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Determination of the

Empirical Formula of Zinc Chloride

The purpose of this investigation is to determine the empirical formula for zinc chloride.
You will be given a piece of zinc metal. You will then add 20.00 mL of 6 Molar hydrochloric acid to it and allow
it to react for enough time to react all the zinc.
The mass of the zinc chloride product formed can be found by evaporating the product solution to dryness. oth
any e!cess hydrochloric acid and water will evaporate readily. The zinc chloride product has a much higher boiling point
so it will not evaporate if the mi!ture is not heated too much.
You can then find the mass of chloride in the product by subtracting the mass of zinc that reacted from the mass of
the total product.
Mass of chlorine = mass of zinc chloride produced mass of zinc reacted
The empirical formula for zinc chloride can be found by finding the moles of zinc and of chloride in the product" and
finding the mole ratio as in the prelab.
#. Label a small clean bea$er with your name.
2. %eigh and record the mass of the bea$er. &nclude the range of uncertainty
'. %eigh and record the mass of the assigned zinc sample and place it into the bea$er. Ma$e sure the zinc lays flat on the
bottom of the flas$.
(. )se a graduated cylinder to measure out 20.00 mL of 6 M *+l and add it to the flas$. ,et the flas$ in the bac$ of your
hood for the duration of the lab.
!et"een Da# and Da# $: The zinc will have reacted completely and the remaining *+l solution will have been
evaporated. %hat remains in the bea$er is the salt zinc chloride.
DAY $:
#. %eigh and record the mass of the bea$er with the zinc chloride salt.
2. -ecord all values in a data table.
'. %rite .ualitative observations
Data Collection:
Ma$e an organized data table for the masses.
&nclude units and range of uncertainty
&nclude .ualitative observations
Data Anal#sis and Processin%:
+alculate the mass of the zinc chloride salt
+alculate the mass of chloride that reacted with the zinc.
+alculate the moles of zinc and the moles of chloride.
+alculate the empirical formula of zinc chloride
+ompare your e!perimental results to the theoretical formula of zinc chloride.
,how your wor$ clearly and write the final results in an organized data table
Your conclusion should comment on how closely the class results are to each other in the mole ratio of chloride to
zinc" and what the empirical formula for zinc chloride should be based on these results and on your results. /These two
formulae may not be the same.0
&f your formula is not the same as the theoretical one" discuss what errors could have occurred to cause your error.
1iscuss sources of error and suggest ways to improve the accuracy of the results.
'radin%: (( points possi)le
Data Collection* Data Anal#sis and Processin%: + points
Conclusion* E&aluation and Impro&ements: + points
Data Collection and Processing: Chemistry achievement level .........................
ra" data
-ecords all ra" data /.ualitative and2or .uantitative0.
3resents raw data clearly and correctly in ta)les
Tables have correct -a. headin%s and -). units and -c. uncertainties/
,ignificant digits in the data and the uncertainty in the data are consistent.
The number of si%nificant fi%ures reflects the precision of the measurement.
There is no &ariation in the precision of raw data. /same number of decimal places used0
1ata derived from processing raw data has the same level of precision as raw data
&f students have pooled data" student has clearly indicated which data is their own.
ra" data
Ma$es appropriate choice of calculations" statistical analyses and2or graph
Calculations or statistical anal#sis are done correctl#
)ncertainty calculations are carried out
)ncertainty calculations are correct
'raphs are correctl# drawn
The slope is calculated correctl#* including the units /if the data represents a line0
3rocessed data is indicated if presented in the same table with raw data
,esults of calculations are presented in a data ta)le
1ata tables have clear headings" correct units and uncertainties.
0ample calculations are shown and have clear e!planations and headings
The steps from the raw data to the results are clear" including uncertainties
5inal answers in calculations have correct units and significant figures
The correct method for propagating uncertainty is chosen
,ample calculations for calculating uncertainty are shown
6raphs have clear titles" appropriate scales" and accurately plotted data points
6raph a!es are labelled correctly and include units
6raphs include a correct best7fit line or curve of best fit /8dots9 have not been connected0
:ny errors inherent in the data are noted
Conclusion and Evaluation: Chemistry achievement level .........................
.#2 +oncluding : conclusion is stated
The conclusion is supported by specifically stated data
&f applicable" observations" trends" or patterns revealed by the data are e1plained
1escribes trends shown in %raphs
The meanin% of the slope is e!plained and the units are stated
/&f the graph has a slope0
+ompares different graphs if possible
The conclusion is 2ustified using scientific theory
The conclusion ta$es into account any s#stematic or random errors
&f there were systematic errors" the direction of the effect on the conclusion has been state and e1plained
Confidence in results is e!pressed by comparing e!perimental results to theory and2or te!tboo$ value
&f literature is consulted it is fully referenced
.#; <valuating
1iscusses the desi%n and method" identifying relevant wea$nesses" limitations and incorrect assumptions
<valuates the processes" the use of e3uipment and the management of time.
1iscusses ho" the wea$nesses" limitations and assumptions affected the results
1iscusses to what de%ree the wea$nesses" limitations and assumptions affected the results" using results of
statistical analysis where appropriate
+omments on precision and accurac# of the measurements made
1iscuses the 3ualit# of the data. 1iscusses relia)ilit# of the results
(Either by discussing the similarity of results for multiple trials or by analyzing the relation of the
trend line to the points or error bars of graphed data)
+omments on anomalous points. (Anomalous results occur when most of the data is reliable but a data
point or two may be way off)
.20 &mproving the
E&er# wea$ness and limitation identified in aspect 2 has an impro&ement.
Modifications to the e!perimental techni3ues and the data ran%e have been addressed
These modifications have addressed the precision" accuracy and reproducibility of the results.
,uggestions on how to reduce random error" remove systematic error and2or obtain greater control of
variables have been made.
Modifications are realistic and clearl# specified. /i.e. does not only state 8better e.uipment9 or 8be more

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