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I , U
I Da an 19 - 21 In 2014

1he arace| Is|ands D|spute:
Geo-Strateg|c Issues and the ko|e of Internat|ona| Law
|n romot|ng Cooperat|on
Car|y|e A. 1hayer

Paper presented to international conference on
Paracel-Spratly Archipelagoes: Historical Truth
co-sponsored by
University of Da Nang and Pham Van Dong University
Da Nang, Vietnam
June 19-21, 2014
1he arace| Is|ands D|spute: Geo-Strateg|c Issues and the ko|e of
Internat|ona| Law |n romot|ng Cooperat|on
Car|y|e A. 1hayer

1he aracel lsands (Poang Sa ln vleLnamese and xlsha ln Chlnese) are a group of
approxlmaLely LhlrLy feaLures (small lslands, rocks, reefs and sandbanks) lylng aL Lhe
norLhern end of Lhe seml-enclosed SouLh Chlna Sea. 1he aracel archlpelago conslsLs of
Lwo groups, Lhe AmphlLrlLe group ln Lhe norLheasL and Lhe CrescenL group ln Lhe
souLhwesL. 1he LoLal land area ls esLlmaLed aL roughly elghL square kllomeLres
embraclng a marlLlme zone of 13,000 square kllomeLres.
Chlna's unllaLeral move ln early May ln placlng Lhe M/v Pal ?ang Shl ?ou 981 (P?S? 981)
mega drllllng rlg ln vleLnam's Lxcluslve Lconomlc Zone (LLZ) ralses complex hlsLorlcal,
pollLlcal and legal lssues regardlng compeLlng clalms Lo soverelgnLy. lor example, Lhe
MlnlsLry of lorelgn Affalrs of Lhe eople's 8epubllc of Chlna (8C) asserLs:
xlsha lslands are an lnherenL parL of Chlna's LerrlLory over whlch Lhere ls no dlspuLe.
Chlna was Lhe flrsL Lo dlscover, develop, explolL and exerclse [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
xlsha lslands. uurlng Lhe norLhern Song uynasLy (960-1126 Au) Lhe Chlnese
governmenL already esLabllshed [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe xlsha and senL naval forces Lo
paLrol Lhe waLers Lhere. ln 1909, Commander Ll Zhun of Lhe Cuandong naval force of
Lhe Clng uynasLy led a mlllLary lnspecLlon mlsslon Lo Lhe xlsha lslands and reasserLed
Chlna's soverelgnLy by holsLlng Lhe flag and flvlng a salvo on Lhe ?ongxlng [Woody]

Chlna's offlclal accounL ralses quesLlons abouL Lhe concepLs of effecLlve [urlsdlcLlon and
soverelgnLy. unLll Lhe colonlal era Lhe aracel lslands were unlnhablLed. 1hey had no
real economlc value excepL as a LranslenL flshlng ground and a source of guano used ln
ferLlllzers. Chlna's conLacL wlLh Lhese lslands was lnLermlLLenL and noL conLlnuous.

MlnlsLry of lorelgn Affalrs, eople's 8epubllc of Chlna, 1he CperaLlon of Lhe P?S? 981 urllllng 8lg:
vleLnam's rovocaLlon and Chlna's oslLlon," !une 8, 2014.
1he modern day concepL of soverelgnLy evolved afLer Lhe eace of WesLphalla ln 1648
(or Lhe 1reaLy of WesLphalla) and only applled Lo lndependenL sLaLes. Mohan Mallk
argues, for example:
ln pre-modern Asla, emplres were characLerlzed by undeflned, unproLecLed, and
ofLen changlng fronLlers. 1he noLlon of suzeralnLy prevalled. ln oLher words, Chlna's
clalm LhaL lLs land boundarles were hlsLorlcally never deflned and dellmlLed sLands ln
sharp conLrasL wlLh Lhe sLance LhaL Chlna's marlLlme boundarles were always clearly
deflned and dellmlLed. Pereln lles a baslc conLradlcLlon ln Lhe Chlnese sLand on land
and marlLlme boundarles whlch ls unLenable. AcLually, lL ls Lhe mld-LwenLleLh-
cenLury aLLempLs Lo converL Lhe undeflned fronLlers of anclenL clvlllzaLlons and
klngdoms en[oylng suzeralnLy lnLo clearly deflned, dellmlLed, and demarcaLed
boundarles of modern naLlon-sLaLes exerclslng soverelgnLy LhaL lle aL Lhe cenLer of
Chlna's LerrlLorlal and marlLlme dlspuLes wlLh nelghborlng counLrles. uL slmply,
soverelgnLy ls a posL-lmperlal noLlon ascrlbed Lo naLlon-sLaLes, noL anclenL emplres.

unCLCS does noL accepL hlsLorlcal clalms or hlsLorlcal [usLlflcaLlons as Lhe prlme
deLermlnanLs ln deLermlnlng soverelgnLy over marlLlme feaLures and waLers. nelLher
does modern lnLernaLlonal law accepL hlsLorlcal dlscovery of lslands, Lhe proxlmlLy of
marlLlme feaLures Lo a land mass,
or Lhe lncluslon of marlLlme feaLures on sLaLe-lssued
maps as sufflclenL evldence Lo supporL a clalm Lo soverelgnLy. lnLernaLlonal law requlres
a sLaLe clalmlng soverelgnLy Lo demonsLraLe conLlnuous occupaLlon and admlnlsLraLlon.
Sam 8aLeman seL off a llvely debaLe when, ln a recenL 8SlS CommenLary, he argued
desplLe much global commenLary suggesLlng LhaL vleLnam has a case Lo supporL lLs
soverelgnLy clalm, closer analysls of Lhe hlsLory of Lhe dlspuLe suggesLs oLherwlse."
lf we Lurn from anclenL hlsLory Lo Lhe sevenLeenLh and elghLeen cenLurles, lL becomes
clear LhaL vleLnam has conslderable ground for lLs clalms over Lhe aracels.
ln Lhe
sevenLeenLh cenLury Lhe nguyen Lords commlssloned offlcers from Lhe 8oyal CourL Lo
ralse crews for beLween flve and elghLeen boaLs formlng Lhe Poang Sa lloLllla (!"#

Mohan Mallk, PlsLorlcal llcLlon: Chlna's SouLh Chlna Sea Clalms," World Affalrs !ournal, May/!une 2013,
Sam 8aLeman, new 1enslons ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea: Whose SoverelgnLy over aracels?," 8SlS
CommenLarles, no. 88/2014, May 14, 2014.
8o ngoal Clao (MlnlsLry of lorelgn Affalrs) and uy 8an 8len Clol Cuoc Cla (naLlonal 8oundary
Commlsslon), %&' (')*+ ,'- .#*/ 0-1 !"# ."# 2-# ('-+ !-" 2"-+3 4- 5- 67'"+3 4- [vleLnam's
SoverelgnLy over Lhe 1wo Archlpelagoes Poang Sa and 1ruong Sa] Panol: nha xuaL 8an 1rl 1huc, 2013.
2"-+3 4-, someLlmes LranslaLed as Poang Sa 8rlgade). 1he Poang Sa lloLllla spenL
approxlmaLely flve monLhs ln Lhe aracel lslands carrylng ouL flshlng, mapplng, surveys
and recoverlng Lhe cargo from merchanL shlps LhaL had run aground.
1he Lmperors of Lhe nguyen uynasLy conLlnued Lo malnLaln Lhe Poang Sa lloLllla.
Lmperor Cla Long formally Look possesslon of Lhe aracels ln 1816. under hls successor,
Lmperor Mlnh Mang, Lhe Poa Sa lloLllla conLlnued Lo survey and map Lhe lslands,
consLrucLed a Lemple (1833), and planLed sLone sLele marklng Lhe klngdom of An nam's
LerrlLorlal clalms.
An nam malnLalned clalms Lo soverelgnLy over Lhe aracels for much of Lhe colonlal era.
under Lhe Lerms of Lhe 1reaLy of Pue ln 1884 lrance assumed responslblllLy for Annam's
exLernal affalrs lncludlng defence of lLs soverelgnLy and LerrlLorlal lnLegrlLy. lor example,
ln 1931 and 1932 lrance proLesLed Lo Lhe CovernmenL of Chlna when auLhorlLles ln
Cuangdong provlnce called for blds Lo explolL guano ln Lhe Poang Sa archlpelago.
lL can be argued LhaL Lhe Clng uynasLy recognlzed Lhe soverelgnLy of Lhe lrench
roLecLoraLe of An nam ln a LreaLy convenLlon slgned ln 1887 and a supplemenL Lo Lhls
convenLlon slgned ln 1893. 1he klngdom of An nam laLer became an AssoclaLed SLaLe of
lrench unlon as Lhe SLaLe of vleLnam.
lrench navy warshlps and CusLoms shlps made frequenL vlslLs Lo Lhe aracels ln Lhe
1920s and 1930s. 1he lrench lnsLlLuLe of Cceanography ln nha 1rang carrled ouL
sclenLlflc surveys ln Lhls perlod as well. ln 1938, Lhe lrench Covernor-Ceneral slgned a
decree formally esLabllshlng an admlnlsLraLlve unlL ln Lhe Poang Sa. lrance consLrucLed
a llghLhouse, a meLeorologlcal sLaLlon and a radlo sLaLlon on aLLle lsland ln Lhe
CrescenL group.
ln 1947, afLer Lhe Second World War when lrench auLhorlLy was resLored ln lndochlna,
lrench armed forces secured conLrol of Lhe aracel archlpelagoe where Lhey rebullL Lhe
radlo and meLeorologlcal sLaLlons. 1he eople's 8epubllc of Chlna (8C) occupled Lhe
AmphlLrlLe group ln 1930 followlng Lhe wlLhdrawal of Lhe 8epubllc of Chlna (naLlonallsL
ln 1931, Lhe head of Lhe SLaLe of vleLnam's delegaLlon Lo Lhe San lranclsco eace
Conference sLaLed, we afflrm our rlghL Lo Lhe SpraLly and aracel lslands, whlch have
always belonged Lo vleLnam." no ob[ecLlons were recorded.
1he llnal ueclaraLlon of Lhe Ceneva Conference of 1934 provlslonally dlvlded vleLnam
lnLo Lwo zones roughly along Lhe sevenLeenLh parallel. 1he aracel lslands lay below Lhe
Lhls parallel and Lherefore came under Lhe conLrol of Lhe 8vn. ln 1936 Lhe 8vn
proLesLed Lhe 8C's occupaLlon of Lhe lslands ln Lhe AmphlLrlLe group. 1haL year Lhe
8vn replaced lrench forces ln Lhe aracels and Lhe ueparLmenL of Mlnlng, 1echnology
and Small lndusLrles conducLed a survey of four lslands ln Lhe aracels.
8aLeman's clalm LhaL Lhe uemocraLlc 8epubllc of vleLnam (u8v) recognlzed Chlna's
soverelgnLy over Lhe aracels ln 1938 ls lnaccuraLe. remler ham van uong's leLLer Lo
Chlna does noL menLlon Lhe aracel (or SpraLly) archlpelago nor does lL recognlse
Chlna's soverelgnLy over Lhe aracels. ln 1938 Lhe u8v sLlll held ouL hopes of reunlfylng
vleLnam under Lhe pollLlcal Lerms of Lhe 1934 Ceneva AgreemenL.
1he 8vn malnLalned a conLlnuous presence ln Lhe CrescenL group from 1936 unLll
!anuary 1974. lor example, ln 1939 Lhe 8vn deLalned Chlnese flshermen who landed on
four lslands ln Lhe aracel archlpelago. lrom Lhen and LhroughouL Lhe 1960s 8vn
auLhorlLles conLlnually chased away Chlnese flshermen operaLlng ln waLers around Lhe
CrescenL group. 8y 1966, Lhe 8vn presence on aLLle lsland was reduced Lo a slngle
garrlson and a weaLher sLaLlon. AfLer Lhe 1973 arls AgreemenLs Lhe 8vn presence was
reduced Lo a slngle plaLoon of soldlers.
Ch|na Se|zes the arace| Is|ands
ln !anuary 1973 Lhe vleLnam War was broughL Lo an end wlLh Lhe slgnlng of Lhe
AgreemenL on Lndlng Lhe War and 8esLorlng Lhe eace ln vleLnam ln arls by four
parLles: Lhe unlLed SLaLes, 8vn, u8v and Lhe rovlslonal 8evoluLlonary CovernmenL of
Lhe 8epubllc of SouLh vleLnam (8C). As a resulL of Lhe arls AgreemenL Lhe unlLed
SLaLes wlLhdrew all mlllLary forces from SouLh vleLnam and lefL Lhe 8vn wlLhouL an ally.
1hls was Lhe sLraLeglc conLexL ln whlch Lhe 8C made Lhe declslon Lo reasserL conLrol
over Lhe CrescenL group.
ln !anuary 1974 eople's LlberaLlon Army (LA) Lroops landed on urummond and
uuncan lslands ln Lhe aracels supporLed by Lwo armed flshlng Lrawlers. 1he 8vn
dlspaLched Lhe frlgaLe PC-16 8) 6&'"+3 9#*/ Lo lnvesLlgaLe. 1he frlgaLe dlscovered a
Chlnese landlng shlp moored on uuncan lsland and bunker manned by LA soldlers.
1he Chlnese also deployed Lwo 97"+:/-;-class submarlne chasers, #281 and #282. When
PC-16 8) 6&'"+3 9#*/ reporLed Lhe presence of Chlnese forces Lo Salgon, Lhree naval
vessels were dlspaLched wlLh orders Lo evlcL Lhe Chlnese. Cn arrlval on 16 !anuary Lhe
8vn naval force slgnaled Lhe LAn forces Lo wlLhdraw. 1he Chlnese responded by
demandlng Lhe 8vn shlps leave Chlnese waLers.
Cn Lhe followlng day, Lhe 8vn landed abouL LhlrLy naval commandos on 8oberL lsland
where Lhey removed a 8C flag. 1hey were relnforced by Lhe arrlval of Lhe frlgaLe PC-4
67-+ 9&-+& !'. Cn 18 !anuary, 8vn frlgaLes PC-3 67-+ <#+& 67"+3 and PC-10 0&-/ 6-"
arrlved on Lhe scene. 1he naval commandos were augmenLed by a plaLoon of soldlers
and an underwaLer demollLlon Leam. Chlna relnforced lLs poslLlon wlLh Lhe dlspaLch of
four LAn corveLLes, #271, #274, #389 and #396, and landed an unknown number of
LA marlnes and armed mlllLla on uuncan lsland.
1he baLLle for Lhe aracels commenced on 19 !anuary wlLh Lhe landlng of 8vn soldlers
from PC-3 67-+ <#+& 67"+3 on uuncan lsland where Lhey engaged LA Lroops. llndlng
Lhemselves ouLnumbered Lhe 8vn Lroop wlLhdrew.
8vn frlgaLes PC-10 0&-/ 6-" and PC-16 8) 6&'"+3 9#*/ lnlLlaLed an armed engagemenL
wlLh Lhelr Chlnese counLerparLs LhaL lasLed less Lhan Lhree quarLers of an hour. 1he PC-
10 0&-/ 6-" was sunk and Lhe PC-16 8) 6&'"+3 9#*/ was badly damaged. All remalnlng
8vn naval forces wlLhdrew from Lhe area. Cn 20 !anuary Chlna commlLLed [eL alrcrafL
and ground aLLack alrcrafL from Palnan lsland Lo bomb and sLrafe Lhree of Lhe 8vn-
occupled lslands. AfLer Lhe LA conducLed an amphlblous landlng Lhe remalnlng 8vn
forces surrendered. 1he 8vn was dlssuaded from sendlng relnforcemenLs Lo Lhe
aracels by lnLelllgence reporLs from Lhe unlLed SLaLes LhaL lndlcaLed Chlna has
moblllzed a more powerful fleeL. noneLheless Lhe 8vn lssued publlc denunclaLlons of
Chlna's acLlons and unsuccessfully Lrled Lo ralse Lhe maLLer aL Lhe unlLed naLlons.

Much has been made by Chlnese offlclals and scholars such as 8aLeman abouL Lhe u8v's
equlvocaLlon on soverelgnLy lssues wlLh respecL Lo Lhe aracel lslands durlng Lhe
vleLnam War. vleLnam needed Chlnese supporL and Lhus elLher downplayed Lhe
soverelgnLy lssue or gave Lhe lmpresslon LhaL Chlna held soverelgnLy over Lhe aracel
lslands. 1hls vlew falls Lo Lake lnLo accounL proLesLs by Lhe 8C lmmedlaLely afLer
Chlna's selzure of Lhe aracels and subsequenLly (26 !anuary and 14 lebruary 1974). 1he
8C was noL only a slgnaLory Lo Lhe arls eace AgreemenLs, buL prlor Lo Lhe formal
reunlflcaLlon of vleLnam ln 1976 was an appllcanL (along wlLh Lhe u8v) for membershlp
ln Lhe unlLed naLlons. 1he uS veLoed Lhe 8C's bld. AfLer reunlflcaLlon Lhe SoclallsL
8epubllc of vleLnam became Lhe successor sLaLe and assumed Lhe pollcy poslLlons of Lhe
8C on Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea (see WhlLe apers lssued ln 1979, 1981 and 1988 on
vleLnamese soverelgnLy over Lhe aracels).
WhaL are Lhe lessons learned from Lhe baLLle for Lhe aracels?
Chlna opporLunlsLlcally wlll use changes ln Lhe geo-sLraLeglc balance Lo press lLs
marlLlme clalms ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea.
Palnan lsland (and a ma[or naval base near Sanya) ls a vlLal rear area for Lhe surge of
mlllLary forces lnLo Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea.
Cccupled feaLures ln Lhe aracels and elsewhere ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea are
vulnerable Lo lnLerdlcLlon and aLLack by superlor alr and naval forces. lL ls easler Lo
Lake an lsland Lhan Lo defend lL.
Chlna demonsLraLed lL could moblllze more powerful naval force Lhan Lhe 8vn.
1hese naval forces were equlpped wlLh larger and longer-range naval guns Lhan Lhelr
8vn counLerparLs. 1he Chlnese shlps had beLLer flre gun conLrol Lhan Lhe llghLly
armed 8vn shlps.
1he 8vn (llke Lhe SoclallsL 8epubllc of vleLnam Loday) cannoL counL on Lhe unlLed
SLaLes for supporL. AlLhough u.S. aclflc lleeL forces were ln Lhe area Lhey were
ordered noL Lo asslsL Lhe 8vn.

6&* =#"# 8*+ >+ 67'+3 %"+3 ?-1 8-+3 2"-+3 4- %'- .0%2 [1he World Condemns CommunlsL Chlnese
Aggresslon ln Lhe arcels lslands of Lhe 8epubllc of vleLnam] publlshed by Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe
8epubllc of vleLnam, 1974. lndochlna Archlve (uouglas lke CollecLlon), 1he unlverslLy of Callfornla aL
8erkeley. hLLp://paracels74./
SoverelgnLy over Lhe aracels ls currenLly conLesLed by Lhe 8epubllc of Chlna on 1alwan
and vleLnam.
Geo-Strateg|c Issues
1he aracels lslands are lmporLanL for Lhelr sLraLeglc locaLlon and posslble oll and gas
deposlLs ln Lhelr surroundlng waLers. ln 1990, Chlna consLrucLed a 363 meLre runway on
Woody lsland LhaL has been exLended Lwlce Lo lL presenL lengLh of 2,399 meLres. 1he
alrsLrlp on Woody lsland can accommodaLe flghLer alrcrafL such as Lhe Su-27 and Su-
30Mkks, P-6 bombers and large supply LransporL alrcrafL. 1he faclllLles ad[acenL Lo Lhe
runway lnclude four hangers. Alr Lrafflc ls conLrolled by a 1ype 791 x-band preclslon-
approach radar. CLher mlllLary lnfrasLrucLure on Woody lsland lncludes naval docks
capable of accommodaLlng frlgaLes and desLroyers and a fuel depoL. LA soldlers are
based on Woody lsland Lo proLecL Lhe runway and oLher mlllLary faclllLles.
Chlna has also bullL mlllLary-relaLed faclllLles elsewhere ln Lhe aracels. A weaLher
sLaLlon has been bullL on aLLle lsland, whlle 8oberL lsland houses a radlo beacon, Lhe
only beacon souLh of Palnan. 1he docks on uuncan lsland are belng expanded. A Slgnals
lnLelllgence (SlCln1) sLaLlon has been operaLlng on 8ocky lsland, Lhe hlghesL
premonlLory, slnce 1993.
1hls sLaLlon could provlde alr or surface warnlng and supporL
alr mlsslons or shlp LargeLlng. Cpen sources reporL LhaL Chlna may have sLaLloned Lhe
P?-2 anLl-shlp crulse mlsslle on Woody lsland.

Cn 19 !uly 2012, Chlna's CenLral MlllLary Commlsslon offlclally declded Lo esLabllsh a
mlllLary command ln Sansha ClLy afLer lLs elevaLlon Lo prefecLure-level admlnlsLraLlve
sLaLus. 1he garrlson was placed under Lhe LA Palnan provlnclal sub-command wlLhln
Lhe Cuangzhou MlllLary Command. 1he Sansha mlllLary garrlson has been asslgned
responslblllLy for naLlonal defence moblllzaLlon, mlllLary operaLlons and reserves.
Accordlng Lo uefence MlnlsLry spokesperson Ceng ?ansheng, Chlna may seL up local

!. Mlchael Cole, Chlna ueploylng MlllLary Carrlson, Lo SouLh Chlna Sea?," 6&* !#@A"1-/, !uly 23, 2012
8lll CeerLz, Woody lsland Mlsslles," 6&* B-:&#+3/"+ 6#1*:, !une 13, 2001.
mlllLary command organs ln Lhe clLy [Sansha] accordlng Lo relevanL regulaLlons."
Colonel Cal xlhong was appolnLed commander of Lhe Sansha garrlson and Senlor
Colonel Llao Chaoyl was named ollLlcal Commlssar.

8eLlred u.S. 8ear Admlral Mlke McuevlLL argues LhaL a mlllLary garrlson ln Sansha wlll
noL affecL Lhe mlllLary balance or slgnal lmmlnenL hosLlllLles ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea.
McuevlLL polnLs ouL LhaL any ma[or mlllLary operaLlons ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea would be
mounLed from Palnan where Lhe LA has ma[or bases. Accordlng Lo McuevlLL, puLLlng
garrlsons on Woody lsland or elsewhere ln Lhe aracels would effecLlvely maroon Lhese
guys, so Lhe only advanLage would be [usL showlng Lhe flag - Lo say, 'We are serlous'."

Ch|na's Doctr|ne of 1hree Warfares
1he marlLlme confronLaLlon beLween Chlna and vleLnam over Lhe placemenL of M/v Pal
?ang Shl ?ou 981 (P?S? 981) mega ollrlg ln dlspuLed waLers ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea ls
now enLerlng lLs sevenLh week. Cn 9 !une Chlna unexpecLedly opened a new fronL
when Wang Mln, uepuLy Ambassador Lo Lhe unlLed naLlons, presenLed unlLed naLlons
SecreLary Ceneral 8an kl-moon a formal poslLlon paper on Lhe dlspuLe wlLh a requesL
LhaL he clrculaLe lL Lo all 193 un members.
Chlna's acLlons ln lnLernaLlonallzlng lLs dlspuLe wlLh vleLnam does noL represenL a
change ln lLs long-sLandlng pollcy LhaL marlLlme dlspuLes can only be seLLled bllaLerally
Lhrough dlrecL consulLaLlons and negoLlaLlon of Lhe parLles dlrecLly concerned. A day
afLer Chlna submlLLed lLs poslLlon paper Pua Chunylng, a spokesperson for Lhe MlnlsLry

xlnhua, Chlnese mlllLary may esLabllsh presence ln Sansha: defense spokesperson," MlnlsLry of naLlonal
uefence of Lhe eople's 8epubllc of Chlna, !une 28, 2012. hLLp://
Chlna sLeps up clalms over world's mosL dlspuLed waLers," 0-/#"+-A C":/, !uly 27, 2012.
klrk SplLzer, new Carrlson, Cld 1roubles ln 1he SouLh Chlna Seas," <-//A*D#*A;, !uly 26, 2012.
hLLp:// AnoLher
analysL argues, Lhe Sansha garrlson has mlnlmal operaLlonal value barrlng a slgnlflcanL upgrade ln naval
and alr lnfrasLrucLure Lo enable susLalned operaLlons" and ls malnly an example of Chlnese coerclve
dlplomacy. See: Crlana Skylar MasLro, 1he Sansha Carrlson: Chlna's uellberaLe LscalaLlon ln Lhe SouLh
Chlna Sea," CenLer for a new Amerlcan SecurlLy, E-:/ -+; 4"'/& %&#+- 4*- <'AA*/#+ no. 3, SepLember 2012.
of lorelgn Affalrs sLaLed LhaL Chlna re[ecLed unlLed naLlons arblLraLlon of lLs dlspuLe
wlLh vleLnam.
Why Lhen dld Chlna Lake lLs dlspuLe wlLh vleLnam Lo Lhe unlLed naLlons?
ln 2003 Lhe Chlnese CommunlsL arLy CenLral CommlLLee and CenLral MlllLary
Commlsslon formally adopLed Lhe docLrlne of Lhree warfares" (:-+ F&"+3 F&-+D-). 1he
Lhree warfares docLrlne ls an essenLlal elemenL of lnformaLlon warfare.
Accordlng Lo %&#+-G: 6&7** B-7D-7*:, a sLudy wrlLLen by 1lmoLhy A. WalLon for uelex
ConsulLlng, SLudles and Analysls (18 !anuary 2012), Chlna's Lhree warfares" comprlses
Lhe followlng componenLs: psychologlcal warfare, medla warfare, and legal warfare. lL ls
Lhe laLLer Lwo componenLs LhaL shaped Chlna's poslLlon paper.
Medla warfare, accordlng Lo WalLon, ls a sLraLegy deslgned Lo lnfluence lnLernaLlonal
publlc oplnlon Lo bulld supporL for Chlna and Lo dlssuade an adversary from pursulng
acLlons conLrary Lo Chlna's lnLeresLs.
Chlna's poslLlon paper was senL Lo Lhe unlLed naLlons ln order Lo ouLflank vleLnam's
own propaganda efforL and Lo lsolaLe vleLnam. 1he vasL ma[orlLy of un members have
no dlrecL lnLeresL ln LerrlLorlal dlspuLes ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea. Many SouLheasL Aslan
sLaLes LhaL hold concerns abouL Chlna's acLlons would shlrk aL belng forced Lo Lake a
publlc sLand on Lhe lssue.
Legal Warfare, accordlng Lo WalLon, ls a sLraLegy Lo use Chlna's domesLlc and
lnLernaLlonal law Lo clalm Lhe legal hlgh ground Lo asserL Chlnese lnLeresLs. Chlna's
poslLlon paper ls repleLe wlLh selecLed reference Lo lnLernaLlonal law Lo supporL Chlna's
Chlna lnlLlally defended lLs placemenL of Lhe ollrlg by argulng LhaL lL was wlLhln Chlna's
LerrlLorlal waLers. Chlna noLed LhaL Lhe P?S? 981 was locaLed sevenLeen nauLlcal mlles
from 1rlLon lsleL, Lhe wesLern mosL feaLure of Lhe aracel lsland. Chlna's use of Lhe Lerm
LerrlLorlal waLers" carrled aL leasL Lwo meanlng: (1) a clalm Lo all Lhe waLers lnslde lLs
nlne-dash llne as LerrlLorlal waLers" or (2) a clalm Lo LerrlLorlal waLers" under Lhe un
ConvenLlon of Lhe Law of Lhe Sea (unCLCS).
Chlna could noL posslble clalm LerrlLorlal waLers" as Lhe [usLlflcaLlon of Lhe locaLlon of
Lhe ollrlg because lL was aL leasL flve nauLlcal mlles beyond lLs legal LerrlLorlal sea under
Lhe deflnlLlon provlded by unCLCS.
Cn 6 !une Chlna' sLaLemenL amended Lhls error by clalmlng LhaL Lhe P?S? 981 was
wlLhln Chlna's conLlguous zone. 1hls new clalm, however, also lack legal foundaLlon.
Accordlng Lo unCLCS Lhe sole purpose of Lhe conLlguous zone ls Lo enable a coasLal
sLaLe Lo exerclse Lhe conLrol necessary Lo: (a) prevenL lnfrlngemenL of lLs cusLoms,
flscal, lmmlgraLlon or sanlLary laws and regulaLlons wlLhln lLs LerrlLory or LerrlLorlal sea,
(b) punlsh lnfrlngemenL of Lhe above laws and regulaLlons commlLLed wlLhln lLs LerrlLory
or LerrlLorlal sea."
Chlna has also aLLempLed Lo [usLlfy lLs dlspuLe wlLh vleLnam by advanclng Lhe argumenL
LhaL Lhe locaLlon of P?S? 981 ls closer Lo Lhe aracel lslands Lhan Lhe vleLnamese
coasLllne. Chlna's poslLlon paper argues, for example, Lhe P?S? 981 was operaLlng
sevenLeen nauLlcal mlles from boLh 1rlLon lsleL and Lhe basellnes drawn around Lhe
aracels and 133 Lo 136 nauLlcal mlles from vleLnam's coasLllne.
AL Lhe same Llme Chlna clalms soverelgnLy over Scarborough Shoal whlch ls locaLed
closer Lo Lhe hlllpplnes Lhan Lhe nearesL Chlnese land feaLure. under lnLernaLlonal law
mere proxlmlLy ls noL sufflclenL Lo demonsLraLe soverelgnLy.
Chlna's poslLlon paper Lo Lhe un acLually undermlnes lLs use legal warfare Lo advance lLs
case. lor example, Chlna's poslLlon paper sLaLes:
1he waLers beLween Chlna's xlsha (aracel) lslands and Lhe coasL of vleLnamese
malnland are yeL Lo be dellmlLed. 1he Lwo sldes have noL yeL conducLed dellmlLaLlon
of Lhe Lxcluslve Lconomlc Zone (LLZ) and conLlnenLal shelf ln Lhese waLers. 8oLh
sldes are enLlLled Lo clalm LLZ and conLlnenLal shelf ln accordance wlLh Lhe unCLCS.
lf Lhls ls Lhe case, Chlna should have followed Lhe provlslons of unCLCS Lo deal wlLh
overlapplng clalms. 8oLh Chlna and vleLnam should have enLered lnLo provlslonal
arrangemenLs over Lhe dlspuLes area unLll agreemenL was reached on dellmlLaLlon.
uurlng Lhls perlod each slde was en[olned from alLerlng Lhe sLaLus quo and from Lhe
LhreaL or use of force. Clearly Chlna's placemenL of Lhe ollrlg ln dlspuLed waLers vlolaLed
lnLernaLlonal legal prlnclples.
8uL Chlna's poslLlon paper undermlnes lLs legal case by argulng LhaL lnLernaLlonal law ls
lrrelevanL. 1he poslLlon paper sLaLes:
2"H*5*7I /&*:* H-/*7: H#AA +*5*7 J*,"1* .#*/+-1G: EEK -+; ,"+/#+*+/-A :&*AD +"
1-//*7 H&#,& @7#+,#@A* L"+ #+/*7+-/#"+-A A-HM #: -@@A#*; #+ /&* ;*A#1#/-/#"+ L*1@&-:#:
Chlna's Ambassador Lo AusLralla, Ma Zhaozu, conLrlbuLed Lo 8el[lng's lnformaLlon
warfare campalgn by repeaLlng Lhe same argumenL ln an op ed arLlcle ln 1he AusLrallan
on 13 !une. Ma argued LhaL Lhe dlspuLed area has never been dellmlLed and no maLLer
whlch prlnclple [of lnLernaLlonal law] ls applled Lhese waLers concerned wlll never
become vleLnam's parL of LLZ and conLlnenLal shelf."
Us|ng |nternat|ona| Law to romote Cooperat|on
Chlna's formal Labllng of a poslLlon paper wlLh Lhe un SecreLary Ceneral should be
Laken up by members of Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy LhaL are concerned abouL
escalaLlng Lenslons beLween Chlna and vleLnam and Lhelr posslble lmpacL on reglonal
securlLy. 1hese sLaLes should argue LhaL Lhe maLLer be Laken up by Lhe SecurlLy Councll.
Chlna should noL be permlLLed Lo pursue lnformaLlon warfare ln order Lo have lL boLh
ways - clrculaLlng a poslLlon paper Lo Lhe un ln order Lo demonsLraLe Lhe serlous naLure
of lLs dlspuLe wlLh vleLnam and re[ecLlng un arblLraLlon. 1he unlLed SLaLes and AusLralla
should press for a un SecurlLy Councll debaLe. !apan and oLher marlLlme powers wlLh a
sLake ln sLablllLy ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea should [oln ln.
Chlna should be forced lnLo Lhe uncomforLable poslLlon of opposlng any SecurlLy Councll
debaLe and Lhus scuLLllng lLs aLLempL Lo use un for propaganda purposes. Cr Chlna
should be placed ln Lhe poslLlon of veLolng any resoluLlon arlslng from a debaLe ln Lhe
SecurlLy Councll crlLlcal of Chlna's acLlon ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea. 1he lnLernaLlonal
communlLy Lhrough Lhe unlLed naLlons should demand LhaL Chlna shold wlLhdraw lLs
drllllng rlg and armada of shlps form lLs presenL locaLlon.
1he presenL dlspuLe over soverelgn rlghLs ln Lhe waLers surroundlng Lhe aracel lslands
can only be resolved bllaLerally by Chlna and vleLnam based on lnLernaLlonal law
lncludlng unCLCS. vleLnam should sLrongly argue Lhls polnL ln governmenL-Lo-
governmenL level Lalks wlLh Chlna.
vleLnam should lobby Lhe AssoclaLlon of SouLheasL Aslan naLlons Lo be more forclble ln
lLs supporL for Lhe seLLlemenL of dlspuLes on Lhe basls of lnLernaLlonal law and wlLhouLh
Lhe LhreaL or use of force.
ASLAn sLaLes should conLlnue Lo pursue wlLh Chlna Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe 2002
ueclaraLlon on ConducL of arLles ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea (uCC) and a Code of ConducL
for Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea (CCC). lL musL be noLed, however, LhaL ASLAn's ob[ecLlves ln
worklng Lowards a CCC wlLh Chlna are posslbly unachlevable ln Lhe foreseeable fuLure.
1he CCC process has led Lo dlvlslons wlLhln ASLAn and dlvlslons among ASLAn's
clalmanL sLaLes. Chlna's asserLlon of lndlspuLable soverelgnLy" over Lhe SouLh Chlna
Sea, and lLs recenL unprecedenLed aggresslve asserLlon of soverelgnLy uLlllzlng mlllLary
vessels and alrcrafL, ls now Lhe ma[or lmpedlmenL Lo managlng Lhe marlLlme commons
ln Lhe SouLh Chlna Sea.
ln llghL of Lhls developmenL ASLAn should drafL and raLlfy a Code of ConducL 1reaLy for
SouLheasL Asla's MarlLlme Commons. 1he securlLy of Lhe reglon's marlLlme commons ls
lndlvlslble and lnLernaLlonal law ls unlversal. ln order Lo develop Code of ConducL 1reaLy
for SouLheasL Asla's MarlLlme Commons lndlvldual member sLaLes should resolve
LerrlLorlal and marlLlme dlspuLes wlLh oLher members. 1he recenL agreemenL beLween
lndonesla and Lhe hlllpplnes on demarcaLlng Lhe marlLlme boundarles ln Lhe Celebes
and Mlndanao seas ls a good example.
1he proposed CCC 1reaLy for SouLheasL Asla's MarlLlme Commons would enhance
ASLAn's unlLy and coheslon, promoLe reglonal auLonomy and ASLAn's cenLrallLy ln Lhe
reglon's securlLy archlLecLure. 1he reglonal Code of ConducL 1reaLy should cover
SouLheasL Asla's marlLlme commons ln a manner analogous Lo Lhe Zone of eace
lreedom and neuLrallLy (1971), 1reaLy of AmlLy and CooperaLlon (1976) and SouLheasL
Asla nuclear Weapons lree Zone 1reaLy (1993) and be open Lo accesslon by ASLAn's
dlalogue parLners.

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