or produce an electronic version.
However you must produce a hard copy & the signature must be
original 2
The account should contai n the followi ng details:
- an outline of the company' s acti vi ti es, in particular the engineeri ng
aspects of their operati on.
- a descripti on of the project or programme of work you were
invol ved wi th.
- your role in the above activi ti es, what you did and how you did it
and what the outcome was.
- your relationshi ps wi th the other engineers.
- a summary of what you fel t you learnt.
- it must be signed by your supervisor or someone in a senior
position in the organisati on familiar with your work.
More detailed informati on, graphs, drawi ngs and photographs should be
maintai ned in the form of appendices or a separate notebook.
P-R, ,W! 8 Pages $> : $? < =
This should be filled in by the employer and is a chance for you to gain
some useful feedback on your performance. lt is suggested that you
arrange a suitabl e ti me shortl y before the completi on of your period of
lndustrial Experience for your employer to SI4. P-R, !.E and
&!5P0E,E P-R, ,W!2
.!,E= Some compani es may have their own reporti ng systems, these
are acceptable, provi di ng they contai n the followi ng:
a summary of your placement signed by the employer,
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 1&
the dates.
The organisati on' s address and contact points, includi ng your
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 11
P-R, !.E=
On commencement of your placement, or as soon
as possible after commencement, please complete
the next page (page l0 - Placement summary) and
return a copy to the lndustrial placement Co-
ordinator at the address given below.
lf you have already commenced your lndustrial
Experience Placement, complete the next page
and return it to the address below.
lf you have completed the log book retrospectivel y
fill in the Placement Summary section and provide
a copy for the lndustrial Placement Co-ordinator for
CUED records.
Ensure that all the details are complete on
termi nation of your placement, in particular the
dates which some students are inclined to forget.
Send a copy of
PAGE to:
I4!R W!W6 lndustrial Placement Co-ordinator,
Engineering Depart ment University of Cambridge,
Trumpington Street, CAMBRlDGE, CB2 lPZ
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 12
P0-&E5E., S+55-R*
*!+R .-5E=
&!00E4E= *E-R !) E.,R*=
P0-&E5E., 3E,-I0S
.-5E !) E5P0!*ER= ,E0EPH!.E .!=
FU P!"T# #$$%E"" !F E&P!'E%(
)!*T#)T+"UPE%,I"!%-" *#&E(
E&#I #$$%E"" !F T/E #B!,E(
WE( SI,E 8I) -PP0I&-(0E<=
$< S,-R, 3-,E= "< &!5P0E,I!. 3-,E=
!+,0I.E !) PR!P!SE3 -&,I/I,IES
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 13
Pl eas e send thi s page to indus t ri al - experi e nc e e n g ! c a "! a c ! u# $e% or e &ou
st art &our place "e nt or a! s! a! p! a%t er co""e nc e "e n t '
P0-&E5E., Report =
DATE: SlGNED (Student):
DATE: SlGNED (Supervisor):
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 1

DATE: SlGNED (Student):
DATE: SlGNED (Supervisor):
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 1!
l certi fy that this accuratel y summarises the work undertaken on
placement by:
Student' s Name: College:
Supervisors Name: Position:
Signature: Date:
P0E-SE E.S+RE E5P0!*ER 3E,-I0S !. ,HE
P0-&E5E., S+55-R* P-4E, -RE &!5P0E,E3
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 1"
(E)!RE SI4.I.4 -(!/E2
P-R, ,W!= S6I00S7-(I0I,IES 4+I3-.&E .!,ES
PE#"E I*$I)#TE T/E &!"T #PP%!P%I#TE $E")%IPTI!* F!% E#)/
-,,I,+3E ,! W!R6
Will the trai nee as for more wor or loo for @obs to doA
l. Hard worki ng, strong enthusiasm for the job.
2. lnterested in most aspects of work, makes efforts to improve standards.
3. Shows some enthusiasm, a steady approach to routine work.
4. Does what is required but can be without interest or enthusiasm.
5. Reluctant to work, lacking interest or enthusiasm.
!+,P+, !) W!R6
3oes the level of wor produced fit the trai neeBs level of e%peri ence
and nowl edgeA
l. Outstandi ng in the amount of work he/she does.
2. Gets through a great deal of work.
3. Output satisfactory.
4. Does rather less than expected.
5. Output regularl y insufficient.
!R4-.ISI .4 -.3 P0-..I .4 -(I0I,IES
3oes the trai nee have the abili ty to organise his7her wor effecti vel y or
is supervision reCui red to ensure deadl i nes are metA
l. Shows high degree of initiati ve with organising his/her work load.
2. Can safely be left in charge to moni tor own work load.
3. ls able to organise work with minor instructi ons.
4. Works well with direction, can show signs of planning abilities.
5. Needs someone to organise work for them.
-,,I,+3E ,! W!R6I .4 I. 4R!+PS
3oes the trai nee en@oy7 pref er wori ng alone or wi th othersA
l. Participates fully and effectivel y as a team member.
2. Sensitive to role of others - contributes occasionall y to team effort.
3. Understands own role and relationship to other group members.
4. Performs own role adequatel y, but not aware of effect on the group effort.
5. Does not comprehend need for co-operation and prefers to work alone.
S-)E,* -W-RE.ESS
3oes the student underst and the need for safety regul at i ons and act
responsi bl yA
l. Always observes and applies high standard of safety.
2. Works safely, exercises caution with unknown factors.
3. Works safely under supervision.
4. Has shown little safety awareness.
5. A careless atti tude to safety.
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 1#
S6I00S7-(I0I,IES 4+I3-.&E .!,ES
SPEE3 !) 0E-R.I .4
!nce you have e%pl ai ned a tas, are you confi dent that trai nee is able
to carry out the worA
l. An exceptionall y quick learner.
2. A quick learner.
3. Learning abili ty satisfactory.
4. Unable to comprehend some instructions.
5. Has difficul t y grasping new concepts.
D+-0I,* !) W!R6
&an you e%pect wor to be done to a set standard or do you need to
chec everyt hi ngA
l. Distinguished for accurate and thorough work.
2. Maintains a high standard.
3. Work is generall y of good quali ty.
4. Quality is inconsistent.
5. lnaccurate and slovenly in his/her work.
SE0) &!.)I3E.&E
3oes the trai nee realise his7her abili ti esA
l. Has positive and confident approach to work/new tasks.
2. Confident on routine work, cautious with new work.
3. Well- practised tasks confident, very cautious with new work.
4. Works well but lack of confidence impairs performance.
5. Potentiall y useful worker but lacks self confidence.
W!R6I .4 WI,H PE!P0E I. -+,H!RI,*
How does the trai nee respond to authori t yA
l. lnspires confidence and communicates well.
2. Works well with those in authori t y.
3. Lacks some confidence in communi cati ng with authori t y.
4. Responds to direction but does not communicate well.
5. Tends to show negative atti tude to those in authori t y.
When late, does the trai nee give genui ne reasons for latenessA
l. Always on time, someti mes early, very reliable.
2. Usually reliable, only occasional lapses.
3. Fairly reliable, sees need for punctuali t y.
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 1$
4. Has difficul t y in keeping ti me, sees need for promptness.
5. Very unreliable, does not see need for being on time
S,+3E., PER)!R5-.&E
Your opportuni t y to say a few words outli ni ng the student' s strengths
and weaknesses.
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 1%
l would like to confirm that you have obtained a sufficient amount of the
appropriate type of lndustrial Experience for you to meet the
Department al criteria for the followi ng Tripos indicated below:-
Engineeri ng Part $(

Engineeri ng Part II-
5anufacturi ng Engineeri ng Part $$-

lf all boxes are ticked, there are no further requi rements for you to meet
in respect of lndustri al Experience for the CUED course.
There are no obligatory requi rements in order to complete your final year
(M. Eng) of studies. However M E T students usuall y complete an
industri al project in the Easter term and for Engineeri ng students there is
the possibili ty that the final year project may be undertaken in
conjuncti on wi th an industri al partner and be preceded by some
preli mi nary work during the summer vacati on between Year 3 & Year 4.
Signed: _____________________ Date:
To be Signed by lGOR WOWK
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 2&
Igor W!W6
Industrial Placement Co- ordinator
To whom it may concern:

Engineeri ng
3epart ment
Date: June l8, 20l4
When replying please quote:
You have kindly agreed to take one of our Undergraduate Engineering students ,
into your organisation for a period of work on your premises. ln order to prepare
our students for the placement, they have been briefed on Health and Safety
matters during the academic year and have been issued with a checklist to
remind them of the basic responsibili ti es of both parties. You should be aware
that this is the student ' s first major engineering type placement and therefore
we ask you to give your close attention to the followi ng matters:
We expect that you compl y with all the current relevant Health & Safety
legislation that affects your organisation and once a student is on your
premises he or she will be given the temporary status of "employee" in
respect of Health & Safety.
We give students a briefing on Health & Safety at work, which can only
cover points of a general nature. We request that you would induct the
student as you would any "new employee" and indicate any hazards that
specificall y relate to your operations, which could affect the student.
We request that you give particular attention to the level of awareness of
the student when making any risk assessment, and where necessary,
provide suitable supervision, training & personal, protecti ve equipment if
Hopefull y all the above matters are straightforward, however if there are any
points that give you any concern, please contact me immediatel y and let me
Yours Sincerel y,
lgor WOWK
Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 21
,rumpi ngton Street , &-5(RI34E, +262
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Depart ment of Engineeri ng INDUSTRIAL LOGBOOK - Page 22

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