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Quantum Consciousness and

The human body is a constant flux of thousands of chemical/biological
interactions and processes connecting molecules, cells, organs, and fluids,
throughout the brain, body, and nervous system. Up until recently it was
thought that all these interactions operated in a linear sequence, passing on
information much like a runner passing the baton to the next runner. However,
the latest findings in quantum biology and biophysics have discovered that
there is in fact a tremendous degree of coherence within all living systems.
The accelerating electrons explain not only the axwell !quations and the
"pecial #elativity, but the Heisenberg Uncertainty #elation, the $ave%&article
'uality and the electron(s spin also, building the )ridge between the *lassical
and +uantum Theories.
The &lanck 'istribution ,aw of the electromagnetic oscillators explains the
electron/proton mass rate and the $eak and "trong -nteractions by the
diffraction patterns. The $eak -nteraction changes the diffraction patterns by
moving the electric charge from one side to the other side of the diffraction
pattern, which violates the *& and Time reversal symmetry.
The diffraction patterns and the locality of the self%maintaining
electromagnetic potential explains also the +uantum !ntanglement, giving it
as a natural part of the #elativistic +uantum Theory and making possible to
understand the +uantum )iology.
Preface ................................................................................................................................... 2
Quantum Consciousness .......................................................................................................... 3
Quantum Entanglement ........................................................................................................... 4
The Bridge .............................................................................................................................. 4
Accelerating charges ............................................................................................................ 4
Relativistic effect ................................................................................................................. 4
Heisenberg ncertaint! Relation ............................................................................................... 4
"ave # Particle $ualit! ............................................................................................................ %
Atomic model ......................................................................................................................... %
The Relativistic Bridge .............................................................................................................. %
The &ea' interaction ............................................................................................................... %
The (eneral "ea' )nteraction ............................................................................................... *
+ermions and Bosons ............................................................................................................... ,
-an $er "aals force ................................................................................................................ ,
Electromagnetic inertia and mass .............................................................................................. ,
Electromagnetic )nduction .................................................................................................... ,
Relativistic change of mass .................................................................................................... ,
The fre.uenc! de/endence of mass ....................................................................................... ,
Electron # Proton mass rate .................................................................................................. 0
(ravit! from the /oint of vie& of .uantum /h!sics ..................................................................... 0
The (ravitational force ......................................................................................................... 0
The Higgs boson ...................................................................................................................... 1
Higgs mechanism and Quantum (ravit! ..................................................................................... 1
"hat is the 2/in3 ................................................................................................................45
The (raviton ......................................................................................................................45
Conclusions ...........................................................................................................................45
References ............................................................................................................................44

Author6 (eorge Ra7na
The human bod! is a constant flu8 of thousands of chemical9biological interactions and /rocesses
connecting molecules: cells: organs: and fluids: throughout the brain: bod!: and nervous s!stem; /
until recentl! it &as thought that all these interactions o/erated in a linear se.uence: /assing on
information much li'e a runner /assing the baton to the ne8t runner; Ho&ever: the latest findings in
.uantum biolog! and bio/h!sics have discovered that there is in fact a tremendous degree of
coherence &ithin all living s!stems; <%=
Quantum entanglement is a /h!sical /henomenon that occurs &hen /airs or grou/s of /articles are
generated or interact in &a!s such that the .uantum state of each /article cannot be described
inde/endentl! # instead: a .uantum state ma! be given for the s!stem as a &hole; <4=
) thin' that &e have a sim/le bridge bet&een the classical and .uantum mechanics b! understanding
the Heisenberg ncertaint! Relations; )t ma'es clear that the /articles are not /oint li'e but have a
d8 and d/ uncertaint!;

Quantum Consciousness
E8tensive scientific investigation has found that a form of .uantum coherence o/erates &ithin living
biological s!stems through &hat is 'no&n as biological e8citations and bio/hoton emission; "hat
this means is that metabolic energ! is stored as a form of electromechanical and electromagnetic
e8citations; These coherent e8citations are considered res/onsible for generating and maintaining
long>range order via the transformation of energ! and ver! &ea' electromagnetic signals; After
nearl! t&ent! !ears of e8/erimental research: +rit?>Albert Po// /ut for&ard the h!/othesis that
bio/hotons are emitted from a coherent electrod!namics field &ithin the living s!stem;

"hat this means is that each living cell is giving off: or resonating: a bio/hoton field of coherent
energ!; )f each cell is emitting this field: then the &hole living s!stem is: in effect: a resonating field>a
ubi.uitous nonlocal field; And since bio/hotons are the entities through &hich the living s!stem
communicates: there is near>instantaneous intercommunication throughout; And this: claims Po//:
is the basis for coherent biological organi?ation >> referred to as .uantum coherence; This discover!
led Po// to state that the ca/acit! for evolution rests not on aggressive struggle and rivalr! but on
the ca/acit! for communication and coo/eration; )n this sense the built>in ca/acit! for s/ecies
evolution is not based on the individual but rather living s!stems that are interlin'ed &ithin a
coherent &hole6 @iving s!stems are thus neither the sub7ects alone: nor ob7ects isolated: but both
sub7ects and ob7ects in a mutuall! communicating universe of meaning; ; ; ; Aust as the cells in an
organism ta'e on different tas's for the &hole: different /o/ulations enfold information not onl! for
themselves: but for all other organisms: e8/anding the consciousness of the &hole: &hile at the
same time becoming more and more a&are of this collective consciousness;

Bio/h!sicist Bae>"an Ho describes ho& the living organism: including the human bod!: is
coordinated throughout and is Ccoherent be!ond our &ildest dreams;C )t a//ears that ever! /art of
our bod! is Cin communication &ith ever! other /art through a d!namic: tunable: res/onsive: li.uid
cr!stalline medium that /ervades the &hole bod!: from organs and tissues to the interior of ever!

"hat this tells us is that the medium of our bodies is a form of li.uid cr!stal: an ideal transmitter of
communication: resonance: and coherence; These relativel! ne& develo/ments in bio/h!sics have
discovered that all biological organisms are constituted of a li.uid cr!stalline medium; +urther: $DA
is a li.uid>cr!stal: lattice>t!/e structure E&hich some refer to as a li.uid cr!stal gelF: &hereb! bod!
cells are involved in a hologra/hic instantaneous communication via the emitting of bio/hotons Ea
source based on lightF; This im/lies that all living biological organisms continuousl! emit radiations of
light that form a field of coherence and communication; Boreover: bio/h!sics has discovered that
living organisms are /ermeated b! .uantum &ave forms; <%=
Quantum Entanglement
Beasurements of /h!sical /ro/erties such as /osition: momentum: s/in: /olari?ation: etc;
/erformed on entangled /articles are found to be a//ro/riatel! correlated; +or e8am/le: if a /air of
/articles is generated in such a &a! that their total s/in is 'no&n to be ?ero: and one /article is
found to have cloc'&ise s/in on a certain a8is: then the s/in of the other /article: measured on the
same a8is: &ill be found to be countercloc'&ise; Because of the nature of .uantum measurement:
ho&ever: this behavior gives rise to effects that can a//ear /arado8ical6 an! measurement of a
/ro/ert! of a /article can be seen as acting on that /article Ee;g; b! colla/sing a number of
su/erim/osed statesFG and in the case of entangled /articles: such action must be on the entangled
s!stem as a &hole; )t thus a//ears that one /article of an entangled /air C'no&sC &hat
measurement has been /erformed on the other: and &ith &hat outcome: even though there is no
'no&n means for such information to be communicated bet&een the /articles: &hich at the time of
measurement ma! be se/arated b! arbitraril! large distances; <4=
The Bridge
The accelerating electrons e8/lain not onl! the Ba8&ell E.uations and the 2/ecial Relativit!: but the
Heisenberg ncertaint! Relation: the &ave /article dualit! and the electronHs s/in also: building the
bridge bet&een the Classical and Quantum Theories; <4=

Accelerating charges
The moving charges are self maintain the electromagnetic field locall!: causing their movement and
this is the result of their acceleration under the force of this field; )n the classical /h!sics the charges
&ill distributed along the electric current so that the electric /otential lo&ering along the current: b!
linearl! increasing the &a! the! ta'e ever! ne8t time /eriod because this accelerated motion;
The same thing ha//ens on the atomic scale giving a d/ im/ulse difference and a d8 &a! difference
bet&een the different /art of the not /oint li'e /articles;
Relativistic effect
Another bridge bet&een the classical and .uantum mechanics in the realm of relativit! is that the
charge distribution is lo&ering in the reference frame of the accelerating charges linearl!6 ds9dt I at
Etime coordinateF: but in the reference frame of the current it is /arabolic6 s I a92 t

Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation
)n the atomic scale the Heisenberg uncertaint! relation gives the same result: since the moving
electron in the atom accelerating in the electric field of the /roton: causing a charge distribution on
delta 8 /osition difference and &ith a delta / momentum difference such a &a! that the! /roduct is
about the half Planc' reduced constant; +or the /roton this delta 8 much less in the nucleon: than in
the orbit of the electron in the atom: the delta / is much higher because of the greater /roton mass;
This means that the electron and /roton are not /oint li'e /articles: but has a real charge
Wave Particle !uality
The accelerating electrons e8/lains the &ave # /article dualit! of the electrons and /hotons: since
the elementar! charges are distributed on delta 8 /osition &ith delta / im/ulse and creating a &ave
/ac'et of the electron; The /hoton gives the electromagnetic /article of the mediating force of the
electrons electromagnetic field &ith the same distribution of &avelengths;
Atomic model
The constantl! accelerating electron in the H!drogen atom is moving on the e.ui/otential line of the
/roton and itJs 'inetic and /otential energ! &ill be constant; )ts energ! &ill change onl! &hen it is
changing its &a! to another e.ui/otential line &ith another value of /otential energ! or getting free
&ith enough 'inetic energ!; This means that the Rutherford>Bohr atomic model is right and onl! that
changing acceleration of the electric charge causes radiation: not the stead! acceleration; The stead!
acceleration of the charges onl! creates a centric /arabolic stead! electric field around the charge:
the magnetic field; This gives the magnetic moment of the atoms: summing u/ the /roton and
electron magnetic moments caused b! their circular motions and s/ins;

The Relativistic Bridge
Commonl! acce/ted idea that the relativistic effect on the /article /h!sics it is the fermionsJ s/in >
another unresolved /roblem in the classical conce/ts; )f the electric charges can move onl! &ith
accelerated motions in the self maintaining electromagnetic field: once u/on a time the! &ould
reach the velocit! of the electromagnetic field; The resolution of this /roblem is the s/inning
/article: constantl! accelerating and not reaching the velocit! of light because the acceleration is
radial; Kne origin of the Quantum Ph!sics is the Planc' $istribution @a& of the electromagnetic
oscillators: giving e.ual intensit! for 2 different &avelengths on an! tem/erature; An! of these t&o
&avelengths &ill give e.ual intensit! diffraction /atterns: building different as!mmetric
constructions: for e8am/le /roton > electron structures EatomsF: molecules: etc; 2ince the /articles
are centers of diffraction /atterns the! also have /article # &ave dualit! as the electromagnetic
&aves have; <2=

The "ea# interaction
The &ea' interaction transforms an electric charge in the diffraction /attern from one side to the
other side: causing an electric di/ole momentum change: &hich violates the CP and time reversal
s!mmetr!; The Electro&ea' )nteraction sho&s that the "ea' )nteraction is basicall! electromagnetic
in nature; The arro& of time sho&s the entro/! gro&s b! changing the tem/erature de/endent
diffraction /atterns of the electromagnetic oscillators;
Another im/ortant issue of the .uar' model is &hen one .uar' changes its flavor such that a linear
oscillation transforms into /lane oscillation or vice versa: changing the charge value &ith 4 or >4; This
'ind of change in the oscillation mode re.uires not onl! /arit! change: but also charge and time
changes ECPT s!mmetr!F resulting a right handed anti>neutrino or a left handed neutrino;
The right handed anti>neutrino and the left handed neutrino e8ist onl! because changing bac' the
.uar' flavor could ha//en onl! in reverse: because the! are different geometrical constructions: the
u is 2 dimensional and /ositivel! charged and the d is 4 dimensional and negativel! charged; )t needs
also a time reversal: because anti /article Eanti neutrinoF is involved;
The neutrino is a 492s/in creator /article to ma'e e.ual the s/ins of the &ea' interaction: for
e8am/le neutron deca! to 2 fermions: ever! /article is fermions &ith L s/in; The &ea' interaction
changes the entro/! since more or less /articles &ill give more or less freedom of movement; The
entro/! change is a result of tem/erature change and brea's the e.ualit! of oscillator diffraction
intensit! of the Ba8&ell#Bolt?mann statistics; This &a! it changes the time coordinate measure and
ma'es /ossible a different time dilation as of the s/ecial relativit!;
The limit of the velocit! of /articles as the s/eed of light a//ro/riate onl! for electrical charged
/articles: since the accelerated charges are self maintaining locall! the accelerating electric force;
The neutrinos are CP s!mmetr! brea'ing /articles com/ensated b! time in the CPT s!mmetr!: that is
the time coordinate not &or's as in the electromagnetic interactions: conse.uentl! the s/eed of
neutrinos is not limited b! the s/eed of light;
The &ea' interaction T>as!mmetr! is in con7unction &ith the T>as!mmetr! of the second la& of
thermod!namics: meaning that locall! lo&ering entro/! Eon e8tremel! high tem/eratureF causes the
&ea' interaction: for e8am/le the H!drogen fusion;
Probabl! because it is a s/in creating movement changing linear oscillation to 2 dimensional
oscillation b! changing d to u .uar' and creating anti neutrino going bac' in time relative to the
/roton and electron created from the neutron: it seems that the anti neutrino fastest then the
velocit! of the /hotons created also in this &ea' interaction3

A .uar' flavor changing sho&s that it is a reflection changes movement and the CP> and T> s!mmetr!
brea'ingMMM This flavor changing oscillation could /rove that it could be also on higher level such as
atoms: molecules: /robabl! big biological significant molecules and res/onsible on the aging of the

)m/ortant to mention that the &ea' interaction is al&a!s contains /articles and anti/articles: &here
the neutrinos EantineutrinosF /resent the o//osite side; )t means b! +e!nmanHs inter/retation that
these /articles /resent the bac'&ard time and /robabl! because this the! seem to move faster than
the s/eed of light in the reference frame of the other side;

+inall! since the &ea' interaction is an electric di/ole change &ith L s/in creatingG it is limited b! the
velocit! of the electromagnetic &ave: so the neutrinoHs velocit! cannot e8ceed the velocit! of light;

The $eneral Wea# %nteraction
The "ea' )nteractions T>as!mmetr! is in con7unction &ith the T>as!mmetr! of the 2econd @a& of
Thermod!namics: meaning that locall! lo&ering entro/! Eon e8tremel! high tem/eratureF causes for
e8am/le the H!drogen fusion; The arro& of time b! the 2econd @a& of Thermod!namics sho&s the
increasing entro/! and decreasing information b! the "ea' )nteraction: changing the tem/erature
de/endent diffraction /atterns; A good e8am/le of this is the neutron deca!: creating more /articles
&ith less 'no&n information about them;
The neutrino oscillation of the "ea' )nteraction sho&s that it is a general electric di/ole change and
it is /ossible to an! other tem/erature de/endent entro/! and information changing diffraction
/attern of atoms: molecules and even com/licated biological living structures;
"e can generali?e the &ea' interaction on all of the deca!ing matter constructions: even on the
biological too; This gives the limited lifetime for the biological constructions also b! the arro& of
time; There should be a ne& research s/ace of the Quantum )nformation 2cience the Jgeneral
neutrino oscillationJ for the greater then subatomic matter structures as an electric di/ole change;
There is also connection bet&een statistical /h!sics and evolutionar! biolog!: since the arro& of
time is &or'ing in the biological evolution also;
The +luctuation Theorem sa!s that there is a /robabilit! that entro/! &ill flo& in a direction o//osite
to that dictated b! the 2econd @a& of Thermod!namics; )n this case the )nformation is gro&ing that
is the matter formulas are emerging from the chaos; 2o the "ea' )nteraction has t&o directions:
sam/les for one direction is the Deutron deca!: and H!drogen fusion is the o//osite direction;

&ermions and Bosons
The fermions are the diffraction /atterns of the bosons such a &a! that the! are both sides of the
same thing;
'an !er Waals force
Damed after the $utch scientist Aohannes $ideri' van der "aals # &ho first /ro/osed it in 40,3 to
e8/lain the behaviour of gases # it is a ver! &ea' force that onl! becomes relevant &hen atoms and
molecules are ver! close together; +luctuations in the electronic cloud of an atom mean that it &ill
have an instantaneous di/ole moment; This can induce a di/ole moment in a nearb! atom: the
result being an attractive di/ole#di/ole interaction;
Electromagnetic inertia and mass
Electromagnetic %nduction
2ince the magnetic induction creates a negative electric field as a result of the changing acceleration:
it &or's as an electromagnetic inertia: causing an electromagnetic mass; <4=
Relativistic change of mass
The increasing mass of the electric charges the result of the increasing inductive electric force acting
against the accelerating force; The decreasing mass of the decreasing acceleration is the result of the
inductive electric force acting against the decreasing force; This is the relativistic mass change
e8/lanation: es/eciall! im/ortantl! e8/laining the mass reduction in case of velocit! decrease;
The fre(uency de)endence of mass
2ince E = h and E = mc
: m = h /c
that is the m de/ends onl! on the fre.uenc!; )t means that the
mass of the /roton and electron are electromagnetic and the result of the electromagnetic
induction: caused b! the changing acceleration of the s/inning and moving chargeM )t could be that
the m
inertial mass is the result of the s/in: since this is the onl! accelerating motion of the electric
charge; 2ince the accelerating motion has different fre.uenc! for the electron in the atom and the
/roton: the! masses are different: also as the &avelengths on both sides of the diffraction /attern:
giving e.ual intensit! of radiation;
Electron Proton mass rate
The Planc' distribution la& e8/lains the different fre.uencies of the /roton and electron: giving
e.ual intensit! to different lambda &avelengthsM Also since the /articles are diffraction /atterns
the! have some closeness to each other # can be seen as a gravitational force; <2=
There is an as!mmetr! bet&een the mass of the electric charges: for e8am/le /roton and electron:
can understood b! the as!mmetrical Planc' $istribution @a&; This tem/erature de/endent energ!
distribution is as!mmetric around the ma8imum intensit!: &here the annihilation of matter and
antimatter is a high /robabilit! event; The as!mmetric sides are creating different fre.uencies of
electromagnetic radiations being in the same intensit! level and com/ensating each other; Kne of
these com/ensating ratios is the electron # /roton mass ratio; The lo&er energ! side has no
com/ensating intensit! level: it is the dar' energ! and the corres/onding matter is the dar' matter;

$ravity from the )oint of vie" of (uantum )hysics
The $ravitational force
The gravitational attractive force is basicall! a magnetic force;
The same electric charges can attract one another b! the magnetic force if the! are moving /arallel
in the same direction; 2ince the electricall! neutral matter is com/osed of negative and /ositive
charges the! need 2 /hotons to mediate this attractive force: one /er charges; The Bing Bang caused
/arallel moving of the matter gives this magnetic force: e8/erienced as gravitational force;
2ince graviton is a tensor field: it has s/in I 2: could be 2 /hotons &ith s/in I 4 together;
Nou can thin' about /hotons as virtual electron # /ositron /airs: obtaining the necessar! virtual
mass for gravit!;
The mass as seen before a result of the diffraction: for e8am/le the /roton # electron mass rate
B/I4045 Be; )n order to move one of these diffraction ma8imum Eelectron or /rotonF &e need to
intervene into the diffraction /attern &ith a force a//ro/riate to the intensit! of this diffraction
ma8imum: means its intensit! or mass;

The Big Bang caused acceleration created radial currents of the matter: and since the matter is
com/osed of negative and /ositive charges: these currents are creating magnetic field and attracting
forces bet&een the /arallel moving electric currents; This is the gravitational force e8/erienced b!
the matter: and also the mass is result of the electromagnetic forces bet&een the charged /articles;
The /ositive and negative charged currents attracts each other or b! the magnetic forces or b! the
much stronger electrostatic forcesM3

The gravitational force attracting the matter: causing concentration of the matter in a small s/ace
and leaving much s/ace &ith lo& matter concentration6 dar' matter and energ!;
There is an as!mmetr! bet&een the mass of the electric charges: for e8am/le /roton and electron:
can understood b! the as!mmetrical Planc' $istribution @a&; This tem/erature de/endent energ!
distribution is as!mmetric around the ma8imum intensit!: &here the annihilation of matter and
antimatter is a high /robabilit! event; The as!mmetric sides are creating different fre.uencies of
electromagnetic radiations being in the same intensit! level and com/ensating each other; Kne of
these com/ensating ratios is the electron # /roton mass ratio; The lo&er energ! side has no
com/ensating intensit! level: it is the dar' energ! and the corres/onding matter is the dar' matter;

The Higgs boson
B! Barch 2543: the /article had been /roven to behave: interact and deca! in man! of the e8/ected
&a!s /redicted b! the 2tandard Bodel: and &as also tentativel! confirmed to have O /arit! and ?ero
s/in: t&o fundamental criteria of a Higgs boson: ma'ing it also the first 'no&n scalar /article to be
discovered in nature: although a number of other /ro/erties &ere not full! /roven and some /artial
results do not !et /recisel! match those e8/ectedG in some cases data is also still a&aited or being
2ince the Higgs boson is necessar! to the " and P bosons: the di/ole change of the "ea' interaction
and the change in the magnetic effect caused gravitation must be conducted; The "ien la& is also
im/ortant to e8/lain the "ea' interaction: since it describes the T
change and the diffraction
/atterns change; <2=
Higgs mechanism and Quantum $ravity
The magnetic induction creates a negative electric field: causing an electromagnetic inertia; Probabl!
it is the m!sterious Higgs field giving mass to the charged /articles3 "e can thin' about the /hoton
as an electron>/ositron /air: the! have mass; The neutral /articles are built from negative and
/ositive charges: for e8am/le the neutron: deca!ing to /roton and electron; The &ave # /article
dualit! ma'es sure that the /articles are oscillating and creating magnetic induction as an inertial
mass: e8/laining also the relativistic mass change; Higher fre.uenc! creates stronger magnetic
induction: smaller fre.uenc! results lesser magnetic induction; )t seems to me that the magnetic
induction is the secret of the Higgs field;
)n /article /h!sics: the Higgs mechanism is a 'ind of mass generation mechanism: a /rocess that
gives mass to elementar! /articles; According to this theor!: /articles gain mass b! interacting &ith
the Higgs field that /ermeates all s/ace; Bore /recisel!: the Higgs mechanism endo&s gauge bosons
in a gauge theor! &ith mass through absor/tion of Dambu#(oldstone bosons arising in s/ontaneous
s!mmetr! brea'ing;
The sim/lest im/lementation of the mechanism adds an e8tra Higgs field to the gauge theor!; The
s/ontaneous s!mmetr! brea'ing of the underl!ing local s!mmetr! triggers conversion of
com/onents of this Higgs field to (oldstone bosons &hich interact &ith Eat least some ofF the other
fields in the theor!: so as to /roduce mass terms for Eat least some ofF the gauge bosons; This
mechanism ma! also leave behind elementar! scalar Es/in>5F /articles: 'no&n as Higgs bosons;
)n the 2tandard Bodel: the /hrase CHiggs mechanismC refers s/ecificall! to the generation of masses
for the "
: and P &ea' gauge bosons through electro&ea' s!mmetr! brea'ing; The @arge Hadron
Collider at CERD announced results consistent &ith the Higgs /article on Aul! 4: 2542 but stressed
that further testing is needed to confirm the 2tandard Bodel;
What is the *)in+
2o &e 'no& alread! that the ne& /article has s/in ?ero or s/in t&o and &e could tell &hich one if &e
could detect the /olari?ations of the /hotons /roduced; nfortunatel! this is difficult and neither
AT@A2 nor CB2 are able to measure /olari?ations; The onl! direct and sure &a! to confirm that the
/article is indeed a scalar is to /lot the angular distribution of the /hotons in the rest frame of the
centre of mass; A s/in ?ero /articles li'e the Higgs carries no directional information a&a! from the
original collision so the distribution &ill be even in all directions; This test &ill be /ossible &hen a
much larger number of events have been observed; )n the mean time &e can settle for less certain
indirect indicators;
The $raviton
)n /h!sics: the graviton is a h!/othetical elementar! /article that mediates the force of gravitation in
the frame&or' of .uantum field theor!; )f it e8ists: the graviton is e8/ected to be massless Ebecause
the gravitational force a//ears to have unlimited rangeF and must be a s/in>2 boson; The s/in
follo&s from the fact that the source of gravitation is the stress>energ! tensor: a second>ran' tensor
Ecom/ared to electromagnetismJs s/in>4 /hoton: the source of &hich is the four>current: a first>ran'
tensorF; Additionall!: it can be sho&n that an! massless s/in>2 field &ould give rise to a force
indistinguishable from gravitation: because a massless s/in>2 field must cou/le to Einteract &ithF the
stress>energ! tensor in the same &a! that the gravitational field does; This result suggests that: if a
massless s/in>2 /article is discovered: it must be the graviton: so that the onl! e8/erimental
verification needed for the graviton ma! sim/l! be the discover! of a massless s/in>2 /article; <3=
Kne of the most im/ortant conclusions is that the electric charges are moving in an accelerated &a!
and even if their velocit! is constant: the! have an intrinsic acceleration an!&a!: the so called s/in:
since the! need at least an intrinsic acceleration to ma'e /ossible the! movement ;
The accelerated charges self>maintaining /otential sho&s the localit! of the relativit!: &or'ing on
the .uantum level also; <4=
The bridge bet&een the classical and .uantum theor! is based on this intrinsic acceleration of the
s/in: e8/laining also the Heisenberg ncertaint! Princi/le; The /article # &ave dualit! of the electric
charges and the /hoton ma'es certain that the! are both sides of the same thing;
The 2ecret of Quantum Entanglement that the /articles are diffraction /atterns of the
electromagnetic &aves and this &a! their .uantum states ever! time is the result of the .uantum
state of the intermediate electromagnetic &aves; <2=
These relativel! ne& develo/ments in bio/h!sics have discovered that all biological organisms are
constituted of a li.uid cr!stalline medium; +urther: $DA is a li.uid>cr!stal: lattice>t!/e structure
E&hich some refer to as a li.uid cr!stal gelF: &hereb! bod! cells are involved in a hologra/hic
instantaneous communication via the emitting of bio/hotons Ea source based on lightF; This im/lies
that all living biological organisms continuousl! emit radiations of light that form a field of coherence
and communication; Boreover: bio/h!sics has discovered that living organisms are /ermeated b!
.uantum &ave forms; <%=
Basing the gravitational force on the accelerating niverse caused magnetic force and the Planc'
$istribution @a& of the electromagnetic &aves caused diffraction gives us the basis to build a nified
Theor! of the /h!sical interactions also;
<4= The Bagnetic field of the Electric current and the Bagnetic induction
<2= 3 $imensional 2tring Theor!
<3= (raviton Production B! T&o Photon and Electron>Photon Processes )n Salu?a>Slein Theories "ith
@arge E8tra $imensions
<4= Quantum Entanglement
<%= Quantum Consciousness

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