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Welcome Parents,

Im Ms. Kristen Drabek, your childs new 2

grade teacher. I earned my Bachelors
degree in Early Childhood Education/Elementary Education at Madonna University.
While studying, I was also a full time athlete who played softball. I have substituted,
tutored, and coached many children. Ive had experience in numerous classrooms
including public, private, diverse, and special needs.

I chose teaching as my career because I am so passionate about children, their growth,
and the impact they can have on our world when they leave my classroom. I live for the
ah ha! moments when a child finally masters or understands a concept they have been
struggling with. I want to help build the foundation for their future and guide them to be
the best they can possibly be.

Our classroom goals will be determined together during the first couple days of school,
both academically and behaviorally. I feel that collaborating together creates
accountability, ownership, and self-discipline. I expect the students to come to school
prepared, ready to learn, and to give their best effort everyday.

I plan to communicate with all parents and guardians, often, through our classroom Wiki
website. Information about what we are learning, upcoming events, tests, daily
homework and school news will be available to you. It would be greatly appreciated if
you could work with your children on the skills we are learning in the classroom, at
home. You are more than welcome to come visit our classroom to experience what your
child goes through on a daily basis.

My educational philosophy is that I believe education is a process that involves many
elements working together for a common goal. Every child can learn and has the
potential to succeed. Every student is an individual that has his or her own learning style.
If we all work together, we are all winners.

I look forward to working with your children, getting to know them, and watching them
grow. Feel free to contact me (outside of our website) at anytime by email or phone with
any questions, comments, or concerns. I am happy to help and work with you. Lets make
this a great year!


Ms. Kristen Drabek
(734) 497-8555
Grade Level Rules and Consequences
I chose to create rules and consequences for the 2
grade level because this is
around the age level I would like to teach in the future. I came up with five rules,
positive reinforcement and consequences.

grade rules:

1. Active Listening
2. Personal Best
3. Truthfulness
4. Trustworthiness
5. No Put Downs

Consequences: Give the students a stop and think care. They will go to their seat, and I
will talk to them about their choice individually. Depending on how bad of a choice they
made will determine the order it can be handled:
1. Get a talk from me
2. Warning
3. Loss of privilege
4. Parent contact
5. Principals office

Positive Reinforcement: If the students do not get a stop and think card, they get to
choose a bonus at the end of the week. Examples could include:
1. Extra Recess
2. No Shoes Afternoon
3. Free Time
4. Movie
5. Treat/Snack
6. No Weekend Homework

The rules were determined with the knowledge that 2
graders should know all the basic
rules such as walking, taking turns talking, raising hands, etc. I feel like 2
graders are
becoming a little more mature and need to take on a little bit more responsibility. They
need to start learning self-discipline. That is why I think giving them the stop and think
card is a great way to enforce self-discipline. The students get a chance to stop, think, talk
it out with the teacher, and admit what they did wrong and possibly try to fix it. The
consequences were determined from previous experiences being in classrooms that
seemed to work best. I am also a huge believer in positive reinforcement, so I had to add
that in. You cant just focus on the bad in the classroom. You have to point out the good
things the students are doing as well to encourage them to keep doing what theyre doing.

Bully Management Plan
Grade Level: 3
1. Prevention of Bullying

a. Classroom Structure
i. Building a safe environment is the start to structuring a classroom
that prevents bullying.
ii. I will establish a classroom of respect that welcomes each student.
1. I will work hard to teach all my students that being
different is good and we should welcome all of their
iii. I will make sure all students are interacting in a safe way.
1. No negative behavior will be allowed at any time.
iv. I will manage all behavior in the classroom.
1. I will invoke rules and consequences the moment I know
there was bullying.
a. I have a zero-tolerance rule on bullying.

b. Strategies to Prevent Bullying
i. The first thing I will do is educate my students on what bullying is.
1. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school
aged children that involves a real or perceived power
imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to
be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as
making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone
physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a
group on purpose. (
ii. I will teach them how students play a role in bullying.
1. There are many roles that students can play. Students can
bully others, they can be bullied, or they may witness
bullying. When students are involved in bullying, they
often play more than one role. It is important to understand
the multiple roles students play in order to effectively
prevent and respond to bullying. (
iii. I will teach also them that bullying is unacceptable whether it be in
person, online, or any other circumstance.
iv. I will also have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and the
students will know that they will have consequences if I witness
any of it.
1. Because of my zero-tolerance policy, if I witness bullying,
the students involved will get an immediate call to parents
to set up an appointment with the principal and myself. I do
not believe in just sending the child immediately to the
office, I will have an appointment set up, but the child will
get a warning from me immediately that the appointment
will be held that day after school or immediately the next
a. If it seems to just be joking or I am not too sure if it
is bullying, I will pull the student (being bulled)
aside to figure out which is happening.
b. If the student does not seem bothered, then it will be
dropped. But, if the student acts like they have been
bullied, the bully/ies will get an appointment set up
immediately with the principal, parents, and myself.
v. I will not wait until bullying happens and I will do my best to
prevent it before it starts.
1. I will do this by:
a. Creating a safe environment.
b. Educating students on bullying.
c. Explaining my zero-tolerance policy.
vi. My students will know that even the little things can be considered
bullying and they will not get away with it without a consequence.
1. Some examples include:
a. Spreading rumors.
b. Verbally abusing someone even if just calling them
a nerd. (This may seem small, but could be major to
a student.)
c. Excluding a student from a group.
vii. If the students know that I am serious because I stick to my word,
this can be a great way to prevent bullying.

2. Bullied Students

a. Supporting Students Being Bullied
i. I will let my students know that if they are being bullied, I am
there for them.
1. This can be just to listen to what they say, or to help them
stop that bullying from taking place.
a. By ignoring bullies.
b. By telling them that it is vital to get help if they do
not feel safe.
c. By helping them feel confident to tell the bully to
stop and that their feelings are being hurt.
2. My students will know that their words are safe with me
and no other students will know what they tell me.
a. I will have a drop box on my desk where students
can express any feelings they have.
i. This can include:
1. Bullying.
2. Their weekend plans.
3. Anything they wish to write.
ii. This drop box will be checked by me before
lunch and then at the end of the day right
before the students leave.
ii. Also, I can set up a meeting with them to talk to the school
guidance counselor or the even the Principal.

b. Educate Students Being Bullied
i. If I talk to a student who I know is being bullied, I will explain to
them that in no circumstance is bullying right.
ii. I will educate them on who they can talk to if they feel they need
to speak to someone about being bullied.
1. They can talk to any staff at the school. They are supported
by all staff.
iii. I will also teach them how to be more bully proof.
1. I will encourage them to stay away from those bullying
2. I will encourage them to find different friends (if the bullies
are their friends).
3. I will help the students feel good about themselves, but
helping them build self-esteem.
a. This way, the bullying might affect them less.

3. Plan for Bullies

a. Disciplining Bullies
i. The first thing I will do is confront the child who is doing the
1. I will involve the student who was being bullied if they feel
comfortable joining.
ii. Next, I will sit down with that child and go through my classroom
rules, explaining the ones he/she did not follow.
iii. After this, they will receive the consequence lined up with defying
our rules.
1. If there is bullying, a meeting will be held with the student,
his/her parents, the principal, and myself. (Possibly even
the parents of the student being bullied). Sending them
straight to an office is not an option. I will use
communication and collaboration to work through the
problem. Consequences could possibly include taking a
privilege away, writing a letter to the person they are
bullying apologizing, doing service after school to better
our classroom, etc. Ways to turn the negative behavior into
a positive behavior.
iv. After that student completes the consequence (whatever is
determined by the parents, principal and myself), I will sit down
with that child one on one and talk about ways that we can prevent
the bullying from occurring again.

b. Redirecting Bullies
i. I will do what I can to stop the students from ever bullying again.
ii. If this student has continued to bully, I will set up another meeting
with the principal, his/her parents, and myself to come up with a
better plan to stop this behavior from reoccurring (If it gets too
bad, the next step may be suspension or expelling the bully for the
safety of the child being bullied).
1. The meeting should help us figure out the reason why the
person bullies and ways to stop him/her from doing it.
iii. I can also educate the student on bullying and what it feels like to
be bullied.
1. It can make someone sad, angry, depressed, inadequate,
like an outcast, etc.
2. I am hoping this will help the student see that bullying is
horrible and can really hurt the child being bullied. This, in
turn, will redirect the bully to stop bullying other students.
iv. I will try to redirect the bully towards positive behaviors.
1. I will do this by:
a. Having them apologize.
b. Having them not only speak, but also listen when
solving conflicts.
c. Encouraging them to learn about the classmate they
are bullying.

4. Conclusion
To conclude, I think it is important to educate not only the bullied, but the bullies.
I can teach them what constitutes bullying and how it can be prevented. I will
support all my students and try to redirect them when necessary. If I do all these
things, and the students are included, bullying can be kept to a minimum. In the
end, if this plan is followed correctly, it will help me to create a safe and effective
learning environment.

Cultural Diversity
The classroom is becoming more and more diverse every single day. Different
cultures and languages are entering the classroom and it is my job to be prepared.
My instruction will be differentiated to reach out to each and every child and their
cultures. My students will learn about one anothers cultures so they all can start
to understand each other and expand their knowledge about other diversities.
Reading stories that touch base in other cultures and even celebrate new holidays
that may occur in students cultures are examples of things I would incorporate
into my classroom. If an ELL student enters my classroom I will label my room
with their language and pictures to make the transition easier for that student.
Learning about the students cultures is also something I, as a teacher, can do to
understand more about my students and somewhat put myself in their shoes.
Incorporating all my students cultures into my instruction will create an
understanding community in the classroom.

Universal Plans: Public Behavior Support
My PBS will identify target areas of improvement, improve processes and
procedures, decrease problem behavior, and increase attendance and academic
achievement. My PBS will be school-wide and there will be school-wide
expectations such as Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect Your School.
I will display a bulletin board in the school somewhere displaying students that
have displayed positive behavior or support. When faculty spots a student
behaving positively, they can write up a little report saying what they did and give
it to me. I will display it on the bulletin board and hopefully when the student sees
themselves on the board they will feel confident, proud, and hopefully driven to
keep up the positive behavior and help spread it to other students. This is a system
that gives back to the students for positive behavior in hope that the positive
behavior continues.

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