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Bottle Spells and Magick in Hoodoo Tradition

Author: Taliesin McKnight

Posted: October 20th. 2013
Times Viewed: 5,106
Bottle magick is a highly versatile an !o"er#$l #orm o# s!ell "ork. Those "ho master this art
s"ear by it. This metho o# s!ell casting is very !ractical, an is $se to achieve %real&"orl%
res$lts, s$ch as attaining love, getting ri o# $n"ante sit$ations, or to get that !ay raise at yo$r
'ob. (t is believe to be an e)tremely !o"er#$l magick* an yet, it is very sim!le. (n this brie#
article, ( "ill e)!lain several techni+$es that can be $se immeiately to e##ect real changes in
yo$r li#e. ,et-s get starte.
. bottle s!ell is, +$ite sim!ly, a s!ell in a bottle. The bottle or 'ar serves as a container #or the
magickal ingreients !lace into it. (tems that re!resent yo$r esire or resonate "ith it, may
incl$ing herbs, stones, "ish !a!ers, botanical oils, an other c$rios. Bottle magick is m$ch
more than '$st $m!ing items into a bottle, ho"ever. This has to be one "ith the !ro!er intent
an this has to be %in#$se% s!irit$ally "ith yo$r goal. This is seen as %breathing li#e% into the
bottle. This is a very im!ortant conce!t. The bottle is a magickal entity an vie"e as a living
thing. /$m!ing ingreients into the bottle is only hal# the "ork.
Bottle s!ells are most !o!$lar in 0oooo, "hich is a traitional, .merican #orm o# "itchcra#t "ith
mostly .#rican an some 1$ro!ean roots. This ty!e o# "itchcra#t is #o$n all over the 2nite
3tates. 4on'$re or 0oooo traition $ses i##erent kins o# bottle s!ells. 5or e)am!le, honey 'ars
are o#ten $se #or love s!ells. They aren-t only goo #or love, tho$gh. They are $se s!eci#ically
to %s"eeten% someone to"ars yo$. 5or e)am!le, to s"eeten 2 lovers, or to get a '$ge or boss
to be sym!athetic to yo$r ca$se. 6inegar bottles are $s$ally $se #or more estr$ctive #orms o#
magick. 7hile 0oooo is mostly $se #or !ositive things 80oooo is o#ten given a ba ra!9 ,
there are arker sies to this, '$st like most magickal traitions.
(n 4entral an 3o$th .merica, magical bottles or #lasks are very !o!$lar. These are o#ten #ille
"ith herbs, stones, an animal c$rios connecte "ith yo$r goal. These o#ten also have small
images o# 4atholic saints in them. (n co$ntries s$ch as :$atemala an ;er$, this #orm o# s!ell
"ork is very !o!$lar. These bottles are sometimes !ainte "ith rich symbolism an !raye
over, $sing traitional 4atholic !rayers. ,atin .merica has several very strong magickal
traitions. They are not at all connecte "ith 7icca or ceremonial magick. They are their o"n
7itch bottles are being iscovere all over 1nglan #rom #airly recent times 8the 1<th an 1=th
cent$ries9 . These %"itch bottles% are almost al"ays #ille "ith the same e)act ingreients>
2rine, !ins, broken glass, an other shar! ob'ects. 3ometimes, these bottles teste !ositive #or
s$l#$r. These "ere $se as a #orm o# !rotection #rom c$rses or malevolent magick sent a
!erson-s "ay. (# someone "as severely ill, it "as o#ten ass$me that black magick m$st be the
so$rce. The !erson being c$rse "o$l $rinate in a bottle. 3hars o# broken glass, nails, or !ins
"o$l be !lace in the bottle, an this "as b$rie in one-s yar or garen. 7itch bottles are still
!o!$lar toay, an highly regare.
0o" o yo$ !ractice bottle magick? 5irst yo$ "ill nee to get a bottle or a 'ar. This can be an
em!ty "hiskey bottle or "ine bottle. The label is !eele o## an it is cleanse, both !hysically
an s!irit$ally. This is yo$r container. (t is basically a %holer% o# "hatever !ro!erties yo$ !$t
into them. /e!ening on the !artic$lar items that yo$ !lace insie an the intent that yo$ give
them, bottle s!ells can be $se to obtain love, "ealth, goo l$ck, !rotection, or to e##ect healing.
@ars are also o#ten $se. (n #act, 'ars are o#ten times the more common #orm. 0oney 'ars, as
mentione above, are very !o!$lar in .merican 0oooo. (n #act, honey 'ars are !robably the
most #amo$s an "iely !ractice #orm o# this magick. ( !re#er to $se mason 'ars in my rit$als.
5lasks are also o#ten common. 3o, altho$gh this is $s$ally re#erre to as %bottle magick, % 'ars
an #lasks are o#ten $se #or this. The #irst ste! is, o# co$rse, to sim!ly get a 'ar or bottle an
cleanse it. Ao" yo$ have yo$r container.
7hat o yo$ !$t into the 'ar or bottle? Bo$ sho$l !$t items that symboliCe yo$r esire. 5or
e)am!le, #or a money s!ell, yo$ may !$t money in it an !aint ollar signs on the o$tsie o# the
bottle. Or, #or a love s!ell, yo$ may !lace rose !etals an little heart charms. There are many
ty!es o# items that can be !lace in yo$r magick bottle. B$t they sho$l al"ays re!resent yo$r
goal. This is all a "ay #or yo$ to harness an irect yo$r intent on "hat yo$ "ant mani#este in
yo$r li#e. 3tones an herbs are o#ten $se. Many !eo!le like to !$t magickal botanical oils in
their 'ars. 7ish !a!ers are o#ten $se. (n most cases, a magickal link is necessary.
0erbs an stones are most o#ten $se. 7hile herbs are "iely $se #or their meical !ro!erties,
s$ch as to relieve !ain or to hel! yo$ to slee! at night, herbs 8an stones9 are also believe to
have occ$lt !ro!erties. 3ome !lants, stones, an metals are #or love* others are #or money or
!rotection. 7ithin most magickal systems there is this iea that love herbs are $se in love
s!ells, !ros!erity stones or herbs are $se #or money s!ells. There are i##erent schools o#
tho$ght abo$t this. 3ome !eo!le believe that the herbs, stones, an metals really o have those
occ$lt !ro!erties to them. Others seem to think that this is all '$st symbolic in the min. Most
magicians, ho"ever, ten to think that it is a bit o# both.
7ish !a!ers are a #$rther e)!ression o# yo$r s!eci#ic esire. Bo$ may take a !en an !a!er an
"rite o$t yo$r "ish onto the !iece o# !a!er. .n it is that sim!le. . more com!licate variation
o# this is the name !a!er. The name o# the !erson or sit$ation yo$ "ant to in#l$ence is "ritten D
times 8one line over the other9 . Then, yo$ "ill take the !a!er an t$rn it D0 egrees. Bo$r name
is then "ritten O61E the name o# the !erson or sit$ation yo$ are in#l$encing D times. This is
calle %crossing the name, % an this creates a sort o# magickal s+$are. Bo$ "ill no" "rite yo$r
esire in a circle aro$n this name s+$are in c$rsive, "itho$t s!aces, an "itho$t li#ting the !en
#rom the !a!er. /o not "orry abo$t crossing yo$r t-s or otting yo$r i-s $ntil a#ter yo$ have
com!lete the ring. Bo$ sho$l no" have a name s+$are "ith a circle e)!ressing yo$r intent
aro$n it.
5or e)am!le, i# yo$ "ork at the %5irst Aational Bank% an yo$ "ant a 'ob !romotion, yo$ may
"rite %#irst national bank% D times 8one over the other9 . The !a!er is t$rne D0 egrees an yo$r
"rite yo$r name over it D times. Then, in a circle aro$n this, yo$ "o$l "rite, %give me the
!romotion give me the !romotion give me the !romotion give me the !romotion.% The name
!a!er can get really com!le). O# co$rse, all this is not necessary. Bo$ may '$st sim!ly "rite
yo$r "ish on a sli! o# !a!er. ( only mention the more com!licate !rocess o# the name !a!er #or
interest-s sake. 7ith "ish !a!ers, the !a!er is #ole to"ar yo$ to bring something into yo$r
li#e, an #ole a"ay to iminish. Bo$ state yo$r esire each time yo$ #ol the !a!er. (n the
above e)am!le, yo$ "o$l #ol the !a!er to"ar yo$ as yo$ state yo$r intent, %give me the 'ob
!romotion.% T$rn the !a!er clock"ise an state yo$r goal again. /o this $ntil yo$ cannot #ol the
!a!er anymore. 7ish !a!ers an name !a!ers are com!licate, an serve as a magick science
o# their o"n.
Magickal links are almost al"ays !$t into bottle s!ells. . magickal link is some kin o# ob'ect
that connects or links the s!ell to the !erson or sit$ation being e##ecte. 5or e)am!le, i# oing a
healing on a sick !erson, yo$ might $se their hair, #ingernails, or !iece o# 'e"elry the !erson has
"orn #or years as a %link% "ith that !erson. (# yo$ "ant to get a !romotion at "ork, yo$ nee
some kin o# a magickal link to connect the s!ell "ith yo$r "ork. . b$siness car might s$##ice.
0air, bloo, an #ingernails are the best #or this. O# co$rse, a b$iling or !lace oes not have
#ingernails, so yo$ "ill have to im!rovise. 5or a 'ob !romotion, yo$ might $se yo$r boss-s
ne"s!a!er or signat$re. Magickal links are e)tremely im!ortant in bottle s!ells.
0o" o yo$ give yo$r bottle s!ell li#e? There is a reason that magick bottles are o#ten calle
%!rayer bottles.% 5olks o#ten recite !rayers to their eities. 4hristians o#ten recite an a!!ro!riate
;salm. 7hat is e)tremely im!ortant is to %!$sh% yo$r esire into the bottle. Bo$ are in#$sing the
bottle "ith li#e. 5oc$s yo$r min on yo$r goal an, thro$gh yo$r energies in yo$r a$ra, gently
%!$sh% that esire or energy into the bottle. 6is$aliCe the bottle glo"ing "ith the energy o# yo$r
esire. The !hysical ingreients in the bottle serve as the boy. Ao" yo$ have to give it a so$l.
Bo$ are in#$sing yo$r bottle "ith a so$l, "hich is the energy #rom yo$r o"n a$ra im!rinte "ith
yo$r esire. This creates a living magickal entity.
0o" o yo$ is!ose o# the bottle once yo$ are one? Most #olks like to b$ry their bottles. These
can be b$rie in yo$r yar, in a cemetery, or at a crossroas, e!ening on yo$r intent.
3ometimes bottle s!ells are on&going. Bo$ may t$rn this into a %shakable% bottle s!ell. 3im!ly
leave yo$r s!ell 'ar or bottle on yo$r altar to o its "ork. Once a "eek or every so o#ten, take the
bottle an shake it "hile stating yo$r intention. This "akes $! the bottle an kee!s it "orking.
4anle magick is most o#ten combine "ith this. .ct$ally, this is e)tremely !o!$lar. Bo$ "ill
take the a!!ro!riate colore canle, an b$rn this on to! o# the 'ar or in the neck o# the bottle.
4anles may be b$rne every ay or once !er "eek to instill #$rther !o"er into yo$r bottle.
Ao", ho" abo$t some e)am!les to see ho" this all #its together?
0oney 'ars are !robably the most !o!$lar #orm o# bottle or 'ar magick. This is most o#ten $se
#or love s!ells or to %s"eeten% someone to"ar yo$. . honey 'ar to kee! a relationshi! bet"een
a co$!le ha!!y "o$l be as #ollo"s. Take a 'ar o# honey, or b$y some honey an #ill yo$r o"n
magickally charge 'ar at home. The 'ar is #ille all the "ay to the sho$ler. Ao", take a !en an
!a!er. 7rite the name o# yo$r !artner D times 8one line above the other9 . Then, t$rn the !a!er
D0 egrees an "rite yo$r name over his or her name D times, making a magickal s+$are.
Ao", take a bo"l an trace a ring or circle aro$n this 8yo$ "ant it to be !er#ectF9 , an $se this
as a g$ieline to "rite yo$r intent in c$rsive in a circle aro$n the s+$are, s$ch as %long ha!!y
relationshi! long ha!!y relationshi! long ha!!y relationshi!.% Take one o# yo$r hairs an one o#
his or her hairs 8These serve as magickal links9 an !$t these in the name !a!er "ith 2 rose
!etals. 3tate yo$r intention verbally "hile #oling the !a!er to"ar yo$. T$rn clock"ise an,
again, state yo$r intention "hile #oling the !a!er to"ar yo$. /o this $ntil yo$ cannot #ol the
!a!er anymore.
Take a s!oon an taste the honey, saying something like> %.s this honey is s"eet to me, so
shall o$r relationshi! be s"eetF% 3tick the name !a!er ee! o"n into the honey 'ar. Tighten the
li on the 'ar, an hol it in yo$r hans. 5oc$s on a long an ha!!y relationshi! an %!$sh% this
energy into the bottle. 3ee it !$lsating "ith the energy o# yo$r esire. Bo$ may no" b$rn a re
or !ink canle on to! o# this "hile #oc$sing on yo$r esire. Bo$ may b$rn a love canle on this
once !er "eek, or as o#ten as yo$ "ant. Many #olks have love 'ars like this ke!t going #or
months, or even yearsF
. !ros!erity 'ar may be mae by taking money&ra"ing herbs an stones, an !$tting these in
the 'ar. Take some ollar bills an some coins, an !lace these in there as "ell to re!resent
yo$r "ish. Take a !en an !a!er an "rite o$t yo$r esire. Ao", #ill the 'ar "ith magickal money
oils, i# yo$ esire. Tighten the li, an !$sh yo$r energy into the 'ar, giving it li#e. 5oc$s on
money coming yo$r "ay. Bo$ may b$ry this in yo$r yar. Or, yo$ may b$rn a green money
canle on to! o# this as o#ten as yo$ like. There are many "ays to make s!ell bottles.
Bottle s!ells are very easy to !er#orm, an can be $se #or virt$ally anything. ,ove, money,
!rotection, can healings all be e##ecte "ith this metho. The bottle or 'ar itsel# serves as a
container #or the ingreients !lace insie o# it. The items !lace in the bottle sho$l re!resent
yo$r esire. 0erbs, stones, metals, "ish !a!ers, magickal oils, an small charms may be !lace
in the 'ar or bottle. Eemember, tho$gh, $m!ing items in the bottle is '$st hal# the "ork. Bo$
have to give yo$r bottle li#eF This is one by the recitation o# !rayers an %!$shing% yo$r esire
an yo$r energy into the bottle. The !hysical ingreients serve as the boy. Bo$r intent an
energy that yo$ !$sh into the boy is the so$l, in a sense. .n that is bottle magick an ho" it is
O# co$rse, the intellect$al learning abo$t s!ell "ork is only !art o# the ac+$isition o# occ$lt
kno"lege. 1)!erience is another #orm o# kno"lege. 3o, those that "ish to master this art
sho$l be "illing to give this a try. .#ter re!eate !ractice, the st$ent "ill #in his or her o"n
"ays an methos o# "orking "ith this magick. .n that all comes "ith time.

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