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Michael Raduga

School of Out-of-Body Travel
A Practical Guidebook
First Edition
Translated by
Peter Orange
The practice of phase states of the mind is the hottest and most
promising pursuit of the modern age. Unlie in the past! the notions
of "out#of#body e$perience% and "astral pro&ection% ha'e already lost
their mystical halo! and their real basis has been studied in minute
detail from the most non#nonsense approach. (ow! this phenomenon
is accessible to e'eryone! regardless of their world'iew. )t is now
nown how to easily master it and apply it effecti'ely. This te$tboo
gi'es each and e'ery person something that pre'iously could only be
dreamt about # a parallel reality and the possibility of e$isting in two
worlds. This boo is for pragmatic people who are not used to taing
anything on faith or reading about empty theories. The boo only
deals with what wors in practice! and nothing else.
Proposals regarding translating and publishing this boo and other
wors of M. Raduga may be sent to aing*
Table of ,ontents-
Part I
Entering the Out-of-Body State
Chapter ! General Background
The Essence of the Phase Phenomenon
.hy Enter the Phase/
The 0ifestyle of a Practitioner
1lgorithm for Mastering the Phase
Types of Techni2ues
Recommendations for Using the 3uideboo
E$ercises for ,hapter +
Chapter " ! Indirect Techni#ue$
The ,oncept of )ndirect Techni2ues
Primary )ndirect Techni2ues
4econdary )ndirect Techni2ues
4electing the Right Techni2ues
4eparation Techni2ues
The 5est Time to Practice
,onscious 1waening
1waening without Mo'ing
,ycles of )ndirect Techni2ues
6ints from the Mind
1ggression and Passi'ity
4trategy for 1ction
Typical Mistaes with )ndirect Techni2ues
E$ercises for ,hapter 7
Chapter % ! &irect Techni#ue$
The ,oncept of 8irect Techni2ues
The 5est Time to Practice
)ntensity of 1ttempts
5ody Position
8uration of an 1ttempt
9ariations of Using 8irect Techni2ues
The Free#floating 4tate of Mind
1u$iliary Factors
4trategy for 1ction
Typical Mistaes with 8irect Techni2ues
E$ercises for ,hapter :
Chapter ' ! Beco(ing Con$ciou$ )hile &rea(ing
The ,oncept of Techni2ues )n'ol'ing 5ecoming ,onscious
while 8reaming
Techni2ues for 5ecoming ,onscious in a 8ream
1ctions to be 8one when 5ecoming ,onscious while
4trategy for 1ction
Typical Mistaes when Practicing 5ecoming ,onscious
while 8reaming
E$ercises for ,hapter 4
Chapter * ! +on-autono(ou$ ,ethod$
The Essence of (on#autonomous Methods for Entering the
,ueing Technologies
.oring in Pairs
Technologies for )nducing the Phase
6ypnosis and 4uggestion
Physiological 4ignals
,hemical 4ubstances
The Future of (on#autonomous Methods for Entering the
Typical Mistaes with (on#autonomous Techni2ues
E$ercises for ,hapter ;
Part II
,anaging the Out-of-Body E-perience
Chapter . ! &eepening
The ,oncept of 8eepening
Primary 8eepening Techni2ues
8eepening through 4ensory 1mplification
4econdary 8eepening Techni2ues
3eneral 1cti'ity
Typical Mistaes 8uring 8eepening
E$ercises for ,hapter <
Chapter / ! ,aintaining
The 3eneral ,oncept of Maintaining
Techni2ues and Rules against Returning to the 5ody
Techni2ues and Rules for Resisting Falling 1sleep
Techni2ues against an Unrecogni=ed Phase
3eneral Rules for Maintaining
Typical Mistaes with Maintaining
E$ercises for ,hapter >
Chapter 0 ! Pri(ary Skill$
The Essence of Primary 4ills
8iscerning the Phase
Emergency Return. Paralysis
Fighting Fear
,reation of 9ision
,ontact with 0i'ing Ob&ects
Techni2ues for Translocating through Ob&ects
The )mportance of ,onfidence
,ontrolling Pain
Moral 4tandards in the Phase
4tudying Possibilities and 4ensations
Typical Mistaes with Primary 4ills
E$ercises for ,hapter ?
Chapter 1 ! Tran$location and 2inding Ob3ect$
The Essence of Translocation and Finding Ob&ects
5asic Property of the Phase 4pace
Techni2ues for Translocation
Ob&ect Finding Techni2ues
Typical Mistaes with Translocation and Finding Ob&ects
E$ercises for ,hapter @
Chapter 4 ! Application
The Essence of 1pplications for Phase 4tates
1pplications 5ased on 4imulation
1pplications 5ased on ,ontact with the 4ubconscious Mind
1pplication 5ased on )nfluencing Physiology
Unpro'en Effects
Use of the Phase by the 8isabled
Typical Mistaes when Using 1pplications
E$ercises for ,hapter +A
Part III
Au-iliary Infor(ation
Chapter ! 5$eful Tip$
1 Pragmatic 1pproach
)ndependent 1nalysis
1pproach to 0iterature
Practice En'ironment
Taling with 0ie#minded People
The Right .ay to Beep a Cournal
Chapter " ! Practitioner$6 E-perience$
The 4ignificance of Other PeopleDs E$periences
1nalysis of 4elected PractitionersE E$periences
E$ercises for ,hapter +7
Chapter % ! Putting a 2ace on the Pheno(enon
4tephen 0aberge
,arlos ,astaneda
Robert 1. Monroe
Patricia 3arfield
4yl'an Muldoon
,harles 0eadbeater
Robert 5ruce
Richard .ebster
,harles Tart
Chapter ' ! 2inal Te$t
1ssessment of PractitionersD E$periences Fchapter +7G
1nswers to the Final Test Fchapter +4G
1 4implified 8escription of the Easiest Method for Entering
the Phase using )ndirect Techni2ues
Tae Part in Research
The ,ell Phone Techni2ue
The 4chool of Out#of#5ody Tra'el
5rief 3lossary of Terms and 8efinitions
This guideboo is the result of ten years of e$tremely acti'e
personal practice and study of the out#of#body phenomenonFthe
phaseG! coupled with ha'ing successfully taught it to thousands of
people. ) now all of the obstacles and problems that are usually run
into when getting to now this phenomenon! and ha'e tried to protect
future practitioners from them in this boo.
This guideboo was not created for those who prefer light! empty
reading. )t is for those who would lie to learn something. )t contains
no speculations or stories! only dry! hard facts and techni2ues in
combination with a completely pragmatic approach and clear
procedures for action. They ha'e all been successfully 'erified by a
'ast number of practitioners that often had no prior e$perience. )n
order to achie'e the same result! it is only necessary to read through
each section thoroughly and complete the assignments.
The boo is beneficial not only for beginners! but also for those who
already now what it feels lie to ha'e an out#of#body encounter and
ha'e a certain amount of e$perience! as this guideboo is de'oted not
only to entering the state! but also e2ually dedicated to controlling it.
,ontrary to popular opinion! there is nothing difficult about this
phenomenon if one tries to attain it with regular and right effort. On
a'erage! results are reached in less than a wee if attempts are made
e'ery day. More often than not! the techni2ues wor in literally a
couple of attempts.
Michael Raduga
Founder of the School of Out-of-Body Travel
January 11, 2!
Entering the Pha$e State
Chapter ! General Background
The term phase state For simply phaseG encompasses a number of
widely nown dissociati'e phenomena! many of which are referred to
by 'arious terms! such as astral or out-of-"ody e#perience. This
concept also includes the more pragmatic term lucid drea$ing! but
does not always e$ist in the sense and form implied by that
e$pression. 6ence! the term phase has been introduced to ease the
study of phenomena that e$ist beyond habitual I and often unfair #
associations and stereotypes. The term out-of-"ody e#perience is
accurate to the e$tent that it describes the sensation felt by a person
e$periencing the phase phenomenon.
% phase has t&o pri$ary attri"utes' 1() practitioners possess full,
conscious a&areness during the e#perience, and 2() practitioners
recogni*e a genuine separation fro$ the physical "ody(
4imultaneously! the degree to which practitioners percei'e the
phase en'ironment affects the le'el of sensory e$periences therein!
which often occur in a higher form than the sensory e$periences of
waefulness. This concept is difficult to imagine without firsthand
e$perience of the phase. 1nd so! it is not without reason that this
practice is considered to be a higher state of self#hypnosis or
meditation! and is often referred to under different names as the
highest possible human achie'ement in 'arious religious and
mystical mo'ements Fyoga! 5uddhism! etc.G.
)n essence! the phase is an une$plored state of mind where one is
unable to control and feel his physical body. )nstead! his space
perception is filled with realistic phantom e$periences.
Interesting Fact!
Sensations in the phase state can "e so realistic
that practitioners &ho unintentionally enter phase
often "elieve they are still in the physical "ody, that
the e#perience is occurring in the &a+ing state(
These types of unintended e#cursions $ost often
occur at night or early in the $orning(

)t is belie'ed that up to one 2uarter of the human population has
encountered this phenomenon. 6owe'er! if 'ariations and different
degrees of intensity of the state are taen into consideration! it may
be safely assumed that e'eryone has encountered the phase. 4ince the
phase is a rare sub&ect of study! many who inad'ertently enter it do
not reali=e what has taen place once they return to waefulness.
Many do not assign any significance to the occurrence of a phase
en'ironment that is not fully formed because shallow phases donDt
lea'e the same &olting impression as deep states. Elusi'e as the phase
may seem! this is an e$tremely common phenomenon! accessible to
anyone willing to consciously learn and apply the correct methods of
achie'ing and maintaining the phase.
)89 E+TE: T8E P8ASE;
4uch a 2uestion can only arise from not fully understanding the
properties of the phenomenon and its nature. .hen one suddenly
understands at a certain moment that he is &ust as real as he normally
is! and is standing somewhere that is not in the physical world with
his same hands and body! and can touch e'erything around him and
discern fine details! such much emotion stirs up inside him that no
2uestions arise at all. This is the $ost a$a*ing e#perience that a
person can attain,
The initial phase encounter is always &olting and sometimes
frightening. 8epending on the indi'idual! fear e$perienced during
initial encounters with the phase occurs in about one#third of all
cases. E'en 'eteran practitioners encounter fear! which speas to the
profound nature of the phase state.
.ith time! as rapture ebbs and emotions wane! thoughts turn from
the fact of the phenomenon itself towards how to somehow use it.
1nd here! a fantastically di'erse field of practical application opens
up before the practitioner. These applications I which this boo
communicates I are not to be associated with the many unpro'en and
dubious methods often described in sundry esoteric literature. The
information presented herein is 'erifiable! practical! and attainable.
.hate'er the nature of the phase # a state of mind! or perhaps an
e$ternal e$perience # this is the sole opportunity to- 'isit any part of
the world or uni'erseJ see people who are out#of#reach in real life!
including relati'es! the deceased! celebrities! and 'arious creaturesJ
communicate with the enormous resources of the subconscious mind
and obtain information from itJ reali=e desires that are unattainable in
real lifeJ model artistic productionsJ influence physiology! and more.
These are not dull e$periences. They are eminently personal and real.
)t must be said that 'arious diets! e$ercises! rituals! and so forth
do not produce noticeable supplementary effects to proper practice of
the phase. (aturally e$istent psychological and physiological comfort
is of the utmost importance. Thus! methods recommending
o'ereating! under#eating! or tormenting oneself with 'arious diets and
strange e$ercises are useless and ultimately detrimental to a
practitionerDs wellness and balance! in'ariably producing a negati'e
impact to the effecti'eness of techni2ues taught in this guideboo.
1dditionally! no meaningful association has been found between
practice of the phase and what may be construed as "bad habits%.
Regardless of a lifestyleDs null effect on phase achie'ement! a
healthy! acti'e lifestyle will always be recommended to en&oy a good
2uality of li'ing.
Interesting Fact!
-f one "elieves that it is necessary to position
one.s "ed &ith the head"oard facing the /orth&est
or so$e other direction in order to have $ore
effective out-of-"ody e#periences, then doing so &ill
invaria"ly have a positive effect on results(
0o&ever, the issue at hand is not the positioning of
the "ody, "ut a "elief that is a+in to an intention,
&hich in turn is enor$ously i$portant(
)t has been obser'ed that a regular and orderly lifestyle increases
the fre2uency of genuine! lasting phase e$periences. 4leeping
normally and soundly is the most basic e$ample of a lifestyle choice
that produces direct! positi'e impact on results! especially when a
practitioner commits to a full nightEs rest se'eral times a wee.
1 no'ice practitioner must understand the procedure for learning
and mastering phase entry. This procedure consists of se'eral
primary steps! each of which is a uni2ue science unto itself.

+. The first and most important step addresses the techni2ues
used to enter the phase state. )t is not necessary to master e'ery
type of entrance techni2ue Fdirect! indirect! dream consciousnessG.
0earning and applying the easiest techni2ues pro'ides the
necessary prere2uisites to more ad'anced methods. )f so desired!
it is possible to try more difficult entrance techni2ues in parallel
with the mo'ing on to the subse2uent steps for mastering the
7. ,ontrary to popular opinion! the need for conscious
techni2ues does not cease upon phase entrance. )t is absolutely
necessary to learn and apply methods for deepening the phase to
achie'e a consistently hyper#realistic en'ironment. Failing to
apply deepening techni2ues almost guarantees that e$periences
will be dull! uninteresting! and subse2uent practice short#li'ed.
Practitioners should immediately learn and apply deepening
techni2ues after mastering any one entrance method.
:. The third step in'ol'es mastering techni2ues for maintaining
the phase! as without them the a'erage person would ha'e phase
e$periences of much shorter duration than is possible. .hen in
the phase! the 2uestion of how to lea'e it almost ne'er occurs. On
the contrary! one is normally thrust from it in the course of
se'eral seconds if one simply does nothing.
4. 1fter learning all the necessary techni2ues for mastering the
phase state! it is time to learn and apply methods of control!
which encompass the ability to translocate! find and interact with
ob&ects! influence surroundings! and so forth.
;. Once the pre'iously noted steps ha'e been accomplished! a
practitioner may proceed to apply phase e$periences to enhance
e'eryday life. O'er the course of this guideboo! we will e$amine
do=ens of these 'aluable applications in great detail.
.ith basic sills mastered! remember that practicing the phase is
worthwhile and effecti'e only when the results are consistent. )f a
practitioner enters the phase only once a month! the e$perience will
be too emotional to allow the obser'ation of important principles and
methodologies. The phase should be encountered at least once a
wee. .oring toward a le'el higher than a weely phase entry is
ambitious! e'en beneficial. Realistically! two to four phase
e$periences per wee might be considered the le'el of a grandmaster!
but this is far from the upward boundary.
1s a rule! no'ice practitioners achie'e the phase less often than is
desired. 6owe'er! with regular attempts! success occurs more and
more fre2uently! which should help alle'iate any frustration resulting
from failed attempts.
There are three primary types of techni2ues that mae it possible
to enter the phase- direct! indirect and drea$ consciousness. These
methods are performed while lying down or reclining! eyes closed!
the body in a state of total rela$ation.
Interesting Fact!
Often, people have an out-of-"ody
e#perience &ithout prior +no&ledge or
"elief in the pheno$enon( -t 1ust happens,
and a large "ody of evidence has "een
gathered to support this fact( 2ven $ore
interesting is that spontaneous e#periences
often occur after a "rief study of $aterial
a"out the topic, li+e this guide"oo+(((

3irect techni4ues are perfor$ed &ithout any noticea"le lapse in
consciousness( 5hile practicing direct techni4ues, a lapse into sleep
for less than 6 $inutes is not considered a "reach of the techni4ue(
5y definition! direct techni2ues encompass the performance of
specific actions for a pre#defined inter'al of time. 4uccessfully
applied! direct methods result in a phase entrance without passing
through any intermediary states. For @AK of the population! these
techni2ues are the most difficult because the mind naturally e$ists in
an e$cessi'ely acti'e state. )t has been clearly pro'en within the
4choolDs student body that no'ice practitioners do not benefit from
beginning a training regimen with direct techni2ues. This is because
direct techni2ues re2uire a thorough understanding and masterful
application of indirect techni2ues in order to be effecti'e. The
incorrect notion that the phase state is e$tremely difficult to enter is
due to the fact that people are more often drawn to the more difficult
direct techni2ues. )t is always better to approach direct techni2ues
only after becoming e$pert in the use of indirect techni2ues.

-ndirect techni4ues are techni4ues that are put into practice upon
a&a+ening fro$ sleep(
The effecti'eness of indirect techni2ues is not dependent on the
length of the prere2uisite sleep cycle. )ndirect techni2ues can be used
while e$iting a full nightDs sleep! after a daytime catnap! or following
se'eral hours of deep sleep. The most important thing is that there is
a lapse of consciousness into sleep before implementing the
)ndirect techni2ues are the easiest techni2ues to practice! which is
why many practitioners use them to enter the phase. 4leep naturally
pro'ides the mind with deep rela$ation! which is often difficult to
ac2uire by other methods. 4ince sleep is re2uired to perform indirect
techni2ues! it is a con'enient! oft#occurring means to conduct
e$periments with the phase. (o'ice practitioners benefit greatly from
the use of indirect techni2ues! and learn firsthand the possibility of
phase entrance.

3rea$ consciousness is ac4uired "y techni4ues that allo&
entrance to the phase through &hat is co$$only referred to as lucid
)n this case! the phase begins when the awareness that a dream is
occurring happens within the dream itself. 1fter becoming conscious
while dreaming! se'eral types of actions can be performed! including
returning to the body and rolling out! which will be described later.
.hen deepening techni2ues are applied in the conte$t of a conscious
dream! the sensory perceptions of the phase surpass those of normal
Techni2ues that facilitate dream consciousness are usually
categori=ed separately from methods used to perform out#of#body
tra'elJ in practice! howe'er! it is apparent that the characteristics of
dream consciousness and out#of#body tra'el are identical! which
places both phenomena directly in the phase. These practices are
difficult because! unlie other techni2ues! they do not in'ol'e
specific actions that produce instantaneous results. 1 large measure
of preparatory steps must be obser'ed that re2uire time and effort
without any guarantee of results. 6owe'er! dream consciousness
techni2ues are not as difficult as direct techni2ues. Moreo'er! the
ma&ority of practitioners! whether using indirect or direct techni2ues!
e$perience spontaneous awareness while dreaming without ha'ing to
apply techni2ues aimed at dream consciousness.
)n addition to the techni2ues described abo'e! there are also non#
autonomous means and tools- 'arious de'ices! programs! e$ternal
influences! and so forth! which can be used to enter the phase. )t is
necessary to mention that these are only useful to practitioners who
are able to enter the phase without supplementary assistance.
9arious chemical substances and herbal supplements ha'e been
recommended to assist phase entrance! though using them is unliely
to do any good! and use of these has ne'er yielded the effect that can
be achie'ed through unadulterated practice. 1s such! the use of a
chemical crutch is regarded here as completely unacceptable.
E$act scientific proof that entering the phase is dangerous I or
e'en safe # does not e$istJ there has ne'er been an e$hausti'e!
controlled study to pro'e either supposition. 6owe'er! since the
phase e$ists at the fringes of naturally#occurring states of mind! it can
hardly be assumed dangerous. (otably! the phase is accompanied by
rapid eye mo'ement FREMG! which e'ery human e$periences for up
to 7 hours each night! and this begins to e$plain the phase e$perience
as entirely safe and natural.
1lready confirmed are the psychological influences of the phase
on the physical mind and bodyJ namely! the emotional effects that
can occur during the onset of the phase state.
Phase entry is a 'ery profound! incredible e$perience that may
induce fear! which is in'oed by a natural instinct for self#
preser'ation. The phase can create stress. This is especially true for
no'ices and those poorly ac2uainted with the nature of the
phenomenon and techni2ues used to control it. .ithout nowledge
and proper practice! a fear#induced reaction can escalate into full#
blown terror. 1fter all! while in the phase! fantasy 2uicly becomes
reality! and reticent fears can tae on hyper#realistic 2ualities. .hen
this occurs! itDs not the phase en'ironment! but the fear that is
treacherous. )t goes without saying that fear is a to$ic influence!
especially to sensiti'e souls! the elderly! and people with physical
ailments! lie certain cardio'ascular conditions. This does not mean
that persons in these groups should abstain from practicing the phase.
The solution is to learn about and a'oid common stressors associated
with the practice! now the mechanics of controlling ob&ects! and
understand the principles of maing an emergency e$it.
3i'en the possibility of negati'e phase e$periences! it could be
ad'ised that practitioners limit the time in phase to fifteen minutes!
though it is 2uite e$ceptional to maintain the phase for such duration.
Proposed time limits are entirely theoretical and moti'ated by the fact
that natural REM does not normally last longer than fifteen minutes!
and! at the ris of side effects due to the alteration of natural cycles!
e$periments directed at unnaturally prolonging REM are not
8uring classroom instruction at the 4chool of Out#of#5ody
Tra'el! se'eral ey factors are nown to produce positi'e and
negati'e effects toward the lielihood of success during indi'idual
Po$itive Effect on Practice +egative Effect on Practice
1ttenti'e! thorough study of the
course material
6asty and inattenti'e study of
course materials.
,onsistent wor with practical
)nconsistent application of
8iligent completion of technical
1ppro$imating the techni2ues
outside of recommended
1 rela$ed approach to the sub&ect
1 hysterical approach to the
matter! "idLe fi$e%.
Beeping a &ournal of all initial
attempts! followed by recording
successful phase entrances.
1 lac of personal analysis when
problems or a lac of success are
1dhering to the recommended
number of daily entrance
E$cessi'e number of attempts per
Regular attempts and practice. 4poradic practice regimen.
nows his field well and will do as ) wantM. This
attitude is good only for those
who ha'e a great amount of real
practical e$perience. Reading a
lot on the sub&ect or simply
ha'ing nowledge of it is not
E-erci$e$ for Chapter
+. .hich alternati'e states are included in the term
7. 6ow does the phase differ from out#of#body tra'el/
:. )s the perception of reality different in waing life than
in the phase world/
4. 8oes the phase ha'e applications to day#to#day life/
;. .hat sills must be learned before proceeding to
practical use of the phase/
<. 6ow many types of autonomous phase entrance
techni2ues are there/
>. .hat is the difference between direct and indirect
?. .hich techni2ues are easiest for the ma&ority of
@. )s it worth trusting 'arious de'ices and programs that
promise to be able to help one enter the phase state/
.hy or why not/
+A. 4hould one eat meat when practicing the phase/
+. Try to remember if you ha'e e$perienced phase
encounters in the past.
7. )f you ha'e encountered the phase! what type of
techni2ue gained entranceJ direct! indirect! or conscious
:. )f possible! as some friends and ac2uaintances about
the sub&ect of out#of#body tra'el or conscious dreaming.
8o any of them remember a similar e$perience/ .hat
was it lie/
Chapter " ! Indirect Techni#ue$
3enuine practice of phase entrance is best begun with the easiest!
most accessible methods- indirect techni2ues! which are conscious
actions performed upon awaening from sleep. 4ome critics
incorrectly assume that indirect techni2ues are not ideal! and prefer to
start with direct techni2ues. 6owe'er! doing so pro'ides no guarantee
for success and results in a large amount of wasted time and effort.
Starting practice &ith indirect techni4ues guarantees entrance into
the phase(
1 specific uni'ersal techni2ue that suits e'ery practitioner is a
myth since indi'iduals differ widely in personality! psychology! and
learning speed. 6owe'er! there is a relati'ely easy uni'ersal
algorithm! or procedure! that accounts for the characteristics of each
person and allows for the most rational! effecti'e way to attain the
initial phase entrances. This algorithm encompasses cyclic practicing
of the indirect techni2ues co'ered in this chapter. .ithout e$ception!
these techni2ues # despite their 'arying degrees of difficulty # are
suitable for e'ery practitioner who wishes to e$perience the phase.
Results can be e$pected immediately following the first few
attemptsJ howe'er! to achie'e measurable results! an a'erage of fi'e
daily! conscious attempts must be made. Maing more than fi'e
attempts o'er the course of a day is fine! too. There is nothing
difficult to understand about performing the techni2ues since they are
clearly laid out and based on real internal processes. Re$ar+a"ly, due
to correctly practiced indirect techni4ues, $ore than half of students
at the live school attain phase entrance after only t&o days(
Interesting Fact!
Many e#perienced practitioners prefer to "ypass
the effort associated &ith direct techni4ues and
hone their s+ills through the sole use of indirect

)n order to ensure that oneDs efforts are most fruitful and
producti'e! we are going to indi'idually e$amine each step and
principle behind the actions in great detail. 0et us start from a
description of the techni2ues themsel'es! which will actually apply
practically &ust as much to direct techni2ues as to indirect techni2uesJ
as they only differ in character and length of application.
There are plenty of techni2ues! so after practicing all of the indirect
techni2ues presented in this chapter! a practitioner should be able to
choose three or four of the most straightforward! indi'idually
effecti'e methods.
4eparation techni2ues will be e$amined later. They are completely
different from usual techni2ues! which only bring one into the phase!
but do not necessarily themsel'es lead to separation from the body. )t
is often also necessary to now how to stop percei'ing oneDs physical
body after employing these techni2ues.
)t is necessary to understand when to employ these techni2ues! and
the importance of waing from sleep without opening the eyes or
mo'ing the body. 1ttempting to enter the phase immediately upon
awaening must be learned and practiced to mastery since it
constitutes the main barrier to successful practice.
1fter e$amining the peripheral information surrounding indirect
techni2ues! the cycles of indirect techni2ues will be e$amined!
including what there are! how they wor! and how they are best used.
4uccessful phase entrance is the direct result of performing these
cycles. 6owe'er! there are e$ceptions! and it is not completely
necessary to proceed with these cycles if oneEs own mind somehow
hints what e$actly one should start from! which we will also e$amine

/ota Bene, The techni2ues described below are the simple
components of indirect techni2ue cycles. )mplementing each
techni2ueDs description is far from effecti'e. Of the list gi'en below!
it behoo'es the indi'idual practitioner to choose the most
comprehensible and interesting techni2ues! then acti'ely study and
apply the instructions for use.
Te$ting Individual Effectivene$$
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. Obser'e the blan space behind the eyes for : to ; seconds
and try to locate recogni=able pictures! images! or symbols. )f nothing
appears during this e$ercise! the techni2ue should be substituted. )f
something appears! continue to passi'ely obser'e the images.
Meanwhile! the images will become increasingly realistic! literally
en'eloping the practitioner. 8o not aggressi'ely e$amine the details
of the image! or it will 'anish or change. The image should be
e$perienced as a panorama! taing e'erything in. Obser'e the images
as long as the 2uality and realism increases. 8oing so yields two
possible results- the practitioner becomes part of the surroundings!
and has achie'ed the phase! or the image becomes borderline or
absolutely realistic! and separation from the physical body is

To train the use of this techni2ue! lie down in the dar! eyes closed!
and obser'e the blacness for se'eral minutes! identifying any
specific images that may arise from simple spots or floaters! and then
gradually transition to whole pictures! scenes! or scenarios. .ith
practice! this techni2ue is 'ery easy and straightforward. 1 common
mistae made during practice of this techni2ue is when the
practitioner aggressi'ely attempts to con&ure images 'ersus passi'ely
obser'ing what is naturally presented.
Te$ting Individual Effectivene$$
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. Try to wiggle a part of the body for : to ; seconds! but
without using any muscles. )f nothing mo'es during the attempt! try a
different techni2ue. )f a sensation of wiggling occurs! e'en in the
slightest! continue to employ the techni2ue! stri'ing to increase the
range of mo'ement as much as possible. This techni2ue should be
performed 'ery aggressi'ely! not passi'ely. 1s soon as the range of
mo'ement nears or e$ceeds four inches # which may tae &ust se'eral
seconds # the following situations may arise- one momentarily finds
oneself somehow in the phase! or the wiggled part of the body begins
to mo'e freely. The occurrence of mo'ement during practice of this
techni2ue allows the practitioner to transition to a separation
techni2ue and attempt to lea'e the body.
.hile practicing phantom wiggling! strong 'ibrations may occur!
amid which separation may be attempted. 4ounds also often arise!
allowing the opportunity to practice listening in! which can lead to
phase entrance.
The phantom wiggling techni2ue is not meant to produce an
imagined mo'ement by a phantom body. The point of the techni2ue
is to attempt the mo'ement of a physical body part without using
muscular action. That is! the focus should rest upon an internal
intention of mo'ement without physical action. .hen the sensation
occurs! it differs little from its real counterpart and is often
accompanied by hea'iness and resistance. 3enerally! there is 'ery
little range of mo'ement at first! but with concentrated effort the
range of mo'ement noticeably increases.
)t does not matter which part of the body is used to e$ercise
phantom mo'ement. )t may be the whole body or &ust one finger.
(either is the speed of the mo'ement important. )ncreased range of
percei'ed mo'ement is the aim of the techni2ue.
To train the techni2ue of phantom wiggling! rela$ a hand for
se'eral minutes while lying down! eyes closed. Then! aggressi'ely
en'ision the following hand mo'ements! without mo'ing any
muscles! for two to three minutes each- rotating! up#down! left#right!
e$tending the fingers and drawing the fingers together! clenching and
unclenching a fist. (o sensations will occur at first. 3radually! the
sensation of muscular action will become so apparent that the
percei'ed mo'ement will be indistinguishable from real mo'ement.
8uring the first training attempts! practitioners are often tempted to
open their eyes to see if actual mo'ement is occurring I thatDs how
real the sensation feels.
Te$ting Individual Effectivene$$
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. Try to listen to noise in your head. 8o this for : to ; seconds
without mo'ing and without opening the eyes. )f nothing happens
during this period of time! switch to another techni2ue. )f any sounds
lie bu==ing! humming! ra'ing! hissing! whistling! tinling! or
melodies occur! listen attenti'ely. .ith results! the sound will
increase in 'olume. 0isten in as long as there is some dynamism in
the 'olume of the sound. .hen the sound stops! or the noise becomes
loud enough! a separation techni2ue may be attempted. 4ometimes!
the noise itself throws one into the phase while listening. 1t a certain
stage! sounds may be e$tremely loud and ha'e e'en been described
as comparable to the roar of a &et#engine.
The action of listening in consists of acti'ely and attenti'ely
e$ploring a sound! the whole of its tonality and range! and how it
reacts to the listener.
There is an optional techni2ue nown as forced li$tening in! where
it is simply necessary to strongly want to hear noise! and meanwhile
mae intuiti'e internal efforts! which! as a rule! are correct.
Performed correctly! forced sounds will intensify the same way as
those percei'ed with the standard listening in techni2ue.
)n order to practice listening in! lie down in a silent place! eyes
closed! and listen for sounds originating in the head. These attempts
are usually crowned with success within se'eral minutes of trying!
and one starts to hear that noise that absolutely e'eryone has within.
One simply has to now how to tune in to it.
Te$ting Individual Effectivene$$
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. )magine the physical body is rotating along an a$is for ; to +A
seconds. )f no unusual sensations occur! try another techni2ue. )f
'ibrations occur during rotation or the mo'ement suddenly feels
realistic! then continue the rotation techni2ue as long as there is
progress in the sensationDs de'elopment. There are se'eral possible
outcomes when rotation is practiced. The imagined rotation is
replaced by a 'ery real sensation of rotating along an imagined a$is.
.hen this occurs! a practitioner may easily lea'e the body. The other
outcome is the sudden presence of strong 'ibrations or loud sounds!
amid which separation from the body is possible. 8uring rotation!
separation has been nown to spontaneously occur and the
practitioner enters the phase.

To practice rotation! imagine re'ol'ing around the head#to#foot
a$is for se'eral minutes while lying down! eyes closed. )t is not
necessary to focus on the 'isual effects of rotation or minute
sensations in the body. The ey factor is the 'estibular sensation that
arises from internal rotation. 1s a rule! many practitioners e$perience
difficulty performing full rotation. One person may be limited to @A
degrees of mo'ement where another e$periences +?A degrees. .ith
consistent! correct practice! full :<A degree rotation will occur.

Te$ting Individual Effectivene$$
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. Picture a swift! compulsory fall into sleep for ; to +A seconds!
and then return to waefulness! followed by an aggressi'e attempt at
separating from the physical body. 3enerally! after performing this
techni2ue! the practitionerDs state of mind 2uicly transitions between
different states of brain. 4trong 'ibrations often occur when emerging
from this "pseudo#sleep%! where the lielihood of separation from the
body is increased! accompanied the opportunity to practice other
techni2ues. Resist actually falling asleep during this e$ercise.
)n essence! forced falling asleep is a tric on the mind designed to
tae ad'antage of the brainDs refle$i'e responses to actions that
immediately induce semi#conscious states that allow easy entrance
into the phase. Employing it is especially effecti'e upon an e$tremely
alert awaening! or after a mo'ement is unintentionally made upon
Forced sleep is 2uite simple. )t re2uires a cessation of internal
dialogue! shifting mental focus away from e$ternal stimuli! and a
strong desire for a 2uic reentrance to the sleeping state followed by
renewed waefulness after se'eral seconds. )n order to understand
how this is done! it is sufficient to recall how one had urgently made
oneself fall asleep before! or how one had fallen asleep after ha'ing
been e$hausted! or after a long period of sleep depri'ation.
1 common mistae in practice occurs when people fall asleep
after attempting the techni2ue! forgetting the necessary desire to
2uicly return to consciousness.
Te$ting Individual Effectivene$$
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. Mae 7 to : s2uee=es straining the brain. This is nown as
straining the brain. )f nothing happens! try another techni2ue. )f
'ibrations occur during this e$ercise! try to mo'e the 'ibrations
around the body and amplify them by continuing to strain the brain.
The stronger the 'ibrations! the higher the probability that a
separation techni2ue may be applied. 4pontaneous separation may
occur. .hile straining the brain! a practitioner may e$perience the
sounds necessary for transitioning to a listening in techni2ue.
The 'ibrations that arise from straining the brain are 'ery striing.
)f there is any doubt as to whether the 'ibrations happened! then most
liely a practitioner did not e$perience them. The 'ibrations may be
described as an intense! painless electrical current mo'ing through or
gripping the body. 1t times! the sensation of a total numbing of the
body is e$perienced.

To practice straining the brain! lie down! eyes closed! and attempt
to strain the brain. 8o not thin about the fact that actually s2uee=ing
the brain is impossible. The imagined straining should be spasmodic!
rhythmic. Practitioners may strain the entire brain or specific parts of
it. 8uring the process! a sensation of pressure or e'en real strain
arises in the brain. .ith @;K of practitioners! this strain usually
occurs within the first few minutes of e$ercise. This techni2ue should
be committed to memory when training so that it may be instantly
recalled and practiced upon awaening from sleep.
Practitioners often mae the mistae of unintentionally straining
their facial and nec muscles instead of straining the interior of their
heads. This error should be a'oided at all costs! lest it become a habit
that frustrates genuine practice.


Te$ting Individual Effectivene$$
This techni2ue in'ol'es straining the whole body and differs little
from straining the brain. .hen awaening from sleep! mae one to
three attempts at straining the whole body! refraining from actually
fle$ing any physical muscle. )f nothing happens! try another
techni2ue. 9ibrations may occur as a result! and amplifying these by
straining the body without using muscles can induce a spontaneous
separation from the body. .hen the 'ibrations become strong
enough! attempt a separation techni2ue. 4ounds often arise during the
'ibration which allow for listening in and a subse2uent entrance to
the phase.

To practice- while lying down! eyes closed! try to strain the entire
body without using physical muscles for se'eral minutes. Tingling!
internal pressure! and a strain on the brain often occur during this
e$ercise. Remember to a'oid straining any real muscles. )f physical
strain occurs! results may be forfeited in the critical moment of
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. For three to fi'e seconds! con&ure an intense desire to see and
literally create a specific ob&ect. The ob&ect should be en'isioned at
rest! about four to eight inches from the practitioner. 0imit the
'isuali=ation to simple! familiar ob&ects! lie an apple! flower! sphere!
or hand. 4ometimes it is useful to imagine an ob&ect floating &ust
abo'e the eyebrows instead of directly in front. )f nothing appears
during this period of time! a different techni2ue should be used.
)f an ob&ect appears! one should eep looing hard at it! and at a
certain moment one will reali=e that one is already standing ne$t to it
somewhere in the world of the phase. .hen the ob&ect becomes
realistic! one can also try to separate from oneDs body on oneDs own.

)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. )magine acti'e! physical mo'ement for +A to +; seconds
while touching an actual ob&ect and simultaneously e$amining the
imagined details of the room. )f nothing appears during this period of
time! a different techni2ue should be used. )f real and imagined
sensations become mi$ed! then continue the practice until the
imagined sensations o'ercome the primary senses.
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. For ; to +A seconds! concentrate on 'isuali=ing any of the
following actions- wiggling! waling! running! somersaulting! pulling
a rope! or swimming. Try to imagine the mo'ement as a realistic and
acti'e e'ent during the practice period. )f nothing happens! a
different techni2ue should be employed. )f results occur in the form
of the sensation of mobility! the imagined mo'ement should be
continued until it becomes the dominant sensation. .hen the
mo'ement achie'es primacy! it is accompanied by translocation to
the phase. )f such a translocation does not automatically occur! a
separation techni2ue is recommended.

)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. For three to fi'e seconds! en'ision that a specific ob&ect is
being held in the hand. )f nothing happens! a different techni2ue
should be practiced. )f the impression of shape and weight become
apparent! concentrate harder on the sensation! trying to compound the
e$perience. Once the ob&ectDs presence in the hand achie'es a
realistic 2uality! separation is possible. 6owe'er! it is preferable to
continue handling the ob&ect. 1 practitioner is free to imagine any
type of ob&ect that fits in the hand. E$amples include a telephone! a
drining glass! a remote control! a ball! a pen! or a bo$.
Upon awaening! without mo'ing or opening oneDs eyes! one
should acti'ely try to hear a specific sound or word! e.g. someoneDs
name or a melody. )f nothing happens! the techni2ue should be
changed for another one. )f sound arises! one should try to listen in to
it. .hen it peas in 'olume! one may try to separate.
E9E ,O?E,E+T
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. Perform two to fi'e sharp left#right or up#down eye
mo'ements. )f nothing happens! the techni2ue should be e$changed
for another. )f 'ibrations occur! separation may be attempted after
efforts to intensify the 'ibrations.
&OT O+ T8E 2O:E8EA&
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. For three to fi'e seconds! 'isuali=e a point in the middle of
the forehead. )f nothing happens! a different techni2ue should be
used. )f 'ibrations occur! they may be intensified by using this
techni2ue or by straining the brain! facilitating separation from the
body. 1lso! sounds may arise that allow the practice of listening in.

2EA: ,ET8O&
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. For three to fi'e seconds! imagine something horrific and
gra'eyard#related staying nearby! something graphic! macabre! out of
the worst nightmare imaginable. )f nothing happens! a different
techni2ue should be employed. 6owe'er! acute fear may occur! most
liely forcing the practitioner into the phase where a separation
techni2ue may be applied. 1lternati'ely! 'ibrations or noise may
arise and allow the use of other indirect techni2ues. 1 common
problem with the use of this techni2ue is that fear often maes the
practitioner so uncomfortable in the phase that he desires nothing else
than to return to waefulness.

)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. For three to fi'e seconds! recall the sensations that
accompanied a pre'ious phase e$perience. FThis only wors if the
practitioner has achie'ed phase entrance in the past.G Either nothing
will happen and a different techni2ue should be used or these
sensations will be recalled and separating from the body may be tried
# if it doesnDt occur spontaneously. 9ibrations or noise may also arise
during this techni2ue! in which case listening in or straining the brain
may be practiced.
)mmediately after waing from sleep! remain motionless! eyes
closed. For three to fi'e seconds! focus on breathingJ the rise and fall
of the rib cage! the inflation and deflation of the lungs! the intae and
escape of air. )f no results occur! a different techni2ue should be
used. )f 'ibrations! noise! or spontaneous separation occur! the
practice of this techni2ue should be intensified and used to its full
The ne$t step to mastering indirect techni2ues is choosing the
right techni2ues that suit indi'idual predispositions. There is no point
in going for one techni2ue or another only because they loo
interesting and because someone wrote a lot or spoe a lot about
them. The choice should be based strictly upon what suits an
indi'idual practitioner.
Out of all of the enumerated primary indirect techni2ues!
practically only straining the brain wors easily and 2uicly for @;K
of practitioners. 1ll other techni2ues wor immediately for only
about 7;K to ;AK of practitioners during initial training. 6owe'er!
after se'eral training sessions! each techni2ue yields results for >;K
of engaged practitioners.
One way or another! e'ery practitioner should identify a certain
set of techni2ues that wors best. 1 set should consist of no less than
three techni2uesJ four or fi'e is e'en better to allow more options and
practical combinations. (on#woring techni2ues should not be
discarded wholesale by the indi'idual because they afford an
opportunity to achie'e success through new! pre'iously unresponsi'e
To ensure the correct selection of techni2ues! each should be
separately practiced o'er a period of at least three days. To this end!
one should e$periment with each of the primary techni2ues for 7 to
+A minutes before falling asleep! or e'en during the day. )t is good to
choose at least one secondary techni2ue practice. This regimen
allows a precise determination of the techni2ues that will yield the
best results for the practitioner. 8uring the process of selecting
personali=ed techni2ues! a practitioner learns and retains the
techni2ues in an intimate! personal way! which positi'ely affects how
techni2ues are used during critical moments.
)t is worth noting that the final selection of techni2ues should be
'aried. For e$ample! choosing both straining the brain and straining
the body without using muscles is pointless because they are
practically one and the same. More often than not! they will both
either wor or not wor. This is why techni2ues should in'ol'e
'arious types of sensory perception- 'isual! audio! inesthetic!
'estibular! imaginary sense perception! and internal strain.
Remember that priorities and goals change with time! and that a
techni2ue that fell flat during initial attempts may une$pectedly pro'e
'aluable later on. 5e fle$ible. (o set of techni2ues should be car'ed
in stone. )n fact! the set may change se'eral times o'er the first few
wees as the practitioner disco'ers what produces the best indi'idual
To close this section! a list has been pro'ided! detailing the most
effecti'e indirect techni2ues. This list was compiled with classroom
data from the 4chool of Out#of#5ody Tra'el and may pro'e helpful
in determining an effecti'e set of indirect techni2ues.
The ,o$t Effective Indirect Techni#ue$ at School of Out-of-
Body Travel Se(inar$
Obser'ing )mages +;K
Phantom .iggling +;K
0istening in +;K
Rotation +AK
4training the 5rain ;K
4training the 5ody .ithout Using Muscles ;K
Forced Falling 1sleep ;K
Mi$ture of Techni2ues +AK
Other Techni2ues 7AK
0et us begin with a totally shocing fact- during one#third of
successful indirect entries into the phase! it is not necessary to
perform any specific phase entry techni2ues! as separation techni2ues
are immediately successfulN This has been statistically pro'en at
4chool of Out#of#5ody Tra'el seminars and in the analyses of other
sources. ,on'ersely! an incorrect understanding of separation
techni2ues may lead to undesirable conse2uences. )t is possible for a
practitioner to enter the phase state and be unable to separate from the
body. Therefore! it is 'ery important to understand how separation
techni2ues wor since they are often a ey to success.
Interesting Fact!
Relatively often, a practitioner &ill try to e$ploy
separation techni4ues to no effect, ho&ever, he &ill
later une#pectedly understand that he had "een
lying in a different position than he sensed that he
&as in, and in fact, it had only "een necessary for
hi$ to stand up( This happens $ostly a$ong
"eginners and is indicative of an incorrect
understanding of separation techni4ues(

1t times a practitioner may only need to thin about separation and
it happens. This is a rarity! which e$plains the e$istence of a whole
series of au$iliary techni2ues. The most important separation
techni2ues are rolling out! getting up! climbing out! and le'itation.
:O<<I+G O5T
.hile awaening! attempt to roll o'er to the edge of the bed or the
wall without using any muscles. 8onDt worry about falling out of bed!
hitting the wall! or be concerned with the details of how this
techni2ue should feel. Cust roll.
Upon awaening! attempt to get out of bed without physical
e$ertion. This should be performed in a way that is most comfortable
for the practitioner.
.hile awaening! try to climb out of the body without using any
muscles. This techni2ue generally comes to mind when a partial
separation has been achie'ed through the use of other techni2ues! or
one part of the body has completely separated.

Upon awaening! attempt to le'itate upward! parallel to the bed.
.hile attempting to le'itate! do not wonder how it should be
accomplishedJ e'eryone intuiti'ely nows how to le'itate from their
e$periences in dreams.
2A<<I+G O5T
Practically the same as le'itation- upon awaening! try to sin
down through the bed.
P5<<I+G O5T
6ere! upon awaening! try to e$it the body through the head! as if
escaping from a lidded cocoon.

BAC>)A:&S :O<<
1fter awaening! try to perform a bacwards somersault o'er the
head without using any physical muscles.
Upon awaening! bulge out or widen the eyes without opening
them. Frontal mo'ement toward separation may result.
4eparation techni2ues are united by a singular idea- nothing
should be imagined! mo'ement should be attempted without the use
of physical muscles. The techni2ues produce the same sensations of
mo'ement felt in real life. )f nothing happens immediately after
trying! then the techni2ue is not going to wor! though it may deli'er
results at a later time. 1 practitioner will instantly be able to
recogni=e if the techni2ue has wored. 6owe'er! people are often
unprepared for the realness of the sensations and thin that they are
maing a physical mo'ement instead of reali=ing that a part or all of
the body has separated. 1fter this unfortunate failure! careful analysis
helps to understand what happened and plan for a successful retry.
)f separation was incomplete or too place with some difficulty!
this is a signal that the techni2ue is being performed correctly.
4trength and aggressi'e effort are re2uired from this point to achie'e
complete separation. For e$ample! if some mo'ement began and then
stopped after ha'ing made some progress! then one should go bac
and mo'e e'en harder once again in the same direction.
)n order to practice separation techni2ues! lie down with the eyes
closed and attempt all of them o'er the course of se'eral minutes.
4eparation has liely been accomplished if no muscles twitch or
strain and a sensation of mo'ement occurs. There will be a strong!
almost physically palpable internal effort to perform a mo'ement.
(aturally! no physical mo'ement actually occurs and the practitioner
remains prone and immobileJ howe'er! at the right moment! these
actions will lead to an easy entrance into the phase.
Interesting Fact!
%ppro#i$ately 17 to 87 of the ti$e that the
phase is practiced, one reali*es i$$ediately upon
a&a+ening that one has already separated( This
$eans that one $ay already go so$e&here and
stand, lie do&n, sit do&n, etc( This is not ho&ever
"eco$ing conscious in a drea$, "ut an actually
The ey to practice is the 2uantity and 2uality of attempts made
that hone a practitionerDs sills. There are se'eral windows of time
best suited for employing indirect techni2ues.
To begin! it should be stated that sleep follows a cyclical pattern.
.e awaen e'ery hour#and#a#half and then 2uicly fall asleep again!
which gi'es rise to sleep cycles. Furthermore! we e$perience two
primary stages of sleep- rapid eye mo'ement FREMG sleep! and non#
rapid eye mo'ement F(REMG sleep. (REM sleep includes many
internal stages. The more we sleep! the less the body needs deep
(REM sleep! and the more time we spend in REM sleep. Phase
entrance is most liely to occur during REM sleep.

The best way to implement indirect techni2ues is by the deferred
$ethod. The aim of the method is to interrupt a sleep cycle during its
final stage and then disrupt it again after falling bac to sleep! which
maes sleep light during the rest of the sleep cycle. 4leep
accompanied by fre2uent interruptions can be put to producti'e uses.
For e$ample! if a practitioner FletDs call him CacG goes to sleep at
midnight! then Cac should set an alarm for < oDcloc in the morning.
Upon awaening! Cac should engage in some sort of physical
acti'ity! lie going to the bathroom! getting a drin of water! or
reading a few pages of this boo. 1fterward! Cac should go bac to
bed thining about how! within the ne$t two to four hours! he will
wae up multiple times and mae an attempt to enter the phase
during each awaening.
)f Cac goes to bed earlier! then his alarm cloc should be set bac
by that amount of time! since si$ hours of initial sleep is the optimal
length of time. )f Cac sleeps less than si$ hours! then the second half
of his nightDs sleep will be too deep. )f Cac sleeps longer than si$
hours! then there will be little time remaining for attempts! or Cac
may not e'en be able to fall asleep.
)f a practitioner naturally waes up in a forceful manner! it will be
difficult to regain sleep. Thus! it will not be necessary for the
practitioner to get out of bed with the aid of an alarm. The
practitioner should attempt to go right bac to sleep.
(aturally! the deferred method is most applicable in cases where
it is possible to sleep as long as a practitioner desires! without ha'ing
to wae up early. (ot e'eryone en&oys such lu$ury on a daily basis!
but nearly e'eryone has days off when time may be set aside to
practice the deferred method. -t is in large $easure due to the
deferred $ethod that classroo$ courses at the School of Out-of-Body
Travel allo& up to half of class participants to enter the phase in the
course of a single &ee+end,
The second most effecti'e window of time for entering the phase
is ordinary $orning a&a+ening( This generally occurs during light
slumber following a full nightDs sleep.
1nother effecti'e time to practice indirect techni2ues is after
awaening from a daytime nap. Once again! this type of sleep will be
light and short! which pro'ides the body needed rest while allowing
memory and intention to be ept intact through the moment of
awaening. 1gain! not e'eryone has the lu$ury of taing daytime
naps! but if such a chance arises! then it would be 'ery beneficial to
tae ad'antage of the opportunity.
/ightti$e a&a+enings are the least effecti'e times for phase
e$perimentation because the brain still re2uires a lot of deep sleep at
this time. 1waening at night! the mind is 2uite wea and hardly
capable of any effort. E'en if some results are obser'ed! awaening
often ends with 2uicly falling bac asleep. This is not to say that
normal practice of the phase cannot occur at nightJ it &ust wonDt be as
effecti'e as at other times. The nighttime option is best for those who
lac an opportunity to use other windows of time for practicing the
Understand that we awaen at night e'ery @A minutes! which is
why a minimum of four awaenings is almost guaranteed when
sleeping! e'en for &ust si$ hours. .hen the practitioner nows about
this and stri'es to sei=e those moments! with time he will actually
sei=e them and tae ad'antage of them.
9onscious a&a+ening is waing up with a particular thought in
mindJ ideally! a thought about indirect techni2ues. )n order to start
using indirect techni2ues upon awaening! it is not sufficient to ha'e
a cursory nowledge of the techni2ues to be used when waing. 8ue
to the peculiarities of the human mind and its habits! it is not always
easy when waing to recall any particular moti'e or idea. The goal of
conscious awaening is to practice instant action without being idle
after waing up.
Interesting Fact!
There e#ists a "elief that the pheno$enon of out-
of-"ody travel is practically unattaina"le, and is
accessi"le only to an elect fe& through practices
that re4uire secret +no&ledge( 0o&ever, the
greatest difficulty &hen trying to e#perience out-of-
"ody travel in a short period of ti$e lies only in
i$$ediately re$e$"ering a"out the techni4ues
upon a&a+ening &ithout $oving( This is all si$ple
and straightfor&ard( But it is precisely this trifle
that is the largest stu$"ling "loc+ &hen trying to
e#perience such an unco$$on pheno$enon(
This is not difficult at all for appro$imately 7;K of the
population. 6owe'er! for the other three#2uarters of the population!
this is an difficult barrier to entry that can e'en seem insurmountable.
)f such thoughts arise! one should simply understand that this cannot
be so! and that persistent attempts and training are the ey solution.
The reasons why people are unable to remember practicing the
phase upon awaening are- not being in the habit of immediately
doing anything upon awaening! a desire to sleep longer! a desire to
go to the bathroom! being thirsty! a desire to suddenly start sol'ing
day#to#day problems! and so on.
,onscious awaening with the intent of attempting an indirect
techni2ue should be a practitionerDs primary goal! which should be
pursued at e'ery cost. The speed at which the phase is learned and
e$perienced depends on this.
There are se'eral effecti'e trics to learning conscious
-ntention upon falling asleep' This is the 'ery important to
successfully achie'ing conscious awaening. 1 'ery clear scientific
fact has been pro'en by somnologists Fscientists who study sleepG-
upon awaening! people usually thin about what they had been
thining about before falling asleep. This phenomenon is easy to
obser'e if the sleeper is e$perience a serious life problemJ they fall
asleep with the problem and wae with it. 4o! in a case lie this! if
difficulties at the front of the mind are replaced with a desire to
practice the phase! this will produce the desired effect. )t is not
necessary to thin solely about conscious awaening while falling
asleep. )t is sufficient to simply affirm the intention clearly and
distinctly! e'en state the intention out loud. Practicing these types of
conscious actions while entering sleep will do much to promote the
success of indirect techni2ues upon awaening.
:eneral intent' The more clearly a practitioner concentrates on the
importance and necessity of waing up and immediately
remembering to practice the techni2ues! the more solid the intent will
become! and the more liely the process will fulfill its role and
actually lead to results.
%ffir$ing desires' 4ometimes an internal intention is simply not
enough for some people! or they are unable to properly affirm one by
'irtue of indi'idual characteristics. )n this case! an affirmation of
desires should be introduced at the physical le'el. This could be in
the form of a note with a description of a goal placed ne$t to the bed!
under oneDs pillow! or hung on the wall. )t could be a con'ersation
with friends or family about the particular desire! or by repeatedly
'ocali=ing the actions that need to be performed upon awaening. )t
could e'en be an entry in a diary! blog! or te$ting on a mobile phone.
%naly*ing unsuccessful a&a+enings( 1naly=ing unsuccessful
attempts at conscious awaening is e$tremely important. .hen
remembering the failed attempt after se'eral minutes! se'eral hours!
or e'en later in the day! focus on it and resol'e to succeed during the
ne$t attempt. 8eep e$ploration of the failure is highly effecti'e and
practical since the practitioner is learning what wors! what doesnDt
wor! and maing healthy resolutions toward success.
9reating $otivation' The greater the desire to enter into the phase
to accomplish a goal there! the 2uicer successful conscious
awaening is achie'ed. Moti'ation is be created by a great desire to
do or e$perience something in the phase. )n general! pre'ious 'isits to
the phase are great moti'ation! but an uninitiated person does not
now it and will need something to which they can relate. For some!
this could be a childhood dream of flying to Mars! for others it could
be the opportunity to see a lo'ed one who has passed away! for
another it could be the chance to obtain specific information! or
influence the course of a physical illness! and so forth.
1side from natural methods to achie'e conscious awaing! there
are 'arious de'ices and tools that facilitate a measure of success.
These will be co'ered in ,hapter ; in the section describing non#
autonomous ways of entering the phase.
The "est $o$ent for conscious a&a+ening is &hile e#iting a
drea$( This is the $ost effective and productive ti$e to atte$pt
separation or perfor$ing the techni4ues( 1t this moment! physical
awareness of the body is at a minimum. 1wareness at the 'ery end of
a dream often occurs after nightmares! painful e$periences in the
dream! falling dreams I any dream that causes a sudden awaening.
.ith time! one should de'elop a refle$ that enables one to
perform planned actions at the moment of awaening! but when
consciousness itself has not yet had time to return. This type of refle$
is highly beneficial to sei=ing the most fruitful of opportunities to
enter the phase.
8ue to 'arious psychological and physiological factors! it is not
possible for e'ery person to achie'e conscious awaening after e'ery
sleep cycle. Thus! there is no point in becoming upset if conscious
awaening does not occur e'ery time. E$periencing only 7 to :
awaenings per day is normalJ this is sufficient enough to attempt
phase entrance 7 to ; times per wee when practiced daily.
)t is not worth getting carried away with an e$cessi'e number of
attempts. 8uring the 4choolDs courses! it has been noted that doing +A
conscious awaenings or more Fsome students try 7A or e'en :AG o'er
the course of one night and morning rarely yields results. This is due
to the fact that if one sets oneself a goal that is desired so much that
its reali=ation breas the natural rhythms of the body! one depri'es
oneself of the intermediate! transitional states that mae the phase
effecti'e. 1 practitioner may also 2uicly become emotionally
e$hausted from the large number of attempts and be unable to push
limits in the right direction. The upside is that one will simply tire
out. )f that starts to happen! it is better to calm down and try to
approach the matter in a more rela$ed manner! e'enly and gradually.
A)A>E+I+G )IT8O5T ,O?I+G
1longside remembering the phase immediately upon waing!
another important re2uirement is awaening without mo'ing! which
is difficult since many people wae up and mo'e. Upon awaening!
scratching! stretching! opening the eyes! and listening to real sounds
should be a'oided. 1ny real mo'ement or perception will 'ery
2uicly disintegrate the intermediate state and introduce reality! the
acti'ation of the mind and its connection to the sensory organs.
1t first! awaening without mo'ing seems difficult or e'en
impossible. 6owe'er! it has been pro'en that this is remedied for
through acti'e attempts and the desire to achie'e set goals. People
often claim that they cannot awaen without mo'ing! that itDs an
impossible e$perience. 6owe'er! after se'eral attempts! it will
happen! and it will occur more and more fre2uently with practice.
Thus! if there is difficulty in awaening without mo'ement! do
not despair! &ust eep trying. 4ooner or later! the body will yield to
the practice! and e'erything will happen smoothly.
1waening without mo'ing is 'ery important because! for the
ma&ority of people! e$periments with the phase are not possible
e$cept in the first waing moments where waing without mo'ing
sets the stage for successful indirect techni2ue cycles. Often! a
practitioner will mae +A unsuccessful attempts and mo'e while
awaening. Once the practitioner learns to consistently wae calmly
and gradually! success 2uicly follows.
6owe'er! if an awaening is conscious! but with mo'ement! that
does not mean that the practitioner cannot immediately mae an
attempt to fall into the phase. 4uch attempts! although they will be
about ; times less effecti'e than usual! should ne'ertheless be made
1ny opportunity to practice while waing should not be wasted. )t
must only be ept in mind that one must first neutrali=e the effects of
the mo'ement in order to once again fall into an intermediate state. )n
the case of mo'ement! it is e$tremely helpful to begin practice with
forced falling asleep. 0istening in also wors well! as does obser'ing
images and phantom wiggling! each performed passi'ely for ;#+;
seconds! instead of the standard duration of : to ; seconds. 1fter
performing these! cycling may begin.
1waening without mo'ement! despite all its importance! is not a
goal in and of itself! and also not worth suffering o'er. .hen
awaening! if there is great discomfort! something itches! a need to
swallow arises! or any manner of natural refle$! it is better to deal
with it and then act according to practices recommended when
mo'ement upon awaening happens.
(ot all mo'ements upon awaening are real and! if only for this
reason alone! when mo'ement occurs! indirect techni2ues should

Interesting Fact!
;p to 27 of sensations and actions that happen
upon a&a+ening are not real as they see$, "ut are

False sensations occur in widely di'erse ways. People often do not
understand what is going on with them without ha'ing e$perienced
the phase. For e$ample! a person may thin they are scratching their
ear with their physical hand when they are really using a phantom
hand. 1 person may hear pseudo#sounds in the room! on the street! or
at the neighborDs without noting anything unusual. Or! a person may
loo around the room without nowing that their eyes are actually
closed. )f a practitioner recogni=es such moments for what they are!
they may immediately try to separate from the body.
Thus far! indirect techni2ues used for phase entrance and
techni2ues for separation in the phase ha'e been co'ered. ,onscious
awaening and the best times to practice it ha'e also been e$amined.
(ow! a specific algorithm of action for indirect techni2ues will be
presented. Following this algorithm promises 2uic and practical
1lgorithm of 1ction upon 1waening-
D Te$ting Separation Techni#ue$ 7ithin * Second$
0ie the pre'ious obser'ation of separation techni2ues! a third of
successful attempts with indirect techni2ues yield immediate success
upon the attempt of a separation techni2ue due to the fact that the
first seconds after waing up are the most useful for entering the
phase. The less time that has elapsed after awaening! the better.
,on'ersely! if one lies down e$pecting something to happen! chances
2uicly dissipate.
Thus! upon awaening! preferably without first mo'ing! a
practitioner should immediately try 'arious separation techni2ues!
lie rolling out! getting up! or le'itation. )f a techni2ue suddenly
started to yield results for appro$imately for ; seconds! then
separation from the body should be attempted. 4ometimes inertia!
difficulty! or a barrier will arise during a separation attempt. (o
attention should be gi'en to these problems. )nstead! resol'e to
separate # decidedly and aggressi'ely climb out of the body.
Beep in mind that trying to immediately separate upon awaening
is a sill of the utmost importanceJ one that is worth honing from the
'ery beginning! ne'er forgotten.
"D The Cycle of Indirect Techni#ue$ to 5$e if One i$ 5nable to
)f separation does not occur after se'eral seconds! it most liely
means that separation will not occur! regardless of elapsed time in
effort. This is where the practitioner must resort to other techni2ues.
The practitioner should already ha'e chosen a minimum of three
primary or secondary techni2ues that suit a practical repertoire. 6ere
is where the techni2ues are put into action.
/ota Bene, -n order to give a specific e#a$ple, &e &ill e#a$ine
the use of three specific techni4ues, &hich should "e replaced &ith a
tested and chosen set of techni4ues( The following operational
techni2ues ha'e been used as e$amples- obser'ing images FaG!
phantom wiggling FbG! and listening in FcG.
1fter an unsuccessful attempt at separating! the practitioner
immediately starts obser'ing the 'oid behind the eyes. )f images
begin to appear within : to ; seconds! obser'ation should continue
without scrutini=ing the images in detail! or the image will e'aporate.
1s a result of this action! the image will 2uicly become more and
more realistic and colorful! engulfing the practitioner. )f e'erything
comes together correctly! a sudden translocation into the picture will
occur! or! when the picture becomes 'ery realistic! attempt to separate
from the body. )f nothing happens after : to ; seconds! then the
practitioner should transition to the techni2ue of phantom wiggling.
For : to ; seconds! the practitioner 2uicly searches the entire
body for a part that can be wiggled. Or! the entire period of time is
spent in an attempt to wiggle a specific body part- a finger! hand! or
leg. )f the desired effect occurs! then the practitioner should continue
with the techni2ue and achie'e the ma$imum possible range of
mo'ement. 8uring this process! a number of things can happen!
including spontaneous separation! a successful separation attempt!
free mo'ement of the wiggled part! or the presence of sound or
'ibrations. 1ll of these e'ents are of great ad'antage. )f nothing
wiggles o'er the course of : to ; seconds! then the practitioner should
mo'e on to listening in.
The practitioner should try to detect an internal sound. )f the
sound is there! listen and try to amplify it. 1s a result! the noise may
grow into a roar and spontaneous separation will occur! separating
through the use of a techni2ue will be possible! or 'ibrations will
occur. )f no noise occurs o'er the course of : to ; seconds! then the
entire cycle should be repeated.
)t is beneficial to e$amine the reason behind the use of a set of
three indirect techni2ues. This is moti'ated by the fact that the body
often reacts to techni2ues in 'ery peculiar ways. .ith one person! a
techni2ue may wor one day and not wor on another day! which is
why if only one techni2ue is used! e'en a 'ery good techni2ue that
wors often! a practitioner can miss out on a lot of different
e$perience through the lac of 'ariety in practice. Thus! a practical
repertoire should consist of se'eral techni2ues.
Interesting Fact!
So$eti$es, the first techni4ue that &or+s for a
practitioner never results in a repeat of phase
entrance again, although other techni4ues that
&ere not i$$ediately effective at the novice stages
of practice later "egin to &or+ regularly and
%D :epeating the Cycle of Indirect Techni#ue$
)f the first cycle of : techni2ues does not yield any clear results!
this does not mean that all is lost. E'en if the techni2ues do not wor!
they still draw the practitioner closer to the phase state and it is
simply necessary to continue using the techni2ues by again obser'ing
pictures! phantom wiggling! and listening in I and repeating this
process at least three times.
6a'ing performed one cycle of techni2ues! one can easily go on
to doing a second cycle! a third one! a fourth one! and so on. )t is
2uite probable that during one of these cycles! a techni2ue will
suddenly pro'e itself! e'en though it had not been woring at all &ust
a few seconds beforehand.
1 serious practitioner should commit to a minimum of 4 cycles.
The problem lies in the fact that it is psychologically difficult to do
something that has shown itself not to wor! and one may gi'e up
taing further action! e'en though one could be at the cusp of falling
into the phase. Beep trying! and then try again! and againH There ha'e
been cases where it too twenty cycles to produce results. 1
monumental effort! yes! but one worth the outcome.
'D 2alling A$leep 7ith the Po$$ibility of Trying AgainD
)f a practitioner is unable to enter the phase after performing
cycles and attempts to separate! or e'en if e'erything wored out! it
is still better to go bac to sleep to facilitate subse2uent attempts.
1gain! it is 'ery important to go to sleep with a clearly defined
intention of actually performing the cycles upon awaening. 4uch
intention 'astly increases the probability that the ne$t attempt will
occur soon. That is! one should not fall asleep with an empty head
and the desire to simply get a good nightDs sleep. )f using the deferred
method! then clear intention is mandatory! as se'eral attempts are
possible o'er the course of a sleep cycle.
E'en if only a few attempts are made accompanied by decided and
concentrated effort! then the four steps described in the algorithm will
undoubtedly produce entrance into the phase.
)n order to more effecti'ely use the system of indirect cycles! it is
necessary to discuss what to do if one techni2ue wors and progress
ceases during the cycle and phase entry does not occur.
First! understand that if a techni2ue has begun to wor! only lac
of e$perience and sill will pre'ent the phase.
4econd! barriers are o'ercome by temporarily switching to other
techni2ues. 0et us suppose that noise arising when listening in grows
louder and louder and then peas in 'olume. )t would surely be
beneficial to switch to forced falling asleep or obser'ing images for
se'eral seconds! and then return to listening in. The sound may then
become much louder and pro'ide an opportunity to proceed with the
techni2ue. 4ometimes! it maes sense to brea off se'eral times into
'arious techni2ues and then return to the primary techni2ue that
yielded some results.
)t is often possible to simultaneously perform two or e'en three
techni2ues and e$perience no negati'e effect to results. )t is also
normal and natural to sip around from techni2ue to techni2ue!
de'iating from a specific plan of action. For e$ample! sounds often
arise during phantom wiggling. )n this case! a practitioner may &ust
simply switch o'er to listening in. Other oft#encountered results
pairings are- images from sound! sound from rotation! sound from
straining the brain! a strain on the brain from listening in! 'ibrations
from rotation! 'ibrations from phantom wiggling! and so forth.
3uring initial atte$pts at using cycles of indirect techni4ues, the
pro"le$ of confusion during a critical $o$ent $ay arise, &hen a
novice practitioner suddenly forgets e#actly &hat to do and ho& to
do it( This is nor$al, and the solution is to i$$ediately do &hatever
co$es to $ind( Results can "e achieved in this $anner( 5hen a
practitioner is $ore rela#ed a"out the practice, such pro"le$s &ill
no longer occur(
8I+TS 2:O, T8E ,I+&
9aried cycles of indirect techni2ues is an almost mandatory
precondition for getting the best result. There are some e$ceptions.
4ometimes! through indirect indicators! a practitioner may be
inclined to begin with certain techni2ues! regardless of what had been
planned. These are a sort of hint from the body and the ability to use
such cues plays an e$tremely important role in the use of indirect
techni2ues because they enable a practitioner to substantially increase
the effecti'eness of practice.
8int +oD C I(age$
)f the practitioner becomes aware upon awaening that some
images! pictures! or remnants from dreams are before him! then he
should immediately proceed to the techni2ue of obser'ing images!
with all of the results that arise from it. )f this does not lead to
anything! then cycling with a set of techni2ues should begin.
8int +oD "C +oi$e$
)f the practitioner reali=es upon awaening that he hears an
internal noise! roaring! ringing! whistling! and so forth! then he
should immediately begin from the techni2ue of listening in. )f this
has no effect! then cycles of indirect techni2ues ought to commence.

8int +oD %C ?ibration$
)f a practitioner feels 'ibrations throughout the body while
awaening! they should be amplified through the use of straining the
brain or straining the body without using muscles. .hen the
'ibrations reach their pea! the practitioner can try to separate. )f
nothing happens after se'eral attempts! indirect techni2ue cycles
should start.

8int +oD 'C +u(bne$$
)f a practitioner waes to numbness in a body part! phantom
wiggling of that part should be attempted. )f no result is achie'ed
after se'eral attempts! cycling should be tried. Of course! it is better
to refrain from techni2ues if the numbness is 'ery intense and causes
substantial discomfort.
8uring the practice of indirect techni2ues! including techni2ue
cycles! unsuccessful attempts may result in falling asleep or
becoming completely awae. These results indicate a deficiency or
e$cess of aggression.
)f a practitioner usually falls asleep while attempting to enter the
phase! then more aggressi'e action is needed while performing
indirect techni2ues. )f! on the other hand! most attempts end in a full
and alert awaening! then aggression should be curbed and
techni2ues should be conducted more slowly and in a more rela$ed
manner. 5alance between passi'ity and aggression is imperati'eJ the
phase state is easily attained by those practitioners who find a stable
medium between passi'ity and aggression.
The issue of aggression re2uires a closer e$amination. <uite
often, atte$pts at indirect techni4ues are $ade leisurely, &ithout
desire or real effort, to =chec+ the$ off the list>( Results $ore easily
reali*ed if the practitioner possesses an aggressive desire to enter the
phase( More often than not, practitioners lac+ aggressive desire,
instead of having too $uch of it( Thus, each effort re4uires a distinct
&ant to succeed(
4ome mistaenly belie'e that indirect techni2ues will produce
2uic! easy results! lie a pill. 8espite the fact that the techni2ues
described in this guideboo are the best means to entering the phase!
strong effort still needs to be e$erted. This is not important for some!
as e'erything comes 2uite easily to them! but for others this is of
great importance.
)ndirect techni2ues will definitely wor if practiced consistently
and as described. )t has already been noted that in the ma&ority of
cases! maing se'eral concentrated attempts upon awaening without
mo'ement is sufficient enough to produce results. )t may tae a lot of
time and effort to achie'e phase entrance! so practitioners who set
goals and wor diligently will be presented with a crown of success.
1ttempts are important in large measure not only for the final
result! but also for the process itself. 8uring practice! the practitioner
independently learns and sol'es issues that may not ha'e been
understood in the guideboo. Other times! the practitioner will
encounter situations that ha'e ne'er been described at all. )tDs
impossible to prepare a student for e'ery possible scenario! so as a
practitioner mo'es deeper into practice! a uni2ue! indi'idual
perspecti'e and portfolio of e$periences de'elops! which will
certainly pro'e useful in the future. Until then! diligent practice of the
information presented in this boo will ready a practitioner for that
personal frontier.
1ctions in practice re2uire strict attention. 4tudy the techni2ues
and selects those that wor best. 4et the goal of consistent! conscious
waing without mo'ement. Mae an ob&ecti'e of performing cycles
of indirect techni2ues while waing up! day in and day out. 5ith
such a clear course of action, the practitioner should never defocus
his attention or dissipate his energy on other related actions, li+e, for
e#a$ple, on direct techni4ues for entering the phase( )f the indirect
techni2ues do not wor in the course of se'eral days! continue trying.
The latest results occur in a matter of wees! not months or years!
lie some sources maintain. 3oals are meant to be stubbornly
pursued! step#by#step! firmly! and diligently.
)f no results occur after +A to 7A days! it is better to cease practice
for a wee and tae a rest! and then return with a fresh resol'e to
master the practice. )nterestingly enough! it is e$actly during such a
brea that spontaneous entrances into the phase through the most
di'erse methods occur.
)f success is still elusi'e e'en after + to 7 months of trying! then a
thorough analysis of the regimen should be conducted to root out any
ob'ious mistaes or deficiencies. )f o'ercoming them pro'es difficult
or impossible! switching o'er to direct techni2ues is not
recommended since they pro'e much more difficult than indirect
techni2ues. )nstead! techni2ues for entering the phase through
conscious dreaming should be practiced.
)t is also not worth sipping o'er problematic areas and trying to
mae up for mistaes by e$pending e'en more effort. For e$ample!
ignoring the precondition of awaening without mo'ing will pro'e
fruitless. 5ypassing this re2uirement wors for 'ery few people.
Facing e'ery problem head#on and woring hard to brea through
will be richly rewarded with an unforgettable! treasured e$periences.
Beep tryingH
)nternal certainty that nothing will happen instead of belie'ing in
positi'e results.
4topping the performance of techni2ues after an unsuccessful
cycle when a minimum of four cycles should be practiced.
,onstantly awaening to mo'ement instead of remaining still.
Performing direct techni2ues in the e'ening. Total concentration
on indirect techni2ues is re2uired from the morning on if a
practitionerDs goal is access to the phase.
Performing indirect techni2ues for an e$tremely long period of
time F7 minutes or moreG. This is a complete waste of time in most
4witching from techni2ues that ha'e begun to wor when
practice should be followed through to the end.
Passi'ely performing techni2ues instead of being determined and
Performing each techni2ue separately for too long a period of
time! e'en if the techni2ue does not wor! instead of switching to
another techni2ue within se'eral seconds.
E$cessi'e thining and analysis while performing indirect
techni2ues! which re2uire mental tran2uility and inner stillness.
4topping and concentrating on unusual sensations when they
arise 'ersus continuing the techni2ue that brought them about in the
first place.
E$tremely long anticipation upon awaening instead of
immediately performing techni2ues.
Premature attempts at separating! instead of performing phase
creation techni2ues through to the end of progress.
6olding the breath when unusual sensations appear. 5e calm
Opening the eyes when the only recommended mo'ement is
breathing or mo'ing the eyes behind closed lids.
5eing agitated instead of rela$ed.
,easing attempts to separate e'en when partial success is met.
4training the physical muscles while performing the techni2ues
'ersus remaining physically motionless.
(ot practicing after an alert awaening! when techni2ues are best
applied # especially in the e'ent of waing without mo'ement.
Merely imagining the techni2ues instead of really understanding
them and performing them! if! of course! one is not performing
rotation or other imagined techni2ues.
4imply wiggling phantom limbs instead of employing a fi$ed
determination to increase the range of mo'ement
Falling right asleep during forced falling asleep! instead of ha'ing
the firm intention of continuing efforts within only ; to +A seconds.
4crutini=ing the details of images when using the techni2ue of
obser'ing imagesJ the whole image should be obser'ed
panoramically lest it disappear.
)ntentionally trying to force pictures when obser'ing images!
instead of looing for what is naturally presented.
4imply hearing noise when employing the techni2ue of listening
in! instead of attenti'ely trying to pay attention! catch something! and
listen in.
E-erci$e$ for Chapter "
+. .hy are indirect techni2ues the easiest/
7. .hy will one techni2ue wor for some people and not for
:. 6ow many attempts are necessary in order to enter the phase/
4. .hen obser'ing images! should a picture be con&ured/
;. 6ow is phantom wiggling different from imagined
<. .here does sound come from while listening in/
>. 6ow is forced listening in different from normal listening in/
?. .hen employing the techni2ue of rotation! should one try to
rotate or simply imagine the rotation/
@. .hat is physically strained when using the techni2ue of
straining the brain/
+A. 6ow is straining the brain different from straining the body
without using muscles/
++. 4hould a practitioner fall asleep when using the forced falling
asleep techni2ue/
+7. 1ccording to statistics from classes held at the 4chool of Out#
of#5ody Tra'el! which indirect techni2ues are the most effecti'e/
+:. .hy should one practice all of the primary techni2ues in a
rela$ed state/
+4. .hat helps practitioners to enter the phase one#third of the
time while using indirect techni2ues/
+;. )s le'itation the most popular separation techni2ue/
+<. .hat is the essential difference between indirect techni2ues
and separation techni2ues/
+>. 6ow does the separation techni2ue of rolling out differ from
the indirect techni2ue of rotation/
+?. )s it necessary to imagine anything while trying to separate/
+@. .hen is the best time to use indirect techni2ues/
7A. ,an techni2ues that are traditionally used upon awaening be
attempted during the day/ 6ow effecti'e are these techni2ues
during the day/
7+. )s becoming consciousness while dreaming the same as
conscious awaening/
77. .hen employing indirect techni2ues! does an inability to
awaen without mo'ing ha'e an effect on oneEs practice/
7:. .hat are the components of the algorithm of cycling indirect
74. .hat first step must be taen while cycling through indirect
7;. 6ow many different techni2ues should a cycle consist of/
7<. .hat is the minimum number of cycles that must be
7>. )f a lot of time has passed after awaening! is this good or bad
for cycles of indirect techni2ues/
7?. .hat must be done if a techni2ue gets stuc at an
unsatisfactory le'el of results/
7@. )f the cycles do not wor! what should be done/
:A. .hat are hints from the mind/
:+. )n what cases is it necessary to introduce aggressi'e effort
when performing indirect techni2ues/
+. Try all of the primary indirect techni2ues while in a rela$ed
state and single out : to ; techni2ues that seem to wor. Repeat
such training another couple of times on other days.
7. Try all of the separation techni2ues in a rela$ed state.
:. 1chie'e one conscious awaening followed by cycles of
indirect techni2ues.
4. 1chie'e one conscious awaening without any physical
mo'ement and attempt an indirect techni2ue.
;. Upon awaening without mo'ing! perform a full cycle of
indirect techni2ues! and repeat this e$ercise until phase entrance
is achie'ed.
Chapter % ! &irect Techni#ue$
3irect techni4ues for entering into an out-of-"ody e#perience are
used &ithout the prere4uisite of sleep? "y perfor$ing specific actions
&hile lying do&n &ith the eyes closed( The ad'antage of direct
techni2ues is that! in theory! they can be performed at any moment.
6owe'er! a large drawbac e$ists in the length of time it taes to
master the techni2ues. Only ;AK of practitioners achie'e success
after maing daily attempts o'er a period of : to < wees. For some!
an entire year may pass before results are reali=ed. The difficulty in
achie'ing results with direct techni2ues is not a problem of
inaccessibility! but the natural psychological characteristics of the
indi'idual. (ot e'eryone is able to clearly understand the specific
nuances in'ol'ed! which is why some will continually mae
Many practitioners stri'e to master direct techni2ues right away
because they appear to be the most con'enient! straightforward! and
concrete techni2ues. 6owe'er! it is a gra'e mistae to begin
attempting and mastering phase entrance from this le'el. )n @AK of
cases where no'ices begin their training with direct techni2ues!
failure is guaranteed. Moreo'er! a 'ast amount of time! effort! and
emotion will be wasted. 1s a result! complete disillusionment with
the entire sub&ect of phase e$periences is possible.
3irect techni4ues should only "e practiced after $astery of the
easiest indirect techni4ues or ho& to "eco$e conscious &hen
drea$ing( -n any case, difficulties &ill not &ear one do&n
after&ards, as it &ill "e e#ceedingly clear fro$ one@s o&n e#perience
that the phase is not a fig$ent of the i$agination( %lso, an advanced
+no&ledge of indirect techni4ues &ill $a+e it considera"ly easier to
achieve direct entry into the phase(
Ouality of the phase e$perience is not dependent upon the chosen
entrance techni2ue. 8irect techni2ues do not necessarily pro'ide a
deeper! more lasting phase o'er indirect techni2ues.
8irect techni2ues are better suited for some practitioners and not
others! but this ban only be said for a minority of the practicing
population. Meanwhile! indirect techni2ues are accessible to
absolutely e'eryone all of the time.
)f a practitioner has decides to begin practice with direct
techni2ues or has gained the necessary e$perience with indirect
techni2ues! the underlying principles of the techni2ues must still be
learned. .ithout these! nothing will occur! e$cept coincidentally and
in rare cases. The ey to the successful use of direct techni2ues rests
in achie'ing a free#floating state of consciousness. 6owe'er! we will
first e$amine a large 'ariety of 'ery useful aspects and factors that
mae direct entry into the phase much easier.
First! we will e$amine when it is best to perform the techni2ues
and how intensi'ely to e$ercise their practice. Then! we will e$amine
the 'ery important factor of body position! and the no less crucial
issue of how long the techni2ues should be performed. Then! we will
briefly in'estigate the issue of rela$ation! and then we will
immediately mo'e on to the actual direct techni2ues. Only after
co'ering all of the abo'e are we able to del'e into the issue of what a
free#floating state of consciousness is and how to achie'e it.
The issue of time is not important with indirect techni2ues since
the ma&or prere2uisite is that they are performed immediately after
awaening occurs. )n the case of direct techni2ues! the issue of
timing is much more critical.
(aturally! the best method for finding the right time to perform
direct techni2ues is the same as indirect techni2ues I the deferred
$ethod. 6owe'er! there are some serious differences here. First of
all! one may interrupt oneDs sleep at practically anytime of the night
or early morning. 4econd! after ha'ing woen up F;#+; min.G! one
should not fall bac asleep! but should immediately proceed to the
8irect techni2ues are many times more effecti'e with the deferred
method than at any other time. This is due to the fact that with the
deferred method! the mind does not ha'e time to become +AAK alert!
and it is easy to fall into the altered state of consciousness that will
allow results.
.hen it comes to specific steps! one should awaen in the middle
of the night either on oneEs own or with the help of an alarm cloc.
Then! one should get up and do something for : to +A minutes! and
then lie down again in bed and perform the techni2ues. )f it is
probable that the practitioner will wae up in too alert a state! and
thus not e'en be sleepy! then the inter'al between awaening and
performing the direct techni2ue should be shortened! and fewer
things should be done during that period of time. )t should be noted
that with this setup! a free#floating state of mind plays a far lesser
role that with other procedures.
The second most effecti'e window of time is "efore falling asleep
at night! when the practitioner goes to bed. 8uring this period of
time! the brain needs to shut down the body and mind in order to
renew its strength! which has been e$pended o'er the course of the
day. This natural process can be taen ad'antage of by introducing
certain ad&ustments to it.
1ttempts at performing direct techni2ues during the day are less
effecti'e. 6owe'er! if fatigue has already had a chance to build up by
this time! this can be taen ad'antage of because the body will try to
fall into sleep. This is especially suited for those who are accustomed
to napping during the day.
3enerally! other windows of time produce a substantially worse
result! which is why one should start with performing direct
techni2ues in the middle of the night! or before a nightEs sleep. Only
after such techni2ues ha'e been mastered will it be possible to
e$periment with daytime attempts.
The degree of enthusiasm that is de'oted to any pursuit is directly
related to successfully reaching a goal. 6owe'er! it is 'ery important
to now when to ease up! especially with the delicate matter of phase
entry. One attempt per day using a direct techni2ue is sufficient. )f
more attempts are made! the 2uality of each attempt will suffer
Interesting Fact!
Many approach direct techni4ues as if digging a
ditch' the $ore - the faster and the "etter( The
result' do*ens of atte$pts that yield no fruit(

1 lot of practitioners belie'e that do=ens of attempts o'er the
course of a day will yield the phase. This is not the path to success
and will 2uicly lead to disillusionment with the practice. E'en if
after a wee or a month no results are seen! direct techni2ues should
be attempted only once daily. Persistent! analytical! and sensible!
stubborn resol'e to practice properly will produce the desired effect.
)t is useless to attempt entering the phase using a direct
techni2ue by lying in bed and resol'ing neither to sleep nor get up
until the phase occurs. 4uch coarseness in handling delicate nature of
the mind will produce nothing besides rapid emotional e$haustion.
Rigid timeframes apply while performing direct techni2ues before
a sleep or in the middle of the night. 8irect techni2ues attempts
should only last +A to 7A minutes. 0onger durations inhibit sleepiness
because the mind will concentrate too long on the techni2ues! and the
desire to fall asleep will dissipate! resulting in insomnia that often
lasts se'eral hours. O'erdone efforts negati'ely affect natural
enthusiasm due lost sleep and being tired the following day! which is
compounded by the reality of a growing number of failed attempts.
)f direct techni2ues produce no effect o'er the course of +A to 7A
minutes before sleep or in the middle of the night! then it is better to
go to sleep with the thought that e'erything will wor out another
time. This is the positi'e outloo a practitioner ought to always
.ith indirect techni2ues body position isnDt important since
conscious awaening regardless of body position is the goal.
6owe'er! the position of the body is crucial while practicing direct
There is not an e$act body position that each practitioner should
assume since! once again! indi'idual characteristics and instincts
differ widely. There are specific rules that allow one to select the
right position! based on indirect indicators.
Many hold a belief that the correct pose is that of a corpse I lying
on the bac without a pillow! legs and arms straightened. This notion
has probably been borrowed from other practices claiming that it
helps achie'e an altered state of mind. 6owe'er! this position
seriously impairs the efforts of the ma&ority of practitioners. The
corpse pose should only be used when it is probable that a
practitioner will 2uicly fall asleep while performing techni2ues in
this pose! e'en though it generally pre'ents sleep.
)f a practitioner e$periences difficulty falling asleep and is
constantly awae while performing direct techni2ues! then the most
comfortable position for the indi'idual should be used.
-f sleep co$es 4uite easily to a practitioner, a less natural
position should "e ta+en( -f a practitioner e#periences fe&er gaps in
consciousness &hen the techni4ues are perfor$ed and has a harder
ti$e falling asleep, a $ore co$forta"le a position should "e used(
8epending on the situation! there are many possible positions- lying
down on the bac! on the stomach! on the side! or e'en in a half#
reclined position. )t is possible that a practitioner will ha'e to change
positions from one attempt to another! introducing ad&ustments
related to a free#floating state of mind.
5y nature! one should clearly understand that direct techni2ues
are in and of themsel'es rela$ation methods! inasmuch as no phase
can occur without one being rela$ed. 1ccordingly! one can go
immediately into the phase without any prior rela$ation.
4ince the most effecti'e window of time for using direct
techni2ues occurs before sleep and at night! and lasts only +A to 7A
minutes in any case! additional time should not be wasted on trying to
rela$! nor should time for rela$ation be subtracted from the re2uisite
+A to 7A minutes.
,orrect and 2uality rela$ation is a difficult pursuit and many go
about it indi'idually! producing an opposition to natural rela$ation.
For e$ample! many endea'or to rela$ their bodies to such a degree
that in the end the mind is as acti'e as it would be while trying to
sol'e a difficult mathematical e2uation. )n this type of situation!
entering the phase is impossible.
The body automatically rela$es when the mind is rela$ed. The
body! in turn! will ne'er rela$ if the mind is acti'e. Therefore! it is
better for beginners refrain from the trouble of the nuances of
rela$ation and sa'e their energies for more elementary matters.
)nstead of forcing a technical rela$ation! a practitioner should
simply lie down for se'eral minutes and this will pro'ide the best
rela$ation. 0ying down acti'ates natural rela$ation processesJ the
most powerful ind.
,omplete! peaceful rela$ation may only be coerced by those with
speciali=ed! in#depth e$perience. 3enerally! these are people who
ha'e spent a great amount of time and effort mastering trance and
meditati'e states. Rela$ation in these cases should tae no more than
+ to : minutes and no longer as because when a practitioner is e$pert
at rela$ation it is sufficient to &ust thin about it! and it occurs.
1ll 2uality rela$ation techni2ues may well ser'e as direct
techni2ues! if a free#floating state of mind occurs while they are
e$ercised. 1fter gaining the necessary e$perience with trance and
meditation! a practitioner of these mental arts may proceed to
mastering the phase.
Techni2ues used to gain direct entrance to the phase are e$actly
the same as those used during indirect attempts. The only difference
is in the method of implementation. The techni2ues are described in
detail in ,hapter 7. 6owe'er! since direct techni2ues mostly re2uire
passi'ity! not all techni2ues wor e2ually well for both direct and
indirect entries into the phase. For e$ample! acti'e techni2ues lie
straining the brain cannot be used to gain a smooth entrance into the
8irect techni2ues differ from indirect techni2ues in their
implementation because of the slow! halting production of results that
occurs from the beginning of a direct attempt through the end of it. )f
upon awaening something happens to wor! then this can practically
always lead to entrance into the phase. For e$ample! the same
phantom wiggling before sleep can begin 2uicly enough! but range
of mo'ement will not be easy to increase! and the entire
implementation of the techni2ue will rely on protracted! rhythmic
mo'ement. Results tae much longer- ten minutes instead of ten
seconds. These differences also apply to e'ery techni2ue described in
this guideboo.
0ie the practice of indirect techni2ues! to begin the practice of
direct techni2ues! a practitioner should choose : or 4 of the most
suitable techni2ues from those that pro'e most effecti'e to the
indi'idual. )n order to assist the practitioner! a table has been
pro'ided! detailing the documented effecti'eness of the direct
The primary difference in woring with direct techni2ues is the
time that it taes to e$ercise each. )f testing a specific indirect
techni2ue taes only : to ; seconds! then in this case se'eral minutes
will be spent. 8uration 'aries depending on certain factors.
There are three primary ways of performing the techni2ues-
classical! se2uencing! and cycling # similar to the cycling used with
indirect techni2ues. To understand which 'ariant should be used!
consider the following table-
?ariation$ of 5$ing the
)hen to 5$e It
9lassical Apassive) variation'
One attempt of + techni2ue.
The techni2ue may be alternated
after each attempt.
# when learning direct
# when a practitioner generally
sleeps poorlyJ
# if attempts lead to waing upJ
# if attempts with other
'ariations occur without lapses in
# if the body and consciousness
are in a rela$ed stateJ
Se4uencing A$iddle)' # used if falling asleep occurs
The ,o$t Effective &irect Techni#ue$ at Se(inar$ of the
School of Out-of-Body Travel
Phantom .iggling +;K
Rotation +;K
0istening in +;K
9ibrations Foccurring amid the use of other
Obser'ing )mages +AK
Mi$ture of Techni2ues +AK
4imple separation Fusually mi$ed in with other
Other Techni2ues +AK
One attempt with 7 to :
techni2ues for + to ; minutes.
Techni2ues are alternated
infre2uently. 1ggression
fluctuates with the length of time
that the techni2ues are
while using the classical
'ariation! or if cycling results in
becoming wide awaeJ
# when a practitioner generally
falls asleep 2uiclyJ
9ycling Aactive)'
1lgorithm of cycling :
techni2ues lie with indirect
entry to the phase! but
performing each techni2ue for +A
seconds to + minute! and not : to
; seconds.
# if the classical and
se2uencing 'ariations put one
# when one generally falls
asleep 'ery 2uiclyJ
# can also be employed when
e$hausted or sleep depri'edJ

1 practitioner should always begin with the classical 'ariation! i.e.
using one techni2ue o'er an entire attempt. 8ue to the unusual nature
of the efforts in'ol'ed! a beginnerDs enthusiasm may sustain a
completely alert state. 0ater! howe'er! strong! prolonged lapses of
consciousness into sleep may occur. 6ere! it may be necessary to
increase the le'el of acti'ity by transitioning to the se2uencing
4e2uencing is the primary 'ariation used for direct techni2ues
because of its elasticity in application. )t can be passi'e if o'er the
course of +; minutes when a practitioner alternates two techni2ues
for fi'e minutes. )t may also be aggressi'e if used se2uencing three
techni2ues for one minute. E'erything between these two e$tremes
allows proper practice of the techni2ues and selection of the best
'ariation to achie'e a free#floating state of mind.
)f falling off to sleep stubbornly occurs e'en with the acti'e form
of se2uencing! then one should start cycling through indirect
techni2ues! but performing each techni2ue from +A seconds to +
1s long wor with the techni2ues is implied! one should not torment
oneself if one does not want to do something! otherwise one may
2uicly tire out. E'erything should be a pleasure to do and not cause
any e$cessi'e emotional tension.
There are almost infinite descriptions of direct entry techni2ues
offered in literature! stories! on the )nternet! and at seminars.
4ometimes! one description fundamentally differs from another. )n
the ma&ority of cases! howe'er! common threads e$ist that unite
almost e'ery description of a particular techni2ue- short lapses in
consciousness! memory gaps! and drifting in and out of sleep! all of
which are hallmars of the free#floating state of mind. 1fter any of
these phenomena occur! all manner of unusual pre#phase or phase
sensations arise.
0apses in consciousness may last for seconds! se'eral minutes! or
more than an hour. They may range from a simple loss of
consciousness to entrance into a full#fledged dream. They may be
singular and rare! or may occur se'eral times o'er the course of a
minute. .hate'er a lapse entails! the mind attains a mode of
operating that is ideal for phase e$perimentation! pro'ided the
practitioner is able to refrain from deep sleep and 2uicly return to a
conscious! waing state.
(ot e'ery lapse of consciousness leads to the phase. The lapse
must ha'e sufficient depth to be effecti'e. Thus! with e'ery
unsuccessful lapse! another deeper lapse should be incurred.
The primary practical drawbac of the free#floating state of mind
is the possibility of falling completely asleep during lapses instead of
only temporarily dipping into sleep. Techni2ues are definitely
necessary to ensure the desired result. 4uch techni2ues more or less
fulfill an au$iliary function! and thus one need not be strict about
Intere$ting 2actF
-t does not $atter &hich direct techni4ue is used?
as long as it leads to lapses in consciousness,
success is possi"le(

.hen performing the 'ariations of the techni2ues! a practitioner
can begin to 'acillate between full alertness and complete asleep!
coming to! and then nodding off again.
To a'oid falling asleep re2uires a strong desire to return to
waefulness. This is accomplished by a strong resol'e on the part of
the practitioner! e'en if! while performing a direct techni2ue! drifting
in and out of sleep occurs. The practitioner must firmly assert that at
the moment consciousness tapers off! awaening will immediately
On the other hand! if lapses do not occur! and are replaced by
complete alertness! the following trics of the trade may help- full
concentration on mental actions or! con'ersely! musing and
daydreaming in parallel with the techni2ue being used. )t should be
noted that these are only effecti'e at the initial stages of woring with
direct techni2ues since such techni2ues ha'e a strong sleep#inducing
)f direct techni2ues do not lead to light sleep or singular lapses
after a long period of regular practice! then it must be assumed that
the practitioner is dealing with some appreciable error in techni2ue or
in the length of performance.
Regulating the number of lapses that occur may be modified by
body position during practice or by changing the 'ariation used while
performing techni2ues.
Entering the phase with a free#floating state of mind most often
occurs as the result of three ey factors. First! one techni2ue or
another may begin to wor well during a lapse. 4econd! nearness to
the phase may une$pectedly manifest itself through sounds or
'ibration after a lapse. 8uring this! transitioning to techni2ues that
correspond to the abo'e symptoms Flistening in! straining the brainG
may be applied. Third! when e$iting a lapse! it is sometimes easy to
separate or 2uicly find a woring techni2ue by paying attention to
initial indicators.
0apses in consciousness are not bound to occur in +AAK of cases.
6owe'er! stri'ing to achie'e lapses plays a 'ery important role since
they are not always percei'able! and a lapse occurrence is not always
ob'ious. They can be 'ery short in duration or shallow. Or! they may
not occur at all. (onetheless! properly applied techni2ues to produce
lapses may gi'e entrance to the phase.
Using direct techni2ues in the e'ening or in the middle of the
night tae ad'antage of the bodyDs natural state of fatigue and for
practical purposes this natural tiredness may be amplified. For
e$ample! direct techni2ues more easily lead to success if the
practitioner is considerably sleep#depri'ed. Moreo'er! in such a state!
inducing a free#floating state of mind may be forgone. The most
important thing is simply not to fall asleep immediately! in addition
to employing the appropriate 'ariations with the techni2ues. .illful
depri'ation of sleep is torturous and useless e'en though great results
may be achie'ed by an e$perienced and nowledgeable practitioner
in a se'erely fatigued state. 5eginners are better off approaching all
forms of practice in a natural! balanced way.
1n intense longing sleep is not limited to long periods of sleep
depri'ationJ physical and emotional fatigues also play important
roles. )n that case! the most important thing is not to fall asleep when
performing the techni2ues! and thus one must select a more acti'e
techni2ue 'ariation than usual.
8irect techni2ues seldom produce 2uic and clear results! unlie
entering the phase 'ia becoming conscious while dreaming or
through the use of indirect techni2ues. 1t first! direct techni2ues
produce sporadic results! which is why the path of practice should not
begin with direct techni2ues hoping for fast results. )t is better to
systematically practice a techni2ue! woring toward mastery on a
consistent basis.
There is no cause for worry if results are achie'ed after a month
of daily attempts. 1 continual effort to analy=e practice and impro'e
should be the primary focus because failures are always caused by
distinguishable mistaes.
1lthough difficulties may arise with direct techni2ues! one should
ne'er abandon what wored until then Fi.e. indirect techni2uesG! as
this could temporarily depri'e one of the e$perience that one has
gained so far.
1 combination of direct and indirect techni2ues should ne'er be
used during the course of a single day since this would be detrimental
to practical focus and enthusiasm. )t is better to separately perform
each type of techni2ue on different days. For e$ample! direct
techni2ues could be used before falling asleep during the worwee
while indirect techni2ues may be practiced during the weeends
when a practitioner has more chances to e$periment using the e$tra
opportunities to sleep.
1ssuming an incorrect position when lying down.
Performing direct techni2ues during the day when a practitioner
is ine$perienced! instead of in the e'ening or at nightJ
Performing more than one attempt per day.
Performing protracted rela$ation before the techni2ues! e'en
when this may play a negati'e role.
Performing the techni2ues for too long when they should be
e$ercised for no more than 7A minutes.
Forgetting to affirm a strong intention of awaening during a
lapse of consciousness.
0ac of a free#floating state of mind. This is mandatory
Falling asleep during lapses in a free#floating state of mind!
instead of woring toward multiple lapses while awaening.
Forgetting separation techni2ues and awaiting some unnown
e'ent upon emergence from a lapse! instead of taing ad'antage of
the moment.
E$cessi'ely alternating the techni2ues in a primary repertoire!
instead of testing them in a planned and systematic manner.
6olding the breath when unusual sensations are encountered.
1lways be calm.
6alting practice when unusual sensations occur when it is
necessary to continue what brought about the sensations.
E$cessi'e e$citement while performing direct techni2ues.
0ac of aggression during attempts due to fatigue and sleep
0ac of a clear plan of action. Understanding and planning the
use of distinct 'ariations of the techni2ues beforehand is crucial to
the analysis of subse2uent errors in practice.
E-erci$e$ for Chapter %
+. .hich techni2ues should be mastered before proceeding to
direct techni2ues/
7. 4hould results from the use of direct techni2ues be e$pected
after se'eral days or a wee/
:. )s it better to practice direct techni2ues during the day or in
the e'ening/
4. )s it correct to perform three direct attempts per day/
;. .hich body position should be assumed when suffering from
<. .hich body position should be used by a person who falls
asleep 2uicly/
>. 6ow much time should be spent on a single direct attempt/
?. .hen can direct attempts be made for a longer period of time
than usual/
@. .hat is the best way for an ine$perienced practitioner to
+A. ,an direct techni2ues substitute rela$ation techni2ues/
++. ,an rela$ation techni2ues substitute direct techni2ues/
+7. 6ow many 'ariations for performing direct techni2ues are
+:. )n what case is the 'ariation of se2uencing with direct
techni2ues employed/
+4. .hich techni2ue may not be used for direct entrance to the
phase with the goal of creating a free#floating state of mind/
+;. .hat happens to consciousness while in a free#floating state
during direct techni2ues/
+<. 4hould awaening be attempted if falling asleep occurred
while using direct techni2ues/
+>. .hat is the probability of entering the phase without a free#
floating state of consciousness/
+?. .hat do unsuccessful attempts using direct techni2ues most
often end in/
+@. )s se$ual acti'ity before an e'ening attempt using direct
techni2ue beneficial/
+. ,hoose the best body position for direct techni2ues based on
your indi'idual preferences.
7. Use the classical 'ariation of performing direct techni2ues
until it phase entrance! or falling asleep se'eral times.
:. Using a combination of 'ariations for direct techni2ues!
achie'e a free#floating state of mind.
4. .hen performing direct techni2ues! try to achie'e no less
than three lapses in consciousness before 7A minutes elapse! or
before you fall asleep. Repeat this challenge until phase entrance
is achie'ed.
Chapter ' ! Beco(ing Con$ciou$ )hile &rea(ing
The techni2ues for phase entrance 'ia becoming conscious while
dreaming are based on reaching consciousness and self#awareness
during a dream! which! regardless of dream 2uality! can be
transitioned into a fully reali=ed phase e$perience. ,ontrary to
popular opinion! ha'ing an out#of#body e$perience through dreaming
differs little from other techni2uesJ the primary results of which may
be persistently categori=ed as dissociati'e e$periences- being fully
conscious while remo'ed from the perception of a physical body.
The realism of a phase induced through becoming conscious in a
dream does not differ from phases entered using other techni2ues!
and! when deepened! the phase offers more 'i'id and lucid
e$periences than those of e'eryday life.
)f a practitioner becomes aware of a dream while in it Fusually
accompanied by a clear reali=ation that it is! "&ust a dream%G! then the
phase is e$perienced from that moment forward.
5eginners often confuse the notion of becoming conscious while
dreaming with induced dreaming. 1n induced dream is the dream of
a specific topic! pro'oed on demandJ this does not presuppose
consciousness. Moreo'er! not all practitioners clearly understand
what it means to be fully conscious while dreaming. ,onsciousness
while dreaming is always present to some e$tent! but it is necessary
to be as conscious as one would be in a waeful state. 1wareness is
not possible as long as the plot of the dream continues. .hen full
understanding occurs that e'erything around is &ust a dream! a person
drops the dream and starts doing only what he wants to do at that
'ery moment. 1nd after awaening! he should not thin that what
happened was absurd or une$plainable.
8uring the process of becoming conscious in a dream! a
practitionerDs actions must be completely subordinated to the desire
to e$perience a 2uality phase. This is why! upon becoming conscious
in a dream! proceeding to techni2ues related to deepening and
maintaining is crucial.
Techni2ues for becoming conscious in a dream differ 'ery much
in nature from other techni2ues! and there are good reasons why
these methods are differentiated from other practices! lie so#called
astral pro1ection or out-of-"ody e#perience AOB2). 6owe'er! their
characteristics differ 'ery little in terms of results.
The techni2ue#related peculiarities rest in the fact that specific
actions are not re2uired to produce immediate! concrete results. 1ll
techni2ue#related elements are performed outside of when
consciousness while dreaming occurs. This is because it is impossible
to tae some action if you are not conscious and do not reali=e that
you are dreaming. 1ll efforts are directed at maing that 'ery
reali=ation somehow occur.
Interesting Fact!
2ven if a practitioner pays no heed to the
techni4ues for "eco$ing conscious &hile drea$ing,
"ut applies direct or indirect techni4ues, on
average each fifth phase &ill still occur through
"eco$ing conscious in a drea$( This has "een
statistically proven at se$inars of the School of
Out-of-Body Travel(

Many stri'e to achie'e consciousness during each dream o'er the
course of an entire nightJ howe'er! this is rarely possible due to
physiological barriers. There is a good reason that sleep and dreams
are an important part of a human life. There is an important need to
switch off not only body! but also consciousness! so that it may
unconsciously sift and process the 'ast 'olume of information
obtained in e'eryday life.
The timeframe for achie'ing conscious dreaming is 'ery difficult
to estimate due to the nature of re2uired actions. )ntensity and
intention definitely e$ert hea'y influence. 1 practitioner may become
conscious in a dream when first lapsing into sleep! regardless of
when it occurs. Or! with regular attempts! this could happen in two
wees to a month. (e'ertheless! these techni2ues promise a much
higher lielihood of success than direct methods! and can be
compared with indirect techni2ues # inferior to the latter only in terms
of the speed at which results are achie'ed and the amount of effort
re2uired. .hile indirect techni2ues yield ma$imum results in light of
a full nightDs rest! the amount of time spent in bed is not a significant
factor to achie'ing dream consciousness. Therefore! this techni2ue is
sure to guarantee entry into the phase! especially if difficulty has
been encountered while practicing other techni2ues.
Techni2ues used to attain dream consciousness should not be
combined with other types of techni2ues. )t is better to focus on one
thing at a time. -nterestingly, &hen a techni4ue is practiced on a
regular "asis, there is nearly a 17 guarantee that drea$
consciousness &ill spontaneously occur( % practitioner $ust +no&
ho& to react &hen this happens(
)t is possible to simultaneously practice se'eral techni2ues for
becoming conscious in a dream since e'ery techni2ue is directly
compatible and complementary to another.
:e(e(bering &rea($
There is a well nown and widespread of fallacy that supposes
that dreams do not occur for some people. E'eryone dreams! but not
e'eryone remembers their dreams. E'en those who acti'ely dream
remember only a small fraction of these nightly e$cursions. 6ence!
one should not thin that it is impossible for someone who does not
remember dreams to become conscious in one. 4uch a person should
simply try to use the techni2ues.
1t the same time! there is a direct correlation between the number
of dreams remembered and the probability of becoming conscious
while dreaming. That is why de'eloping the ability to remember
dreams is crucial. )n essence! the ability to achie'e dream
consciousness rests with the conscious mind! which is 'ery much
interconnected with memory#related processes.
,onsciousness is naturally inherent in dreams! but it lacs rapid!
operati'e memory. 8reamers may now who they are! their names!
how to wal! and how to tal! but may not now how surrounding
e'ents are related! or the nature of their significance.
5y increasing the fre2uency of remembered dreams! short#term
dream memory becomes more de'eloped! which enables more
realistic dream e$periences followed by a higher probability of dream
There are three techni2ues dedicated to increasing the number of
remembered dreams.
The first is to simply recall the details of dreams upon awaening.
.ithin the first few minutes of waing up! try to remember as many
dreams from the night before as possible. This should be done with a
great amount of attention and diligence because this e$ercise
strengthens the memory. )f possible! during the day! or! better yet!
before going to sleep at night! recalling the pre'ious nightDs dreams
once again is highly beneficial.
.riting dreams down in a special dream &ournal is much more
effecti'e than simple recall. Record dreams in the morning while
memories are still fresh. The more details recalled when recording
the dream! the better the ultimate results. This is a 'ery attenti'e
approach that demands a higher awareness than simple recollection.
.riting dreams in a &ournal significantly increases awareness of
actions and aspirations.
1nother way of remembering dreams is to create a map of the
dream world. This is called drea$ cartography and is similar to
eeping a &ournal! though an enhanced le'el of awareness is
de'eloped by connecting dream episodes on a map.
First! record one dream! describing locations and e'ents! which are
plotted on the map. This cartographic process is repeated with each
subse2uent dream! and after se'eral dreams an episode will occur that
is somehow related to the location of a dream that has already been
recorded. The two dreams that too place near each other are plotted
ne$t to each other on the map. O'er time! more and more interrelated
dreams will occur and the map will become increasingly concentrated
rather than disconnected. 1s a result! the fre2uency and realistic
2uality of remembered dreams will increase! and the dreamer will
increase the ability to achie'e consciousness while dreaming.
)t is best to set remembered dreams to memory after temporary
awaenings 'ersus waiting until morning. To accomplish this! it
helps to ha'e a pen and a piece of paper nearby so that a practitioner
may 2uicly &ot down a phase or se'eral ey words from the plot of
the dream before falling bac asleep. Using this information! the
ma&ority of dreams are 2uicly and completely recalled.
The initial result from e$ercising these techni2ues is a rapid
increase in the number of remembered dreams. .hen this number
becomes significant Fanywhere between fi'e and +A per nightG! dream
consciousness follows on a regular basis.
)ntention is crucial to the success of any techni2ue. .ith regard to
dream consciousness! its significance is multiplied. The creation of
intention is ine$tricably lined to the creation of internal aspiration!
which has re'erberations in both conscious and unconscious states. )n
reality! an ele'ated degree of intention operates as a powerful method
of mental programming.
This techni2ue is performed before falling asleep by affirming a
strong desire to become conscious while dreaming. For best results!
alongside a strong! clearly defined intention! thin through what
actions will be taen when dream consciousness is achie'ed.
Creating an Anchor
4ince dream consciousness is not lined to specific actions that
tae place within a dream and sensory perception continues to
operate in the dream state! it is possible to de'elop and use an
artificially conditioned refle$ to achie'e consciousness. The essence
of this techni2ue is to train the consciousness to uniformly react to
certain stimuli that occur while being awae and when dreaming!
establishing a habit of specific response e'ery time a certain situation
For e$ample! while awae! a practitioner may as! "1m )
dreaming/% e'ery time they see an anchor. 1n anchor is any ob&ect
that is often encountered while awae and while dreaming. E$amples
of anchors include a practitionerDs own hands! red ob&ects! or running
water. .hen first using this techni2ue! a practitioner will be unable to
2uestion whether a dream is in progress e'ery time a pre#established
anchor is encountered. 6owe'er! with training and a strong desire
this techni2ue 2uicly produces results. O'er time! subconscious
2uestioning of the practitionerDs state becomes habit! happening
while awae and dreaming. The end result is dream consciousness.
)t is important to note that one needs not only to simply as this
2uestion! but that it is also important to answer it mindfully! trying to
isolate oneself from surrounding e'ents in order to be able to answer
it in an as ob&ecti'e and unpredetermined way as possible. Failing to
answer ob&ecti'ely will always result in a negati'e response FnoG! and
dream consciousness will not be achie'ed.
+atural Anchor$
)n addition to creating deliberate anchors that induce conscious
dreaming! natural anchors should be gi'en focused attention. These
are ob&ects and actions that regularly cause dream consciousness!
e'en when consciousness is not desired. 5eing aware of the e$istence
of natural anchors actually doubles the chances of their appearance.
The following e$periences are common natural anchors that are
present in dreams- death! sharp pain! intense fear! stress! flying!
electric shoc! se$ual sensations! and dreaming about phase entrance
or the phase en'ironment. .hen attempting dream consciousness!
identifying natural anchors produces results nearly +AAK of the time.
One may try to start flying each time that one answers the
2uestion. This is of course pointless when in waing reality.
6owe'er! when dreaming! this will most liely lead to flight and
once again pro'e that e'erything around is &ust a dream.
,onsistent analysis of dreams helps to ascertain reasons for an
absence of conscious awareness- these analyses are significant to
attaining dream consciousness. O'er the course of a lifetime! the
mind grows accustomed to the parado$ical nature of dreams and pays
less attention to them. This becomes apparent while trying to
understand that a red crocodile is unable to tal! cannot be red! nor
can it rent an apartment. .hile dreaming! these impossibilities are
ne'er called into 2uestion. The essence of self#analysis is
remembering dreams and thining hard about why their parado$ical
features had not been ade2uately recogni=ed in the dream state.
.ith e$perience! the e'eryday analysis of the correspondence of
dreams to reality begins to ha'e an effect on a practitionerDs
reasoning within the dream state. For e$ample! that red crocodileDs
presence in a rented apartment could cause doubts that gi'e pause for
reflection! which could in turn lead to the understanding that
e'erything happening is &ust a dream.
To ensure that dream consciousness leads to a fully de'eloped
phase e$perience! one of three specific actions must be taen.
The best is the techni2ue is deepening! which should be
immediately applied once dream consciousness occurs. 8eepening
must be performed within the dream episode before all other
techni2ues. 8oing so 'irtually guarantees entrance to the phase. The
choice of actions that follow deepening is dependent upon a
practitionerDs predetermined course of plan in the phase.
.hen becoming conscious while dreaming! it is 2uite dangerous
to try to return to oneDs body in order to roll out of it right away
unless one has deepened beforehand. This could result in a situation
where! after ha'ing easily returned to oneDs body! one would not be
able to separate from it! as the phase becomes significantly weaer
when physical sensations coincide with the position of a real body. )f
one is to employ such an option! then in order to return to oneDs body
one should simply thin about it! which is often sufficient to mae
the transition occur almost immediately.
1nother option is the use of translocation techni2ues to arri'e at a
desired place within the phase world. )t is also dangerous to employ
this 'ariation without first deepeningJ translocating in a shallow
phase maes a return to the waeful state 'ery liely. Translocation is
often accompanied by a substantial decrease in the depth of the phase
To achie'e dream consciousness! constant practice is highly
necessary because sporadic practice will fail to de'elop the re2uisite
bacground thought processes.
1s a rule! employing phase entry techni2ues within the conte$t of
dream consciousness produces results after se'eral wees! and the
effects of the techni2ues are increasingly pronounced with time. )f
there are no results within a month or two! refrain from these
techni2ues for a period of time! tae a brea for a wee or two! and
resol'e to assume a fresh start later.
Practitioners often stop using these techni2ues after initial results
as later effects become elusi'e and the fre2uency of dream
consciousness rapidly declines. These techni2ues should not be
abandoned after first yielding results! though a gradual decrease in
practice is generally acceptable.
Percei'ing the state of dream consciousness as a non#phase state
e'en though this phenomenon is one and the same with the phase.
1ttempting dream consciousness while performing other phase
entrance techni2ues when it is better to focus on dream consciousness
.hen falling asleep! lacing sufficient desire to e$perience
conscious dreaming e'en though this is critical.
,ontinuing to yield to the plot of a dream e'en after achie'ing
dream consciousness! whereas subse2uent actions must be
independent and based on free will.
)ncorrectly answering the 2uestion "1m ) dreaming/% while
Forgetting to immediately begin deepening techni2ues when
dream consciousness has been achie'ed.
.hen e$ercising memory de'elopment! recalling the most 'i'id
dreams instead of e'ery dream.
)nconsistent concentration while practicing dream consciousness

E-erci$e$ for Chapter '
+. .hat is the difference between an out#of#body e$perience and
dream consciousness/
7. 1fter attaining dream consciousness! does the realistic 2uality
of the surroundings differ from that of waefulness/
:. .hich techni2ue can be used in a dream to become conscious
in it/
4. )s it possible to achie'e dream consciousness after the first
;. )s it true that not all people dream/
<. .hy is learning to remember as many dreams as possible
important for becoming conscious while dreaming/
>. .hat is dream cartography/
?. To e$perience dream consciousness! what must be done while
falling asleep/
@. ,ould a tape measure become an anchor used to achie'e
dream consciousness/
+A. .hat e$periences in dreams often spontaneously gi'e rise to a
state of conscious awareness/
++. .hat must immediately be done after becoming conscious
while dreaming/
+. E'ery day! immediately before going to sleep! culti'ate a
strong desire to become conscious in future dreams.
7. .hen you wae up! recall or write down the episodes and
plots of your dreams e'ery day.
:. Try to achie'e at least one instance of dream consciousness.
Chapter * ! +on-autono(ou$ ,ethod$
/on-autono$ous $ethods of entering the phase are various types
of e#ternal influences that are a"le to help put a practitioner into the
phase state( ,omputer programs! de'ices! 'arious physical actions!
the aid of a helper! or e'en chemical substances are e$amples of non#
autonomous methods. )n certain cases! these methods actually help
while some hinder the possibility of a genuine phase e$perience.
(e'er count on a magical substance or machine to automatically
eliminate the difficulties associated with phase entrance. )f such a
substance e$isted! the whole topic of phase e$perimentation would
e$ist at an ad'anced le'el of de'elopment and pre'alence in society.
)n actuality! there are no de'ices or methods able to consistently
pro'ide access to the phase state. 1t best! these e$ist in a largely
supplementary capacity! and the more a practitioner is able to do on
his or her own! the more helpful and effecti'e these supplements are.
)f phase entry has not been mastered autonomously! then results
through the use of supplements will be totally accidental.
The reason behind the wea effecti'eness of non#autonomous
methods of phase entrance rests in the fact that the physiological
process responsible for the phase e$perience cannot be e$actly
defined. Only generalities are nown! nothing else. )n order to gain a
clear understanding of the state! the processes that gi'e rise to it must
be discerned and analy=ed. 1ll e$isting technologies ha'e either
blundered down a clearly mistaen path Fsynchroni=ing the
hemispheres of the brainG! or tra'elled toward the detection and use
of indirect indicators Fcueing technologiesG.
Of all non#autonomous assistance methods! cueing technologies
yield the best results. The operating principle behind cueing
technologies is 2uite simple- a de'ice detects rapid eye mo'ement
FREMG and sends signals to a sleeping practitioner! prompting dream
consciousness or an awaening that may be followed by indirect
techni2ues. ,ueing programs or de'ices may also send indicators
o'er specific inter'als of timeJ these are recei'ed during REM sleep
and are meant to cause a sleeping practitioner to awaen and attempt
indirect techni2ues.
More sophisticated REM#detecting technologies may be
purchased at speciali=ed stores or through online merchandisers.
REM#detecting technologies wor by 'irtue of special night mas
e2uipped with a motion sensor that detects the fre2uency of specific
eye mo'ements that occur during REM sleep. .hen the eye
mo'ements reach REM 2uality! the de'ice sends discreet signals to
the practitioner through light! sound! 'ibrations! or a combination of
these. )n turn! the practitioner must discern the signal and react to it
while sleeping with the goal of phase entry through dream
The effecti'eness of REM#detecting de'ices is more plausible in
theory than in practice. The mind 2uicly de'elops a tolerance for
these types of e$ternal stimuli and stops reacting! and! as a result!
such technologies are hardly used more than one or two nights per
wee. 4econdly! a practitioner will detect only a small portion of the
signals! and conscious reaction occurs in e'en smaller instances.
,ueing technologies are best used to send signals that allow a
practitioner to awaen without mo'ing during REM sleep! which
facilitates a high probability of phase entrance through indirect
Pricing of these "mind#machines% Fthe common monier of any
de'ice that purports to produce altered consciousnessG widely 'aries
and is determined by 2uality of REM detection and signaling.
1'ailable models include- 8ream4taler! 8reamMaer
F(o'a8reamerG! REM#8reamer! 1stral ,atapult! among many
others. 4ince the use of these de'ices does not guarantee increased
success in practice! in'esting money in the technology is not
recommended. )f a practitioner is curious about cueing technologies!
similar de'ices may be constructed at home using a special computer
program and a run#of#the#mill optical mouse. 8esigns for a
homegrown setup are easily located on the )nternet.
1nother do#it#yourself way of e$perimenting with cueing is
through the use of a computer! a music player! or e'en the alarm
cloc function on a mobile phone. The practitioner sa'es short
sounds or phrases! played as an alarm e'ery +; to :A minutes while
sleeping. These sounds will signal the practitioner to wae up and
attempt indirect techni2ues.
)f the practitioner decides to use cueing technology! se'eral
fundamental principles should be considered as results will be less
liely if they are ignored. First! mind#machines should be used no
more than twice a wee. Otherwise! too high a tolerance will be built
up! rendering the machines ineffecti'e. 4econd! use cueing
technology in combination with the deferred method! which was
co'ered in the section on indirect techni2ues. )t is better to sleep for
si$ hours without distraction and then! after sleep has been
interrupted! put on a sleep#mas or earpiece and continue sleeping.
4leep will be light for the remaining two to four hours as there will
be more REM sleep! maing it easier for the mind to detect cueing
signals. Finally! master indirect techni2ues before maing use of
cueing technologies to attain dream consciousness and subse2uent
phase entrance.
)O:>I+G I+ PAI:S

.oring in pairs is considered the second most effecti'e non#
autonomous methods of entering the phase. One practitioner is to be
the acti'e one! and the other fills the role of helper. The acti'e one
practitioner attempts to enter the phase while the helper pro'ides
'arious types of support to this end.
For e$ample! the acti'e practitioner lies down in bed while the
helper stays nearby! waiting for the acti'e one to fall asleep. .hen
sleep occurs! the helper obser'es the eyes of the acti'e! watching for
the signs of REM sleep! which is mainly characteri=ed by 2uic eye
mo'ements. .hen REM is apparent! the helper whispers to the
sleeper! communicating that e'erything the practitioner is
e$periencing is a dream. The helper may 'ary the 'olume of the
whisper! use touch to strengthen the signal! or shine a flashlight on
the sleeperDs eyelids I which is 'ery effecti'e.
The acti'e practitioner should detect the signals without waing
and indicate a state of conscious awareness by performing 2uic!
cyclical eye mo'ements. )f no such indication is gi'en! the helper
continues to rouse the acti'e practitioner! who may finally wae.
)f the acti'e practitioner is unable to stay in the dream! indirect
techni2ues should be performed. The acti'e practitioner should under
no circumstances mo'e upon awaening or waste 'aluable seconds
before transitioning to indirect attempts. )f phase entrance does not
occur after e$ercising the techni2ues! the practitioner should again
fall asleep with the intention of maing another attempt.
3enerally! se'eral such attempts are enough to glean results.
.oring in pairs is best performed &ust prior to a daytime nap! or
with the same deferred method used for indirect techni2ues # an
early#morning interruption of a practitionerDs nighttime sleep.
The ambition to create a de'ice facilitates 2uic and easy phase
entrance has led to the appearance of assorted technologies that claim
to fulfill such a role. 1s already stated! none of these de'ices has
been pro'en effecti'e.
The most famous of these is the 6emi#4ync system! which
purports to synchroni=e the two hemispheres of the brain. 6emi#4ync
was de'eloped by Robert Monroe! an 1merican esotericism e$pert
researcher. The idea behind 6emi#4ync is that out#of#body sensations
may be induced by achie'ing synchroni=ation of the brainDs two
hemispheres. 6owe'er! this type of approach yields a parado$ for the
lac of scientific For pseudo#scientificG e'idence that hemispheric
synchroni=ation influences sensory perception. 1ctually! it is the
cerebral corte$ and constituents that are primarily responsible for
sensory perception. 1t the beginning of the 7A
century! it became
clear that the ey roles in sensory processes are played by 'arying
le'els of inhibition and acti'ity in the cerebral corte$! and almost not
The ey to sol'ing the problem of technologically induced phase
entrance rests in the inhibition processes of the cerebral corte$.
4ynchroni=ation de'ices ha'e no effect on the operation of the
cerebral corte$. The idea of using sounds of 'arious fre2uencies to
induce a specific le'el of electrical acti'ity in the brain is! so far!
considered impossible. Thus! the sounds and noises used to assist
separation from the body cannot directly affect the process! but
merely ser'e as cueing signals. 4uch a system wors only after
ha'ing been used for a long time! if it wors at all. Moreo'er! it
might only wor once or twice. (e'ertheless! synchroni=ation
systems are able to help practitioners reach a free floating state of
consciousness since the systems pre'ent sleep or induce waefulness!
pro'iding fertile ground for direct phase entry. 6owe'er! the systems
ha'e nothing at all to do with synchroni=ing the two hemispheres of
the brain.
The idea of inducing 'arious phase states through sound has
gained wide attention. Many other programs and technologies ha'e
appeared as a result! including! for e$ample! the 5rain .a'e
3enerator F5.3G! which allows the practitioner to independently
e$periment with a wide array of sounds and fre2uencies and 'arious
methods of transmission. The effect is the same- cueing during sleep
or the maintenance of a transitional state. Thus! there is no noticeable
difference between using machines and listening to similar sounds or
musical compositions.
)nasmuch as the de'ices described abo'e ha'e not deli'ered
notable result! the search for new technologies continues unhindered.
The number of ideas to e$ert nonin'asi'e influence o'er the brain
and its constituent parts is increasing. For e$ample! there is a theory
that phase e$periences may be induced by electromagnetically
stimulating the left angular gyrus. 6owe'er! this! lie all other non#
autonomous methods! is strictly based on theory. 1t present!
consistent! focused! unassisted practice is the simplest and only
guaranteed means to achie'ing phase entrance.
6ypnosis is a little#studied method of entering the phase. The idea
is that a hypnotist is able to cause a person to enter the phase through
suggestion or affirmation. There is no doubt that hypnosis is an
interesting concept! especially for persons who easily yield to power
of suggestion! but such indi'iduals account for only +K of the
8ue to specific characteristics of human perception! the chances
are nil that hypnosis is a liely conduit to phase entrance. 4o! it seems
unliely that hypnotic techni2ues will become well#nown! or that a
top#notch hypnotist would! through suggestion! easily be able to lead
a sub&ect directly into the phase.
6owe'er! it is completely feasible that hypnotic suggestion may
promote higher fre2uency in dream consciousness or awaening
without mo'ing Fand remembering to do indirect techni2uesG. 6ere
again! this method is only a facilitator! while actual phase entrance
depends on the efforts of the practitioner.
The simplest way to supplement the practice is establishing a
reminder that prompts conscious awaening and subse2uent indirect
techni2ues. This may be accomplished by blindfolding the eyes or
tying a cord taut around an arm or leg. The idea is that the reminder
is immediately felt when the practitioner waes! prompting the
attempt of indirect techni2ues. )n actuality! mind#machines wor
using the same principle since these are most effecti'e as cues that
arouse an intention to perform a specific action.
1 more sophisticated e$ample of a reminder is when a
practitioner do=es off in a position meant to cause numbness to a
certain body part. .hile awaening! the practitioner will tae the
physical numbness a cue to practice indirect techni2ues. 1 secondary
benefit to this method of physiological signaling is that the numb
body part may easily be used to perform phantom wiggling. Falling
asleep while lying on the bac with an arm behind the head! or by
lying directly on an arm are effecti'e e$amples. These and other
postures will impede circulation! cause numbness! and promote
awaening. (aturally! the numbness should not be e$cessi'e.
8i'erse e$periments that e$ploit physiological needs are
especially popular for inducing conscious awaening or becoming
conscious while dreaming. For e$ample! a practitioner may forgo
water o'er the course of the day before attempting to enter the phase.
The effect is an acute thirst while dreaming! which may be used to
communicate that the dream state has taen o'er. Or! thirst causes
repeated awaenings! during which the practice of indirect techni2ues
may commence. 1n alternati'e to depri'ing the body of water is
including more salt in foods consumed before going to sleep.
1nother method is to drin a lot of water before sleep! causing the
practitioner to awaen! naturally producing an opportunity to perform
indirect techni2ues. Using this has been nown to result in dream
1nother popular method helps with direct techni2ues. )t wors by
falling asleep while eeping the forearm propped up at the elbow.
.hen the practitioner falls asleep! the forearm falls to the bed as the
body shuts down. Feeling the arm fall signals a lapse of
consciousness! after which direct techni2ues may be attempted. )f this
method fails to produce results on the first try! it may be repeated by
raising the forearm before falling asleep. This method helps some!
but rarely on the first try. )t should not be counted as panacea.
0ie all other non#autonomous methods! practicing phase entrance
using physiological signals should not be done on a regular basis.
There are more pleasant! autonomous techni2ues that only re2uire a
natural willpower and healthy desire.

4ince the beginning! the history of ad'ances in phase entrance
methodologies has included a direct lin to the use of consumable
supplements! starting with plants and mushrooms in ancient times.
The use of speciali=ed herbs! mushrooms! and cacti is still practiced
in isolated culturesJ 4iberian shamans and (orth 1merican )ndians!
for e$ample. 1mid the hunger for altered states of awareness! these
chemical supplements ha'e reached e'ery corner of the de'eloped
world. 6owe'er! the proliferation of these substances has caused a
mared degradation in the progress of modern phase practice.
The names and descriptions of these 'arious chemical
concoctions! herbs and plants included! are not worthy of inclusion in
this te$t. They are officially considered illegal in some countries
while still a'ailable in the pharmacies of othersJ ne'ertheless! they
are all dangerous.
There are two primary problems with using such supplements.
First! practicing the phase through the consumption of chemical
substances and 'arious herbal supplements is not a path to
de'elopment! but to ruin. 8rug abuse and personal de'elopment are
polar opposites! in no way compatible. ,heap thrills are consistently
followed by chemical dependencies and health problems.
4econd! although a user may e$perience phase sensations under
the influence of such substances! the 2uality of e$perience is
completely different. )t is not only the stability or depth of phase that
are affected by these supplements! but a userDs consciousness and
awareness. The use of substances and the resultant alteration of
mental processes negati'ely impact self#awareness. The phase must
be accompanied by two things- phase sensations and a complete!
conscious awareness. )f one of these is missing! then the state
e$perienced! by definition! is not the phase. .hen descriptions of
these chemically "enhanced% e$periences are studied! the hallmar of
e'ery one is a complete lac of control.
Using any type of chemical or herbal substance to reach the phase
must be ruled out. 4ummarily! these mae it impossible to e$perience
the phase and ultimately destroy physical and mental health.
T8E 25T5:E O2 +O+-A5TO+O,O5S ,ET8O&S
E'en though no beneficial non#autonomous technologies
currently e$ist! the future is wide open before them.
.ith the de'elopment of effecti'e technologies! the phase will
cease as the e$clusi'e domain of the initiated and become a
widespread practice. Only then will the Fsometimes &ustifiedG
stereotypes and pre&udices connected to the mystical nature of the
phenomenon be dispelled! and only then will the phase gain the
necessary attention from researchers needed to ably de'elop the
science of phase practice.
.hen e$ternally applied methods that cause phase entrance are
disco'ered! the human e$perience will drastically change. These
technologies for inducing and monitoring phase e$periences will
open up incredible possibilities. For e$ample! it will be possible to
participate in a mo'ie instead of &ust watchingJ people will be able to
try and e'aluate products without lea'ing homeJ tra'el throughout
designed worlds will tae placeJ computer games will be substituted
with analogous e$periences including real physical sensations.
The ultimate step would be the unification of phase e$periences
into a collecti'e! parallel world integrated to e$istent digital
networs- the Matri$ Fthe MindnetG. Using this Matri$! it will be
possible to communicate with someone on the other side of the planet
# not &ust through a broadband 'ideo lin! but literally tBte C tBte.
This 'ision of the future is a drop in the ocean of possibilities that
will open with phase entrance technologies. The first step toward the
future is a thorough! pragmatic! and correct application of the
techni2ues now a'ailable.
)IT8 +O+-A5TO+O,O5S TEC8+I=5ES
The belief that de'ices are able to phase entrance if autonomous
techni2ues fail! e'en though it is much easier to enter the phase
through strictly indi'idual efforts.
.asting a large amount of time and effort on 'arious
technologies to create a phase state. (o such technology e$ists.
Using cueing technologies on a daily basis! e'en though they
arenDt supposed to be used more than twice a wee.
Using cueing technologies all night long! when it is much better
to use these in con&unction with the deferred method.
Using cueing technologies without affirming a personal intention
of appropriate reaction to the signals- this is crucial to cue
.oring in pairs during the first hours of nighttime sleep! e'en
though REM sleep occurs infre2uently! and then for only short
periods of time.
.hile woring in pairs! the helper gi'ing an acti'e practitioner
too strong a signal. 4ignals should be ept discreet to pre'ent waing
the sleeper.
Employing an amateur hypnotist to increase the fre2uency of
dream consciousness.
The use of hypnotic suggestion to a practitioner who is not
susceptible to hypnosis.
Using physiological signals on a daily basis! causing physical
discomfort 'ersus getting en&oyment out of the practice.
The belief chemical substances promote dissociati'e e$periences.
1cting on this belief is e2ui'alent to drug abuse.
E-erci$e$ for Chapter *
+. 1re techni2ues based on breathing be considered non#
autonomous methods of entering the phase/
7. .hich non#autonomous and non#chemical means allow phase
entrance after the first attempts/
:. .hy is it still not possible to create a de'ice that causes phase
4. 1re cueing technologies beneficial to o'ercoming difficulties
with conscious awaening/
;. .hat happens if a practitioner uses cueing technologies for
se'en days in a row/
<. ,an cueing technologies mae use of light signals/
>. ,an feasting on peanuts before sleep help the process of phase
?. .ill putting a tight rubber band around an anle promote
phase entry/
@. .hile woring in a pair! are both practitioners re2uired to
enter the phase/
+A. ,an the helper be compared to a cueing de'ice while woring
in a pair/
++. .hen should the helper gi'e the signal that the acti'e
practitioner is dreaming/
+7. .ould a hypnotist maing suggestions about entering the
phase be helpful to e'ery practitioner/
+:. .hy do phase#inducing technologies sometimes wor! e'en
though these are based on flawed theories/
+4. .hat is absent in a phase induced by chemical substances/
+. Try using a cueing de'ice se'eral times in con&unction with
the deferred method. ,reate a short sound file and set it to a
de'ice that plays the file between +;#minute inter'als of silence.
7. 5efore going to sleep at night! try the raised forearm method
of entering the phase se'eral times. 1ttempt this using the
deferred method.
:. )f you ha'e the opportunity! try to achie'e entry into the phase
by woring in pairs.
Part II
,anaging the Out-of-Body E-perience
Chapter . - &eepening
3eepening refers to techni4ues that induce realistic perception
and a&areness in the phase state(
The phase is not an e$act! fi$ed state where a practitioner is
present or not. )t is a realm of states characteri=ed by a transition
from the usual perception of the physical body to a complete
alienation from it! while maintaining consciousness and reality of
perception! albeit in a different frame of space. The transition begins
with perception of the natural! physical body followed by a moment
of ambiguity where a clear e$perience of body is intermingled with a
sense of the percei'ed body. 1fterward! the percei'ed body enters the
phase space! while the physical body becomes a memory. 1t this
point! the percei'ed senses may be 2uite dullJ for e$ample! 'ision
may be blurred or completely absent. 8eepening techni2ues sol'e the
problem of diminished or absent sensory perception in the phase.
4ensory e$periences within a fully reali=ed phase e$perience are
as realistic as those in e'eryday reality. )n almost one#half of all
cases! practitioners obser'e that reality#based surroundings pale in
comparison to 'ibrant detail and color of the phase space. To this
end! after entering the phase! a practitioner must perform deepening
techni2ues to enhance and solidify the degree and 2uality of phase
Full spatial perception in the phase only occurs after deepening
techni2ues ha'e been applied. There would be no point to remaining
in the phase without deepening. For e$ample! what is the point in
finding a person in phase! if it is not e'en possible to discern his or
her eyes there/
-n a considera"le nu$"er of cases, deepening is not necessary,
since the phase e#perience is co$pletely realistic, if not hyper-
realistic( -n cases li+e these, deepening $ay "e "ypassed(
8eepening is also related to the length of time a practitioner may
remain in the phase. )f an action is taen without a deep! realistic
phase! the e$perience will always be se'eral times shorter in duration
than a phase where deepening techni2ues had been applied. The
properties of the phase space 'ery much depend on its depth. .hen
surroundings are blurry and unclear! the stability of ob&ects is 'ery
There is a direct correlation between the realism of a phase and a
practitionerDs le'el of awareness! so it is e$tremely important to
ensure a deep phase in order to promote ma$imum awareness.
Interesting Fact!
The realis$ of a deep phase space is often so great
that it causes uncontrolla"le fear or shoc+(

8eepening should only be performed following complete
separation from the body. )f initiated before separation! the phase
may end prematurely. )f complete separation does not occur! primary
deepening should be used. 1s regards the deepening techni2ues
themsel'es! there is one main one and there are se'eral subsidiary
ones. The main techni2ue! which does not present any difficulties! is
sufficient for ha'ing a successful practice.
Interesting Fact!
-gnorance of deepening techni4ues has led to a
great nu$"er of "aseless theories and superstitions(
So$e practices treat differing phase depths as
various states and even &orlds( -n reality, there are
si$ple actions that ensure a singular phase
The goal of primary deepening is to achie'e complete separation
from the body! allowing further actions within the phase. Primary
deepening entails achie'ing two principal ob&ecti'es- complete
separation from the physical body and anchoring the percei'ed body
within the phase space.
.hen separation from the body occurs through the use of a
separation techni2ue! a posture must be assumed that completely
different from the posture of the real! physical body. The greater the
degree of postural similarity between the physical and percei'ed
bodies! the more shallow and brief the phase will be. For e$ample! in
the case of hori=ontal le'itation! a +?A turn must immediately
performed! arms and legs spread! adopting a 'ertical posture. Under
no circumstances should a practitioner in the phase remain in a
posture identical to that of the physical body.
)f a practitioner is pulled bac toward the body after separation!
anchoring should be initiated that facilitates standing or sitting in the
phase. Resisting the gra'ity of the physical body is paramount to
remaining in the phase. The result of willful resistance is directly
proportional to the degree of applied effort. )t will help to grab hold
of surrounding ob&ects and hold on to themJ any means of anchoring
the percei'ed body within the phase are appropriate. )t is possible to
start rotating around an a$isJ not simply imagining the rotation! but
performing it with the percei'ed body as well.
The more a phase is e$perienced by the sensory faculties! the
deeper and longer the phase will be. 4ensory amplification in the
phase is the most effecti'e deepening techni2ue precisely because it
allows the acti'ation of primary internal sensations during the
transition from reality to the phase. There are se'eral ways to
perform sensory amplification.

Dalpation is the first deepening techni2ue that should be recalled
when entering the phase.
9ision may be absent at the beginning of a phase e$perience! but
the sensation of occupying a defined space is almost always present.
)n the case of a completely absent sense of sight! only tactile#
inesthetic perception is possible. That is! mo'ement throughout a
space and the touching ob&ects there is the only option when 'ision is
absent. The sense of touch plays a ey role in the perception of
e'eryday reality. 1ccordingly! if the sense of touch is acti'ely used in
the phase space! it is only natural that the phase will deepen and reach
its ma$imum potential.
Palpation is performed by fleetingly touching anything that may
be found in the immediate surroundings. This should be done by
2uicly but carefully percei'ing the feel of surfaces and shapes.
6ands should not remain on a particular place for more than one
second! remaining constantly in motion to locate new ob&ects. The
goal of palpation is to touch and also to learn something about
encountered ob&ects or shapes. For e$ample! if one feels a mug! one
may touch it not only from the outside! but also from the inside. Once
a practitioner has rolled out of the body! the bed may be touchedJ the
physical body lying in bed may be touched! as well as the floor! the
carpet! nearby walls! or a bedside table.
1nother palpation techni2ue is performed by rubbing the palms
against each other as if trying to warm them on a cold day. 5lowing
on the palms also produces sensations that will help deepen the
phase. 4ince tactile perception of the world is not limited to the
palms! the hands should be mo'ed o'er the entire body while in the
phase to e$cite and fully acti'ate the sense of touch.
1s soon as palpation begins! the feeling that the phase is
deepening and becoming fi$ed soon follows. Usually! it taes fi'e to
+A seconds of palpation e$ercises to reach the ma$imum le'el of
deepening. 1fter performing this techni2ue! the pseudo#physical
sensations will be indistinguishable from those of e'eryday reality. )f
'ision is absent on phase entry! it 2uicly emerges during palpation.
Deering is the primary technical 'ariation of sensory
amplification. 6owe'er! it is not always initially accessible since it
re2uires 'ision! which may begin as absent in the phase. Once 'ision
appears or has been created using special techni2ues Fsee ,hapter ?G!
peering may begin. The effecti'eness of this techni2ue originates in
the fact that 'ision is the humanDs primary instrument of perception.
Therefore! by e$citing 'ision to its ma$imum potential within the
phase! it is possible to attain a fully immersi'e phase state that is
completely apart from normal reality.
Peering should be done at a distance of four to si$ inches from
ob&ects within the phase. 1 practitioner should glance o'er the
minute details of ob&ects and surfaces to bring definition to the phase
space while increasing the 2uality of 'ision. .hen looing at hands!
the lines of the palm or the fingernail and cuticles should be
e$amined. )f obser'ing a wall! study the te$ture of its wallpaper.
.hen looing at a mug! one should loo carefully at its handle! the
cur'e of its rim! or any inscriptions. 1ttention should not remain on
one area of an ob&ect for more than half a second. 1cti'e obser'ation
should constantly mo'e to new ob&ects and their minute details!
approaching ob&ects or picing them up to draw them nearer. )tDs best
when ob&ects near one anotherJ otherwise! too much time is spent
mo'ing around.
Peering brings 2uic and clear results. Usually! if 'ision is blurry
and there is a yearning to return into the physical body! with &ust :#+A
seconds of peering all of this will be gone without a trace. 1fter
peering! 'ision ad&usts as 2uicly and clearly as if a camera lens was
correctly installed in front of the eyes! capturing the image in the
sharpest of focus.
Si$ultaneous peering and palpation pro'ide the ma$imum
possible deepening effect in the phase. This method of sensory
amplification engages the two most important percepti'e! thus the
effect is twice greater than when the two actions are separately
performed. )f 'ision is present in the phase! simultaneous peering and
palpation is an absolute necessity because it facilitates good phase
depth in the 2uicest and simplest manner.
The combination of palpation and peering must not only be
performed simultaneously! but also upon the same ob&ects. For
e$ample! while a practitioner may loo at the hands and
simultaneously rub them against each otherJ or while looing at a
coffee mug! all of its parts may be obser'ed and touched at the same.
)t is necessary to maintain dynamism of action! remembering that
feelings should be e$perienced not half#heartedly! remembering that
full concentration on sensory amplification is an e$cellent means to a
deep! 2uality phase.
&iving 8eadfir$t
8i'ing headfirst is used if sensory amplification techni2ues do
not wor! or when the practitioner in the phase is located in an
undefined space where there is nothing to touch or loo at. This
techni2ue wors thans to the unusual 'estibular sensations that it
causes! which help to enhance perception. This techni2ue is
performed with the eyes shut if 'ision is a'ailable and the practitioner
literally di'es headfirst into the floor or space at the feet. 1 feeling of
mo'ement away from the physical body will immediately arise
during the flight down! and the di'e itself will be e$perienced as if it
is really happening. 4imultaneously! the surrounding space may
daren and become colder. 1gitation or fear may also appear. 1fter
fi'e to +; seconds of flight! the practitioner is either arri'es in an
undetermined place in the phase or hits a dead end! lie a wall. )n the
case of a dead end! a translocation techni2ue should be used.
Translocation may also be attempted if deepening does not occur
during the flight! if sense perception stops impro'ing! or if a good
degree of realism has already been achie'ed. 1n alternati'e to the
translocation techni2ue- hold the hands about four to si$ inches in
front of the face and try to obser'e them without opening the eyesJ
this will mo'e the practitioner to another random location.
.hen falling headfirst! do not thin about the floorJ assume that it
will be penetrated. This 'ery effecti'e if the phase has not reached a
fullness of depth.
1 desire to not simply fall down obser'ing oneDs perceptions! but
instead race swiftly downward while trying to mo'e away from the
body is e$tremely important. )n case of failure to do so! instead of
deepening! such a fall may lead to a return to the state of being
awae! i.e. to a foul.
0ie falling headfirst! the 'ibration techni2ue should be used if
sensory amplification techni2ues do not wor! or when the
practitioner in the phase is located in an undefined space where there
is nothing to touch or loo at.
1fter separating from the body! it is normally 2uite easy to create
'ibrations by thining about them! by straining the brain! or by
straining the body without using muscles. The occurrence of
'ibrations pro'ides a significant opportunity to deepen the phase. 1n
ad'antage of this techni2ue is that it does not re2uire any preliminary
actions and thus may be practiced at any moment.
The brain is strained to the ma$imum e$tent possible! which
cause 'ibrations that may be intensified and managed through
spasmodic or prolonged straining.
)f this techni2ue does not produce deepening after fi'e to +A
seconds! the techni2ue has to be changed or action should be taen at
the practitionerDs current depth in the phase.
Aggre$$ive Action
This techni2ue may be used as an alternati'e to any other
deepening techni2ue since it can be used at any moment. Practicing
this techni2ue only re2uires aggressi'e action of the percei'ed body.
1 practitioner may run! roll on the floor! perform gymnastics! or
mo'e the arms and legs. Ma$imum acti'ity and aggression are
paramount to the successful use of this techni2ue.
)f the practitioner is stuc in a dar space! wa'ing the arms and
legs from side to side is appropriate. )f the practitioner is in water!
swimming with determined! powerful stroes would be suitable
recourse. The type of action 'ery much depends on the specific
situation along with an aggressi'e desire on the part of the
1s a rule! the effect of such mo'ements and relocations comes
2uite 2uicly! especially if attention is focused on all the
accompanying sensations.
I(agining reality
This interesting techni2ue should be used by e$perienced
practitioners! or if all other deepening techni2ues fail.
1 practitioner aggressi'ely imagines being located in the physical
world! e$periencing its intrinsic reality of perception! and not in the
phase. This should be done while in a state of separation from the
body with a sense of 'ision present. )f successful! the surrounding
phase space will immediately brighten and sensory perception of the
phase will e$ceed the normal e$perience of reality.
)f this techni2ue produces no clear results after a few seconds!
another techni2ue should be used.
1ll deepening techni2ues should be practiced with a high le'el of
aggression! with no pauses! only continuous! deliberate action. )f
techni2ues are practiced in a calm! rela$ed manner! then deepening
attempts will most often result in falling asleep or returning to the

Forgetting to perform deepening techni2ues when necessary.
,arrying out unnecessary deepening while at a sufficient depth.
6alting deepening techni2ues before reaching ma$imum realism
in the phase.
,arrying out main deepening techni2ues prior to ha'ing become
completely separated from the body! although at this time only
primary deepening should be used.
,ontinuing deepening techni2ues when results ha'e already been
1lternating too 2uicly between deepening techni2ues instead of
concentrating on each of them for at least fi'e to +A seconds.
Performing the techni2ues slowly and calmly instead of
1pplying techni2ues of sensory amplification while stuc in a
shapeless! dar space when these should only be performed in a 'i'id
and realistic place.
Obser'ing ob&ects located too far from the eyes during 'isual
sensori=ation instead of the re2uired four to fi'e inches.
.hen peering! scrutini=ing a single detail of an ob&ect for too
long when it is necessary to 2uicly switch from one detail to
Taing in a whole ob&ect when peering while only parts of it
should be obser'ed.
,oncentrating too long on the details of a single ob&ect instead of
focusing on different ob&ects in 2uic succession.
0ong palpation of a single ob&ect during sensory amplification
instead of rapidly switching from one ob&ect to another.
8eepening while standing in place when it is important to
maintain constant motion.
Falling headfirst with the eyes open! although the eyes must be
shut to a'oid crashing into the floor.
Falling headfirst without the desire or intention of falling far and
Forgetting to use translocation techni2ues after hitting a dead end.
Forgetting to alternate deepening techni2ues if some of them are
not woring.
Fear of the hyperrealism of the e$perience and halting deepening
instead of calmly continuing with the techni2ue.
E-erci$e$ for Chapter .
+. 1fter which phase entrance techni2ues is deepening
7. .hy is phase deepening necessary/
:. 1re there cases where phase deepening is unnecessary/
4. .hat le'el of reality should be achie'ed by deepening/
;. .hen should deepening begin after entering the phase/
<. 8oes deepening influence the length of a phase e$perience/
>. .hy is primary deepening necessary/
?. May one touch oneDs head when the performing sensori=ation
of feelings/
@. 4hould a practitioner loo at curtains while peering/
+A. )s it effecti'e to apply peering at phase ob&ects from a distance
of + to +.; yards/
++. ,an peering be used during palpation/
+7. .hen should the eyes be closed while falling headfirst/
+:. .ould throwing punches lie a bo$er help a practitioner to
+4. 6ow calmly should the deepening techni2ues be performed/
+. 8e'ote the ne$t three successful phases to perfecting
deepening techni2ues! using all of the methods described in this
7. Using personal e$perience! try &udging which techni2ue suits
you best from personal e$perience.
Chapter / - ,aintaining
Dhase $aintenance or =$aintaining> refers to techni4ues that
allo& a practitioner to re$ain in the phase for the $a#i$u$ a$ount
of ti$e possi"le( .ithout nowledge of "maintaining% techni2ues! the
duration of the phase will be se'eral times shorter than it could
otherwise be. The shortest phases last &ust a few seconds. 5eginning
practitioners usually fear not being able to e$it a phaseJ this shouldnDt
e'er be a concern because the real challenge is being able to maintain
the phase state! which is easily lost unless phase maintenance
techni2ues are used.

Phase maintenance consists of three primary principles- resisting a
return to the waeful state Fnown as a foulG! resisting falling asleep!
and resisting a false e$it from the phase. 1s a rule! the first two
problems Freturn to a waeful state! or falling asleepG are often
encountered by beginners! but the third difficulty Ffalse e$itG
manifests at later stages of practice.
Resistance to returning to the body is self#e$planatory! whereas
resistance to falling asleep is unclear to many. (ot e'eryone nows
that almost half of phase e$periences usually end in a 2uite tri'ial
way # falling asleep. 1 person usually looses attenti'eness! his or her
awareness dissipates! and e'erything around gradually looses clarity
and turns into what is for all intents and purposes a usual dream.
Resisting a false e$it from the phase is a lot more surprising and
dramatic. 4ometimes a practitioner detects an impending e$it from
the phase! subse2uent deepening techni2ues fail to wor! resulting in
what seems to be a return to the body and physical reality. 4ure that
the phase has ended! a practitioner may stand up and the fall asleep
after percei'ing a few steps. )n such cases! falling asleep most often
happens without any mo'ement! but while still lying in bed. The
problem is that the difference between the phase and reality can be so
subtle that in terms of internal or e$ternal indicators! the phase
practically canDt be distinguished from reality. Therefore! one must
now the necessary actions to tae in the e'ent that the phase ceases!
since the end of a phase could actually be a tric and purely
There are specific solutions for the three problems described in
addition to general rules that apply to any phase e$perience. 4tudying
these rules should be gi'en &ust as high a priority as studying the
specific solutions! since only some of them! when applied separately!
may help one to remain in the phase se'eral times longer than usual.
)n some cases! techni2ues for maintaining are not applicable.
6owe'er! nowledge of how to maintain is useful for the ma&ority of
e$periences. 1lso! there might be situations when someone need only
resist a foul! while someone else may need to resist falling asleep. 1ll
of this is 'ery specific to each case and can be determined only in
.ith perfect nowledge of all the techni2ues for maintaining! a
phase may last two to four minutes! which doesnDt sound lie an
e$tended duration! but really is. 1 particularity of the phase space is
that achie'ing something and mo'ing around in it taes a minimum
amount of time! mere seconds. Thus! so much can be done during :
minutes in the phase that one literally needs a list! so as not to waste
any time.
There are theories that ha'e neither been pro'en nor dispro'en
claiming that time in the phase contracts and e$pands relati'e to real
time. Thus! one minute of real time while in the phase may feel much
longer in terms of phase time.
Perception of time 'aries from practitioner to practitioner. (o'ices
especially percei'e a real minute as more lie fi'e to +A minutes in
the phase. This is determined by the particularities of indi'idual
psychology! state of mind! and the type of e'ents that occur in the
)n order to understand how long a phase really lasted! one does not
need to try using a stopwatch in the real world. )t is better to count
how many actions too place in it and how much time each of them
could ha'e taen. The result will differ from oneDs first rough
estimate se'eral times o'er.
The ma$imum duration the phase 'aries depends hea'ily on the
ability to apply phase maintenance techni2ues. 4ome practitioners
ha'e difficulty breaing the two#minute barrier while some find it
easy to remain in the phase for +A minutes or longer. )t is physically
impossible to remain in the phase fore'er because e'en a 7A#minute
phase is unheard of.

:ET5:+I+G TO T8E BO&9
Of the following techni2ues! constant sensory amplification and
as#needed sensory amplification are applied the most often while
performing phase maintenance. 6owe'er! as opposed to other
technical elements of phase e$ploration! other secondary techni2ues
of maintaining often become mainstream and the most appropriate
for certain indi'iduals. Thus! all the techni2ues should be studied! but
the first two should be considered 'ery carefully.
Con$tant Sen$ory A(plification
The same sensory amplification described in the chapter on
deepening F,hapter <G also applies to "maintaining%. )n essence!
ha'ing achie'ed the necessary depth of phase! one should not stop to
acti'ely agitate his or her perception but should eep on doing this all
the while! albeit not as acti'ely as during deepening.
The idea is that during the entire duration of the phase! all action
should be focused on e$periencing the ma$imum possible amount of
tactile#inesthetic and 'isual perceptions. This entails constantly
touching and e$amining e'erything in minute detail. For e$ample! if
passing by a boocase! touch and e$amine some of the boos in it!
including their pages and corners. Tactile obser'ation should be
performed on e'ery encountered ob&ect.
Palpation may be applied separately as a bacground sensation.
This is done in order not to o'erload the sense of sight. The hands
should be touching something all the time! or better still! rubbing
each other.
A$-+eeded Sen$ory A(plification
1pplying the as#needed sensory amplification techni2ue is no
different than constant sensory amplification. )t is used only when a
foul Fa return to a waeful stateG is imminent or when phase 'ision
starts to blur and fade. For e$ample! while tra'eling in the phase
e'erything may start to blur! signaling a weaening of the phase. 1t
this moment! the practitioner should touch e'ery a'ailable ob&ectJ
obser'e e'erything in fine detail. 1s soon as returns to a clear and
realistic state! actions may be continued without needing to perform
Con$tant ?ibration
This techni2ue is used to maintain constant! strong 'ibrations in
the phase. 1s pre'iously noted! 'ibrations are generated by straining
the brain or tensing the body without using muscles. Maintaining
strong 'ibrations will ha'e a positi'e effect on the length of the
Strengthening ?ibration$ a$ +eeded
)n this case! 'ibrations are created and strengthened only if signs
of a foul become apparent. E$amples of foul indicators include
duality of perception or blurred 'ision. 4trengthening 'ibrations will
help to deepen the phase! allowing a practitioner to stay and continue
within the phase.
&iving 8eadfir$t
This techni2ue is the same as the deepening techni2ue of the same
name. )f a phase is about to dissol'e! di'ing headfirst with the eyes
shut and a desire to di'e as 2uicly and deeply as possible. 1s soon
as phase depth returns! translocation techni2ues may be used to eep
from arri'ing at a dead end.
2orced 2alling A$leep
1s soon as indicators of a foul appear! immediately lie down on
the floor and attempt forced falling asleepJ the same as the phase
entry techni2ue. 1fter successfully performing the techni2ue F:#
+Asec.G ! a practitioner may get up and continue to tra'el through the
phase since the perception of reality and its depth will most liely be
restored. Resist actually fall asleep.
)f indicators of a foul appear! the practitioner should start rotating
around the head#to#feet a$is. Unlie the phase entry techni2ue of the
same name! the mo'ement does not ha'e to be imagined. This is an
absolutely real rotation in the phase. 1fter se'eral re'olutions! depth
will be restored and actions may be continued. )f indicators of a foul
persist! rotation should continue until proper depth is achie'ed.
8uring the entire phase! count to as large a number possible # not
&ust for the sae of counting! but with a strong desire to reach the
highest number possible. ,ounting may be performed silently or out
This techni2ue wors by creating a strong determination to
remain in the phase by pro'iding a goal that re2uires action in the
<i$tening in
)f there are any bacground sounds similar to those heard while
entering the phase # rumbling! whistling! ringing! bu==ing! or si==ling
I these sounds may be used to prolong duration of the phase by
aggressi'e attempts at listening in! hearing the entire range of internal
sounds. The forced listening in techni2ue may also be used for phase
8ooking onto the pha$e
1nother interesting method of "maintaining% is hooing onto the
phase. )n the e'ent of an impending foul! grab onto an ob&ect in the
phase acti'ely palpate or s2uee=e it. E'en if a return to the body
occurs during this techni2ue! the hands will continue to hold the
phase ob&ect and the physical hands will not be percei'ed. 5eginning
with these phantom feelings in the hands! separation from the body is
possible. 1ny nearby ob&ect may be hooed- the leg of a chair! a
drining glass! a doornob! a stone! or a stic. )f there is nothing to
grab hold of! clasp the hands together or bite down on a lip or the

Two rules apply to using the techni2ues that help to resist a phase
e$it. First of all! ne'er thin that the phase might end and result in a
return to the bodyJ thoughts lie this are lie programming that
immediately send the practitioner to a waened physical state.
4econdly! do not thin about the physical body. 8oing will also
instantly return the practitioner to the body! e'ery time.
TEC8+I=5ES A+& :5<ES
Con$tant 5nder$tanding of the Po$$ibility of 2alling A$leep
Most of the time! falling asleep while in the phase can be
o'ercome by a constant awareness that sleep is possible and
detrimental to a continued phase. 1 practitioner must always consider
the probability of falling asleep and actions must be carefully
analy=ed to ensure that they are based on real desires and not on
parado$ical notions! which are common to dreams.
Periodic Analy$i$ of A7arene$$
Periodically asing the 2uestion! "1m ) dreaming/% while in the
phase helps appraise situations and the 2uality of the actions being
performed at any moment. )f e'erything meets the standards of full
phase awareness! actions may be continued. 1sed on a regular basis!
this 2uestion becomes habit! automatically used while transitioning to
the phase state. )f you eep asing this 2uestion regularly! sooner or
later it will arise automatically at the moment when you are actually
transitioning into a dream. This will then help one to wae up! after
which it is possible to continue to remain in a full#fledged phase..
The fre2uency of the 2uestion should be based on a practitionerDs
ability to consistently remain in the phase. )f a phase usually lasts
fi'e to +A minutes or more! it is not necessary to as the 2uestion
more than once e'ery 7 minutesJ otherwise! this 2uestion has to be
ased fre2uently! literally once a minute! or &ust a little less often.
There is another important rule related to resisting falling asleep-
no practitioner should engage or participate in spontaneous e'ents
occurring in the phase. E'ents that are not planned or deliberate lead
to a high probability of being immersed in the side action! which
results in a loss of concentrated awareness.
4ince the techni2ues of testing the realness of the end of the phase
are a little absurd and demand additional attention to actions! they
should only be used in those cases when they are indeed re2uired.
Until then! one should simply bear them in mind and use them only
in moments of doubt. The same methods may be used to safely
determine whether or not the practitioner is in the phase when using
techni2ues for entering it.
4ince the cessation of the phase e$perience may be simulated and
no different in terms of perception from a real e$it! differences
between the physical world and the phase world must be acti'ely
discerned. )n other words! a practitioner must now how to determine
whether a genuine phase e$it has occurred.
1t present! only one e$periment is nown to guarantee an
accurate result. The phase space cannot withstand prolonged close
'isual attention to the minute details of ob&ects. .ithin se'eral
seconds of acute e$amination! shapes begin to distort! ob&ects change
color! produce smoe! melt! or morph in other ways.
1fter e$iting the phase! loo at a small ob&ect from a distance of
four to si$ inches! and remain focused on it for +A seconds. )f the
ob&ect does not change! a practitioner can be assured that the
surroundings are reality. )f an ob&ect is somehow distorted or asew!
a practitioner nows that the phase is intact. The simplest option is to
loo at the tip of the finger since it is always close at hand. )t is also
possible to tae a boo and e$amine its te$t. Te$t in the phase will
either blur or appear as alphabetical gibberish! or full of
incomprehensible symbols.
Au-iliary techni#ue$
There are a 'ariety of other procedures to test the occurrence of a
foul. 6owe'er! since any situation! any property! or any function can
be simulated in the phase! these procedures are not always applicable.
For e$ample! some suggest that it is sufficient to attempt doing
something that is realistically impossible! and! if a practitioner is in
the phase! the impossible action will be possible. The problem with
this suggestion is that the laws of the physical world may be
simulated in the phase! so flying! passing through walls or teleinesis
may not be possible! e'en in the deepest phase. )t has also been
suggested that looing at a cloc twice in a row may help a
practitioner determine whether or not the phase is intactJ allegedly!
the cloc will display a different time each time it is obser'ed. 6ere
again! the clocDs display may not change in the phase.
Of all the au$iliary procedures! one deser'es mention and wors
in the ma&ority of cases- searching for differences from reality in the
surroundings. 1lthough the usual surroundings of a practitioner may
be +AAK accurately simulated in the phase! it is 'ery rare. Therefore!
it is possible to figure out whether a phase is intact by carefully
e$amining the room where e'erything is taing place. )n the phase!
there will be something e$tra or something will be missingJ the time
of day or e'en the season will be different from reality! and so on.
For e$ample! when 'erifying whether a foul occurred! a room may be
missing the table supporting a tele'ision set! or the table may be
there! but be a different color.
GE+E:A< :5<ES 2O: ,AI+TAI+I+G
The rules for maintaining the phase deal with resisting all or most
of the problems which cause a phase to end. 4ome of these rules are
capable of increasing the length of stay in the phase by many times
and must be followed.
The practitioner should not loo+ into the distance( )f faraway
ob&ects are obser'ed for a long period of time! a foul may occur! or
one may be translocated towards these ob&ects. )n order to loo at
distant ob&ects without problems! a practitioner has to employ
techni2ues for maintaining. For e$ample! from time to time the
practitioner should loo at his hands! rub them against each other! or
maintain strong 'ibrations.
9onstant activity( Under no circumstances should a practitioner
remain passi'e and calm in the phase. The more actions performed!
the longer the phase is. The fewer actions I the shorter the phase. )t is
enough to pause for thought! and e'erything stops.
Dlan of action( There should be a clear plan of action consisting
of at least ; tass to be carried out in the phase at the earliest
opportunity. This is necessary for se'eral important reasons. First! the
practitioner must not pause in the phase to thin about "what to do
ne$t%! which fre2uently results in a foul. 4econd! ha'ing a plan! the
practitioner will subconsciously perform all of the actions necessary
for staying in and maintaining the phase to carry out all the tass that
ha'e been planned. Third! intelligent and pre#planned actions permit
focused ad'ancement of purposeful actions 'ersus wasting phase
e$periences on whate'er comes to mind at a gi'en moment. Fourth! a
plan of action creates necessary moti'ation and! conse2uently!
pronounced intent to perform the techni2ues to enter the phase.
Stopping the -3( The less )nternal 8ialogue F)8G and reflection
that occurs in the phase! the longer it lasts. 1ll thining must be
concentrated on what is being achie'ed and percei'ed. Taling to
oneself is completely prohibited. The reason for this is that many
thoughts may act as programming in the phase and e'en announcing
them internally may introduce alterations! including negati'e ones.
For e$ample! thining about the body cause a return to it. The
practitioner may also get lost in thought! which will lead to a foul.
1lso! sporadic thoughts usually and 2uite easily cause the practitioner
to simply fall asleep.
% practitioner $ust try to re-enter the phase after e#periencing a
foul( 1lways remember that a typical phase e$perience consists of
se'eral repeated entries and e$its. Essentially! in most cases it is
possible to re#enter the phase through the use of separation or phase
state creation techni2ues immediately after returning to the body. )f
the practitioner has &ust left the phase! the brain is still close to it and
appropriate techni2ues may be applied in order to continue the
Forgetting to try to re#enter the phase after it is o'er! although
doing so greatly helps to increase number of e$periences had.
4taying focused on techni2ues for "maintaining% instead of
performing them as bacground tass.
3etting distracted by e'ents and dropping phase maintenance
techni2ues instead of continually performing whatDs needed to
maintain the phase.
4uccumbing to the idea that maintaining is not necessary when
the phase appears 'ery deep and stable! e'en though these could be
false sensations.
Using the necessary techni2ues too late.
4topping due to uncertainty about further actions! while there
must always be a plan.
Forgetting that it is possible to fall asleep in the phase without
reali=ing it. Recogni=ing the ris of falling asleep must be a primary
3etting pulled into e'ents occurring in the phase instead of
obser'ing and controlling them from the outside.
Forgetting that techni2ues for "maintaining% must always be used
to remain in as deep a phase as possible! and not &ust for maintaining
any odd state.
4topping the use of techni2ues for "maintaining% during contact
with li'ing ob&ects! when the techni2ues must be used constantly.
,ounting without the desire to count as high as possible.
Performing imagined rotation instead of real rotation.
Passi'eness and calmness instead of constant acti'ity.
E$cessi'e thining and internal dialogue when these should be
ept to an absolute minimum.
E-erci$e$ for Chapter /
+. .hat is a foul/
7. .hat is the minimum duration of the phase/
:. .hat do phase maintenance F"maintaining%G techni2ues
counteract besides fouls and falling asleep/
4. .hy might a practitioner thin that the phase has ended when it
actually is still in progress/
;. 4hould "maintaining% techni2ues always be used/
<. .hat primary techni2ues wor against the occurrence of fouls/
>. 6ow can a practitioner hoo onto the phase/
?. .hile in the phase! what do thoughts about the body lead to/
@. .hat 2uestion should be ased in the phase in order to reduce the
probability of falling asleep/
+A. .hat happens to an ob&ect during hyper#concentration/
++. 6ow else! apart from hyper#concentration! might a practitioner
effecti'ely recogni=e a false foul/
+7. .hile in the phase! is it permitted to loo into the distance for a
long time/
+:. .hat is )8 and how does the degree of it affect the duration of a
phase e$perience/
+4. .hat should a practitioner always do after an inad'ertent return
into the body/
+. 8uring the ne$t few phases! dedicate yourself to the single
goal of maintaining as long as possible! using as many
maintaining techni2ues as you can.
7. Figure out which techni2ues ha'e pro'en the most effecti'e
and comfortable for you! so that you may use these later.
:. )ncrease the duration of your a'erage phase to at least :
minutes Fe'aluated ob&ecti'elyG.
Chapter 0 - Pri(ary $kill$
.hen dealing with a fully#reali=ed phase! re2uisite nowledge is
not limited to entry techni2ues! deepening and maintenance of the
state! translocation! or finding and interacting with ob&ects. )n order
to feel comfortable! a practitioner has to master or at least acclimate
himself with a whole series of techni2ues to correctly react in any
number of situations. For e$ample! a practitioner needs to now how
to create 'ision! if it is absent. 1ctions including passage through a
wall or taing flight in a deep phase do not happen easily! although
these actions may be assumed natural occurrences! since the phase
e$ists apart from the physical world. )n addition to techni2ues that
allow interaction with the physical setting and surroundings of the
phase! methods must learned and applied to counteract fear if it
forces a practitioner to consciously and consistently lea'e the phase.
1 practitioner does not ha'e to now all the primary sills by heart!
but it is necessary to pay close attention to some of them- emergency
return! creation of 'ision! translocation through ob&ects! contact with
animate ob&ects! and! for many! sills dedicated to fighting fear will
also pro'e e$tremely rele'ant.
The final choice of methods that re2uire added focus on the part of
the practitioner must be made on the basis of personal e$periences
and problems faced while in the phase! since different practitioners
often ha'e completely different types of problems.
Problems with phase identification during entry often arise at the
initial stages of studying the phase. 1 practitioner simply cannot
understand whether or not he or she is already in the phase. This
uncertainty can manifest while lying down or while practicing in
other postures.
)f a practitioner is simply lying down! physically percei'ing his own
body! and doing nothing! then it is indeed difficult to determine
whether or not he is present in the phase. )t is sufficient to note that
there might be no signs of a phase state. On the contrary! there may
be a host of signs and unusual sensations! but they by no means
necessarily indicate the onset of the phase.
The problem of the uncertainty of a phase state is always sol'ed
through actions. )f the practitioner is lying down! then standard
separation techni2ues may produce indication of phase achie'ement #
in the ma&ority of cases I since such techni2ues may often be
incorrectly performed.
)t is possible to perform techni2ues that are only achie'able in the
phase state. )f a practitioner stands up and does not recogni=e his
surroundings! then it can be assumed that the practitioner is standing
up in the phase. 6owe'er! often based on the obser'ation that
"e'erything is as in reality%! a practitioner may stand up and note that
e'erything is in fact "as in reality% simply because the practitioner is
still in "reality%. )n answer to this dilemma! the phenomenon of
hyper#concentration has been pre'iously mentioned in relation to
maintaining phase. 5y using hyper#concentration! it is always
possible to ascertain whether the practitioner is in the phase.
6owe'er! as a rule! hyper#concentration is rarely necessary. Most
often! the following signs indicate that separation has occurred in the
phase- unusual sensations in the body during mo'ement! e$treme
tightness during mo'ement! a strong physical urge to lie bac down!
dis&ointedness of surroundings! and blurred or complete absence of
Often! the problem resides in the use of direct techni2ues where the
practitioner e$pects fast results and attempts to determine whether the
phase has been achie'ed. 1s a principle this should not be done.
.hen using direct techni2ues! the phase manifests itself clearlyJ
therefore! if an attempt to determine its presence is made! it is an
indicator that the phase is 2uite liely still far off.
4tatistics show that in one#third of initial phase e$periences! a
practitioner is faced with a degree of fear that forces a return to the
body. Periodically! e'en e$perienced practitioners face situations that
re2uire an abrupt return to waefulness. This presents a number of
)n and of itself! returning to the body is almost always
unproblematicJ remembering and thining about the body often
suffices and within moments the practitioner is returned to the body
from whate'er location in the phase. 1dmittedly! it is ad'isable
during this type of situation to shut the eyes and abstain from
touching anything. 1s a rule! when these actions are performed!
simply standing up in the physical world is all that is re2uired to
complete a returnJ howe'er! this is not always simply achie'ed.
4ometimes after reentering the body! the practitioner suddenly
reali=es that physical functionality has ceased due to the onset of
sleep paralysis! or the sensation that the body has been switched off.
8uring sleep paralysis! it is impossible to scream! call for help! or
e'en mo'e a finger. )n the ma&ority of cases! it is also impossible to
open the eyes. From a scientific point of 'iew! this is a case of an
abrupt! unnatural interruption of the rapid eye mo'ement FREMG
phase of sleep! during which this paralysis is always present! and it
can persist for some time after the phase is interrupted.
This is where it gets interesting. People in the physical world are
accustomed to an important rule- if you wish to achie'e something!
then do it! and do it as acti'ely as possible. This rule! though good! is
not always applicable to certain conditions lined to the phase! and
applies least of all to e$iting the phase. 4ometimes e$treme effort
maes it possible to brea through sleep paralysis and resume
mo'ement! though most of these efforts tend to e$acerbate
8ue to the unusual nature of a negati'e situation following a
deliberate! fear#induced return to the body! the depth of the phase
may greatly increase because of the bodyDs natural! protecti'e
inhibition of functions originating in the cerebral corte$J this results
in e'en greater agitation! greater fear. The paralysis grows stronger.
This is a 'icious circle that leads to unpleasant feelings and emotions!
which may e'aporate any desire to practice the phase.
)gnorance of correct procedures has led to the widespread opinion
that such ad'erse situations may mae it impossible to come bac
from the phase at all. These opinions suppose that it is! therefore!
dangerous to get in'ol'ed with the practice. 6owe'er! the solution to
this problem rests in 'ery simple actions and procedures that can
pre'ent a large number of negati'e e$periences-
Co(plete :ela-ation
)n the section on deepening and maintaining! it was noted that the
more acti'e a practitioner is while in the phase! the better.
,on'ersely! if there is less acti'ity! the 2uality of the phase declines!
allowing for an easy e$it. Thus! in order to lea'e the phase! the
practitioner only needs to completely rela$ and ignore any percei'ed
sensations! actions! or thoughts. 1 practitioner may also recite a
prayer! mantra! or rhyme! since that helps the consciousness to be
distracted from the situation more 2uicly. Of course! one needs to
calm down and try to get rid of the fear! which in and of itself is
capable of eeping such a state going. Periodically! the practitioner
should try to mo'e a finger in order to chec whether attempts at
rela$ation ha'e had an effect.
Concentration on a 2inger
1 practitioner e$periencing sleep paralysis should try mo'ing a
finger or a toe. 1t first this wonDt wor! but the practitioner has to
concentrate precise thought and effort on the action. 1fter a little
while! the physical finger will begin to mo'e. The problem with this
techni2ue is that the practitioner may accidentally start maing
phantom motions instead of physical mo'ements! which is why an
understanding of the difference between the two sensations is
necessary! since it is often not 'ery ob'ious.
Concentration on Po$$ible ,ove(ent$
The physiology of sleep paralysis! the phase state! and dreams are
such that when the practitioner is in one of these states! some actions
are always associated with mo'ements made in the real body. This is
true when mo'ing the eyeballs! the tongue! or while breathing. )f the
practitioner concentrates attention on these processes! it is possible
counteract inhibitions to physical mo'ementJ as a result! a sleep#
paraly=ed practitioner will become able to mo'e in reality.
:eevaluating the Situation
Under normal circumstances! deliberate e$it from the phase is not
the norm. 8eliberate e$it is commonly caused by certain fears and
pre&udices. )f a practitioner is not able to acti'ate the body using
other emergency return techni2ues! a careful consideration the
possibilities offered by the phase is recommended. There are many
interesting and useful things that can be e$perienced in the phase.
.hy ruin the possibility of great opportunity because of a baseless
To be fair! it must be noted that emergency e$it techni2ues do not
always wor. 1s a rule! after a long period of sleep depri'ation! or at
the beginning of or in the middle of a nightDs sleep! the urge to sleep
is so great that it is difficult to resist the sleep paralysis phenomenon.
)n this respect! ree'aluating the situation is highly recommended so
that a practitioner is able to tae ad'antage of the situation 'ersus
suffering by it. 4leep paralysis is easily transmuted into a phase state
by means of indirect techni2ues.
By the &ay, +no&ing ho& to e#it paralysis is i$portant not only
for practitioners of the phase, since such paralysis occurs even
&ithout the phase for appro#i$ately one-third of the hu$an
population at least once in a lifeti$e( -t usually happens "efore or
after sleep(
Fear in the phase is a 'ery common occurrence. The practitioner
may e$perience fear at any stage! although it is e$pressed much more
clearly during initial practice. The causes of fear are 'ery di'erse- a
feeling that returning to the body is impossibleJ a fear of deathJ
worrying that something bad is going to happen to the bodyJ
encountering something scary and terrible in the phaseJ painful
sensationsJ o'erly sharp! hyper#realistic sensations. One fear
dominates all others- the instinct of self#preser'ation! which! without
any apparent reason! can induce a feeling of absolute horror I a
feeling that cannot be e$plained or controlled.
For a no'ice stricen by insurmountable fear that causes
paralysis! there is only one way to gradually o'ercome. Each time a
no'ice enters the phase! an attempt should be made to go a step
further than the pre'ious time. For e$ample! in spite of feeling
terrified! the practitioner should try to raise the hands and then mo'e
them bac to the initial position. The second time! the practitioner
should attempt to sit down. The third time! standing up should be
attempted. The fourth time! waling around in the phase is ad'ised.
Then! after incremental steps toward e$periencing the harmlessness
of the phase state! producti'e! calm action may ensue.
Interesting fact!
Fear itself can "e used to enter the phase and re$ain there for a
long ti$e( Once fears are allayed, a cal$ed practitioner is
e#periences increased difficulty &ith entry into the phase(

For a practitioner who faces periodical fears! reali=ing that there is
no real danger encourages progress in practice. Urges to rapidly
return to the body are then made baseless. 4ooner or later! calmer
thought dominates e'ents in the phase! and fear happens less often.
.hen dealing with momentary fear caused by e'ents in the phase!
the simplest solution is to tacle it head#on and follow through to the
end in order to a'oid a fear#dri'en precedent. )f a practitioner always
runs away from undesirable e'ents! the e'ents will occur more and
more fre2uently. )f a practitioner is incapable of facing fear in the
phase! it is best to use the translocation techni2ue to tra'el elsewhere!
although this solution only produces temporary relief.
9ision is often a'ailable at the 'ery beginning of a phase!
especially when the practitioner uses image obser'ation and
'isuali=ation techni2ues to enter. 4ometimes 'ision appears within
the first few seconds. Other times! it manifests during the deepening
process. 6owe'er! there are cases where 'ision is not a'ailable and
must be created 2uicly! at any cost. 9ision may arri'e as soon as it
is thought about! but if this does not occur! a special techni2ue is
To create 'ision! a practitioner needs to bring the hands four to si$
inches in front of the eyes and try to detect them through the grayness
or darness. Peering aggressi'ely and attenti'ely at the minute details
of the palms will cause them to appear! much lie they are being
de'eloped on Polaroid film. 1fter se'eral seconds! 'ision will
become clear! and along with the palms! the surroundings will also
become 'isible.
Under no circumstances should the physical eyelids be opened.
9ision will appear on its own and will not differ from that of reality
and the physical sensation of opened eyes will emerge. )t is possible
to shut the eyes in the phase an infinite number of times! e'en
without ha'ing opened them at all! since the latter is not needed for
creating 'ision. The physical eyelids may be open only while
e$periencing a 'ery deep phase. )n a shallow phase! opening the eyes
will cause a return to waefulness.
The practitioner must also eep in mind that 'ision should only
be created after a complete separation from the body and a
subse2uent translocation has been achie'ed. 1ttempting to 'iew the
hands during flight or while ho'ering in an unidentified space leads
to arbitrary translocation.
Two problems may surface while con'ersing with animate ob&ects
in the phase- silence or a return to the body. )n 'iew of the fact that
many phase applications are based on contact with people for one
purpose or another! it is necessary to understand how to correctly
manage contact with li'ing ob&ects.
)n order to a'oid a foul Fe&ection from the phase into realityG! the
elementary rules of "maintaining% must be obser'ed. 1cti'ely
obser'ing the facial features or clothing of a person you want to
communicate with. .hile communicating! the practitioner should
constantly rub the hands together or maintain strong 'ibrations by
straining the brain. Remember to perform the techni2ues to a'oid
becoming absorbed in communication.
1 more comple$ problem is o'ercoming the communicati'e
unresponsi'eness of ob&ects in the phase. )n many cases! the speech
of an ob&ect is bloced by the internal stress of the practitioner.
4ometimes the problem stems from an e$pectation that an ob&ect will
not be able to communicate in the phase.
)t is important to treat the ob&ects in a calm manner. There is no
use trying to shout or beat the ob&ect to force communication. On the
contrary! it is much more effecti'e to treat the ob&ect gently! without
applying pressure. 8o not peer at an ob&ectDs mouth! e$pecting
sounds to emerge. )t is better to loo elsewhereJ taing a passi'e
interest in communication generally yields the best results.
1s a rule! the first time that communication with a li'ing ob&ect is
successful! future attempts go unhindered.
,ommunication methods in the phase are should be no different
than those used in ordinary life- taling! facial e$pressions! gesturing
with the hands! body language. Telepathy is not necessary.
Reading te$t in the phase may be accompanied by a number of
difficulties. First! small print becomes illegible because the affects of
hyper#concentration may distort te$t. This problem is sol'ed by using
large#font te$tual sources of information. For e$ample! the te$t of a
normal boo blurs when obser'ed too attenti'ely! but the large font
on the co'er of a boo is easily read since its si=e is sufficient for
rapid reading without detailed scrutiny.
The second problem encountered while reading in the phase is
when te$t is legible but is completely meaningless in compositionJ
gibberish. This problem is sol'ed by turning o'er the pages! looing
for a readable message. )t is also possible to find another copy or
create it anew using the ob&ect#finding techni2ues. The same applies
to cases where the te$t is seen as a set of incomprehensible symbols
or signs.
.hile reading in the phase! the practitioner should not forget
about performing "maintaining% techni2ues to pre'ent a foul by
becoming too rela$ed.

The phase is often accompanied by an unforgettably unusual
sensation that may be used successfully to enter! deepen or maintain
the phase. )t is difficult to describe it better than the sensation of a
hea'y current passing through the entire body without causing any
pain. )t may also feel lie the whole body is contracting! or a tingling
sensation similar to numbness. Most often! the sensations are similar
to high#fre2uency 'ibrations of the body! which e$plains the origin of
the term "'ibration%.
)f the practitioner is not sure whether or not he e$perienced
'ibrations! then there is a good method to sol'e his problem- if he
really did! he will not ha'e any doubts about it. )n all other cases!
when there are doubts and uncertainty! the practitioner is definitely
not dealing with 'ibrations! or is dealing with another form thereof.
)f you ha'e e$perienced 'ibrations at least once! the recollection of
these sensations helps greatly during the simultaneous application of
indirect techni2ues. They are created! supported and strengthened by
straining the brain or tensing the body without using the muscles. For
'ibrations to appear! it often suffices merely to thin about them.
8uring the first e$perience! one should e$periment with them for a
while by rolling them around the body and its parts! as well as
strengthening and weaening them.
0o&ever, one should not thin+ that the presence of vi"rations is a
necessary condition for "eing in the phase( Many no'ices often stri'e
not for the phase but for 'ibrations! after which the former must
supposedly follow. That should not be the case. There are indeed
specific techni2ues that mae it possible to get into the phase by
creating 'ibrations! but in all other cases they are not necessary and
some practitioners may ne'er ha'e them at all.
)n a deep phase! the properties of the surrounding en'ironment
become 'ery similar to the physical world. 6owe'er! it may
sometimes be necessary to pass through a wall or translocate to a'oid
a physical barrier in the phase. There are two basic options for
passing through barriers lie walls. Usually! mastering these re2uires
se'eral attempts.
Interesting fact!
-f a practitioner concentrates on the physical
sensations associated &ith passing through a &all,
it is possi"le to get stuc+( % practitioner $ay even
e#perience the feeling of o"structed "reathing &hen
this happens( %t such a ti$e it is necessary to
return to the "ody(
:apid &efocu$ed Penetration
Run or &ump at a wall with a burning desire to penetrate it. 8onDt
focus on the wallJ instead concentrate on the immediate
surroundings. 8o not try to tae anything from the current location
since this may impede a successful passage through the wall.
The Clo$ed Eye$ Techni#ue
.hen approaching a wall! the practitioner must close his eyes and
completely focus on a desire to pass through it while imagining that
the wall does not e$ist! or that it is transparent and penetrable.
4urface resistance should be pressed through! continuing on with the
aggressi'e desire and concentration.
Taing flight in the phase is a simple matter of remembering past
dreams of flight. (othing needs to be tensed! no word need to be
said. 1ttempting flight with closed eyes produces a high rate of
success! but presents an increased probability of inad'ertent
)f a flight attempt is unsuccessful! a practitioner may try &umping
from a high ele'ation or from a window. The natural instinct of
dream flight taes o'er and the fall becomes a controlled flight.
6owe'er! &umping from windows or other ele'ations is ad'isable
only to practitioners with e$perience! since no'ices may not always
be able to determine whether they are in the phase or in reality.
1nother way to fly is to try to suspend oneself in the air when
&umping up.
The realism of the phase space does not impose limits on the
ability to perform actions that cannot be performed in the physical
world. )t is important to remember that only a practitionerDs
apprehension places limits on what may be done in the phase.
For e$ample! if a practitioner needs to get to a location # e'en
'ery far away # it may be reached by teleportation. )f an ob&ect needs
to be mo'ed from one side of the room to the other! it may be mo'ed
by teleinesis. One of the ma&or benefits of the phase e$perience is
unencumbered freedom of action.
To master unusual abilities! only a few phases need to be spent in
concentrated de'elopment of the methods.
)n order to learn teleinesis Fmo'ing ob&ect by thoughtG! the
practitioner concentrate on an ob&ect while e$periencing a deepened
phase! and attempt to mo'e the ob&ect by thining about the
mo'ement. The only re2uired action is aggressi'e 'isuali=ation of the
ob&ectDs mo'ement. (o specific e$ternal actions are re2uired.
Teleinetic ability is inherent to e'ery human being. )f attempts are
unsuccessful at first! press on. 5efore too long! the full effect of the
practitionerDs will yield results. Using this ability helps to encourage
a good phase e$perience by pro'iding a tool for carrying out planned
)gniting an ob&ect in the phase &ust by staring at it re2uires a
strong desire to heat up and set fire to the ob&ect. Performed
successfully! an ob&ect will smoe! distort! daren and then burst into
To de'elop telepathy in the phase! it is necessary to peer at
animate ob&ects while listening surrounding e$ternal and internal
sounds with the intention of hearing thoughts e$pressed by thought.
E'en e$perienced practitioners encounter difficulty while de'eloping
telepathy! but when successful! contact with people in the phase is
substantially simplified. Using telepathy! discerning the thoughts of
people! animals! and ob&ects is possible. 6owe'er! this should not be
taen too seriously! since it is merely the nature of the phase to
simulate what is e$pected.

Transforming an ob&ectDs form re2uires the techni2ue of
transmutation Frefer to ,hapter @G. )t should also be noted that if the
goal is not to con'ert something but rather to transform oneself! then
it is necessary to use the translocation techni2ues Falso described in
,hapter @G! whereby attention has to be concentrated not on the
desired place but on the desired form. 6ere again there are no
limitations apart from indi'idual courage and fantasy. )t is possible to
become a butterfly or a dinosaur. )t is possible to become a bird or a
worm. )tDs e'en possible to become a child or a person of the
opposite se$. These are not simply e$ternal changes! but real
transmutations! within and without. )f a practitioner becomes a
butterfly! it accompanies the sensation of ha'ing wings! many legs!
and an unusual body. The practitioner will intuiti'ely now how to
control each part of this new body. This is a superficial description of
the transmutation e$perience! which ob'iously defies a customary
understanding of reality.
1 crucial factor in de'eloping phase abilities is self#confidence in
the ability to use the sills. )nitially! these abilities are absent because
the human brain! tuned in to ordinariness! blocs confidence in the
ability to do anything unusual. 1s soon as strong confidence is
reached in the performance of phase abilities! all others become easy
to achie'e.
1lthough confidence in phase abilities may grow strong!
practitioners should remain soundly aware that abilities in the phase
are limited to the phase. 1ttempting teleinesis! pyroinesis! or
transmutation in the real world is a waste of time and energy.

1long with all the positi'e e$periences and sensations that may
be en&oy in the phase! painful e$periences nature may also manifest.
Punching a wall in a deep phase state will cause the same pain as if a
wall had been struc in physical reality.
4ome actions in the phase may una'oidably cause unpleasant
feelings of painJ therefore! it is necessary to now how to a'oid
painful actions. Focusing on an internal confidence that pain will not
result from an action will alle'iate the problem. 1 practitioner may
e$periment with this type of focus by pummeling a wall while
resol'ing that there is no pain. )f the e$periment succeeds! then
obtaining the same result will ne'er again re2uire the same le'el of
effortJ thining that the phase is painless will suffice.
,O:A< STA+&A:&S I+ T8E P8ASE
From the 'ery beginning! it should be understood that the moral
compass of phase space has nothing in common with the properties
and laws in the physical world that promulgate reality. The phase
space seemingly imitates the physical world with all its properties
and functions only because we are used to percei'ing it and are not
e$pecting anything else. Moral principles and rules apply only to the
place where these ha'e been. )t does not mae sense to follow the
same rules while in the phase.
The practitioner should not refrain from certain actions in the
phase because some would be unacceptable! improper! or bad in the
real world. These are merely beha'ioral patterns that are unfounded
in the world of the phase! where e'erything operates on the basis of
entirely different laws.
The only moral rules that might e$ist in the phase are those that the
practitioner establishes. )f desired! complete! unhindered freedom
may be e$perienced.
(o'ice practitioners should not immediately rush towards a single
specific goal if long#term practice is desired. )t is better to
e$tensi'ely in'estigate the phase and its surroundings before
focusing on accomplishment. This will build intimacy with the
e$perience and allow unhindered entry and interaction with the
1s in reality! learning whate'er first re'eals itself is the ey to
increasing and speciali=ing nowledge. 1 beginning practitioner
should at first en&oy the simple fact of actually being in the phase!
then lean its details and functions. Once inside the phase! a
practitioner should e$plore it! e$amining and interacting with
e'erything encountered.
6e should also try to fully sharpen all the possible feelings in the
phase in order to fully understand how unusual the phase is in its
realism. 1 practitioner must e$perience mo'ement- waling! running!
&umping! flying! falling! swimming. Test the sensations of pain by
striing a wall with a fist. The simplest way to e$perience taste
sensations is to get to the refrigerator and try to eat e'erything that
you find there! at the same time not forgetting to smell each item.
.al through the walls! translocate! create and handle ob&ects.
E$plore. 1ll these actions are 'ery interesting in and of themsel'es.
The possibilities really are infinite. 6owe'er! only when they are
well understood and thoroughly e$plored can it be said that the
practitioner really nows what the phase is about.
.hen trying to discern whether or not a phase is intact! a
&udgment is based on a similarity to the departed physical
en'ironment. )n the phase! physical attributes are simulations.
6yper#concentrating on an ob&ect for too short a time while trying
to determine whether the surroundings are in the phase or in the
physical world.
8eliberately attempting to end the phase prematurely when the
entire natural length of the phase should be taen ad'antage of.
Panic in case of paralysis instead of calm! rela$ed action.
Refusal to practice the phase because of fear! though this problem
is temporary and resol'able.
Opening the eyes at the initial stages of the phase since this
fre2uently leads to a foul.
Premature attempts to create 'ision in the phase! whereas
separating from the body and deepening should occur.
E$cessi'e haste while creating 'ision although in the ma&ority of
cases 'ision appears naturally.
.hile concentrating on the hands to create 'ision! doing so at an
e$cessi'e distance 'ersus the recommended four to si$ inches.
Forgetting about the techni2ues for "maintaining% while in
contact with li'ing ob&ects.
Forgetting to shut the eyes or defocusing 'ision when
translocating through walls or other solid ob&ects.
8esiring to do something superhuman in the phase without the
re2uired internal desire and confidence.
Fear of e$periencing pain in the phase instead of learning to
control it.
Obser'ing moral standards in the phase when they do not apply.
1 tendency to immediately use the phase for something practical
instead of first thoroughly e$ploring and interacting with the
E-erci$e$ for Chapter 0
+. 1re there sills in the phase that must first be mastered before
the phase may be used to its full e$tent/
7. )s it possible to understand whether a phase is intact by
attempting to fly/
:. 6as a practitioner most liely gotten up in the phase or in
reality if there are doubts about this/
4. )s it sufficient to thin about the body in order to return to it!
and is it only re2uired to return into the body in order to control
;. .hich arm should be acti'ely and aggressi'ely mo'ed to
o'ercome sleep paralysis/
<. )s it possible to tell &oes to oneself to o'ercome sleep
>. )s it possible to mo'e the physical eyes while in the phase/
?. .hat should be done if sleep paralysis cannot be o'ercome/
@. ,an sleep paralysis occur without practicing the phase/
+A. .hat if fear is not addressed and con2uered/
++. )s it possible to gradually master the phase in order to
o'ercome fear/
+7. )s there cause for fear of anything in the phase/
+:. 1t what point can 'ision be created in the phase by opening
the eyelids and not through the use of special techni2ues/
+4. .hat would happen with an attempt to open the eyes after
sitting up in bed! i.e.! before becoming completely separated from
the phase/
+;. .hy may contact with li'ing ob&ects in the phase cause a
return to the body/
+<. .hat problems might occur if a practitioner studies the mouth
of a taling ob&ect/
+>. )n the phase! how 2uicly can small te$t be read/
+?. .hich is easier to read in the phase- te$t in a newspaper or
te$t on a large billboard/
+@. )s it possible to see hieroglyphs instead of te$t while reading
in the phase/
7A. )s it possible to burst through a wall after running up to it with
the eyes shut/
7+. .hich muscles of the body must be tensed to start flying in
the phase/
77. 1re there any e$trasensory abilities that are inaccessible in the
7:. ,an a practitioner transform into a ball while in the phase/
74. 6ow does pain in the phase differ from pain in the physical
7;. 4hould a practitioner gi'e up a seat to an elderly person while
in the phase/
7<. 8ue to moral considerations! what is prohibited in the phase/
+. 8uring your ne$t phase session! wal around your home
in'estigating the rooms! itchen! and bathroom in detail.
7. 0earn to pass through walls. ,ompletely dedicate one long
phase e$perience to perfecting this sill.
:. 0earn to fly in the phase.
4. .hile in a deep phase! learn to control pain by hitting a wall
with your fist.
;. .hile in the phase! learn teleinesis Fthe ability to mo'e
ob&ects by thoughtG and pyroinesis Fsetting ob&ects on fire! also
performed by thoughtG.
<. 8edicate a lengthy phase e$perience to an e$periment with
'ision- create it if it is not already a'ailable! and then shut your
eyes and recreate 'ision. 8o this at least ten times o'er the course
of a single phase
>. 3et ob&ects in the phase to start taling.
?. 8edicate a long phase to searching for different inds of te$ts
in order to e$periment with reading 'arious si=e fonts.
Chapter 1 - Tran$location and 2inding Ob3ect$
0ie e'eryday reality! the phase space cannot be used for certain
purposes if it is not nown how to mo'e around and find necessary
things. )n a waeful state! it is more or less nown where something
is located and how to reach it. )n the phase the same assumptions
cannot apply since phase mechanisms wor by different principles.
The reason for addressing translocation and finding ob&ects in the
same chapter is because both techni2ues rely on the same mechanics
that mae the e$istence of these techni2ues possible. )n other words!
the same methods # with minor e$ceptions # can be applied to both
translocation and finding.
1fter studying the techni2ues described in this chapter! a
practitioner in the phase will be able to go to any location and find
any ob&ect. The only limitations that e$ist are those of the
imagination and desireJ if these are unlimited! so are the possibilities.
Regarding translocation! attention should not be focused on
methods for tra'elling through nearby spaces. For e$ample! a
practitioner may simply wal into an ad&acent room! or out to the
street 'ia the corridor or through the window. These are natural! easy
actions. 1 practitioner should instead concentrate attention on how to
mo'e to remote destinations that cannot be 2uicly reached by
physical means.
)t is important to mention the necessary safety procedures for
translocation. 4ometimes! due to a lac of e$perience! a practitioner
may mistae the phase for reality! and reality may be mistaen for the
phase. Mistaing the phase for reality implies no danger since a
practitioner simply belie'es that an entry attempt was unsuccessful.
6owe'er! if reality is mistaen for the phase! a practitioner may
perform dangerous or e'en life#threatening actions. For e$ample!
after getting out of bed in a waeful state! thining that e'erything is
happening in the phase! a beginner may approach a window and &ump
out of it! e$pecting to fly! as is customary in the phase. For this
reason alone! shortcuts to flight should only be taen after gaining a
le'el of e$perience that maes it possible to unambiguously
distinguish the phase from a waeful state.
)f a glitch occurs when practicing translocation techni2ues Ffor
e$ample! landing in the wrong placeG! a practitioner should simply
repeat the techni2ue until the desired result is obtained. Either way!
initial training is a must in order to mae e'erything easier for you
later on.
1s far as ob&ect#finding techni2ues are concerned! these are used
for both inanimate and animate ob&ects. )n other words! these
techni2ues are e2ually effecti'e for finding! for e$ample! a person or
a utensil. 6owe'er! there are se'eral techni2ues that are only suitable
for finding li'ing ob&ects.
1ll methods for controlling the phase space stem from a primary
law- the degree of changeability of the phase space is in'ersely
proportionate to the depth of the phase and the stability of its ob&ects.
That is! the deeper and more stable the phase! the more difficult it is
to perform something unusual in it because in a deep! stable phase!
the laws of it begin to closely resemble those of the physical world.

1ll translocation and finding ob&ects techni2ues are based on the
nowledge of methods that bypass the primary law. The secret lies in
the fact that not only phase depth affects the controllability of the
phase! but so does phase stability! which in turn depends to a large
e$tent on the number of sensations e$perienced in the phase. The
techni2ues for translocation and finding ob&ects are used when these
e$perienced sensations are weaened through certain actions.
)n other words! if a practitioner located in the phase holds a red
pencil and e$amines it! tactile and 'isual perceptions are engaged!
which under sharp agitation cause the ob&ect to e$ist in its complete
form. 6owe'er! as soon as the eyes are shut! the stability of pencil
image weaens. )n this situation! it will be enough for the practitioner
Fafter sufficient trainingG to concentrate on belie'ing that the pencil is
dar#blue in order for it to appear dar blue after opening the eyes.
This phenomenon occurs because the color of the pencil is no longer
determined by perceptual areas of the brain and! therefore! it is
possible to change it.
)f a red pencil is placed on a table and the practitionerDs eyes are
shut! and there is concentration on a thought that the pencil is no
longer on the table! then after opening the eyes! the practitioner will
find that the pencil has disappeared. )n essence! when the pencil is
lying on the table and the practitionerDs eyes are closed! and the
pencil is not being held! no perception is being in'ested in the pencil!
which the practitioner deletes using autosuggestion.
Using certain techni2ue#related methods! a practitioner may cause
the stability of the phase state to remain in flu$ using techni2ues that
best suit the practitionerDs indi'idual personality.
Tran$location through Teleportation
This is one of the simplest and most accessible techni2ues that
beginners should use right away. To apply it! shut the eyes Fif 'ision
is presentG! and then concentrate attention on a thought#form or image
of a location elsewhere in the phase. 1t this moment! there will be a
string sensation of swift flight and within two to +A seconds! the
destination will be reached.
The success of this techni2ue depends on a strong concentration
upon a single goal- the desired location. Practice must be performed
'ery clearly! confidently! aggressi'ely! and without distractions. 1ny
unrelated thoughts ha'e a profoundly negati'e influence on the
performance of this techni2ue. They unnecessarily prolong the flight!
cause a foul! or result in arri'ing at an undesired location.
Tran$location through a &oor
)n order to use this techni2ue! approach any door with the strong
belief that it leads to the re2uired location. 1fter opening the door!
the practitioner will see and be able to step into the destination. )f the
door was originally open! it must be completely shut before applying
the techni2ue.
1 drawbac to this techni2ue is that its practice always re2uires a
door. )f there is no door! users of this translocation techni2ue should
create one using an ob&ect finding techni2ue.
Tran$location through Teleportation 7ith the Eye$ Open
This techni2ue is difficult because it re2uires an unstable phase
space caused by a strong desire to translocate to another location.
8uring teleportation by teleportation with eyes shut! the practitioner
disengages from the current location. .hereas during teleportation
by flight with eyes shut the practitioner disentangles himself from the
current location! that is not the case here. Therefore! this techni2ue
should be used only by e$perienced practitioners who are confident
that they are capable of remaining in the phase.
1s far as implementing the techni2ue is concerned! the practitioner
simply needs to stop and concentrate on the thought that he is already
present in the desirable location and focus on its image. )t is
important to not stare at or touch anything during the thought.
4urrounding space will dim! blur and then disappear during this time!
and then the intended location will gradually start to appear. The rate
of space metamorphosis depends on the degree of desire to reach the
re2uired location.
)f concentration is wea or phase depth is poor! then after space
destabili=es! it may not be restored # and a return to the waeful state
will occur.
Tran$location 7ith Clo$ed Eye$
This is one of the easiest techni2ues. To use this techni2ue! the
practitioner simply needs to shut the eyes and ha'e an intense desire
that! when the eyes are ne$t opened! the re2uired location will be
reached. )n order to considerably increase the effecti'eness of this
techni2ue! it would be useful to imagine! at the moment you close
your eyes! that you ha'e already reached the desired location.
Translocation must occur then! and it has to happen without the flight
sensations that occur during teleportation with closed eyes.
Translocation must occur right then! and it has to happen without the
flight that occurs in teleportation with closed eyes! which must be
Tran$location by Concentration on a :e(ote Ob3ect
To perform this techni2ue! the practitioner should peer from a
distance at a minor detail of the desired location. The greater an
intention to see an ob&ectDs detail! the 2uicer the arri'al at the
ob&ectDs location.
1 drawbac to this techni2ue is that this type of translocation is
possible only for places that are already 'isible! albeit from a great
Tran$location during Separation
The simplest way to translocate is to do so while separating from
the body. Employing this techni2ue is e$tremely simple and 'ery
con'enient. )t may be combined with almost any separation
techni2ue and is performed by focusing on the image and feel of a
desired location during the initial stages of e$iting the body. )t is e'en
better to imagine that phase entry will occur and separation will
complete in a chosen location.
Interesting fact!
%fter having changed his place of residence, the
practitioner &ill very often continue for so$e ti$e
to separate fro$ the "ody in the sa$e house &here
he &as used to doing this previously(
1 drawbac of this techni2ue is that separation occurs only in the
beginning of the phase e$perience and! therefore! can only be used
once. Other options should be considered after the first translocation.
Tran$location by Pa$$ing through a )all
This techni2ue is performed by waling or flying through a wall
with the eyes shut and a firm con'iction that the re2uired location is
behind the wall. The barrier does not necessarily ha'e to be a wall. )t
can be any non#transparent ob&ect through which a practitioner may
wal or fly- a screen! a wardrobe! and so on.
The main drawbac of this techni2ue is the necessity of
appropriate sills for penetrating through solid ob&ects of the phase.
1nother necessary condition for applying this techni2ue is the
presence of barriers to pass through.
Tran$location through &iving
This techni2ue is identical to passing through walls with the only
difference being instead of a wall # which may not always be
a'ailable # the practitioner will use the floor or the ground. The
practitioner must di'e headfirst with the eyes shut and ha'e complete
confidence that the re2uired location is underneath the solid surface.
The ability to pass through solid ob&ects is! naturally! also re2uired.
1 practitioner may di'e through the floor or the ground! and also
into any flat hori=ontal surface- a table! a chair! a bed! and so forth.
Tran$location through :otation
1pply this techni2ue! a practitioner in the phase will to start
rotating on an a$is while simultaneously concentrating on a belief
that a desired location will be reached once rotation is stopped. The
eyes must be shut during the rotation! or 'ision must not be focused
on anything in particular. 1s a rule! two to fi'e re'olutions on an a$is
are sufficient. Once again! e'erything depends on the ability to fully
concentrate on a desired goal without any distractions.
Techni#ue of Tran$location
1ll translocation techni2ues are also applicable to ob&ect finding
techni2ues since the use of both techni2ues re2uires altering the
surrounding the space. )nstead of concentrating on a location! the
practitioner is to focus on the specific detail of a space that is to be
found or changed. 1s a result! finding the necessary ob&ect Fpro'ided
this techni2ue has been masteredG is guaranteed! but maintaining the
original location where the action begins is not guaranteed.
)f the goal is to find an ob&ect while remaining in the present
location! use the speciali=ed techni2ues described later on- techni2ues
that change only a portion of the phase space.
2inding by Calling a +a(e
This techni2ue is only used to find li'ing ob&ects. The practitioner
must call a person or an animal by name to cause the animate phase
resident to enter or appear nearby. The call should be loud! nearly a
shout! otherwise it will not always wor. 3enerally! it is often enough
to pronounce a name se'eral times to achie'e results.
)f the desired animate ob&ect does not ha'e a name or the
practitioner does not now it! then any name or general summoning
will do! lie! ",ome hereH% This should be done while mentally
focusing on a clear image of the desired person or animal.
2inding by In#uiry
To perform this techni2ue! approach any person in the phase and
as him For herG where to 2uicly find a desired ob&ect. 1n accurate
answer is usually gi'en straight away! and it should be followed.
6owe'er! to a'oid wasting time! do not forget to mention that the
ob&ect must be found "2uicly%! or specify that the ob&ect should be
"nearby%. 8uring this communication! under no circumstances should
there be a doubt about the accuracy of the information! since
otherwise it may lead to a simulation of what is e$pected.
The drawbac of this techni2ue is that it re2uires the presence of
an animate person and good sill at communicating with ob&ects in
the phase! which can pro'e difficult.
2inding by Turning Around
)n order to use this techni2ue! the practitioner must concentrate
and imagine that the re2uired ob&ect is located somewhere behind his
bac! and after turning around he will actually see it there! e'en if it
was not there &ust a moment earlier. This wors best if the
practitioner! prior to turning around! did not 'iew the place where the
ob&ect is e$pected to appear.
2inding Around a Corner
.hen approaching any corner! concentrate and imagine the
re2uired ob&ect is &ust around the corner. Then! after turning the
corner! the ob&ect will be found. 1nything that limits space 'isibility
may be regarded as a corner. This does not ha'e to be the corner of a
house or another type of buildingJ it could be the corner of a
wardrobe! the corner of a truc! etc.
The drawbac of this techni2ue is that it re2uires the a'ailability
of a sufficiently large corner that blocs the 'iew of anything around
the other side of it.
2inding in the 8and
This techni2ue is! in essence! only applicable to finding ob&ects
that can fit in or be held by the hand. To perform this techni2ue!
concentrate on the idea that the ob&ect is already in hand. 1t that
moment! the practitioner must not loo at it. 4oon after beginning to
concentrate on this idea! the practitioner will at first feel a slight
sensation of the ob&ect lying in his hand! followed by a full sensation
and appearance of the desired ob&ect.
2inding by Tran$(utation
This techni2ue distorts the phase space while not completely
disengaging a perception of the space. The practitioner must gi'e
strong attention to a thought that a re2uired ob&ect is going to appear
in a desired location. There must be sufficient confidence that the
practitionerDs desires will be reali=ed. 1t this moment! the process of
metamorphosis will begin- space will distort and dim! and the
re2uired ob&ect will begin to manifest itself. 1fter this! brightness and
focus will be restored with necessary alterations made present in the
phase space.
This techni2ue is relati'ely difficult to perform in comparison to
others! and! therefore! it is better to use it only after a high le'el of
e$perience has been reached because it is difficult to remain in the
phase during any metamorphic process.
1s is e'ident in the name of this techni2ue! it can be used to find
ob&ects and also create new ob&ects from found ob&ects.

1pplying translocation and ob&ect finding techni2ues without the
precondition of a steady phase.
)nsufficient concentration on a desire to tra'el to a location or to
find an ob&ect.
8oubting that results will be achie'ed instead of ha'ing complete
Passi'e performance of the techni2ues instead of a strong desire
and high le'el of aggression.
Forgetting to repeat translocation or ob&ect finding techni2ues
when the techni2ue did not wor or wored incorrectly during the
first attempt.
3etting distracted by e$traneous thoughts during the lengthy
process of teleporting with eyes shut. Total concentration is re2uired
at all times.
1pplying the techni2ue of teleportation with eyes open without
ade2uate e$perience.
Failing to immediately translocate when using the closed eyes
techni2ueJ this may induce flying a la the teleportation techni2ue.
3lossing o'er minute details or only obser'ing the broad features
of a remote ob&ect while applying translocation by concentration.
1 delayed desire to mo'e while translocating during separation.
1n instantaneous desire to immediately mo'e is necessary.
Forgetting to first shut a door completely when using
translocation through a doorJ otherwise! there will be contact with
what is already behind it.
Using a translocation techni2ue to go through a wall without
nowing how to pass through solid ob&ects.
Paying too much attention to the process of translocation through
a wallJ this leads to being trapped in the wall.
Forgetting to shut the eyes while translocating di'ing headfirst.
The eyes should remain closed until after the techni2ue is complete.
)nsufficient internal association with an animate ob&ect while
finding it by calling its name.
Trying to find an ob&ect 'ia interrogation instead of passi'ely
communicating with li'ing ob&ects of the phase.
Using distant corners when applying the techni2ue of finding an
ob&ect around the corner. ,hoose nearby corners to a'oid wasting
precious tra'el time.
1pplying transmutation techni2ues without possessing sufficient
e$perience in managing F"maintaining%G the phase space.
E-erci$e$ for Chapter 1
+. .hat becomes possible with the ability to translocate in the
7. .hat becomes possible with the ability to find ob&ects in the
:. .hat do translocation and finding ob&ects techni2ues ha'e in
4. .hat is the sole limitation on the possibilities offered by
translocation and finding ob&ects/
;. 6ow may one translocate across 'ery short distances/
<. .hen the flight techni2ue by &umping out of a window be
>. .hat should be done if translocation and ob&ect finding
techni2ues do not yield the re2uired result/
?. )s it possible to find a person from real life using the
techni2ue of finding ob&ects/
@. 8oes the stability of space decrease in a deep phase/
+A. .hat are the fundamental components of space and ob&ect
++. 6ow large is the role of auditory perception in the stability of
+7. .hat is most important while using a teleportation techni2ue/
+:. .hat does speed of mo'ement depend on during
+4. 4hould a no'ice apply the techni2ue of teleportation with
open eyes/
+;. .hat techni2ue might the translocation with closed eyes
techni2ue turn into/
+<. 4hould large or small details be scrutini=ed while
translocating by concentration on remote ob&ects/
+>. )s the techni2ue of translocation during separation applied
after separation or while beginning to separate/
+?. .hen applying the techni2ue of translocation through a door-
is it better if the door is open or closed/
+@. .hy might translocation by passing through a wall fail/
7A. .hen using translocation by di'ing! is it important to be in a
place where there is something to stand on/
7+. .hile applying the techni2ue of rotation! should rotation be
imagined or real/
77. )s it possible to use a translocation techni2ue to attempt
finding ob&ects/
7:. .hen using the techni2ue of calling by name! what should be
done if the name of a desired person in the phase is unnown/
74. .hile looing for an ob&ect using the method of in2uiry! is it
important to specify that the ob&ect needs to be found "2uicly%/
7;. 6ow far bac must a turn occur when the techni2ue of finding
ob&ects by turning is being used/
7<. .ould the corner of a fence be suitable for applying the
techni2ue of finding ob&ects around the corner/
7>. )s it necessary to shut the eyes while using the transmutation
+. 8edicate the ne$t three phases to e$periments with
translocation techni2ues! using all of them and tra'elling
where'er you want.
7. 1fter e$periencing three phases dedicated to translocation!
select the techni2ues that wor best for you.
:. 8uring the ne$t phase! tra'el to the Eiffel Tower! to the
Moon! and to the homes of some of your relati'es.
4. 8edicate the ne$t three phases to e$periments with the full
range of techni2ues for finding ob&ects! including translocation
;. 1fter three phases dedicated to finding ob&ects! select the
techni2ues that you are most comfortable with.
<. )n the ne$t phase that you e$perience! find your mother! and
then at the same location locate this te$tboo! a red globe! and a
green rose.
Chapter 4 - Application
Phase perception initially causes so much emotion and 'ariety of
e$perience that the practitioner is often not concerned with the
2uestion of how the phase might be purposefully used. The critical
2uestion of application becomes e'en more critical as e$perience
increases. 1pplication of the phase becomes more 'i'id against the
bacground of understanding how the phenomenon can pro'ide a
means of gaining information and new e$periences.
4ome approach the phase practice with a predetermined goal!
uninterested in anything else. .ith a specific goal! a problem may
arise in the origination of the goal because the phase phenomenon is
wrapped in a thic layer of pre&udices and stereotypes! which often
ha'e no bearing on the reality. The primary purpose of this chapter is
to precisely separate reality from fiction. )ts second purpose is to
pro'ide a detailed description of what may be obtained from the
practice of phase e$periences.
E'ery pro'en and accessible practical application of the phase is
based on three 2ualities- aG application founded on the phaseDs ability
to simulate any ob&ect and any space with any properties and
functionsJ bG application based on the opportunity to connect with the
subconscious mind in order to obtain informationJ cG application
based on the phaseDs ability to impact a practitionerDs physiology.
Most importantly! nothing described in this chapter is difficult to
achie'e. 1ny application may be achie'ed during the 'ery first phase
if a practitioner manages to focus and apply the appropriate
techni2ues for translocation or finding ob&ects. Regardless of whether
the practitioner adheres to a mystical or pragmatic world'iew! a full
range of access is inherently possible.
Possible applications of the phenomenon certainly e$ceed the
scope of descriptions related through this chapter. )t is possible that
other applications simply ha'e not been pro'en yet! and! so far! the
correct methods of practicing these unnown. Only the practitioner
may determine the limits of possibility within the phase. Of course!
common sense should be applied! or it would be logically and
psychologically difficult to disengage misconceptions. The goal of
this chapter is to provide a real Athough $ini$al) foundation that is
fir$ and unyielding, &hatever the circu$stance( -f the practitioner
follo&s a strict approach to practice, it &ill "e $uch $ore difficult to
"eco$e lost during further practical and theoretical studies(
Many wonder about the nature of the phase state in relation to the
brain! i.e. whether or not the phase is all in oneDs head. 5ut in the
conte$t of applying the phase! this is not a 'alid concern. Perception
of the entire physical en'ironment is performed through sensory
organs. )n the phase! perception is the same! sometimes e'en more
realistic. .hether e'erything described in this chapter occurs in
reality or is merely simulated maes no difference in terms of the
encountered sensations.
%round the &orld' )t is possible to reach any point of the
planet! and it is particularly interesting to re'isit places where the
practitioner once li'ed or 'isited! and 'isit places that the practitioner
has a strong desire to 'isit. E'ery sight and beauty of the Earth
become accessible! be it the Eiffel Tower or an island in Oceania! the
Pyramids of Egypt! or 1ngel Falls.
Through Outer Space- 1lthough humanind is not going to
reach Mars any time soon! any practitioner may stand on its surface
and e$perience its uni2ue landscape through the use of translocation
in the phase. There is nothing more ama=ing than obser'ing gala$ies
and nebulae! planets! and stars from the 'antage pint of 'ast space. Of
all phase applications a'ailable! this one pro'ides practitioners with
the most striing aesthetic e$periences.
To different places in ti$e' This maes it possible to 'isit a
childhood! to see what a person will loo lie in the futureJ a
pregnant woman in the phase may see what her child will loo lie.
Tra'el far bac in time and witness the construction of the Pyramids
at 3i=a! see Paris in the +>th century! wander among the dinosaurs of
the Curassic period.
Through different &orlds' Tra'el a world that has been
described in literature or &ust in'ented by the practitioner! de'eloped
in the imagination. These could be e$traterrestrial ci'ili=ations!
parallel worlds! or uni'erses from fairy tales and films. 1ny
destination is nearby.
5ith relatives' 4ince relati'es cannot always see each other!
there is the remarable possibility to meet each other and tal in the
phase. Of course! this does not entail mutual presence. )t is enough
for one person to possess the re2uired desire # the second person may
ne'er e'en now. Reali=ing the desire to contact a close relati'e and
e$change information is a treasure.
5ith ac4uaintances' ,ircumstances often pre'ent seeing
people who are important. This is an opportunity to reali=e a desire
and finally meet that certain person again.
5ith the dead' Regardless of the nature of the phase
phenomenon! nothing else yields the possibility to see! tal to! and
embrace a deceased lo'ed one. These are 'i'id! personal e$periences!
accessible to e'eryone! and achie'ing these encounters does not
re2uire ma&or difficulty. ,ourage is the only necessity. From a
techni2ue#related point of 'iew! a stable phase and application of the
finding ob&ects techni2ue sets the stage for what at first may seem
impossible. )t should be noted that when a deceased person is
encountered in the phase! the distortions caused by the ob&ect finding
techni2ue may lead to some 'ery undesirable occurrences. )f you are
interested in this sub&ect! you should carefully study the guideboo
9ontact &ith the 3eceased Fauthor- Michael RadugaG.
5ith cele"rities' Through the use of ob&ect finding
techni2ues! a practitioner has the opportunity to meet any famous
person. This could be a historical persona! a contemporary politician!
or an artist. )n the phase state! they are all accessible for any type of
interaction. For e$ample! a practitioner could meet Culius ,aesar!
Cesus ,hrist! (apoleon! ,hurchill! 4talin! 6itler! El'is Presley!
Marilyn Monroe! and a great many others.
:ealiHing &e$ire$
E'eryone has dreams. Regardless of whether they e'er come
true in reality! they may at least en&oy be reali=ed in the phase. 4ome
dream of a 'isit to 0as 9egas! some to dri'e a Ferrari! some 'isit
Outer 4pace! others would lie to bathe in a pile of money! and some
desire se$ual e$periences. 1ll of these may finally be e$perienced in
the phase.
Alternative to the ?irtual )orld
)n the phase! young men may participate in game battles as if
the battles are real. 1 practitioner can 'isit unusual worlds and places
while en&oying completely realistic sensations! feel a weapon in his
hands! and e'en the smell of gunpowder. )f desired! e'en the
sensation of battle wounds may be e$perienced. 3aming possibilities
in the phase are not limited by the power of a microprocessor! but the
e$tent of a practitionerDs imagination.
Creative &evelop(ent
9reating &or+s of art' Using the methods of ob&ect finding or
translocation! an artistic practitioner can purposefully see an ob&ect
in the phase that may be composed in real life. )f necessary! it is
possible to easily return to study an ob&ect in the phase. For e$ample!
a painter may find a stunning landscape and puts it to can'as in the
real world while periodically returning to the same landscape in the
Eie&ing future co$pleted &or+s of art' )f an artist is in the
process of reali=ing an idea! then a preliminarily loo at the end result
of a design may be seen in the phase. 1 painter can e$amine a
painting in ad'anceJ a sculptor may see a completed sculpture! and an
architect will be able to wander through a house that is still in the
early stages of design. 1ny creati'e wor can be simulated in the
% source of inspiration and fantasy' The phase practice
imparts ideas and desires that positi'ely affect creati'e endea'ors.
Furthermore! the reali=ation of desires and tra'els through unusual
spaces e'oe great emotions! which pro'ide e$cellent inspiration.
1ssume that the phase state is &ust an e$ceptionally unusual state
of brain and that perception within it is no more than an unusually
realistic play of its functions. 1ssume that a practitioner in the phase
decides to tra'el to a forest. To do so! the translocation with closed
eyes techni2ue is used! and! as a result! a forest appears.
.hat happens if the 'ision contains 'ery detailed nowledge of
forests! what forests consist of! and where forests originate/ The
brain creates a hyper#realistic space superior to that of e'eryday
reality! consisting of millions of blades of grass! lea'es! hundreds of
trees! and a multitude of sounds. Each blade of grass has depth and
build! not &ust a point. Each leaf also consists of component parts. 1
uni2ue! natural pattern maes up the bar of each tree.
4uddenly! a wind begins to blow through the forest! and millions
of lea'es and blades of grass! following a mathematical model of the
propagation of air masses! begin oscillating in a wa'elie fashion.
Thus! a certain resource inside us is capable in mere seconds not only
of creating millions of details in the desired scene! but also to control
each of those details indi'iduallyH
E'en if the phase is &ust a state of mind! this does not mean that
there are no sources of information within it. The mind possesses
great computing ability and is e2uipped to imagine the full e$tent of
the impossible. (o computer! howe'er powerful! is capable of similar
feats. 1 practitioner is able to somehow tap into ama=ing resources
while in the phase. )t only remains to learn e$actly how to achie'e
)t is possible that the phase space is go'erned by the subconscious
mind. This means that the practitioner is able to contact the
subconscious while in the phase state. 8uring e'eryday life! the
subconscious mind sends information based on calculations
determined by enormous capabilities. 6owe'er! humans neither hear
nor percei'e these signals because people are accustomed to
recei'ing information linguistically. The subconscious mind hardly
operates within the limitations of language. ,ommunication with the
subconscious mind on a conscious le'el is only possible within the
phase. )f all phase ob&ects are created and controlled by the
subconscious mind! then it is possible to use them as translators. For
e$ample! when taling to a person in the phase! normal words are
heard while the ob&ect and communicated information is controlled
by the subconscious mind.
1n e$planation of how information is obtained in the phase can
hardly be une2ui'ocally pro'en. Perhaps there are other undisco'ered
resources. 5ut that is not so important. The most important thing is
definitely nown- how to obtain information in the phase.
The algorithm for obtaining information from the phase is not
comple$. 1fter entering the phase! only the techni2ues for obtaining
information and the methods of 'erifying it need to be learned to
increase in nowledge gleaned from the phase.
5ased on the pragmatic e$planation of the nature of the phase as
an unusual state of brain controlled by the subconscious! it may be
assumed that the amount of information obtained in the phase is
limited. )f the phase e$ists within the confines of the brain! then the
brain can only operate on data that has been recei'ed by the brain
o'er the course of its e$istence. )ndeed! it appears that e'erything
percei'ed through the sensory organs is remembered and correlated
with other dataJ this obser'ation concern conscious and unconscious
)f any e'ent is actually a conse2uence of other e'ents! which
were! in turn! also conse2uences of pre'ious happenings! then
nothing occurs by chance. The initial data is nown # then it is
possible to calculate what is implied by it.
1s a result! if e'erything is based solely on the resource of the
subconscious mind! then information may be obtained about
e'erything that is related to an indi'idual life- the practitionerDs
e$periences and the e$periences of those with whom the practitioner
e$periences life. 0essons are learned from the future and past! and the
future and past of others. 1ll in all! in order to approach nowing the
whole of the information a'ailable in the phase! personal nowledge
capacity would need to increase by +AA or e'en +!AAA times.
The only information that is not a'ailable in the phase is that
about which the subconscious mind does not ha'e any preliminary
information. For e$ample! where to purchase a winning lottery ticet
that will win millions of dollars cannot be learned since there is no
data that could support the necessary calculation. The subconscious
mind will also not be able to show the practitioner what a random
street in a small town on the other end of the Earth loos lie. 1
practitioner should not try guessing what information the
subconscious mind has to offer and what it doesnDt because mistaes
are easily made. For e$ample! if a practitioner has ne'er been to Paris
and ne'er seen the Eiffel Tower! it might be assumed that the
practitionerDs subconscious mind nows nothing about it either!
although through o'er the course of life! the mind has already
recei'ed an enormous 2uantity of information from pictures!
photographs! stories! 'ideos! boos! and so forth.
There are three basic techni2ues for obtaining information in the
phase. Each of them has its ad'antages and disad'antages that must
be studied and learned before use.
Ani(ate Ob3ect$ Techni#ueD
To perform this method of obtaining information! the practitioner!
in a full deep phase! must locate a person by techni2ues for finding
ob&ects and procure the necessary information from that person
through the use of simple 2uestions. )f the re2uired information is
lined to a certain person! then that person should be located in the
phase. )f the information is not related to anyone in particular! then it
is possible to create a uni'ersal information source! which must be
associated with wisdom and nowledge. For e$ample! this could be a
wise recluse! a well#nown philosopher! or a guru.
The ad'antage of this techni2ue is that it is easy to pose additional
2uestions and it is also easier to 'erify whate'er information is
obtained. 1 drawbac of this techni2ue is that! for many! it is difficult
to communicate with li'ing ob&ects in the phase because of ob&ectsD
unresponsi'eness or a practitionerDs problems with maintaining the
phase while taling with ob&ects.
Inani(ate Ob3ect$ Techni#ueD
Use techni2ues for finding ob&ects in order to locate information
from sources lie inscriptions! boos! or newspapers. .hile trying to
locate the source of information! remember to concentrate of a belief
that what is found will ha'e the desired information. 4ource types are
not limited to paper mediaJ e'en radios or tele'isions may be
watched or listened to! and computer search engines and file systems
also may produce results.
1 huge drawbac of this techni2ue is that considerable
complications arise if an additional or a follow#up 2uestion emerges!
which may cause the practitioner to ha'e to stop and repeat the
searching process.
The upside to this techni2ue is that if a practitioner has problems
communicating with animate ob&ects! this techni2ue can temporarily
ser'e as a reasonable alternati'e.
Epi$ode Techni#ueD
)n order to recei'e information using this method! imagine an
e'ent or series of e'ents that will communicate the desired
information. Then! mo'e to the area where predetermined e'ents are
e$pected to tae place by using translocation techni2ues. 1fter
arri'ing at the destination! use 'isual obser'ation to understand what
is taing place and the information that the e'ents are
communicating. The episode techni2ue is suitable only for cases
where information can be obtained by obser'ation.

0o& to verify the infor$ationF The techni2ues for recei'ing
information in the phase are not comple$ in and pro'e successful
after &ust a few attempts. 6owe'er! as was already mentioned earlier!
the properties of phase spaces that do not fall under the category of
'i'id perception are not particularly stable # not only in terms of
appearance! but also in terms of their properties. ,orrectness of
information also depends on the ob&ects themsel'es. The problem
rests in that the practitioner may not be able to properly control the
ob&ect in 2uestion and may recei'e false information.
Interesting fact!
The phase space is not everyday reality? therefore,
it should not "e treated &ith the nor$al "elief that
every o"servation should "e regarded as fact(
E'en when a practitioner has learned to find animate and
inanimate ob&ects with an absence of doubt! there is still no guarantee
that the recei'ed information is always accurate. 1 few techni2ue#
related trics are able to test an ob&ectDs ability to spea the truth.
For e$ample! an ob&ect can tal about something with absolute
confidence! but that does not mean that what it communicates is all
true. )f doubt is e$perienced while finding the ob&ect! then doubt may
ha'e an effect on what the ob&ect says. This is why doubt must be
a'oided at all costs # although beginners are bound to initially ha'e
problems with this.
To determine whether an ob&ect is able to gi'e accurate
information! a control 4uestion should be asedJ a 2uestion that the
subconscious mind cannot now the answer to. For e$ample! a
practitioner might as a found ob&ect- ".here can ) buy the winning
lottery ticet for the Mega 5all &acpot/% )f the ob&ect starts
answering such 2uestions seriously! going into great detail! then the
ob&ect should be created anew since its properties allow the
possibility that it will lie. 1 proper ob&ect will remain silent or say
that it does not now the answer to the control 2uestion.
1fter accurate information is obtained through the use of a control
2uestion! it must be confirmed. This is done by means of a clarifying
4uestion. The practitioner needs to as the ob&ect where the
information came from to find out the details that offer proof of the
informationDs authenticity in the real world. The ob&ect may also be
ased the same 2uestions more than once! pro'ided they are
reworded. The answers to reworded 2uestions must be identical.
Remember! the more important the nature of the information and
the more serious action it implies! the more effort needs to be
in'ested in 'erifying it in the real world since a certain percentage of
the information is bound to be incorrect despite correct performance
of information#related techni2ues.
O+ I+2<5E+CI+G P89SIO<OG9
There are three main elements that! with the help of the phase!
may influence the physiology in 'ery beneficial ways. First! it is
possible to contact the subconscious mind to learn how to influence
physiology. 4econd! the brain reacts more strongly to sensations than
to real e'ents. For e$ample! if running while in the phase! the
physical processes of the body would be consistent with the
processes occurring in the body of a person running in reality-
respiration accelerates! blood pressure increases! the heartbeat
2uicens! and e'en blood flow to the feet becomes greater. Third!
while the practitioner e$periences profound changes of consciousness
in the phase! this is when all direct and indirect forms of
autosuggestion are most effecti'e.
(ot all influences on physiology are +AAK effecti'e. 6owe'er!
e'en without a guaranteed rate of success! the effort to influence
physiology is worthy of attention because ama=ing results can be
obtained. 1lways remember that achie'ing a good result may re2uire
repeated influence from the phase. E'en in the physical world!
medications re2uire repeated ingestion.
)f the goal is to cure a disease! do not rely solely on the phase.
4ic persons must use the phase alongside treatment from physicians.
The more serious the illness! the more strongly this rule applies.
Obtaining Infor(ation
The diagnosis of health problems may be performed with the
same techni2ues used for obtaining information. )t is also possible to
learn methods to cure health problems! if such methods e$ist. 5oth of
these possibilities apply to third parties being helped by efforts in the
phase. )nformation gathering is the only pro'en way to influence the
physiology of other people by using the phase. For e$ample! it is
possible to find a well#nown healer in the phase and as about
personal health problems or the problems of a friend or family
member. 1 clarified answer may be used in the assistance of
traditional medical treatment.
Attention fro( &octor$
Find a doctor in the phase by using the techni2ue of finding
ob&ects and as the doctor to tae e$amine or treat a nown illness or
other health problem. For e$ample! in case of abdominal pains the
doctor may palpate the belly! apply pressure to 'arious points! and
perform a special massage. 1ny actions are possible! including an
operation. 1fter lea'ing the phase! the practitioner will feel a positi'e
Taking (edicine$
The placebo effect is much stronger in the phase than in reality
since all actions occur in a highly modified state of consciousness
and are percei'ed directly. Ob&ect locating techni2ues may be used to
find medications used to treat e$isting problems. )t is also possible to
create self#made substances to produce the desirable effect. For
e$ample! in case of an acute headache in reality! a practitioner may
tae a painiller while in the phase and its effect will be partially felt
in the waeful state.
&irect Effect
1n illness or problem may be directly affected by actions in the
phase. For e$ample! a sore throat may be warmed by en'isioning a
burning sensation in the throat or by mo'ing to a hot location! lie a
sauna. )f a practitioner would lie to increase physical fle$ibility!
then stretching in the phase will cause the body to ad&ust to the
none$istent action by rela$ing and tensing the corresponding tendons
and muscles.
This is nothing more than normal autosuggestion or auto#training
in the phase! which is more potent in the phase than reality. 1
practitioner should repeat a desired goal silently or aloud and! if
possible! should imagine e$periencing the desired result. For
e$ample! if the aim is to get rid of depression! a practitioner should
attempt to recreate a happy mood in the phase! e$periencing it to the
fullest e$tent possible. 4imultaneously! silent repetition of a goal with
complete understanding and e$pectation that e'erything will be
alright! that e'erything is wonderful will undoubtedly produce the
desired effect.
5$eful e-perience$
E'erything with useful properties in reality should be e$perienced
as useful in the phase since the body will react in practically the same
manner. Useful e$periences may include e$ercising! going to the
gym! ha'ing a massage! taing mud or salt baths! and e$periencing
pleasant emotions.
Practicing phase#related techni2ues fa'orably affects the
psychology because it offers new opportunities and e'oes new
emotions. 6owe'er! there are specific applications of the phase that
produce differing psychological effects. For e$ample! it is possible to
use the phase space as a bridge for dealing with phobias by
facilitating a setting where a practitioner may confront and deal with
certain fears. 9arious comple$es may be defeated in a similar
manner. The use of a well#nown techni2ue called re#'isiting
FrecapitulationG! where a person re#e$periences ad'erse e'ents while
trying to relate to them in a new way! has been used successfully in
the phase.
1ny motor sills can be sharpened by using it in reality and in the
phase because the algorithm of rapid physical action is generated at
the le'el of interaction between areas of the brain that correspond to
muscle action. )n the phase! wrestlers may practice throws! arate
fighters may practice punches and ics! and gymnasts may practice
acrobatics. 6a'ing enough time to practice these actions in the phase
is another matter.
5+P:O?E+ E22ECTS
People often approach the practice of 'arious phase states with
deep#rooted misconceptions about what can actually be achie'ed
through practice. E'erything listed in this section refers to these
misconceptions. )t has not been pro'en that any of these things is
impossibleJ howe'er! actions should be based on pro'en and 'erified
methods in order to a'oid maing mistaes and wasting time.
Dhysical e#it' )f the first e$perience with the phase phenomenon
happens by accident! it is almost impossible not to interpret it as a
real separation of the soul from the body I a physical e$it. This is
how the initial phase e$perience really feels. .ith e$perience it
becomes easily noticeable that certain things in reality do not match
things in the phase! lie the placement of ob&ects or furniture in the
house where a phase is first encountered.
(o actual physical e$it from the body has e'er been pro'en
through scientific e$perimentation and obser'ation. For e$ample! in
the phase! it is not possible to fly around to locations in physical
world! although it may seem so! the locations that are e$perienced are
produced within the mind. (or is it possible to pinch someone in the
phase and then to find a bruise on the person while in reality.
Other &orlds' The phase space is similar to the physical world!
and a practitioner may be inclined to thin that the soul has left the
body. 4ometimes the phase taes on an absolutely unnatural form. 1s
a result! the practitioner may decide that a parallel world has been
entered- the world beyond! the astral plane! mental space! or the
ether. 1lthough tra'el in the phase can lead to many places! this does
not mean that the phase allows tra'el through or use of actual!
alternate worlds. The practitioner should be reasonable.
3evelop$ent of super-a"ilities' )t is partially correct to consider
the practice of the phase as an e$trasensory ability since it is an actual
de'elopment of e$tremely unusual sills that ha'e always been
considered mystical. Times ha'e changed! and the phase should
hardly be shuttled off to the esoteric! obscure corners of nowledge.
There e$ists an unpro'en theory that the practice of the phase can
impart unusual abilities. .hile literature is full of references to this
effect! these abilities ha'e not yet been pro'en by anyone. The same
applies to intentionally de'eloping unusual abilities in the phase. Pes!
these may be trained while in the phase! but this does not mean that
training in the phase will yield the same results in the real world.
Practice should not be for the sae of achie'ing super#abilities since
there are many pro'en applications that do translate to reality in
'aluable ways. 5e realistic.
.hile practicing the phase may still be 'iewed by the ma&ority as
entertainment or an element of self#de'elopment at best! phase
practice taes on a whole new meaning for the physically disabled.
For them! the phase may be the only place where the handicaps of
reality dissol'e and disabled practitioners e$perience a range of
possibility greater than the life e$perienced in reality.
1 blind person will see again in the phase! e'en more clearly than
seeing people do in reality. 4omeone who is paraly=ed will be able
wal! run! and also fly. 1 deaf person will hear the murmur of
streams and the chirping of birds. For the disabled! the phase practice
is a chance to disco'er new! incomparable worlds free of physical
(aturally! there are some nuances that must be understood. First!
for e$ample! if a person was born blind! then there is the 2uestion as
to whether or not they would be able to see in the phase the same way
ordinary people see. 6owe'er! this issue has not been fully studied!
and blind people should simply carry out their own independent
research. 4econd! some types of disabilities can negati'ely affect the
practice of the phase states. For e$ample! people who ha'e gone
blind ha'e greater difficultly catching the intermediate state between
sleep and waefulness since! unlie seeing people! they may awaen
without opening their eyes to the perception of sound. Third! a purely
psychological disability plays an enormous negati'e role.
Psychologically disabled people ha'e a whole range of specific
beliefs and attitudes that may present an obstacle for them.
.hate'er the indi'idual issues! this particular area of phase
applications re2uires additional study. )t deser'es significant
attention because it is a 'alid tool for the rehabilitation of the
disabled. )t is worable! uni2ue! and e$tremely surprising in terms of
the e$periences that it offers.
1ttempting an applied use of the phase without reaching a good
depth. 8eepening must always be performed before applications are
5eing so in'ol'ed in phase applications that "maintaining%
techni2ues are forgotten.
Forgetting to consider how to breathe when tra'eling through
Outer 4pace or underwater! which may lead to asphy$iation.
,oncentrating on a certain ob&ect while tra'eling through time
instead of concentrating on time tra'el! which should be the focus
since it is the point of performing the applications.
Forgetting techni2ues for "maintaining% when animate ob&ects are
encountered when these techni2ues must always be ept in mind.
1n inability to o'ercome fear during contact with deceased
people. This fear must be o'ercome once and it will ne'er resurface
0imiting desires while practicing the phase. There is no limit to
desire within the phase.
0imiting the performance of certain actions! although there are no
customary norms of beha'ior in the phase! unless the practitioner
decides upon specific limits.
.hile looing for information in the phase! attempting to obtain
nowledge which clearly e$ceeds the scope of the subconscious
1pplying the techni2ue of obtaining information from animate
ob&ects without nowing how to communicate with them.
Forgetting to chec the ability of an ob&ect to con'ey 'alid
nowledge. The probability of bad information is much higher if it is
not 'erified.
Failing to 'erify information in the phase before using it in
Forgetting to 'erify serious information obtained in the phase in
reality before using it. 9erification absolutely must be performed to
a'oid using bad information in reality.
1 single attempt to influence the physiology through the phase. )n
the ma&ority of cases! results are gained through repeated effort.
1n attempt to cure some disease only using the phase! whereas it
is compulsory to see medical ad'ice.
)nitially belie'ing that the phase is the e$it of the soul from the
body! while this is easily refuted in practice.
,oncentrating only on unpro'en applications! despite all the
e'idence out there that this is most liely a waste of time.
E-erci$e$ for Chapter 4
+. .hat are the three basic applications of the phase/
7. 1re pro'en practical phase applications accessible to any
:. .hile in the phase! is it possible to actually tra'el through
4. )s it possible to wal on the moon in the phase/
;. )s it possible! while in the phase! to appear at the time of the
EarthDs creation/
<. )n the phase! is it possible to appear in the magical world
behind the looing glass/
>. .hich relati'es can be met in the phase/
?. )s it possible to meet and tal to your fa'orite actor in the
@. .here can one reali=e any cherished dream/
+A. ,an a practitioner appear in the computer game 3oo$/
++. ,an a musician use the phase for creati'e purposes/
+7. 8oes the practicing the phase influence a personDs
+:. .hat most probably go'erns the phase space/
+4. .hat ind of information is obtainable in the phase/
+;. .hile in the phase! is it possible to find out where the lost ey
to an apartment is located/
+<. .hat ind of people can disco'er where treasure is hidden in
the phase/
+>. 4hould any information obtained in the phase be construed as
+?. 4hould information obtained in the phase be 'erified after
waing up! e'en if itDs already 'erified in the phase/
+@. 4hould obtaining information occur before deepening has
been performed/
7A. To obtain information while using the animate ob&ects
techni2ue! who should be taled to if the goal is it to find out the
thoughts of a boss at wor/
7+. 6ow might information from an animate ob&ect be obtained/
77. ,an an inscription on a wall be used as an inanimate source of
7:. )s it possible to use the episode techni2ue to learn where one
has lost the ey to oneDs apartment/
74. 4hould a doctor be consulted before trying to cure a disease
through phase practice/
7;. 1re results from influencing physiology in the phase always
+AAK guaranteed/
7<. .hat phase techni2ues might be used to influence the bodies
of other people/
7>. )s it possible to obtain information that can be used to
influence the body and its functions/
7?. )s it possible to tae a well#nown painiller in the phase and
feel its effects on e$it/
7@. )s it possible to use autosuggestion in the phase/
:A. ,an athletes use the phase to de'elop their sills/
:+. )s it realistic to e$pect to the soul will e$it the body while
practicing the phase/
:7. )s it possible to enter a parallel uni'erse through the phase/
::. 4hould a practitioner hope to de'elop super#abilities in the
+. 9isit the Pyramids of 3i=a in the phase. Meet your fa'orite
singer and tra'el to your dream house.
7. .hile in the phase! find a wise person who is an authority on
matters of the phase and learn from them what entrance
techni2ues will best suit your practice.
:. Try to percei'e heat throughout the entire body by
translocation to a sauna or through auto#suggestion.
4. 0earn to mo'e ob&ects by simply staring at them in the phase!
and appreciate the e$tent to which this sill is reflected in reality.
Part III
Au-iliary Infor(ation
Chapter ! 5$eful Tip$
The only sure way to get practice without unnecessarily wasting
time is to ha'e a pragmatic and rational approach to the nature and
possibilities of the phase phenomenon.
The ma&ority of a'ailable information regarding dissociati'e
phenomena is inaccurate. This becomes ob'ious during initial entries
into the phase. This is why practice should begin from the
perspecti'e of a clean slate! using a logical bearing in thining-
everything not confir$ed "y personal e#perience should "e ta+en
&ith a grain of salt( This means only personal e$perience should be
taen seriously! not the e$perience of ac2uaintances! authors!
teachers! blogs! or forums.
To err is humanJ thus! it is also human to pass on errors. 1s a
result! many parado$ical old wi'esD tales concerning the phase
phenomenon ha'e become accepted a priori.
(ot e'erything written in esoteric literature should be thrown out.
4ome things may possibly be drawn from it. 1fter reading such
literature! a practitioner should not assume that the new nowledge is
a uni'ersal truth.
For a house to stand firm! it needs a solid foundation. The only
way to build a good foundation phase practice is to approach the
phenomenon in a down#to#earth manner! from a scientific
perspecti'e! discounting any purported supernatural phenomena.
Once a solid foundation has been established! e'eryone has the right
to build their own truth on it.
)f a practitioner is only interested in ha'ing phase e$periences!
then the simple treatment of this guideboo and other materials may
suffice. 6owe'er! if a practitioner wants to achie'e the best results!
ample focus must be gi'en to indi'idual thought and formation of
opinion based on personal analysis.
Until all 2uestions are answered through a search for answers in
'arious sources of information! no real progress should be e$pected.
Many things cannot be described or e$plained. The resolution of
many issues will always remain up to indi'idual &udgment and
understanding. Finding all of the answers is impossible. Moreo'er!
trying to possess all of the answers is a serious inhibitor to real
progress because the practitioner would ha'e to digress into dubious
literature and con'ersation aside from real! formati'e practice.
The ad'ice and e$periences of others may lead to error. )n no case
should there be any authorities or unachie'able ideals. 1 logical!
e'en septical approach should be taen during research and practice.
The goal of this guideboo is to pro'ide the reader with linear!
factual information sufficient for the de'elopment of independent
Each time a practitioner encounters some incomprehensible
phenomenon or problem when performing phase techni2ues! an
independent analysis of the phenomenon should be formed before
looing elsewhere for the cause. )f a seeer loos for answers outside
of personal reasoning! there is a high ris of assimilating and acting
upon a fallacy.
Many practitioners are not willing to analy=e personal successes
and failures! and instead search all sorts of boos! which often
contradict one another! and using a hodge#podge of e$traneous!
un'erified information can only lead one to further! and 2uite
infectious! fallacy.
0iterature of e'ery sort has always been the main 'ehicle for
disseminating information about the phase state. The phase
phenomenon is referred to by other terms- astral pro&ection! out#of#
body tra'el! or lucid dreaming. )n addition to disseminating
information! many boos are often 'ehicles for disseminating
This is easy to recogni=e when researching se'eral such boos
and comparing described e'ents and theories. The information is
more often than not contradictory and based on opinions that ha'e
ne'er been 'erified by anyone! including the authors. The result is a
mass of speculation that has no bearing on reality! nearly always
accompanied by a false certainty about the sub&ect matter. 6owe'er!
unlie the real world! the phase is not a place where one can belie'e
oneDs eyes or feelings. The phasesD appearance and 2ualities depend
'ery much on the person e$periencing it.
For e$ample! if a practitioner belie'es upon entering the phase the
body will be lying nearby on the bed! then it will always be there. )f a
practitioner belie'es that the percei'ed body should always be
tethered to the physical body! then in the practitioner will always see
and e'en feel a tether in the phase. This is a simple case of
e$pectations becoming reality. 4imilarly! someone who has entered
the phase by accident and thins that the time of death has arri'ed
may see angels and a tunnel with a light at the end. )f someone is
e$tremely religious! there may be a perception that something holy!
e'en 3od! has appeared. )f entry to the phase is construed as a result
of being abducted by aliens! then that is e$actly what will happen.
This would all be 2uite funny if it were not actually encountered.
.hen it occurs! the only thing left to do is to belie'e. To belie'e! to
tell others about it! and write boos about it...
There are authors who impart no illusions! but it is often difficult
for a no'ice to separate the truth from illusion or open fabrication!
which is why a septical approach to the contents of any boo is
warranted. The only truth con'eyed in any boo is that which has
been 'erified by personal e$perience. The rest should simply be
noted and possibly taen into consideration.
)n conclusion! boos should be studied to disco'er techni2ue#
related information that allows a practitioner to enter the phase and
control the e$perience. This is the only point of intersection among
all beliefs and theories.
4ince techni2ues used to enter the phase are associated with a
specific type of mental operation! it is necessary to create
comfortable conditions so that e$ternal distracters are ept to a
minimum. 1 room should neither be too cold or too hot! nor too
bright. Performing techni2ues at a comfortable temperature in a
darened room or while wearing a sleeping mas are ways to
promote unhindered practice.
)nterfering noises are often also ma&or distracters and isolation
from such noises is necessary to successful practice. )t is often
sufficient to turn off the phone and close doors and windows. )f this
does not help! or if it is e$tremely loud outside the window! one can
use standard earmuffs.
)t is also helpful to gi'e ad'ance notice to people so that they are
not alarmed. )t is also preferable that no one is in the bed with the
practitioner. Most often! domestic animals interfere with the
performance of techni2ues! which is why they should be fed
beforehand and ept out of the room where direct or indirect
techni2ues are practiced.
TA<>I+G )IT8 <I>E-,I+&E& PEOP<E
3reat benefit is deri'ed by discussing personal e$periences with
other practitioners. This leads to an e$change of information! new
nowledge! and mutual help concerning certain problems and issues.
The greatest effect comes through communication in person! and
not solely through mail! forums! and blogs. Meeting face#to#face with
lie#minded people promotes camaraderie and a useful
nowledgebase to consider during indi'idual practice.
8ue to the fact that nowledge of the phenomenon is
underde'eloped! difficulties may arise in finding someone to tal to.
This can be sol'ed by personally sharing phase e$periences with
friends and family members! regardless of whether they are fellow
practitioners. )t is e'en better to pass on training literature! lie this
The website also has a discussion forum
de'oted to the phase! maing it possible to obtain and e$change a
large amount of information. The site also has the contact
information for the coordinators of Phase Practitioner ,lubs all
around the world! which is a non#commercial association of
enthusiasts who meet to e$change and discuss e$periences.

T8E :IG8T )A9 TO >EEP A GO5:+A<
Beeping a &ournal can be of much help while learning and
practicing the phase. .hen properly ept! a &ournal can help a
practitioner to de'elop an analysis that will increase the 2uality of
phase e$periences. 5y and large! eeping a &ournal helps to iron out a
sporadic practice! turning it into a structured discipline that can be
1n effecti'e diary should contain a massi'e amount of indicators
that allow a statistical study to unco'er patterns. )t is essential that
each entry include the date! time of day or night! a detailed account of
entries into the phase and phase e$periences. 8escriptions of
mistaes and a plan of action for the ne$t phase should also be
recorded. 8uring the no'ice stages of practice! e'en noting
unsuccessful entry attempts is beneficial. 0ater on! only successful
phase e$periences may be recorded.

6ere is an e$ample of a proper &ournal entry-
2#perience /o( 12
January 6
, 2G
2'88 DM
- &o+e up early in the $orning( %fter e#ercising, - too+ a
sho&er and ate "rea+fast( - &atched TE and read "oo+s until
- laid do&n for a nap at 1 DM, right after lunch( - felt li+e
perfor$ing indirect techni4ues, and affir$ed this intention( -
&o+e up the first ti$e to $ove$ent, "ut after trying to e$ploy
forced falling asleep Ain order to negate the effects of the
$ove$ent), - fell asleep( - &o+e up the second ti$e &ithout
$ove$ent and tried to roll out( This didn.t &or+ and - tried
levitating and getting up( %fter that, - $oved on to phanto$
&iggling( Move$ent occurred in $y right hand( %fter doing
this for several seconds, - decided to try listening in( Sounds
started, "ut - &as una"le to $a+e the$ louder( 0o&ever,
i$ages appeared "efore $y eyes and - started to vie& the$(
%fter they "eca$e realistic, - decided to try rolling out and it
&or+ed &ithout a hitch(
My vision &as di$, as if through a veil( But then, the rest
of the sensations - felt reached the verge of reality( This is
&hen - &ent to the &indo&( For so$e reason, it &as su$$er
outside, and not &inter( There &as a red fire-truc+ outside the
&indo&( There &ere really lo& clouds in the s+y( The sun &as
a"ove the$(
/e#t, everything 4uic+ly faded a&ay and - found $yself
"ac+ in $y "ody( Then, - got up and loo+ed at the ti$e( -t &as
2'16 DM(
1( 5hen the phanto$ &iggling &or+ed, - should have
aggressively tried to increase the range of $ove$ent, and not
si$ply done &iggling, let alone change to another techni4ue(
%fter all, if &iggling occurs, the phase can al&ays "e entered(
2( The sa$e &ith the sounds( - had no great desire to a$plify
sounds or even listen in( 2verything &as done lac+adaisically(
8( - should have started &ith deepening and not actions, as
visual sensations &ere not vivid( H( - should have e$ployed
techni4ues for $aintaining( 6( Iou can.t loo+ do&n for long
&ithout si$ultaneously using techni4ues for $aintaining, yet -
too+ in everything outside the &indo& and in the s+y( J( -
forgot a"out the plan of action( K( - should have tried again to
enter the phase(
Plan of action for ne-t ti(eC
1( 3efinitely deepen the phase as $uch as possi"le( 2( -
should try to go through a &all( 8( Translocate to $y %untie
in /e& Ior+( H( Translocate to the Statue of Li"erty and
e#a$ine her cro&n( 6( Try to conduct the e#peri$ent of
putting $y hand into $y head(
Chapter " ! Practitioner$6 E-perience$
The ability to analy=e the e$periences of others can be a great
supplement to personal training. This allows a practitioner to re'iew
and thin through situations that ha'e not yet been personally
encountered. The more a practitioner analyses the e$periences of
other practitioners! fewer mistaes will be made during indi'idual
Reading the e$periences contained in this section will shed much
light on proper phase practice. The actions that these practitioners
too to achie'e results will be subconsciously retained by the
readerDs memory. 0ater! these actions may reproduce similar
circumstances in the phase! affording 'aluable opportunities to
respond using proper actions.
1t the beginning stages of practice! many practitioners lac in real
descriptions of phase e$periences while techni2ue#related nowledge
abounds. Techni2ues can be conceptuali=ed in many different ways!
while descriptions of their application are much more demonstrati'e.
Thus! many practitioners ha'e no idea about how genuine practice
The e$periences described in this section are useful # e'en from a
psychological point of 'iew. E'en if a person belie'es that the phase
phenomenon e$ists! it may be construed as e$tremely difficult or
personally impossible. 1fter learning about other peopleDs
e$periences! a person will reali=e that these practitioners ha'e been
able to enter the phase without any complicated or incomprehensible
techni2ues. The reader will understand that the ey is to tae right
actions at the right moment! trying to master the phase with calmness
and confidence.
.hile re'iewing and analy=ing other peopleDs e$periences in this
section! the reader should remember that these e$periences are based
on personal beliefs about the phenomenon! which is why occult
terminology and notions may be encountered. 6owe'er! such aspects
of the descriptions are not important. Focus should be gi'en to
techni2ue#related actions described in the accounts. The reader
should also tae into account that some nuances Flie e$periential
realismG are not always clear in the te$t and that it is not always
possible to determine why certain e'ents occurred in the phase
e$periences described here.
1ll of the following descriptions belong to real people who either
related the accounts orally! wrote them down during classes at the
4chool of Out#of#5ody Tra'el! submitted them 'ia email! or posted
them on the forum at Though the total number of
recorded! 'erifiable phase descriptions e$ceeds one thousand! only
se'eral cases that are illustrati'e and useful for de'eloping analysis
ha'e been selected. Primarily! these are descriptions of the
practitionersD initial phase e$periences! which are most rele'ant to
new practitioners.
The large number of mistaes made by almost e'ery practitioner!
regardless of their le'el of e$perience! should not be taen too
seriously while reading the comments. 1ctually! it is a rare occasion
that the phase is e$perienced without any techni2ue#related errors.
E'erybody maes mistaes.
E$periments are listed in ascending order of 2uality and number
of properly performed actions. 1ccounts ha'e been published with
the permission of the authors.
Bori$ Pronyakin
Copy7riterD >ievJ 5kraine
- &o+e up in the =correct> state( - i$$ediately felt vi"rations,
and "efore - had ti$e to ti$e to thin+ a"out anything, - &as +noc+ed
out of $y "ody "y a strong +ic+( - started falling( - had no vision, the
floor &as gone( Li+e a nose-diving airplane, - &as in a free-fall( -
+ept dropping faster and faster( - started to feel that - &as losing
control( The only thing - could do &as increase the speed &ith &hich
- fell, all of the &ays that occurred to $e to try $aintain the phase
that - atte$pted at that $o$ent only lo&ered $y degree of
a&areness( Touching did not do anything for $e, as - &as 1ust an
une$"odied spirit in a co$plete vacuu$( Eision &as also $issing( -
started to panic due to the i$$inent foul( But the acceleration of the
fall did not help either, and - &as flying and &aiting for the $o$ent
&hen - &ould "e thro&n out into the drea$ &orld( %nd - dropped li+e
this until - fell asleep(
=ue$tion$C 8id 5oris describe a direct or indirect techni2ue/
.hat could he ha'e done if no spontaneous separation had occurred/
6ow could 5oris ha'e more correctly used deepening techni2ues/
.hy wasnEt 5oris thrown into a phase episode/ .hy did he fall
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C 1n indirect techni2ue was employed.
)f spontaneous separation had not occurred! 5oris could ha'e tried to
separate on his own. )f an attempt to separate had failed! it would be
necessary to implement indirect techni2ues by intensifying the
'ibrations! and then try once again to separate. )n order to deepen
and! meanwhile! reach a destination while falling! 5oris should ha'e
applied translocation techni2ues and! upon reaching a location!
continued to deepen by means of sensory amplification. For e$ample!
he could ha'e applied the techni2ue of translocation by teleportation
with his eyes closed or simply tried to catch sight of his hands
through the darness! which also would ha'e induced an e$it.
5oris also did not pay any attention to the roar in his ears. )t could
ha'e been used for the techni2ue of listening in! which would ha'e
helped him to deepen and maintain. The lac of a set aim to land
somewhere resulted in his endless fall! though it does not always
happen this way. 5oris fell asleep due to his passi'ity and also
because he forgot that falling asleep was a possibility! though he did
remember about the possibility of an inad'ertent return to reality Fa
+oD "
Ale-ei Bakharev
EngineerD SochiJ :u$$ia
This &as the first ti$e that - $anaged to "eco$e conscious &hile
drea$ing( Before falling asleep, - concentrated on the dar+ness
"efore $y eyes and tried to re$ain consciousness as long as - could(
%ll of a sudden, - drea$t that - &as levitating to the ceiling, &hich
resulted in $y "eco$ing conscious that - &as drea$ing( My phanto$
"ody responded poorly to atte$pts to control it, and si$ply hovered
"eneath the ceiling( There &ere t&o people sitting on the floor "elo&(
They &ere loo+ing in $y direction, "ut it see$ed that they did not see
$e( %t this point - &o+e up and felt so$e sort of tingling and itching
in $y legs(
=ue$tion$C .hat factors led to the entry into the phase through
dream consciousness/ .hat needed to be done while ho'ering about
beneath the ceiling/ .hy did the foul happen so fast/ .hat should
ha'e been done immediately after returning to the body/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C 8ream consciousness occurred due to
the 1le$eiDs intent to concentrate on the space before his eyes and his
desire to remain conscious for as long as possible. The process of
becoming conscious was caused by the sensation of flying while
dreaming. Flying almost always becomes an anchor for dream
consciousness. )mmediately after the phase occurred! 1le$ei should
ha'e started deepening. )nstead! he simply ho'ered about and
obser'ed. .hile all the mo'ements may ha'e been difficult to
perform! they should ha'e ne'ertheless still been done 'ery acti'ely.
1s a result! lightness and a deepening of the phase would ha'e
ensued. 6is inad'ertent e$it from the phase happened due to
passi'ity! failure to deepen! and non#compliance with the rules for
maintaining the phase. E'en upon returning to his body! 1le$ei
should ha'e tried to separate again.
+oD %
&(itry ,arkov
:adio ,echanicD ,o$co7J :u$$ia
My first ti$e &as the $ost terri"le event in $y life( - had never
e#perienced such terror( -t happened in 3ece$"er, 1!!( - &as
falling asleep in $y "ed at ho$e( Suddenly, - heard so$eone enter
$y roo$, "ut - did not pay attention to the =intruder>( Then, t&o
fe$ale hands gra""ed $e fro$ "ehind, and &hile pressing $y "elly,
started to lift $y "ody up( - distinctly felt thin fingers &ith long nails
on $y "elly, "ut &as co$pletely paraly*ed and a"solutely una"le
$ove any part of $y "ody or put up any +ind of resistance( - felt $y
"ody go through the ceiling, "ut then &as pulled still higher and
- got scared that this could "e death( - &as afraid not so $uch of
death as of the un+no&n( %ll of this happened so s&iftly that - found
$yself unprepared for such a crossover( - started to pray( - as+ed
:od to help $e free $yself and go "ac+( - panic+ed( - can.t say ho&
$any seconds $y forced levitation lasted or ho& high - &as lifted
a"ove $y house, "ut the $o$ent ca$e &hen - instantly returned to
$y "ed(
=ue$tion$C .as this entry into the phase deliberate/ .hat ind of
techni2ue led to the phase/ .hat is the name for the complete
immobili=ation that 8mitry encountered/ .hat should he ha'e done
in order to start mo'ing/ .hy did his body easily go through the
ceiling/ .hy was he able to stop this terrible e$perience by praying/
.hat could he ha'e done immediately upon returning to his body/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C This phase e$perience was
spontaneous and falls under the category of direct techni2ues since
there was no significant lapse into sleep. The whole e$perience was
accompanied by sleep paralysis! which is why it was difficult for
8mitry to do anything. )n order to mo'e in this type of situation! it
would ha'e been necessary to intensify the phase state by using an
indirect techni2ue or redouble efforts to mo'e.p
8mitryDs body went through the ceiling without any difficulty
because there was no 'ision and the phase itself had not been
deepened! otherwise this would not ha'e happened so easily. Praying
and appealing to 3od helped in this case because praying facilitated a
rela$ation of perceptions and an intention to go bac to reality- two
factors which are crucial during emergency return techni2ues. Upon
returning to his body! he could ha'e still tried to separate again!
though this would ha'e been easier said than done due to the fear
associated with the first e$perience.
+oD '
Ivan 9akovlev
StudentD Ant7erpJ Belgiu(
- don.t +no& &hat &o+e $e up, "ut - +ne& right a&ay that
so$ething &as out of order( - could not open $y eyes, and $y "ody
&as al$ost 1ust as+ing to rise up( - understood &hat &as going on M
all of this indicated that - &as having an out-of-"ody e#perience( The
first thing - tried &as to lift $y left hand up, and it &or+ed( -
understood that this &as an astral hand, "ecause - could see through
it( - $oved hastily and carefully to the other side of the "ed AThere
&as a strange sensation in $y head at that ti$e)( - cal$ed do&n and
tried to do so$ething again( - levitated a"out half a $eter a"ove the
"ed( Eision ca$e "ac+ to $e right then and - sa& &hat appeared to
"e $y roo$, "ut not e#actly it, as the rug on the floor &as of a
different color pattern and the door &as closed for so$e reason( -
could not co$prehend &hy everything &as lit fro$ "ehind $y "ac+(
Then, - loo+ed over $y left shoulder and sa& a s$all "right &hite
"all "ehind $y shoulder "lade at a distance of G inches( -t &as
lighting up the roo$ up( Then - tried to go through the door, "ut &as
una"le to( Out of the fear that - &ould never return to $y real "ody, -
&o+e up in the everyday &orld(
=ue$tion$C 8uring the beginning of his e$perience! what
phenomenon typical to the phase and awaening did )'an encounter/
.hat ind of techni2ue! direct or indirect! led to the phase/ .hat
specific techni2ues were employed/ 6ow could the sensation of "the
body &ust asing to rise up% ha'e been used/ .hat should ha'e been
done immediately when he reali=ed that it was possible to raise his
hand/ .hat should ha'e been the first actions taen after le'itation/
.hy was it unnecessary to immediately try to go through the door/
.hat should ha'e been done when )'an returned to his body/ 8oes
this practitioner ha'e a down#to#earth 'iew or an esoteric 'iew of the
nature of this phenomenon/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C Upon awaening in a state of sleep
paralysis! )'an understood that he could use this opportunity for the
phase and immediately started attempts to separate without
employing techni2ues for creating the state! as they would ha'e been
superfluous. This was an indirect techni2ue by nature. 6e could ha'e
followed his impulse to le'itate from the 'ery beginning instead of
mo'ing his hands. 1fter his hand started to mo'e! he could ha'e
stood up or separated. )nstead! )'an simply rolled o'er and calmed
down for an instant! although doing so is strongly discouraged and is
a waste of the progress made up to this point. Then! after starting to
le'itate! he should ha'e! first of all! assumed a position distinct from
that of his real body! stood up on the floor! and immediately started
deepening. )nstead! he di'erted his attention to the light source and an
attempt to go through the door.
E'en if e'erything had been done correctly from the beginning!
there would ha'e been no reason to attempt to go through the door.
)'an could ha'e simply opened it. The sill of going through ob&ects
should be learned after first fine#tuning the ability to deepen and
maintain the phase. There was no reason to return out of fear! but
e'en a return to the body! another immediate attempt at separating
would most liely ha'e been successful.
The use of the term of "astral hand% indicates that the practitioner
harbors esoteric 'iews on the sub&ect.
+oD *
+atalya >oHhenova
EngineerD ShchelkovoJ :u$$ia
5hen - &as a"out 1K or 1G years old, - read so$e esoteric
articles on astral pro1ection( They see$ed 4uite interesting to $e, "ut
no $ore than a curiosity M - did not particularly "elieve in such
One evening, - &ent to "ed as usual( - &o+e up in the $iddle of
the night, "ut &as una"le to $ove $y "ody and there &as a loud
noise in $y head( 0aving "een re$inded of those articles, - si$ply
tried to levitate and - $anaged to do so, as if through $y forehead
so$eho&( The sensation of flying &as very realistic, to $y great
surprise( The first thought that occurred to $e &as, N5o&, these
astral guys &eren.t lying,> - hovered a"ove $y "ody for so$e ti$e in
the dar+( - thought of vision, and it started to appear( - then fle&
to&ards the &indo&, and upon turning around in to face $y "ody, -
sa& it in its proper place( - decided to fly "ac+ to it and touch it(
5hen - finally po+ed it, it suc+ed $y "ac+ into it, causing a 4uite
strange sensation(
=ue$tion$C .hat type of techni2ue did (atalya use/ .hat would
she ha'e needed to do if her attempt at le'itating had been
unsuccessful/ .hy was the phase short#li'ed/ .hat should she ha'e
done upon returning to her body/ .hy did she use the term "astral%/
.ere the articles about astral pro&ection of any significant help/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C Upon awaening in a state of a sleep
paralysis! (atalya stumbled upon the idea of employing indirect
techni2ues. 4he managed to separate immediately! but if sheDd
encountered problems in doing so! she could ha'e started the
techni2ue of listening in to the "noise% in her head. The phase was
short#li'ed due to a lac of acti'ity and failure to perform deepening
and "maintaining% techni2ues. 1fter returning to her body! she should
ha'e tried to immediately separate.
(atalya holds esoteric 'iews on the nature of the phase
phenomenon! which is why she uses such terminology for it.
6owe'er! the articles helped her to perform the right actions at the
right moment.
+o .
Ale-ander 2ur(enkov
StudentD Saint Peter$burgJ :u$$ia
- &o+e up at early in the night after so$e difficulties &ith falling
asleep( Blurred i$ages started to float "efore $y eyes and - reali*ed
that - could enter the phase( - started to discard unnecessary i$ages,
and after getting ahold of one of the$, - e$erged in so$e +ind of a
yello& corridor( The level of general realness and a&areness of the
e#perience &as a"out G7 to !7 of that of reality( - re$e$"ered
a"out the $ethods for deepening, &hich is &hy - started to loo+ at
everything going on around $e, "ut this did not yield any serious
results( - started to touch $yself, "ut all sensation see$ed so$e&hat
da$pened( - reali*ed that - &as losing a&areness( - ca$e round, "ut
nevertheless fell asleep in a"out 2 seconds(
=ue$tion$C )s it possible to call the techni2ue used in this
description a direct techni2ue/ .hat specific techni2ue for creating
the phase was employed/ .hich separation techni2ue did 1le$ander
use/ .hat could ha'e been the reason for the "dampened sensation%
and inability to deepen/ .hat caused him to fall asleep/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C The techni2ue employed cannot be
considered a direct one! though it was used at the beginning of the
night. 1s a matter of fact! it appears that the preliminary lapse of
consciousness into sleep was significant. )f such preliminary sleep
had lasted only se'eral minutes! the techni2ue could ha'e been
considered partially direct. The techni2ue for obser'ing images was
employed correctly because the images appeared on their own.
1le$ander did not employ any techni2ues for separation! as the
obser'ing images techni2ue often brings the obser'er into the
obser'ed image or some other world! which is e$actly what happened
here. Most liely! the weaness of the phase was due to meager
le'els of acti'ity and moti'ation! which were caused by the fact that
it was early in the night. The practitioner fell asleep because he failed
to deepen sufficiently and not eep from falling asleep. 3eneral
acti'ity was also 'ery low. The bodyDs desire to fall asleep played a
ma&or role in the process. 1le$ander had! after all! been ha'ing
problems sleeping.
+oD /
:o(an :eutov
Sy$te( Ad(ini$tratorD Sa(araJ :u$$ia
Truly, the $ost interesting things al$ost al&ays happen
%fter a sufficiently long "rea+ in $y atte$pts to go to the other
&orld, tonight - decided to try it again( - thre& in the to&el after yet
another unsuccessful atte$pt, rolled to $y other side, and decided to
si$ply get a good night.s sleep( - do not +no& e#actly ho& $uch ti$e
passed &hile - lay do&n and thought a"out &hat - &as still doing
&rong &hile o"serving interesting i$ages that $y i$agination &as
dra&ing( But at one fine $o$ent, - suddenly felt the pheno$enon
that is co$$only referred to as vi"rations( - started to intensify the$
A- should add that the feeling is indescri"a"le), "ut - could not
levitate, though - really &anted to ta+e a loo+ at $yself fro$ the
outside( - decided to si$ply stand up, and that.s &hen it all "eca$e
$ost interesting, The entire process of transitioning fro$ a
hori*ontal position to a vertical one &as acco$panied "y
increasingly palpa"le vi"rations and a louder and louder roaring
sound in $y head( The sensation &as the sa$e as that e#perienced
after going to "ed after not having slept for 2H hours and then "eing
suddenly roused "y so$e"ody' $y head spun, everything started
crac+ling inside of it, and - &as a"out to lose consciousness( Then, a
flic+ering picture started to appear( -t sta"ili*ed after one or t&o
seconds, the roaring in $y head died do&n, and - reali*ed that - &as
sitting on $y "ed(
- &as in $y apart$ent, thought it &as noticea"ly altered( My
roo$ see$ed $ore or less the sa$e, though the interior &as indeed
different upon detailed e#a$ination( For e#a$ple, $y $o"ile phone,
&hich is al&ays &ithin a reach, &as so$eho& an older and different
$odel( -t turned out to "e the first o"1ect that - tested, as - suddenly
&anted very $uch to find out &hat ti$e it &as and chec+ &hich day
of the $onth it &as( - distinctly felt the phone in $y hand, "ut upon
atte$pting to concentrate on and loo+ at the display, - &as thro&n
"ac+ into the reality( - i$$ediately cli$"ed "ac+ out of $y "ody and
decided to si$ply pace around the apart$ent &hile trying to
re$e$"er &hat - could e#peri$ent on( - tried to con1ure an o"1ect,
"ut that didn.t &or+ and resulted in so$e $ental activity( This
caused the phase to fade and $y "eing thro&n "ac+ into reality( -n
total, there &ere a"out five successive entries into the phase that
lasted for 2 to 8 $inutes each( The e#periences &ere not sta"le at all,
&hich is &hy - &as e#a$ining $y surroundings in a hurry, al&ays
trying to get ahold of anything - could get $y hand on( 0o&ever,
there &ere a good a$ount of i$pressions, considering that it &as $y
first entry(
=ue$tion$C .hat type of techni2ue did Roman use to enter the
phase/ .hat were the ey precursors of the phase/ .hich separation
techni2ue was used/ )f Roman had failed to completely separate!
what techni2ue! besides 'ibrations! should he ha'e considered/ .hat
is the most liely reason for all of the fouls/ .hich single action
allowed the practitioner to mae the phase fi'e times longer/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C The phase was entered through a
direct techni2ue! with the comfortable position that Roman was lying
in being the main catalyst. 1s long as Roman was lying in an
uncomfortable position! his mind was unable to completely turn off
physical perception! and this was most liely the reason why there
were no short lapses in dreaming. )f Roman were still unable to
separate when using the techni2ue of standing up! or any other
techni2ue besides intensifying the 'ibrations! he could ha'e tried
listening in! as there was some noise.
)nstead of using his first phase e$perience to wor on mastering
the basic sills of deepening and maintaining! Roman immediately
indulged in comple$ e$periments! which is why his multiple entries
within the same phase were brief! of poor 2uality! and not used
effecti'ely. 5ut this is all typical during initial e$periences and a lot
was still accomplished! especially considering that a direct techni2ue
was used. The relati'e length of the phase was achie'ed mainly
thans to complying with the single way to maintain the phase I
repeated separation! which Roman managed to do fi'e times.

+oD 0
Ale-ander &yrenkov
StudentD ,o$co7J :u$$ia
My first entry happened at night( - &as lying in "ed and thin+ing
a"out the phase, as - had "een una"le to fall asleep for a &hile( -
do*ed off for a $o$ent and then a&o+e again, this ti$e already in
the proper state, and then easily rolled out A$ore or less
unconsciously and refle#ively)( - &ent deeper "y $eans of touching
and then falling headfirst( -t is a pity that already forgotten a lot
of the e#perience, "ut - do re$e$"er that after deepening - fell right
do&n onto the yard of $y grand$other.s house, "ut then lost
consciousness, and so - returned into $y "ody and rolled out of it
several ti$es( - &as una"le to sharpen all $y senses' 5hen -
deepened one sense Atouch, for e#a$ple), another Ai(e( sight) &ould
fade a&ay( %fter that, - have a gap in $y $e$ory concerning $y
travels Aconsciousness and lucidity &ere &ea+, and - fell asleep and
=resurfaced> several ti$es), "ut - re$e$"er having "een to a lot of
0ere@s ho& the episode ended' - dove headfirst into &ater fro$ a
high "oard Aafter first having deepened a "it), and then $y sense of
touch gre& sharper' - felt =&ater> and hit $y head against a very
soft ="otto$(> - resu$ed the interrupted fall through &illpo&er, "ut
then it occurred to $e that $y grand$other &anted to &a+e $e up(
My level of a&areness &as not 4uite ade4uate, as it did not occur to
$e that - &as actually sleeping in a dor$itory, and not at $y
grand$other@s house( That.s &hy - decided that - needed to return to
$y "ody( % sharp fall occurred right after that thought, and &as
follo&ed "y sensations si$ilar to those one e#periences &hen hung-
=ue$tion$C .as a direct or indirect techni2ue applied/ .hat
made the implementation of the techni2ue successful/ .hy was
1le$ander e&ected into his grandmotherEs yard/ .hile deepening!
how could the problem of the senses being enhanced only one at a
time ha'e been sol'ed/ .hy did the practitioner ha'e gaps in his
memory/ .hat were the main problems associated with maintaining
the phase/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C 8espite the brief lapse in
consciousness! the techni2ue used was a direct one! and that 'ery
lapse facilitated the immediate emergence of the necessary state! e'en
though this was 1le$anderDs first e$perience. The e&ection into his
grandmotherEs yard was spontaneous! and was most liely caused by
some preceding thoughts about the yard or being in a habit of going
there. Une$pected translocation often occurs when deepening while
falling headfirst.
Ouite possibly! in order to a'oid ha'ing the senses of sight and
touch enhance only one at a time! he should ha'e simultaneously
applied the techni2ues of touching and looing out. 1s for
maintaining the phase! there were three main problems that were also
direct causes of the gaps in 1le$anderEs memory- little depth! lac of
a clear plan of action! and non#compliance with the rules for
maintaining the phase Fwith the e$ception of multiple entries after
return to the bodyG.
+oD 1
Svyato$lav Baranov
StudentD Per(J :u$$ia
- &o+e up on $y side( - didn.t feel li+e sleeping any$ore, "ut -
closed $y eyes any&ay( 5hen - lay do&n on $y "ac+, - i$$ediately
felt the sensation that - &as a"out to fall fro$ the couch A- &as lying
on the edge), and so$e +ind of lapse occurred, as if - &as "eing
pulled so$e&here( - lay do&n once again, and this "u**ing started,
and a green light appeared "efore $y eyes( - lay "ac+ even further,
and $y eyelids started to flutter( - thought that - $ight fall fro$ the
couch at that $o$ent, "ut then $y vision ca$e to $e, and - o"served
that - &as already lying on the floor ne#t to the couch, - got up on $y
feet and noticed that the roo$ &as =spinning> as if - &ere drun+, "ut
everything 4uite 4uic+ly &ent "ac+ to nor$al( %t that very $o$ent, -
understood that this &as it, The phase itself,
-n ecstasy, - forgot a"out all the techni4ues and &ent to loo+
a"out the roo$( 2verything &as 1ust li+e in reality, "ut so$e things
&ere out of place( - tried to levitate and "ent "ac+&ards, and &as
so$eho& thrust outside( -t &as dus+ out there, and there &as a lot of
sno& on the ground( - &ent around the house and tried to levitate( -
&as a"le to soar up&ards, and sa& the hori*on and sunset( But then -
"egan to lose altitude( %fter having flo&n to the &indo& on the other
side of the house, - &anted to go up to the roof, "ut then a foul
occurred( -n a fraction of a second, - had the sensation that - &as
=no&here>( But then, $y real eyes opened A&ith difficulty) and there
&as once again the feeling of so$e sort of lapse( %&areness &as di$
during the phase, apparently due to not having gotten enough sleep(
=ue$tion$C .hat ind of phase entrance techni2ue did 4'yatosla'
use/ .hich specific techni2ue produced results/ .hich separation
techni2ue was employed/ )f separation was unsuccessful! which
techni2ue should ha'e been immediately used/ .hich important
actions did he not perform enough after entering the phase/ .hat
should ha'e been done after the foul/ .hy was awareness dim
during the phase/
An$7er$ and Co((entaryC 1n indirect techni2ue was
employed. (o phase state creation techni2ues were employed by
4'yatosla'. )nstead! separation immediately wored through rolling
bacwards. )f separation were unsuccessful! he should ha'e
proceeded with obser'ing images! which would ha'e been possible
with the green light.
8eepening was not immediately performed! no effort was made to
maintain! and there was no appro$imation of a plan of actionJ
howe'er! this is not a crucial factor during initial e$periences.
1nother attempt to enter the phase should ha'e been made upon
returning to the body! but this was also forgotten. 1wareness was dim
and memory was wea during the phase because of the initial
shallowness of the state! which was reflected in the perception of the
surrounding and also the thought processes.
+oD 4
Oleg Su$hchenko
Sport$(anD ,o$co7J :u$$ia
Last night - spent a"out an hour developing the interplay of
i$ages in $y $ind after - no left felt any feeling of +inesthetic sense(
- &as lying on $y "ac+ in an unco$forta"le position( %fter sliding
to&ards sleep for so$e ti$e, - felt slight vi"rations and echoes of
sounds fro$ the drea$ &orld, "ut the unco$forta"le position still
hindered $e( -n the end, - thought the hec+ &ith it, and decided to lie
do&n ho&ever &as co$forta"le, and turned over to lie on $y
sto$ach( 3espite the fact that the $ove$ent upset the process, after
a"out five $inutes the state "egan to return and "uild up( - &as a"le
to get a little vi"ration this ti$e, although - &as una"le to a$plify it(
- dre& a picture of $y +itchen in $y $ind, and "ecause the i$ages in
that state &ere really vivid, strong, and realistic, after so$e ti$e -
understood that not only &ere $y attention and a&areness there, "ut
so &ere $y "odily sensations( - &as 4uite surprised that the phase
had "een so easy to fall in to Athere &as no dou"t that this &as the
- 1u$ped out through the &indo& and "egan to fly around the
courtyard( %ctually, it &as the first ti$e that - had flo&n only upon a
single $ental co$$and, &ithout any physical effort, as occurs
during drea$s( The courtyard "ore only 17 si$ilarity to its real-
life counterpart, "ut - &as not at all surprised "y this, and - si$ply
en1oyed it as $uch as - could, as - &as a"le see and &as not
i$$ediately thro&n out( But, after having loo+ed at and ta+en in the
city, the thought of &hether or not this &as the phase and not 1ust a
lucid drea$ occurred( - &as so conscious in the drea$ that - &as
a"le to +no& a"out and co$prehend such ter$s, and differentiate
"et&een the$ - can you i$agineF, - have to add that - gave little
attention to $y $e$ory, so - can.t say ho& $uch of $y =self-
a&areness> &as there, "ut - &as a&are enough to "e a"le to
differentiate "et&een the phase and a lucid drea$ Aor at least thin+
a"out the difference)( - even &ent and as+ed people around if it &as
the phase or a lucid drea$( Sounds funny, doesn@t itF The funniest
thing &as that they ans&ered that it &as a different &orld, and they
refused to discuss the topic any further &ith $e( Then, - decided to
not get $y $ind all $i#ed up and 1ust go &ith the plot, &hich turned
out to "e 4uite long and uninterrupted, - recalled a $o$ent fro$ the
day "efore ho& - had lain do&n and induced the phase &hile lying on
$y "ac+, and ho& - had turned over and flo&n a&ay( - recalled all
this periodically during the course of the phase, and reali*ed that -
should try to as+ a"out &hat had "een going on &ith $e on the foru$
Then, later in the phase, - found $yself in a "ase$ent( %s there
&as 1ust a really nasty s$ell there, - decided that - had already had
enough and that it &as ti$e to go "ac+( That happened even $ore
easily, as soon as - thought a"out going "ac+, a vi"ration as light as
a "ree*e &ent through $e and then - &as "ac+ in $y "ody &ith full
a&areness and a &ell-rested "ody and $ind( - &as co$pletely
refreshed, %nd that.s despite the fact that - re$e$"er everything,
every second of the drea$, fro$ the $o$ent - started flying,
=ue$tion$C .hich type of techni2ue helped Oleg enter the phase/
.hat initially made it harder for him to enter the phase! and could
this ha'e had a positi'e effect on later results/ .hat can be said of
techni2ues related to 'ibrations in the conte$t of OlegEs entry into the
phase/ .hich specific techni2ue brought him into the phase/ .hich
initial actions should ha'e been taen upon entry into the phase/
.hat was lacing that could ha'e lead to producti'e use of the
phase/ .as it worthwhile to immediately translocate by &umping
through the window/ .hat was the cause of reflection on whether
the e$perience was the phase or a conscious dream/ .as it beneficial
to try to offhandedly learn from ob&ects what type of state this was/
.hy did the desire to return bac to the body arise! and what could
ha'e caused it/
An$7er$ and Co((entaryC Oleg entered the phase using a
direct techni2ue. 6e was initially unable to enter due to the
uncomfortable position that he had assumed! although lapses in
consciousness into short dreams did occur. (e'ertheless! the initially
unsuccessful techni2ue still ended in a positi'e final outcome because
the state that Oleg was in was close to the phase. 6owe'er! attention
should not ha'e been gi'en to 'ibration amplification techni2ues!
especially straining the brain and straining the body without using
muscles! as they can be detrimental during direct techni2ues.
The techni2ue of 'isuali=ation was used immediately before
entering the phase instead of obser'ing images! which is used more
often. Oleg deliberately con&ured the obser'ed images instead of
searching for them in front of himself! which is where the difference
between the techni2ues lies. 6owe'er! he did not perform deepening
upon entering the phase. 1dditionally! he had no clear plan of action
to ensure that the phase would be producti'e 4tarting to translocate
by &umping through windows should only be done by those with a
certain amount of e$perience since beginners sometimes percei'e
reality to be the phase! or the phase to be reality.
The reason for the reflection on the nature of the phenomenon
was due to terminological confusion! which is 2uite widespread. )f a
practitioner is aware but does not feel the body as in the physical
world! then it can be assumed that the phase has been entered. This is
why there was no reason to in2uire about this among animate ob&ects.
8eliberately returning to the body was a big mistae. There was
no reason to throw away an opportunity to tra'el and use the phase.
5eginners are not often afforded such an opportunity. The reason for
the return to the body in this case is most liely found in the absence
of a plan of action and lac of clear understanding of how the phase
might be used for practical aims.
Ale-ander <elekov
Co(puter Progra((erD Saint Peter$burgJ :u$$ia
- tried all night to use the %stral 9atapult that cues you &hen drea$ing, "ut - gave up on the idea after several unsuccessful
a&a+enings and si$ply fell asleep( 5hen -@$ drea$ing - usually
$ove "y ta+ing great leaps, $uch further than a +angaroo, a"out
1-8 yards( This happens regularly in $y drea$s, and - usually
i$$ediately reali*e that -@$ in a drea$( 3uring one of the leaps, -
reali*ed &hile air"orne that - &as drea$ing and also reali*ed that -
&as a"le to land in a s$all dirty pond( %s e#pected, - landed right in
the pond and &ent deep under the &ater( %nd at that very $o$ent, -
found $yself in the stencil, &ith $y hands and head half stuc+ in it(
- got a little nervous that this atte$pt &ould also "e unsuccessful,
and so - i$$ediately tried to separate fro$ $y "ody( - &as una"le to
get $y head or hands out, and for the first ti$e - tried to turn around
round $y a#is and $anaged to get out( Then - either slipped do&n or
fell fro$ the "ed, "ut - did not feel any pain( - cra&led for 1-2 $eters
and then felt that - could go "ac+( - started to touch the rug and so$e
other thing, though - don.t +no& e#actly &hat it &as as it &as dar+,
and, lo and "ehold' &ithin 2-8 seconds - pro"a"ly felt &hat s$all
+ittens feel &hen their eyes open for the first ti$e( 2verything &as
foggy and "lurry at first, "ut then a picture started to appear, the
roo$ filled &ith light, and colors "eca$e "right and vivid( - tried
very hard to restrain $y e#cite$ent, and, to $y surprise, &as a"le to(
- &al+ed around $y apart$ent thin+ing a"out &hat - should do(
Reali*ing that - did not have that $uch ti$e, - decided to tal+ to an
elderly $an &ho &ould ans&er $y 4uestions( - decided that there
&ould "e an o$niscient elderly $an "ehind the apart$ent@s front
door, &hich - &as a"out to open( %nd there he &as, half-"ald, a"out
J years old, in a grey coat &aiting for $e( - as+ed hi$ the 4uestion,
=5hat should - do to get into the phase $ore oftenF> But he started
to tell $e a"out ho& he &as raped as a child( %nd to "e $ore
precise, this &as already not an elderly $an, "ut an elderly &o$an( -
&as not very interested in hearing her story, thus - tried to $ove
a&ay fro$ her, suggesting that &e could tal+ later( But the elderly
&o$an &as persistent, and - did not &ant to offend her, "ecause -
thought that this &as an unusual drea$ &ith its o&n set of rules, and
na$ely that once you have as+ed an old &o$an a 4uestion, you are
supposed to "e courteous and listen to the entire ans&er(
- &ent &ith her to the +itchen of $y apart$ent( The telephone
suddenly rang( - got scared that the telephone &as ringing in $y
apart$ent and &ould &a+e $e up, &hich is &hy - i$$ediately
started to loo+ at $y hand in order to $aintain( But the sensations
&ere 4uite sta"le, and - stopped doing that( Then, $e and this lady
&anted to coo+ so$ething in $y +itchen( She said that - could heat a
frying pan &ithout gas( But - instead decided to try the techni4ue of
putting the hands together and "lo&ing on the$, and returned "ac+
into $y "ody(
=ue$tion$C .hich type of the entry into the phase did 1le$ander
describe/ .as the cueing program of any help/ .hich type of anchor
was the leaping/ .hy was the onset of consciousness immediately
followed by a transition into the stencil! i.e.! the real body! though not
completely/ .hich separation techni2ue helped him to get out of his
body again/ .hich techni2ue was used for deepening/ .hich
techni2ue for materiali=ing an ob&ect was used correctly/ .hat
should the procedure for obtaining information ha'e been started
with/ .hat importance does a polite attitude towards elderly women
in the phase ha'e/ .hy was the return to body possible/ .hat did
1le$ander either forget to do or forget to record right after the foul/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C 1le$ander described an entry into the
phase through dream consciousness. 5y and large! the onset of
consciousness was facilitated by prior wor with the cueing program!
which! though it failed to yield results! strengthened the necessary
intention to enter the phase. The leaping that accompanied the onset
of consciousness may be compared with the sensations of le'itation
that often lead to practitioners achie'ing dream consciousness. 4ince
the techni2ues for deepening and maintaining were not used at the
moment of dream consciousness! a return to the body! though partial!
naturally occurred.
Furthermore! 1le$ander managed to apply a separation techni2ue
that most resembled climbing out. 6e then managed to deepen
correctly by means of touching and immediately felt a result. 8espite
the lac of a plan of action! the practitioner competently decided to
do something useful and employed the techni2ue of finding through a
door in order to locate an animate source of information. 6e should
ha'e first tried to test the sub&ect by asing special 2uestions to
determine if the ob&ect would be able to pro'ide information Fsee
,hapter +AG.
5eing polite to animate ob&ects in the phase is the prerogati'e of
each person on an indi'idual basis! but it hardly has any real basis.
Most liely! the return to the body was triggered by a failure to
maintain! e$cessi'e thining! or temporary passi'ity. Upon e$iting
the phase! 1le$ander should ha'e tried to immediately return.
6owe'er! he failed to do so! e'en though he had returned to the phase
after e$iting dream consciousness. 4uch a step should ha'e been
ob'ious due to an incomplete connection to the body.
+oD "
Bori$ Bender
,ovie TechnicianJ E-perienced Practitioner of the Pha$eD
,o$co7J :u$$ia
- "eca$e conscious in $y drea$ al$ost i$$ediately after falling
asleep( - &as in $y apart$ent standing in the corridor( Being
surprised "y having so suddenly found $yself in the phase, - started
to touch the &alls &ith $y hands to test their fir$ness or, Nrealness,N
as &ell as to intensify the phase "y touching( - entered the roo$(
There &as a "ed standing ne#t to the &all, &ith $y $other sleeping
on it( - could not see her face, only her "ody under the "lan+et( The
roo$ and corridor &ere e#act replicas of their real-life counterparts(
5hile thin+ing a"out $y sleeping $other, - suddenly started to
feel so$e&hat uneasy( 5hen - approached the &indo&, - sa& a
grotes4ue landscape "ehind it that &as si$ilar to pictures fro$
$ovies a"out catastrophes' a &asteland, houses in ruins, odd pileups
of "uilding $aterials, sla"s of concrete, gar"age, craters fro$
e#plosions here and there, and - noticed hu$an figures in so$e
Fearing a foul caused "y the fact that - &as ta+ing in a
panora$ic vie& Athe vie& fro$ the &indo& spanned 1G degrees and
cut off at the hori*on, &hich is in fact al$ost e#actly as the vie& fro$
$y apart$ent is in real life), - turned "ac+ into the roo$ and started
to touch the &ardro"e, and then +nelt do&n to touch the floor( %ll the
&hile, $y fear had "een gro&ing stronger and stronger' "oth out of
thin+ing a"out $y sleeping $other and due to the vie& fro$ the
&indo&( %n#iety turned into real fear &ithin a $atter of several
seconds, and then graduated into terror and panic( - lost the a"ility
to thin+ critically( - had only one thought' - had to go "ac+ to $y
"ody( - darted "ac+ to $y "ed and suddenly found $yself lying on it(
- closed $y eyes, "ut could not understand if - &ere in $y real "ody
or still in the phase( My terror gre& even stronger &hen - half-
opened $y eyes and sa& that $y $other &as getting up fro$ her "ed(
She loo+ed li+e a character fro$ a horror $ovie and apparently &as
hostile to $e(
- &anted to disappear, dissolve, and &a+e up, - hectically tried to
recall the techni4ues for an e$ergency e#it fro$ the phase, "ut &ith
poor results' - tried to free*e, rela# and touch $y fingers to $y toes
in order to feel a connection &ith $y real "ody( %t so$e $o$ents -
felt li+e - had it, thin+ing, =The connection had "een restored,> -
opened $y eyes, "ut reali*ed that - &as still in the phase &hen - sa&
that the roo$ had changed, and &as no& a&ash &ith gar"age(
The fact that the atte$pts +ept ending &ith false a&a+enings &as
driving $e cra*y( - &as especially shoc+ed &hen - got up after one of
the false a&a+enings and sa& $y $other standing at $y "ed, still
loo+ing threateningly at $e, li+e a va$pire or a *o$"ie fro$ a
horror $ovie( Dlus, she started to reach out to&ard $e &ith her
- nevertheless +ept on and tried to free*e and &iggle $y toes, this
ti$e &ithout opening $y eyes, and not chec+ing &here - &as( -
started to cal$ do&n after so$e ti$e, "ut - &as una"le to feel $y
real "ody, &hich &as confir$ed "y the fact that sounds &ere co$ing
in fro$ the phase' - heard sparro&s chirping outside the &indo&,
though it reality it &as too late for sparro&s to "e out( 0o&ever, the
chirping and the associations that it "rought Ai(e( day, &ar$th,
sparro&s, and sun), pro"a"ly helped $e a lot and cal$ed $e do&n,
as - finally $anaged to sense $y real "ody and found $yself in
reality( /evertheless, after - got up, - i$$ediately started to verify
for a"out half a $inute that - &as no longer in the phase "y touching
o"1ects, $a+ing sure that they &ere hard, and feeling all of $y "odily
=ue$tion$C .hy was there a ris that 5oris could return to his
body when taing in the 'iew from the window/ 6ow could 5oris
ha'e e$amined the panoramic 'iew from the window without
worrying about a foul/ .hich techni2ue for deepening and
"maintaining% was employed se'eral times/ .hat would ha'e
happened if 5oris translocated from the source of the fear to another
place/ 6ow could he ha'e o'ercome this problem/ .hy was 5oris
unable to easily e$it the phase and why were all of the techni2ues that
he new of no practical use/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C .hen e$amining distant ob&ects in the
phase! there is always a ris of returning to oneDs body because the
acti'ity is rela$ing and rela$ation is detrimental to the length of a
phase. 5oris could ha'e continued to tae in the 'iew by
simultaneously eeping up 'ibrations! periodically e$amining his
hands! or rubbing them together. 8uring the entire length of 5orisDs
phase! he performed sensory amplification by touching to deepen and
maintain the phase.
)f he tried to run away from his mother to another place in the
phase! she probably would ha'e caught up with him there anyway.
6e should ha'e tried to yell at her in an aggressi'e tone. This would
ha'e helped him to o'ercome his fear and either scare the ob&ect
away or mae it more agreeable. Problems with an emergency e$it
from the phase arose because it was the beginning of the night and
the mind still needed to dream and! thus! ept pulling him into that
+oD %
Ale-ei Te$lenko
IT EngineerJ E-perienced Practitioner of the Pha$eD ,o$co7J
%ctually, - &as not planning to travel that night, "ut &hen - &o+e
up around $idnight - decided to try to enter the phase nevertheless( -
started to perfor$ phanto$ $ove$ents &ith $y ar$s, "ut then a
strong sleepy lethargy overca$e $e and - suddenly &anted to give
up $y atte$pts to enter the phase and si$ply fall asleep( 0o&ever, -
&as persistent and continued to perfor$ phanto$ $ove$ents &ith
$y ar$s( -nstead of feeling the usual vi"rations that occur &hen this
techni4ue is perfor$ed, - si$ply fell asleep and continued the
phanto$ $ove$ents &hile drea$ing( Because of that, $y
consciousness apparently did not fall asleep co$pletely, and -
"eca$e a&are that - &as drea$ing(
- i$$ediately cli$"ed out of $y "ody( There &as no vision,
conscious a&areness &as no $ore than 67, so the phase &as not
that deep( -n order to $aintain the phase, - i$$ediately started
chaotically touching everything around $e( -t helped( Eision ca$e,
though it &as $ur+y( - then found $yself in $y apart$ent( - decided
to strive to deepen( 2ach ti$e that - e#ercised that techni4ue, the
phase "eca$e deeper and deeper( %fter - had achieved a sta"le
phase, - decided that it &ould "e good to gra" a snac+ and headed
for the fridge( - should add that - &as on a strict diet at the ti$e and
&as craving so$ething s&eet or fried( 0o&ever, &hen - opened the
fridge, - &as 4uite disappointed( There &as a lot of food in the fridge,
"ut all of it re4uired preparation Ara& $eat, fish, dill, etc()( 0o&ever,
there &as a "ottle of spar+ling $ineral &ater on a special lo&er shelf
in the fridge( 5ithout giving it any thought, - too+ the "ottle and
started to chug it(
%ll of the sensations &ere 1ust as in real life' - felt the "u""les
fro$ the car"onation, that peculiar taste that $ineral &ater has, and
also ho& the &ater &ent do&n $y throat( -n general, everything &as
4uite realistic, though there &as no sensation of $y sto$ach filling
up &ith &ater and, $oreover, the &ater felt so$e&hat dry( -t sounds
funny, "ut that very feeling of &ater.s dryness spoiled $y overall
i$pression so$e&hat( %fter a foul, - reali*ed that a possi"le reason
for this $ight have "een dryness in the $outh of $y real "ody(
;sually, if there are, for e#a$ple, candies in the +itchen or in the
fridge, - actually ta+e a handful of the$ and consu$e the$ &hile
traveling through the phase(
%fter going to the fridge, - &anted to see so$ething interesting( -
decided to e$ploy the techni4ue for creating o"1ects and people, and
so - closed $y eyes and focused on the i$age of a girl &ho$ -
&anted to see at that very $o$ent( - affir$ed $y desire, and - then
opened $y eyes, concentrating on the area to $y side( The air gre&
$isty at first, and then the person - &as e#pecting $ateriali*ed out of
the air, and ca$e to life, see$ingly fully autono$ous and &ith free
&ill - she had the sa$e $anner of spea+ing as in real life, and acted
in the sa$e &ay( The foul happened &hile $y conversation &ith the
girl &as in full s&ingO
=ue$tion$C .hich type of the techni2ue did 1le$ei ultimately
use/ .hy did lethargy and drowsiness arise during phantom
wiggling/ .hat should be done in this type of situation/ .hat was
most liely lacing when the indirect techni2ue was performed! and
why did the e$perience end with 1le$ei falling asleep/ .hat
techni2ues for deepening were used/ .hat could ha'e been done to
2uicly fill the fridge with ready#to#eat food/ .hich techni2ue for
finding an ob&ect was used with regard to the girl/ .hat else could
ha'e been used for the same purpose! considering 1le$eiEs actions/
.hat should ha'e been done immediately after the foul/ 6ow many
practical applications of the phase did 1le$ei manage to try/
An$7er$ and Co((ent$C The entry to the phase happened
because 1le$ei had become aware that he was dreaming while he
rightly tried to resist the sudden tiredness and drowsiness o'er the
course of the unsuccessful attempt with the indirect techni2ue of
phantom wiggling. Usually! such drowsiness signifies that a phase is
approaching! signaling a need for aggression! acti'eness and attention
in order to o'ercome inertia and enter the phase. 6owe'er!
attenti'eness was lacing! so 1le$ei fell asleep. 6owe'er! his desire
to enter the phase was so strong that the phantom wiggling continued
e'en while he was dreaming! causing him to e$perience dream
1mong techni2ues employed for deepening were sensory
amplification through touching and &ogging. )t would ha'e been
sufficient to employ the techni2ue of finding through a door to ensure
that the fridge was properly stoced. For e$ample! 1le$ei should
ha'e closed the door on the refrigerator! focused his attention on a
full stoc of snacs and food! and then opened the door to disco'er
that e'erything heDd en'isioned was there.
The techni2ue for finding an ob&ect through transformation was
used to mae the girl appear! but this techni2ue should be considered
only by e$perienced practitioners because it can lead to a foul in case
of insufficient concentration. 5efore employing the techni2ue! 1le$ei
shut his eyes! and only then imagined the girl right in front of him.
6e could ha'e immediately created her using the techni2ue of closed
eyes! which usually is easier to do since there is no direct 'isual
contact with surroundings.
Upon returning to his body! he should ha'e tried to separate
again. 1ltogether! 1le$ei managed to and mae progress in two
specific! applied tass! though did not complete them satisfactorily.
E-erci$e$ for Chapter "
Try to assess the e$periences described abo'e using the rubric
below. The answers are located in the appendi$.
*-Point Sy$te( for A$$e$$ing the =uality
of Out-of-Body E-perience$ @Pha$e$A
8eliberate entry into the phase using any techni2ue Q+
The phase world was realistic or was made realistic Q+
Phase was of a'erage or abo'e#a'erage duration F7 minutes or
8eliberate use of the phase to wor towards a specific goal Q+
8eliberately studying the phase or e$perimenting with it while
in it.
)f there is some doubt any regarding any item! only half a point
should be awarded.
Chapter % - Putting a 2ace on the Pheno(enon
Stephen <aBerge
4tephen 0a5erge was born in +@4> in the
United 4tates. 1t the age of +@! he recei'ed a
5achelorDs 8egree in mathematics from 1ri=ona
4tate Uni'ersity! after which he enrolled as a
graduate student in the ,hemistry program at
4tanford Uni'ersity. )n +@<@! he too an
academic lea'e of absence.
6e returned to 4tanford in +@>> and began
studying the human mind! including sub&ects
related to dreaming. 0a5erge recei'ed his Ph.8. in psychophysiology
in +@?A. 6e founded the 0ucidity )nstitute in +@?>.
4tephen 0a5erge has made the largest scientific contribution to
the study of phase states. )t suffices to say that 0a5erge was the first
in the world to pro'e during a full#fledged scientific e$periment that
it is possible to become conscious while dreaming This was done
through logging specific signals made with the eyes by a person
dreaming while sleeping under measurement instruments. These
e$periments also pro'ed that eye mo'ement in the physical body and
percei'ed body are synchronous.
Lucid 3rea$ing! first published in +@?;! is 0a5ergeEs most well#
nown boo. 2#ploring the 5orld of Lucid 3rea$ing, a boo that
0a5erge wrote with 6oward Rheingold! was published in +@@A. )t
was mainly thans to the efforts of 0a5erge that mind#machines for
achie'ing dream consciousness were created! such as 8ream0ight!
(o'a8reamer! and 8reamMaer.
The ey feature of 0a5ergeDs wor and achie'ements is an
absolutely pragmatic approach to the nature of the phenomenon.
1rguably! he is one of the few authors and researchers totally lacing
in irrationality. E'erything that can be read and learned from his
boos is 'erifiable and accessible for e'eryone! with no peddling of
out#of#this#world superpowers.
Carlo$ Ca$taneda
8ue to ,arlos ,astanedaDs desire to follow the
spiritual practice of the .arriorDs Path! which
entails erasing oneDs personal history! the details
of his biography are unclear. 1s far as
,astanedaDs early years are concerned! it can only
be stated that he was born outside of the United
4tates sometime between +@7; and +@:;. 6e
enrolled at the Uni'ersity of ,alifornia! 0os
1ngeles FU,01G in the +@<As! where he recei'ed a Ph.8. in
anthropology on the basis of his boos.
,astanedaDs entire life path was de'oted to studying the teachings
of a certain Cuan Matus or don Cuan ,achora. )t is more than liely
that his persona is a composite#image of an )ndian 4haman! a
sorcerer! and an heir of the culture of the ancient "Toltecs%.
,astaneda wrote a do=en boosJ howe'er! the boo The %rt of
3rea$ing F+@@:G has the most to do with the phase state. )t contains
se'eral effecti'e techni2ues for entering the phase through dream
consciousness. 6is sub&ect matter is soaed in a large amount of
mysticism and 'irtually de'oid of any pragmatism.
8espite the fact that the main orientation of ,astanedaDs wor did
not touch upon the phase state! he ne'ertheless became one of the
founding fathers of this field! as his general popularity reached
massi'e proportions worldwide.
,arlos ,astaneda passed away in +@@?.
:obert AD ,onroe
Robert Monroe was born in the United 4tates
in +@+;. )n +@:>! he graduated from Ohio 4tate
Uni'ersity with a degree in Engineering. 6e
wored for some time as a radio program
producer and director until he established his own
radio company in (ew Por! which rapidly
)n +@;<! his company also conducted a study
about the effect of sound wa'es on the abilities of
the mind.
)n +@;?! Monroe had an accidental personal e$perience with the
phase phenomenon! which strongly stoed his interest in the sub&ect
to which he would de'ote his entire career. )n +@>4! he founded the
Monroe )nstitute! which was entirely de'oted to studying unusual
states of consciousness and the ability to influence them through
audio stimulation and other technologies. One of its main
achie'ements was the creation of the 6emi#4ync system! which was
designed to help a person reach altered states of consciousness!
including out#of#body states! by synchroni=ing the two hemispheres
of the brain.
6is first boo! Journeys Out of the Body! was published in +@>+.
Two boos then followed- Far Journeys F+@?;G and ;lti$ate
Journey F+@@4G.
Robert Monroe has! so far! made the largest contribution toward
populari=ing the phase state. 6owe'er! he understood the phase more
as an actual e$it of the mind from the body! which is why the term
"out#of#body e$perience% FO5EG was introduced. The boo Journeys
Out of the Body was such a massi'e success that Monroe 2uicly
became an undisputed authority in the field.
6owe'er! the large influence of mysticism on MonroeDs wor and
'iews cannot be ignored. This is especially apparent after his second
boo. The ma&ority of phenomena described in the boo ha'e not
been 'erified in practice. The only attempt at conducting a full#
fledged scientific e$periment pro'ing that the mind left the body was
unsuccessful. )n the end! typical misconceptions about the phase
became widespread! as did awareness of the e$istence of out#of#body
Robert Monroe passed away in +@@;.
Patricia Garfield
Patricia 3arfield was born in +@:4 in the
United 4tates. From the age of +4! she ept an
uninterrupted daily dream &ournal that would allow
her and all of humanity great insight into dreams
phenomena associated with the phase.
4he was one of the founders of The 1ssociation
for the 4tudy of 8reams. 8r. 3arfield holds a
Ph.8. in clinical psychology.
4he is the author of a great number of boos! with the +@>4 best#
seller 9reative 3rea$ing being the most widely lauded. )t was one of
the first pieces of literature to approach the phase state in a practical
and non#specialist way! and recei'ed worldwide interest and
appreciation. The boo contains good practical guidelines and also
describes the dreaming practices of 'arious cultures.
Sylvan ,uldoon
4yl'an Muldoon was born in the United
4tates in +@A:. 6e is considered to be the
1merican pioneer in the study of the phase!
although he used the esoteric term astral. 6e
inad'ertently woe up in the phase at the age of
+7! where he saw a cord connecting his percei'ed
body to his real body. Muldoon first thought that
he was dying during the e$perience! although he
e'entually concluded that this was an instance of
"astral pro&ection%. 6e had repeated e$perience with the
phenomenon! but Muldoon was still unable to become an ad'anced
practitioner due to a lac of full control o'er the practice.
1fter coordinating efforts with 6ereward ,arrington! the famous
1merican in'estigator of the unnown! the two published the
sensational! &ointly authored boo The Dro1ection of the %stral Body
in +@7@. The authors published two other boos- The 9ase for %stral
Dro1ection F+@:<G and The Dheno$ena of %stral Dro1ection F+@;+G.
8espite a large ser'ing of esotericism! MuldoonDs boos!
Fespecially the first oneG contain a lot of helpful! practical information
and e$planation of the most di'erse phenomena that can occur during
the phase. 6owe'er! Muldoon is considered to be the greatest
populari=er of irrational esoteric terms and theories! which
subse2uently became 2uite widespread.
4yl'an Muldoon passed away in +@>+.
Charle$ <eadbeater
,harles 0eadbeater was born in England in
+?4> F+?;4 according to some sourcesG. 1fter
dropping out of O$ford due to hard times!
0eadbeater became an ordained priest! but then
became 2uite acti'e in the occult. This led to his
becoming a member of the Theosophical 4ociety
in +??:. 0eadbeater became one of its most
famous participants.
The combination of a bright mind! scientific
nowledge! and interest in the paranormal led him
to publish many boos on many di'erse topics. One of them!
3rea$s' 5hat They %re and 0o& They %re 9aused F+?@?G! was one
of the first wors to touch upon the phenomenon of the phase.
0eadbeaterDs writing is saddled with a ton of esoteric terms and
theories. )n it! the term astral plane is predominantly used for the
phase. (e'ertheless! the boo is not without some helpful guidelines
concerning techni2ues.
,harles 0eadbeater passed away in +@:4.
:obert Bruce
Robert 5ruce was born in England in +@;;.
6e has performed his lifeEs wor while li'ing in
1ustralia. 1fter studying and promoting
dissociati'e phenomena for many years! by the
beginning of the 7+
century he had become one
of the leading authorities in the field. 6e is also a
specialist in many other paranormal fields of
Robert 5ruce wrote se'eral boos! the most
important and well nown of which is %stral 3yna$ics F+@@@G. The
author holds 2uite open esoteric 'iews! which are 'ery strongly
reflected in his theories and terminology. The helpful! practical
guidelines in his boos are 2uite often loaded with a large amount of
information that has not been 'erified or pro'en by anyone. Robert
5ruce is also a propagator of typical superstitions and stereotypes
concerning the phase phenomenon.
:ichard )eb$ter
Richard .ebster was born in (ew Realand!
where he still resides.
6e is the author of about ;A publications that
ha'e sold many millions of copies around the
world. 6owe'er! only one of them! %stral Travel
for Beginners! is completely de'oted to the phase
state. The boo is saturated with widespread
misconceptions about the phase phenomenon and
misguided theories trying to e$plain it. The
techni2ue#related aspect of the boo is also presented ineffecti'ely.
)t is 2uite liely that the author himself has no practical
e$perience! which can also be said for the contents of his other
do=ens of boos de'oted to 'arious topics.
Charle$ Tart
,harles Tart was born in the United 4tates in
+@:>. 6e recei'ed his Ph. 8. in psychology in
+@<: at the Uni'ersity of (orth ,arolina. Tart
also recei'ed training at 4tanford Uni'ersity. 6e
was one of the founders of transpersonal
6e became one of the most preeminent
researchers of unusual states of awareness after
the publication of %ltered States of 9onsciousness F+@<@G! the first
boo that he wored on. )t was one of the first boos to e$amine
entering the phase through dream consciousness. The boo recei'ed
popularity when the use 048 and Mari&uana were often 'iewed as
'ehicles to ele'ated consciousness! and the boo e'en describes the
use of chemical substances in the conte$t of phase states.
Chapter ' ! 2inal Te$t
The 2uestions on the test may ha'e one or more correct answers!
or none of the answers may be correct. Thus! the 2uestions must be
read completely through! and attention must be paid to their
implications and finer points.
1 studentDs theoretical nowledge is considered to be satisfactory
if the correct answers to at least one#half of the 2uestions are gi'en. )f
a score of less than ;AK is recei'ed! a student should study the wea
points again or re#read the entire guideboo. Otherwise! it is 2uite
probable that fundamental mistaes will be made! which will in turn
interfere with indi'idual practice.
)f a score of at least ?AK is achie'ed! then a theoretical
nowledge of the practice is at an ad'anced le'el! which will surely
ha'e a positi'e effect on the practitionerDs direct e$periences in the
1nswers are in the appendi$ at the end of the guideboo.
D +oi$e and reali$tic i(age$ une-pectedly ari$e 7hen
perfor(ing the indirect techni#ue of phanto( 7igglingD )hat
can be done;
1G ,ontinue with phantom wiggling.
5G 4witch to obser'ing images or listening in.
,G Try to do all or some of the techni2ues simultaneously.
8G ,hoose the techni2ue with the strongest precursors and
continue with that one.
"D A practitioner unintentionally open$ the eye$ for $everal
$econd$ upon a7akeningD )hat i$ the be$t 7ay to $tart indirect
techni#ue$ fro( in thi$ ca$e;
1G 1ttempting to separate.
5G The obser'ing images techni2ue.
,G The rapid eye mo'ement techni2ue.
8G The forced falling asleep techni2ue.
EG )tDs best to not start any techni2ue and fall bac to sleep
with the intention of reawaening and trying to do e'erything
again without first mo'ing.
%D )hich action$ are preferable for perfor(ing a direct
techni#ue before falling a$leep for the night after a long period of
$leep deprivation or e-hau$tion;
1G Monotonously performing the obser'ing images
5G 5eing attenti'e and concentrating on actions.
,G The absence of a free#floating state of consciousness.
8G Ouicly alternating techni2ues.
EG 6igh#2uality rela$ation.
'D ,ild vibration$ occur 7hen perfor(ing a direct techni#ueD
Can the $training the brain techni#ue be u$ed to a(plify the
1G Pes.
5G (o.
,G )t may be used! but for practical purposes # only when a
practitioner is e$hausted or sleep#depri'ed.
8G)t may be used! as long as the attempt to enter the phase
is not being made during the day
*D )hich of the action$ given belo7 increa$e the likelihood of
entering the pha$e through drea( con$ciou$ne$$ 7hen u$ed right
before falling a$leep;
1G Performing direct techni2ues.
5G )ntending to perform indirect techni2ues upon
,G Recalling dreams from the night before.
8G ,reating a plan of action for use in case of entrance to
the phase in such a way.
.D If a7arene$$ occur$ at the very la$t (o(ent of a drea( that
fade$ a7ayJ 7hich of the action$ given belo7 $hould be
undertaken in order to enter the pha$e a$ $oon a$ po$$ible;
1G Try to fall asleep again in order to once again become
self#aware while dreaming.
5G )mmediately perform indirect techni2ues.
,G Tae a brea and perform direct techni2ues later.
8G 4tart to recall that nightDs dreams.
/D )hich of the$e are (o$t likely to produce a #uick pha$e
entry 7hen a7akening in a $tate of $leep paraly$i$;
1G Rela$ation.
5G Falling asleep with the intention of becoming self#aware
while in a dream.
,G Mo'ing the physical eyes and tongue.
8G 8irect techni2ues.
0D )hat $hould be done 7hen $pontaneou$ly thro7n fro( the
body 7hile lying do7n or 7aking up in the (iddle of the night;
1G Return to the body and perform appropriate separation
5G )mplement a predetermined plan of action for the phase.
,G 8eepen immediately.
8G Try to 2uicly establish 'ision! if it is not already
8G Employ the forced falling asleep techni2ue.
1D )hile trying to enter the pha$eJ rolling out 7ork$ at fir$tJ
but only partiallyJ and the (ove(ent cannot be e-tended any
further no (atter 7hat effort i$ (adeD )hat i$ it be$t to do in thi$
1G Try to turn bac and roll out further once again! and
repeat se'eral times.
5G 4tart doing cycles of indirect techni2ues.
,G Tae a brea and try to separate after se'eral minutes.
8G Try to separate by le'itating! getting up! or climbing out.
EG Use any indirect techni2ue for phase entry and attempt
rolling out again.
4D A practitioner une-pectedly get$ $tuck in the floor or 7all
7hile rolling outD )hat $hould be done to re$u(e the pha$e;
1G Force through the obstacle.
5G Employ translocation techni2ues.
,G 1ttempt to return to the body and roll out again.
8G 5ecome able to locate an e$it from the problem.
EG Perform sensory amplification.
D 8o7 (ay a practitioner deepen the pha$e 7hile flying
through a dark for(le$$ $pace 7hile $eparating;
1G Employ the techni2ue of falling headfirst.
5G There is no way to do this.
,G ,reate and amplify 'ibrations.
8G 5egin self#palpation.
EG Translocate to another area in the phase and deepen it
through sensory amplification.
"D If deepening techni#ue$ do not co(pletely 7ork 7ithin *
to %4 $econd$J 7hat can be done;
1G ,ontinue trying to go deeper.
5G E$it from the phase.
,G 1ttempt to return to the body and once use phase
entrance techni2ues.
8G Proceed to performing predetermined actions.
%D )hich techni#ue or 7ay of (aintaining the pha$e $hould
be u$ed 7hen teleporting $o(e7here 7ith clo$ed eye$;
1G The techni2ue of amplifying and maintaining 'ibrations.
5G Tactile sensory amplification! feeling the sensation of
rubbing the hands together.
,G (o techni2ue.
8G The techni2ue of rotation.
EG Repeating aloud the desire to remain in the phase.
'D In 7hich $ituation$ i$ falling a$leep in the pha$e (o$t
1G .hen looing for a desired person.
5G .hen communicating with animate ob&ects.
,G .hen completely calm! ha'ing completely halted all
8G .hen tra'elling aimlessly.
EG .hen taing part in side e'ents.
*D )hich of the follo7ing indicator$ guarantee$ that the
pha$e ha$ been e-ited for reality;
1G 1 cloc shows the right time! and the same time e'en if
a practitioner turns away from it and then loos at it again.
5G 4ensations are completely realistic.
,G The presence of friends or family in the room who
communicate with the practitioner.
8G 1n inner feeling that the phase has ended.
EG (othing happens after staring at the end of a finger from
close distance for fi'e to +A seconds.
.D In 7hich $ituation$ $hould travelling in the pha$e be
deliberately di$continued;
1G .hen a fear that a return will be impossible! or a direct
fear of death arises.
5G .hen there is a real possibility that the practitioner will
be late for something in the physical world.
,G .hen frightened by some strange e'ents or ob&ects.
8G .hen there is an ine$plicable mortal fear of something
unnown or incomprehensible.
EG )f someone in the phase strongly insists that the
practitioner should return to reality.
FG )f sharp pain occurs in the body that is not caused by
interaction with ob&ects in the phase world.
/D )hat 7ill (o$t likely occur 7hen trying to evade $o(e
a7ful being or dangerou$ per$on;
1G The ob&ect will get bored and stop.
5G Fear of the ob&ect will go away.
,G The phase will occur more fre2uently! as well as be
longer and deeper than usual.
8G The practitioner will become calmer and unner'ed less
EG The more fear there is! the more often the ob&ect will
chase the practitioner.
0D )hen $hould e$tabli$hing vi$ion in the pha$e be
con$ideredJ if it ha$ not occurred on it$ o7n;
1G )mmediately upon separation without deepening.
5G )mmediately after deepening.
,G .hile flying through dar space during translocation.
8G 1fter fi'e to +A seconds of being sure that a phase entry
has occurred.
EG .hen there is a desire to immediately e$plore the
surroundings after separation has occurred.
1D 8o7 i$ it po$$ible to pa$$ through a 7all 7hile $tanding
clo$e to itJ 7ithout $topping to look at it fro( clo$e range;
1G 5y gradually pushing the hands and arms through it! and
then the entire body and head.
5G 5y gradually pushing the head through it at first! and
then the entire body.
,G 5y trying to put a hole in it! and then e$panding the hole
and climbing through it.
8G 5y ramming it with a shoulder! trying to bring it down.

"4D )hile in the pha$eJ a practitioner i$ in a $ituation 7here
the ar($ are totally paralyHed and i((obiliHedD Thi$ happen$ in
a roo( 7ith a $ingle e-itC a door that ha$ $tarted to clo$eD )hat
are the t7o ea$ie$t 7ay$ to keep the door open;
1G Order the door to stay open in a loud! imperious! and
asserti'e manner.
5G Free the arms and hold bac the door.
,G 4top the door with teleinesis.
8G ,reate a person through the method of finding.
EG There is no way to do this.
"D )hat difficultie$ (ay ari$e for a practitioner in the pha$e
7hile u$ing the door techni#ue of tran$location;
1G The door will not open.
5G The wrong place is behind the door.
,G )t is not possible to use the hand to pull the door handle
because the hand goes through the handle.
8G 8ifficulties with internal concentration occur at the
critical moment.
EG 1 blac 'oid often appears on the other side of the door.
""D )hat are nece$$ary condition$ for getting re$ult$ 7hen
tran$locating in the pha$e after rolling out during initial
$eparation fro( the body;
1G 1bsence of 'ision.
5G Practicing after sunset.
,G 1 firm intention to end up somewhere.
8G ,ertainty of the final result.
EG The presence of 'ibrations.
"%D A practitioner i$ in a dark roo( in the pha$e 7here
everything i$ poorly vi$ibleD There i$ a chandelierJ but no light
$7itchD 8o7 can the $7itch be activated to light the roo(;
1G Translocate through teleportation to the place where the
toggle or switch for the light in 2uestion is located.
5G Find a flashlight through the method of finding and
illuminate the room with it.
,G Rub the light bulbs in the chandelier with the hands.
8G ,reate a light switch in the room using the method of
finding an ob&ect.
EG ,lose the eyes and imagine that the room is already lit!
and then open the eyes.
"'D )hen co((unicating 7ith an ani(ate ob3ect in the pha$eJ
a de$ire to add a $pecific per$on to the $cenery ari$e$D )hich of
the follo7ing action$ are advi$able only for beginner$ in thi$
1G Propose going to a neighboring room where the needed
sub&ect will be presented through the use of the door or corner
5G 4ummon the needed person by calling their name loudly.
,G Translocate bac to the same place! and ha'e both
animate ob&ects present there upon your return.
8G 1dd the needed person through the closed eyes
EG 1s the animate ob&ect that you are taling to if it does
not mind adding someone to the scenery.
"*D )here i$ one not allo7ed to go u$ing tran$location
1G )nside a mammoth.
5G To the past or the future.
,G To hea'en.
8G To an episode of the mo'ie Star 5ars.
".D 8o7 7ill a decea$ed per$on differ fro( a prototype in the
pha$e 7hen correctly perfor(ing the techni#ue for finding the
1G Only the practitioner himself can con&ure up differences!
or not see or percei'e them.
5G The deceased will ha'e a different timbre of 'oice.
,G There will be a radiant halo around the deceasedDs head.
8G Physical perception of the deceased will be less realistic
than in real life.
EG The deceased will not remember anything.
"/D )hat difficultie$ can ari$e in the pha$e 7hile obtaining
infor(ation fro( ani(ate $ource$ of infor(ation;
1G )nability to remember information obtained.
5G 4ources of information are silent.
,G )nade2uateness of the sources of information.
8G 4e$ual attraction! if the source of information is of the
opposite or desired se$.
EG 5eing gi'en false information.
"0D 8o7 (ight a practitioner accelerate the healing proce$$ of
a cold that i$ characteriHed by a $tuffy no$e and a $ore throat;
1G Maintaining and amplifying 'ibrations for the entire
length of the phase! and entering it o'er se'eral days in a row.
5G Taing aspirin and entering the phase o'er se'eral days
in a row.
,G Tra'elling to hot places in the phase and entering it o'er
se'eral days in a row.
8G E$periencing stressful situations o'er se'eral phases.
EG Finding a doctor in the phase and asing him what it is
best to do in real#life or e'en in the phase itself.
"1D )hich of the follo7ing achieve(ent$ belong to Stephen
1G Founding the 0ucidity )nstitute.
5G 1 Ph.8. in anthropology.
,G 4cientifically pro'ing that lucid dreaming is possible.
8G 1 Ph.8. in psychophysiology.
EG Pro'ing that eye mo'ements in the phase and in reality
are synchroni=ed.
%4D )ho of approached the $tudy of the pha$e $tate fro( a
prag(atic point-of-vie7 that 7a$ totally devoid of occulti$(;
1G 4tephen 0a5erge
5G Robert Monroe
,G 4yl'an Muldoon
8G ,harles 0eadbeater
EG Patricia 3arfield
FG ,arlos ,astaneda

These assessments of the practitionersD e$periences refer only to
the specific descriptions that they submitted and are not meant as an
assessment of their practice as a whole. 4ome of practitioners would
easily be able to e$perience successful phases earning four to fi'e
points at other times. This especially concerns 5oris Pronyain!
1le$ander 8yreno'! 5oris 5ender! and 1le$ei Tesleno. This is
also possibly true of the other practitioners! with whom the author is
not closely ac2uainted.
(o. + 5oris Pronyain I A.; points
(o. 7 1le$ei 5ahare' I A.; points
(o. : 8mitry Maro' I A points
(o. 4 )'an Pao'le' I +.; points
(o. ; (atalya Bo=heno'a I + point
(o. < 1le$ander Furmeno' I + point
(o.> Roman Reuto' I : points
(o. ? 1le$ander 8yreno' I +.; points
(o. @ 4'yatosla' 5arano' I 7 points
(o. +A Oleg 4ushcheno I 7.; points
(o. ++ 1le$ander 0eleo' I +.; points
(o. +7 5oris 5ender I 7 points
(o. +: 1le$ei Tesleno I : points
+. 1!5!,!8J
7. 8J
:. 5! ,! 8J
4. ,J
;. 1!5!,!8J
<. 5J
>. I
?. ,J
@. 1! 8! EJ
+A. 5! ,J
++. 1!,!8!EJ
+7. 1!8!1Q8J
+:. ,J
+4. 8! EJ
+;. EJ
+<. 5! FJ
+>. ,! EJ
+?. 5! 8J
+@. I
7A. 1! ,J
7+. 1! 5! 8J
77. 1! ,! 8J
7:. EJ
74. 5J
7;. IJ
7<. 1J
7>. 5!,!8!EJ
7?. 5!,!EJ
7@. 1!,!8!EJ
:A. 1! EJ
Upon awaening! without mo'ing or opening the eyes!
immediately try to separate from oneEs body. The separation attempt
should be carried out without any imagining! but rather with the
desire to mae a real mo'ement without straining the muscles
Frolling out! le'itation! standing up! etc.G.
)f separation does not occur within three to fi'e seconds!
immediately try alternating se'eral of the most effecti'e techni2ues
for three to fi'e seconds each. .hen one of the techni2ues wors!
continue it for a longer period of time-
# Obser'ing images- Try to e$amine and discern the pictures
arising before closed eyes.
# 0istening in- 1ttempt to hear sounds in the head and mae these
louder by listening in or strengthening the willJ
# Rotating- )magine rotating around the head#to#foot a$isJ
# Phantom wiggling- Try to mo'e a part of the body without
straining the muscles! and try to increase the range of mo'ementJ
# 4training the brain- Try straining the brain! which will lead to
'ibrations that may also be intensified by straining the brain.
1s soon as one techni2ue clearly starts to wor! continue with it
as long as progress is apparent! and then try to separate. )f separation
fails! return to the techni2ue that was woring.
8o not gi'e up alternating through techni2ues until one minute has
elapsed! but do not continue for more than two minutes. 4eparation
from the body may be attempted periodically! especially if interesting
sensations occur.
Tae part in the research of a techni2ue. The techni2ue of
imagined sensations is described in ,hapter 7 in the section on
4econdary Techni2ues. This techni2ue is also commonly nown as
the "cell phone techni2ue%. .hile this guideboo was being written!
e$periments with this techni2ue were conducted at the 4chool of Out#
of#5ody Tra'elDs seminars. Results were astounding. 8ue to the fact
that this techni2ue is easy to understand and apply in practice! it
could be the most straightforward and effecti'e one for achie'ing the
phase state. 1lmost e'ery second attempt made with this techni2ue
has yielded results! pro'ided it is employed as an indirect techni2ue.
8ue to this techni2ueDs huge potential for populari=ing and
spreading nowledge of the phenomenon! anyone who is interested is
in'ited to tae part in a global e$periment of the techni2ueDs
effecti'eness. )n addition to testing it! a researcher may propose the
techni2ue to interested persons or post it on the )nternet to increase
the number of practitioners. Please submit the results of your
e$periments with the techni2ue to the e#mail address- aing*
6ere it is-
T8E CE<< P8O+E TEC8+I=5E
The practice of this phase entry techni2ue is to imagine the
sensation that something is resting in the hand! desirably upon
awaening without any physical mo'ement. )t is best to imagine a
cell phone is in the hand because the modern person is 2uite
accustomed to this sensation! although any other ob&ect will do. )t is
necessary to acti'ely and attenti'ely focus on the sensations in the
palm of the hand. Most liely! the physical sensation of a phone lying
in the hand will 2uicly arise. The sensation will become increasingly
palpable. )f a sensation does not arise within +A seconds! the
techni2ue not going to wor and it is time to switch to another one.
.hen the sensation of a phone in the hand occurs! focus e'ery bit
of attention on it. )t should be noted that this will not be an imagined
sensation! but a real one. This should be understood from the 'ery
beginning! and results should be e$pected. Once the sensation is
stable! start feeling the mobile phone with the fingers. Physical
sensations should be e$perienced. The physical body! of course! must
not mo'e or strain. )f this does not wor! only focus attention on the
sensation of the phone lying in the hand and try to feel the phone
with the fingers later. )f feeling the phone with the fingers is
successful! acti'ely roll the phone around the hand! feeling all of its
1s soon as it is possible to roll the cell phone around in the hand!
separation from the body may be attempted. )n this case it is usually
easiest to separate by rolling out or standing up. ,ontinue to hold the
phone and roll it around! which will maintain the emerging phase
state. 4eparation in this case should be more lie actually getting up
physically or rolling out of bed! rather than actually separating one
thing from something else. That is! do this in the same way as
physically getting out of bed! starting from the sensation of the phone
in the hand.
)f separation is unsuccessful! continue to attenti'ely feel the phone
in the hand for a little while longer and try to separate again. )f
separation happens! the ne$t step is to tae actions that are typical for
a phase e$perience- deepening! and then accomplishing
predetermined tass while performing "maintaining% techni2ues. )f
only a partial separation occurs! then separation by force should be
3enerally! the real sensation of a phone in the hand arises with
e'ery second attempt. Furthermore! achie'ing success only re2uires
e$perience and some de$terity since feeling the sensation of a phone
in the hand signifies that the re2uired state has been reached and
subse2uent actions may be attempted.
.hen maing attempts to enter the phase! the practitioner should
ha'e complete confidence that he will be immediately successful in
e'erything. E'en a shroud of doubt will eep the practitioner in his
body! this is especially true when it comes to indirect techni2ues.
Four typical barriers to mastering the phase encountered by @AK of
+ # Forgetting to deepen the phase
7 # Forgetting to maintain the phase
: # 1bsence of a plan of action when in the phase
4 # Forgetting to try to re#enter the phase after a foul
T8E SC8OO< O2 O5T-O2-BO&9 T:A?E<
Michael RadugaDs 4chool of Out#of#5ody Tra'el conducts
training seminars in many countries around the world. The
coursewor allows students to master the phase phenomenon and
hone their sills at tra'eling in the phase. )nformation on e$isting
branches and seminar schedules are a'ailable on the website .e also welcome potential partners interested in
organi=ing 4chool of Out#of#5ody Tra'el branches and seminars. 1ll
correspondence regarding seminars! partnerships! and proposals
related to the translation of this boo may be handled by e#mail at
Out-of-Body e-perience @OBEAJ lucid drea(ing @<&AJ a$tral ! a
number of terms united by the phase that refer to the state in which a
person! while being fully conscious! reali=es consciousness outside
the normal range of physical perception.
Indirect techni#ue$ I entry into the phase within fi'e minutes of
awaening from sleep of any duration # pro'ided there has been
minimal physical mo'ement.
&irect techni#ue$ I entry into the phase without any prior sleep!
after e$cessi'e physical mo'ement upon awaening! or ha'ing been
awae for at least fi'e minutes.
&rea( Con$ciou$ne$$ I entry into the phase through becoming
consciously aware while a dream episode is happening.
&i$$ociation I separationJ in this case! a scientific term describing
e$periences in the phase.
Sleep paraly$i$ I a stuporJ the complete immobili=ation that often
occurs when falling asleep! awaening! and entering or e$iting the
Stencil I the real physical body that is no longer percei'ed while in
the phase.
&eepening the pha$e I methods for maing the phase as realistic
as possible by stabili=ing the surrounding space.
,aintaining the pha$e I methods for maintaining the phase state
by pre'enting a lapse into sleep! a return to reality! or an imagined
return to reality.
:E, I rapid eye mo'ement sleep FREM phaseGJ a sleep phase that
is characteri=ed by increased brain acti'ity that is accompanied by
rapid eye mo'ement and dreaming.
2oul I an inad'ertent termination of the phase through a
spontaneous return to e'eryday reality.
Cycle$ of indirect techni#ue$ ## the easiest way to enter the phase!
employed by rapidly alternating certain techni2ues upon awaening
from sleep until one of them wors.
SC8OO< O2 O5T-O2-BO&9-T:A?E< II
Thi$ book i$ the free$tanding $upple(ent to The School of Out-
of-Body Travel I A Practical Guideboo! It i$ intended to give a
fir$t-hand de(on$tration of the out-of-body e-perience in
practiceJ 7hile bringing attention to correct action$ and (i$take$
(ade 7hen out-of-bodyD
)tDs one thing to now which techni2ues can be used to control and
lea'e the perception of the body! but another thing to actually now
how to use those techni2ues. )tDs one thing to read descriptions of a
single indi'idualDs e$periences! but another to learn about how a
large number of other practitioners regard the techni2ues and feel
about them. (ot e'eryone is able to figure out what e$actly to do and
how to do it without reading this boo. Techni2ue#related theory and
real e$perience are essentially two different things.
The power inherent in this collection of personal practitioner
e$periences is such that e'en if you ne'er intend to try out the
techni2ues described in it! you are practically guaranteed to
ne'ertheless encounter this phenomenon! as it will enter your
subconscious mind as a ind of programming that will sooner or later
acti'ate at the right moment. This collection is all the more beneficial
for those who would lie to recei'e real guidance in their
e$plorations. 1ll of the fundamental mistaes that practitioners are
prone to mae are described and analy=ed here. 6a'ing read the
boo! the practitioner will be armed with nowledge of the most
distilled and 'erified ind.
)n preparation for this boo! the personal e$periences of hundreds of
practitioners were collected at seminars! through the website! and by
mail. 6owe'er! only the most demonstrati'e descriptions were
chosen for inclusion. Thus! the selected descriptions are in'aluable
not only for those who ha'e &ust started out on their &ourney with the
most e$traordinary practice of out#of#body tra'el! but also for those
who already ha'e substantial e$perience with it.
) would lie to e$press my gratitude to all those who assisted me in
putting together this one#of#a#ind compilation. Pou ha'e made a
contribution to this field of study and it only remains for me to wish
you further success! which will show that my commentary on your
e$periences was right on.
Michael Raduga
Founder of the School of Out-of-Body Travel
March 2, 2!
Table of ,ontents-
0ea'ing the Perception of the 5ody
Part II
Out#of#5ody E$periments
Part III
The E$periences of .ell#Bnown 1uthors
Part I?
8emonstrati'e ,ase 4tudies
Proposals regarding translating and publishing this boo and other
wors of M.Raduga may be sent to aing*

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