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Bully Management


Alicia Armstrong
Targeted Grade: Kindergarten

Classroom Structure and Strategies

Our classroom is a place where

We all feel respected
We all work together
We accept differences

In my Kindergarten classroom the students will either sit at collaborative tables or their
desks will be pushed together to form a table.
Tables will be
Boys and Girls
Different academic levels
Continuously changing
Variety of personalities

Prevention Strategies

My classroom will be a bucket filler classroom. At the beginning of the school year, I
will read my students, Have you filled a bucket today? We will discuss how when you
respect others you not only fill your bucket, but also the other persons. I will stress to
them that they want to be bucket fillers each and every day, both in and out of the
classroom. In my classroom, each student will have their own bucket. If I see them
helping, sharing, smiling, or just working well with another student, they will earn a pom
pom. If the student earns 25 pom poms, they get to choose a bucket filler coupon.
Some of the coupons include lunch with the teacher, bringing in a classroom treat, or
earning a free homework pass. I believe this will encourage students to respect one
another on a daily basis. I will post bucket filler posters all over the classroom and we
will discuss ways to fill others bucket each morning during our morning meeting. This
strategy will set high expectations for students behavior.

Using literature is a great way for students to learn about bullying. In my classroom
library I will have a variety of books that talk about the topic of bullying. Reading these
books with students will help them connect to the characters that are acting as bullies or
victims. As a class we would create anchor charts together showing the difference
between friends and bullies. I would post these charts around the room so students can
be reminded of what is expected in the classroom with their input included. As a class
we will discuss what it means to be a bully and how bullies act. Together we will create
a. What is a bully anchor chart to post in the room. Students can reflect back at this
chart to check their own behavior or behavior of their classmates to see if it constitutes
as bullying.
Bully Books
Jungle Bullies
Recess Queen
Naughty Nora
Youre Mean, Lily Jean

Its important for students to know how to stand up to bullies and what tactics to
use while doing this. Below are some suggestions directly from!

- Encourage kids to speak to a trusted adult if they are bullied or see
others being bullied. The adult can give comfort, support, and advice,
even if they cant solve the problem directly. Encourage the child
to report bullying if it happens.
- Talk about how to stand up to kids who bully. Give tips, like using
humor and saying stop directly and confidently. Talk about what to do
if those actions dont work, like walking away
- Talk about strategies for staying safe, such as staying near adults or
groups of other kids.
- Urge them to help kids who are bullied by showing kindness or getting

A great way to both educate and support young students is to use I messages. This
shows students how to share their feelings with others. I would first model with the
class how to write their message. They can state, I feel_______, when you _______.
This helps the students discuss how they feel rather than targeting the other person.
The students could place these I messages or draw a picture showing how they are
feeling in the classroom Feel Box. Each day I will check the box and speak
individually with students who are feeling targeted by bullies.

Steps for Supporting Victims:
Listen and focus on the child
Assure the child that bullying is not their fault
Know that kids who are bullies may struggle with talking about it
Let students know that you have an open door policy and they can speak to you
in private to talk about their feelings
Give advice about what to do (role-playing)
Work together to resolve the situation and protect the bullied child
Develop a game plan
The goal is for all students to feel safe in the classroom, so have options for the
victim. (Move their seat, move them closer to you, group them with students they
feel comfortable with, check the feel box each day and respond to their needs in
Its important for every student to know that bullying is unacceptable in the
classroom and that each classmate deserves to be treated equally. In order for
all students to feel accepted, the teacher must group students accordingly.
Putting the more passive students with classroom leaders is a great way to build
confidence. The passive students need to be grouped with students the teacher
knows are harmless and who will treat them with respect.

Bully Bystanders

Its also important to provide support for bullying bystanders. Let students know that
even though they may not be the bully or the victim, if they see bullying taking place,
they need to report it to an adult immediately. Ask them how they would feel if they
were the victim and no one tried to help them. This informs students know that they
play a major role in the stopping bullying.


Address the bullys behavior
Prevent from happening again (send to principal, contact parents,
separate them from the class, have the bully sit in an older classroom for
the day.)
Avoid calling on the bullying in public so they dont retaliate against the
victim (speak individually, meet with parents, and involve administration.)

Its important for students to know that there will be consequences for bullying.
Everyone should feel safe and accepted in our classroom and bullying goes against this
policy. The classroom rules will be posted in the classroom and it will clearly state that
all students are expected to keep their hands to themselves at all times. If there is
bullying taking place in the classroom, the victim and the bully will meet separately at
the peace table to speak with the teacher. The peace table is a way to discuss the
issue taking place and for both students to speak and share their feelings. This gives
each child the opportunity to talk and provides the teacher with a way to get to the root
of the problem. The bully will then have to write an apology letter to the victim and their
parents will be notified. This way the victim doesnt feel scared or threatened, but they
know the teacher has addressed the problem. If the behavior continues the student will
be sent to the principals office and will face a more severe consequence as well as
continuous parent contact.

In order to redirect school wide bullying, there should be a set program in place.
Students will know that bullying isnt acceptable in my classroom or any other area in
the school. Students know bullies before teachers do, so with an effective program in
place students will help address and eliminate bullies.
Speak personally with individual students about inappropriate behavior
Students lose a pom pom from their bucket
Remain relaxed in the situation to calm both sides
Choose to solve the problem
Students share their feelings
Find a solution
Make a plan for the future
Students fill out a respect sheet and have it signed by parents
Students will be sent to the principals office
If the issue continues, parents and administrators will be asked to meet
with the student to establish a more intense plan of action
If a meeting takes place, student will be asked to help in after school
activity or volunteer of some sort to help redirect the negative behavior
and make it positive

All students will be asked to sign the promise sheet that
states they will always try to be bucket filler. This is a great
way to remind students who are making bad choices or
choosing to bully that their behavior is unacceptable. They
made a promise to themselves and their classmates so they
need to hold true to that promise.


Bullying Packet

"Home |" Home | N.p., n.d. Web. 3
Feb. 2014. <>.

"KidsAgainstBullying."KidsAgainstBullying. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2014.

"Pinterest." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2014.

Bullying Survey

Bullying hurts others. Yes No

Only boys are bullies. Yes No

Bullies will go away if you ignore them. Yes No

The best way to handle a bully is to fight or hurt
them back. Yes No

Its tattling to tell adults when youre being bullied.
Yes No

People who are bullied might hurt for a while, but
theyll get over it.
Yes No

Bucket Filler Week!

At the beginning of the school year students will learn about how
to be bucket filler. Each day they will participate in different
activities that stress how important it is to respect one another.
The main focus of this week will be to set expectations high for
students and let them know that bullying is a negative choice to
make, therefore it has negative consequences.
One of the activities I will have students do is take the bullying
survey. This will be the initial activity at the start of the week to
see if kindergartners even know what it means to be a bully. At
the end of the week, I will have the students take the survey
again. This will be a form of assessment and also show me that
they understand how to handle bullies and what they need to do
when they see bullying taking place.
Its also important for parents and families to be aware of bullying
and to know how to help their child, whether they are the bully or
the victim. Each student will go home with their own personal
bully packet. It will contain all the information we discussed
during bucket filler week as well as bully posters and surveys.
This way the parents can discuss what their child learned with
them and talk about the dangers of bullying and the
consequences bullies face.

Sample Anchor Chart

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