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Narendra Modi

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Narendra Modi
15th Prime Minister of India

Assumed office
26 May 2014
President Pranab Mukherjee
Preceded by Manmohan Sinh
14th Chief Minister of Gujarat
In office
! "ctober 2001 # 22 May 2014
Sunder Sinh $handari
%aila&hpati Mi&hra
$alram 'akhar
(a)al %i&hore Sharma
S* +* 'amir
%amla $eni)al
Preceded by %e&hubhai Patel
ucceeded by ,nandiben Patel
Member of Par!iament for
Assumed office
16 May 2014
Preceded by Murli Manohar 'o&hi
Member of Gujarat #e$is!ative Assemb!y for
In office
2002 # 16 May 2014
Preceded by %amle&h Patel
Persona! detai!s
(arendra -amodarda& Modi
1! September 1./0 0ae 612
3adnaar, 4ndia
Nationa!ity 4ndian
Po!itica! &arty $haratiya 'anata Party
'a&hodaben +himanlal 0+hild
marriae5 e&traned2
)esidence !, 6ace +our&e 6oad
A!ma mater
7ni8er&ity of -elhi
9ujarat 7ni8er&ity
)e!i$ion :indui&m
"fficial )eb&ite
9o8ernment )eb&ite
Narendra +amodardas Modi 0;n<re nd r< d mo d <r<d & mo d i = 0 li&ten2, born 1!
September 1./02 i& the 1/th and current Prime Mini&ter of 4ndia* Modi, a leader of the
$haratiya 'anata Party 0$'P2, al&o &er8ed a& the +hief Mini&ter of 9ujarat from 2001#14*
:e i& currently the Member of Parliament 0MP2 for the 3arana&i con&tituency*
Modi )a& a key &tratei&t for the $'P in the &ucce&&ful 1../ and 1..> 9ujarat &tate
election campain&* :e became +hief Mini&ter of 9ujarat in "ctober 2001 and &er8ed
loner in that po&ition than anyone el&e to date* Modi )a& a major campain fiure in the
200. eneral election, )hich the $'P?led (ational -emocratic ,lliance lo&t to the
+onre&&?led 7nited Prore&&i8e ,lliance 07P,2* :e led the $'P in the 2014 eneral
election, )hich re&ulted in an outriht majority for the $'P in the @ok Sabha 0the lo)er
hou&e of the 4ndian parliament2 # the la&t time that any party had &ecured an outriht
majority in the @ok Sabha )a& in 1.>4*
Modi i& a :indu (ationali&t and a member of the 6a&htriya S)ayam&e8ak Sanh 06SS2*
:e i& a contro8er&ial fiure both )ithin 4ndia a& )ell a& internationally
a& hi&
admini&tration ha& been critici&ed for the incident& &urroundin the 2002 9ujarat riot&*
Modi ha& been prai&ed for hi& economic policie&, )hich are credited )ith creatin an
en8ironment for a hih rate of economic ro)th in 9ujarat*
:o)e8er, hi&
admini&tration ha& al&o been critici&ed for failin to make a &inificant po&iti8e impact
upon the human de8elopment of the &tate*
1 Aarly life and education
2 Aarly political career
1 +hief Mini&ter of 9ujarat
o 1*1 Fir&t term 02001#20022
1*1*1 2002 9ujarat riot&
1*1*2 2002 election
o 1*2 Second term 02002#200!2
1*2*1 200! election
o 1*1 Bhird term 0200!#20122
1*1*1 -e8elopment project&
1*1*2 -ebate on 9ujaratC& de8elopment under Modi
1*1*1 Pre&& and public relation&
o 1*4 Fourth term 02012#20142
4 (ational o8ernment
o 4*1 200. election
o 4*2 2014 eneral election
/ Prime Mini&ter
6 4nternational diplomacy
o 6*1 ,& chief mini&ter of 9ujarat
o 6*2 ,& Prime Mini&ter of 4ndia
! Per&onality and imae
> ,)ard& and reconition&
. 6eference&
10 ADternal link&
,ar!y !ife and education
Modi )ith hi& mother on hi& 61rd birthday on 1! September 2011*
Modi )a& born on 1! September 1./0 to a family of rocer& belonin to the back)ard
9hanchi?Beli 0oil?pre&&er2 community, in 3adnaar in Meh&ana di&trict of er&t)hile
$ombay State 0pre&ent?day 9ujarat2, 4ndia*
:e )a& the third of four children
born to -amodarda& Mulchand Modi and hi& )ife, :eeraben*
:e helped hi& father &ell
tea at 3adnaar rail)ay &tation* ,& a child and a& a teenaer, he ran a tea &tall )ith hi&
brother near a bu& terminu&*
4n 1.6!, he completed hi& &choolin in 3adnaar, )here
a teacher de&cribed him a& bein an a8erae &tudent, but a keen debater )ho had an
intere&t in theatre*
Bhat intere&t ha& influenced ho) he no) project& him&elf in politic&*
,t the ae of
eiht, Modi came in contact )ith 6SS and he bean attendin it& local &hakha& )here he
came in contact )ith @ak&hmanrao 4namdar, popularly kno)n a& Vakil Saheb, )ho i&
kno)n a& hi& political uru and mentor* 4namdar inducted Modi a& a balswayamsevak, a
junior cadet in 6SS* -urin hi& mornin eDerci&e &e&&ion at the keri pitha shakha of 6SS,
he al&o came in contact )ith 3a&ant 9ajendraadkar and (athalal 'ahda, leader& of the
'an Sanh )ho later founded the $'PC& 9ujarat &tate unit in 1.>0*
ModiC& parent& arraned hi& marriae a& a child, in keepin )ith the tradition& of the
9hanchi ca&te* :e )a& enaed at the ae of 11 to 'a&hodaben +himanlal and the couple
)ere married by the time he )a& 1>* Bhey &pent 8ery little time toether and )ere &oon
e&traned becau&e Modi decided to pur&ue an itinerant life,
and reportedly the
marriae )a& ne8er con&ummated*
Modi kept the marriae &ecret for mo&t of hi& career
only ackno)ledin the eDi&tence of hi& )ife )hen filin hi& nomination for a
parliamentary &eat in the 2014 eneral election&*
,& per Modi in Kishore Makwana's Common Man Narendra Modi, publi&hed in 2014,
after lea8in home at 1!, he )ent to 6amakri&hna Mi&&ion a&hram in 6ajkot and then to
the $elur Math near %olkata* Bhen he )ent to 9u)ahati and later joined another a&hram
&et up by S)ami 3i8ekananda in ,lmora, in the :imalayan foothill&* B)o year& after, he
returned to 3adnaar and after a brief halt at hi& hou&e, Modi left aain for ,hmedabad,
)here he li8ed and )orked in a tea &tall run by hi& uncle )here he aain came in contact
)ith @ak&hmanrao 4namdar )ho )a& then ba&ed at :ede)ar $ha8an, the 6SS
headEuarter& in the city*
:e then )orked in the &taff canteen of 9ujarat State 6oad
Bran&port +orporation until he became a full#time pracharak 0campainer2
of the 6SS
in 1.!0*
4n 1.!>, Modi raduated )ith an eDtramural deree throuh -i&tance
Aducation in political &cience from -elhi 7ni8er&ity*
4n 1.>1, )hile remainin a& a
pracharak in the 6SS, completed hi& Ma&terC& deree in political &cience from 9ujarat
:e &till continue& to 8i&it $elur Math occa&ionally
and talk& about
hi& re8erence for the 6amakri&hna Mi&&ion*
,ar!y &o!itica! career
Modi became a member of the 6SS after the 4ndo?Paki&tani War of 1.!1*
,fter Modi
had recei8ed &ome 6SS trainin in (apur, )hich )a& a prereEui&ite for takin up an
official po&ition in the Sanh Pari8ar, he )a& i8en chare of SanhC& &tudent )in, ,khil
$haratiya 3idyarthi Pari&had, in 9ujarat* -urin 1.!/#1.!!, )hen Prime Mini&ter 4ndira
9andhi declared a &tate of the emerency, political opponent& )ere jailed and political
orani&ation includin 6SS )ere banned* Modi )ent underround in 9ujarat and to
e8ade arre&t )a& occa&ionally di&ui&ed a& a Sikh, &aint, elderly man etc* and printed and
&ent booklet& aain&t the central o8ernment to -elhi* :e al&o orani&ed aitation& and
co8ert di&tribution of the SanhC& pamphlet&*
:e al&o participated in the mo8ement aain&t the Amerency under 'ayapraka&h (arayan*
:e )a& made the eneral &ecretary of the 9ujarat @ok Sanhar&h Samiti and hi& primary
role )a& to co?ordinate bet)een acti8i&t& in the &tate*
-urin thi& period he )rote a
book titled Sangharsh ma Gujarat 09ujaratC& &trule2 in 9ujarati )hich chronicle&
e8ent&, anecdote& a& )ell a& hi& per&onal eDperience&*
Bhe 6SS a&&ined Modi to
the $'P in 1.>/*
While Shanker&inh 3ahela and %e&hubhai Patel )ere the e&tabli&hed
name& in the 9ujarat $'P at that time, Modi ro&e to prominence after orani&in Murli
Manohar 'o&hiC& %anyakumari?Srinaar kta yatra 0'ourney for 7nity2 in 1..1*
1.>>, Modi )a& elected a& orani&in &ecretary of $'PC& 9ujarat unit,
markin hi&
formal entry into main&tream politic&*
,& &ecretary, hi& electoral &tratey )a& central to
$'PC& 8ictory in the 1../ &tate election&*
4n (o8ember 1../, Modi )a& elected (ational Secretary of $'P and )a& tran&ferred to
(e) -elhi )here he )a& a&&ined re&pon&ibility for the partyC& acti8itie& in :aryana and
:imachal Prade&h*
3ahela defected from the $'P after he lo&t the 1..6 @ok Sabha
election&, ha8in pre8iou&ly threatened to do &o in 1../*
Modi )a& promoted to the
po&t of eneral &ecretary 0"rani&ation2 of the $'P in May 1..>* While on the &election
committee for the 1..> ,&&embly election& in 9ujarat, Modi fa8oured &upporter& of Patel
o8er tho&e loyal to 3ahela, in an attempt to put an end to the factional di8i&ion& )ithin
the party* :i& &trateie& )ere credited a& bein key to )innin the 1..> election&*
Chief Minister of Gujarat
+hief Mini&ter Modi and hi& cabinet mini&ter& at a Plannin +ommi&&ion meet in (e)
-elhi, 2011
4n 2001, %e&hubhai PatelC& health )a& failin, and the $'P had lo&t &eat& in the by?
election&* ,lleation& of abu&e of po)er, corruption and poor admini&tration )ere bein
made, and PatelC& &tandin had been damaed by hi& admini&trationC& handlin of the
$huj AarthEuake of 2001*
,& a re&ult, the $'PC& national leader&hip &ouht a ne)
candidate for the office of chief mini&ter, and Modi, )ho had aired hi& mi&i8in& about
PatelC& admini&tration, )a& cho&en a& a replacement*
@* %* ,d8ani, a &enior leader of
the $'P, did not )ant to o&traci&e Patel and )a& )orried about ModiC& lack of eDperience
in o8ernance* Modi declined an offer to be PatelC& deputy chief mini&ter, informin
,d8ani and ,tal $ihari 3ajpayee that he )a& Foin to be fully re&pon&ible for 9ujarat or
not at allF, and on ! "ctober 2001, Modi )a& appointed the +hief Mini&ter of 9ujarat,
)ith the re&pon&ibility of preparin the $'P for election& in -ecember 2002*
;citation needed=
+hief Mini&ter, ModiC& idea& of o8ernance re8ol8ed around pri8ati&ation and &mall
o8ernment, )hich &tood at odd& )ith )hat political commentator ,diti Phadni& ha&
de&cribed a& the Fanti?pri8ati&ation, anti?lobali&ation po&itionF of the 6SS*
-irst term './/10.//.(
.//. Gujarat riots
Main articleG 2002 9ujarat riot&
"n 2! February 2002, a train )ith &e8eral hundred pa&&ener& includin lare number& of
:indu pilrim& )a& burned near 9odhra, killin around 60 people*
Follo)in rumour&
that the fire )a& carried out by Mu&lim ar&oni&t&, anti?Mu&lim 8iolence &pread throuhout
A&timate& of the death toll raned from .00 to o8er 2,000, )hile &e8eral
thou&and more people )ere injured*
Bhe Modi o8ernment impo&ed a curfe) in
major citie&, i&&ued &hoot?at?&iht order&, and called for the army to pre8ent the 8iolence
from e&calatin*
:o)e8er, human riht& orani&ation&, oppo&ition partie&, and
&ection& of the media all accu&ed 9ujaratC& o8ernment of takin in&ufficient action
aain&t the riot&, and e8en condonin it in &ome ca&e&*
ModiC& deci&ion to mo8e
the corp&e& of the Kar Sevaks )ho had been burned to death in 9odhra to ,hmedabad
had been critici&ed for inflamin the 8iolence*
4n March 200>, the Supreme +ourt a&ked the &tate o8ernment to re?in8e&tiate nine
ca&e& in the 2002 9ujarat riot&, includin the 9ulbar Society incident, and con&tituted a
Special 4n8e&tiation Beam 0S4B2 to probe the ca&e& afre&h*
6e&pondin to a
petition from Hakia 'afri, )ido) of Ah&an 'afri )ho )a& killed in the 9ulbar Society
ma&&acre, the Supreme court in ,pril 200. a&ked the S4B to probe her complaint allein
that Modi and another mini&ter had been complicit in the killin*
Bhe S4B Eue&tioned
Modi in March 2010, and in May 2010 pre&ented it& report before the +ourt, &tatin that
it found no e8idence to &ub&tantiate the alleation&*
4n 'uly 2011, the amicu& curiae
6aju 6amachandran &ubmitted hi& final report to the Supreme +ourt, &tatin that Modi
could be pro&ecuted ba&ed on the a8ailable e8idence, contrary to the po&ition of the S4B*
6amachandranC& report )a& critici&ed by the S4B for relyin on the te&timony of Sanji8
$hatt, )ho, it &aid, had fabricated the document& u&ed a& e8idence*
Bhe Supreme
court handed the matter to the mai&trate court, and left it to the S4B to eDamine
6amachandranC& report* Bhe S4B &ubmitted it& final report in March 2012, &eekin clo&ure
of the ca&e, aain&t )hich Hakia 'affri filed a prote&t petition* 4n -ecember 2011, the
mai&trate court rejected the prote&t petition and accepted the clean chit i8en to Modi by
S4B &tatin that there )a& no e8idence aain&t Modi in the ca&e*
ModiC& in8ol8ement in the e8ent& of 2002 ha& continued to be debated* Se8eral &cholar&
ha8e de&cribed the e8ent& of 2002 a& a porom, )hile other& ha8e called it an in&tance of
&tate terrori&m*
SummariIin academic 8ie)& on the &ubject, Martha (u&&baum
&tated that FBhere i& by no) a broad con&en&u& that the 9ujarat 8iolence )a& a form of
ethnic clean&in, that in many )ay& it )a& premeditated, and that it )a& carried out )ith
the complicity of the &tate o8ernment and officer& of the la)*F
4n 2012, Maya
%odnani, a former mini&ter in ModiC& 9o8ernment from 200! # 200., )a& con8icted of
ha8in participated in the (aroda Patiya ma&&acre durin the 2002 riot&*
She )a&
both the fir&t female and the fir&t M@, to be con8icted in a po&t?9odhra riot& ca&e*

While initially announcin that it )ould &eek the death penalty for %odnani, ModiC&
o8ernment e8entually pardoned her in 2011 and &ettled for a pri&on &entence*
, fe) month& after the riot&, (e) Jork Bime& reporter +elia -uer a&ked Modi if he
)i&hed he handled the riot& any differently* :e told her hi& only reret )a& that he did not
handle the ne)& media better
and cited 4ndiaC& (-B3 channel a& bein irre&pon&ible
in it& reportin*
.//. e!ection
Main articleG 9ujarat lei&lati8e a&&embly election, 2002
4n the aftermath of the 8iolence, there )ere )ide&pread call& for Modi to re&in from hi&
po&ition a& chief mini&ter of 9ujarat* Bhe&e came from both )ithin and out&ide the &tate,
includin from the leader& of the -ra8ida Munnetra %aIhaam and the Beluu -e&am
Party, )hich )ere allie& in then $'P?led (-, o8ernment at the centre* Bhe oppo&ition
partie& &talled the national parliament o8er the i&&ue*
4n ,pril 2002, at the national
eDecuti8e meetin of $'P at 9oa, Modi &ubmitted hi& re&ination5 ho)e8er, it )a&
rejected by the party*
"n 1. 'uly 2002, ModiC& cabinet had an emerency meetin and
offered it& re&ination to the 9o8ernor of 9ujarat, S* S* $handari, and the a&&embly )a&
4n the &ub&eEuent election&, the $'P, led by Modi, )on 12! &eat& in the
1>2?member a&&embly*
Modi made &inificant u&e of anti?Mu&lim rhetoric durin hi&
election campain, thouh he later denied it*
econd term './/.0.//1(
-e&pite alleation& of u&in anti?Mu&lim rhetoric durin the campain, ModiC& empha&i&
&hifted durin hi& &econd term from :indut8a to the economic de8elopment of 9ujarat*
ModiC& deci&ion& curtailed the influence of orani&ation& of the Sanh Pari8ar &uch a&
the $haratiya %i&an Sanh 0$%S2 and the 3i&h8a :indu Pari&had 03:P2,
)hich had
become entrenched in 9ujarat after the decline of ,hmedabadC& teDtile indu&try*
dropped 9ordhan Hadafia, an ally of hi& former Sanh co#)orker and 3:P &tate chief
Pra8een Boadia, from the cabinet mini&try* When the $%S launched a farmer&C aitation,
Modi ordered their e8iction from hou&e& pro8ided by the &tate o8ernment* ModiC&
deci&ion to demoli&h 200 illeal temple& in 9andhinaar deepened the rift )ith 3:P*
3ariou& orani&ation& of the Sanh )ere no loner con&ulted nor informed of ModiC&
admini&trati8e deci&ion& prior to their enactment*
Bhe chane& brouht by Modi in the period 2002#200! ha& led to 9ujarat bein called an
attracti8e in8e&tment de&tination* ,diti Phadni& )rite& that Fthere )a& &ufficient anecdotal
e8idence pointin to the fact that corruption had one do)n &inificantly in the &tate*** if
there )a& to be any corruption, Modi had to kno) about itF*
Modi &tarted financial and
technoloy park& in the &tate* -urin the 200! 3ibrant 9ujarat &ummit, real e&tate
in8e&tment deal& )orth 6*6 trillion )ere &ined in 9ujarat*
-e&pite hi& focu& on economic i&&ue& durin the &econd term, Modi continued to be
critici&ed for hi& relation&hip )ith Mu&lim&* ,tal $ihari 3ajpayee, then Prime Mini&ter of
4ndia, )ho had a&ked Modi not to di&criminate bet)een citiIen& in the aftermath of the
2002 9ujarat 8iolence and had pu&hed for hi& re&ination a& +hief Mini&ter of 9ujarat,
di&tanced him&elf from Modi and reached out to (orth 4ndian Mu&lim& before the
2004 election& to the @ok Sabha* ,fter the election&, 3ajpayee held that the 8iolence in
9ujarat had been one of the rea&on& for $'PC& electoral defeat and ackno)leded that not
remo8in Modi immediately after the 9ujarat 8iolence )a& a mi&take*
.//1 e!ection
Further informationG 9ujarat lei&lati8e a&&embly election, 200!
4n the run up to the a&&embly election& in 200! and the eneral election in 200., the $'P
&tepped up it& rhetoric on terrori&m*
"n 1> 'uly 2006, Modi critici&ed the 4ndian Prime
Mini&ter, Manmohan Sinh, F*** for hi& reluctance to re8i8e anti?terror lei&lation&F &uch
a& the Pre8ention of Berrori&t ,cti8itie& ,ct* :e a&ked the national o8ernment to allo)
&tate& to in8oke touher la)& in the )ake of the 2006 bla&t& in Mumbai*
,round thi&
time Modi freEuently demanded the eDecution of ,fIal 9uru,
a collaborator of the
Paki&tani jihadi&t& )ho had been con8icted of terrori&m for hi& in8ol8ement in the 2001
4ndian Parliament attack*
,& a con&eEuence of the (o8ember 200> Mumbai attack&,
Modi held a meetin to di&cu&& &ecurity of 9ujaratC& 1,600 km 0..0 mi2 lon coa&tline
)hich re&ulted in the central o8ernment authori&ation of 10 hih#&peed &ur8eillance
4n 'uly 200!, Modi completed 2,061 con&ecuti8e day& a& chief mini&ter of 9ujarat,
makin him the lone&t?&er8in holder of that po&t*
Bhe $'P )on 122 of the 1>2 &eat&
in the &tate a&&embly in the 200! election, and Modi continued a& chief mini&ter*
2hird term './/10./1.(
+eve!o&ment &rojects
Bhe Sardar Saro8ar -am, underoin a heiht increa&e in 2006*
Succe&&i8e $'P o8ernment& under Patel and Modi &upported (9"& and communitie& in
the creation of infra&tructure project& for con&er8ation of round)ater* 9ujarat i& a &emi?
arid &tate and, accordin to Bu&haar Shah, )a& F*** ne8er kno)n for ararian dynami&mF*
$y -ecember 200>, /00,000 &tructure& had been con&tructed, of )hich 111,!1> )ere
check dam&* While mo&t check dam& remained empty durin the pre?mon&oon &ea&on,
they helped rechare the aEuifer& that lie beneath them*
60 of the 112 teh&il& )hich
)ere found to ha8e o8er#eDploited the round)ater table in 2004 had reained their
normal round)ater le8el by 2010,
meanin that 9ujarat had manaed to increa&e it&
round)ater le8el& at a time )hen they )ere fallin in all other 4ndian &tate&* ,& a re&ult,
production of enetically?modified $t cotton, )hich could no) be irriated u&in tube
)ell&, increa&ed to become the lare&t in 4ndia*
Bhe boom in cotton production and
utili&ation of &emi#arid land
&a) the ariculture ro)th rate of 9ujarat increa&e to
.*6K in the period 2001#200!*
Bhouh public irriation mea&ure& in the central and
&outhern area&, &uch a& the Sardar Saro8ar Project, ha8e not been a& &ucce&&ful in
achie8in their aim&,
for the decade 2001#2010, 9ujarat recorded an aricultural
ro)th rate of 10*.!K, the hihe&t amon all 4ndian &tate&*
:o)e8er, &ocioloi&t&
ha8e pointed out that the ro)th rate under the +onre&& o8ernment durin 1..2#.!
)a& at 12*.K*
Modi at the inauuration of a ho&pital in %heda di&trict, 9ujarat*
Bhe (arendra Modi o8ernment al&o &ucceeded in brinin electricity to e8ery 8illae in
9ujarat, althouh -ipankar $anerjee point& out that all but 1!0 of them had been
electrified under the pre8iou& +onre&& admini&tration*
Modi al&o reatly chaned the
&y&tem of po)er di&tribution in the &tate, )ith a &inificant impact on farmer&* Bhe &tate
reatly eDpanded the 'yotiram Jojana &cheme, in )hich the aricultural electricity
&upply )a& re)ired to &eparate it from other rural po)er &upplie&* Bhe electricity &upplied
)a& then rationed to fit &cheduled demand for irriation, re&ultin in a co&t reduction*
4nitial farmer prote&t& died do)n )hen the farmer& )ho benefited found that &upply had
become more reular*
,n a&&e&&ment &tudy found that corporation& and lare farmer&
had &inificantly benefited from the policy, but that &mall farmer& and labourer& had been
neati8ely impacted*
4n hi& third term, prore&& )a& made on the 9ujarat 4nternational Finance Bec?+ity
project, con&idered a& one of ModiC& pet project&* Bhe fir&t pha&e, )hich encompa&&ed
t)o &ky&craper&, 94FB "ne and B)o, )a& completed in 2012*
+ebate on Gujarat3s deve!o&ment under Modi
(arendra Modi addre&&in la) raduate& at the 9ujarat (ational @a) 7ni8er&ity*
ModiC& o8ernment ha& )orked to brand 9ujarat a& a &tate of dynamic de8elopment,
economic ro)th and pro&perity, u&in the &loan F3ibrant 9ujaratF*
critic& ha8e pointed to 9ujaratC& relati8ely poor record on human de8elopment, po8erty
alle8iation, nutrition, and education* Bhe &tate i& 11th in 4ndia for po8erty, 21&t for
education, 44*! percent of children under fi8e are under)eiht and 21 percent are
undernouri&hed puttin the &tate in the FalarminF cateory on the 4ndia State :uner
4n contra&t, official& from the &tate of 9ujarat claim that 9ujarat outperformed
4ndia a& a )hole in the rate& of impro8ement of multiple human indicator&, &uch a&
female education, bet)een 2001 and 2011* Furthermore, they claim that the &chool drop?
out rate& declined from 20 percent in 2001 to 2 percent in 2011, and that maternal
mortality declined by 12 percent from 2001 to 2011*
,dditionally, the 4ndian Supreme
+ourt, in a re8ie) of the @and ,cEui&ition ,ct, 1>.4, identified 9ujarat a& bein one of
the fe) &tate& from )hich there )ere no complaint& of forcible land acEui&ition*
Political &cienti&t +hri&tophe 'affrelot a&&ert& that the de8elopment in 9ujarat ha& been
limited to the urban middle cla&&, )hile rural d)eller& and lo)er ca&te& ha8e become
increa&inly marinali&ed* :e cite& the fact that 9ujarat rank& 10th amon the 21 4ndian
&tate& in the :uman -e8elopment 4ndeD, )hich he attribute& to the lo)er de8elopment in
rural 9ujarat* :e &tate& that under Modi, the number of familie& li8in belo) the po8erty
line ha& increa&ed, and that particularly rural adi8a&i and dalit& ha8e become increa&inly
4n 'uly 2011, Aconomic& (obel @aureate ,martya Sen critici&ed
(arendra ModiC& o8ernance record and &aid he did not appro8e of it, &ayin that under
ModiC& admini&tration, 9ujaratC& Frecord in education and healthcare i& pretty badF*

:o)e8er, economi&t& ,r8ind Panaariya and 'adi&h $ha)ati &tate that 9ujaratC& &ocial
indicator impro8ed from a much lo)er ba&eline than other 4ndian &tate&* Bhey &tate that
9ujaratC& performance in rai&in literacy rate& ha& been &uperior to other &tate& in 4ndia,
and the FrapidF impro8ement of health indicator& in 9ujarat a& e8idence that Fit& prore&&
ha& not been poor by any mean&*F
Press and &ub!ic re!ations
Modi interacted )ith netiIen& on 9ooleL on 11 ,uu&t 2012*
Bhe chat &e&&ion )a&
al&o broadca&t li8e on JouBube*
Bhe Eue&tion& )ere &ubmitted before the chat, and
tho&e broadca&t )ere mo&tly ba&ed on i&&ue& about education, youth empo)erment, rural
de8elopment and cau&e& of urbani&ation*
Bhe ha&hta MModi:anout became the mo&t
trendin term in 4ndia at B)itter on the day of the &e&&ion, )herea& M3ote"utModi, u&ed
by ModiC& opponent&, became the third mo&t trendin term in the country*
Bhe e8ent
made Modi the fir&t 4ndian politician to interact )ith netiIen& throuh li8e chat on the
-ourth term './1.0./14(
Modi )ith ,nandiben Patel at a meetin of $'P M@,&, after bein elected a& Prime
Mini&ter* Patel &ucceeded Modi a& the +hief Mini&ter of 9ujarat*
Further informationG 9ujarat lei&lati8e a&&embly election, 2012
4n the 2012 9ujarat lei&lati8e a&&embly election&, Modi )on from the con&tituency of
Maninaar )ith a majority of >6,1!1 8ote& o8er Sanji8 $hattC& )ife, Sh)eta, )ho )a&
conte&tin for the 4ndian (ational +onre&&*
Bhe $'P )on 11/ of the 1>2 &eat&,
continuin the majority that the party ha& had throuhout ModiC& tenure,
and allo)in
the party to form the o8ernment, a& it ha& in 9ujarat &ince 1../*
4n later by?election&, the $'P )on an additional four a&&embly &eat& and 2 @ok Sabha
&eat& that )ere all held by the 4ndian (ational +onre&& prior to the by?election&, e8en
thouh Modi ne8er campained for it& candidate&*
Bhi& brouht the number of &eat&
held by the $'P in the &tate a&&embly up to 11.*
4n 2011, the Wharton 4ndia Aconomic Forum 0W4AF2 at the Wharton School of the
7ni8er&ity of Penn&yl8ania cancelled a keynote 8ideo?conference &peech by Modi after
&ome 4ndian?,merican& lobbied aain&t Modi*
,fter bein elected a& Prime Mini&ter, Modi re&ined from the po&t of chief mini&ter on
21 May 2014, and hi& M@, &eat from the Maninaar con&tituency, after deli8erin a
lea8in &peech de&cribed a& emotional* ,nandiben Patel )a& cho&en a& hi& replacement*
Nationa! $overnment
.//4 e!ection
Modi played a role in the 200. national eneral election campain of the $'P
and )a&
one of their &tar campainer&*
./14 $enera! e!ection
(arendra Modi addre&&in a 1- rally durin 2014 4ndian eneral election&*
Main articleG $haratiya 'anata Party campain for 4ndian eneral election, 2014
"n 11 March 2011, Modi )a& appointed to the $'P Parliamentary $oard, the hihe&t
deci&ion?makin body of the party*
"n . 'une 2011, Modi )a& appointed +hairman
of the $'PC& +entral Alection +ampain +ommittee for the 2014 eneral election, at the
national le8el eDecuti8e meetin of $'P*
Bhe partyC& &enior leader and foundin
member @al %ri&hna ,d8ani re&ined from all hi& po&t& at the party follo)in the
&election, prote&tin aain&t leader& )ho )ere Fconcerned )ith their per&onal aenda&F5
the re&ination )a& de&cribed by !he !imes o" #ndia a& Fa prote&t aain&t (arendra
ModiC& ele8ation a& the chairman of the partyC& election committeeF* :o)e8er, ,d8ani
)ithdre) hi& re&ination the neDt day at the urin of 6SS chief Mohan $ha)at*
September 2011, $'P announced Modi a& their prime mini&terial candidate for the 2014
@ok Sabha election*
(arendra Modi conte&ted the election from t)o con&tituencie&G
and 3adodara*
:i& candidacy )a& &upported by &piritual leader& 6amde8
and Morari $apu,
and by economi&t& 'adi&h $ha)ati and ,r8ind Panaariya, )ho
ha8e &tated that they, F***are impre&&ed by ModiC& economic&*F
:i& detractor& included
(obel PriIe laureate economi&t ,martya Sen, )ho &aid that he did not )ant Modi a& a
Prime Mini&ter becau&e he had not done enouh to make minoritie& feel &afe, and that
under Modi, 9ujaratC& record in health and education pro8i&ion ha& been Fpretty badF*
Modi )on from both &eat& he conte&ted5 defeatin ,r8ind %ejri)al, leader of the ,am
,admi Party, in 3arana&i and Madhu&udan Mi&try of the 4ndian (ational +onre&& in
3adodara 0by a marin of /!0,12> 8ote&, the &econd hihe&t e8er2*
:e led the $'P?led
(-, to a deci&i8e 8ictory in the eneral election& in )hich the rulin 4ndian (ational
+onre&& &uffered it& )or&t e8er defeat*
Modi )a& unanimou&ly elected a& the
leader of the $'P parliamentary party follo)in hi& partyC& 8ictory in the 4ndian
parliamentary election& and )a& &ub&eEuently appointed the prime mini&ter by 4ndiaC&
Bo comply )ith the rule that a MP can not hold t)o con&tituencie&,
Modi 8acated the 3adodara &eat*
Prime Minister
Further informationG Forein policy of (arendra Modi and S)earin?in ceremony of
(arendra Modi
Modi 0"ar right2 )a& &)orn in on 26 May 2014 at the 6a&trapati $ha8an*
(arendra Modi )a& &)orn in a& prime mini&ter on 26 May 2014 at the 6a&trapati $ha8an*
:e i& 4ndiaC& fir&t prime mini&ter born after the countryC& independence*
4n a fir&t of it&
kind, Modi in8ited all S,,6+ leader& to attend hi& &)earin?in ceremony5
attendee& included Prime Mini&ter of Paki&tan (a)aI Sharif,
Sri @ankan pre&ident
Mahinda 6ajapak&a, ,fhani&tan pre&ident :amid %arIai, $hutan Prime Mini&ter
B&herin Bobay, (epal Prime Mini&ter Su&hil %oirala, Maldi8e& pre&ident Pre&ident
,bdulla Jameen ,bdul 9ayoom and &peaker of $anlade&h Shirin Sharmin +haudhury
and Prime Mini&ter (a8in 6amoolam of Mauritiu& 0S,,6+ ob&er8er2*
Internationa! di&!omacy
As chief minister of Gujarat
Bo attract forein in8e&tment in 9ujarat durin hi& time a& chief mini&ter, Modi made
8i&it& to countrie& &uch a& +hina, Sinapore and 'apan*
:e al&o 8i&ited +hina in
(o8ember 2006 to &tudy the Special Aconomic Hone& that )ere about to be implemented
in 9ujarat*
:e aain 8i&ited in September 200!
and later in (o8ember 2011* ,
month after hi& 8i&it of 2011, the +hine&e 9o8ernment relea&ed 11 diamond trader& from
4ndia )ho had been jailed by the ShenIhen +u&tom&, )hich Modi attributed to hi&
diplomatic effort& and &tate&man&hip*
ModiC& relation&hip )ith many We&tern nation& )a& a troubled one durin hi& tenure a&
+hief Mini&ter* Nue&tion& about hi& role in the 2002 9ujarat riot& re&ulted in a boycott by
the 7%, the 7S and the A7* :e )a& barred from enterin the 7nited State& under a
pro8i&ion of the 4mmiration and (ationality ,ct*
Modi i& the only per&on e8er denied
a 8i&a to the 7*S* under thi& pro8i&ion*
Bhe 7% a& )ell a& the Auropean 7nion refu&ed
to deal )ith Modi becau&e of perception& of hi& role in the riot&* :o)e8er, a& Modi
emered a& a national leader in 4ndia, the 7%
and the A7
lifted their boycott& in
"ctober 2012 and March 2011 re&pecti8ely and, follo)in ModiC& election a& the Prime
Mini&ter of 4ndia, the 7S in8ited him to Wa&hinton*
(arendra Modi meetin the South %orean amba&&ador in 9andhinaar
4n 2011, the %arachi +hamber of +ommerce O 4ndu&try, impre&&ed )ith the de8elopment
of 9ujarat, in8ited Modi to 8i&it Paki&tan and addre&& prominent bu&ine&& leader&* Bhey
al&o a&ked him to con&ider a fliht bet)een %arachi and ,hmedabad, on account of the
hi&torical cultural and economic relation& bet)een the t)o reion& of 9ujarat and Sindh*
Modi )anted to help Paki&tan out of it& po)er cri&i&, e&pecially in Sindh, &ue&tin
Paki&tan can follo) the C9ujarat ModelC in t)o )ay& # 9ujarat Solar Park and %alpa&ar
4n ,pril 2014, in a mo8e de&cribed a& FuneDpectedF, &enior Paki&tani diplomat& told !he
$aily !elegraph that Modi i& their preferred choice for the Prime Mini&ter of 4ndia, Fa&
he could pro8ide the &tron leader&hip nece&&ary for peace talk&F*
,lthouh boycotted by We&tern nation&, Modi 8i&ited 'apan in 2012* ,ccordin to
6yohei %a&ai, re&earch fello) at the +enter for South ,&ian Studie&, 9ifu WomenC&
7ni8er&ity, 'apan, FBhere i& a ro)in intere&t in Modi in 'apan )ith much anticipation
that he )ill re&hape 4ndia by re8italiIin it& economy and better o8ernance* 4 belie8e
'apan ha& an eDcellent relation&hip )ith him* (ot only ha8e &ucce&&i8e 'apane&e
amba&&ador& to 4ndia been reular ue&t& in C3ibrant 9ujaratC in8e&tor&C &ummit
0orani&ed biennially2 but 'apane&e pri8ate companie& al&o made a bi amount of
in8e&tment in the &tate*F
As Prime Minister of India
Modi in8ited the leader& of S,,6+ countrie& to hi& oath?takin ceremony for takin
office a& Prime Mini&ter, to &trenthen the diplomatic relation&hip and increa&e bu&ine&&*
+ontinuin )ith the aim of promotin clo&e tie& )ith neihbourin countrie&, ModiC&
fir&t forein 8i&it )ill be to $hutan*
Persona!ity and ima$e
Modi i& a 8eetarian*
:e ha& a frual life&tyle )ith a per&onal &taff of three* :e i& a
)orkaholic and an intro8ert*
:e )rite& poem& in 9ujarati*
,& a &peaker, he i&
kno)n a& a cro)d?puller*
4n the critical opinion of Somini Senupta, )ritin for !he
New %ork !imes in a 200. article on the Supreme +ourtC& orderin of an in8e&tiation
into ModiC& role in the 2002 9ujarat riot&, FMr* Modi ha& a&&iduou&ly &ouht to rein8ent
him&elf from a &cruffy ma&cot of :indu nationali&m to a deci&i8e corporate?&tyle
Modi ha& been labelled by the media and &ome article& in peer?re8ie)ed journal& a& a
contro8er&ial, polari&in and di8i&i8e fiure,
but $riti&h economi&t 'im "C(eill,
author of the $64+ report, )rote on hi& blo that Modi i& Food on economic&F, one of
the thin& that F4ndia de&perately need& in a leaderF*
4n ,uu&t 2011, financial analy&t
+hri& Wood, chief &tratei&t of +@S,, )rote in hi& )eekly Greed & 'ear that Fthe 4ndian
&tock marketC& reate&t hope i& the emerence of 9ujarat +hief Mini&ter (arendra Modi
a& the $'PC& prime mini&terial candidateF*
A5ards and reco$nitions
Gujarat (atna by Shri )oona Gujarati *andhu Samaj at 9ane&h %ala %rida
Manch on celebration of centenary year*
e+(atna a)ard by the +omputer Society of 4ndia

$e&t +hief Mini&ter # 4n a nation)ide &ur8ey conducted in 200! by #ndia !oday
maaIine, (arendra Modi )a& declared the $e&t +hief Mini&ter in the country*
,&ian Winner of the f-i Per&onality of the Jear a)ard for 200. by '$i
4n March 2012, Modi appeared on the co8er of the ,&ian edition of !ime, one of
4ndiaC& fe) politician& to ha8e done &o*
Modi )a& featured in !ime's 2014 Bime 100 li&t of the mo&t influential people in
the )orld*

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