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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: May 3, 2014

2014- 05- 12 14:05:10 GKToday
1. In which of t he f ollowing count ries worlds highest t unnel f or high-speed t rain
has been opened recent ly?
The worlds highest t unnel f or high speed t rains in nort hwest China became
operat ional at an alt it ude of 3,607 met res. The 16.3 km long was complet ely
linked up, operat ionalising t he linking Gansu provenance and Xinjiang
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2. The Spit i Valley is a desert mount ain valley locat ed in______?
[A]Himachal Pradesh
[B]Ut t arkhand
[C]Jammu & Kashmir
[D]Ut t ar Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
The Spit i Valley is a desert mount ain valley locat ed high in t he Himalayan
Mount ains in t he nort h-east ern part of t he Himachal Pradesh.
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3. Which among t he f ollowing is t he most populous St at e in USA?
[B]New York
[D]Calif ornia
Calif ornia
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4. In t he CAMELS bank-rat ing syst em, t he word A st ands f or ___?
[A]Adequat e qualit y
[B]Asset qualit y
[C]Average qualit y
[D]Annual quant it y
Asset quality
CAMELS is a bank-rat ing syst em where bank supervisory aut horit ies rare
inst it ut ions according t o six f act ors. The six f act ors examined are C-Capit al
adequacy, A-Asset qualit y, M-Management qualit y, E-Earnings, L-Liquidit y, S-
Sensit ivit y t o Market Risk.
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5. Sandra Helen Robson, who became t he f irst woman kayaker t o paddle
across t he Palk St rait , belongs t o which count ry?
[C]Aust ralia
[D]Net herland
Sandra Helen Robson is an Aust ralian sea kayaker. She became t he f irst
woman kayaker t o paddle across t he Palk St rait af t er circumnavigat ing Sri
Lanka as part of her expedit ion, which began in 2011.
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6. As per t he lat est st udy, which Jupit ers moon is believed t o have club
sandwich ocean capable of support ing lif e?
[C]Callist o
[D]Adrast ea
A st udy revealed t hat Jupit ers moon Ganymede may possess ice and liquid
oceans st acked up in several layers much like t he popular mult ilayered
sandwich. This arrangement s would make possible all sort s of int erest ing
chemical react ions-including, perhaps, t he kind t hat led t o t he rise of lif e on
eart h.
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7. The Government of India is present ly negot iat ing a bilat eral Board Based
Trade and Invest ment Agreement (BTIA) wit h __?
[B]European Union
European Union
The Government of India is present ly negot iat ing a bilat eral Board Based
Trade and Invest ment Agreement (BTIA) wit h t he European Union (EU),
covering a number of t racks ranging f rom Trade in Goods t o Services. So f ar
f if t een rounds of negot iat ions have been held, t he last being in May 2013 in
New Delhi.
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8. Recent ly, World Healt h Organisat ion (WHO) has imposed int ernat ional t ravel
rest rict ion on which of t he f ollowing count ries over polio f ear?
[A]Pakist an, Syria and Af ghanist an
[B]Pakist an, Syria and Cameroon
[C]Pakist an, Syria and Nigeria
[D]Pakist an, Nigeria and Cameroon
Pakistan, Syria and Cameroon
The WHO slapped int ernat ional t ravel rest rict ions on Pakist an, Cameroon and
Syria over t he count ries f ailure t o cont rol t he spread of t he deadly polio virus.
According t o WHO rest rict ions, it will be mandat ory f or all resident s and long-
t erm visit ors f rom Pakist an, Cameroon and Syria t o receive dose of Oral Polio
Vaccine bet ween 4 weeks and 12 mont hs prior t o int ernat ional t ravel.
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9. World Press Freedom Day is observed on ____?
[A]May 1
[B]May 3
[C]May 4
[D]May 6
May 3
World Press Freedom Day or World Press Day is observed every year on 3
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10. The Nat ional Working Plan Code is a t ool f or management of ___?
[A]Forest Resources
[C]Def ence st ruct ure
[D]Cont iguous diseases
Forest Resources
Nat ional Working Plan Code, working plan is a t ool f or scient if ic f orest
management . It is very usef ul f or evaluat ing t he st at us of f orest resource.
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