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What does it take to drive out demons? Authority!

As we can see in Mark 1:27, "And they

were all amazed, insomuch that they uestioned amon! themselves sayin!, What thin! is
this? what new doctrine is this? "or with authority commandeth he even the unclean
s#irits , and they do o$ey him%"
&ha#lain Mark '% (tevens, M%Min
)ew *ersey +nstitute o" ,heolo!ical (tudies
A -.+/0 ,1 /02+304A)&0 M+)+(,45
&ha#ter 1ne 6 ,he 7asics 8+nner 'ealin!9
&ha#ter ,wo 6 /emonolo!y
&ha#ter ,hree 6 &astin! 1ut /emons
&ha#ter :our 6 ;re#aration
&ha#ter :ive 6 4eady "or /eliverance
&ha#ter (i< 6 7itterness
&ha#ter (even 6 /emons and ;ro#erty
&ha#ter 0i!ht 6 (tron!holds
&ha#ter )ine 6 Witchcra"t
&ha#ter ,en 6 = and A on /eliverance
&'A;,04 1)0
;illars to +nner 'ealin!
Position yourself to be healed!
+ like how 'enry Wri!ht, who is an e<#ert at inner healin!, $reaks down the three
essentials that are necessary to #ositionin! ourselves to receive healin!% Much o" what
'enry was s#eakin! a$out concerned #hysical healin!, $ut + $elieve it also a##lies to
emotional healin! as well% 'avin! a ri!ht relationshi# with -od, yoursel", and others, is
vital when #ositionin! yoursel" to receive inner healin!% + would like to $reak down each
one o" these here, as they are very im#ortant to any$ody who is seekin! healin! "rom
emotional wounds%
1. Having the right relationship with God
+n order to $e healed, you must have a relationshi# with the healer% +>m not talkin! a$out
$ein! $orn a!ain, $ut actively havin! a relationshi# with 'im% Many &hristians have what
we call a reli!ion with -od, not a relationshi#% 4eli!ion seeks to earn it>s "avor with -od,
whereas relationshi# acce#ts what -od>s Word says a$out their $ein! made the
ri!hteousness o" -od throu!h their "aith in &hrist 8see 4omans ?:229% ,his doesn>t mean
that we can live like the world, as that is unacce#ta$le "or a mem$er o" the royal "amily
in the kin!dom o" -od% 7ut it means that when we>re livin! "or &hrist, #lacin! our "aith in
'im, and honorin! 'im in our li"e, then we need to stand on what -od>s Word tells us
a$out how we are *usti"ied 8made innocent, as i" we>ve never sinned9, "or!iven our sins,
and made ri!ht with 'im 8see 4omans ?:2@9% We need to let -od>s Word sink into our
hearts when it tells us a$out our conscience $ein! #ur!ed "rom dead works to serve the
livin! -od 8see 'e$rews A:1@9, and that throu!h the 7lood we can have con"idence to
enter the holy o" holies 8see 'e$rews 1B:1A9%
,he 'oly (#irit has s#oken to me clearly a$out this "act: Cnowin! that your sins are
"or!iven, and you are made ri!ht with -od, is a$solutely necessary or essential to "reely
receive emotional healin!% ,he only way that you will reach that #lace is when you #ut your
total and com#lete trust in the 7lood o" Desus, knowin! that it was shed "or the remission
or removal o" your sins 8see Matthew 2E:2F9% :or more in"ormation on the 7lood o" Desus,
and how it is enou!h to "or!ive all o" your sins, $e sure to read my teachin! on ,he 7lood
is 0nou!h and also ,he :or!iveness o" (ins %
Religion is an enemy of inner healing
/ead reli!ion is a terri$le #la!ue that hinders the healin! o" many emotional wounds%
4eli!ion does not connect you with the healer 8the 'oly (#irit9, $ut actually hinders 'is
work in our lives% 4eli!ion #romotes "ear, #ride, and le!alism, which is an enemy to the
healin! #rocess% /ead reli!ion creates an atmos#here where de"ense mechanisms thrive%
/e"ense mechanisms such as stu$$ornness and an!er, are there to #rotect us "rom
"urther harm, $ut at the same time, they actively hinder or even $lock the 'oly (#irit>s
#ower "rom healin! our wounds% +t is im#ortant "or us to understand and overcome
de"ense mechanisms i" a #erson is !oin! to receive healin! to their dama!ed emotions% +
have a teachin! *ust on /e"ense Mechanisms that + hi!hly recommend readin! to learn
more a$out what they are, and what to do a$out them%
:ear and un"or!iveness are the most #o#ular !lues that hold to!ether de"ense
mechanisms% /ead reli!ion is "ear $ased, whereas relationshi# is "aith and love $ased%
-od>s Word tells us that love casts out all "ear 8see 1 Dohn @:1F9% Many today are a"raid
o" -odG they are a"raid that 'e is disa##ointed or even an!ry with them and may not $e
ea!er to "or!ive them% ,his is dead reli!ion, and creates "ear which $rin!s torment 8see 1
Dohn @:1F9% 'ow are you su##osed to healed, i" you>re in $onda!e to "ear and $ein!
tormented? ,hrou!h a !enuine relationshi# 8not reli!ion9 with -od, our "ears will $e!in to
dissolve as we are made #er"ect in love 8see 1 Dohn @:1F9% .n"or!iveness is sel"ish 8-od
will "or!ive us o" even the worse o""enses, why can>t we do the same?9, #ride"ul 8that
#erson wron!ed M09, and is the result o" not trustin! -od 8to take care o" that #erson
"or what they>ve done9% 2ove is the o##osite o" these thin!s 8see 1 &orinthians 1?9% As we
allow -od>s dee# and over"lowin! love and "or!iveness towards us to sink into our hearts,
our un"or!iveness towards others $e!ins to also dissolve% We cannot !ive somethin! that
we>re not receivin!, and we cannot receive -od>s love into our hearts, i" we do not
#ro#erly #erceive it% +t is im#ossi$le "or you to receive love into your heart "rom
some$ody that you #erceive hates you, and the same is true with our a$ility to receive
-od>s love into our hearts% +t is there"ore vital that we have a nonHreli!ious relationshi#
with -od, in order to dissolve our de"ense mechanisms so that we can $e healed
emotionally% 1vercomin! the reli!ious mindset is a very im#ortant ste# to #osition
yoursel" to receive healin! to your dama!ed emotions%
+ $elieve it is sa"e to say that every one o" us have $een or are currently a""ected, to a
certain de!ree, with some dead reli!ion stron!holds in our mind% + have a #ower"ul
teachin! that the 'oly (#irit !ave me on 0<#osin! /ead 4eli!ion that + hi!hly recommend
:or those o" who you who wonder i" -od is an!ry with them, or i" they>ve messed u# too
"ar to $e "or!iven, ;ro#erly #erceivin! our relationshi# with -od is very im#ortant to
#ositionin! ourselves to receive healin! "or our dama!ed emotions% ,he 'oly (#irit has
shown me that a clean conscience is a "undamental #illar to receive inner healin!%
2. Having a right relationship with yourself
Why do + discuss havin! a ri!ht relationshi# with yoursel" $e"ore havin! a ri!ht
relationshi# with others? 7ecause when you have a ri!ht relationshi# with yoursel", havin!
a ri!ht relationshi# with others comes much more naturally% 'ow can you truly love
others, i" you don>t truly love yoursel"? + have a teachin! titled +t>s 3ital to 2ove
5oursel" that + hi!hly recommend readin!% +t is not a lovin! yoursel" as in a sel"ish and
#ride"ul manner, $ut rather a hum$le acce#tance o" the #erson that -od has made in you%
(el"Hhate is one o" the most $indin! emotions that we encounter in the ministry o"
deliverance% ,here is no dou$t whatsoever that this is one o" the most destructive #lans
o" (atan a!ainst the children o" -od% ,he "act is that when we hate ourselves, we are
hatin! some$ody that -od made with 'is own hands, created in 'is ima!e, and #urchased
the redem#tion o" with the $lood o" 'is dear (on %
+ assure you that such hate o#ens us ri!ht u# to tormentin! evil s#irits% +t !ives them
#ermission to act on our $ehal" a!ainst this #erson to whom we hate 8us9% (cores o"
mental and #hysical in"irmities are rooted in sel"Hhate% (el"Hhate is when we hate the
#erson in us that -od has created and loves dearly% We are hatin! -od>s s#ecial creation
in us, and evil s#irits will assuredly team u# with us whenever we take on this attitude%
2et>s say that you walked into a !allery, and #ointed at a #aintin! and said, ",hat sure is
u!ly! Who #ainted ,'A,?" 2et me ask you, would that $rin! !lory and honor to the #ainter
o" that #aintin!? /o you think it $rin!s honor and !lory to -od, when we #oint at 'is
#aintin!s, and consider them u!ly, stu#id, worthless, and o" little value? 1ne day the 'oly
(#irit s#oke to me very clearly and said, "+ want you to love and a##reciate the work o"
my hands, and that includes you, "or you were made in my ima!e!" + also heard the words
echo in my mind, "When you hate yoursel", you are hatin! some$ody that + made%"
'avin! a ri!ht relationshi# with yoursel" is really a matter o" seein! yoursel" as -od sees
you, and a!reein! with 'is Word a$out the #erson that 'e has made in us% +t is not a
#ride"ul or arro!ant way o" seein! yoursel", $ut rather a hum$le and thank"ul e<#ression
o" the !reat and wonder"ul #erson that -od made in you%
+ cannot tell you how much "reedom and healin! that + have received once + !ras# the
conce#t o" how sel"Hhate is a terri$le #oison that o#ens many sincere &hristians u# to
terri$le mental and #hysical in"irmities% 7ein! released "rom sel"Hhate has an enormous
a""ect on the healin! #rocess "or many who $ound with various emotional and #hysical
3. Having a right relationship with others
Are you out o" relationshi# with others in your heart? Are you holdin! a !rud!e or "ailin!
to love others as &hrist has loved you? ,hen you are not in ri!ht relationshi# with -od
either% Desus warned us that i" we do not "or!ive others "rom our hearts, that our own
sins stand $etween us and the :ather 8see Matthew E:1I9 $ut we are also !ivin! le!al
!rounds to tormentin! s#irits to o#erate in our lives 8see Matthew 1F:?@H?I9%
:or i" ye "or!ive men their tres#asses, your heavenly :ather will also "or!ive you:
7ut i" ye "or!ive not men their tres#asses, neither will your :ather "or!ive your
Matthew E:1@H1I
And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should #ay all
that was due unto him% (o likewise shall my heavenly :ather do also unto you, i" ye
"rom your hearts "or!ive not every one his $rother their tres#asses%
Matthew 1F:?@H?I
2et me ask you this, how can we e<#ect to receive healin! "or our dama!ed emotions, when
we are se#arated "rom -od 8our sins stand $e"ore us9, and we are in the territory o"
tormentin! s#irits? +" you want to #osition yoursel" to receive healin!, then you>ll want to
$e in ri!ht standin! $e"ore -od% Desus tells us that i" we "or!ive others, then we
ourselves will $e "or!iven 8see Matthew E:1@9% ,hat is a #romise!
'avin! our hearts clean "rom any un!odly "eelin!s towards others is vital to receive
healin! "or our dama!ed emotions% The root of unforgiveness has to do with a la! of
trust in God. ,he reason that a #erson holds so ti!htly to un"or!iveness is $ecause they
"eel like they are the only one who is concerned a$out *ustice comin! to that #erson who
wron!ed them% ,hey do not $elieve that -od is !oin! to ensure that *ustice ha##ens%
-od>s Word tells us to !ive #lace to wrath so that 'e can do somethin! a$out what was
done a!ainst us, $ut i" we take it into our own hands, we "ail to !ive #lace to wrath, and
can actually hinder -od "rom doin! somethin! a$out it% /o we want the #erson o"" our
hook, or -od>s? ,hen we need to handle thin!s the way that -od has commanded o" us in
'is Word%
1ne o" the keys to livin! a li"e o" "or!iveness, is !ettin! it down into your s#irit that -od
truly cares "or you and what is done a!ainst you, and will $rin! *ustice to those who wron!
us as we trust 'im with those situations%
&'A;,04 ,W1
7asic 7i$lical /emonolo!y
,his teachin! will !ive you a $asic look into the world o" demons accordin! to the 7i$le%
As you know, the 7i$le is the sa"est and most relia$le $ook to turn to when seekin!
knowled!e on the s#iritual realm%
"arious funtions of demons
,here>s di""erent s#irits that cause di""erent kinds o" #ro$lems in a #ersons li"e, some
a""ectin! the #erson #hysically while others mentally and some !ive #eo#le s#ecial occult
#owers or a$ilities%
#$ample of physial influene% 2uke 1?:11,1E, "And, $ehold, there was a woman which had
a s#irit o" in"irmity ei!hteen years, and was $owed to!ether, and could in no wise li"t u#
hersel"%%% And ou!ht not this woman, $ein! a dau!hter o" A$raham, whom (atan hath
$ound, lo, these ei!hteen years, $e loosed "rom this $ond on the sa$$ath day?" Also see
Matthew A:??, "And when the devil was cast out, the dum$ s#ake : and the multitudes
marveled, sayin!, +t was never so seen in +srael%"
#$ample of mental &inluding soulish' spiritual' et.( influene% 2uke F:27,?I, "And
when he went "orth to land, there met him out o" the city a certain man, which had devils
lon! time, and wore no clothes, neither a$ode in any house, $ut in the tom$s%%% ,hen they
went out to see what was doneG and came to Desus, and "ound the man, out o" whom the
devils were de#arted, sittin! at the "eet o" Desus, clothed, and in his ri!ht mind : and
they were a"raid%" Also see Matthew 17:1I,1F, "2ord, have mercy on my son: "or he is
lunatic , and sore ve<ed: "or o"ttimes he "alleth into the "ire, and o"t into the water%%%
And Desus re$uked the devil G and he de#arted out o" him: and the child was cured "rom
that very hour%" ,he word lunatic here translates "rom the ), -reek word seleniazomai
and means to $e crazy or moonstruck 8mentally ill9%
#$ample of torment from evil spirits% +n 1 (amuel 1E:1@ we "ind that Cin! (aul was
tormented mentally $y evil s#irit8s9, ")ow the (#irit o" the 214/ had le"t (aul, and the
214/ sent a tormentin! s#irit that "illed him with de#ression and "ear%" 8)2,9 Also see
Matthew 1I:22, "And, $ehold, a woman o" &anaan came out o" the same coasts, and cried
unto him, sayin!, 'ave mercy on me, 1 2ord, thou son o" /avidG my dau!hter is !rievously
ve<ed with a devil%" ,o $e ve<ed means to $e tormented, trou$led or shaken $y an evil
#$ample of oult spirits% +n Acts 1E:1E, we are told o" a youn! !irl who had a s#irit that
allowed her to tell "ortunes, "And it came to #ass, as we went to #rayer, a certain damsel
#ossessed with a s#irit o" divination met us, which $rou!ht her masters much !ain $y
soothsayin!:" (oothsayin! re"ers to "ortune tellin!% Also see /euteronomy 1F:11, "1r a
charmer, or a consulter with "amiliar s#irits, or a wizard, or a necromancer%" and 2eviticus
1A:?1, "4e!ard not them that have "amiliar s#irits, neither seek a"ter wizards, to $e
de"iled $y them: + am the 214/ your -od%"
,here>s also other kinds o" s#irits in the demonic kin!dom as well, includin! rulers,
#rinci#alities, etc%
)emons have different names
,he 7i$le also re"ers to demons with s#eci"ic names that relate to their "unction, "or
e<am#le, in 2uke 1?:11 we are told o" a s#irit o" in"irmity who caused a woman to $e $ent
over, and in Acts 1E:1E we are told o" a youn! !irl who had a s#irit o" divination that
allowed her to tell "ortunes%
"arious strengths of demons
*ome demons re+uire more than simply a ommand to drive them out% Matthew 17:1@H
21, "And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneelin!
down to him, and sayin!, 2ord, have mercy on my son: "or he is lunatic, and sore ve<ed: "or
o"ttimes he "alleth into the "ire, and o"t into the water% And + $rou!ht him to thy
disci#les, and they could not cure him% ,hen Desus answered and said, 1 "aithless and
#erverse !eneration, how lon! shall + $e with you? how lon! shall + su""er you? $rin! him
hither to me% And Desus re$uked the devilG and he de#arted out o" him: and the child was
cured "rom that very hour% ,hen came the disci#les to Desus a#art, and said, Why could
not we cast him out? And Desus said unto them, 7ecause o" your un$elie" : "or verily + say
unto you, +" ye have "aith as a !rain o" mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain,
4emove hence to yonder #laceG and it shall removeG and nothin! shall $e im#ossi$le unto
you% 'ow$eit TH,* -,.) !oeth not out $ut $y #rayer and "astin! %"
)ow Desus> disci#les were re!ular deliverance ministers, and had cast out many demons
8Mark E:1?9, $ut when they reached >this kind>, they were una$le to cast it out $ecause
o" their lack o" "aith% Desus clearly staked out this kind o" demon and told us that more
than *ust commandin! this kind to leave is needed% 0ven i" it were *ust #rayer that was
needed%%% nowhere else that + am aware o" in the ), are we told to >#ray> $e"ore a normal
deliverance% Desus however made it clear that you>d $etter $e #rayed u# $e"ore tryin! to
cast >this kind> o" demon out% A##arently, this demon had #ro#erties 8stren!th or
stu$$ornness9 that reuired somethin! more 8#rayerJ"astin!J"aith9 than the avera!e
demon to drive out%
"arying wi!edness of demons
As Matthew 12:@I #oints out, demons can clearly vary in wickedness too, ",hen !oeth he,
and taketh with himsel" seven other s#irits more wicked than himsel" , and they enter in
and dwell there: and the last state o" that man is worse than the "irst% 0ven so shall it $e
also unto this wicked !eneration%"
Hierarhy of demons
As stated a$ove, there is o$viously di""erent stren!ths o" demons that we can encounter
durin! a deliverance% ,here>s also evidence o" demon hierarchy 8ranks o" demons9 in the
7i$le as well%
Acts 1B:?F, "'ow -od anointed Desus o" )azareth with the 'oly -host and with #ower:
who went a$out doin! !ood, and healin! all that were o##ressed o" the devil G "or -od was
with him%"
;ro#erly translated "rom ), -reek to modern 0n!lish, it is actually tellin! us that to $e
o##ressed o" the devil is to have an order o" demons 8MerriamHWe$ster dictionary re"ers
us to celestial hierarchy9 e<ercised a!ainst us% +" we look u# celestial hierarchy, it comes
"lat out and tells us that this is s#eakin! o" a traditional hierarchy%
0#hesians E:12 also s#eaks o" this hierarchy when it tells us, ":or we wrestle not a!ainst
"lesh and $lood, $ut a!ainst #rinci#alities , a!ainst #owers , a!ainst the rulers o" the
darkness o" this world, a!ainst s#iritual wickedness in hi!h #laces%"
/ultiple demons in the same person
+t is not uncommon "or a #erson to have more than one demon when they are #ossessed%
Mark 1E:A, ")ow when Desus was risen early the "irst day o" the week, he a##eared "irst
to Mary Ma!dalene, out o" whom he had cast seven devils %"
2uke 11:2@,2E, "When the unclean s#irit is !one out o" a man, he walketh throu!h dry
#laces, seekin! restG and "indin! none, he saith, + will return unto my house whence +
came out%%%% ,hen !oeth he, and taketh to him seven other s#irits more wicked than
himsel"G and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state o" that man is worse than
the "irst%"
Mark I:A, "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, sayin!, My name is
2e!ion: "or we are many %"
)emons wor! together
2uke 11:2@,2E, "When the unclean s#irit is !one out o" a man, he walketh throu!h dry
#laces, seekin! restG and "indin! none, he saith, + will return unto my house whence +
came out%%%% ,hen !oeth he, and taketh to him seven other s#irits more wicked than
himsel"G and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state o" that man is worse than
the "irst%"
As we can see, demons can and do communicate with one another and can call in more evil
s#irits into action as well%
Mark I:A, "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, sayin!, My name is
2e!ion 8which meant $etween E,BBB and 7,BBB9: "or we are many%"
+t also seems that they work in harmony to!ether% 0ven thou!h there was several
thousands s#irits in the man at the time, notice that there was no con"usion amon! them
when Desus a##roached them% 1ne o" them took the role as the leader and s#oke "or the
rest o" them and the rest o" them "ollowed the leader>s #lan to enter the #i!s% When the
leadin! s#irit answered >we>, it !ives us a !ood indication that they were workin!
Any$ody who is e<#erienced in this ministry will tell you that it is not uncommon to "ind a
leader s#irit and then a series o" weaker s#irits hidin! out under their leader%
)emons often manifest when they are driven out
+n the 7i$le, there were several times when demons mani"ested as they were driven out
o" a #erson% 'ere are a "ew e<am#les:
0rying out &sreaming( with a loud voie% Mark 1:2E, "And when the unclean s#irit had
torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out o" him%" ;ro#erly inter#reted, the word
cried here actually re"ers to screamin!%
0ause the person to go into a onvulsion% 2uke A:@2, "And as he was yet a comin!, the
devil threw him down, and tore him% And Desus re$uked the unclean s#irit, and healed the
child, and delivered him a!ain to his "ather%" ,he ), -reek "or tore actually means to
>convulse with e#ile#sy%>
1oaming at the mouth% Mark A:2B, "And they $rou!ht him unto him: and when he saw him,
strai!htway the s#irit tore himG and he "ell on the !round, and wallowed "oamin!%"
,he 7i$le doesn>t !ive us a com#lete list o" all the thin!s demons may do when they come
out, not does it claim to, $ut it !ives us some !reat e<am#les to !et us started and !ive
us an idea o" what we can e<#ect% ,he 7i$le is somewhat like a story$ook that shows us
handsHon what it>s like to cast out demons, and we can learn a lot "rom the stories told in
the 7i$le% 'owever, we can>t e<#ect to du#licate a 7i$le story every time a #erson has a
demon cast out either% + #ersonally mani"ested in a way that + don>t think could $e "ound
in the 7i$le when a demon was $ein! cast out o" me one time, and + know o" many other
thin!s that demons do as they come out that + haven>t "ound in the 7i$le% )one the less,
they ha##en and cannot $e denied, and the 7i$le never claims to $e a com#lete instruction
manual that covers everythin! that demons can do as they come out% ,he 7i$le is more
like a story $ook, and $y the stories told in the 7i$le, we can learn much, $ut there>s a
lot that !oes on in the demonic realm that is not s#oken o" in the 7i$le%
&'A;,04 ,'400
&astin! out demons
What is needed to cast out demons? 1ne word%%% authority! Who has such
authority? -od>s children%%% the $elievers! 'ow do we e<ercise our authority?
,hrou!h a s#oken command in "aith directed at the unclean s#irits% ,he more
"aith we have, the more authority we can e<ercise%
*piritual authority
Desus sent us "ourth into the world as 'e was sent "ourth 8Dohn 2B:219, to do the works
'e did 8Dohn 1@:129, and 'e !ave us the authority to do the work at hand 8Mark 1?:?@9%
What does it take to drive out demons? Authority! As we can see in Mark 1:27, "And they
were all amazed, insomuch that they uestioned amon! themselves sayin!, What thin! is
this? what new doctrine is this? "or with authority commandeth he even the unclean
s#irits , and they do o$ey him%" As we can see in 2uke @:?I, Desus was not a"raid to
e<ercise 'is authority either, "And Desus re$uked him, sayin!, 'old thy #eace, and come
out o" him % And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out o" him, and hurt
him not%"
2uke 1B:17H1A, "And the seventy returned a!ain with *oy, sayin!, 2ord, even the devils are
su$*ect unto us throu!h thy name% And he said unto them, + $eheld (atan as li!htnin! "all
"rom heaven% 7ehold, + !ive unto you #ower 8translates to A.,'14+,59 to tread on
ser#ents and scor#ions, and over all the #ower o" the enemy: and nothin! shall $y any
means hurt you%"
)oes every believer have authority over demons2 5es! We are all seated with &hrist in
the heavenly realm 80#h 2:E9, which means we are a$ove the demons in rank o" authority!
Mark 1?:?@ also tells us how we are !iven authority to carry out the work that is laid
$e"ore us% Mark 1E:17 tells us that them who $elieve will $e castin! out demons%
The importane of 3,n the name of 4esus3
How did 4esus5 disiples go about asting out demons2 ,hrou!h 'is name% 2uke 1B:17
tells us, "And the seventy returned a!ain with *oy, sayin!, 2ord, even the devils are
su$*ect unto us throu!h thy name %"
How did the early hurh go about asting out demons2 ,hrou!h 'is name% Acts 1E:1F
tells us a story where ;aul, "turned and said to the s#irit, + command thee in the name o"
Desus &hrist to come out o" her% And he came out the same hour%"
How are the believers today supposed to be asting out demons2 ,hrou!h 'is name% As
we can see in Mark 1E:17, "these si!ns shall "ollow them that $elieveG +n my name shall
they cast out devils%"
6uthority is e$erised through faith
Matthew 17:1AH2B, ",hen came the disci#les to Desus a#art, and said, Why could not we
cast him out? And Desus said unto them, 7ecause o" your un$elie"%%%" 1$viously they had
the authority, $ut they weren>t a$le to use it $ecause their level o" "aith wasn>t hi!h
enou!h to access the level o" authority that needed to $e e<ercised to drive out that
#articular kind o" unclean s#irit% (ome evil s#irits are stron!er and harder to drive out,
and sometimes #rayer and "astin! is necessary to $uild our "aith u# so we can drive them
out, as we can see in the ne<t verse 8219, "'ow$eit this kind !oeth not out $ut $y #rayer
and "astin!%"
As $elievers, we have $een !iven authority in Desus> name to drive out demons% We access
our authority throu!h "aith and e<ercise our authority with a s#oken command directed
at the unclean s#irit% As ;aul clearly demonstrates in Acts 1E:1F, ";aul, $ein! !rieved,
turned and said to the s#irit, + command thee in the name o" Desus &hrist to come out o"
her % And he came out the same hour%"
'ow does all this a##ly to us today? Mark 1E:17 tells us, ",hese si!ns shall "ollow them
that $elieveG +n my name shall they cast out devils%"
&'A;,04 :1.4
/eliverance ;re# 1B1: What you can e<#ect!
;re#arin! some$ody to receive and maintain their deliverance is very
im#ortant% ,his is a $asic list o" thin!s that you mi!ht e<#lain to some$ody
$e"ore you walk them throu!h deliverance% + always like to make sure they
understand what is !oin! on, and not "eel con"used or in darkness over the
#rocess o" deliverance%
)eliverane is often a proess
While deliverance can $e a oneHtime event, it can also $e a #rocess% +" you don>t receive
all your "reedom at once, don>t $e discoura!ed! (ometimes it takes time to di! out all the
*unk in our souls% 1ne session you may address one area o" your li"e, while in another, you
may address $onda!es in another% 1r sometimes you may have several sessions to address
issues in one area o" your li"e% 0ither way, don>t $e discoura!ed% Many times it takes
multi#le sessions $e"ore a #erson is com#letely delivered% (essions can ran!e "rom a "ew
minutes to several hours, de#endin! on the $onda!e that must $e sorted out and worked
)ever $e discoura!ed , $ut kee# #ressin! "orward to receive what Desus #urchased "or
you with 'is $lood on the cross! (ometimes it may even take more than one minister to
$rin! that "reedom, as di""erent ministers may $e more knowled!ea$le in various areas o"
The goal of deliverane is wholeness
+t is easy to think o" the deliverance ministry as a uickH"i<%%% sim#ly castin! out demons
takes away all o" a #erson>s $onda!es% ,he ministry o" deliverance is o"ten a #rocess
which involves more than sim#ly drivin! out the demons% ,here are usually stron!holds to
$e torn down% (ince stron!holds are incorrect thinkin! #atterns, this is done throu!h the
renewin! o" your mind accordin! to the Word o" -od% ,here is o"ten inner healin! that
needs to take #lace as well% + cannot stress how im#ortant it is to #ursue an intimate
relationshi# with the 2ord once you have $een delivered% +" you ne!lect your relationshi#
with -od, the enemy would $e more than ha##y to $e!in "indin! ways to cause you to lose
your new"ound "reedom%
,he #ur#ose o" deliverance is to receive "reedom "rom any hindrances in your li"e that
would kee# you "rom walkin! in the "ullness o" -od>s #lan "or your li"e and your
relationshi# with 'im%
The four elements of deliverane ministry
/eliverance ministry can $e !enerally $roken down into @ !rou#s o" ministry:
2e!al !rounds , as many o" us call them, are $asically thin!s in a #erson>s li"e which are
!ivin! or have !iven a demon the ri!ht to enter or remain in the #erson% .ncon"essed sins,
un!odly soul ties, un"or!iveness, holdin! cursed #ossessions 8occult rin!s, etc%9 and so
"ourth can !ive demons a ri!ht to inha$it and torment a #erson% ,hese le!al !rounds are
removed throu!h re#entance, renunciation, e<tendin! "or!iveness, etc%
(tron!holds are $asically incorrect thinkin! #atterns in your mind% +" you think -od is
an!ry with you, then you will "eel like 'e is 8when nothin! could $e "urther "rom the
truth9% +" you think you are worthless, then you will "eel worthless% (tron!holds are torn
down as you meditate as s#eci"ic areas o" -od>s Word which re#ro!rams your mind to
think di""erently% +" -od sees you as a #recious child o" 'is, and you $e!in to realize and
$elieve that%%% it will chan!e the way you see yoursel" "or e<am#le%
+nner healin! is o"ten reuired when ministerin! to some$ody who has $een a$used, ra#ed
or has $een e<#osed to a traumatic e<#erience% +nner healin! is a workin! o" the 'oly
(#irit and is received as a #erson releases the inner hurt and #ain "rom #ast e<#eriences
and allows the 'oly (#irit to come in and heal those wounds% :or!iveness o"ten #lays a
#art in this releasin! #rocess and is done $y "aith 8even i" you don>t "eel like you could
ever "or!ive some$ody "or the dama!e they>ve done9% 1"tentimes, sel"H"or!iveness needs
to $e received as the #erson is holdin! thin!s a!ainst themsel" which must $e released%
&astin! out demons is where the demons are con"ronted in Desus> name and driven out o"
the #erson% ,his ste# is where the actual demons are e<#elled "rom the #erson and cannot
$e overlooked in most cases% 0ven i" you do "eel a measure o" "reedom a"ter tearin! down
stron!holds and $reakin! u# le!al !rounds, demons may still $e #resent and need to $e
cast out%
7hat you an e$pet during a deliverane
(ometimes you may mani"est a demon, other times it seems like nothin! ha##ens when
they are $ein! e<#elled%
Mild mani"estations o"ten involve cou!hin!, s#ittin! u# #hle!m, $ur#in!, dee# yawnin! or
si!hin!, #ressure or #ain in areas o" your $ody, shakin!, screamin!, etc% +" you "eel these
thin!s comin! at you, don>t resist them%%% let the demons mani"est and come "ourth%
/emons may use your vocal system to s#eak throu!h you to the minister%
(tron!er mani"estations are usually "ound in cases where a #erson is $ein! delivered "rom
severe o##ression, deliverance "rom occult involvement or (atanism% 5ou are o"ten not
conscience when these s#irits mani"est% ,hey can cause your $ody to levitate, #hysically
stru!!le with those #resent "or the deliverance, cause a demonic convulsion, and so
"ourth% +" you have $een involved in ener!y healin!, new a!e #ractices, "alse reli!ions,
witchcra"t, occult, (atanism or other dee#er demonic #ractices, then it doesn>t hurt to
let your minister know in advanced so he or she can have additional su##ort #resent
durin! the deliverance session%
:eelin!s or emotions will o"ten rise u# as s#irits are con"ronted% :or e<am#le, i" we are
dealin! with a s#irit o" !rie", the #erson may e<#erience dee# levels o" !rie" as it is
mani"estin! and $ein! driven out%
5ou may e<#erience loss o" consciousness or #artial loss o" consciousness% As the s#irits
mani"est, some will su##ress your conscious as they mani"est% (ometimes you "eel
drownded out $ut are still aware o" what is ha##enin!% 1ther times nothin! ha##ens alon!
these lines and you are "ully conscience% +" you do "eel yoursel" "allin! into a dee# slee#
sta!e, + wouldn>t try to sto# it%%% it is recommended to allow the demon to come to the
sur"ace where we can deal with it%
/emons may s#eak throu!h you at times to the minister% (ometimes they will sim#ly take
control o" your mouth and s#eak% 5ou may or may not $e aware o" this when it ha##ens,
$ut don>t try to #revent it% +" you hear yoursel" s#ewin! out curses and "oul lan!ua!e
towards your minister, don>t $e ashamed%%% it ha##ens!
(ometimes s#irits can $e stu$$orn and reuire #ersistence to drive them out% +" the
minister re#eatedly con"ronts the same s#irit, don>t worry%%% + o"ten have to s#end a
little time *ust tryin! to !et the demon to come to the sur"ace so + can deal with it%
/emons can resist our authority and there"ore they reuire #ersistent #ressure $e"ore
they coo#erate%
Things not to do during deliverane
,he enemy can try to $om$ard you with dou$t, "ear and make you "eel like you will never
$e set "ree% + advise to "i!ht those "eelin!s as much as you can% (ayin! to yoursel", "+
will never $e set "ree!" is dou$tin! the work that -od is tryin! to "or you and wa!es war
a!ainst your "aith% 5ou mi!ht "ind it hel#"ul to say to yoursel" somethin! alon! the lines
o", "+ resist those "eelin!s and $elieve in the work that Desus is doin! in my li"e!"
+t is im#ortant not to $e a"raid o" the demons% -od is much more #ower"ul, and 'is an!els
are here to assist! We may encounter some stron! s#irits that will resist our authority
8that is why we need to $e #ersistent9, $ut your "reedom has $een #aid "or $y the
#recious 7lood o" &hrist, and we need to stand on that as we con"ront and $attle the
s#irits at hand%
When demons are mani"estin! or $ein! driven out o" you, it is usually $est not to do much
talkin!% (#irits o"ten leave throu!h the #erson>s mouth, and it is true that we can hold
them $ack "rom comin! out i" we o$struct their #assa!eway% +" you "eel somethin! evil
comin! u# your throat, don>t try to sto# it "rom comin! out%%% let it come "ourth!
'an!in! on to your $onda!e can literally kee# you "rom $ein! delivered% +t is im#ortant to
20, -1 and allow the demons to $e released% ,ryin! to remove a s#irit o" "ear while
you>re choosin! in your mind to a!ree with it 8$ein! "ear"ul9 is not an easy task% 5ou need
to $e determined to have "aith in Desus, which is the o##osite o" "ear% 2et those demons
come out%%% let them come to the sur"ace and $e e<#elled%%% don>t hold them $ack!
-eep your minister informed on what is going on
7e"ore your deliverance, while "illin! out the uestionnaire, do you e<#erience any
uncom"orta$le "eelin!s, nervousness, shakin!, etc% while tryin! to answer certain
uestions? +" so, let the minister know what the uestions were $ecause it is likely
arousin! a s#irit in you that doesn>t want those le!al !rounds to $e $roken%
,hrou!hout the deliverance session, the 'oly (#irit may $rin! to your remem$rance a
#ast sin or situation that may have o#ened the door to demons%%% tell your minister a$out
this ri!ht away so they can hel# you remove any le!al !rounds to the s#irits% +" you "eel
the 'oly (#irit sharin! anythin! with you durin! your deliverance, don>t hesitate to share
it with your minister%
5ou are o"ten !oin! to e<#erience thin!s that your minister cannot #erceive or know
a$out% :or e<am#le, #hysical #ain in an area o" your $ody indicates a s#irit mani"estin!% +"
the minister knows where it is, he or she may #lace a 7i$le over that area o" your $ody
and con"ront the s#irit% +" you "eel any discom"ort, #ain or #ressure in your $ody or
con"usion, headache, racin! thou!hts, irrational emotions, etc% risin! u# in your mind, then
it can $e very hel#"ul to let the minister know what is !oin! on% +" you "eel release "rom a
s#irit or "eel somethin! leave you%%% let the minister know% +" you e<#erience any "eelin!s
o" an!er, hate, ra!e, re$ellion, the desire to run out o" the room, etc%, + recommend
tellin! the minister a$out what is ha##enin!% Always try to kee# him or her #osted on
what is !oin! on inside you, unless they are ri!ht in the middle o" castin! it out and you
"eel it is comin! out o" your mouth 8+ mentioned a$ove not to talk or o$struct your
airways as the demons are $ein! e<#elled9%
51. are o"ten the $est #erson to determine whether the s#irit has le"t% /id you "eel a
release or relie" as i" somethin! has le"t you? 2et the minister know! (ometimes they can
!o into hidin! 8to trick you into thinkin! they are !one9 and other times there are
additional s#irits to $e driven out, $ut kee#in! your minister u#dated on what is ha##enin!
is hel#"ul% )ormally s#eakin! thou!h, when you "eel a release, it means that s#irit8s9 had
Have +uestions2 )on5t hesitate to as!!
+t is im#ortant to communicate with your minister while doin! deliveranceG i" there>s
somethin! you don>t understand, don>t hesitate to ask him or her% We may not have all
the answers, $ut + $elieve it is im#ortant to hel# you understand the $est we can%
,f demons return' don5t hesitate to see! freedom again
0very once in a while, a #erson may reHo#en doors to the demons which they were
delivered "rom% When this ha##ens, i" the #erson has re#ented "or any sins committed,
then there is no reason to hesitate seekin! that "reedom a!ain% (ometimes a #erson can
"eel em$arrassed or condemned "or messin! u# a!ain or allowin! the s#irits to reHenter
them% ,his is a tactic o" the enemy to kee# them "rom reHseekin! that "reedom% + do not
*ud!e or condemn those who reHseek that "reedom, $ut rather encoura!e you to do so%%%
it>s your "reedom%%% don>t let the devil reHclaim that area o" your li"e!
&'A;,04 :+30
4eady "or deliverance? What to look "or!
As ministers, it is im#ortant to $e a$le to reco!nize situations where a
#erson is not #re#ared to receive deliverance% 'ere are some im#ortant
!uidelines to kee# in mind when seein! i" they are ready to receive and
maintain their deliverance:
81 6re they a 0hristian2
+" they are not a &hristian, do not even think o" a deliverance session unless the 'oly
(#irit s#eci"ically tells you otherwise% &astin! demons out o" nonH$elievers is unwise as
those s#irits can come $ack 7 times worse%
82 6re they prepared to give up anything neessary to reeive and maintain their
0very now and then, we see #eo#le who are sim#ly seekin! deliverance so that their
#ro$lems will !o away, $ut they are not willin! to !ive u# un!odly thin!s in their li"e to
receive and maintain their deliverance% :or e<am#le, one #erson came to me askin! "or
hel#, $ut was not willin! to sto# livin! a li"estyle o" "ornication% +" they are not willin! to
!ive u# thin!s in their li"e that are !ivin! demonic s#irits le!al !rounds, then they are not
worthy o" or #re#ared to receive the children>s $read 8deliverance9% ,hose demons have a
ri!ht to $e there, and many times we will $e una$le to !et those s#irits to $ud!e% 0ven i"
we do cast them out, they can come ri!ht $ack $ecause they have #ermission to $e there%
83 6re they willing to see! a lose wal! with the 9ord and spend time with Him eah
day after their deliverane' so that they an maintain their deliverane2
A"ter a #erson receives deliverance, it is im#ortant to note that demons o"ten like to reH
a##roach that #erson, and i" they are not on their !uard, those s#irits would love to coa<
the #erson to let them $ack in% +" they aren>t s#endin! time with -od and cultivatin!
their relationshi# with 'im, they will !ive in much easier 8either knowin!ly or unknowin!ly9
and those s#irits could reH!ain their access%
8: 6re they prepared to meditate on ;ible verses and wor! hard to !eep strongholds
torn down2
+n many cases, it is vital "or that #erson to renew their mind 8includin! tearin! down
stron!holds9 $e"ore they are a$le to walk in com#lete "reedom% ,his can take time out o"
their daily lives, and they must $e willin! to "ollow throu!h with this i" they want to make
the most o" their deliverance% /emons not only work to $uild stron!holds in our minds, $ut
they also thrive on them and even use them to reHenter #eo#le! (tron!holds are very
#ower"ul and are a tool in the enemy>s wea#onry%%% we must $e ready to take this tool out
o" his hands!
8< 6re they willing to ommuniate everything in their past with their minister so
that he an identify any issues that must be wor!ed on in order for that person5s
deliverane to be effetive2
(ometimes #eo#le are unwillin! to tell any$ody a$out somethin! they>ve done in their #ast
$ecause it is so em$arrassin!% ,his is a tra# that the devil uses to kee# a #erson "rom
$reakin! "ree% +t is im#ortant to $e a$le to trust the minister with whom you are sharin!
your #ast, $ut on the other hand it is also a very im#ortant ste# in the deliverance
#rocess% ,here are many thin!s that a knowled!ea$le minister can #ick u# on when they
hear a #erson>s #ast% ,hat is how we usually discover stron!holds, le!al !rounds and even
the ty#e o" demons or demon !rou#in!s that are #resent% Cnowin! this hel#s us
e""ectively !o "orth and minister to that #erson%
8= They must be ready to let go of their demon&s(.
(ome #eo#le like holdin! onto their demons $ecause o" the #leasure that s#irit8s9 may
$rin! them% :or e<am#le, incu$us may $rin! a woman much se<ual #leasure at ni!ht, and
there"ore she does not want to !ive it u#, yet she wants delivered "rom the #ro$lems
that it is causin! in her li"e% +" a #erson is not willin! to !ive u# a s#irit, then there is
little we can do to hel# them%
+ must also caution that thou!h a #erson is stru!!lin! in an area o" their li"e, it does not
mean they are not sincere and ready to receive deliverance% +t is im#ortant to discern
whether they are #re#ared to receive deliverance or not, as there will $e times when a
#erson cannot sto# mastur$atin! or cannot sto# lustin!, and yet they want so $adly to $e
set "ree "rom those $onda!es% Dust $ecause they cannot sto# "allin! in that area, does
not mean they are not sincere% +t can mean that the s#irit has such a !ri# on them that
they are #ut under so much #ressure to !ive in, that they can $arely kee# themselves
"rom !ivin! in%
,ake "or e<am#le a s#irit o" re$ellion% +t will cause a #erson to take u# a very re$ellious
#ersonality% 1n the other hand, i" they are wantin! to $e set "ree "rom that, then they
are most likely ready "or deliverance, $ut i" they en*oy their re$ellion and re"use to !ive
it u#, then + uestion whether or not they are ready% ,he same is true with s#irits o"
lust, addiction, etc%, i" they realize the $onda!e they are in and want to $e set "ree, then
+ would move "orward with the deliverance% 7ut i" they tell me that they en*oy their
addiction and lustin! and are not willin! to !ive it u#, then it>s not time to move "orward
8unless the 'oly (#irit directs otherwise9%
)on5t ta!e this to an e$treme
Althou!h it is not a common #ro$lem, + have seen where some deliverance ministers can
$lame the #erson "or not $ein! ready to receive deliverance when they cannot seem to
cast a demon out o" them 8unsuccess"ul deliverance9, or when they would rather not deal
with the #erson or the demons in them% When a deliverance "ails, while it can $e the
#erson>s "ault sometimes, it can also $e several reasons that are $eyond the knowled!e or
understandin! o" the minister 8not all le!al !rounds were removed, not all stron!holds
were addressed, etc%9% 'owever, some ministers use the e<cuse "you>re not sincere" or
"you>re not ready to receive deliverance"% ,his is heart$reakin!, $ecause they are
$lamin! the #erson in $onda!e, #ossi$ly creatin! an even worse situation and "eelin!s o"
"ailure and unworthiness% +t is a shame to see a #erson who is ready "or deliverance $e
denied and told that they are not ready to receive it% +t is im#ortant that we $e a$le to
discern whether or not the #erson is #re#ared to receive deliverance so that we do not
"all into this tra#%
&'A;,04 (+K
4oot o" 7itterness
7itterness is known in the 7i$le as s#iritual #oison and a means $y which many are de"iled
8'e$rews 12:1I9% +t is the source o" countless s#iritual and #hysical #ro$lems in millions
o" lives today% ,he 7i$le tells us that MA)5 are de"iled $y the means o" $itterness%
7itterness can $e tricky to reco!nize $ecause it>s not a sym#tom or visi$le on the sur"ace
like an!er usually is% Many claim that they aren>t an an!ry or hate"ul #erson, $ut that>s
not what $itterness is all a$out% 7itterness is an underlyin! #ro$lem that doesn>t always
mani"est on the outside, $ut dwells in that #erson>s system%
;itterness is a root!
'e$rews 12:1I, "2ookin! dili!ently lest any man "ail o" the !race o" -odG lest any root o"
$itterness s#rin!in! u# trou$le you, and there$y many $e de"iled%"
What is a root? A root is a source, or a $u$$lin! "ountain that is layin! under the
sur"ace% 4oots do not directly mani"est or make themselves known, $ut are a source o"
nutrition or "uel "or other elements that are on the sur"ace% 5ou don>t usually see a #lant
showin! o"" it>s root system, $ut i" the #lant didn>t have a root system it wouldn>t
survive% A root>s *o$ is not to mani"est on the sur"ace, $ut to $rew under the sur"ace and
"uel thin!s that are on the sur"ace%
2et>s take a closer look at a #lants root system%%% where does the roots dwell? .nder the
sur"ace o" the soil% &an every$ody see it>s root system? )o, $ecause it>s hidden under
the soil or sur"ace% ,he same is true with $itterness in a #erson>s soul% +t is a hidden
element that lies under the sur"ace, and out o" it s#rin!s u# an!er and other ne!ative
emotions a!ainst others and a!ainst the circumstances around us% ;eo#le who have a root
o" $itterness "ind it easy to !et u#set over thin!s that other>s are doin! around them%
+t>s like a $rewin! "ountain that lies $eneath the sur"ace, waitin! to "uel somethin! that
is on the sur"ace%
;itterness an be !ept to one5s self
&ountless women who are ra#ed develo# aw"ul emotional and s#iritual $onda!e% +t>s not
$ecause they were ra#ed, $ut $ecause they allowed the trauma to !et to them% Many
women are in $onda!e today $ecause they $ecame $itter under the sur"ace a$out what
was done to them years a!o% + $elieve &linton &lark once said that "rom his o$servation, it
seemed that $oys who are molested $y older men and "or!ave the molester and "or!ot
a$out it ri!ht away, walked away without #ickin! u# unclean homose<ual s#irits, $ut those
who allowed the trauma to $other them walked away with homose<ual s#irits and other
$onda!es% ,hat>s how the demonic s#irits !ain access into a #erson>s li"e throu!h ra#e
and a$use% +t>s not the a$use or ra#e, $ut the $itterness and unhealthy "eelin!s that
$uild u# within a #erson who has $een taken advanta!e o"% /emons thrive on $itterness
and un"or!iveness, and it>s a wide o#en door "or them to move ri!ht in on a #erson and
develo# many s#iritual, mental and even #hysical $onda!es%
)ow many o" these #eo#le who have $een hurt, don>t e<#ress it on the outside, $ut rather
hold the hurt and $itter "eelin!s inside where they "ester and !row% + know women who
have $een ra#ed, and they are kind and !entle and lovin! #eo#le, $ut inside they are $ound
u# $ecause o" what was done to them many years a!o% Dust $ecause they aren>t an!ry or
outra!eous individuals, does not mean they are "ree "rom the root o" $itterness% As +
said earlier, $itterness is a root, and roots are not always visi$le on the sur"ace% ,hey
may #romote un!odly an!er and other emotions on the sur"ace $ut $itterness itsel" works
under the sur"ace%
7itterness is a root, there$y makin! it harder to identi"y and e<#ose than many sur"ace
issues, $ut none the less it>s a deadly #oison that needs to $e released% +" le"t alone, it
will !row and "ester, and it has the a$ility to s#rin! u# many sur"ace issues such as
irrita$ility, an!er, hatred, etc% +ndividuals who have a root o" $itterness will o"ten "ind it
easy to $ecome u#set over little thin!s that !o on around them% +t is easy "or them to
look at the circumstances around them as the source o" their #ro$lems, rather than
seein! how they are handlin! those circumstances% +nstead o" lettin! it !o and "or!ivin!,
they let it !et to them, and it devours them alive% ,his is a very common route $y which
demons enter #eo#le today%
7hether bitterness is manifest on the outside or not does not matter. /ue to the
nature o" $ottled u# "eelin!s and emotions, they are not always made noticea$le on the
sur"ace, $ut that $y no means discounts the "act that they are there% +" there is a root
o" $itterness, it needs to $e cut o"" at the root and removed "rom one>s soul% We need to
make a choice to release all hurt and $ottled u# "eelin!s inside our systems, and re#ent
"or holdin! that #oison in our hearts% ,urn "rom those "eelin!s and "orsake them, and
allow the 2ord>s love to minister to your soul!
&'A;,04 (030)
'aunted 'omes L 2and: /emons inha$itin! #ro#erty
,he 7i$le tells us that *ust as individuals can $ecome s#iritually de"iled, homes and
#ro#erty can also $e de"iled:
2eviticus 1F:2@,2I, "/e"ile not ye yourselves in any o" these thin!s: "or in all these the
nations are de"iled which + cast out $e"ore you: And the land is de"iled: there"ore + do
visit the iniuity thereo" u#on it , and the land itsel" vomiteth out her inha$itants%"
,here are some #eo#le with the !i"t o" s#iritual discernment who when travelin! to
certain countries today, can not !et o"" the #lane and take a $reath o" air without #ickin!
u# on the demonic $onda!e in that country% +n the $ook o" 4evelations, the 7i$le s#eaks
o" how a country or land can $ecome inha$ited with unclean s#irits:
4evelations 1F:2, "And he cried mi!htily with a stron! voice, sayin!, 7a$ylon the !reat is
"allen, is "allen, and is $ecome the ha$itation o" devils , and the hold o" every "oul s#irit ,
and a ca!e o" every unclean and hate"ul $ird%"
2ikewise, land, homes and even $uildin!s can $ecome ha$itations o" demonic s#irits% +n
this area o" the state, there is an old mental hos#ital that is loaded with unclean s#irits%
:rom what + hear, even a !rou# o" those involved with the demonic won>t !o near this
#lace on devils> ni!ht, $ecause it is so haunted% +" you look online "or #ictures o" this
#lace, +>m #retty sure you>ll "ind real #hotos o" !hosts a##earin! in the $uildin!% ,his is
not a *oke%%% my !reat !rand#arents were s#iritualists, and took many #hotos like this that
would show heads o" #eo#le that have $een dead "or years!
1ne #erson who lived in an old "uneral home said that #lace was #ossessed, which was
evident $y stran!e ha##enin!s, o#enin! and slammin! doors, and so "orth% My "ather was
"riends with a deliverance minister who would have a lot o" "un drivin! out s#irits "rom
homes, and he would have demons screamin! at him as he drove them out!
7hat are some of the symptoms of a haunted house2
,here are many si!ns we can look "or in a #ossessed home or $uildin!% (ome o" the thin!s
a #erson can look "or are doors slammin! when no$ody is there, stran!e noises, re#utation
"or calamities 8#eo#le $ein! #ushed down stairs, "inances always $ein! drained, etc%9, the
air seems heavy 8makin! it harder to $reathe9, animals actin! "ear"ul or weird 8do!s
$arkin! like mad "or no reason9, and so "orth% 1"ten some$ody with s#iritual discernment
will o"ten #ick u# on a s#iritual #resence that doesn>t "eel ri!ht% +t>s not uncommon to
visit a home and #ick u# on demonic #resence $e"ore even "indin! out that there was
demonic activity that>s taken #lace there% +>ve #icked u# on somethin! demonic $e"ore
even enterin! a home $e"ore%%% *ust standin! on the #ro#erty is enou!h to sense out an
unclean #resence%
How do homes and land beome haunted2
*ins of the inhabitants% 1ne o" the ways which a #lace can $ecome de"iled is throu!h
the deeds o" its inha$itants% +" thin!s such as seances, voodoo, adultery, homose<uality,
or incest have $een #racticed in a home, then demonic s#irits may inha$it there% ,he
Word o" -od tells us that the deeds o" its inha$itants can de"ile even the land on which
it is #racticed:
2eviticus 1F:2@H2I,27, "/e"ile not ye yourselves in any o" these thin!s: "or in all these
the nations are de"iled which + cast out $e"ore you: And the land is de"iled: there"ore +
do visit the iniuity thereo" u#on it , and the land itsel" vomiteth out her inha$itants%%%
8:or all these a$ominations have the men o" the land done, which MwereN $e"ore you, and
the land is de"iledG9"
Deremiah ?:A, "And it came to #ass throu!h the li!htness o" her whoredom, that she
de"iled the land , and committed adultery with stones and with stocks%"
0zekiel ?E:17, "(on o" man, when the house o" +srael dwelt in their own land, they de"iled
it $y their own way and $y their doin!s : their way was $e"ore me as the uncleanness o" a
removed woman%"
Deremiah 2:7, "And + $rou!ht you into a #lenti"ul country , to eat the "ruit thereo" and
the !oodness thereo"G $ut when ye entered, ye de"iled my land , and made mine herita!e
an a$omination%"
Possession of ursed things% Another means $y which a home can $e de"iled is throu!h
the #ossession o" cursed items, such as idols, occult $ooks, rin!s, satanic sym$ols, and so
"orth% ,he Word o" -od !ives us a !ood indication that #ossessin! idols can #ollute the
land and $rin! a curse u#on it:
0zekiel ?E:1F, "Where"ore + #oured my "ury u#on them "or the $lood that they had shed
u#on the land, and "or their idols wherewith they had #olluted it %"
Deremiah IB:?F, "A drou!ht is u#on her watersG and they shall $e dried u#: "or it is the
land o" !raven ima!es , and they are mad u#on their idols%"
/emons can actually draw #ower 8and le!al ri!ht9 "rom near$y cursed o$*ects, such as
idols, occult items, satanic rin!s, and even demonic #hotos% +t is vital to rid a home or
land "rom such items $e"ore dedicatin! it to the 2ord and drivin! out the unclean s#irits%
,he 7i$le lets us know clearly that #hysical items can indeed carry s#iritual value:
/euteronomy 7:2E, ")either shalt thou $rin! an a$omination into thine house , lest thou
$e a cursed thin! like it: $ut thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly a$hor itG
"or it is a cursed thin! %"
How do you leanse a home or land2
,he "irst ste# to cleansin! a home, $uildin!, church or #ro#erty, is to !et rid o" any
cursed items that it is #ossessin!% +" there are occult $ooks, 1ui*a $oards, crystal $alls,
new a!e drawin!s, dream catchers or other items used to !lori"y (atan han!in! around,
then they need to !o% Dust like we need to $reak u# le!al !rounds in a #erson $e"ore
castin! out their demons, it is also vital to $reak u# le!al !rounds in our homes, $uildin!s,
churches and land $e"ore drivin! out the demons% +t is very hel#"ul to #ray and ask the
2ord to reveal any unclean items that must $e taken out% ,he 'oly (#irit is !reat at
revealin! thin!s that we would never think o"! 'ere are a "ew e<am#les o" items that
usually carry accursed value: occult $ooks, #orno!ra#hy, satanic sym$ols, demonicJoccult
rin!s, skulls, "ro!s, owls, new a!e drawin!s, items used "or divination, 1ui*a $oards, etc%
,he ne<t ste# is to !o throu!h each room, and #ray over it, dedicatin! it to the 2ord% +
would even #ray over a !lass o" water, and ask the 2ord that the water re#resent the
7lood o" &hrist Desus, then take the water around the house and s#rinkle the water in
each room and closet, etc%
:inally, it is time to $e!in takin! authority over the s#irits in that home, and command
them to leave in Desus> name% -o throu!h each room, closet, nook and cranny, and
command the unclean s#irits residin! there to come out in Desus> name and to leave the
Dust remem$er that you, as a $eliever in &hrist, have the authority needed to drive those
s#irits out%%% don>t let them walk all over you!
&'A;,04 0+-',
,he #rocess o" deliverance o"ten consists o" three main #arts: ,earin! down stron!holds,
removin! le!al ri!hts and then castin! out the remainin! demons% +" you try to cast out
demons without takin! away the stron!holds or le!al ri!hts that they are holdin! onto,
then you can>t really e<#ect to achieve a com#lete success"ul deliverance% 4emovin! these
two $locka!es is vital in !oin! a$out a com#lete and success"ul deliverance%
7hat is a stronghold2
A stron!hold is a "aulty thinkin! #attern $ased on lies and dece#tion% /ece#tion is one o"
the #rimary wea#ons o" the devil, $ecause it is the $uildin! $locks "or a stron!hold% What
stron!holds can do is cause us to think in ways which $lock us "rom -od>s $est% :or
e<am#le, i" you think you have to con"ess all your sins to every$ody you>ve ever wron!ed,
you>ll "eel *ust aw"ul and !uilty until you do all that, and even then, you>ll #ro$a$ly "eel
!uilty, $ecause you #ro$a$ly "or!ot many #eo#le that you didn>t con"ess your sins to% All
unnecessary, and a waste o" time, all $ecause you were deceived and thou!ht that you had
to do somethin! that you really didn>t have to do%
6n e$ample of a stronghold at wor!% A common scene is some$ody who is scared o" -od,
and has a hard time "eelin! 'is love and #resence% ,hey view 'im as a cruel taskmaster,
and not as the -od that is really is to them, and there"ore, they #ut u# there own wall
which makes it hard "or them to receive -od>s love, #resence and draw close in their
relationshi# with 'im% +" you saw your s#ouse as a rude and cruel dictator, you #ro$a$ly
wouldn>t $e as a#t to snu!!le u#to 'im and love him as you would i" you saw him as a lovin!
and kind #erson who loves you and cares "or you% +" you see some$ody as mean, it>s hard
to receive their love, isn>t it? ,hat>s how our #erce#tion o" -od can hinder us "rom
"eelin! 'is love and #resence in our lives% +t is 3045 im#ortant to have a correct
#erce#tion o" -od i" we want to live victorious lives in &hrist Desus!
Two very destrutive and ommon strongholds
The first one' where you see God inorretly% 1ne o" the most #o#ular and devastatin!
stron!holds to have, is an incorrect ima!e in your mind o" who -od is, and how 'e sees us%
;eo#le who see -od as a taskmaster, live their lives with an unhealthy "ear o" -od%
,here>s a !ood kind o" "ear o" -od, which is more like a holy res#ect "or 'im, $ut there>s
another kind o" "ear that is very unhealthy that the enemy wants us to have, and it>s the
kind o" "ear where we see -od as a taskmaster, cruel, cold, distant, uncarin! and would
sna# the whi# at us the moment we ste# out o" line% ;eo#le who are a"raid they>ve
committed the un#ardona$le sin are almost !uaranteed to have this stron!hold% ;eo#le
who "ind it hard to "eel -od>s love and #resence, o"ten have this stron!hold too% +" you
"eel -od is distant and cold, or uestion i" -od loves you, then you need to !et this
stron!hold torn down%
1ne awesome $ook that will hel# you $reak down this stron!hold is 7lessed 7eyond
Measure $y -loria &o#eland% +t talks a$out the !oodness o" -od, and it>s im#ossi$le to
read that $ook and $e the same #erson when your done seein! the love and !oodness that
-od wants to $less us with!
The seond one' where you see yourself inorretly% ;eo#le who su""er "rom this have a
hard time seein! the new #erson that they are now in &hrist Desus, and o"ten su""er "rom
low sel"Hesteem% ,hey don>t understand what &hrist did "or them, and how it a##lies to
their own li"e% &ommon sym#toms o" this stron!hold are !uilt "eelin!s 8uestionin! i"
you>ve really $een "or!iven o" your sin8s99, low s#iritual esteem 8they "eel like sinners,
not saints9, they lack s#iritual con"idence that we are su##osed to have in &hrist Desus,
they may still stru!!le with sin 8Desus said that i" you kee# in 'is Word, which tears
down stron!holds, you will $e "ree "rom the #ower sin has over you H Dohn F:?1H?@9, and
overall you don>t "eel >worthy> s#iritually and lack the *oy o" the 2ord in your li"e% 1ne o"
the $est $ooks +>ve seen "or tearin! down this stron!hold is 3ictory over /arkness $y
)eil ,% Anderson% +t will teach you o" the new #erson you are now in &hrist Desus, and
hel# you $e victorious over the darkness throu!h an understandin! o" your identity in
How to tear down a stronghold
2 &orinthians 1B:@, ":or the wea#ons o" our war"are are not carnal, $ut mi!hty throu!h
-od to the #ullin! down o" stron! holds %"
(tron!holds are $irthed and dwell in dece#tion 8which are lies and "alse $elie"s9, so
naturally the cure is to $rin! the truth in -od>s Word on the scene% 5ou de$unk the lies
o" the enemy, with the truth, which is in the Word o" -od! ,he 7i$le says that our
wea#ons are mi!hty "or the tearin! down o" stron!holds 82 &or 1B:@, ":or the wea#ons o"
our war"are are not carnal, $ut mi!hty throu!h -od to the #ullin! down o" stron! holds%"9%
What is our #rimary o""ensive wea#on? ,he sword o" the (#irit, which is the Word o" -od
80#h E:17, "%%%the sword o" the (#irit, which is the word o" -od%"9% ,ruth dis#els dece#tion
and lies, and there"ore the more truth you $rin! into a situation, the more the darkness
must "lee% ,his is where it>s im#ortant to !row in -od>s Word, is $ecause it is your
#rimary wea#on "or tearin! down the stron!holds o" dece#tion that the enemy has $een
"eedin! you%
+n Dohn F:?1H?E, Desus tells us that we can $e held in $onda!e due to stron!holds in our
lives% And 'is solution was to, "continue in my word%%% and ye shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you "ree%" 8v% ?2H?29 (tron!holds are torn down as we meditate on -od>s
Word, which is truth!
,he #rocess o" deliverance o"ten consists o" three main #arts: ,earin! down stron!holds,
removin! le!al ri!hts and then castin! out the remainin! demons% +" you try to cast out
demons without takin! away the stron!holds or le!al ri!hts that they are holdin! onto,
then you can>t really e<#ect to achieve a com#lete success"ul deliverance% 4emovin! these
two $locka!es is vital in !oin! a$out a com#lete and success"ul deliverance%
7hat is a stronghold2
A stron!hold is a "aulty thinkin! #attern $ased on lies and dece#tion% /ece#tion is one o"
the #rimary wea#ons o" the devil, $ecause it is the $uildin! $locks "or a stron!hold% What
stron!holds can do is cause us to think in ways which $lock us "rom -od>s $est% :or
e<am#le, i" you think you have to con"ess all your sins to every$ody you>ve ever wron!ed,
you>ll "eel *ust aw"ul and !uilty until you do all that, and even then, you>ll #ro$a$ly "eel
!uilty, $ecause you #ro$a$ly "or!ot many #eo#le that you didn>t con"ess your sins to% All
unnecessary, and a waste o" time, all $ecause you were deceived and thou!ht that you had
to do somethin! that you really didn>t have to do%
6n e$ample of a stronghold at wor!% A common scene is some$ody who is scared o" -od,
and has a hard time "eelin! 'is love and #resence% ,hey view 'im as a cruel taskmaster,
and not as the -od that is really is to them, and there"ore, they #ut u# there own wall
which makes it hard "or them to receive -od>s love, #resence and draw close in their
relationshi# with 'im% +" you saw your s#ouse as a rude and cruel dictator, you #ro$a$ly
wouldn>t $e as a#t to snu!!le u# to 'im and love him as you would i" you saw him as a
lovin! and kind #erson who loves you and cares "or you% +" you see some$ody as mean, it>s
hard to receive their love, isn>t it? ,hat>s how our #erce#tion o" -od can hinder us "rom
"eelin! 'is love and #resence in our lives% +t is 3045 im#ortant to have a correct
#erce#tion o" -od i" we want to live victorious lives in &hrist Desus!
Two very destrutive and ommon strongholds
The first one' where you see God inorretly% 1ne o" the most #o#ular and devastatin!
stron!holds to have, is an incorrect ima!e in your mind o" who -od is, and how 'e sees us%
;eo#le who see -od as a taskmaster, live their lives with an unhealthy "ear o" -od%
,here>s a !ood kind o" "ear o" -od, which is more like a holy res#ect "or 'im, $ut there>s
another kind o" "ear that is very unhealthy that the enemy wants us to have, and it>s the
kind o" "ear where we see -od as a taskmaster, cruel, cold, distant, uncarin! and would
sna# the whi# at us the moment we ste# out o" line% ;eo#le who are a"raid they>ve
committed the un#ardona$le sin are almost !uaranteed to have this stron!hold% ;eo#le
who "ind it hard to "eel -od>s love and #resence, o"ten have this stron!hold too% +" you
"eel -od is distant and cold, or uestion i" -od loves you, then you need to !et this
stron!hold torn down%
1ne awesome $ook that will hel# you $reak down this stron!hold is 7lessed 7eyond
Measure $y -loria &o#eland% +t talks a$out the !oodness o" -od, and it>s im#ossi$le to
read that $ook and $e the same #erson when your done seein! the love and !oodness that
-od wants to $less us with!
The seond one' where you see yourself inorretly% ;eo#le who su""er "rom this have a
hard time seein! the new #erson that they are now in &hrist Desus, and o"ten su""er "rom
low sel"Hesteem% ,hey don>t understand what &hrist did "or them, and how it a##lies to
their own li"e% &ommon sym#toms o" this stron!hold are !uilt "eelin!s 8uestionin! i"
you>ve really $een "or!iven o" your sin8s99, low s#iritual esteem 8they "eel like sinners,
not saints9, they lack s#iritual con"idence that we are su##osed to have in &hrist Desus,
they may still stru!!le with sin 8Desus said that i" you kee# in 'is Word, which tears
down stron!holds, you will $e "ree "rom the #ower sin has over you H Dohn F:?1H?@9, and
overall you don>t "eel >worthy> s#iritually and lack the *oy o" the 2ord in your li"e% 1ne o"
the $est $ooks +>ve seen "or tearin! down this stron!hold is 3ictory over /arkness $y
)eil ,% Anderson% +t will teach you o" the new #erson you are now in &hrist Desus, and
hel# you $e victorious over the darkness throu!h an understandin! o" your identity in
How to tear down a stronghold
2 &orinthians 1B:@, ":or the wea#ons o" our war"are are not carnal, $ut mi!hty throu!h
-od to the #ullin! down o" stron! holds %"
(tron!holds are $irthed and dwell in dece#tion 8which are lies and "alse $elie"s9, so
naturally the cure is to $rin! the truth in -od>s Word on the scene% 5ou de$unk the lies
o" the enemy, with the truth, which is in the Word o" -od! ,he 7i$le says that our
wea#ons are mi!hty "or the tearin! down o" stron!holds 82 &or 1B:@, ":or the wea#ons o"
our war"are are not carnal, $ut mi!hty throu!h -od to the #ullin! down o" stron! holds%"9%
What is our #rimary o""ensive wea#on? ,he sword o" the (#irit, which is the Word o" -od
80#h E:17, "%%%the sword o" the (#irit, which is the word o" -od%"9% ,ruth dis#els dece#tion
and lies, and there"ore the more truth you $rin! into a situation, the more the darkness
must "lee% ,his is where it>s im#ortant to !row in -od>s Word, is $ecause it is your
#rimary wea#on "or tearin! down the stron!holds o" dece#tion that the enemy has $een
"eedin! you%
+n Dohn F:?1H?E, Desus tells us that we can $e held in $onda!e due to stron!holds in our
lives% And 'is solution was to, "continue in my word%%% and ye shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you "ree%" 8v% ?2H?29 (tron!holds are torn down as we meditate on -od>s
Word, which is truth!
%&'A;,04 )+)0
7hat does the ;ible say about 7ithraft2
,he 7i$le is very clear a$out its condemnation o" witchcra"t and its various "orms%1 :ollowin! is a
#artial list o" #assa!es "rom the 7i$le concernin! witchcra"t, seances, necromancy, and other such
occultic #ractices:
1. )ivination and magi
1. 9ev. 1>%2= ' ?@ou shall not eat anything with the blood' nor pratie
divination or soothsaying.
2. ,saiah ::%2< ' 30ausing the omens of boasters to fail' ma!ing fools out
of diviners' ausing wise men to draw ba!' and turning their !nowledge into
3. 6ts A%> '1AB22' 3.ow there was a ertain man named *imon' who
formerly was pratiing magi in the ity' and astonishing the people of *amaria'
laiming to be someone great . . .
.ow when *imon saw that the *pirit was
bestowed through the laying on of the apostlesC hands' he offered them money'
saying' DGive this authority to me as well' so that everyone on whom , lay my
hands may reeive the Holy *pirit.E
;ut Peter said to him' D/ay your silver perish
with you' beause you thought you ould obtain the gift of God with money!
have no part or portion in this matter' for your heart is not right before God.
DTherefore repent of this wi!edness of yours' and pray the 9ord that if possible'
the intention of your heart may be forgiven you.3
4. 6ts 13%= ' 36nd when they had gone through the whole island as far as
Paphos' they found a ertain magiian' a 4ewish false prophet whose name was ;arB
2. /ediums
1. 9ev. 1>%31 ' 3)o not turn to mediums or spiritistsG do not see! them out
to be defiled by them. , am the 9ord your God.3
2. 9ev. 2F%= ' ?6s for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists' to
play the harlot after them' , will also set /y fae against that person and will ut
him off from among his people.3
3. 9ev. 2F%2H ' ?.ow a man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritist shall
surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones' their bloodguiltiness is
upon them.CE
4. ,saiah A%1>B2F ' 36nd when they say to you' D0onsult the mediums and
the spiritists who whisper and mutter'E should not a people onsult their God2
*hould they onsult the dead on behalf of the living2
To the law and to the
testimony! ,f they do not spea! aording to this word' it is beause they have no
3. .eromany B ontating the dead
1. 1 *am. 2A where *aul uses a medium to ontat the dead.
:. *orery B attempting to influene people through oult means
1. #$odus 22%1A ' D@ou shall not allow a soreress to live.3
2. ,saiah :H%12B1: ' D*tand fast now in your spells and in your many
soreries with whih you have labored from your youthG Perhaps you will be able to
profit' perhaps you may ause trembling.
@ou are wearied with your many
9et now the astrologers' those who prophesy by the stars' those who predit by
the new moons' stand up and save you from what will ome upon you.
D;ehold' they
have beome li!e stubble' fire burns themG they annot deliver themselves from the
power of the flameG there will be no oal to warm by' nor a fire to sit before!3
3. Rev. 1>%21 ' 3and they did not repent of their murders nor of their
soreries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.3
:. Rev. 21%A ' 3;ut for the owardly and unbelieving and abominable and
murderers and immoral persons and sorerers and idolaters and all liars' their part
will be in the la!e that burns with fire and brimstone' whih is the seond death.E
5. Rev. 22%1< ' 3Iutside are the dogs and the sorerers and the immoral
persons and the murderers and the idolaters' and everyone who loves and praties
<. 7ithraft
1. )eut. 1A%1FB1: ' DThere shall not be found among you anyone who ma!es
his son or his daughter pass through the fire' one who uses divination' one who
praties withraft' or one who interprets omens' or a sorerer'
or one who
asts a spell' or a medium' or a spiritist' or one who alls up the dead.
whoever does these things is detestable to the 9ordG and beause of these
detestable things the 9ord your God will drive them out before you.
D@ou shall be
blameless before the 9ord your God.
D1or those nations' whih you shall
dispossess' listen to those who pratie withraft and to diviners' but as for you'
the 9ord your God has not allowed you to do so.
2. 2 -ings 21%= ' 36nd he made his son pass through the fire' pratied
withraft and used divination' and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did muh
evil in the sight of the 9ord provo!ing Him to anger.3 &see also 2 0hron. 33%=(
0H6PT#R T#.
Juestions and 6nswers on )eliverane
*erious +uestions that we need to be as!ing!
,here are a lot o" misunderstandin!s a$out whom the deliverance
ministry is meant "or% ,his teachin! rises some very im#ortant
uestions that cannot $e realistically overlooked% + want you to
consider these uestions and kee# in mind that Desus re"erred to
deliverance ministry as children>s $read%
Matthew 1I:2E, "7ut he answered and said, +t is not meet to
take the children>s $read, and to cast it to do!s%"
How are you supposed to ast a demon out of somebody who is
spiritually defiled2 When a #erson involves themselves in evil
#ractices, it de"iles them s#iritually and makes them vulnera$le to
receive unclean s#irits% When removin! demons, it is vital to "irst
remove their le!al ri!hts, then #roceed to drive out the demons% ,he
truth is that unless a #erson has acce#ted &hrist and re#ented o"
their sins, they are s#iritually de"iled and the demons have a ri!ht to
$e there% ,his is why Desus said that i" we cast demons out o" the
wicked !eneration, they will return with 7 more even worse evil
s#irits% ,he 7i$le tells us clearly that it is throu!h the "or!iveness
o" sins that our le!al !rounds are removed and the demons are
disarmed% 1" course this also means that i" a #erson does not receive
that "or!iveness, then the demons are not disarmed% 5ou are !oin!
into a situation where the enemy has a ri!ht to o#erate in their li"e%
&olossians 2:1?H1I, "And you, $ein! dead in your sins and the
uncircumcision o" your "lesh, hath he uickened to!ether with
him, havin! "or!iven you all tres#asses G 7lottin! out the
handwritin! o" ordinances that was a!ainst us, which was
contrary to us, and took it out o" the way, nailin! it to his
crossG And havin! s#oiled #rinci#alities and #owers , he made a
show o" them o#enly, trium#hin! over them in it%"
7hy would you ast a demon out of somebody' who will reeive H
more even worse demons when it returns2 When we cast demons out
o" nonH$elievers, we are settin! them u# "or disaster $ecause the
demons have a ri!ht to $e there% ,hey can "reely return as they
#lease, $ecause the #erson is still de"iled% Why would you ever want
to set some$ody u# "or somethin! like this?
2uke 11:2@H2E, "When the unclean s#irit is !one out o" a man,
he walketh throu!h dry #laces, seekin! restG and "indin! none,
he saith, + will return unto my house whence + came out% And
when he cometh, he "indeth it swe#t and !arnished% ,hen !oeth
he, and taketh to him seven other s#irits more wicked than
himsel"G and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state
o" that man is worse than the "irst%"
7hy ast a demon out of somebody who refuses to aept 4esus
as their 9ord and savior2 +" a #erson comes to you, wishin! to
remove a demon, $ut re"uses to acce#t Desus as their 2ord and
savior, then the #ur#ose o" such a deliverance would $e to sim#ly "i<
a #ro$lem in their li"e% ,hey aren>t interested in Desus, they *ust
want their #ro$lem solved% ,he truth is that you aren>t really hel#in!
them, $ecause the root o" their #ro$lem has not $een addressed, and
there"ore no lastin! results will $e achieved% ,he demon can return
$e"ore they even !et to their car, $ecause it has "ull ri!hts to that
#erson>s li"e!
7hy did 4esus all deliverane the 0hildren5s bread' if it was not
meant for those in ovenant with God2 ,his is a !ood uestion%
Desus re"erred to the castin! out o" demons as &hildren>s $read,
re"errin! to those who are in covenant with -od% ,hose who have not
acce#ted Desus as their 2ord and savior, are not children o" -od, and
have no covenant with 'im%
Matthew 1I:2E, "7ut he answered and said, +t is not meet to
take the children>s $read, and to cast it to do!s%"
,f light annot dwell with dar!ness' and all dar!ness leaves a
believer5s life when they beome a 0hristian' then why do we still
have evil thoughts' desires' feelings' and bondages to lust'
pornography' anger' et. long after we aept 4esus2 ,his is a
very !ood uestion% +s there anywhere in the 7i$le which tells us that
some darkness can remain, while other ty#es o" darkness is
automatically shed at the time o" salvation? )o, it does not% +" li!ht
could not dwell with darkness, then ;aul couldn>t have had $oth the
'oly (#irit, and evil #resent in him at the same time, as we can see in
this #assa!e:
4omans 7:2B,21, ")ow i" + do that + would not, it is no more +
that do it, $ut sin that dwelleth in me % + "ind then a law, that,
when + would do !ood, evil is #resent with me%"
7hy is authority re+uired to ast out demons' if they leave on
their own the moment their legal rights are removed2 +t is throu!h
our authority in &hrist, that we are a$le to drive out demons% Why
did -od !ive us this authority, i" what we should really $e doin! is
sim#ly winnin! souls "or Desus?
Mark 1:27, "And they were all amazed, insomuch that they
uestioned amon! themselves sayin!, What thin! is this? what
new doctrine is this? "or with authority commandeth he even
the unclean s#irits, and they do o$ey him %"
7hy did 4esus drive out demons' when He had the power on earth
to forgive sins2 +" Desus could "or!ive sins while 'e was here on
earth, and i" all it took was removal o" the demon>s le!al !rounds in
order to send them to "li!ht, then why did Desus !o a$out castin! out
demons? ,he 7i$le is clear that 'e had #ower here on earth to
remove the demon>s le!al !rounds throu!h the "or!iveness o" sins:
Matthew A:2HE, "And, $ehold, they $rou!ht to him a man sick
o" the #alsy, lyin! on a $ed: and Desus seein! their "aith said
unto the sick o" the #alsyG (on, $e o" !ood cheerG thy sins $e
"or!iven thee% And, $ehold, certain o" the scri$es said within
themselves, ,his man $las#hemeth% And Desus knowin! their
thou!hts said, Where"ore think ye evil in your hearts? :or
whether is easier, to say, ,hy sins $e "or!iven theeG or to say,
Arise, and walk? 7ut that ye may know that the (on o" man
hath #ower on earth to "or!ive sins , 8then saith he to the sick
o" the #alsy,9 Arise, take u# thy $ed, and !o unto thine house%"
,f all you had to do was get a person saved and their demons
went away automatially' then what is the point in asting out
demons at all2 A"ter all, are we tryin! to $y#ass salvation and *ust
a##ly a #atch to that #erson>s #ro$lem or $onda!e? What is the #oint
o" !oin! throu!h a messy deliverance session where you have to
con"ront demons "ace to "ace and drive them out, when all you have
to do is !et the #erson saved, and all the demons !o without a whim?
,he truth is that this $elie" that &hristians cannot have demons,
com#letely undermines the whole #oint o" castin! out demons% ,he
reason the church today does not #ractice deliverance is $ecause
they don>t really see the #ur#ose o" it%%% they think it all ha##ens
automatically, and that>s why most #astors have never cast out a
demon in their li"e!
)oes 4esus5 warning about spiritual defilement not apply to us
0hristians2 Desus made it clear that there are thin!s which de"ile a
man, meanin!, they make the man unclean s#iritually% /o we dare say
that a &hristian can do such thin!s, and not have Desus> words a##ly
to them?
Matthew 1I:1FH2B, "7ut those thin!s which #roceed out o" the
mouth come "orth "rom the heartG and they de"ile the man% :or
out o" the heart #roceed evil thou!hts, murders, adulteries,
"ornications, the"ts, "alse witness, $las#hemies: ,hese are the
thin!s which de"ile a man: $ut to eat with unwashen hands
de"ileth not a man%"
A##arently, the 'oly (#irit ins#ired ;aul to warn the $elievers that
throu!h $itterness, they can $ecome s#iritually de"iled:
'e$rews 12:1I, "2ookin! dili!ently lest any man "ail o" the
!race o" -odG lest any root o" $itterness s#rin!in! u# trou$le
you, and there$y many $e de"iled%"
7hen 4esus shed His blood for our spiritual freedom and physial
healing' does this apply to believers or those who reKet 0hrist2
+n Matthew cha#ter ei!ht, Desus was demonstratin! what was
#ro#hesied $y the #ro#het +saiah when 'e went a$out castin! out
demons% At the same time, 'e was demonstratin! the healin! that
was #urchased "or us throu!h 'is work on the cross% /o we dare say
that these thin!s were intended to $e received $y those who re*ect
Matthew F:1EH17, "When the even was come, they $rou!ht unto
him many that were #ossessed with devils: and he cast out the
s#irits with his word , and healed all that were sick: ,hat it
mi!ht $e "ul"illed which was s#oken $y +saiah the #ro#het,
sayin!, 'imsel" took our in"irmities , and $are our sicknesses%"
,f asting out demons was only valid while 4esus was here on
earth' then why did 4esus appear to His disiples after He rose
from the dead' and told them that His hildren will be asting out
demons as well2 Also, why did the early church !o a$out castin! out
demons as well? ,he "act is that the early church went a$out castin!
out demons, lon! a"ter Desus went on to $e with the :ather%
Mark 1E:17, "And these si!ns shall "ollow them that $elieveG +n
my name shall they cast out devils%%%"
Acts F:EH7, "And the #eo#le with one accord !ave heed unto
those thin!s which ;hili# s#ake, hearin! and seein! the
miracles which he did% :or unclean s#irits, cryin! with loud
voice, came out o" many that were #ossessed with them: and
many taken with #alsies, and that were lame, were healed%"
,s deliverane not needed today' li!e it was ba! then2 ,he "act
is that "or every 2H? healin!s, there was a deliverance that took
#lace in the )ew ,estament% + am convinced that the #ercenta!e is
hi!her than that, $ut let>s *ust say it was a 1H? ratio% +" there is
such a need today "or healin!, then why don>t we also see such a need
"or deliverance? &ould it $e $ecause we don>t see these #ro$lems as
demonic, $ut rather "leshly or #hysical nowadays?
Desus sent "ourth 7B disci#les to #reach the !os#el and cast out
demons, and they returned "ull o" *oy as they could see that this was
a very real and im#ortant ministry% )ow "or Desus to send out 7B men
and they came $ack with #raise re#orts o" deliverances%%% that tells
us that even thou!h they were on "oot, there were #lenty o" #eo#le in
their area that needed deliverance!
2uke 1B:17, "And the seventy returned a!ain with *oy, sayin!,
2ord, even the devils are su$*ect unto us throu!h thy name%"
,s it possible that we Kust aren5t seeing the need for deliverane'
beause we don5t !now how to diagnose a demon in a person5s
life2 + honestly wonder how many #eo#le in today>s churches that
Desus, 'is disci#les, the early church and those 7B disci#les would
"ind in need o" deliverance% + have to say that many times, today>s
#astors would not a!ree with me a$out a #erson havin! a demon until
+ actually !et it mani"estin! durin! a deliverance and the #erson is
set "ree% Many times, you would never know the #erson has an unclean
s#irit until it is con"ronted and $rou!ht to the sur"ace to $e dealt
with! :or e<am#le, when + had a s#irit o" "ear 8as many #eo#le today
do9, all + knew was that + was "ear"ul, $ut once it was con"ronted and
dealt with in a deliverance session, + vomited out $lack slime!
Another time, + was doin! deliverance on an older woman, and she was
s#ittin! u# a yellowish #hle!m as the s#irits were comin! out, $ut
when + suddenly con"ronted insecurity, she suddenly vomited out
#ure *et $lack slime 8and no, she hasn>t smoked in decades!9%%% now you
tell me how that works! Most #astors today would never think such a
woman was su""erin! "rom insecurity caused $y an evil s#irit, and
would tell her that she needs to sim#ly meditate on scri#tures a$out
how -od will never leave or "orsake you% + would like to see those who
o##ose this ministry, !ive me a solid answer as to why she went "rom
yellowish slime to *et $lack slime ri!ht a"ter one o" our ministers !ot
a Word "rom -od that a s#irit o" insecurity was #resent and + $e!an
to con"ront and drive it out! ,his woman said she never cou!hed u#
$lack slime like that in her li"e! ,here was no sickness #resent, she
"elt *ust "ine $e"ore we $e!an her deliveranceG there was a$solutely
no #hysical reason "or such ha##enin!% (ame !oes "or the time when a
demon was con"ronted in me, and it "elt like my stomach #hysically
turned u#side down all o" a sudden, when +>ve never had that ha##en
to me in my li"e! And why do so many receive drastic $reakthrou!hs
and "reedom as they !o throu!h the deliverance #rocess? All this
needs to $e e<#lained $y those who o##ose this area o" ministry, *ust
like the deliverance stories that took #lace in the 7i$le%
,s is possible that we are diagnosing spiritual problems as mere
physial health issues2 Desus dia!nosed the woman who had a s#inal
disorder as havin! a s#irit o" in"irmity 8see 2uke 1?9, and a man who
couldn>t talk was healed when a demon was driven out 8see 2uke
11:1@9% Desus also dealt with an evil s#irit in a youn! $oy who was
havin! seizers in his $rain 8see Matthew 17:1IH1F9, and when the
demon le"t, the $oy was restored and normal a!ain% Cin! (aul was said
to have a demon, which tormented him with severe de#ression and
"ear 8see 1 (amuel 1E:1@9% Do$ was said to have $oils all over his
$ody, which were caused $y evil s#irits that (atan had sent to
torment him 8see Do$ 2:79% Cin! /avid was tormented $y evil s#irits,
which made him "eel ho#eless and his heart "elt desolate 8see ;salms
1@?:?H@9% &ould it $e #ossi$le, that today we are dia!nosin! s#iritual
$onda!es, which are mani"estin! as #hysical in"irmities, as mere
health #ro$lems that are com#letely natural?
0ould we be praying for a healing' when we really ought to be
asting a demon out2 What i" we encountered one o" the cases
mentioned a$ove, where a woman had a #hysical $oneJmuscle #ro$lem
as a direct result o" a s#irit o" in"irmity, or a #erson was una$le to
s#eak $ecause there was an unclean s#irit hinderin! himG would we
merely #ray "or a healin! when there is a demon involved which needs
to $e driven out? +s it #ossi$le that we are #rayin! "or healin!s when
sometimes a healin! is not what is needed, $ut rather li$eratin! "rom
an unclean s#irit? + $elieve this is the very reason why many times
our #rayers "or healin! !o unanswered% We are askin! -od to do
somethin!, while we are ne!lectin! what 'e told us to do 8which is to
cast out demons H see Matthew 1B:F9% A "riend o" mine who does
deliverance ministry almost every week, told me that even thou!h he
doesn>t "eel he is !i"ted in the area o" healin!, he has seen numerous
healin!s take #lace immediately in the $odies o" those whom he is
castin! demons out o"!
0ould we be ignoring one of the most important and popular
&aording to the .T( areas of ministry of the gospel of 4esus
0hrist2 &ould we $e writin! o"" a very im#ortant area o" ministry
that Desus intended "or us today to $e o#eratin! in, so that the
#ower o" -od could $e dis#layed, and the ca#tives li$erated "or the
!lory o" -od? /o these #assa!es and commands no lon!er a##ly to
those o" us who are "ollowin! &hrist and #roclaimin! the !os#el
Matthew 1B:7HF, "And as ye !o, #reach, sayin!, ,he kin!dom o"
heaven is at hand% 'eal the sick, cleanse the le#ers, raise the
dead, cast out devils: "reely ye have received, "reely !ive%"
Mark 1E:1I,17, "And he said unto them, -o ye into all the world,
and #reach the !os#el to every creature% And these si!ns shall
"ollow them that $elieveG +n my name shall they cast out
Dohn 1@:12, "3erily, verily, + say unto you, 'e that $elieveth on
me, the works that + do shall he do alsoG and !reater works
than these shall he doG $ecause + !o unto my :ather%"
Dust as Desus was sent "orth to destroy the works o" the devil 8see
Acts 1B:?F9, so also are we sent "orth% ,he works that 'e did, which
included li$eratin! those who are tormented $y evil s#irits, we are
also su##osed to $e doin!%
Acts 1B:?F, "'ow -od anointed Desus o" )azareth with the
'oly -host and with #ower: who went a$out doin! !ood, and
healin! all that were o##ressed o" the devilG "or -od was with
Mark 1:?A, "And he #reached in their syna!o!ues throu!hout all
-alilee, and cast out devils%"
Dohn 2B:21, ",hen said Desus to them a!ain, ;eace $e unto you:
as my :ather hath sent me, even so send + you%"

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