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xls" Program
Version 1.3
Using Unstiffened End Plate Field Bolted to Column Flange
and 4-Tension Bolt Analysis Method Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD)
Job Name: Subject:
Job Number: Originator: Checker:
Input Data:
Beam and Column Data:
Beam Size = W16x40
Column Size = W14x90
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 36 ksi
Column Yield Stress, Fyc = 36 ksi
Connection Loadings:
Beam End Moment, M = 120.00 ft-k
Moment Includes Wind or Seismic? No
Beam End Reaction (Shear), R = 30.00 kips
Beam Axial Force, P = 10.00 kips
Connection Data and Parameters:
End Plate Length, Lp = 21.750 in.
End Plate Width, Bp = 8.000 in.
End Plate Thickness, tp = 0.7500 in.
End Plate Yield Stress, Fyp = 36 ksi
ASTM Bolt Desig. (A325 or A490) = A325
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N
Bolt Hole Type (in End Plate) = Standard Nomenclature
Diameter of Bolts, db = 0.875 in.
Total Number of Bolts, Nb = 8
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S = 3.250 in. Member Properties:
Dist. to Outer Tension Bolts, D1 = 1.375 in. Beam:
Bolt Gage in Column, g = 5.500 in. d = 16.000 in.
Edge Distance for End Plate, ED = 1.500 in. tw = 0.305 in.
Col. Web Doubler Plate Thk., td = 0.375 in. bf = 7.000 in.
Doubler Plate Yield Stress, Fyd = 36 ksi tf = 0.505 in.
Stiffener Plate Thickness, ts = 0.5000 in. k = 0.9070 in.
Stiffener Plate Yield Stress, Fys = 36 ksi Column:
Full-Depth or Half-Depth Stiffeners? Full-Depth d = 14.000 in.
tw = 0.440 in.
bf = 14.500 in.
tf = 0.710 in.
k = 1.3100 in.
k1 = 1.4375 in.
End Plate ("tp" x "Bp" x "Lp")
"Nb" - "db" Bolts on "g" Gage
C.L. Column
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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.3
Bolt Design:
Horizontal Force at Beam Flange: Assume 1/2 of beam axial force is also taken at each flange
Ff = 97.93 kips Ff = (M*12)/(d-tf)+P/2
Bolt Tension and Shear:
Ab = 0.6013 in.^2 Ab = p*db^2/4
V = 15.00 kips V = (R/Nb)*(4 bolts) (portion of end shear taken by 4 tension bolts)
fv = 6.24 ksi fv = (V/(4 bolts))/Ab (shear stress on 4 tension bolts)
ft = 40.71 ksi ft = (Ff/(4 bolts))/Ab (4 tension bolts acting at one time)
Fv = 21.00 ksi Fv = 21.0 from AISC Table J3.2 (for N bolts in shear)
Vb = 12.60 kips/bolt Vb = Fv*Ab
Ft = 42.02 ksi Ft = SQRT(44^2-4.39*fv^2) (for N bolts in tension)
B = 25.30 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (for N bolts in tension)
T(cap) = 101.20 kips T(cap) = B*(4 bolts) (for N bolts in tension) T(cap) >= Ff, O.K.
V(cap) = 100.80 kips V(cap) = Vb*Nb
V(cap) >= R, O.K.
End Plate Design:
Top Flange to End Plate Welding:
Lw = 14.705 in. Lw = 2*(bf+tf)-tw
fw = 6.660 kips/in. fw = Ff/Lw
w = 0.4485 in. (size) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70))
w(min) = 0.2500 in. w(min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 5-67
End Plate Required Thickness:
Bp(max) = 8.000 in. Bp(max) = bf+1"
D = 8 16ths D = Maximum of (w or w(min)) *16, rounded up to nearest 1/16"
Pf = 1.3750 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S-(D1+tf)
Pe = 0.803 in. Pe = Pf-(db/4)-0.7071*D/16
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 for Fyb = 36 ksi, Ca = 1.11 for Fyb = 50 ksi
Cb = 0.935 Cb = SQRT(bf/Bp(max))
Af/Aw = 0.773 Af/Aw = (bf*tf)/((d-(2*tf))*tw)
am = 0.949 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pe/db)^(1/4)
Me = 18.66 in.-kips Me = am*Ff*Pe/4
tp(req'd) = 0.720 in. tp(req'd) = SQRT((6*Me)/(Bp*(0.75*Fyp))) tp >= tp(req'd), O.K.
Beam Web to End Plate Welding:
fw = 3.294 kips/in. fw = maximum of: (0.60*Fyb)*tw/2 or R/(2*(d/2-tf))
w = 0.2218 in. (size) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70))
w(min) = 0.2500 in. w(min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 5-67
Bolt Bearing on End Plate:
Fu = 58.00 ksi Fu = 58 for Fyp = 36, Fu = 65 for Fyp = 50
Rpe = 65.25 kips Rpe = 2*(0.5*Fu*(ED)*tp) (based on bolt edge distance)
Rps = 274.05 kips Rps = 2*(1.2*Fu*tp*db*(Nb/2-1)) (based on bolt spacing)
Rp = 339.30 kips Rp = Minimum of: Rpe+Rps or 1.2*Fu*tp*db*Nb
Rp >= R, O.K.
Shear Stress (out of plane) on End Plate:
fv = 8.16 ksi fv = Ff/(2*Bp*tp)
Fv = 14.40 ksi Fv = 0.40*Fyc Fv >= fv, O.K.
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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.3
Column Web Doubler Plate Requirement:
Column Web Panel Shear: (Note: any column story shear is neglected - conservative.)
SF = 99.74 kips SF = M*12/(0.95*d)+P/2 (includes 1/2 of beam axial force)
twc(req'd) = 0.495 in. twc(req'd) = SF/(0.4*Fyc*dc) twc < twc(req'd)
Web doubler plate is req'd.
Column Web Doubler Plate:
td(min) = 0.250 in. td(min) = (twc(req'd)-twc)*Fyc/Fyd but not < 1/4" min.
td >= td(min), O.K.
Web Doubler Plate Welding:
Vd = 45.89 kips Vd = SF*td/(td+twc) (at each vertical edge)
Lw = 16.00 in. Lw = d (plate height = beam depth)
fw = 2.87 kips/in. fw = Vd/Lw
w = 0.1932 in. (size) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70))
w(min) = 0.1875 in. w(min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 5-67
w(max) = 0.3637 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyd*td/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70)
Weld size <= weld max., O.K.
Web Doubler Plate Plug Welding Requirements:
h/twc = 28.59 h/twc = (dc-2*tfc)/twc
h/twc(max) = 63.33 h/twc(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyc) h/twc <= h/twc(max), O.K.
h/td = 33.55 h/td = (dc-2*tfc)/td
h/td(max) = 63.33 h/td(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyd) h/td <= h/td(max), O.K.
Conclusion: Plug welds are not required
Column Stiffener Requirements: (Assume Fyc = 36 ksi, per AISC Design Guide Series #4, 1st Edition)
Local Web Yielding: Stiffeners not req'd. at both flanges if: Pbf <= Pwy
Pbf = 163.22 kips Pbf = (5/3)*Ff
Pwy = 172.10 kips Pwy = Fyc*twc*(tf+6*k+2*tp+2*(D/16)) Pbf <= Pwy, O.K.
Compressive Buckling of Web: Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf <= Pwb
Pbf = 163.22 kips Pbf = (5/3)*Ff
Pwb = 184.14 kips Pwb = 4100*twc^3*SQRT(Fyc)/(dc-2*k) Pbf <= Pwb, O.K.
Local Flange Bending: Stiffeners not required at tension flange if: tfc(req'd) <= tfc
Pbf = 163.22 kips Pbf = (5/3)*Ff
Pf = 1.3750 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S-(D1+tf)
bp = 8.138 in. bp = 2.5*(Pf+tf+Pf) (effective column flange length)
Pec = 1.094 in. Pec = (g/2)-k1-(db/4)
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 (for Fyc =36 ksi)
Cb = 1.00 Cb = 1.0 (assumed)
Afc/Awc = 1.00 Afc/Awc = 1.0 (assumed)
am = 1.195 am = Ca*Cb*(Afc/Awc)^(1/3)*(Pec/db)^(1/4)
Me = 31.995 in.-kips Me = am*Ff*Pec/4
tfc(req'd) = 0.935 in. tfc(req'd) = SQRT((6*Me)/(bp*(0.75*Fyc)))
Pfb = 94.17 kips Pfb = ((tfc^2*(0.75*Fyc)*bp)/6)/(am*Pec/4) *(5/3)
Pbf > Pfb, Fail
Conclusion: Stiffeners are required
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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.3
Column Web Stiffener Design:
Required Area of Stiffener:
Ps = 69.05 kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force)
As(req'd) = 1.918 in.^2 Ast = Ps/Fys
Stiffener Width:
bs(min) = 2.447 in. bs(min) = Bp/3-twc/2
bs(use) = 7.000 in. bs(use) = bfc/2-twc/2 (rounded down to nearest whole inch)
Stiffener Thickness:
ts(min) = 0.442 in. ts(min) = larger of: tp/2 or bs(use)*SQRT(Fys)/95
ts >= ts(min), O.K.
Stiffener Length:
Ls(min) = 6.29 in. Ls(min) = dc/2-tfc
Ls(use) = 12.58 in. Ls(use) = dc-2*tfc
Provided Area of Pair of Stiffeners:
As(prov) = 7.000 in.^2 As(prov) = 2*bs(use)*ts As(prov) >= As(req'd), O.K.
Check Stiffener Slenderness:
b/t = 14.00 b/t = bs(use)/ts
b/t(max) = 15.83 b/t(max) = 95/SQRT(Fys) b/t <= b/t(max), O.K.
Stiffener Welding to Column Flange:
Ps = 69.05 kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force)
Lw = 22.25 in. Lw = (bfc/2-(k1+0.25))*4
fw = 1.86 kips/in. fw = Ps/((5/3)*Lw)
w = 0.1254 in. (size) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70))
w(min) = 0.2500 in. w(min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 5-67
Stiffener Welding to Column Web:
Ps = 69.05 kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force)
Lw = 43.52 in. Lw = (dc/2-(k+0.25))*4
fw = 0.95 kips/in. fw = Ps/((5/3)*Lw)
w = 0.0641 in. (size) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70))
w(min) = 0.1875 in. w(min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 5-67
w(max) = 0.2133 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyc*twc/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2)
Weld size <= weld max., O.K.
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