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Four Moments in Prayer

Photo by Zulfaqar Mohd. Khair

The five daily prayers are the pillars that keep the Islam in a Muslim's heart stand firm. The
Muslim is the caretaker of these pillars. It is imperative that the caretaker keeps them in check
and takes care of any imperfections, for they are not free from imperfections. They are not
suppose to.
It is the caretaker's ob to keep them standin! stron! "ith constant care and re!ular check ups.
#ther"ise the "hole structure may collapse, even from a sin!le crack.
I reflected upon my prayer and upon my $lack of% concentration in it. I found myself fi&ated
on four different moments in my prayer. I feel that these four moments are pivotal in my
prayer and to pass them by "ithout reflection ' albeit for only a second ' "ould be the crack to
my pillars.
The Takbeer
The moment "hen I first say ()llahuakbar(. I raise my arms up, palms facin! front. I thro"
everythin! aside as I brin! my arms to!ether and embrace my body. I thro" everythin! aside,
e&cept )llah. *&cept )llah.
+ecause )llah is ,reater.
)llah is ,reater than my "orries.
)llah is ,reater than my possessions.
)llah is ,reater than my loved ones.
)llah is ,reater than myself.
)s I embrace myself, I e&it this "orld and enter into a ne" "orld "here it is ust me and
)llah. In that space and time, there is true bliss. This, as ho" my Prophet e&pressed it, is the
coolness of my eyes.
The Fatiha
The moment "hen I recite, (It is -ou "e "orship and it is -ou "e seek help from.(
This outlines my purpose in everythin! I do in life and in doin! so, I reali.e that I need /is
help. I am in total dependence to /im, and /im alone. +ein! a Muslim is not easy, and
ri!htfully so. It shouldn't be easy. 0ife is hard. 0ife is a mess. 1uch is the nature of this dunya.
+ut bein! a Muslim equipped me "ith the tools to handle the hardship, to persevere, and to
succeed. To be content.
(It is -ou "e "orship and it is -ou "e seek help from.(
I think that one line a "hole lot about "hat or "ho a Muslim is. ) short sentence
that speaks volumes.
If only "e reflect.
The Sujud
The moment "hen I lay my forehead on the !round.
Is there a humbler e&perience than this2 Is there a symbol of dependence more profound than
The closest place I can be to my 3reator. In this lo"est position, my heart is at its hi!hest.
In my suud, I speak most intimately to you, # )llah.
The Shahadah
The moment "hen I reiterate the declaration of faith in my Tashahhud. This is "hat a person
says in order to enter into Islam. This is also "hat a Muslim says in each prayer, at least five
times a day.
Ima!ine that. +ein! a ne" Muslim after each prayer. 4euvenated.
(There is no ,od e&cept )llah and Muhammad is /is Messen!er.(
This sho"s me my destination and the path I must take to !et there.
5here2 /ome.

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