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Panoramic X-Ray Mode for Testing Weld Quality

of Natural Gas Pipeline from Khoms City to Tripoli

Dr. Ayad M. S., Head of Physic Department
Nasser University-Faculty of Sience, Libya-Khoms
E. Saad M. A., Sin. Equipment Inspector
Sirt Oil Company, Libya - Sirt
Corresponding Author Contact:

The purpose of this research is to study the panoramic method of x-ray
radiography for detection of welding defects in the main gas pipeline extending
from Khoms to Tripoli, according to the ASTM [ASTM American Society for
Testing and Materials.] standards related to the x-ray radiography detection and
also according to the quality specifications API-1104 [API-1104 American
Petroleum Institute.] related to the analysis of x-ray images, where the
panoramic radiographic method were applied to specimens of the welded joints
of pipes used in this pipeline in the regions [the kilometer 42] and [the
kilometer 60] [[The kilometer zero] region is considered as the starting point
that is located at Khoms city.], and the resulting x-ray images were analyzed.
I- Introduction:
The strict conditions imposed on the quality of modern industry related to the
specifications and quality, which require a high degree of accuracy in the
processes of welding, were the main reason to use nondestructive tests in the
detection processes of the welded joints, such as the cooling pipes in the
nuclear reactors, pipes of airplanes fuel, pumping pipes of petroleum and
natural gas, because of the dangerous flowing materials and the high pressure
in these pipes. The gas pipeline from Khoms city to Tripoli is of length 150.8
km and made of pipes with length 12 m (diameter 34 inches and 9.52 mm
thickness)[All technical references use the inch for measuring the diameter and
the millimeter unit to measure the thickness, and so we shall follow this
procedure.], this requires (83-100) welded joints for each kilometer, and more
than fourteen thousands of welded joints for the whole project. Different
nondestructive testing methods were used to detect all of the welded joints, the
most important one is the panoramic method using x-ray tube of voltage 180-
300 kV.
II- Concept of Panoramic Circular Radiographic Method.
This method is used to detect welding joints in pipes which are more than 10
inches in diameter, where it is possible to have a complete circular image for
the circumference of the pipe in the region of welding, by putting the source of
x-ray in the center of the pipe from inside where two pipes join in the welding
part, i.e. at the point F=D/2 where D is the diameter of the pipe, provided the
angle of deviation between the direction of the x-ray and the surface of the
welding region does not exceed 5
. The welded region is surrounded
completely from outside by a film strip 70 mm in width (Fig- 1). Also four
metal strips (penetrameters) are put with the film on four oppositely oriented
poles* in order to measure the penetration ability of the ray through the
material of the pipe [1]. These penetrameters are used as a basic reference to
test the quality of the x-ray film, after developing, according to the quality
specifications API-1104.
* The circumference of the pipe is divided into several oppositely oriented
poles with positions as given in the clock such as (12 - 6,3 - 9) or (1 - 7,4 - 10)
or (2 - 8,5 - 11)
Fig 1: Panoramic Circular Radiographic method using a mechanical moving x-ray source (CRAWLER)
III- Standards and Conditions of Detection:
The process of nondestructive tests for the welded joints of the natural gas
pipeline using panoramic x-ray mode [article II] needs to put specified
conditions in order to get an x-ray image, which could be analyzed so that it
reflects all the points of detection, these conditions are:
1. The voltage of x-ray tube should be 180-300 kV.
2. X-ray film kind D4 or D5 (Agfa-Gevaert) must be used.
3. The optical density for the x-ray film should be between 2-4 unit optical
4. The exposure time should be proper, so that it is suitable for the
thickness of the pipe and the x-ray tube voltage. Fig.-(2) shows the
relation between the exposure time and pipe thickness at different
voltages of the x-ray tube, because the exposure time of the welded joint
during x-ray radiography will determine the quality and clearness of the
x- ray image in the quality test.
Fig 2: The relation between the exposure time (t) and thickness of metal (T) at voltages
between 150-300 kV.
IV- Tools and Test Equipments for Radiographic Inspection.
The tools and equipments for testing the welding qualities used for the
detection of the welding defects in the project of gas pipeline Khoms-Tripoli
differ according to the kind of detection which depends in the first place upon
the diameter of the pipe. For this reason, we shall mention the tools and test
equipments that are used in the panoramic circular detection method, which is
the subject of this research, these are [2]:
1. Mechanical moving apparatus inside the gas pipe (Crawler-see Fig.-1)
equipped with x-ray tube working at 180-300 kV voltage.
2. Laboratory-containers for manual and automatic development of the
radiographic film.
3. X-ray film kind D4 (Agfa-Gevaert).
4. Negatiscope for reading and analysis of x-ray images.
5. Densitometer for determination of the optical density of the x-ray films
kind Radix-D
6. Identification symbols (numbers and letters) made from lead or graphite
in order to classify the x-ray film after developing, according to its place,
its number in the kilometer under test and its date .. etc. For this
reason, when giving numbers or letters to the x-ray film, data must be
written from left to right according to the following:
1. Code of the company responsible for the project SC[Sirt
2. Date of inspection dd / mm / yy.
3. Pipe diameter (inches).
4. Wall thickness (mm).
5. Steel grade of the pipe.
6. Code the main gas pipeline EKT [El-Khoms to Tripoli main gas
7. Reference kilometer of the joint.
8. Code of the joint's type and number of the joints.
9. Codes of a tie-in, repair (R) cutout (N1).
V- Analyses of Radiographic Images.
For the analysis of the radiographic images, a standard test piece is usually
included in every radiograph as a check on the adequacy of the radiographic
technique. The test piece is commonly referred to as a penetrameter, the
penetrameter is made of the same material (or a radiographic similar material)
as the specimen being radiographed.
The penetrameter used in this research is a hole type penetrameter (ASTM
penetrameter) which consists of a small rectangular piece of metal containing
three holes of diameter T, 2T, 4T, where T is the thickness of the penetrameter
(Fig.-3) [3]. The thickness T is related to the thickness of the metal layer of the
pipe, and each penetrameter is identified by a lead number showing the
thickness in thousandths of inch as shown in table (1).
Fig 3: Schematic diagram of Penetrameter.
Pipe Wall
Thickness, mm
Maximum Penetrameter
Thickness, mm
0-6.35 0.127 5
> 6.35-9.52 0.19 7
> 9.52-12.7 0.254 10
> 12.7-15.88 0.317 12
> 15.88-19.05 0.381 15
> 19.05-22.22 0.444 17
> 22.22-25.4 0.508 20
> 25.4-31.75 0.635 25
> 31.75-38.10 0.762 30
> 38.10-50.80 0.889 35
Table 1: Thickness of pipe versus thickness of penetrameter.
The hole type penetrameter indicates whether or not a specified quality level
has been attained, and according to the quality specifications API-1104, it
permits the specification of a number of levels of radiographic sensitivity,
depending on the requirements of the job. For example, the specifications may
call for a radiographic sensitivity level of 2-2T. The first symbol (2) indicates
that the penetrameter shall be 2 percent of the thickness of the specimen; the
second (2T) indicates that the hole having a diameter twice the penetrameter
thickness shall be visible on the finished radiograph. However, critical
components may require more rigid standards, and a level of 1-2T or 1-1T may
be required. On the other hand, the radiography of less critical specimens may
be satisfactory if a quality level of 2-4T or 4-4T is achieved. The more critical
the radiographic examination (that is, the higher the level of radiographic
sensitivity required) the lower the numerical designation for the quality level.
Because of the high pressure (40-54 bar) in the natural gas pipeline, and the
high inflamability of the gas and its ability to explode, in addition to that, the
pipeline may be near some residential regions, it was necessary that the
radiographic sensitivity level must be 2-1T or 2-2T as a lowest acceptable level
of radiographic sensitivity for this project [4].
VI-Standards of Welding Acceptability According to API-1104 Standard.
The process of quality specifications for the analysis of x-ray images according
to API-1104 standard for welded joint, comes after developing the film and
determining its optical density where it must be not less than 1.8 and does not
exceed 4 unit optical density, together with the radiographic sensitivity level
which must be equal to 2-1T or 2-2T. If both conditions are not fulfilled in the
film, it will be not possible to start the process of analysis of the x-ray image
and see if it is in accordance with the standards of welds acceptability. In this
case, it is important to re-shoot this joint in order to obtain a clear picture of the
x-ray image that can be analyzed according to quality specifications API-1104
Table-2, contains all the acceptable defects for the weld efficiency, if the defect
appear in the welded joint with dimensions, and shapes as mentioned in the
table, they are considered as acceptable ones, otherwise, defects of larger
dimensions are not allowed.
VII Results and Discussion.
The panoramic circular radiographic method has
been used for testing the weld quality for
successive specimens of welded joints in the
regions the kilometer 42 and the kilometer 60 for
two kinds of joints (NA)[NA- A code indicating
that the weld joint process was carried out
manually near the gas pipeline trench.] and
(DNA)[DNA A code indicating that the weld
joint process was carried out automatically in the
company technical shop]. After developing the
film, which belongs to each welded joint,
measuring its optical density, and determining the
level of its radiographic sensitivity (using the penetrameter), the process of
analysis of each image was conducted according to quality specifications API-
1104 (see table -2). And since the process of welding includes some defects,
and our purpose is to know these defects and classify them as acceptable
Table 2: Standards of
Welds Acceptability.
defects and unacceptable ones according to quality specifications API-1104,
one can divide the defects into two group:
Firstly- Acceptable Defects.
These defects must have dimensions (or size) which are allowed by quality
specifications API-1104, whether these defects were single, repeated, or mixed,
in such a way that their total dimensions in a limited length (304.8 mm) does
not exceed the upper limit accepted in the quality of welding, so these defects
are considered as (Acceptable), and are denoted by the symbol [OK].
Secondly- Unacceptable Defects.
These defects have dimensions (or size) which are larger than those allowed by
quality specifications API-1104, whether these defects were single, repeated or
mixed, in such a way that its appearance as single defects or collective defects
in one single welded joint is larger than the upper limit allowed by welding
quality. Accordingly, these defects are classified as (Unacceptable). They must
be repaired if they were contained in a narrow band in the circumference of the
welded circle and denoted by the symbol [R]. Otherwise, if their spread was
recurrent, then all the welded joint must be cut out and should be rewelded and
retested again, and the defects are given the symbol [CO]. Table- (3) shows the
results obtained in the kilometer 42 region, with welded joints from (DNA 01)
to (NA 30). The results of the kilometer 60 region are included in table- (4)
with welded joints from (NA 46) to (NA 57). In table- (5), only the
unacceptable defects have been discussed where it shows the dimensions of
these defects, their features, and their positions. And comparison has been
made with the quality specifications API-1104.
Steel Grade
Source: X-RAY
Sensitivity Density
Description and
New Location of
W T.
Cut Out
DNA 01 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.0 ESI,SP,IU,IC OK
NA 02 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.5 ESI,SP,IU,EU OK
DNA 03 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.7 ESI,SP,IU,IC,HB OK
NA 04 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.4 ESI,SP,IU,EU,IF OK
DNA 05 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.7 ESI,SP,IU,IC OK
NA 06 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.5 ESI,SP,IU,EU,IF OK
DNA 07 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.8 ESI,SP,IU OK
NA 08 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.5 CP 196-198 R
DNA 09 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.1 SI,SP,IUE OK
NA 10 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.1 ESI,SP,IU,EU,IF OK
DNA 11 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.1 SP,ESI,IC,HB,IU OK
NA 12 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.5 EU 140 R
DNA 13 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.8 SP,ESI,HB,IC,IU OK
NA 14 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.6 ESI,SP,IU,EU,IC OK
DNA 15 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.6 SP,ESI,HB,IC,IU OK
NA 16 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.1 SP 147 R
DNA 17 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.7 ESI,SP,IU,IC,BT OK
NA 18 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.3 ESI,SP,IU,EU,IC OK
DNA 19 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.8 ESI,SP,IU OK
NA 20 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.6 SP 145 R
DNA 21 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.0 ESI,SP,IU,IC,BT OK
NA 22 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.5 ESI,SP,IU,EU OK
DNA 23 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.6 SP,ESI,HB,IC,IU OK
NA 24 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.4 ESI,SP,IU,EU,IF OK
DAN 25 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.5 SP,ESI,HB,IU OK
NA 26 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.4 ESI,SP,EU,IU OK
DNA 27 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.9 SP,ESI,HB,IC,IU OK
NA 28 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.4
CP 193-195;230-239;254-
DNA 29 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.7 SP,ESI,IC,BT,IU OK
NA 30 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.5
CP 185-187;210-213;229-
Table 3: Radiographic Inspection Report EKT 42.
BT Burn-through ESI-Elongated Slag Inclusion IFD-Incomplete Fusion due to Cold Lap
CP-Cluster Porosity HB-Hollow Bead IP-Inadequate Penetration of Weld Root
CR-Crack IC-Internal Concavity IPD-Inadequate Penetration due to High Low
EU-External Undercut IF-Incomplete Fusion ISI-Isolated Slag Inclusion
IU-Internal undercut SP-Spherical Porosity
Steel Grade
Source: X-RAY
Sensitivity Density
Description and
New Location of
W T.
Cut Out
NA 46 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.8 IC 207-208 R
NA 47 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.8 SP,ESI,EU,IU,IC OK
NA 48 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.8 CP,ESI,EU,IU,IC OK
NA 49 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.9 SP,ESI,EU,IU,IC OK
NA 50 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.9 SP,ESI,EU,IU,IC OK
NA 51 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.0 SP,ESI,EU,IU,IC OK
NA 52 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.0 ESI,SP,EU,IC,IU OK
NA 53 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.8 ESI,SP,EU,IC,IU OK
NA 54 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.1 ESI,SP,EU,IU,IC OK
NA 55 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.8 ESI,SP,IU,EU,IC OK
NA 56 34 9.52 D5 2T 3.0 ESI,SP,EU,IU,IC OK
NA 57 34 9.52 D5 2T 2.9 ESI,SP,EU,IU,IC OK
Table 4: Radiographic Inspection Report EKT 60.
BT Burn-through ESI-Elongated Slag Inclusion IFD-Incomplete Fusion due to Cold Lap
CP-Cluster Porosity HB-Hollow Bead IP-Inadequate Penetration of Weld Root
CR-Crack IC-Internal Concavity IPD-Inadequate Penetration due to High Low
EU-External Undercut IF-Incomplete Fusion ISI-Isolated Slag Inclusion
IU-Internal undercut SP-Spherical Porosity
Defects & Locations Description
CP 196-198
The defect is Cluster Porosity in the region 196-198
mm in the circumference of the welded circle. It is a
swell caused by the entrance of air during the welding
process in the Cap Pass region. A circle of diameter
larger than 12.7 mm is observed on the film, so it is not
accepted in the quality specifications API-1104.
EU 140
External Undercut in the region 140 mm in the
circumference of the welded circle. It represents a case
of discontinuity between the metal of the pipe and the
welding from outside in the Cap Pass region. It
appeared in the film as a long continuous line of length
54.6 mm. This exceeds the allowed length (50.8 mm).
SP 147
SP 145
The defects are Spherical Porosity in the region 147
mm in the first welded joint and in the region 145 mm
in the second welded joint in the circumference of the
welded circle. These are spherical deformations that
occur usually inside the two welded regions [the Hot
Pass and the Root Pass]. They appeared in the film as
circles with diameter larger than 4 mm.
CP 193-195; 230-239;254-255
CP 185-187;210-213;229-231
These are the same defects as in the region NA 8 but it
is repeated in several close regions. The total length is
larger than 12.7 mm as an upper limit in the total length
unit (304.8 mm)
IC 207-208
The defect is I nternal Concavity in the region 207-208
mm in the circumference of the welded circle. It looks
as a concave up cavity in the Root Pass region. This is
caused as a result of deficiency of the welding material
in this region. It is noticed in the film as a black dark
line of length 15.7 mm. This defect is not controlled by
length, but by the optical density. The black dark line
appeared darker than the metal of the pipe, and so, it is
Table 5: The unacceptable defects that appeared in the results of the kilometer 42 and kilometer 60.
1. Maximlyuk, Y. V. "Radiographic Inspection of Weld Joints". Quality System
Procedures Manual (Moscow, 1999
. ed.) pp. 1-21.
2. Maximlyuk, Y. V. "Nondestructive Test of Weld Joints" Quality System
Procedures Manual (Moscow 1999, 1
. ed) pp. 1-17.
3. "Radiography in Modern Industry", Quinn A. Richard and Sigl C. Clair (Eds.)
(Eastman Kodak Company 1980) 4
4. Evseev, V. L. "Welding of Pipeline and Related Facilities" Quality System
Procedures Manual (Moscow 1990 17
. ed) pp.1-17.

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