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Analyze submerged arc welding(SAW) with resect t! "#$
Pr!%ect guide&
"r' AA()S* S#+$*A, (Asst' "anager- .A)
S)/"#TTE0 /(&
+#S*A+T RAO /O00E0A
/'TEC* "EC*A+#CA, E+$#+EER#+$
1', )+#2ERS#T(
CO+TE+TS Page n!'
1 Acknowledgement 3
2 Certificate 4
3 Objective 5
Introduction to
5 Classification
Introduction to !A"

$rinci%le of o%eration&
!A" welding in
telcon& advantages and
its limitations
Introduction to +I,
or ,+A"-
.arious %arameters&
o%erations &difference
between !A" and
limitations and
At t/e c0nosure of m0 vo0age I wis/ to take t/is o%%ortunit0 to e1%ress m0
ineffable sense of %rofound gratitude to "r' 1umar Jagat ("anager4*R-
TE,CO+) for giving me t/is golden o%%ortunit0 to be a %art of t/is renowned
organi2ation as a summer trainee-
3urt/ermore I w/ole/eartedl0& acknowledge t/e intellectual simulation of m0
esteemed guide "r'S!mnath naya5 (Sr'"anager4.A) and "r'Aayush
singhal(Assistant manager4.A) for /is valuable guidance and t/e motivation
t/at made m0 %roject a real success in s%ite of t/eir /ectic sc/edule-
I am dee%l0 indebted to all t/e officers for t/eir e1%ert suggestions during t/e
tenure of t/is %roject work-
I am /ig/l0 grateful to all t/e o%erators and t/e su%%ort staff for t/eir /el% in
ever0 as%ect during t/is %eriod-
3inall0& m0 sincere regards to m0 %arents& relatives and all m0 friends w/o
/ave been a constant source of encouragement and moral su%%ort all
P,ACE45'6CO7& 8A+!9':$;<
59I! I! 5O C'<5I3= 59A5 +#S*A+T RAO
/O00E0A >'A<I7, #0 +O' 7878797: $;<!;I7,
>AC9'6O< O3 '7,I7''<I7, I7 59' !5<'A+ O3
+'C9A7ICA6 I7 1', )+#2ERS#T( -2A00ESSWARA"-
$)+T)R 0#STR#CT 9A! !;C'!!3;66= CO+$6'5':
5<AI7I7, I7 TE,CO CO+STR)CT#O+ A+0
E.)#P"E+T CO"PA+( ,T0' 3<O+ 7;48<4:87: & 9A!
:O7' A $<O8'C5 I7 ?Analyze submerged arc
welding(SAW) with resect t! "#$ welding ($"AW)'
T! ha=e a c!marati=e study !> submerged arc
welding(SAW) with resect t! "#$ welding ($"AW)'
1- 5o stud0 t/e submerged arc welding and +I, welding-
2- 5o learn about all t/e various %arameters in t/e %rocess-
3- 5o do com%arative anal0sis between !A" and ,+A"-
4- .arious %roducts manufactured b0 t/is %rocesses-
5- <ecommended corrective actions can be taken-
Rati!nale !> the study&
1- 5o know about t/e widest range of welding %rocesses taking %lace
on 5'6CO7
2- 5o im%rove t/e (ualit0 b0 minimi2ing t/e defects occurs& during
3- 5o stud0 about t/e various construction e(ui%ments in telcon-

E?ected c!ntributi!n >r!m the study&
1- Im%rovement in (ualit0
2- 6ess defects %er job
3- +a1imum %roductivit0 in less time
Welding is a materials %!ining r!cess which r!duces c!alescence !>
materials by heating them t! suitable temeratures with !r with!ut the
alicati!n !> ressure !r by the alicati!n !> ressure al!ne- and with !r
with!ut the use !> >iller material'
Welding is used >!r ma5ing ermanent %!ints'
#t is used in the manu>acture !> aut!m!bile b!dies- aircra>t >rames- railway
wag!ns- machine >rames- structural w!r5s- tan5s- >urniture- b!ilers- general
reair w!r5 and shi building'
C,ASS#6#CAT#O+ O6 WE,0#+$
@i)' Arc welding i=)Thermit Welding
Carbon arc v)Solid State Welding
+etal arc 3riction
+etal inert arc ;ltrasonic
5ungsten inert :iffusion
$lasma arc '1%losive
Submerged arc
@iiA- $as Welding
@iiiA- Resistance Welding

S)/"ER$E0 ARC WE,0#+$(SAW)
Submerged arc welding is a process in which the joining
of metals is produced by heating with an arc or arcs
between a bare metal electrode or electrodes and the
work. The arc is shielded by a blanket of granular fusible
material on the work. Pressure is not used. Filler metal is
obtained from the electrode or from a supplementary
welding rod.
(1) The euipment components reuired for submerged arc welding are shown
by figure 1!"#$. %uipment consists of a welding machine or power source& the wire
feeder and control system& the welding torch for automatic welding or the welding
gun and cable assembly for semiautomatic welding& the flu' hopper and feeding
mechanism& usually a flu' reco(ery system& and a tra(el mechanism for automatic
()) The power source for submerged arc welding must be rated for a 1!! percent
duty cycle& since the submerged arc welding operations are continuous and the
length of time for making a weld may e'ceed 1! minutes. *f a +! percent duty cycle
power source is used& it must be derated according to the duty cycle cur(e for 1!!
percent operation.
(,) -hen constant current is used& either ac or dc& the (oltage sensing electrode
wire feeder system must be used. -hen constant (oltage is used& the simpler fi'ed
speed wire feeder system is used. The ./ system is only used with direct current.
(0) 1oth generator and transformer"rectifier power sources are used& but the rectifier
machines are more popular. -elding machines for submerged arc welding range in
si2e from ,!! amperes to 1#!! amperes. They may be connected in parallel to
pro(ide e'tra power for high"current applications. 3irect current power is used for
semiautomatic applications& but alternating current power is used primarily with the
machine or the automatic method. 4ultiple electrode systems reuire speciali2ed
types of circuits& especially when ac is employed.
(#) For semiautomatic application& a welding gun and cable assembly are used to
carry the electrode and current and to pro(ide the flu' at the arc. 5 small flu'
hopper is attached to the end of the cable assembly. The electrode wire is fed
through the bottom of this flu' hopper through a current pickup tip to the arc. The
flu' is fed from the hopper to the welding area by means of gra(ity. The amount of
flu' fed depends on how high the gun is held abo(e the work. The hopper gun may
include a start switch to initiate the weld or it may utili2e a 6hot6 electrode so that
when the electrode is touched to the work& feeding will begin automatically.
(+) For automatic welding& the torch is attached to the wire feed motor and includes
current pickup tips for transmitting the welding current to the electrode wire. The
flu' hopper is normally attached to the torch& and may ha(e magnetically operated
(al(es which can be opened or closed by the control system.
(7) 8ther pieces of euipment sometimes used may include a tra(el carriage& which
can be a simple tractor or a comple' mo(ing speciali2ed fi'ture. 5 flu' reco(ery unit
is normally pro(ided to collect the unused submerged arc flu' and return it to the
supply hopper.
(9) Submerged arc welding system can become uite comple' by incorporating
additional de(ices such as seam followers& wea(ers& and work ro(ers.
Principles of 8peration.
(1) The submerged arc welding process is shown by figure 1!"+!. *t utili2es the heat
of an arc between a continuously fed electrode and the work. The heat of the arc
melts the surface of the base metal and the end of the electrode. The metal melted
off the electrode is transferred through the arc to the workpiece& where it becomes
the deposited weld metal. Shielding is obtained from a blanket of granular flu'&
which is laid directly o(er the weld area. The flu' close to the arc melts and
intermi'es with the molten weld metal& helping to purify and fortify it. The flu' forms
a glass"like slag that is lighter in weight than the deposited weld metal and floats on
the surface as a protecti(e co(er. The weld is submerged under this layer of flu' and
slag& hence the name submerged arc welding. The flu' and slag normally co(er the
arc so that it is not (isible. The unmelted portion of the flu' can be reused. The
electrode is fed into the arc automatically from a coil. The arc is maintained
automatically. Tra(el can be manual or by machine. The arc is initiated by a fuse
type start or by a re(ersing or retrack system.
()) :ormal method of application and position capabilities. The most popular method
of application is the machine method& where the operator monitors the welding
operation. Second in popularity is the automatic method& where welding is a
pushbutton operation. The process can be applied semiautomatically; howe(er& this
method of application is not too popular. The process cannot be applied manually
because it is impossible for a welder to control an arc that is not (isible. The
submerged arc welding process is a limited"position welding process. The welding
positions are limited because the large pool of molten metal and the slag are (ery
fluid and will tend to run out of the joint. -elding can be done in the flat position and
in the hori2ontal fillet position with ease. <nder special controlled procedures& it is
possible to weld in the hori2ontal position& sometimes called , o=clock welding. This
reuires special de(ices to hold the flu' up so that the molten slag and weld metal
cannot run away. The process cannot be used in the (ertical or o(erhead position.
(,) 4etals weldable and thickness range. Submerged arc welding is used to weld
low" and medium"carbon steels& low"alloy high"strength steels& uenched and
tempered steels& and many stainless steels. %'perimentally& it has been used to weld
certain copper alloys& nickel alloys& and e(en uranium. This information is
summari2ed in table 1!")1.
4etal thicknesses from 1>1+ to 1>) in. (1.+ to 1).7 mm) can be welded with no edge
preparation. -ith edge preparation& welds can be made with a single pass on
material from 1>0 to 1 in. (+.0 to )#.0 mm). -hen multipass techniue is used& the
ma'imum thickness is practically unlimited. This information is summari2ed in table
1!")). ?ori2ontal fillet welds can be made up to ,>9 in. ($.# mm) in a single pass
and in the flat position& fillet welds can be made up to 1 in. ()# mm) si2e.
(0) @oint design. 5lthough the submerged arc welding process can utili2e the same
joint design details as the shielded metal arc welding process& different joint details
are suggested for ma'imum utili2ation and efficiency of submerged arc welding. For
groo(e welds& the suare groo(e design can be used up to #>9 in. (1+ mm)
thickness. 1eyond this thickness& be(els are reuired. 8pen roots are used but
backing bars are necessary since the molten metal will run through the joint. -hen
welding thicker metal& if a sufficiently large root face is used& the backing bar may be
eliminate. ?owe(er& to assure full penetration when welding from one side& backing
bars are recommended. -here both sides are accessible& a backing weld can be
made which will fuse into the original weld to pro(ide full penetration. Aecommended
submerged arc joint designs are shown by figure 1!"+1 below.
(#) -elding circuit and current.
(a) The welding circuit employed for single electrode submerged arc welding
is shown by figure 1!"#$. This reuires a wire feeder system and a power
(b) The submerged arc welding process uses either direct or alternating
current for welding power. 3irect current is used for most applications which
use a single arc. 1oth direct current electrode positi(e (3.%P) and electrode
negati(e (3.%:) are used.
(c) The constant (oltage type of direct current power is more popular for
submerged arc welding with 1>9 in. (,.) mm) and smaller diameter electrode
(d) The constant current power system is normally used for welding with #>,
) in. (0 mm) and larger"diameter electrode wires. The control circuit for ..
power is more comple' since it attempts to duplicate the actions of the welder
to retain a specific arc length. The wire feed system must sense the (oltage
across the arc and feed the electrode wire into the arc to maintain this
(oltage. 5s conditions change& the wire feed must slow down or speed up to
maintain the prefi'ed (oltage across the arc. This adds comple'ity to the
control system. The system cannot react instantaneously. 5rc starting is more
complicated with the constant current system since it reuires the use of a
re(ersing system to strike the arc& retract& and then maintain the preset arc
(e) For ac welding& the constant current power is always used. -hen multiple
electrode wire systems are used with both ac and dc arcs& the constant
current power system is utili2ed. The constant (oltage system& howe(er& can
be applied when two wires are fed into the arc supplied by a single power
source. -elding current for submerged arc welding can (ary from as low as
#! amperes to as high as )!!! amperes. 4ost submerged arc welding is done
in the range of )!! to 1)!! amperes.
(+) 3eposition rates and weld uality.
(a) The deposition rates of the submerged arc welding process are higher
than any other arc welding process. 3eposition rates for single electrodes are
shown by figure 1!"+). There are at least four related factors that control the
deposition rate of submerged arc weldingB polarity& long stickout& additi(es in
the flu'& and additional electrodes. The deposition rate is the highest for
direct current electrode negati(e (3.%:). The deposition rate for alternating
current is between 3.%P and 3.%:. The polarity of ma'imum heat is the
negati(e pole.
(b) The deposition rate with any welding current can be increased by
e'tending the 6stickout.6 This is the distance from the point where current is
introduced into the electrode to the arc. -hen using 6long stickout6 the
amount of penetration is reduced. The deposition rates can be increased by
metal additi(es in the submerged arc flu'. 5dditional electrodes can be used
to increase the o(erall deposition rate.
(c) The uality of the weld metal deposited by the submerged arc welding
process is high. The weld metal strength and ductility e'ceeds that of the mild
steel or low"alloy base material when the correct combination of electrode
wire and submerged arc flu' is used. -hen submerged arc welds are made by
machine or automatically& the human factor inherent to the manual welding
processes is eliminated. The weld will be more uniform and free from
inconsistencies. *n general& the weld bead si2e per pass is much greater with
submerged arc welding than with any of the other arc welding processes. The
heat input is higher and cooling rates are slower. For this reason& gases are
allowed more time to escape. 5dditionally& since the submerged arc slag is
lower in density than the weld metal& it will float out to the top of the weld.
<niformity and consistency are ad(antages of this process when applied
(d) Se(eral problems may occur when using the semiautomatic application
method. The electrode wire may be cur(ed when it lea(es the no22le of the
welding gun. This cur(ature can cause the arc to be struck in a location not
e'pected by the welder. -hen welding in fairly deep groo(es& the cur(ature
may cause the arc to be against one side of the weld joint rather than at the
root. This will cause incomplete root fusion. Flu' will be trapped at the root of
the weld. 5nother problem with semiautomatic welding is that of completely
filling the weld groo(e or maintaining e'act si2e& since the weld is hidden and
cannot be obser(ed while it is being made. This reuires making an e'tra
pass. *n some cases& too much weld is deposited. /ariations in root opening
affect the tra(el speed. *f tra(el speed is uniform& the weld may be under" or
o(erfilled in different areas. ?igh operator skill will o(ercome this problem.
(e) There is another uality problem associated with e'tremely large single"
pass weld deposits. -hen these large welds solidify& the impurities in the
melted base metal and in the weld metal all collect at the last point to free2e&
which is the centerline of the weld. *f there is sufficient restraint and enough
impurities are collected at this point& centerline cracking may occur. This can
happen when making large single"pass flat fillet welds if the base metal plates
are 0#C from flat. 5 simple solution is to a(oid placing the parts at a true 0#C
angle. *t should be (aried appro'imately 1!C so that the root of the joint is
not in line with the centerline of the fillet weld. 5nother solution is to make
multiple passes rather than attempting to make a large weld in a single pass.
(f) 5nother uality problem has to do with the hardness of the deposited weld
metal. %'cessi(ely hard weld deposits contribute to cracking of the weld
during fabrication or during ser(ice. 5 ma'imum hardness le(el of ))# 1rinell
is recommended. The reason for the hard weld in carbon and low"alloy steels
is too rapid cooling& inadeuate postweld treatment& or e'cessi(e alloy pickup
in the weld metal. %'cessi(e alloy pickup is due to selecting an electrode that
has too much alloy& selecting a flu' that introduces too much alloy into the
weld& or the use of e'cessi(ely high welding (oltages.
(g) *n automatic and machine welding& defects may occur at the start or at
the end of the weld. The best solution is to use runout tabs so that starts and
stops will be on the tabs rather than on the product.
(7) -eld schedules. The submerged arc welding process applied by machine or fully
automatically should be done in accordance with welding procedure schedules. Table
1!"), and figure 1!"+,& below& show the recommended welding schedules for
submerged arc welding using a single electrode on mild and low"alloy steels. The
table can be used for welding other ferrous materials& but was de(eloped for mild
steel. 5ll of the welds made by this procedure should pass ualification& tests&
assuming that the correct electrode and flu' ha(e been selected. *f the schedules are
(aried more than 1! percent& ualification tests should be performed to determine
the weld uality.
(9) -elding (ariables.
(a) The welding (ariables for submerged
weld joint si2e and the current recommended for the particular joint. This
must also be considered in determining the number of passes or beads for a
particular joint. -elds for the same joint dimension can be made in many or
few passes& depending on the weld metal metallurgy desired. 4ultiple passes
usually deposit higher"uality weld metal. Polarity is established initially and
is based on whether arc welding are similar to the other arc welding
processes& with se(eral e'ceptions.
(b) *n submerged arc welding& the electrode type and the flu' type are
usually based on the mechanical properties reuired by the weld. The
electrode and flu' combination selection is based on table 1!")0& below& to
match the metal being welded. The electrode si2e is related to the ma'imum
penetration or ma'imum deposition rate is reuired.
S)/"ER$E0 ARC WE,0#+$ #+ TE,CO+&
/asically submerged arc welding is d!ne >!r a?le assembly'
Pr!cess& #t is a c!ntinu!us r!cess where >iller material >ills u the gr!!=e sace by the
melting !> the electr!de and c!ntinu!us de!siti!n !> >lu? !=er it'
Pre-heating stage: Heating is done upto temperature of
250 degrees.
Workers performing GOGGING operation:

GOO!" #"$%&"#"N'%:
'he groo(e thi)kness is 3*+ in)hes and the groo(e ,ength
is of 30mm .'aper ang,e is appro-imate,. +0 degrees.
Grinding 3hee, grit si4e is 35.
0un)tions of ",e)trodes 6oating:
Pro(ide a prote)ti(e 7 non o-idi4ing or redu)ing gas
shie,d around the ar) to keep o-.gen and nitrogen in
the air a3a. from mo,ten meta,s.
0a)i,itates striking the ar) and ena8,es it to 8e sta8,e
Pro(ides f,u- for the mo,ten poo, of meta, 7 forms a
prote)ti(e s,ag 3hi)h is easi,. remo(ed
Types of flux/electrode:
INCOFLUX NT100 Submerged Arc Flux is a neutral, agglomerated flux designed for wire welding with Nickel Filler
Metal 61, INCONE Filler Metals !" and 6"#, NI$%O& '' Filler Metal and NIO Filler Metals CF(6 and CF'")
*+,ical a,,lications are groo-e welding Nickel ".. allo+ to itself and to steels, and o-erla+ing car/on steels with the
Nickel 61 filler metal) *he flux is also suita/le to use with INCONE Filler Metals !" and 6"# for o-erla+ing and multi$
,ass welding) NI$%O& '' Filler Metal and INCOF01 N*1.. are used to su/merged arc weld cast irons to
themsel-es and to steels) INCOF01 N*1.. is also used with NIO Filler Metal CF(6 and CF'" to 2oin In-ar, NIO
(6 and NIO '")
Diameter Amperes Vlts Tra!el Speed
"xte#si# Stic$%
ut Flux Dept&
Nickel 61
.).6" in
1)6 mm
"#.$"!. "!$(. 1.$1" in 3 min
"#.$(.# mm 3
43!$1 in
""$"# mm
13"$1 in
15$"# mm
.).5( in
")' mm
"#.$(.. (.$(( !$11 in 3 min
"..$"!. mm 3
43!$1 in
""$"# mm
(3'$1 13' in
15$(" mm
Welding Parameters:
6roo-e and O-erla+ 7elding using &CE8 current and 9tringer /eads)
Overlay Welding with Oscillation:
0se &CEN current and Oscillation Fre:uenc+ of #.$4. c+cles 3 min for .).6" in) and (#$#. for .).5( in)
EN 46. ; 9 < <F"
Particle Size
*+ler 9ie-es= 1. x 6. Mesh >.)"# mm x "). mm?, EN 46. "$".
. 5d(antages and 4ajor <ses.
(1) The major ad(antages of the submerged arc welding process areB
(a) high uality of the weld metal.
(b) e'tremely high deposition rate and speed.
(c) smooth& uniform finished weld with no spatter.
(d) little or no smoke.
(e) no arc flash& thus minimal need for protecti(e clothing.
(f) high utili2ation of electrode wire.
(g) easy automation for high"operator factor.
(h) normally& no in(ol(ement of manipulati(e skills.
()) The submerged arc process is widely used in hea(y steel plate fabrication
work. This includes the welding of structural shapes& the longitudinal seam of
larger diameter pipe& the manufacture of machine components for all types of
hea(y industry& and the manufacture of (essels and tanks for pressure and
storage use. *t is widely used in the shipbuilding industry for splicing and
fabricating subassemblies& and by many other industries where steels are
used in medium to hea(y thicknesses. *t is also used for surfacing and
buildup work& maintenance& and repair.
. Dimitations of the Process.
(1) 5 major limitation of submerged arc welding is its limitation of welding
positions. The other limitation is that it is primarily used only to weld mild
and low"alloy high"strength steels.
()) The high"heat input& slow"cooling cycle can be a problem when welding
uenched and tempered steels. The heat input limitation of the steel in
uestion must be strictly adhered to when using submerged arc welding. This
may reuire the making of multipass welds where a single pass weld would
be acceptable in mild steel. *n some cases& the economic ad(antages may be
reduced to the point where flu'"cored arc welding or some other process
should be considered.
(,) *n semiautomatic submerged arc welding& the inability to see the arc and
puddle can be a disad(antage in reaching the root of a groo(e weld and
properly filling or si2ing.
+I, or ,A! +'5A6 A<C "'6:I7,@,+A"A
It is an electric arc welding %rocess w/ic/ joins
metals b0 /eating t/em wit/ an arc establis/ed
between a continuous filler metal @consumableA
electrode and t/e work-
!/ielding of t/e arc and molten weld %ool is obtained
entirel0 from an e1ternall0 su%%lied gas or gas
mi1ture bot/ inert and reactive gases-
,+A" "elding O%erations4
- 5/e %rocess can be a%%lied to a wide variet0 of metals& bot/ ferrous and nonBferrous- A related
%rocess& flu1Bcored arc welding @3CA"A& uses similar e(ui%ment but uses wire consisting of a steel
electrode surrounding a %owder fill material- 5/is cored wire is more e1%ensive t/an t/e standard solid
wire and can generate fumes andCor slag& but it %ermits /ig/er welding s%eed and greater metal
,as metal arc welding @,+A"A& sometimes referred to b0 its subt0%es& metal inert gas @+I,A welding or
metal active gas @+A,A welding& is a semiBautomatic or automatic arc welding %rocess in w/ic/ a
continuous and consumable wire electrode and a s/ielding gas are fed t/roug/ a welding gun- A constant
voltage& direct current %ower source is most commonl0 used wit/ ,+A"& but constant current s0stems&
as well as alternating current& can be used-
Originall0 develo%ed for welding aluminum and ot/er nonBferrous materials in t/e 1)4*s& ,+A" was
soon a%%lied to steels because it allowed for lower welding time com%ared to ot/er welding %rocesses-
5/e cost of inert gas limited its use in steels until several 0ears later& w/en t/e use of semiBinert gases
suc/ as carbon dio1ide became common- 3urt/er develo%ments during t/e 1)5*s and 1)6*s gave t/e
%rocess more versatilit0 and as a result& it became a /ig/l0 used industrial %rocess- 5oda0& ,+A" is
commonl0 used in industries suc/ as t/e automobile industr0& w/ere it is %referred for its versatilit0 and
s%eed- ;nlike welding %rocesses t/at do not em%lo0 a s/ielding gas& suc/ as s/ielded metal arc welding& it
is rarel0 used outdoors or in ot/er areas of air volatilit0- A related %rocess& flu1 cored arc welding& often
does not utili2e a s/ielding gas& instead em%lo0ing a /ollow electrode wire t/at is filled wit/ flu1 on t/e
+I, +ac/ine wit/ !%ool feeder4
G&N used in G#$W:
G#$W We,d 1iagram:
Welding tye B +I,C+A, ,as used B Ar mi1ed
#*D Ar& 1#D co2&
2D o2
W!r5ing tem- B 65** 3
P!larity B work %iece@BveA
B'lectrode @EveA
6iller metal BCC+!
T!rch B5andem torc/
B"ire s%eed @iA 15 mCmin
@iiA ) mCmin
We,ding parameters:
1ifferen)es 8et3een %$W and G#$W:
It is a automati) e,e)trode
feeding ma)hine 3herein
the tip of the e,e)trode is
su8merged into a granu,ar
f,u- 3hi)h shie,ds the ar)
and the mo,ten meta,.
It is an e,e)tri) ar) 3e,ding
pro)ess 3hi)h 9oins meta,s
8. heating them 3ith an ar)
esta8,ished 8et3een a
)ontinuous fi,,er meta,
:)onsuma8,e; e,e)trode and
the 3ork.
'he high <ua,it. of the 3e,d
meta, and e-treme,. high
deposition rate and speed
makes it a suita8,e pro)ess.
'he deposition rate is s,o3
as )ompared to %$W and
medium <ua,it. of 3e,d )an
8e done.
$d(antages of G#$W:
Produced High quality welds & uch faster than
with S!"W and T#$ welding%
&o flux is used no slag entrapent in the weld
'ery little loss of alloying eleents as the etal
transfers across the arc and inor weld spatter is
produced( and it is easily reoved%
2imitations of G#$W:
I' )annot 8e used in the (erti)a, or o(erhead 3e,ding
positions due to the high heat input and the f,uidit. of
the 3e,d pudd,e.
Has )omp,e- e<uipment )ompared to e<uipment
used for the shie,ded meta,-ar) 3e,ding pro)ess.

'H$N/ =O&

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