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Your FaduGuide to VLC Media Player

by Siddharth Jha (thesidjway)
This eBook is free to downoad and distrib!te. The content of the eBook is
not co"yri#hted and may be !sed freey by anyone witho!t "rior "ermission
of the a!thor. The a!thor re$!ests a recommendation or a back ink in s!ch
The eBook is a coection of ama'in# thin#s that the "ayer ()* +edia
%ayer can do. , the techni$!es are tried and tested by me on a -2.Bit
/indows 0 1timate System. B!t the a!thor takes no res"onsibiity of any
kind of dama#e ca!sed by any of the techni$!es mentioned in the book.
The eBook is desi#ned to a""ea to the a2era#e %* !ser3 and 45m s!re that
most of the readers wo!d be abe to a""reciate the "ower of ()* after
readin# this book.
There is no reation between the a!thor and the team at (ideo)an. The
a!thor has not been "aid in any kind to endorse or "!bici'e anythin#. This
"roject is a trib!te to the a""ication which has been makin# o!r i2es
sim"er for years&
The Intro
()* is an acronymn for (ideo ),6 *ient. 4t is a 2ery "o"!ary known free
media "ayer that is a2aiabe for a major "atforms ike /indows3 +ac 7S
83 )in!93 BS:3 Soaris3 ,ndroid3 i7S and many more. 4t a started off as a
de2eo"ment ed!cationa "roject by st!dents at the ;coe *entrae %aris
(/hich is a to" e2e <rench instit!tion in the fied of en#ineernin#) which
has #rown !" to become a "henomenon in the word of media "ayers3
m!sic3 m!timedia3 internet and h!manity&
(ideo ),6 *ient was named so beca!se it was de2eo"ed as a !ser too for
accessin# (ideo),63 which itsef was a "rotoco to create and share o2er a
)oca ,rea 6etwork (),6). B!t today3 cain# it j!st a cient wo!d be
considered a joke.
,fter a com"ete rewrite in 1==>3 it became 7"en So!rce3 thanks to the
a#reement of the ;coe *entrae %aris3 in 2001. The "roject then started to
o"en !" to de2eo"ers o!tside of the ;coe. 4t is now a wordwide "roject
with de2eo"ers from 20 co!ntries.
Since 200=3 the "roject is com"etey se"arated from ;coe *entrae %aris3
and is backed !" by an a!tonomo!s non."rofit or#ani'ation. The c!rrent
%resident of the (ideo),6 non."rofit or#ani'ation which maintains the
"roject5s website is Jean.Ba"tiste ?em"f3 who is aso one of the "roject5s
()* today has become a synonym to stabiity3 c!stomi'eabiity and s"eed3
a "!t to#ether in one neat media "ayer "acka#e that "ays amost any
media fie format yo! throw on it& That5s the ()* +a#ic. B!t there5s more.
,nd the ne9t section of the book is dedicated to that&
Why VLC Media Player?
@o! ha2e a ri#ht to ask whyA /hen yo! ha2e the mi#hty o5 /indows +edia
%ayer that comes "re.oaded on a /indows system3 or "ayers ike Banshee
and Bhythmbo9 on )in!9 systems or j!st C!ickTime3 then why do yo! ha2e
to downoad another "ayer that does not ook as seek and s!a2e as any of
these "ayersA
The fact is that3 o!t of the bo93 ()* has many more feat!res than the other
"ayers. The si'e of the insta may not be ar#e3 b!t when yo! #o thro!#h
this eBook and #et to find o!t what a ()* can do o!t of the bo93 yo!5d be
bitin# yo!r nais&
The key feat!res of ()* +edia %ayer that make it irresistibe areD
4t5d "ay anythin#& +?(3 7EE3 ,S<3 +7(3 <),*.... @o! name it& 4t aso
tries to "ay broken and corr!"ted fies and is $!ite #ood at doin#
so. @o! can e2en watch a 2ideo as it is bein# downoaded o2er a %2%
network ike BitTorrent&
4t5s fast. @es indeed it is. 6o a""reciabe a# between do!be.cickin#
on a fie and ()* +edia %ayer "ayin# it. 4t fees res"onsi2e and
smooth e2en on od systems.
4t is 2ery easy to c!stomi'e it. @o! can find h!ndreds of addons and
themes for ()*3 that can make it e2en more "owerf! than it reay is.
4t is o"en so!rce3 so anyone can c!stomi'e the "ayer for a 2ersion
more s!itabe for his !se. <or e9am"e if a #!y is a m!sic aficionado3
he may add se2era addons to the "ayer for makin# his m!sic
istenin# e9"erience #reat3 whie not com"romisin# on the abiity to
"ay 2ideo. That5s the "ower of ()* and a o"en so!rce software in
4t is re#!ary !"dated. The (ideo),6 team is 2ery hard workin# and
ros o!t new feat!res and !"dates with e2ery sin#e reease
(atho!#h increasin# the si'e&).
4t5s <BFF& Best of a3 yo! don5t ha2e to she o!t a sin#e b!ck for
makin# the "ayer yo!rs&
The Interface
,s yo! can a""reciate3 the interface is cean and non conf!sin#. ,ny "erson
who has o"erated any other media "ayer wi fee ri#ht at home with the
b!ttons. %eo"e may find it borin# and d!3 b!t they can aways c!stomi'e
it the way they want it to be&
<or an e9am"e3 take a ook at this c!stomi'ed ()* +edia %ayer (co!rtesy
Beks(eks on :e2iant,rt). 6ice3 ain5t itA
Playing a Media File
On Your PC:
Eo to +ediaG7"en <ie and browse to the ocation of the <ie.
,ternati2ey yo! can "ress *trH7 to do that.
4f the defa!t "ayer for media fies is set as ()*3 j!st do!be cick on
the fie to "ay it.
4f not3 yo! can ri#ht cick on a fie and seect the a""ication with
which yo! want to o"en it. Seect ()* +edia "ayer and yo!5re #ood
to #o.
From a C!V!"lu#$ay i%&
Eo to +ediaG7"en :isk and seect the dri2e in which the :isk is
inserted. ,ternati2ey3 yo! can aso "ress *trH: to do that.
4n the ,!toB!n men! that a""ears after yo! oad a disk in the dri2e3
there sho!d be an entry for "ayin# with ()* +edia %ayer.
From the internet
4f yo! ha2e a direct ink to a media fie on the internet3 then #o to
+ediaG7"en 6etwork Stream. ,ternati2ey yo! can aso "ress
*trH6 to do that. <or e9am"eD
B!t the fact is that most 2ideos on the internet are not fies ike .m"#
or .m"4. +ost 2ideos on the web are fash based3 and the most
"o"!ar website for fash 2ideos is !ndo!btedy @o!T!be. ()*
s!""orts @o!T!be 2ideos too. J!st "aste the @o!T!be ink of the
2ideo to "ay it seamessy. ,so worked for :aiy+otion. The
"ayback is 2ery nice on a 2+b"s connection3 witho!t st!tters& Iere
is an e9am"e of a 2ideo from @o!T!be "ayin# seamessy on a ()*
+edia %ayer
()* can aso "ay )i2e BT+% streams (<or watchin# )i2e T( on yo!r
%*). 4t needs a bit of confi#!ration. 4 ha2e co2ered the same in the
ater sections of the book.
()* itsef has a nice ibrary/re"ository of internet radio stations and
T( stations that yo! can "ay. To access them #o to (iewG)ibrary and
in the side bar3 yo!5d see 4nternet and a ar#e coection of "ayabe
channes. :o!be *ick on one of them and enjoy&
()* aso has a re"ository of Jamendo tracks. 4f yo! don5t know what
Jamendo is3 it is a ser2ice that aows !"comin# m!sicians to share
their m!sic for free. So yo! #et to isten to new m!sic for free3 and
some of the st!ff o2er there is reay nice. +any m!sicians ha2e made
it bi# after Jamendo. The Jamendo radio has its own section in the
4nternet section of the ibrary3 with o"tion to "ay ony the best tracks
or the radio cate#ori'ed accordin# to #enre. 4t is a #reat artist
disco2ery ser2ice3 a for free.
The '(uali)er
The "ayer comes with a b!it in 2irt!a e$!ai'er. F$!ai'ation is the "rocess
of adj!stin# the baance between fre$!ency com"onents within an
eectronic si#na. +ost modern "ayers ha2e this feat!re incor"orated in
them. ,nd ()* is no e9ce"tion. To start the e$!ai'er yo! can sim"y cick
the b!tton in the "ayer. 4f yo!5re ike me and don5t know m!ch abo!t
the st!ff ike Bass3 Trebe3 yo! can sim"y seect an e$!ai'er from the
"resets cassified accordin# to Eenre. So if yo!5re "ayin# Bock m!sic3 sim"y
seect Bock as the e$!ai'er "reset and #et ready for better head ban#in#&
F9"eriment aro!nd with the siders to #et a settin# that s!its yo!r taste of
m!sic the best&
4n the same way yo! can aso "ay aro!nd with *om"ressor and S"atiai'er
the same way (Ionesty 4 don5t know what these words mean&).
Manage Playli%t%
%ayists are essentia for a kinds of m!sic cate#ori'ation. ,most a "ayers
today come with o"tions for "ayists3 so does ()* +edia %ayer.
To *reate a 6ew %ayist3 Eo to (iewG%ayists. 7r "ress *trH)
Bi#ht *ick on the /indow that o"ens and seect o"tions to add <ies
or <oders to the "ayist yo! want to create. @o! can aso dra# fies
and foders to the ocation to do the same.
6ow yo! ha2e to sa2e the "ayist. To do this3 either #o to
+ediaGSa2e %ayist to <ie or sim"y "ress *trH@. Seect the name of
the fie and the format. The +-1 format is most commony !sed for
"ayists3 b!t yo! can choose other formats too.
@o! can ha2e m!ti"e "ayists and these "ayists are cross."atform
and cross."ayer too (4 ho"e yo! !nderstand what 4 mean to say).
@o! can ha2e se"arate "ayists for Bock +!sic3 So! +!sic and +!sic
to isten to whie on jo#s. 4t5s yo!r word&
@o! can aso add (ideos and 6etwork Stream to the "ayist. 4t can be
done by Bi#ht cickin# in the "ayist area and seectin# ,d2anced
7"en. 6ow yo! ha2e to do what yo! did earier to "ay onine media
Con*ert Media
6ot many "eo"e know this3 b!t ()* can act as a nice con2erter for media
as we. 4t s!""orts in"!t in a formats of media fies that it s!""orts (,
"ethora of them&) and can o!t"!t in +%43 7EE3 ,(43 +%- etc.
Eo to +ediaG*on2ert/Sa2e or aternati2ey "ress *trHB
,dd the fie yo! wish to con2ert by na2i#atin# to the foder that
contains it. @o! can choose to add a s!btites fie as we3 which is the
o"tion ri#ht beow the media addition window.
6ow *ick on *on2ert/Sa2e and then in the window that a""ears3
yo! ha2e to choose one of the "resets for the con2ersion. Seect a
format for con2ersion to. @o! can e2en con2ert a 2ideo to an a!dio
fie. @o! can e2en edit the Bitrate3 the Sam"e Bate etc. by "ressin#
the b!tton ne9t to the format seection dro"down. )ower down
the Bitrate for a smaer fie si'e3 or yo! may chan#e the reso!tion of
a 2ideo. <or e9am"e3 yo! may con2ert a 10>0" 2ideo to a 020"
2ideo3 th!s red!cin# its fie si'e and sa2in# yo! 2a!abe s"ace on
yo!r I::. @o! can aso choose the format and then #o thro!#h the
settin#s for the codecs that #i2e yo! the best o!t"!ts. /hen yo!5re
ha""y with the settin#s3 j!st name the fie in the bo9 that is beow
the format dro"down3 and et the con2ersion be#in. 452e seen that
the con2ersion s"eeds are not m!ch sower than dedicated media
con2ersion software
There is no need for another con2ersion software when yo! ha2e the #em
caed ()*&
+d,u%t Video -etting%
()* aows contro o2er yo!r "ayback ike no other "ayer. J!st o"en yo!r
2ideo and yo! can add a ot of effects to it witho!t any e9tra addons.
7"en a (ideo in ()*
Eo to +ediaGFffects J <iters or %ress *trHF. ,ternati2ey3 "ress the
e$!ai'er b!tton described earier. Eo to (ideo Fffects Tab
6ow ha2e f!n. @o! can cro"3 chan#e coo!rs3 add h!e3 adj!st
#amma3 rotate the 2ideo3 add b!r3 adj!st contrast and m!ch more.
Tweak with the settin#s to #et an o"tima res!t with yo!r 2ideo. @o!
may choose to ha2e hi#h contrast for makin# a horror mo2ie scene
more #rim3 or add h!e to a nat!re 2ideo to make it more enjoyabe.
7nce done3 e9it the window o"ened3 and the 2ideo wi "ay with
new settin#s. To !ndo the chan#e3 sim"y !ncheck the bo9es
associated with the different 2ideo effects. Iere 4 am "ostin# a 2ideo
sna"shot before and after addin# effects
o.nload YouTu/e Video%
()* aso acts as a nice way to downoad @o!T!be 2ideos. 6o "!#in
@o! first o!#ht to ha2e the 1B) of the @o!T!be 2ideo. *o"y it to yo!r
/hen in ()* +edia %ayer3 "ress *trH6 or #o to +ediaG7"en
6etwork Stream. 4n the /indow that o"ens !"3 "aste the 1B) of the
@o!T!be 2ideo. Iit Fnter. @o!5 obser2e that the (ideo starts "ayin#
on the "ayer
6ow #o to ToosG+edia 4nformation or "ress *trH4. 4n the ower "art
of the window that o"ens3 there wi be a Te9tBo9 caed )ocation.
*o"y the te9t of the )ocation Te9tBo9 and "aste it in yo!r downoad
mana#er ()ike <:+) or sim"y yo!r browser. @o!5 see a fie #ets
downoaded which has no e9tension. Bename the fie to a name with
the e9tension .f2 . The (ideo has s!ccessf!y been downoaded&
?indy be considerate to the amo!nt and efforts artists "!t in to make
m!sic. ?indy b!y a son# if yo! ike it. %ease don5t downoad co"yri#hted
Fun .ith Video%
Ta&ing -na0%hot%
4f yo! wish to take a screenshot of the 2ideo3 sans the "ayer3 j!st #o to
(ideoGSna"shot. The fie is sa2ed in the %ict!res ibrary in "n# format. ,nd
yes3 its the same ima#e as abo2e&
Video +% Wall0a0er
/e ha2e seen wa"a"ers #ettin# interacti2e3 b!t how abo!t a 2ideo "ayin#
as a wa"a"erA Seems cra'y3 doesn5t itA B!t ()* can aow yo! to ha2e the
f!n. J!st #o to (ideoGSet ,s /a"a"er. /e the feat!re is siy and has no
!se. 6o icons are 2isibe on the deskto" and the wa"a"er is remo2ed as
soon as the "ayer is sto""ed. 4t is j!st ike ()* "ayin# a 2ideo in f! screen3
nothin# ese.
Video% in +-CII
Ia2e yo! e2er seen an ,S*44 art 2ideoA They were "o"!ar in the ate >0s in
which a 2ideo was made !sin# te9t characters ony. @o! can e9"erience it on
()* too. J!st #o to ToosG%references and seect (ideo tab. 4n the o!t"!t
section seect *oo!r ,S*44 ,rt and now "ay yo!r 2ideos to see the f!n. 7f
no "ractica !se tho!#h&
Pu))le Game
4f yo!52e aready noticed this feat!re3 yo! are a c!rio!s3 in$!isiti2e feow. 4f
yo!52e not3 try it by #oin# to (ideo Fffects after "ressin# *trHF. Then #o to
Eeometry tab and seect "!''e #ame. Seect no of rows and co!mn and
e9it. 6ow yo!r 2ideo has t!rned into a ji#saw "!''e that yo! can assembe
to make a 2ideo& ,nd the best "art3 the 2ideo kee"s "ayin# as yo! so2e
the "!''e& Ereat f!n&
+dd a Logo or te1t to your Video
@o! can do it in the o2eray section in the (ideo Fffects window. @o! can
aso add a te9t to the 2ideo. Bad "art is that yo! can5t edit the font&
Play a Video -tream from a We/Cam
/ith ()* yo! can "ay a 2ideo i2e stream from a /eb*am. To do this #o to
+ediaG7"en *a"t!re de2ice. *onnect yo!r /eb*am before doin# this.
6ow seect yo!r de2ice from the dro"down for both (ideo J ,!dio in"!t.
@o! sho!d ha2e the 2ideo !" and r!nnin# in a few seconds. 4n my case3 4
fo!nd a bit of a a#. That may be d!e to the fact that 4 sti own a 10 yr od
/eb*am3 b!t it may be "erfect for yo!. :ro" in a comment if it works for
yo!& @o! can record the 2ideo from the software itsef& 4n the ne9t section3
yo! wi know how&
$ecord Video%2 $adio2 Podca%t% etc3
<or doin# this3 yo! sim"y #o to (iewG,d2anced *ontros. 6ow yo!5d see a
bi# red b!tton aon# with a few new b!ttons. 6ow whate2er yo! are
"ayin#3 yo! can record it. /hen yo! ha2e to start recordin#3 "ress the red
b!tton once3 and when yo!5re done3 "ress it a#ain. J!st ike the sna"shots
st!ff3 it is sa2ed in the (ideos )ibrary.
%ease note that recordin# radio is not recommended. @o! are ca!sin#
monetary harm to a sin#er if yo!5re recordin# his/her son#. 4f yo! ike a
son#3 j!st b!y it& <ee free to record "odcasts& 6ow yo! can aso record the
o!t"!t from yo!r /eb*am&
-cro//le to La%t3FM
+any "eo"e !se )ast.<+ as a 2ery nice m!sic disco2ery ser2ice that #i2es
!sers "ersonai'ed radio accordin# to the tastes of the !ser. B!t for
reco#ni'in# the tastes of the !sers3 it sho!d know what ty"e of m!sic do
they isten. So scrobbin# refers to sendin# data abo!t "ayed tracks to
To do so3 for other media "ayers3 yo! ha2e to downoad a "!#in or insta
it 2ia the )ast.<+ %* software. 6o s!ch worries in ()* as ()* has )ast.<+
s!""ort b!it in&
J!st Eo to ToosG%referencesG,!dio and tick S!bmit "ayed tracks stats to
)ast.<+ checkbo9. Fnter yo!r !sername and "assword and done& /hate2er
tracks yo! "ay are scrobbed to )ast.<+ and yo! can enjoy "ersonai'ed
radio with that&
+e on )ast.<+...G!ser/thesidjway
Ma&e VLC Loo& the .ay you .ant to /e4
Change "utton Placement
@o! can chan#e the defa!t b!tton "acement in ()* by #oin# to
ToosG*!stomi'e 4nterface...
@o! can chan#e the "osition of the toobar3 or chan#e the order of b!ttons
on it3 or add new b!ttons too&
Change the -&in
Eo to ToosG%referencesG4nterface and seect 51se c!stom skinK from there.
6ow yo! ha2e to downoad the theme fies for ()*. They are a2aiabe in the
.2t format. , ot of skins are a2aiabe on the officia website The skins are a2aiabe for sin#e
downoad or they aso ha2e a -0+B archi2e that has a the skins. 6ow yo!
ha2e to "ace the themes in the skins directory of yo!r "ayer. <or e9am"e if
yo! ha2e ()* instaed at 5:DL()* +edia %ayer53 then yo! sho!d co"y a
themes to 5:DL()* +edia %ayerLskins5.
6ow when yo! restart ()*3 yo! wi notice a new interface which is the
defa!t skinned interface of ()*. 6ow to chan#e the theme3 ri#ht cick in the
main window3 #o to 4nterfaceGSeect SkinG@o!r Theme. 4f yo!52e done
e2erythin# ri#ht3 ()* wo!d now be ookin# entirey different. Iere5s a
screenshot of one of my fa2o!rite themes.
More Techni(ue%
Play from archi*e%
()* %ayer can "ay com"ressed 2ideo fies aso. (ideo wi "ay as a norma
2ideo and yo! can aso !se the seek bar as we. Sometimes the .rar fie is
broken into se2era "arts b!t with ()* "ayer its not a "robem. /hat yo!
ha2e to do is that j!st oad the first "art (e.#. ."art001.rar ) and it wi
a!tomaticay take the rest of the "arts and "ay the whoe fie.
$ecord Your e%&to0
4n ()*3 #o to +ediaG7"en *a"t!re de2ice. 6ow in *a"t!re mode seect
:eskto". 4nitiay yo!5d see a 2ery "ec!iar dis"ay of infinite screens of ()*.
6ow what ()* is doin# is "ayin# what yo! see on yo!r deskto"3 and now
yo! can !nderstand why yo! see infinite screens. 6ow to record yo!r
deskto"3 seect ,d2anced *ontros as described earier. 6ow yo! sho!d
"ress the bi# red b!tton. 6ow record yo!r deskto" the way yo! do it with
dedicated software. ,fter yo!5re finished3 j!st "ress the red b!tton a#ain.
@o!5d ha2e to edit the 2ideo si#hty to c!t o!t the start and the end3 to hide
the ()*.
-u/title% in VLC
()* s!""orts s!btites nati2ey. @o! j!st ha2e to na2i#ate to the s!btites
fies. S!btites are a2aiabe for amost a m!sic 2ideos and mo2ies o!t
there. To na2i#ate to the s!btites fie3 #o to S!btiteG,dd S!btite <ie.. The
most common format !sed is .srt.
Sometimes there is a deay in the timin# of the 2ideo and the s!btites fie.
That can easiy be corrected. The keys for this are 5h5 and 5#5 res"ecti2ey. So
yo! can watch a mo2ie witho!t knowin# the forthcomin# diao#!es in
ad2ance or wonderin# 5what the he did the cha" sayA5&
5ey/oard -hortcut%
Become a keyboard ()* warrior with these keyboard shortc!ts that5 make
the "ayer easier to !se&
F: <! Screen
-0ace: %ay/%a!se
T: Show %osition/Time
-: Sto"
Ctrl67: C!it
6!#: <aster/Sower
8!P: 6e9t/%re2io!s
Ctrl6u0: (o!me 1"
Ctrl6do.n: (o!me :own
Ctrl6': To ,dj!st ,!dio/(ideo Fffects
Ctrl6 9: To Iide/1nhide *ontros
M: +!te
:: Moom 4n
-hift6:: Moom 7!t
Ctrl6$ight!Left: To Ski" a min!te in the ,!dio/(ideo
T: *heck remainin# Time in (ideo
Ctrl6O: 7"en Sin#e <ie
+: *han#e ,s"ect ratio
-hift6-: *a"t!re Sna"shot
-hift6$: Becord (ideo
Watching Li*e TV on your PC
/ith "eo"e #ettin# access to hi#h s"eed broadband and -E3 4nternet T(
has become a "ossibiity. )i2e T( is a2aiabe onine on many ser2ers3 b!t
they are !s!ay cra""y and show !" a ot of ad2ertisements in the
s!rro!ndin#s of the "ay area. B!t with ()*3 yo! can watch )i2e T( on yo!r
own deskto"3 j!st ike yo!5d on a I:T( in yo!r co!chroom.
This is "ossibe with the he" of a software known as Btm"E14. 4t defines
itsef as a E14 2ersion of rtm"d!m"3 a tookit for BT+% streams. , forms of
BT+% are s!""orted3 inc!din# rtm"D//3 rtm"tD//3 rtm"eD//3 rtm"teD//3 and
rtm"E14 has an e9tensi2e ist of tho!sands of channes from amost a
co!ntries in h!ndreds of an#!a#es& F2erythin# from IB7 to :isco2ery to
<o9 S"orts is co2ered. ,nd a these can be streamed free from yo!r system.
4 don5t know abo!t the e#aity of the streamin# b!t it j!st works&
<or confi#!rin# Btm"E143 yo! first ha2e to downoad the "ortabe
a""ication. 4t5s !nder a +e#abyte3 so won5t take m!ch time. :!rin#
instaation it wi oad the channes ist3 which may take a few min!tes.
There are tho!sands of channes from amost e2ery co!ntry and in
h!ndreds of an#!a#es. The "ro#ram sho!d a!tomaticay find yo!r ()*
ocation and add it as the defa!t media "ayer. 4f it doesnNt then cick O<ieK
and then O7"tionsK and either enter the "ath man!ay or cick O)ocateK to
browse for it.
6ow sim"y do!be cick on the re$!ired channe to "ay it in ()*. @o!5d
find o!t that ony abo!t haf the channes act!ay work we3 some work
with no a!dio3 some with no 2ideo3 some with a ot of a#. So try o!t the
channes we and yo!5d "robaby #et to watch $!aity T( on yo!r %* for
:ownoad )ink for Btm"E14
'1ten%ion% for VLC
()* +edia %ayer is ca"abe of doin# m!ch o!t of the bo9. B!t there are
certain e9tensions that when incor"orated in ()* make it e2en a better
"ayer to !se&
Iere is a ist of a few of them that a ()* !sers sho!d insta.
4t searches and downoads s!btites from o"ens!btites.or# !sin# the hash
of the 2ideo c!rrenty "ayin# or its tite. (ery !sef! e9tension to carry o!t
s!btitin# tasks. 4 was not abe to test this one o!t on my atest ()* 2.1.- as
accordin# to its "a#e3 it has sto""ed workin# abo2e ()* 2.0.> on /indows.
4f yo! own an oder 2ersion3 do insta this e9tension.
-ong Teacher
This e9tension he"s yo! to earn the yrics of of yo!r fa2orite son#s. There
are a few #itches b!t this mosty de"ends on the so!rce fie3 not the
e9tension. @o! won5t #et any error with "ro"ery ta##ed fies. The most
im"ortant thin# is that yo! can act!ay sin# aon# with the m!sic3 and ()*
wi show yo! the ri#ht ines with #reen and mark the ones where yo! made
mistakes with red. This coor codin# is reay he"f! in earnin# son# yrics.
Tag your File%
+any fie formats s!""ort ta##in# of the a!dio/2ideo. 4 "ersonay am a
m"- ta# freak. , the son#s in my coection are ta##ed. 4f yo! don5t know
what ta##in# is3 it is addin# metadata to the fie that makes it easier to find
o!t in any kind of media "ayer3 on "hones3 tabets or on %*s. 4 aso ike a
my son#s with their ab!m art on. @o! can do a this in ()* +edia %ayer.
J!st when a son#/2ideo is "ayin#3 "ress *trH4. 6ow yo! can edit the Tite3
,rtist3 ,b!m and aso a""y the ab!m art from an ima#e fie. ()* aso
aows for downoadin# ab!m art a!tomaticay.
@o! can aso add )yrics to the son# in the comments section. This way yo!r
media ibrary ooks we or#ani'ed and easier to na2i#ate. @o! can aso do
this to a 2ideo. *ontrary to "o"!ar beief3 j!st renamin# a fie doesn5t make
it easier to find in a media "ayer. :o it and enjoy better m!sic
$e%ume Video% from la%t 0o%ition
By defa!t3 ()* doesn5t res!me the 2ideo from the "oint at which it was ast
sto""ed. 4f yo! want this feat!re3 there are 2 ways o!t. 7ne with an
e9tension and one witho!t.
With '1ten%ion
The e9tension caed Bemember %osition does e9acty the same task as yo!
re$!ire. ()* e9tensions ha2e the format .!a and to insta an e9tension3 j!st
co"y the fie in the /!a/e9tensions directory. 4f yo! ha2e ()* instaed at
:DL()* +edia %ayer3 co"y fies to :DL()* +edia %ayerL!aLe9tensions and
then restart ()*. To enabe an e9tension3 #o to (iewGF9tension 6ame.
:ownoad 4t&
Without '1ten%ion
The same f!nctionaity can be achie2ed !sin# Bookmarks. /hen the
son#/2ideo is "ayin#3 j!st "ress *trHB to create a bookmark at that
"osition. The same way3 yo! can bookmark where yo! eft the 2ideo. ,s
easy as "ie&
%ease 6ote that once yo! chan#e the "ath of the 2ideo bein# "ayed3 the
Bookmarks wi a!tomaticay be deeted3 so take care&
That;% +ll Fol&%4
4n this initia edition of the book3 452e not co2ered streamin# !sin# ()* as 4
did not ha2e the re$!ired a""arat!s. 4f there is any kind of demand to co2er
it !"3 45d definitey do it in the forthcomin# editions
Siddharth Jha!ser/thesidjway
%ease comment re#ardin# this eBook. 452e s"ent a ot of time desi#nin#
and writin# content for this eBook& %ease fee free to dro" in a mai to
siddharthjhaPo! @o!r feedback wo!d be hi#hy a""reciated&

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