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! Hw#1: Spring 2011: Due: February 10

! Let A, B and C be 2-dimensional, double precision
! arrays of size n by n where n is an integer parameter.
! Fortran has an intrinsic function for matrix multiplication
! written as C = C + matmul(A,B), i.e.
! do i = 1, m
! do j = 1, n
! do k = 1, kk
! C(i,j) = C(i,j) + A(i,k)*B(k,j)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
! Write a program that will time C = C + matmul(A,B) executing
! on each MPI processes but with different data.
! Use mpi_wtime() to measure the wall-clock time on each
! MPI process. Before starting the time on each MPI
! process, call mpi_barrier(comm, ierror) to that all
! processes will start at (about) the same time.

! Use mpi_ssend to send times measured on each process
! to process 0 and store in array time_array(0:p-1) that
! has been allocated after p has been set.
! From process 0, print all the times stored in time_array
! and say which time should be used to measure time
! of the parallel execution.
! Compute and print the maximum and minimum of the times using
! mpi_reduce with the op = mpi_max and mpi_min, respectively.

! Run with 4, 8 and 16 MPI processes using a script. Append the
! output obtained as comments at the end of your program.

use mpi ! brings everything needed to use MPI.
implicit none ! requires all variables to be declared to
! help with debugging.
integer, parameter :: dp=mpi_double_precision, comm = mpi_comm_world
integer :: i, ierror, p, rank, status(mpi_status_size)
integer, parameter :: n = 64
double precision :: A(n,n), B(n,n), C(n,n)
double precision :: t1, t2, time, max_time, min_time, tmp
double precision, allocatable :: time_array(:)

call mpi_init(ierror)
call mpi_comm_size(comm, p, ierror)
call mpi_comm_rank(comm, rank, ierror)

! Allocate time_array and initialize A, B and C:
time_array(0:p-1) = -1.d0 ! useful for debugging
call random_number(A)
A = A + float(rank)
call random_number(B)
B = B - float (rank)
C = 0.d0

call mpi_barrier(comm, ierror)
t1 = mpi_wtime()
C = C + matmul(A,B)
t2 = mpi_wtime()
time = t2 - t1

! Find the maximum and minimum of all the times and put on process 0
call mpi_reduce(time, max_time, 1, dp, mpi_max, 0, comm, ierror)
call mpi_reduce(time, min_time, 1, dp, mpi_min, 0, comm, ierror)

! Send time to process 0 and receive into time_array

. . .

! Print results
do i = 0, p-1
print*,'For rank = ',i,' time = ',time_array(i)
print*,' '
print*,' maximum time = ', max_time,' seconds'
print*,' minimum time = ', min_time,' seconds'
print*,' '
print*,'The value of n used was n = ', n

call mpi_finalize(ierror)

! Your output may vary some from the numbers below and that is okay.
! hpc-class-% mpirun -np 4 a.out
! For rank = 0 time = 6.709098815917969E-004
! For rank = 1 time = 6.530284881591797E-004
! For rank = 2 time = 6.568431854248047E-004
! For rank = 3 time = 6.709098815917969E-004

! maximum time = 6.709098815917969E-004 seconds
! minimum time = 6.530284881591797E-004 seconds

! The value of n used was n = 64

! . . .

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