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Custom Coaching Model Program

Lourens Badenhorst Consulting

Digital Marketing Optimization
After our initial consultation sessions, this is the understanding of your needs as far as I have
it. It is broken down into steps and stages, with 1 stages consisting of several steps
depending on your needs, budget and time-frame.
Coaching sessions range between 6-! minutes and you are re"uired to do the homework
given otherwise results cannot be guaranteed.
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I am in no way promising that you will make a million dollars just by taking this
program, the results are based on my own success and that of my clients and others in
the industry !ou are re"uired to act on all the information gi#en to crystallize your
$stimated duration of project : %&' (eeks
)tage *:
Presence, Branding & Your First Offer
)tep *: +esearch
At this point all we are doing is looking at e2amples of what you3d like to accomplish, we will
look at others in your field and go nin4a on them. &hanks to some new tools available online,
we can skip past a lot of the arduous (*$ research that would normally take days and even
weeks. -ou will have a list of at least 1 keywords to utili5e for all of your content and ads.
&his will act as your pool of keywords to create your initial social media campaign.
62Coaching (essions 7lus Cheatsheets
,-%.. /alue0
)tep 1: !our 2irst 3iche
8e will ne2t focus on finding and optimi5ing your content for a niche of your choosing. &he
same process can afterwards be repeated for another niche.
8e will create your branding, website and first marketing campaign based on the previous
research and keywords. &his is crucial to the ne2t step.
62Coaching (essions 7lus Cheatsheats
,-%.. /alue0
)tep 4: Basic branding 5 website setup:
9 page website optimi5ed for mobile devices : all operating systems ;<1,=!! >alue?
@Includes A revisions, blog, s"uee5e page and content management system ;CB(? C
1 .ogo D 1usiness Card design @Includes A revisionsC ;<E!! >alue?
1 1anner #esign ;<6!! >alue?
(etup Bailing .ist ;<6!! >alue?
&raining in /oogleF7ay7erClickF0acebook %iche Barketing ;<=!! >alue?
By .ittle 1lack 1ook of +ypnotic +eadlines ;<!! >alue?
62Coaching (essions on 'se $f 8ebsite D 1log ;<=!! >alue?
,-%,*.6 /alue0
@&his re"uires you to do your own photoshootC
)tep %: !our 2irst Offer
In this part we will create your first information product that will act as your first money
magnet. &his will either take the form of an ebook, a video or an audio recording of some kind
;or a combination thereof?.
Creating your first info product based on research as to what your customers need and want.
8e will delve deeply into the psychology of recuprication and selling and how to utili5e and
leverage it in your initial offering.
I will guide you through the entire process from start to finish as well as overlook what you are
creating to ensure it stays congruent with your campaign materials.
* !our Million Dollar 7lan ,-*8,888 within *8 weeks as a start0
1 9reate Money Magnet
4 9reate 7roduct 2unnel
* +elease Money Magnet
6. Offer *
:psale : 9onsumer 9oaching 7rogram ,-*.; 7roduct0
A. Offer 1
:psale : 7ersonal 9oaching ,-%.; 7roduct0
=. Offer 4
:psale : <i#e $#ent ,(ebinar=)eminar=7hysical $#ent0 ,-..; 7roduct0
9. Offer %
:psale : 9ontinuity 7rogram ,-.;=m product0
62Coaching (essions 7lus Cheatsheets
;<1=!= >alue?
-,',;1. /alue0
Copy of my 'ltimate Inner /ame 7rogram ;<1!H >alue?
Cross 7romotional &raining ;<6!H >alue?
%etwork Barketing Bodel ;<6!H >alue?
Affiliate 7rogram Creation ;<6!H >alue?
Access to my upcoming 7ersonal Bagnetism 7rogramme ;<1!!H >alue?
,Bonus -4*.6 /alue0
?otal -*8,81% /alue
I made o#er -*',888 in 4 (eeks :sing ?his Model, I want to see you beat me@
?his 9ompletes 7hase * Of Digital Marketing Mastery
?he neAt phase will focus on doing product launches, !outube marketing, hypnotic
copy, ad#anced sales techni"ues and increasing con#ersions
7rice Breakdown:
?otal -*8,81% /alue
$ption 1I <=,!!H $ne &ime 7ayment
$ption AI <6!!H upfront - Coaching package without the website,branding : design being
done for you. 6 Coaching sessions included so you can do this on your own.
;%o 1onuses?
$ption =I <1!!H J 1asic website, branding, mailing list D s"uee5epage setup. Includes
62Coaching (essions ;%o 1onuses $r #iscounts?
$ption 6I <6!!= - Kust pay for the coaching sessions all-together and you get everything
else absolutely freeL ;-ou can also refer 6 students to me and I will give you a
full cash refund.?
;<1=!H down, 6
half upon completion first 6h of coaching and final draft of
website and branding? 1*(& >A.'*
If you aren3t happy with the information or coaching you are given within the first 1= days of us
working together, you can have a full C*88 no "uestions asked money back guaruntee.
;$nce work on website is started a non-refundable deposit of <1,=!H will be held?
I am available via email at all times and between the hours of 16-=pm Bonday-0riday for
phone support ;prior booking is re"uired? for a duration of the pro4ect as well as A days
afterwards for any "uestions you may have about what we have covered. &his does not
include tech support for changes you made on the website or marketing.
!ou are allowed to reformulate the information and teach it to others but the materials I
ha#e authored are not to be used without my permission

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