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... through Bertha Dudde

Nothing will remain unredeemed forever ....
Every human eing i! re!"on!ile for hi! !oul#! !tate of maturity
him!elf$ %on!e&uently the human eing al!o determine! how long
he will remain di!tant from 'e$
that i!$ every original !"irit .... the emodied !oul in a "er!on ....
will return to 'e without fail$ yet the length of time it ta(e! to
a%hieve thi! return de"end! on free will$ and thu! it %an ta(e
eternitie! until the !oul ha! e%ome what it wa! in the eginning)
a "erfe%t eing whi%h i! %lo!ely united with 'e$ whi%h then will
e ale to wor( e!ide 'e in light and !trength and freedom ....
*he fa%t that thi! return to 'e will ha""en !ooner or later i!
%ertain$ e%au!e it i! the fundamental law of eternity that
everything emanated y 'e a! !trength will have to return to 'e
again .... +et the duration of return to 'e %an !tret%h a%ro!!
eternitie! and you human! are in%a"ale of %om"rehending thi!
"eriod$ for your thin(ing i! limited ....
Nevertheless, there is no such thing as eternal death, if it
is understood as being perpetually distant from Me .... +ou
%an indeed !"ea( of eternitie! ut not of a !tate that will la!t
forever$ whi%h thu! i! without end .... For !u%h a %on%e"t i! not
%om"atile with 'y Nature$ whi%h i! love and wisdom and
might ....
Do you really thin( that 'y wi!dom and might don#t have the
mean! at their di!"o!al to a%hieve everything$ even the final
return of the !"irit! whi%h on%e had fallen away from 'e, Or do
you thin( that 'y love i! !o limited that it would leave even -u!t
one eing in a !tate of eternal death, ....
+ou (now that even 'y adver!ary will return into the Father#!
hou!e one day and that he will e a%%e"ted y hi! Father a! the
!on having returned home$ even if infinite time! will !till "a!!
y .... Neverthele!!$ he will not e ani!hed from 'y fa%e
forever$ he$ too$ will yearn for 'y love one day and voluntarily
return to 'e.
.nd nothing will remain in an unredeemed !tate$ for even the
harde!t matter will di!!olve one day$ it will relea!e the %a"tured
!"iritual !u!tan%e and it y it !"irituali!e it!elf$ for everything
in e/i!ten%e in the whole of the univer!e i! !"iritual !trength$ of
whi%h 0 wa! and .m the !our%e$ it! effe%t merely manife!t! it!elf
at variou! degree! of hardne!!$ thu! %on!e&uently hardened or
already !oftened it i! a""roa%hing it! !"irituali!ation .... ut the
!"irituali!ation of all matter will %ertainly ta(e "la%e and nothing
defying 'e will remain ....
*hi! wrong a!!um"tion i! al!o a "rodu%t of human intelle%tual
thought whi%h ha! to e %orre%ted through 'y dire%t in!tru%tion
from aove$ for !u%h a tea%hing wa! never %onveyed to you
human! y Me ....
*ime and again 'y adver!ary will intrude and influen%e "eo"le to
%hange !"iritual (nowledge with the intention to mi!lead you and
to awa(en dout! in 'y Nature$ for a! !oon a! you elieve it
"o!!ile that unredeemed !"irit! have to remain in their !tate
forever it will al!o &ue!tion 'y infinite love .... it would e
limited$ whi%h i! im"o!!ile with a Being$ Whi%h i! and will
remain !u"remely "erfe%t for all eternity.
'y adver!ary ha! truly many o""ortunitie! to !li" in and %au!e
%onfu!ion$ and he will alway! do !o when 'y !"irit#! a%tivity i!
di!"la%ed y intelle%tual thought$ whi%h i! only "o!!ile when
"eo"le are not %ontent with a !im"le e/"lanation and feel
%ommitted to add or delete !omething. 0f$ however$ they would
!hy away from ma(ing %hange! at all$ !u%h error! %ould not
%ree" in$ for then they would !tri%tly (ee" to 'y Word and %ould
not fall "rey to error ....
.nd therefore 0 have to (ee" e/"o!ing error! all over again$ 0
have to %onvey 'y "ure Word to you human!$ 0 have to %orre%t
everything !o that you will not a%&uire !"iritual information that
ha! not originated from 'e ut whi%h i! eagerly endor!ed a! 'y
Word .... 0t wa! %onveyed to earth in all "urity and truthfulne!!$
yet if a "er!on ta(e! it u"on him!elf to ma(e %hange! he %annot
e "revented y 'e$ ut 0 will alway! ma(e !ure that you
human! will %ome into "o!!e!!ion of the "ure truth time and
again ....
.nd if you your!elve! de!ire to (now the truth then you will al!o
&uery every mi!guided tea%hing and won#t e ale to re%on%ile it
with the !u"remely "erfe%t nature of your God and Father of
eternity ....
And the best and safest test you can make is to ask
yourselves whether your Gods love and wisdom ustifies a
teaching, for as soon as one !uality is missing you may
also reect it as incorrect ....
.nd truly$ 0 will al!o !u!tantiate to you why a tea%hing of
eternal condemnation i! mi!guided .... !o that you %an elieve
it and e !ure that you are living in truth$ whi%h 0 will (ee"
im"arting to "eo"le e%au!e truth alone i! the light whi%h
illuminate! the "ath of a!%ent ....
1uli!hed y friend! of new revelation! of God 20nformation$
download of all tran!lated revelation!$ theme3oo(let! at)


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