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The main purpose of this study is to find the ways through which consumers construct their
identities and the importance of virtual interactions, identity synergy and perceived support
on consumers identity constructions. Data were collected from 102 brand conscious peoples.
We addressed the different dimensions of perceived support, virtual interactions, identity
synergy, purchase intentions, and Embededness in our questionnaire. Our findings are based
on a small sample of consumers who are brand conscious therefore its generalizability is
low. Our study can be useful to those organizations that focused on brand conscious peoples.
Our study provides information on how peoples construct their identity by using different
brands of garments.
Key words perceived support, Virtual Interaction, Identity Synergy, Embededness
Paper Type Research Paper
The concept of consumer identity is well know in this era. The relationship between
consumer and company are changed from economical exchange of goods and services toward
long run relationship (Granovetter, 1985). Different companies are trying to build and
maintain such relationships with the consumers that make them feel as a part of company, for
this purpose the preference of the planer is to get those points among the competitive world
that could engage consumers with the companys activities. Huge portion of the companies
budget are spent on different efforts to realize the importance of themselves and their services
which leads consumers to build long term relationships, high commitment and positive word
of mouth toward their brands( Jyrinki). Companies and consumer both are involved in
making strong relationships. Our research examines the impact of virtual interaction,
perceived support and identity synergy on consumer purchase intentions.
Significance of Study
Identity involves one of those important factors without which one is nothing. Individual
identity builds up with different attitudes, behaviors and beliefs that will make one different
from others. Internet base modern technology enable individuals to interact with thousands of
others, exchange their thoughts and opinions about different product, brands and companies
who served them (Mangold, 2009). Consumers are provided with different networking
platform, blogs, social media tools and other promotional tools to enhance their capabilities
to get more and more knowledge (Mangold, 2009). Consumers are now more self oriented
and more conscious about their social influences and they have to keep focus on the different
demographic factors like age, race, sex, education level, material level, income level while
they go for the purchase of any product or brand. Image, reputation, social status and other
roles which is being perceived by others thoughts and perception are being considerable for
the individuals (Bech-larsen 2007). Self oriented person always wants to be recognizing in
such particular group, society and different families in which they feel more engaged. The
Product and store choice are one of the factor that can be represent the individuals
personality, taste, social shared meanings and other related attributes. (Crawford, 1992).
Major areas like demographic factors can influenced any person during the shopping process.
These factors help individuals to know about for what to go for? And what is not for them.
Advancement in technology offered different modes of social interactions which make
individual to know about what are the expected values which are being perceived to be
fulfilling by them. The level of understanding about the different brands and company can be
enhancing with the help of using different platforms. The identity of consumer is the mixture
of the different attributes that works collectively to represent about what a particular
individual is. Using a similar product time and time again shows loyalty and commitment
level of an consumer (Reeds, 2012). The impact of social responsibilities and values can
modified the purchase behavior of an individual.
Problem Statement
Consumer identity is made up of the characteristic that make the people unique from others
(Schultz 1995).Marketing Scholars have shown interest in the impact of identity related
processes on consumer behavior (Algesheimer 2005, Bhattacharya 1995, Mael and Ashforth
1992, McAlexander 2002). If the identity is accessible, individual respond favorably to
stimuli consistent with the accessible identity (stayman, 1994). Many studies have been
conducted related to consumer Identity which includes peers impact, pet related consumer
products, local and global products and identity attractiveness. Different factors like
advancement in the technology has modified the consumer choice according to the different patterns,
the level of understanding about oneself, post purchase behavior of individuals which is vary within
consumers according to different preferences that can affect on the consumer identity
construction are ignored in the previous studies. Through internet based social media people
connect with thousands of other people and get information about the entire world. They
shape their choice through societal influence in which consumers are mostly conscious about
what others purchases.
Aims of the study
Although many studies have been conducted on the different aspects of consumer identity
which includes peer identification (Fombelle,2011) Organizational identification (Fombelle,
2011), word of mouth (Hua Li, 2010). Different organizations make efforts to build their
images in the consumers mind to achieve the level of differentiation within competitive
market (Bhuttachria, 2003). Socially connected individuals interact with different persons
during different time therefore during shopping they have to keep different things in their
mind on which basis they did comparison among different things. This study elaborates that
how different factors influenced the choice of individuals like the expectations of one
consumer toward a particular product. Our study shows that how different social interactions
modify the buying behavior and consumption preferences of consumers along with how
consumption of products can influence the individuals for repurchase or to move toward
other choices.
Research Question
These are the following questions which we will consider in our research;
1. How the consumer identity can be influence through virtual interactions?
2. How Perceived support influences purchase intention?
3. How demographic factors can change choices of consumers toward certain brands?
Research Objectives
1. To identify the extent to which social media affect the consumer identity.
2. To determine the effects of demographic factors on the consumer identity
Literature review
Consumer identity can be defined as all those characteristics that make a person unique from
others (Jyrinki, 2012). Consumer identity also makes up with all those labels that are attached
with someone according to its behavior according to the different situations (Reed, 2012).
Now this is become most important part of any human being to understand who one is, what
they believes and what they do (Reed, 2011). Past studies express consumer identity under
the concept of peer identification, perceived support, identity affirmation, self expression and
identity attractiveness.
Peer identity is the extent to which individuals identify it with the same aspects of other
individuals. For any customer his/her peer would be other customers having same needs and
expatiation from a certain product. Understanding about the connection between peer
identification and consumer identity can offer some new ideas to managers about how to
increases organizational identification (Fombelle, 2011). Perceived support involves how
much values organization gave to their consumers and how much organization cares about
their needs (Fombelle, 20110). When customers feel that the organization is providing that
much value according to their participation in society and that are being required from them
that will definitely lead them highly motivation toward the company and its products.. As we
discussed above that the individuals are having more than one identity at same time. Identity
synergy shows the degree to which consumers believe that participating with any
organization giving them the opportunity to fulfill all of its important needs (Fombelle,
2011).As a woman who took the membership of a zoo, she attends the events at the zoo,
donate money in the zoo as well and spent time for the zoo. If zoo provides educational and
fun opportunities to their children`s then that women can also fulfill her parent identity
(Fombelle, 2011). The more knowledge about own self would leads toward the strong
organizational identification because it provides a clear way to think about what one should
need and from where it could be fulfill.
Consumer identity was also divided on the bases of and global perception and the living style
of the consumers (Liangjiang, 2011). Local identity means consumers attached to their local
products and felt belongingness to their local products (Liangjiang, 2011). Global identity
means consumers attached more toward their global products and felt belongingness to their
global products (Liangjiang, 2011).
Embeddness is the approach which companies use to make long term relationship with their
consumer to build arms length distance between the company and the consumers. The
company consumer relationship do not remain as same previously in which we say it as a
economical interaction (Granovetter, 1985) but now this change in the relation of inviting
each others while making decisions.
By the passage of time different studies on the consumer identity was conducted having
different variables on the different point while companies are trying to build a strong and
long term relationships with the consumers, consumer company C-C relationships
(Bhattacharya, 2003). Most of the previous researches have focused to help companies to
evaluate the consumers differently according to their choice and value expected level. How
do an individual consumption choice is modified by the multiple identity and how all of that
can fulfill its within a single brand and product (Foreman, Whetten, 2002). The studies have
shown that individual always relating themselves with the different groups that are competent
with their perceptions (Wakenshaw, 2011). Different variables in the process of buying and
selling was evaluated in the different perspective in which the psychological dimensions are
being discussed (Wood, 2000) the impact of word of mouth from different persons according
to their characteristics was seen during the identity construction (Chu, 2010), identity
attractiveness was discussed which is made up with three dimensions in which they show
identity prestige which says that the more value a consumer get from a brand they will be
more attracted toward that brands and products, continuous identity involves the consumers
perspective in which they felt attractiveness from those products that they are using
continuously, Identity distinctiveness means that the consumer who feel themselves different
from the others will attract toward them (Reed II, 2012), the impact of identity on the
consumer purchase behavior were seen according to what are the changes made on the
different basis by individuals after considering their selves as a part of company (Burton,
2011), Self awareness most of the times will help them to decide for which way they have to
go, what to purchase, and what are the other factors that can have an influence on their
choices (Caldwell, 2011). Demographic factors are all those factors that provide a proper
guideline to any individual while someone in the buying process which include age, gender,
and income etc factors. These factors affect consumer purchase behavior. Like if any
youngster wants to take a mobile phone then he will prefer that brand which got popularity in
youngsters minds. These factors were always kept in focused while marketers are making
the positioning of their customers. Mostly the work on the demographical analysis factors are
being used by the marketers perspective although these are the factors that have significant
influence on the consumer choice pattern while they are in the process of evaluating different
products according to their own needs and desires. Social interactions in which we involve
both the virtual and physical interaction of individual are also playing an important role while
someone perceives about some products or brands. It provides awareness to the consumers
about current products in the market. It can change the consumption patterns of individuals
while there can be mismatch among what a person believes about something and what are the
actual outcomes but the characteristics of that individuals matters a lot. It facilitates
consumers that they can make purchases according to their own wills.
All of these factors mostly were seen according to the marketers perspective although
these factors have a significant impact on the consumer identity construction but were
ignored in the previous studies. These factors influence consumers choices and help to
choose best products which satisfy them internally and externally therefore they must be
discussed from customers process of identity construction.

3. Theoratical Frame-work

H1 +ve

H2 +ve H4 +ve H5
H3 +ve

Perceived Support
This study shows the positive relationship with Perceived Support and consumer perception.
Perceived Support is the extent to which individual feels that organization and its certain
products will provide all those values that are being expected and they did care about their
well being and needs (Fombelle, 2011). It is the persons psychological relationship with the
organization (Fombelle, 2011). Increased support from the organization would lead toward
the Better consumer perception about the company`s products. If a retail store allows their
customers to come up with their pets and provide space for their pets; their customers feels
that the organization cares about his/her animal lover identity and intact with that
organization (Fombelle, 2011). Greater the organization support to the identity of any
consumer, better would be the perception of consumers about the organization.
Identity Synergy

intention (Input)

ic factors


Post Purchase


Perceived Support significantly increases the consumer purchase intention of
Identity Synergy
Identity Synergy means that organization facilitates more than one identity of an individual at
the same time (Fombelle, 2011). Identity synergy has the positive relationship with the
Consumers perception about the organization (Fombelle, 2011). Identity synergy increase
consumers wants to purchase the products or brands (Fombelle, 2011). If any product enable
any consumer to fulfill all those different identities that are being perceived to be handle by
that same product will lead positive impact on the perception of a consumer. i.e. If a telecom
company offers the facility of video conferencing to their business customers to fulfill their
business man identity as well as providing free Family Numbers call packages to Fulfill their
parents or spouse identity then consumers draw a good perception about the company in their
Identity synergy significantly increases the purchase intention of the consumers
Virtual Interaction
In this era the modern technology enables everyone to interact with each other and exchange
their ideas. Through the help of technology; individuals share their experiences and views
about certain brands. People use different parameters according to their own senses, previous
experiences, stimulus and social awareness. The studies of (Chartrand and Bargh, 1999) have
showed that the priming manipulations which has same influence on the social perception of
individuals along with the influence on the social behavior. What are the requirements that
are used within the social interaction and its context to make changes on the behavior of the
perceiver's.If the different consumers of same product have positive thinking about any
product that will defiantly positively impact on the perception of individuals. The human
perceived value is work as an input while make the decisions about certain brands and can
effects its purchase behavior. Those values are differing among individuals and have different
effects on them.
H3: Virtual interactions significantly increases the purchase intentions of consumers.
Purchase intention
At the individual level all those distinctive attributes, central value of an individual is identity
(Berger et al, 2006). How do anyone act according to different situations is reciprocally
reflecting ones identity. Every individual have different mental abilities to make judgments
about others things and give them rank among the society. All of these action and reaction of
an individual are being leaded by their perceive values, norm and socially acceptable roles.
Social identity is basically ones perceived role as a member of any group which makes its
identity as unique from others (Stets and Burke, 2000). All of these believes are build by once
perception which works as an input of building once identity. Purchase behavior is the result
of that understanding about different stimulus that used to build once perception.
Demographic factors are playing moderator role between the purchase behavior and the
consumer perception which involved age, religion, gender, income level and education level.
These are basically those factors that are being use as a comparator among these two steps.
Which shows that for what product once should go for? The demographic factors are those
factors that are being considered by both the marketers and the purchaser while making the
decisions sale and purchase (Jasper, 1992).
H4: Purchase intention significantly increases the purchase behaviour
Purchase Behavior
In the research of Scott and Lane 2000, they shows that consumers are likely to promote the
companys efforts if the company would be able to make their consumer satisfied in their
perceived value about any product. Purchase behaviour depends heavily on the purchase
intention of the consumers (Jyrinki, 2012).
H5: Purchase behaviour has significant impact on consumer identity.
Now the interaction between company and consumers are changed from the impersonal
economics exchange to the long term relationships. The level of embeddedness will leads
toward different interactions within the company and the customers. The previous studies
show that the customer embedded relationships with the consumer along with the arms
length distance will lead both the company and the consumer to feel themselves insiders of
the company(Granovetter 1985, Rao, Davis, Ward 2000). Previously the impact of embedded
relationship was seen the consumer company identification now the effect of embedded
relationships among the consumers and the company are being focused in this study. Here we
will discuss the needs to be fulfilled by the company to engage the consumer activeness
inside the company and make them insider of the company.
H6: Embeddedness significantly moderating the effect on the consumer purchase
behavior and consumer identity
Research Methodology
Population and Sample frame
Our population frame in this study involved all those consumers that are well aware about
their self and able to recognize themselves with different companies, brands, social status.
Our sample frame also involoved all those consumers that are brand conscious. With the help
of them we are able to explore the impact of the related variables on the consumer identity
Unit of analysis
Our study focused on the individuals consumers, our all the measurement are related to the
changes in the individual behavior, impact of different variables on the consumer identity
construction process on the basis of demographic factor, virtual interaction and measure the
level of individuals feeling to relate themselves as a part of the companies insider.

Study Setting
In our study, all the things that we take for measurement all are non-contrived. Because we
are going to focus on the behavior which leads individual to build their identity and the
different factors that can influence that behavior. It can only done if their will actual
parameters are use to evaluate this procedure.
Study type
This study is exploratory study in which we are going to explore the impact of virtual
interaction, demographic factors, on the consumer identity constructions. All the required
data collected on the basis of different variables by the suggested formula and systematic
Time Horizon
In this study we are going to choose cross sectional time approach in which we compare
different persons attitude toward different brand and how the other factors are affecting them
differently. Sample size
In this study we collect data from 100 respondents by distributing questionnaire. This sample
size is selected by evaluating the non statistical formula of 10:1.
Sampling technique
Data collection of our study is based on the snowfall sampling technique in order to
generalize the results. We found those peoples who are purely brand conscious and then on
the bases of their refrences we found other brand conscious peoples. Because it was difficult
to find brand conscious peoples so we use the refrences of the other peoples to get brand
conscious peoples.
Researchers Strength
This research is conducted by three students registered in BBA (Hons) program .
Instrument development/selection
The questionnaire in this study is self developed because the previous research on this field
is mostly conducted through different non structured interviews. No any well define
questioners is use by any related studies because this study focuses in the behavior and
psychological portion of individuals.
Data collection procedures
Structured Questionnaires are used for the data collection process. We distributed the
questionnaire to our target sampling frame to get the data and then analyze it through various
Data analysis techniques

Mean, Standard deviation, variance, regression analysis and anova is used on our data. We
use the regression model in order to measure the impact of different variable on the consumer
identity construction procedures. And also to check the impact of our DV on our IVs.
Data analysis software
In our study we used Statistical Software package for Social Sciences (SPSS) as data analysis
software to measure our data that is collected through questioners and interviews

6. Schedule of term paper
Reliability analysis
We did reliability analysis to check whether our data results are stable and consistent or not.
We check reliability on the bases of chronbach alpha. In 1967 Nulleys said that its value
should be greater than 0.60 to prove that your data is reliable. Chronbach alpha used to check
the internal consistency of the instrument (Cronbach`s, 1951).
Table No 1: Reliability Analysis
Sr. No Variable Reliability (Cronbachs ) No of Items
1 PS .625 5
2 IS .616 5
3 VI .621 6
4 PI .614 5
5 PB .600 4
6 PPB .600 6
7 E .618 5
8 CI .629 4

Note: (PS = Perceived Support, IS = Identity Synergy, VI = Virtual Interaction, PI = Purchase
Intention, PPB = Post purchase Behavior, E = Embeddedness, CI = Consumer Identity).
Perceived support has Chronbach value of 0.625 which is higher than 0.6 so it shows that
perceived support`s questions are stable and consistent. Identity synergy has Chronbach
value of 0.616 which is higher than 0.6 so it shows that identity synergy`s questions are stable
and consistent. Virtual interaction has Chronbach value of 0.621 which is higher than 0.6 so
it shows that virtual interaction questions are stable and consistent. Purchase intention has
Chronbach value of 0.614 which is higher than 0.6 so it shows that purchase intention
questions are stable and consistent. Purchase behavior has Chronbach value of 0.600 which
is equal to 0.6 so it shows that purchase behavior`s questions are stable and consistent. Post
purchase behavior has Chronbach value of 0.600 which is equal to 0.6 so it shows that Post
purchase behavior questions are stable and consistent. Embededness has Chronbach value
of 0.618 which is higher than 0.6 so it shows that Embededness questions are stable and
consistent. Consumer identity has Chronbach alpha value of 0.629 which means that
consumer identity questions are stable and consistent. Our all the variables have chronbach
alpha values greater than 0.60 which means that our data is reliable.
Exploratory Factor Analysis
We did factor analysis to check that whether our questions fulfill the need of our variable or
not. For this purpose we use KMO test and Bartletts test. KMO test is used to check that our
sample size is sufficient or not. KMO value should be greater than 0.60 to prove that our
sample size is sufficient (CITATION). Bartlett`s test is used to check that whether the no of
questions are sufficient or not. Bartlett`s test value should be less than 0.05 to prove that the
no of questions are sufficient (Citation). Loading values explains that how much any question
explain its variable. Loading Score should be greater than 0.40 (Citation).
Table No 2: Exploratory Analysis:

1 .545 - .534 .669 .524 .682 .638 .623
2 .760 .659 .586 .674 .599 .648 .664 .793
3 .725 .647 .758 .705 .748 .547 .652 .724
4 .435 .681 .445 .567 .802 .627 .661 .613
5 .692 .639 .732 .522 - .510 .530 -
6 - .472 - - .463 - -
KMO .612 .690 .669 .698 .615 625 .718 .660
Bartletts .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
Variance 41.338 34.766 36.000 39.841 45.919 34.185 39.838 47.903
Note: (PS = Perceived Support, IS = Identity Synergy, VI = Virtual Interaction, PI = Purchase
Intention, PPB = Post purchase Behavior, E = Embededness, CI = Consumer Identity).
KMO values of our all variables are greater than 0.60 which shows that our sample size is
sufficient and our instrument is valid. Bartlett`s test values of our all variables are less than
0.05 which means that the no of questions are sufficient in our questionnaire. PS1 explains
0.545 units to Perceived support. PS2 explains 0.760 units to Perceived support. PS3 explains
0.725 units to Perceived support. PS4 explains 0.435 units to Perceived support. PS5 explains
0.692 units to Perceived support. Similarly we can explain the other loading scores. Our all
loading scores are greater than 0.40.
Our variance of Perceived support is 41.338%. It means that 41.338% variation in perceived
support is explained by its elements in our questions. Similarly IS have variance of 34.766%,
VI have variance of 36%, Purchase intention have variance of 39.841%, PB have variance of
45.919%, PPB have variance of 34.185.88%, E have variance of 39.838 and consumer
identity have variance of 47.903%.
Descriptive analysis includes calculation of means, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis,
minimum and maximum values of your data you collected about your topic. In descriptive
analysis you can measure the average response of the peoples about your certain variables.
You can also find the maximum value of the data and the minimum value for your variables.
In descriptive analysis we compute the variables and the composite score of the variables.
Table 1
Descriptive Analysis
Variable Max Min Mean S.D Skewness Kurtosis
PS 5.00 3.85 4.1934 .47926 -.384 -.285
IS 5.00 2.40 3.7734 .55345 -.256 -.209
VI 4.83 2.33 3.7470 .54871 -.532 .155
PI 4.81 2.60 4.0169 .51367 -.587 -.016
PB 5.00 1.96 3.9576 .58939 -1.009 1.883
PPB 4.86 2.33 3.9833 .47420 -.356 .618
E 5.00 2.40 3.9037 .55936 -.331 -.246
CI 5.00 1.75` 4.0965 .50574 -.691 1.149
Note: PS = Perceived Support, IS = Identity Synergy, VI = Virtual Interaction, PI = Purchase
For perceived support the average response from the respondents were 4.1934 which are
closer to 4 it means that mostly peoples are agreed that perceived support increase your
purchase intention toward a certain brand. For identity synergy the average response from the
respondents was 3.77 which is closer to 4 it means that mostly peoples are agreed about the
positive impact of identity synergy on purchase intention. For Virtual Interaction the average
response from the respondents were 3.7470 which is closer to 4 it means that mostly peoples
are agreed about the positive impact of virtual interaction on purchase intention. For Purchase
intention the average response from the respondents were 4.0169 which is closer to 4 it
means that mostly peoples are agreed about the positive impact of purchase intention on
purchase behavior. For Purchase behavior the average response from the respondents were
3.95 which is closer to 4 it means that mostly peoples are agreed about the positive impact of
purchase behavior on Consumer Identity. For Embededness the average response from the
respondents were 3.90 which are closer to 4 it means that mostly peoples are agreed that
Embededness is playing a moderator role between purchase behavior and consumer identity.
For Post purchase behavior the average response from the respondents were 3.98 which are
closer to 4 it means that mostly peoples are agreed that Post purchase behavior is playing a
moderator role between purchase behavior and consumer identity.

Likewise other variables also explain that how much average responses they get from the
Correlation coefficient
Correlation explains the degree to which two variables movements are associated with each
other. It used to check the direction of the two variables. Direction means weather they have
direct relation or negative relation. Direct relation means that if one variables increase the
other variable will also increase and vice versa. Indirect relation means that if one variable
will increase then the other variable will decrease in the same manner. Corelation coefficient
also determine the strength of the relationship between two variables. It is represented with
r and if its value will be between 0.001-0.5 then the relationship between variables is weak
positive. If the value lies between 0.5-0.7 then the relationship between the variables is
moderate positive and if the valu lies between 0.7-0.99 then the relationship is strong positive
and on 1 it is perfect positive relationship.
Table 2
Co-relation coefficient
PS 1
IS 0.548 1
VI 0.094 0.390 1
PI 0.500 0.371 0.468 1
PB 0.526 0.427 0.237 0.513 1
PPB 0.369 0.620 0.131 0.138 0.639 1
E 0.570 0.627 0.103 0.164 0.553 0.624 1
CI 0.456 0.389 0.008 0.371 0.667 0.540 0.320 1
PS and IS has moderate positive relationship. PS and VI has weak positive relationship. Ps
and PI have moderate positive relationship. PS and PB has moderate positive relationship.
PS and PPB has weak positive relationship. PS and E has moderate positive relationship. PS
and CI has weak positive relationship. Other variables have the corelation likewise.
We use regression analysis to check the impact of our independent variables on the dependent
variables. It tells us that if we change our IV to a certain extent then how much our dependent
variable will be changed.

Table 3
Variable B St.e T.Value P. Value Hypothsis
Constant 0.309 1.018 0.304 0.764
PS 0.617 0.250 2.473 0.022 Except
IS -0.095 0.205 -0.464 0.022 Reject
VI 0.410 0.205 -0.464 0.647 Reject
Note: (R square = 0.264), f (3, 22) =5.120. P<0.05
PS, IS, and VI collectively explaining PI by 26.4%. Increase in every unit of PS will increase
the PI by 0.617 units while decrease in every unit of IS will increase the PI by 0.095 units.
Increase in every unit of VI will increase the PI by 0.410 units. We will accept our first
hypothesis that perceived support significantly increase purchase intention. While our second
and third hypothesis will be rejected because still we get data from very less population.
Table4: Regression
Variable B St.e T. Value P. Value Hypothesis
Constant 0.615 1.045 0.588 0.561
PI 0.782 0.252 3.109 0.004 Accept
Purchase Behavior
Note: (R square = 0.264), f (1, 27) =9.666. P<0.05
PI explaining the Purchase behaviour by 26.4%. By increasing every unit of PI the Purchase
behaviour will increase by 0.782 units. Our result for PI is also applicable to the whole
population because its value is less than 0.05 which means that it is significant. So we will
accecpt our fourth hypothesis. And we can conclude that purchse intention significantly
increases purchase behaviour toward a certain brand.
Table 5:Regression
Variable B St.e T. Value P. Value Hypothesis
Constant 2.133 0.426 5.006 0.000
PB 0.505 0.109 4.646 0.000 Accept
Consumer Identity
Note: (R square = 0.444), f (1, 27) =27.587. P<0.05
Purchase behaviour explaining the consumer identity by 44.4%. By increasing every unit of
PB, consumer identity will increase by 0.505 units. Because our result is significant so we
accept our fifth hypothesis and conclude that purchase behaviour significantly increases the
consumer identity for any brand.
Table 6: Regression
Variable B St.e T. Value P. Value Hypothesis
Constant 2.843 0.328 8.659 0.000
PBPPB 0.084 0.021 3.948 0.001 Accept
Note: (R square = 0.375), f (1, 26) =15.585. P<0.05
Purchase behaviour and post purchase behaviour collectively explaining the consumer
identity by 37.5%. The presence of PPB decreases the R sequare value. So PPB playing the
role of moderator. Our result is significant so we will accept our sixth hypothesis and
conclude that purchase behaviour significantly increases the consumer identity for any brand
while PPB playing the role of moderator.
Table 7: Regression
Variable B St.e T. Value P. Value Hypothesis
Constant 2.943 0.435 6.759 0.000
EPPB 0.076 0.028 2.698 0.012 Accept

Note: (R square = 0.219), f (1, 26) =7.282. P<0.05
Embeddedness and post purchase behaviour collectively explaining the consumer identity by
21.9%. The presence of E decreases the R sequare value. So E playing the role of moderator.
Our result is significant so we will accept our seventh hypothesis and conclude that purchase
behaviour significantly increases the consumer identity for any brand while E playing the role
of moderator.
we used t test to check whether the sample results are applicable to the whole population or
Two sample independent t-test
We applied this test on those populations whose data were not dependent on each other. The
variances of dependent variables of the two populations were equal and the dependent
variables of the two populations were normally distributed.
For example we want to check that weather females and males have same purchase intention
after virtual interactions or not.
To use t-test there is one assumption which we fulfilled, that was levenes test. Whose results
was insignificant so we apply t-test on our independent populations.
Table No. 1
Reporting of One Sample t Test
Variables M SD t df p
Perceived Support 4.30 0.418 55.314 28 0.000
Identity Synergy 3.69 0.580 33.646 27 0.000
Virtual Interaction 3.64 0.610 30.413 25 0.000
Purchase Intention 4.12 0.552 40.149 28 0.000
Purchase Behavior 3.83 0.841 24.548 28 0.000
Post Purchase
3.77 0.614 32.468 27 0.000
Embededness 4.07 .637 34.398 28 0.000
Our value of perceived support deviate 0.418 units to the population mean. Our value of
identity synergy deviate 0.580 to the population mean. Virtual interaction deviate 0.610 to the
population mean. Similarly other means also deviate from the population means.
Source SS MS df F Sig


Within groups












Our results shows that the value of Anova for purchase intention between three different
populations depending on occupation is 0.171 which is insignificant which shows that there is
no significant difference between three occupation levels on purchase intention.
Table 2
Reporting of Independent Sample t Test
Variable M SD t df p
Identity Synergy -.739 26 .306
Male 3.63 0.635
Female 3.80 0.477
1.073 27 .373
Male 4.36 0.385
Female 4.18 0.476

Identity synergy significantly differentiate between male and female because our value of t= -
0.739 which means that it is significant. And we can also apply our results on the whole
Table 7
Post Hoc Test (Tukey)
If the levenes test is insignificant then we will use Anova. And if the results of the Anova are
significant then we will use Tukey test to check that which population variances are not

Table 8
Tukey test
Occupation J(Occupation) Means Sig








We will assume that our result for Anova is significant which means that there is a significant
difference between three occupation groups so to check in which two populations there is a
significant difference we will use Tukey test. Our values for Tukey test for all three
populations are insignificant so we can conclude that there is no difference between these
three populations.

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