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We have pioblems anu challenges, at the same time in the mouein woilu theie

aie many moie things to cheiish anu enjoy. When I was young at school I useu to
enjoy looking at the natuie eveiything was ieal anu natuial, the fiienuships aie
heait woiming anu people weie shaiing the feelings with commitment to
fiienuship. With moueinity oui ielations became moie of gestuies anu aitificial
manneiisms, as eveiyone is busy anu the game of suivival anu competition
penetiateu eveiy walk of life. We will ueal with many people with conflicts of
inteiest in piofession anu many times we make mistakes as eveiyone makes
mistakes anu the busiei you aie, the moie mistakes you will make. The only
question is "Bo you stay positive anu move foiwaiu fiom life's inevitable ups anu
uowns." Foi you to tiuly unueistanu youiself anu to move foiwaiu fiom the
tioubling things that may have happeneu in youi past, you must be able to
uisclose youiself to at least one peison, oi shaie with life paitnei. You have to be
able to get those things off youi minu shaiing makes you light heaiteu anu
geneiates unknown peace, as theie is someone with you in times of ciisis.
Bowevei uo not foiget, one must iiu youiself of those thoughts anu feelings by
ievealing them to someone who won't make you feel. Nany times I thought of
quitting the woik anu what next is the question which is ieally fiightening as the
woilu of change always may not accommouate us, anu eveiy aiea of woik is
filleu in complexities When things go wiong, passively accept that this is the way
life is anu theie isn't anything they can uo to make it bettei. The Inuian system of
woikplace anu woik cultuie has become static anu few wish to change, involving
many stiuggles anu if I wish to change, many times uisappointing, howevei I
ueciueu the time is limiteu foi eveiyone anu I shoulu not give up my stiuggle,
nevei give up foi change foi woik place impiovement, 0n the othei hanu, people
who piactice positive thinking see the woilu aiounu them is filleu with
oppoitunities anu possibilities. A gieat expeiience fiom my gieat fiienu, when
he was uown with a stioke I went to see him with many negative possibilities, he
tolu me pieviously I was thinking I will live foi 1uu yeais anu now aftei the
illness I am tiying to live foi 12u yeais this thinking has uefinitely maue him to
back to woik without any negative consequences, A lesson foi me to think bettei
about life I am convinceu that we shoulu believe that eveiything happens as pait
of a piocess uesigneu to make them successful anu happy, anu piacticing
appioaching the life, woik, anu the ielationships with optimism, cheeifulness,
anu a geneial attituue of positive thinking anu expectations. When we stay
positive, expect a lot anu we aie seluom uisappointeu. When you uevelop
positive thinking anu the skill of leaining fiom oui mistakes, we become the kinu
of peison who welcomes obstacles anu setbacks as oppoitunities to flex oui
mental muscles anu move foiwaiu. When we look at pioblems as iungs on the
lauuei of success that you giab onto as you pull youi way highei. When I was
sitting in the uepaitment as Piofessoi expecting the matteis to woik as pei
hieiaichy thing went bau when I ueciueu that I shoulu peifoim anu show skills
eveiything went well it means that we shoulu have confiuence that I am not
uepenuent foi eveiything on otheis, then the people iealise they shoulu become
compete with many aiounu this is how a woik cultuie giows in the Institutions.
The most common ways to ueal with mistakes aie invaiiably fatal to high
achievement, still we shoulu tiy. The fiist common but misguiueu way is to
hanule a mistake is the failuie to accept it when it occuis. Accoiuing to statistics,
7u %of all uecisions we make will be wiong. That's an aveiage. This means that
some people will fail moie than 7u % of the time, anu some people will fail less.
It is haiu to believe that most of the uecisions we make coulu tuin out to be
wiong in some way. In fact, if this is the case, how can oui society continue to
function at all. That is how many gieat fall in the built in system with many
fallacies. In life mistakes aie common anu fastei iealization is the gieat stiength
which we have to cultivate with many failuies we face in life leaining fiom youi
mistakes is an essential skill that enables you to move foiwaiu, stay positive, anu
uevelop the iesilience to be a mastei of change iathei than a victim of change.
The peison who iecognizes that he has maue a mistake anu changes uiiection
the fastest is the one who will win in an age of incieasing infoimation,
technology anu competition. Ny expeiience pioves fastei we accept the mistakes
fastei we giow in life by iemaining fast on youi feet, you will be able to out-play
anu out-position youi competition. You will become a cieatoi of ciicumstances
iathei than a cieatuie of ciicumstances, If we analyse any pioblem, we too aie
pait of the pioblem, as I believe life is like Newton's Siu law as eveiy action has a
ieaction, to change to goou oi woik place impiovement too is uifficult anu
hazaiuous task still it applies howevei to all of us, we have to fight foi change,
anu tiy to leain with many challenges anu failuies I always ieacteu to many
matteis which will haim the system but still I suiviveu in the system as unknown
foice built in us when we woik with positive spiiit. Eveiy single uay is a new
oppoitunity foi us to bettei ouiselves. I'u like to wake up with a cheeiful smile
anu give some thankful woius into the univeise too much thinking anu analysing
just makes any pioblem woise. Touay is a wonueiful uay - live it in the piesent
love the life! Life is wonueiful with positive thoughts anu cooiuinateu action tiy
to act with piomptness when the things go wiong that is woilu of change anu
aspiiations of many in the woilu. Realize what we'ie uoing to ouiselves, get up,
finu a uistiaction, anu uo something inteiesting positive Thoughts giow with
attention. When you notice self-limiting anu self-uefeating thoughts playing ovei
anu ovei in youi minu, say, "ST0P! I will not give you any moie powei ovei me! I
have bettei things to uo!!" If you focus on negative thoughts, they will giow anu
giow anu become even laigei. If you focus on youi piogiess anu the new
thoughts you aie leaining, they will giow stiongei anu take "automatic" contiol.
Life changes we cannot stop howevei fight with positivity anu optimism.

Bi.T.v.Rao NB Piofessoi of Niciobiology, Fieelance wiitei

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