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Higher Judicial Service (Pre) Examination-2009

(Held on 280!2009)
"ime# $ hour%
&ar'%# (00
)ote%# (i) All questions are to be attempted.
(ii) Each question carries equal mark.
(iii) Answers are to be given by blackening the correct option in the O.M.R. heet.
(. *hich i% the correct meaning o+ ,ord -em.argo/0
(A) landing place
(!) prohibition
(") disease o# eye
($) cargo
2. 1n agreement en+orcea.le .2 la, at the in%tance o+ one or more o+ the 3artie%
and not o+ other or other% under Section 2(i) o+ the 4ndian 5ontract 1ct i% called-
(A) a valid contract
(!) an illegal contract
(") a void contract
($) a voidable contract
$. 5laim +or nece%%arie% o+ li+e %u33lied to a minor under Section !8 o+ the 4ndian
5ontract 1ct-
(A) cannot be en#orced at all
(!) can be en#orced against the minor personally on attaining ma%ority
(") can be en#orced against the minor&s property or estate
($) can be en#orced against the guardian' i# any' o# the minor
6. 1n act7 to .e called on -act o+ +irm/7 ,ithin the meaning o+ %ection 2(a) o+ the
4ndian Partner%hi3 1ct7 (9$2 i%-
(A) every act o# the partners
(!) only such acts which give rise to a en#orceable by or against the #irm
(") such acts which do not give rise to a right en#orceable by or against the #irm
($) either (A) or (!) or (")
8. *hich o+ the +ollo,ing i% a valid 3artner%hi30
(A) partnership between two partnership #irm
(!) partnership between one partnership #irm and an individual
(") partnership between individual members o# one #irm and the individual members o#
another #irm
($) neither (A) nor (!) nor (")
!. Ea%ement i% a right-
(A) in rem
(!) in personam
(") neither (A) nor (!)
($) in rem in general but in personam in e(ceptional cases
9. :amage% a,arded +or tortuou% lia.ilitie% are-
(A) liquidated
(!) unliquidated
(") penal
($) none o# the above
8. :e+amation .2 %3o'en ,ord% or ge%ture% i% 'no,n a%-
(A) )nnuendo
(!) lander
(") *ibel
($) +one o# the above
9. "he 3rinci3le -+act% %3ea' +or them%elve%/ i% ex3re%%ed .2 the maxim-
(A) ,bi %us ibi remedium
(!) Res ipsa *oquitur
(") +ovus Actus )nterveniens
($) "ausa "ausams
(0. "he lia.ilit2 o+ a ma%ter +or act% o+ hi% %ervant in ;a, o+ "ort% i% called-
(A) Absolute liability
(!) -ortious liability
(") .icarious liability
($) +one o# the above
((. <ou have to identi+2 the 3articular Section o+ "ran%+er o+ Pro3ert2 1ct to ,hich
the +ollo,ing =uotation relate%#
/where a granter has purported to grant an interest in land which he did not at the
time possesses' but subsequently acquires' the bene#it o# his subsequent acquisition'
goes automatically to the earlier grantee' or as it is usually e(pressed' #eeds the
(A) ection 12
(!) ection 13
(") ection 14
($) +one o# the above
(2. Section 8$a o+ the tran%+er o+ Pro3ert2 1ct7 (882 deal% ,ith-
(A) #raudulent trans#er
(!) trans#er by ostensible owner
(") part per#ormance
($) +one o# the above
($. :etermination o+ lea%e i% dealt ,ith under the "ran%+er o+ Pro3ert2 1ct7 (882 in-
(A) ection 325
(!) ection 326
(") ection 337
($) ection 333
(6. Section 82 o+ the "ran%+er o+ Pro3ert2 1ct7 (882 im3o%e% a 3rohi.ition on
tran%+er or other,i%e dealing o+ an 3ro3ert2 during the 3endenc2 o+ a %uit7
3rovided the condition% laid do,n in %ection are %ati%+ied. "he %tatement i%#
(A) #alse
(!) true
(") partly true
($) +one o# the above
(8. "he de+inition o+ -Sale/ i% contained in the "ran%+er o+ Pro3ert2 1ct7 (882 in
(A) 328
(!) 322
(") 81
($) +one o# the above
(!. *hat ,ould .e the %tatu% o+ a le%%ee o+ an immova.le 3ro3ert2 on the ex3ir2 o+ a
+ixed term lea%e7 i+ he continue% in 3o%%e%%ion0
(A) ,nauthorised occupant
(!) -enant o# holding over
(") -enant o# su##erance
($) *icensee
(9. *hich o+ the +ollo,ing i% not a condition +or a valid gi+t o+ immova.le 3ro3ert20
(A) Registered instrument signed by on behal# o# the doner
(!) "onsideration
(") Attestation by at least two witnesses
($) Acceptance o# gi#t by donee during the li#etime o# the doner
(8. >7 an o,ner o+ hou%e at 1ligarh7 le+t 1ligarh in the 2ear (990 a+ter a33ointing <
a% it% care ta'er to loo' a+ter the hou%e. < %tart% living in the %aid hou%e ,ith the
'no,ledge o+ >. > .ring% an action in the 2ear 2008 again%t < +or deliver2 o+
3o%%e%%ion o+ the hou%e in =ue%tion. < ta'e% the 3lea that (() the %uit i% .arred .2
time and (2) he ha% 3er+ected the title .2 adver%e 3o%%e%%ion. State ,hether-
(A) suit is barred by time
(!) 9 has per#ected his title by adverse possession
(") 9 is liable to succeed on both the pleas (3) and (4)
($) +one o# the above pleas is sustainable
(9. "he marriage ma2 .e %olemni?ed .et,een t,o Hindu% i+-
(A) bridegroom completes the age o# 43 and bride completes 35 years
(!) bridegroom completes the age o# 35 and bride completes 43 years
(") bridegroom completes the age o# 43 and bride completes 43 years
($) bridegroom completes the age o# 35 and bride completes 35 years
20. Hindu &arriage 1ct7 (988-
(A) $oes not prescribe the ceremonies requisite #or solemni:ation o# marriage but leaves
it to the parties to choose a #orm o# ceremonial marriage which is in accordance with
any custom or usage applicable to either party
(!) $oes not prescribe the ceremonies requisite nor leaves it to the parties to choose
(") $oes prescribe the ceremonies and does not leave it to the parties to choose
($) $oes prescribe the ceremonies and at the same time leaves it to the parties to choose
2(. Section (! o+ the Hindu &arriage 1ct7 (988 con+er% legitimac2 on the children
(A) a void marriage
(!) a voidable marriage
(") a valid marriage
($) both void and voidable marriages
22. 1 "ala= can .e e++ected-
(A) orally by spoken words
(!) in writing
(") only (A) and not (!)
($) either (A) or (!)
2$. @or a valid &u%lim marriage-
(A) o##er and acceptance must be at the same time
(!) o##er and acceptance must be at the same place
(") o##er and acceptance must be at the same time and place
($) o##er and acceptance may be at di##erent times and at di##erent place
26. 1 &u%lim can divorce hi% ,i+e-
(A) whenever he so desires without assigning any cause
(!) whenever he so desires but only with a cause
(") whenever he so desires without assigning any cause but only in the presence o# the
($) either (!) or (")
28. :uring o3eration o+ 3roclamation o+ emergenc2 under 1rticle $82 o+ the
5on%titution o+ 4ndia7 the en+orcement o+ @undamental Aight% can .e %u%3ended
exce3t @undamental Aight% guaranteed under 1rticle%-
(A) 31 ; 3<
(!) 38 ; 43A
(") 42 ; 43
($) +one o# the above
2!. 4n execution o+ a decree a mova.le 3ro3ert2 i% aution %old .2 the executing
court. "he auction 3urcha%er de3o%it% the entire auction 3rice then and there
even .e+ore ex3ir2 o+ $0 da2% and ta'e% the deliver2 o+ the auctioned 3ro3ert2.
1n o.Bection com3laining that the auction ,a% conducted ,ith material
irregularit2 i% +iled ,ithin $0 da2% +rom the date o+ auction. State ,hich one o+
the +ollo,ing i% legall2 correct0
(A) Ob%ection is maintainable as it has been #iled within 72 days o# the auction
(!) Auction sale is vitiated as the auction property has been delivered without waiting #or
its con#irmation within 72 days o# auction
(") +o con#irmation o# sale is required in the present case
($) +one o# the above is correct
29. 4n a mi%cellaneou% a33eal ari%ing out o+ a 3ending %uit de+endant a33ealant die%
and an a33lication +or %u.%titution i% +iled and allo,ed. 133eal i% decided three
2ear% therea+ter. Su.%e=uentl27 ,hen the %uit i% ta'en u37 an o.Bection that the
%uit ha% a.ated a% no a33lication to %u.%titute the heir% o+ the decea%ed ,a% +iled
therein ,ithin the 3re%cri.ed 3eriod7 i% rai%ed +rom the %ide o+ the de+endant.
Sugge%t the %tand legall2 o3en to %uch 3lainti++0
(A) =lainti## may apply #or substitution with an application #or condonation o# delay
(!) )n#ormation o# death o# de#endant was not given to the trial court' there#ore' shelter o#
Order 44 Rule 32 "=" may be invoked
(") Record o# the trial court was in appeal and thus' the plainti## was prevented by
su##icient cause in not #iling the substitution application earlier
($) -he substitution allowed in miscellaneous appeal would ensure in the suit also and
application #or substitution is not required as the heirs are on the record
28. *hether the +ollo,ing 3ro3o%ition i% legall2 correct or not0
C"he 3rinci3le %o +ar a% it relate% to the amendment o+ 3laint i% e=uall2
a33lica.le to the amendment o+ ,ritten %tatement. D2 ,a2 o+ amendment in
3laint a time .arred 3lea cannot .e allo,ed to .e rai%ed %o al%o in the ca%e o+
,ritten %tatement.E
(A) "orrect
(!) )ncorrect
(") =artially correct
($) +one o# the above is applicable
29. 4n ,hich o+ the +ollo,ing ca%e7 the 3laint ,ill .e ordered to .e returned +or
3re%entation to the 3ro3er court#
(A) -he plainti## #rames his suit in a manner not warranted by the #acts and goes #or his
relie# to a court which cannot grant him
(!) -he plainti## chooses a wrong court in respect o# territorial limits
(") -he plainti## chooses a wrong court in respect o# pecuniary limits
($) !oth (!) and (")
$0. *hich o+ the +ollo,ing i% a leading ca%e on the exclution o+ the Buri%diction o+
civil court%0
(A) $hulabhai .. tate o# M.=.
(!) >unda%i .. Ramchandra
(") +oor Mohd. ?han .. @akirappa
($) All o# the above
$(. *ho i% authorit2 com3etent to i%%ue notice to evict and reali?e damage% +rom a
3er%on ,ho ha% damaged or mi%a33ro3riated or +ound in occu3ation o+ a Faon
Sa.ha land unauthori?edl20
(A) *and Management "ommittee
(!) *ekhpal o# the circle
(") Assistant "ollector concern
($) "ollector
$2. Under the U.P. Gamindari 1.olition and Ae+orm% 1ct7 (980 at 3re%ent cla%%e% o+
tenure are-
(A) !humidhar' irdar' Adhivasi and Asami
(!) !humidhar with trans#erable right and !humidhar with non trans#erable rights
(") !humidhari with trans#erable rights' !humidhar with non trans#erable rights' Asami
and >overnment lessee
($) !humidhari with trans#erable rights' !humidhar with non trans#erable rights ; Asami
$$. *hich among%t the +ollo,ing i% not exem3ted +rom o3eration o+ U.P.
Duilding% (Aegulation o+ ;etting Aent H Eviction) 1ct7 (9920
(A) Any building o# which the >overnment or a local authority or a public sector
corporation or a "antonment !oard is landlord
(!) Any building belonging to or vested in a recogni:ed educational institutional
(") Any building o# which the >overnment or a local authority or a public sector
corporation or a cantonment !oard is the tenant
($) Any building' whose monthly rent e(ceeds two thousand rupees
$6. *hich among%t the +ollo,ing i% not a ground under %ection 20 o+ the U.P.
Duilding (Aegulation o+ ;etting Aent H Eviction) 1ct7 (992 +or in%tituting a %uit
+or eviction0
(A) -hat the tenant is in arrears o# rent #or not less than #our months' and has #ailed to pay
the same to the landlord within one month #rom the date o# service upon him o# a
notice o# demand
(!) -hat the tenant has without the permission in writing o# the landlord made or
permitted to be made any such construction or structural alteration in the building as
is likely to diminish its value or utility or the dis#igure it
(") -hat the tenant without the permission o# the landlord allowed one o# his relatives to
live with him in the tenanted accommodation
($) -hat the tenant has subAlet' in contraventions o# the provisions o# section 48' as the
case may be' o# the old Act the whole or any part o# the building
$8. 1mong%t the +ollo,ing ,hich i% not a ground +or relea%e o+ a .uilding under
Section 2( o+ the U.P. Duilding (Aegulation o+ ;etting Aent H Eviction)
1ct7 (9920
(A) -hat the building is bona#ide required either in its e(isting #orm or a#ter demolition
and new construction by the landlord #or occupation himsel# or any member o# his
#amily #or residential purpose
(!) -hat the building is bona#ide required either in its e(isting #orm or a#ter demolition
and new construction by the landlord #or occupation himsel# or any member o# his
#amily #or purposes o# any pro#ession' trade or calling
(") )n case o# a residential building #or occupation #or business purposes
($) -hat the building is in a dilapidated condition and is required #or purposes o#
demolition and new construction
$!. "he Pre%ident o+ a &unici3al Doard on charge% can .e removed .2 ,hich
among%t the +ollo,ing0
(A) -he Municipal !oard by simple ma%ority
(!) !y the electorate who elected the president by simple ma%ority
(") !y the tate >overnment
($) !y the "ommissioner o# the $ivision
$9. *hich among%t the +ollo,ing i% correct 3roce%% +or removal o+ the Pradhan o+ a
Faon Sa.ha0
(A) -he =radhan can be removed by ma%ority o# the villagers
(!) -he =radhan can be removed by ma%ority o# the members o# the >ram abha
(") -he =radhan can be removed by the ma%ority o# twoAthird o# the members o# the
>aon abha present and voting
($) !y an order passed by $istrict $eputy "ollector
$8. U3on the 3u.lication o+ the noti+ication under Su.-%ection (2) o+ Section 6 o+ the
U.P. 5on%olidation o+ Holding% 1ct7 (98$7 no tenure holder %hall u%e hi% holding
or an2 3art there+ore +or 3ur3o%e% not connected ,ith agriculture7 horticulture
or animal hu%.andr2 including 3i%ciculture and 3oultr2 +arming exce3t ,ith the
3ermi%%ion in ,riting o+-
(A) "onsolidation o##icer
(!) $eputy $irector o# "onsolidation
(") ettlement O##icer o# "onsolidation
($) "onsolidation "ommissioner
$9. 4n 3roceeding% under the U.P. 5on%olidation o+ Holding% 1ct7 (98$ ,hich
3rovi%ion% among%t the +ollo,ing i% not a33lica.le-
(A) ection 8 o# the )ndian *imitation Act
(!) "hapter )B and B o# ,.=. *and Revenue Act' 3<23
(") Order BB) o# "ivil =rocedure code
($) ection 3<C o# )ndian =enal "ode
60. "he authorit2 com3etent to grant 3ermi%%ion +or develo3ment o+ land in a
develo3ment area under U.P. Planning and :evelo3ment 1ct7 (99$ i%-
(A) $evelopment Authority
(!) "hairman o# the $evelopment Authority
(") .iceA"hairman o# the $evelopment Authority
($) tate >overnment
6(. *hich among%t the +ollo,ing cannot .e levied .2 a :evelo3ment 1uthorit20
(A) Mutation charges
(!) Dater #ees
(") @ee on carrying a trade or business in a development area
($) !etterment charges
62. *hen a criminal act i% done .2 %everal 3er%on% in +urtherance o+ the common
intention o+ all-
(A) each o# such person is liable #or that act in the same manner as i# it were done by him
(!) each o# such person is liable #or his own overt act
(") each o# such person shall liable according to the e(tent o# his participation in the
($) both (!) and (")
6$. ->/ and -</ go to murder -G/. ->/ %tood on guard ,ith a %3ear in hand .ut did
not hit -G/ at all. -</ 'illed -G/.
(A) only E9& is liable #or murder o# EF&
(!) EB& and E9& both are liable #or murder o# EF&
(") EB& is not liable as he did not per#orm overt act
($) both (A) and (")
66. Section 9! o+ 4P5 3rovide% that nothing i% an o++ence ,hich i% done .2 a 3er%on
,ho i% or ,ho .2 rea%on o+-
(A) Mistake o# #act in good #aith believes himsel# to be bound by law to do it
(!) Mistake o# law in good #aith believes himsel# to be bound by law to do it
(") Mistake o# #act believes himsel# to be bound by morals to do it
($) All the above
68. *hich Section o+ 4P5 ha% .een declared uncon%titutional and violative o+ 1rticle
(6 and 2( o+ the 5on%titution o+ 4ndia0
(A) ection 731
(!) ection 723
(") ection 727
($) ection 72C
6!. @or a de+ence o+ intoxication7 to e%ca3e criminal lia.ilit27 the intoxication-
(A) can be sel# administered
(!) administered against his will or knowledge
(") should not be sel# administered
($) All the above
69. 4n a ca%e o+ +ree +ight .et,een t,o 3artie%-
(A) right o# private de#ence is available to both the parties
(!) right o# private de#ence is available to individuals against individual
(") no right o# private de#ence is available to either party
($) right o# private de#ence is available only to one party
68. @or 3roving an o++ence under Section $09 o+ 4P5-
(A) intention to commit murder has to be proved
(!) causing o# grievous hurt is to be proved
(") use o# lethal weapon is to be proved
($) actual in%ury is to be proved
69. Pre3aration to commit murder i%-
(A) punishable
(!) not punishable
(") punishable with #ine
($) All the above
80. Pre3aration to commit dacoit2 i% a -
(A) punishable o##ence
(!) not punishable o##ence
(") no o##ence
($) +one o# the above
8(. @or an o++ence o+ cheating7 intention to cheat %hould .e 3re%ent-
(A) in the end
(!) in the middle
(") !oth the above
($) #rom the very beginning
82. ;""E (;i.eration "iger% o+ "amil Eelam) leader ,ho ,a% 'illed .2 Srilan'an
(A) =.=rabhakaran
(!) .=rabhakaran
(") -.=rabhakaran
($) ..=rabhakaran
8$. 4P;-2009 ,a% held in-
(A) outh A#rica
(!) England
(") Australia
($) )ndia
86. :acoit ,ho ,a% 'illed in encounter in June7 2009 in di%trict 5hitra'oot ,a%-
(A) $adua
(!) Malkhan ?ewat
(") >hanshyam ?ewat
($) -okia mallah
88. "he ,ord% CS1"<1&EI1 J1<1"EE in the State Em.lem o+ 4ndia have .een
ado3ted +rom ,hich o+ the +ollo,ing%#
(A) !rahma ,pnishad
(!) Mudgala ,pnishad
(") Maitriyi ,pnishad
($) Mundakopanishad
8!. *ho o+ the +ollo,ing% cannot .e removed .2 the Parliament0
(A) Attorney >eneral
(!) Auditor >eneral
(") Election "ommissioner
($) "hie# Gustice o# )ndia
89. *ho allo,% the introduction o+ the @inance Dill0
(A) =resident
(!) @inance minister
(") =rime minister
($) peaker
88. "he large%t revenue in 4ndia i% o.tained +rom-
(A) Railways
(!) E(cise $uty
(") ales -a(
($) $irect -a(
89. *here i% the head=uarter o+ Ae%erve Dan' o+ 4ndia %ituated0
(A) Mumbai
(!) $elhi
(") ?olkata
($) Ahmedabad
!0. *ho%e name ,a% announced +or the Dharat Aatna 1,ard in 20080
(A) =andit Ravi hanker
(!) -apan inha
(") M.. ubba *a(mi
($) =andit !himsen Goshi
!(. Ho, man2 time% in a 2ear doe% an e=uinox ta'e 3lace0
(A) once
(!) twice
(") thrice
($) +one o# the above
!2. *hen doe% lunar ecli3%e ta'e 3lace0
(A) Moon comes in between Earth and un
(!) un comes in between Moon and Earth
(") Earth comes in between Moon and un
($) +one o# the above
!$. Ho, man2 J%car a,ard% did the movie CSlumdog &illionaireE get0
(A) <
(!) 33
(") 5
($) 32
!6. "he Driti%her ,ho a.oli%hed the 3ractice o+ CS1"4E i%-
(A) *ord "ornwallis
(!) *ord Edwin Montague
(") *ord Mountbatten
($) *ord Dilliam !entinck
!8. *hich i% the cla%%ical dance o+ Kerala0
(A) Mohiniaattam
(!) ?athakali
(") ?uchipudi
($) Manipuri
!!. *hat i% the 3eriod o+ the ((
@ive <ear Plan0
(A) 4228A4232
(!) 422CA4233
(") 4225A4237
($) 4226A4234
!9. "he correct tran%lation into Engli%h o+ Hindi ,ord -{kEkRkk/i%-
(A) capacity
(!) ability
(") competency
($) e##iciency
!8. "he correct tran%lation into Engli%h o+ Hindi ,ord -ikrk/ i%-
(A) quali#ied
(!) eligibility
(") educated
($) suitability
!9. "he correct tran%lation into Engli%h o+ Hindi ,ord -funsZ'k/ i%-
(A) order
(!) direction
(") instruction
($) guidance
90. "he correct tran%lation into Hindi o+ Engli%h ,ord -a33roval/ i%-
(A) Lohd`fr
(!) vuqeksnu
(") vuqefr
($) vkns'k
9(. *hich i% the correct meaning o+ ,ord -+allac2/0
(A) primitive poem
(!) barren #ield
(") good omen
($) mistaken idea
92. "he correct tran%lation into Engli%h o+ Hindi ,ord -fuHkhZdrk/ i%-
(A) bravery
(!) courage
(") valour
($) boldness
9$. "he correct tran%lation into Engli%h o+ Hindi ,ord -vLohd`fr/ i%-
(A) dismissal
(!) re%ection
(") return back
($) +one o# the above
96. "he correct tran%lation into Hindi o+ Engli%h ,ord -E%timate/ i%-
(A) vuqeku
(!) kDdyu
(") QkewZyk
($) C;kSjk
98. "he correct tran%lation into Hindi o+ Engli%h ,ord -Pro.a.le/ i%-
(A) laHko
(!) laHkkO;
(") vuqekfur
($) ,d eqkojk
9!. "he %co3e o+ ex3re%%ion C3rocedure .2 la,E occurring in 1rticle 2(
,a% ex3anded in the ca%e-
(A) A.?. >opalan .s. tate o# Madras
(!) "haran%it *al "howdhury .s. ,nion o# )ndia
(") ?.A. Abbas .s. ,nion o# india
($) Menka >andhi .s. ,nion o# india
99. Sco3e o+ 1rticle $8! ,a% examined in the ca%e-
(A) .R. !ommai vs. ,nion o# )ndia
(!) ankari =rasad .s. ,nion o# )ndia
(") Minerva Mills *td. .s. ,nion o# )ndia
($) ,.+.R. Rao .s. )ndira >andhi
98. "he :octrine o+ Ecli3%e i% in regard to 1rticle-
(A) 328
(!) 418
(") 41C
($) 37
99. @undamental Aight con+erred .2 1rticle (8(() o+ the 5on%titution i% availa.le to-
(A) Any person
(!) Any citi:en
(") Any corporation
($) +one o# the above
80. "he 3rinci3le -5ollective Ae%3on%i.ilit2/ ha% .een incor3orated in 1rticle-
(A) 68
(!) 61
(") 328
($) 87
8(. 5on%titutional %a+eguard% to civil %ervant% have .een given in 1rticle-
(A) 733
(!) 722
(") 11
($) +one o# the above
82. Section ((6 Evidence 1ct a33lie% to-
(A) admissibility o# #acts
(!) relevancy o# #acts
(") relevancy o# opinions
($) legal presumptions
8$. "he 4ndian Evidence 1ct a33lie% to-
(A) proceedings be#ore tribunals
(!) a##idavits presented to any court or o##icer
(") proceedings be#ore an arbitrator
($) +one o# the above
86. 5on+e%%ion% made ,hile in cu%tod2 o+ 3olice are-
(A) irrelevant
(!) admissible
(") inadmissible
($) relevant
88. J3inion o+ Ex3ert% i% relevant under-
(A) ection 18 o# Evidence Act
(!) ection 1C o# Evidence Act
(") !oth the above
($) +one o# the above
8!. ;eading =ue%tion% can generall2 .e a%'ed in-
(A) E(amination in chie#
(!) reAe(amination
(") cross e(amination
($) All the above
89. 1 i% accu%ed o+ D/% murder. *hich o+ the +ollo,ing ,ill .e a -relevant +act/0
(A) A&s going to #ield with a club
(!) A&s saying shortly be#ore the incident that he will take a revenge o# his #ather&s death
(") A&s #leeing be#ore the police arrived at village
($) All o# the above
88. "e%t 4denti+ication Parade under Section 9 o+ Evidence 1ct %hould .e ta'en .2
(A) Magistrate
(!) =olice o##icer not below the rank o# ubAinspector
(") Any person
($) All o# the above
89. *hich o+ the +ollo,ing i% relevant and ma2 .e received in evidence0
(A) -ape recordings
(!) $ogAtracking
(") +arco analysis test
($) All o# the above
90. C1ccu%ed %tatement under Section $($ 5r.P.5. i% to .e recorded on oathE-
(A) above statement is true
(!) above statement is #alse
(") above statement is partially true
($) +one o# above
9(. @or %ummoning an accu%ed under Section $(9 5r.P.5.-
(A) statement under 3C3 "r.=.". is relevant
(!) statement on oath in the trial is relevant
(") both the above statements are relevant
($) +one o# the above
92. Jrdinaril2 3lace o+ trial i%-
(A) where the o##ence has been committed
(!) where the victim resides
(") where the accused resides
($) where the @)R is lodged
9$. Statement under Section (!( o+ 5r.P.5. can .e u%ed to-
(A) corroborate the statement in court
(!) corroborate and contradict statement in court
(") contradict the statement in court
($) can not be utili:ed #or any purpose
96. De+ore .eing %ummoned7 the accu%ed ha% got a right to-
(A) participate in the proceeding
(!) no right to participate in the proceeding
(") has no right at all
($) can watch the proceedings but can not participate
98. 4n=uir2 i% conducted .2 a &agi%trate ,ith a vie, to-
(A) #ind out a primaA#acie case
(!) convict the accused
(") authori:e remand o# the accused
($) release the accused under ection 17C
9!. *arrant ca%e mean% a ca%e-
(A) in which a police o##icer can not arrest without warrant
(!) in which the court' in the #irst instance' shall issue a warrant o# arrest against the
(") relating to an o##ence punishable with imprisonment #or a term not e(ceeding two
($) relating to an o##ence punishable with death' imprisonment #or li#e or imprisonment
#or a term e(ceeding two years
99. *hen can a trial court relea%e an accu%ed on .ail under Section $89($) o+
5r.P.5. a+ter conviction0
(A) Dhere accused is on bail and imprisonment is not e(ceeding 7 years
(!) Dhere accused is on bail and imprisonment is not e(ceeding 8 years
(") Dhere accused is on bail and imprisonment is not e(ceeding 6 years
($) Dhere o##ence is e(clusively bailable whether accused is on bail or not
98. "ime 3re%cri.ed +or +iling ,hich o+ the +ollo,ing% cannot .e extended or
condoned .2 a33l2ing 3rovi%ion% o+ Section 8 o+ the ;imitation 1ct0
(A) Revision under ection 338 ".=.".
(!) Application #or e(ecution under Order BB) ".=.".
(") Appeal under ection <C' 322 and 321 ".=.".
($) Application #or substitution under Order BB)) ".=.".
99. "ime +or in%tituting a %uit can .e enlarged .2 invo'ing ,hich o+ the +ollo,ing
(A) ection 383 ".=.".
(!) ection 8 o# the *imitation Act' 3<C7
(") ection 315 ".=.".
($) +one o# the above
(00. 1n a33lication +or execution o+ a decree i% +iled ,ith %ome dela2 i.e. .e2ond
3re%cri.ed 3eriod o+ limitation-
(A) delay can be condoned by invoking ection 8 o# the *imitation Act
(!) delay can be condoned under ection 315 ".=.".
(") delay can be condoned under the inherent powers o# the court under ection 383
($) +one o# the above
(. D 2(. : 6(. 5 !(. D 8(. 1
2. : 22. : 62. 1 !2. 5 82. :
$. 5 2$. 5 6$. D !$. 5 8$. 1
6. D 26. 1 66. 1 !6. : 86. 5
8. 5 28. 5 68. 5 !8. D 88. 1
!. 1 2!. 5 6!. D !!. 5 8!. 5
9. D 29. : 69. 5 !9. 1 89. :
8. D 28. 1 68. 1 !8. D 88. :
9. D 29. : 69. D !9. D 89. :
(0. 5 $0. : 80. 1 90. D 90. D
((. : $(. 5 8(. : 9(. : 9(. D
(2. 5 $2. 5 82. : 92. : 92. 1
($. : $$. 5 8$. 1 9$. D 9$. 5
(6. D $6. 5 86. 5 96. D 96. 1
(8. 5 $8. 5 88. : 98. D 98. 1
(!. D $!. 5 8!. 1 9!. : 9!. :
(9. D $9. 5 89. 1 99. 1 99. 1
(8. : $8. 5 88. D 98. : 98. D
(9. 1 $9. 5 89. 1 99. D 99. :
20. 1 60. 5 !0. : 80. 1 (00. :
The answers provided are extent to the knowledge of author and for views purposes only. For
any accuracy it should be double checked.

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