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In teaching a foreign language, it is essential to consider teaching guidelines for students ith
s!ecial educational needs "SEN#, ie those hich re$uire su!!ort and additional resources, hether
hu%an, educational %aterials or to conduct its de&elo!%ent and learning !rocess and contri'ute to
achie&ing the goals of education(
The conce!t of intelligence and its relation %)lti!les* different learning st+les a!!lies es!eciall+ for
students ith s!ecial needs ho can follo the nor%al curriculu% ith the necessar+ su!!ort(
Re%e%'er that, currentl+, foreign language learning is not restricted to a ti%e or !lace, it can 'e
challenging to lifeti%e( It is therefore i%!ortant for students ith SEN ha&e a first a!!roach to the
learning school, including e,!eriences in se&eral countries sho that e can %o&e forard ith
success in this regard(
"According to the theor+ !ro!osed '+ Hoard -ardner, intelligence is the a'ilit+ to sol&e !ro'le%s
and de&elo! !roducts hich can 'e &alued in a culture( He identifies eight t+!es of intelligence.
s!atial, logical, %athe%atical, %usical, 'odil+/0inesthetic, intra!ersonal, inter!ersonal and
So%e of the challenges faced '+ these grou!s are those ith.
1 s!ecific learning disorders( For e,a%!le, for students ith d+sle,ia, reco%%ended.
or a %ore structured a!!roach that %a0es e,!licit the !atterns of language, construction of ords
and sound %ani!ulation or a %ultisensor+ a!!roach "in&ol&ing %ulti!le senses# or acti&ities ith
%ini%al %e%or+ usage or %ne%onic techni$ues "alloing re%e%'er# and 0inesiolog+ "in&ol&ing
%o&e%ent# oriented sti%uli or %etacognition "the a'ilit+ to reflect on on thought !rocesses and
ho each one learns# or %oti&ate the% 'ased on their interests and strengths or gi&e the% s!ace for
indi&idual or0 Teaching strategies is es!eciall+ rele&ant to students s!ecific learning disorders and
attention deficit, since the+ assu%e a role &ersus !assi&e learning and rel+ on adults to regulate their
stud+( In general, e,!licit and s+ste%atic teaching strategies and the use of a co%'ination allos
the% 'etter students(
Per%anent &isual i%!air%ent. These students need a %ultisensor+ a!!roach,
student/centered and tas0s in hich the+ can learn '+ doing, as
learn 'est through %eaningful tas0s that sti%ulate their senses and
de&elo! their creati&it+ and e,!ressi&e ca!a'ilities( It should.
or le&erage their ad&antages in auditor+ areas and rote
or here !ossi'le, deli&er tactile %aterial
or ta0e into account the conte,t hel! in the construction of %eaning
or ensure that the+ are su'2ect to the sa%e acade%ic standards as the rest
or care that ha&e the sa%e o!!ortunities for social interaction ith !eers
ithout disa'ilities(
Learning a foreign language 'enefits students ith &isual i%!air%ents,
'ecause it hel!s the% get 'etter 2o' o!!ortunities and integrate into the
Acade%ic talent. Often considered 3s!ecial3 talented students
"gifted and talented#, the+ ha&e a different a+ of !rocessing and learning and
usuall+ learn a foreign language ithout %uch hel!( In these cases, the
Teachers %ust.
or !lan challenging acti&ities
focus on teaching and learning strategies inde!endentl+.
/ 4se of reference %aterial
/ Tools and &er' ta'les, &oca'ular+ lists and techni$ues
%ne%onic "%e%ori5ation#
or if necessar+, use %ore ad&anced %aterial le&els
In all these cases, it is reco%%ended that teachers and s!ecialists or0 in !artnershi!, to share ideas
and e,!and their re!ertoire of res!onses to the different needs( These grou!s need s+ste%atic
%onitoring, i%%ediate feed'ac0 and assess%ent a!!lied to %anage to !erfor% or0( It is
reco%%ended that students share ith the class o'2ecti&es and, in the case of &isual i%!air%ent, use
%aterial ith a !ositi&e i%age of disa'ilit+( The ada!tations that teachers should do, 'ut re$uire
or0, do not necessaril+ need a lot of resources, 'ut a lot of creati&it+ and detailed !lanning( 3The
teacher ho taught in a %i,ed/a'ilit+ to ado!t an eclectic a!!roach, ie an a!!roach that deli&ers
acti&e res!onse to different learning st+les3 6( As for the e&aluation, it is reco%%ended to do so in a
!ersonali5ed a+, li%ited issues and focusing instead on !erfor%ance standards that can 'e
achie&ed in
one ti%e rather than their a'ilit+ to recall and retaining structures( This ill allo the% to
e,!erience success %ore often and therefore sta+ %oti&ated to learn( It is reco%%ended to e&aluate
the% in so%e s0ills and not others, de!ending on the difficulties that arise( It should also 'uild on
cultural to!ics for co%!are and contrast ith their on culture, to go fro% the 0non to the
un0non, using close e,!eriences, use concrete %aterials related to other cultures and classif+(
The e%!hasis should 'e on hat students are a'le to do, not hat the+ can not achie&e(
Regarding the use of I7T, 3students ith s!ecial needs are less tolerant hen !resented ith
%aterial that is out of !ersonal !reference, need additional su!!ort fro% an e%otional and affecti&e
hen the softare is not friendl+3 8( A%ong the ad&antages of using I7T ith this grou! of
students, highlights that are %oti&ating, o'2ecti&e, ada!ta'le to s!ecific needs and ena'le !ersonal
and inde!endent or0( It can also 'e &er+ hel!ful to use dictionaries, i%ages, ords or te,t
translators, and charts to organi5e ideas for riting(
4 European Comission (2005). Insights and Innovation Special Educational Needs in Europe: The
Teaching and Learning of Languages.
5 Ibid
In most educational institutions of the country we find pupils with behavioral syndrome called attention deficit disorder
with hyperactivity. This disorder is "a neurological disorder characteried by behavioral moderate to severe
distractibility! short attention span! restlessness! emotional instability and impulsive behavior." Studies cast as the
main causes genetic.
This disorder is more common in children who are in the infant stages! childhood and puberty! affecting more men
than women. This is why teachers should be informed and prepared to face such situations in the classroom. In the
case of a foreign language course! in this case English! for teachers is much harder to get the student does not divert
their attention and they do not understand a lot of the language! but should try to be changing its methodology in the
classroom to integrate and motivate these students! so that they feel part of the class and not a problem.
"e witnessed as students always within the classroom there is a partner who is more concerned #or$ others. %ften our
teachers do not &now how to deal with this problem and choose different options li&e! ignore the student! throw the
classroom! ridicule against other peers! repeatedly calling attention! etc. 'or these e(amples at no time is the student
grant aid! on the contrary! it can cause ma)or damage such as low self*esteem and motivation! dropout! poor
performance! among others.
Teachers have an obligation to be changing our teaching methodology as re+uired in our students. It is a difficult but
not impossible! this re+uires dedication and vocation. Teachers often ma&e the mista&e of rushing to pass the contents
regardless meaningful learning of students by a theme of time.
,s a teacher not only in English! but in general! one of the things we must do is to help the student to remove the
negative image about the same! image formed with all the criticism and negative messages received daily by
behavior. "e must also help students raise their self*esteem! with things as small as highlight their achievements that
are smallest.
This condition re+uires help from the establishment! but also the parents! as sometimes it is necessary for the student
to receive drug treatment depending on their characteristics or psychological treatment as the word says with help
from a psychologist.
There are different ways to teach a foreign language! therefore! within the class if there are students with attention
deficit disorder with hyperactivity! we should not e(clude! but must integrate with psychomotor activities! since the
student is in motion and learn to through different games li&e: role*play! cut and paste! word association with ob)ects!
store! use your imagination! draw! etc.. In short the teacher prepare for class should be visual and concrete.
The implementation of this type of educational activities to help students raise their academic performance will be
reflected in his notes! yet raise the self*esteem of students! highlighting their positives and negatives helping him with
causing a motivation to continue e(celling each day.

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