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M a n i l a
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 1067 December 31, 1976
WHEREAS, Article XIV, Section 8 of the New Constitution of the Philippines proi!es, inter
alia, that all waters of the Philippines "elon# to the State$
WHEREAS, e%istin# water le#islations are piece&'eal an! ina!e(uate to cope with increasin#
scarcit) of water an! chan#in# patterns of water use$
WHEREAS, there is a nee! for a Water Co!e "ase! on rational concepts or inte#rate! an!
'ultipurpose 'ana#e'ent of water resources an! sufficientl) fle%i"le to a!e(uatel) 'eet future
WHEREAS, water is ital to national !eelop'ent an! it has "eco'e increasin#l) necessar) for
#oern'ent to interene actiel) in i'proin# the 'ana#e'ent of water resources$
N*W, +HERE,*RE, I, ,ER-INAN- E. MARC*S, Presi!ent of the Philippines, ") irtue of
the powers in 'e este! ") the Constitution, !o here") or!er an! !ecree the enact'ent of the
water Co!e of the Philippines of /012, as follows3
Ar)*c+e 1. +his Co!e shall "e 4nown as +he Water Co!e of the Philippines.
Ar)*c+e ,. +he o"5ecties of this Co!e are3
6a7 +o esta"lish the "asic principles an! fra'ewor4 relatin# to the appropriation, control
an! conseration of water resources to achiee the opti'u' !eelop'ent an! rational
utili8ation of these resources$
6"7 +o !efine the e%tent of the ri#hts an! o"li#ations of water users an! owners inclu!in#
the protection an! re#ulation of such ri#hts$
6c7 +o a!opt a "asic law #oernin# the ownership, appropriation, utili8ation, e%ploitation,
!eelop'ent, conseration an! protection of water resources an! ri#hts to lan! relate!
thereto$ an!
6!7 +o i!entif) the a!'inistratie a#encies which will enforce this Co!e.
Ar)*c+e 3. +he un!erl)in# principles of this co!e are3
6a7 All waters "elon# to the State.
6"7 All waters that "elon# to the State can not "e the su"5ect to ac(uisitie prescription.
6c7 +he State 'a) allow the use or !eelop'ent of waters ") a!'inistratie concession.
6!7 +he utili8ation, e%ploitation, !eelop'ent, conseration an! protection of water
resources shall "e su"5ect to the control an! re#ulation of the #oern'ent throu#h the
National Water Resources Council, hereinafter referre! to as the Council.
6e7 Preference in the use an! !eelop'ent of waters shall consi!er current usa#es an! "e
responsie to the chan#in# nee!s of the countr).
Ar)*c+e -. Waters, as use! in this Co!e, refers to water un!er the #roun!s, water a"oe the
#roun!, water in the at'osphere an! the waters of the sea within the territorial 5uris!iction of the
Ar)*c+e .. +he followin# "elon# to the State3
6a7 Riers an! their natural "e!s$
6"7 Continuous or inter'ittent waters of sprin#s an! "roo4s runnin# in their natural "e!s
an! the "e!s the'seles$
6c7 Natural la4es an! la#oons$
6!7 All other cate#ories of surface waters such as water flowin# oer lan!s, water fro'
rainfall whether natural, or artificial, an! water fro' a#riculture runoff, seepa#e an!
6e7 At'ospheric water$
6f7 Su"terranean or #roun! waters$ an!,
6#7 Seawater.
Ar)*c+e 6. +he followin# waters foun! on priate lan!s "elon# to the State3
6a7 Continuous or inter'ittent waters risin# on such lan!s$
6"7 9a4es an! la#oons naturall) occurin# on such lan!s$
6c7 Rain water fallin# on such lan!s$
6!7 Su"terranean or #roun! waters$ an!,
6e7 Water in swa'ps an! 'arshes.
+he owner of the lan! where the water is foun! 'a) use the sa'e for !o'estic purposes without
securin# a per'it, proi!e! that such use shall "e re#istere!, when re(uire! ") the Council. +he
Council, howeer, 'a) re#ulate such when there is wasta#e, or in ti'es of e'er#enc).
Ar)*c+e 7. Su"5ect to the proisions of this Co!e, an) person who captures or collects water ")
'eans of cisterns, tan4s, or pools shall hae e%clusie control oer such water an! the ri#ht to
!ispose of the sa'e.
Ar)*c+e /. Water le#all) appropriate! shall "e su"5ect to the control of the appropriator fro' the
'o'ent it reaches the appropriator:s canal or a(ue!uct lea!in# to the place where the water will
"e use! or store! an!, thereafter, so lon# as it is "ein# "eneficiall) use! for the purposes for
which it was appropriate!.
Ar)*c+e 9. Waters 'a) "e appropriate! an! use! in accor!ance with the proisions of this Co!e.
Appropriation of water, as use! in this Co!e, is the ac(uisition of ri#hts oer the use of waters or
the ta4in# or !iertin# of waters fro' a natural source in the 'anner an! for an) purpose
allowe! ") law.
Ar)*c+e 10. Water 'a) "e appropriate! for the followin# purposes3
6a7 -o'estic
6"7 Municipal
6c7 Irri#ation
6!7 Power #eneration
6e7 ,isheries
6f7 9iestoc4 raisin#
6#7 In!ustrial
6h7 Recreational, an!
6i7 *ther purposes
;se of water for !o'estic purposes is the utili8ation of water for !rin4in#, washin#, "athin#,
coo4in# or other househol! nee!s, ho'e #ar!ens, an! waterin# of lawns or !o'estic ani'als.
;se of water for 'unicipal purposes is the utili8ation of water for suppl)in# the water
re(uire'ents of the co''unit).
;se of water for irri#ation is the utili8ation of water for pro!ucin# a#ricultural crops.
;se of water for power #eneration is the utili8ation of water for pro!ucin# electrical or
'echanical power.
;se of water for fisheries is the utili8ation of water for the propa#ation an! culture of fish as a
co''ercial enterprise.
;se of water for liestoc4 raisin# is the utili8ation of water for lar#e her!s or floc4s of ani'als
raise! as a co''ercial enterprise.
;se of water for in!ustrial purposes is the utili8ation of water in factories, in!ustrial plants an!
'ines, inclu!in# the use of water as an in#re!ient of a finishe! pro!uct.
;se of water for recreational purposes is the utili8ation of water for swi''in# pools, "ath
houses, "oatin#, water s4iin#, #olf courses an! other si'ilar facilities in resorts an! other places
of recreation.
Ar)*c+e 11. +he State, for reasons of pu"lic polic), 'a) !eclare waters not preiousl)
appropriate!, in whole or in part, e%e'pt fro' appropriation for an) or all purposes an!,
thereupon, such waters 'a) not "e appropriate! for those purposes.
Ar)*c+e 1,. Waters appropriate! for a particular purpose 'a) "e applie! for another purpose onl)
upon prior approal of the Council an! on con!ition that the new use !oes not un!ul) pre5u!ice
the ri#hts of other per'ittees, or re(uire an increase in the olu'e of water.
Ar)*c+e 13. E%cept as otherwise herein proi!e!, no person, inclu!in# #oern'ent
instru'entalities or #oern'ent&owne! or controlle! corporations, shall appropriate water
without a water ri#ht, which shall "e ei!ence! ") a !ocu'ent 4nown as a water per'it.
Water ri#ht is the priile#e #rante! ") the #oern'ent to appropriate an! use water.
Ar)*c+e 1-. Su"5ect to the proisions of this Co!e concernin# the control, protection,
conseration, an! re#ulation of the appropriation an! use of waters, an) person 'a) appropriate
or use natural "o!ies of water without securin# a water per'it for an) of the followin#3
6a7 Appropriation of water ") 'eans of han!carrie! receptacles$ an!
6"7 <athin# or washin#, waterin# or !ippin# of !o'estic or far' ani'als, an! nai#ation
of watercrafts or transportation of lo#s an! other o"5ects ") flotation.
Ar)*c+e 1.. *nl) citi8ens of the Philippines, of le#al a#e, as well as 5uri!ical persons, who are
!ul) (ualifie! ") law to e%ploit an! !eelop water resources, 'a) appl) for water per'its.
Ar)*c+e 16. An) person who !esires to o"tain a water per'it shall file an application with the
Council who shall 'a4e 4nown sai! application to the pu"lic for an) protests.
In !eter'inin# whether to #rant or !en) an application, the Council shall consi!er the followin#3
protests file!, if an)$ prior per'its #rante!$ the aaila"ilit) of water$ the water suppl) nee!e! for
"eneficial use$ possi"le a!erse effects$ lan!&use econo'ics$ an! other releant factors.
;pon approal of an application, a water per'it shall "e issue! an! recor!e!.
Ar)*c+e 17. +he ri#ht to the use of water is !ee'e! ac(uire! as of the !ate of filin# of the
application for a water per'it in case of approe! per'its, or as of the !ate of actual use in a
case where no per'it is re(uire!.
Ar)*c+e 1/. All water per'its #rante! shall "e su"5ect to con!itions of "eneficial use, a!e(uate
stan!ar!s of !esi#n an! construction, an! such other ter's an! con!itions as 'a) "e i'pose! ")
the Council.
Such per'its shall specif) the 'a%i'u' a'ount of water which 'a) "e !ierte! or with!rawn,
the 'a%i'u' rate of !iersion or with!rawal, the ti'e or ti'es !urin# the )ear when water 'a)
"e !ierte! or with!rawn, the points or points of !iersion or location of wells, the place of use,
the purposes of which water 'a) "e use! an! such other re(uire'ents the Council !ee's
Ar)*c+e 19. Water ri#hts 'a) "e lea!e! or transferre! in whole or in part to another person with
prior approal of the Council, after !ue notice an! hearin#.
Ar)*c+e ,0. +he 'easure an! li'it of appropriation of water shall "e "eneficial use.
<eneficial use of water is the utili8ation of water in the ri#ht a'ount !urin# the perio! that the
water is nee!e! for pro!ucin# the "enefits for which the water is appropriate!.
Ar)*c+e ,1. Stan!ar!s of "eneficial use shall "e prescri"e! ") the council for the appropriator of
water for !ifferent purposes an! con!itions, an! the use of waters which are appropriate! shall "e
'easure! an! controlle! in accor!ance therewith.
E%ceptin# for !o'estic use, eer) appropriator of water shall 'aintain water control an!
'easurin# !eices, an! 4eep recor!s of water with!rawal. When re(uire! ") the Council, all
appropriators of water shall furnish infor'ation on water use.
Ar)*c+e ,,. <etween two or 'ore appropriators of water fro' the sa'e sources of suppl),
priorit) in ti'e of appropriation shall #ie the "etter ri#ht, e%cept that in ti'es of e'er#enc) the
use of water for !o'estic an! 'unicipal purposes shall hae a "etter ri#ht oer all other uses$
Proi!e!, the where water shorta#e is recurrent an! the appropriator for 'unicipal use has a
lower priorit) in ti'e of appropriation, then it shall "e his !ut) to fin! an alternatie source of
suppl) in accor!ance with con!itions prescri"e! ") the Council.
Ar)*c+e ,3. Priorities 'a) "e altere! on #roun!s of #reater "eneficial use, 'ulti&purpose use, an!
other si'ilar #roun!s after !ue notice an! hearin#, su"5ect to pa)'ent of co'pensation is proper
Ar)*c+e ,-. A water ri#ht shall "e e%ercise! in such a 'anner that the ri#hts of thir! persons or of
other appropriators are not pre5u!ice! there").
Ar)*c+e ,.. A hol!er of water per'it 'a) !e'an! the esta"lish'ent of ease'ents necessar) for
the construction an! 'aintenance of the wor4s an! facilities nee!e! for the "eneficial use of the
waters to "e appropriate! su"5ect to the re(uire'ents of 5ust co'pensation an! to the followin#
6a7 +hat he is the owner, lessee, 'ort#a#ee or one hain# real ri#ht oer the lan! upon
which he proposes to use water$ an!
6"7 +hat the propose! ease'ent is the 'ost conenient an! the least onerous to the
serient estate.
Ease'ents relatin# to the appropriation an! use of waters 'a) "e 'o!ifie! ") a#ree'ent of the
contractin# parties proi!e! the sa'e is not contrar) to law or pre5u!icial to thir! persons.
Ar)*c+e ,6. Where water shorta#e is recurrent, the use of the water pursuant to a per'it 'a), in
the interest of e(uita"le !istri"ution of the "enefits a'on# le#al appropriators, re!uce after !ue
notice an! hearin#.
Ar)*c+e ,7. Water users shall "ear the !i'inution of an) water suppl) !ue to natural causes or
force 'a5eure.
Ar)*c+e ,/. Water per'its shall continue to "e ali! as lon# as water is "eneficiall) use!$
howeer, it 'a)"e suspen!e! on the #roun!s of non&co'pliance with approe! plans an!
specifications or sche!ules of water !istri"ution$ use of water for a purpose other than that for
which it was #rante!$ non&pa)'ent of water char#es$ wasta#e$ failure to 4eep recor!s of water
!iersion, when re(uire!$ an! iolation of an) ter' or con!ition of an) per'it or rules an!
re#ulations pro'ul#ate! ") the Council.
+e'porar) per'its 'a) "e issue! for the appropriation an! use of water for short perio!s un!er
special circu'stances.
Ar)*c+e ,9. Water per'its 'a) "e reo4e! after !ue notice an! hearin# on #roun!s of non&use$
#ross iolation of the con!itions i'pose! in the per'it$ unauthori8e! sale of water$ willful
failure or refusal to co'pl) with rules an! re#ulations of an) lawful or!er$ pollution, pu"lic
nuisance or acts !etri'ental to pu"lic health an! safet)$ when the appropriator is foun! to "e
!is(ualifie! un!er the law to e%ploit an! !eelop natural resources of the Philippines$ when, in
the case, of irri#ation, the lan! is conerte! to non&a#ricultural purposes$ an! other si'ilar
Ar)*c+e 30. All water per'its are su"5ect to 'o!ification or cancellation ") the council, after !ue
notice an! hearin#, in faor of a pro5ect of #reater "eneficial use or for 'ulti&purpose
!eelop'ent, an! a water per'ittee who suffers there") shall "e !ul) co'pensate! ") the entit)
or person in whose faor the cancellation was 'a!e.
Ar)*c+e 31. Preference in the !eelop'ent of water resources shall consi!er securit) of the State,
'ultiple use, "eneficial effects, a!erse effects an! costs of !eelop'ent.
Ar)*c+e 3,. +he utili8ation of su"terranean or #roun! water shall "e coor!inate! with that of
surface waters such as riers, strea's, sprin#s an! la4es, so that a superior ri#ht in one not
a!ersel) affecte! ") an inferior ri#ht in the other.
,or this purpose the Council shall pro'ul#ate rules an! re#ulations an! !eclare the e%istence of
control areas for the coor!inate! !eelop'ent, protection, an! utili8ation of su"terranean or
#roun! water an! surface waters.
Control area is an area of lan! where su"terranean or #roun! water an! surface water are so
interrelate! that with!rawal an! use in one si'ilarl) affects the other. +he "oun!ar) of a control
area 'a) "e altere! fro' ti'e to ti'e, as circu'stances warrant.
Ar)*c+e 33. Water containe! in open canals, a(ue!ucts or reseroirs of priate persons 'a) "e
use! ") an) person for !o'estic purpose or for waterin# plants as lon# as the water is with!rawn
") 'anual 'etho!s without chec4in# the strea' or !a'a#in# the canal, a(ue!uct or reseroir$
Proi!e!, +hat this ri#ht 'a) "e restricte! ") the owner shoul! it result in loss or in5ur) to hi'.
Ar)*c+e 3-. A water per'ittee or appropriator 'a) use an) watercourse to cone) water to
another point in the watercourse for the purpose state! in a per'it an! such water 'a) "e
!ierte! or recapture! at that point ") sai! per'ittee in the sa'e a'ount less allowance for
nor'al losses in transit.
Ar)*c+e 3.. Wor4s for the stora#e, !iersion, !istri"ution an! utili8ation of water resources shall
contain a!e(uate proision for the preention an! control of !iseases that 'a) "e in!uce! or
sprea! ") such wor4s when re(uire! ") the Council.
Ar)*c+e 36. When the reuse of waste water is feasi"le, it shall "e li'ite! as 'uch as possi"le, to
such uses other than !irect hu'an consu'ption. No person or a#enc) shall !istri"ute such water
for pu"lic consu'ption until it is !e'onstrate! that such consu'ption will not a!ersel) affect
the health an! safet) of the pu"lic.
Ar)*c+e 37. In the construction an! operation of h)!raulic wor4s, !ue consi!eration shall "e
#ien to the preseration of scenic places an! historical relics an!, in a!!ition to the proisions
of e%istin# laws, no wor4s that woul! re(uire! the !estruction or re'oal of such places or relics
shall "e un!erta4en without showin# that the !istri"ution or re'oal is necessar) an!
Ar)*c+e 3/. Authorit) for the construction of !a's, "ri!#es an! other structures across of which
'a) interfere with the flow of nai#a"le or flota"le waterwa)s shall first "e secure! fro' the
-epart'ent of Pu"lic Wor4s, +ransportation an! Co''unications.
Ar)*c+e 39. E%cept in cases of e'er#enc) to sae life or propert), the construction or repair of
the followin# wor4s shall "e un!erta4en onl) after the plans an! specifications therefor, as 'a)
"e re(uire! ") the Council, are approe! ") the proper #oern'ent a#enc)$ !a's for the
!iersion or stora#e of water$ structures for the use of water power, installations for the
utili8ation of su"terranean or #roun! water an! other structures for utili8ation of water resources.
Ar)*c+e -0. No e%caation for the purpose of e'ission of a hot sprin# or for the enlar#e'ent of
the e%istin# openin# thereof shall "e 'a!e without prior per'it.
An) person or a#enc) who inten!s to !eelop a hot sprin# for hu'an consu'ption 'ust first
o"tain a per'it fro' the -epart'ent of Health.
Ar)*c+e -1. No person shall !eelop a strea', la4e, or sprin# for recreational purposes without
first securin# a per'it fro' the Council.
Ar)*c+e -,. ;nless&otherwise or!ere! ") the Presi!ent of the Philippines an! onl) in ti'e of
national cala'it) or e'er#enc), no person shall in!uce or restrain rainfall ") an) 'etho! such as
clou! see!in# without a per'it fro' the proper #oern'ent e'er#enc).
Ar)*c+e -3. No person shall raise or lower the water leel of a rier strea', la4e, la#oon, or
'arsh nor !rain the sa'e without a per'it.
Ar)*c+e --. -raina#e s)ste's shall "e so constructe! that their outlets are riers, la4es, the sea,
natural "o!ies of water, or such other water course as 'a) "e approe! ") the proper
#oern'ent a#enc).
Ar)*c+e -.. When a !raina#e channel is constructe! ") a nu'"er of persons for their co''on
"enefit, the cost of construction an! 'aintenance of the channel shall "e "orne ") each in
proportion to the "enefits !rie!.
Ar)*c+e -6. When artificial 'eans are e'plo)e! to !rain water fro' hi#her to lower lan!, the
owner of the hi#her lan! shall select the routes an! 'etho!s of !raina#e that will cause the
'ini'u' !a'a#e to the lower lan!s, su"5ect to the re(uire'ents of 5ust co'pensation.
Ar)*c+e -7. When the use, cone)ance or stora#e of waters results in !a'a#e to another, the
person responsi"le for the !a'a#e shall pa) co'pensation.
Ar)*c+e -/. When a water resources pro5ect interferes with the access of lan!owner to a portion
of his propert) or with the cone)ance of irri#ation or !raina#e water, the person or a#enc)
constructin# the pro5ect shall "ear the cost of construction an! 'aintenance of the "ri!#es,
flu'es an! other structures necessar) for 'aintainin# access, irri#ation, or !raina#e, in a!!ition
to pa)in# co'pensation for lan! an! inci!ental !a'a#es.
Ar)*c+e -9. An) person hain# an ease'ent for an a(ue!uct 'a) enter upon the serient lan! for
the purpose of cleanin#, repairin# or replacin# the a(ue!uct or the re'oal of o"structions
Ar)*c+e .0. 9ower estates are o"li#e! to receie the waters which naturall) an! without the
interention of 'an flow fro' the hi#her estate, as well as the stone or earth which the) carr)
with the'.
+he owner of the lower estate can not construct wor4s which will i'pe!e this natural flow,
unless he proi!es an alternatie 'etho! of !raina#e$ neither can the owner of the hi#her estate
'a4e wor4s which will increase this natural flow.
Ar)*c+e .1. +he "an4s of riers an! strea's an! the shores of the seas an! la4es throu#hout their
entire len#th an! within a 8one of three 6=7 'eters in ur"an areas, twent) 6>?7 'eters in
a#ricultural areas an! fort) 6@?7 'eters in forest areas, alon# their 'ar#ins are su"5ect to the
ease'ent of pu"lic use in the interest of recreation, nai#ation, floata#e, fishin# an! sala#e. No
person shall "e allowe! to sta) in this 8one lon#er than what is necessar) for recreation,
nai#ation, floata#e, fishin# or sala#e or to "uil! structures of an) 4in!.
Ar)*c+e .,. +he esta"lish'ent, e%tent, for', an! con!itions of ease'ents of water not e%pressl)
!eter'ine! ") the proisions of this Co!e shall "e #oerne! ") the proisions of the Ciil Co!e.
Ar)*c+e .3. +o pro'ote the "est interest an! the coor!inate! protection of floo! plain lan!s, the
Secretar) of Pu"lic Wor4s, +ransportation an! Co''unications 'a) !eclare floo! control areas
an! pro'ul#ate #ui!elines for #oernin# floo! plain 'ana#e'ent plans in these areas.
Ar)*c+e .-. In !eclare! floo! control areas, rules an! re#ulations 'a) "e pro'ul#ate! to prohi"it
or control actiities that 'a) !a'a#e or cause !eterioration or la4es an! !i4es, o"struct the flow
of water, chan#e the natural flow of the rier, increase floo! losses or a##raate floo! pro"le's.
Ar)*c+e ... +he #oern'ent 'a) construct necessar) floo! control structures in !eclare! floo!
control areas, an! for this purpose it shall hae a le#al ease'ent as wi!e as 'a) "e nee!e! alon#
an! a!5acent to the rier "an4 an! outsi!e of the "e! or channel of the rier.
Ar)*c+e .6. Rier "e!s, san! "ars an! ti!al flats 'a) not "e cultiate! e%cept upon prior
per'ission fro' the Secretar) of the -epart'ent of Pu"lic Wor4s, +ransportation an!
Co''unication an! such per'ission shall not "e #rante! where such cultiation o"structs the
flow of water or increase floo! leels so as to cause !a'a#e to other areas.
Ar)*c+e .7. An) person 'a) erect leees or reet'ents to protect his propert) fro' floo!,
encroach'ent ") the rier or chan#e in the course of the rier, proi!e! that such constructions
!oes not cause !a'a#e to the propert) of another.
Ar)*c+e ./. When a rier or strea' su!!enl) chan#es its course to traerse priate lan!s, the
owners of the affecte! lan!s 'a) not co'pel the #oern'ent to restore the rier to its for'er
"e!$ nor can the) restrain the #oern'ent fro' ta4in# steps to reert the rier or strea' to its
for'er course. +he owners of the lan! thus affecte! are not entitle! to co'pensation for an)
!a'a#e sustaine! there"). Howeer, the for'er owners of the new "e! shall "e the owners of the
a"an!one! "e! in proportion to the area lost ") each.
+he owners of the affecte! lan!s 'a) un!erta4e to return the rier or strea' to its ol! "e! at
their own e%pense$ Proi!e!, +hat a per'it therefor is secure! fro' the Secretar) of Pu"lic
Wor4s, +ransportation an! Co''unication an! wor4 pertainin# thereto are co''ence! within
two )ears fro' the chan#e in the course of the rier or strea'.
Ar)*c+e .9. Riers, la4es an! la#oons 'a), upon the reco''en!ation of the Philippines Coast
Auar!, "e !eclare! nai#a"le either in whole or in part.
Ar)*c+e 60. +he raftin# of lo#s an! other o"5ects on riers an! la4es which are flota"le 'a) "e
controlle! or prohi"ite! !urin# !esi#nate! season of the )ear with !ue re#ar! to the nee!s of
irri#ation an! !o'estic water suppl) an! other uses of water.
Ar)*c+e 61. +he i'poun!in# of water in pon!s or reseroirs 'a) "e prohi"ite! ") the Council
upon consultation with the -epart'ent of Health if it is !an#erous to pu"lic health, or it 'a)
or!er that such pon! or reseroir "e !raine! if such is necessar) for the protection of pu"lic
Ar)*c+e 6,. Waters of a strea' 'a) "e store! in a reseroir ") a per'ittee in such a'ount as will
not pre5u!ice the ri#ht of an) per'ittee !ownstrea'. Whoeer operates the reseroir shall, when
re(uire!, release water for 'ini'u' strea' flow.
All reseroir operations shall "e su"5ect to rules an! re#ulations issue! ") the Council or an)
proper #oern'ent a#enc).
Ar)*c+e 63. +he operator of a !a' for the stora#e of water 'a) "e re(uire! to e'plo) an
en#ineer possessin# (ualifications prescri"e! for the proper operations, 'aintenance an!
a!'inistration of the !a'.
Ar)*c+e 6-. +he Council shall approe the 'anner, location, !epth, an! spacin# in which "orin#s
for su"terranean or #roun! water 'a) "e 'a!e, !eter'ine the re(uire'ents for the re#istration of
eer) "orin# or alteration to e%istin# "orin#s as well as other control 'easures for the
e%ploitation of su"terranean or #roun! water resources, an! in coor!ination with the Professional
Re#ulation Co''ission prescri"e the (ualifications of those who woul! !rill such "orin#s.
No person shall !rill a well without prior per'ission fro' the Council.
Ar)*c+e 6.. Water fro' one rier "asin 'a) "e transferre! to another rier "asin onl) with
approal of the Council. In consi!erin# an) re(uest for such transfer, the Council shall ta4e into
account the full costs of the transfer, the "enefits that woul! accrue to the "asin of ori#in without
the transfer, the "enefits woul! accrue to the receiin# "asin on account of the transfer,
alternatie sche'es for suppl)in# water to the receiin# "asin, an! other releant factors.
Ar)*c+e 66. After !ue notice an! hearin# when warrante! ") circu'stances, 'ini'u' strea'
flows for riers an! strea's, an! 'ini'u' water leels for la4es 'a) "e esta"lishe! ") the
Council un!er such con!itions as 'a) "e necessar) for the protection of the eniron'ent, control
of pollution, nai#ation, preention of salt !a'a#e, an! #eneral pu"lic use.
Ar)*c+e 67. An) watershe! or an) area of lan! a!5acent to an) surface water or oerl)in# an)
#roun! water 'a) !eclare! ") the -epart'ent of Natural Resources as protecte! area Rules an!
re#ulations 'a) "e pro'ul#ate! ") such -epart'ent to prohi"it or control such actiities ") the
owners or occupants thereof within the protecte! area which 'a) !a'a#e or cause the
!eterioration of the surface water or #roun! water or interfere with the inesti#ation, use, control,
protection, 'ana#e'ent or a!'inistration of such waters.
Ar)*c+e 6/. It shall "e the !ut) of an) person in control of a well to preent the water fro'
flowin# on the surface of the lan!, or into an) surface water, or an) porous stratu' un!er neath
the surface without "ein# "eneficiall) use!.
Ar)*c+e 69. It shall "e the !ut) of an) person in control of a well containin# water with 'inerals
or other su"stances in5urious to 'an, ani'als, a#riculture, an! e#etation to preent such waters
fro' flowin# on the surface of the lan! or into an) surface water or into an) other a(uifer or
porous stratu'.
Ar)*c+e 70. No person shall utili8e an e%istin# well or pon! or sprea! waters for rechar#in#
su"sterranean or #roun! water supplies without prior per'ission of the Council.
Ar)*c+e 71. +o pro'ote "etter water conseration an! usa#e for irri#ation purposes, the 'er#er
of irri#ation associations an! the appropriation of waters ") associations instea! of ")
in!ii!uals shall "e encoura#e!.
No water per'it shall "e #rante! to an in!ii!ual when his water re(uire'ent can "e supplie!
throu#h an irri#ation association.
Ar)*c+e 7,. In the consi!eration of a propose! water resource pro5ect, !ue re#ar! shall "e #ien
to ecolo#ical chan#es resultin# fro' the construction of the pro5ect in or!er to "alance the nee!s
of !eelop'ent an! the protection of the eniron'ent.
Ar)*c+e 73. +he conseration of fish an! wil!life shall receie proper consi!eration an! shall "e
coor!inate! with other features of water resources !eelop'ent pro#ra's to insure that fish an!
wil!life alues receie e(ual attention with other pro5ect purposes.
Ar)*c+e 7-. Swa'ps an! 'arshes which are owne! ") the State an! which pri'ar) alue for
waterfowl propa#ation or other wil!life purposes 'a) "e resere! an! protecte! fro' !raina#e
operation an! !eelop'ent.
Ar)*c+e 7.. No person shall, without prior per'ission fro' the National Pollution Control
Co''ission, "uil! an) wor4s that 'a) pro!uce !an#erous or no%ious su"stances or perfor' an)
act which 'a) result in the intro!uction of sewa#e, in!ustrial waste, or an) pollutant into an)
source of water suppl).
Water pollution is the i'pair'ent of the (ualit) of water "e)on! a certain stan!ar!. +his
stan!ar! 'a) ar) accor!in# to the use of the water an! shall "e set ") the National Pollution
Control Co''ission.
Ar)*c+e 76. +he esta"lish'ent of ce'eteries an! waste !isposal areas that 'a) affect the source
of a water suppl) or a reseroir for !o'estic or 'unicipal use shall "e su"5ect to the rules an!
re#ulations pro'ul#ate! ") the -epart'ent of Health.
Ar)*c+e 77. +ailin#s fro' 'inin# operations an! se!i'ents fro' placer 'inin# shall not "e
!u'pe! into riers an! waterwa)s without prior per'ission fro' the Council upon
reco''en!ation ") the National Pollution Control Co''ission.
Ar)*c+e 7/. +he application of a#ricultural fertili8ers an! pestici!es 'a) "e prohi"ite! or
re#ulate! ") the National Pollution Control Co''ission in the areas where such application 'a)
cause pollution of a source of water suppl).
Ar)*c+e 79. +he A!'inistration an! enforce'ent of the proisions of this Co!e, inclu!in# the
#rantin# of per'its an! the i'position of penalties for a!'inistratie iolations hereof, are
here") este! in the Council, an! e%cept in re#ar! to those functions which un!er this Co!e are
specificall) conferre! upon other a#encies of the #oern'ent, the Council is here") e'powere!
to 'a4e all !ecisions an! !eter'inations proi!e! for in this Co!e.
Ar)*c+e /0. +he Council 'a) !eputi8e an) official or a#enc) of the #oern'ent to perfor' an)
of its specific functions or actiities.
Ar)*c+e /1. +he Council shall proi!e a continuin# pro#ra' for !ata collection, research an!
'anpower !eelop'ent nee!e! for the appropriation, utili8ation, e%ploitation, conseration, an!
protection of the water resources of the countr).
Ar)*c+e /,. In the i'ple'entation of the proisions of this co!e, the Council shall pro'ul#ate the
necessar) rules an! re#ulations which 'a) proi!e for penalties consistin# of a fine not
e%cee!in# *ne +housan! Pesos 6P/,???.??7 an!Bor suspension or reocation of the water per'it
or other ri#ht to the use of water. Violations of such rules an! re#ulations 'a) "e
a!'inistratiel) !ealt with ") the Council.
Such rules an! re#ulations prescri"e! ") an) #oern'ent a#enc) that pertain to the utili8ation,
e%ploitation, !eelop'ent, control, conseration, or protection of water resources shall, if the
Council so re(uires, "e su"5ect to its approal.
Ar)*c+e /3. +he Council is here") authori8e! to i'pose an! collect reasona"le fees or char#es for
water resources !eelop'ent fro' water appropriators, e%cept when it is for purel) !o'estic
Ar)*c+e /-. +he Council an! other a#encies authori8e! to enforce this Co!e are e'powere! to
enter upon priate lan!s, with preious notice to the owner, for the purpose of con!uctin#
sure)s an! h)!rolo#ic inesti#ations, an! to perfor' such other acts as are necessar) in
carr)in# out their functions inclu!in# the power to e%ercise the ri#ht of e'inent !o'ain.
Ar)*c+e /.. No pro#ra' or pro5ect inolin# the appropriation, utili8ation, e%ploitation,
!eelop'ent, control, conseration, or protection of water resources 'a) "e un!erta4en without
prior approal of the Council, e%cept those which the Council 'a), in its !iscretion, e%e'pt.
+he Council 'a) re(uire consultation with the pu"lic prior to the i'ple'entation of certain
water resources !eelop'ent pro5ects.
Ar)*c+e /6. When plans an! specifications of a h)!raulic structure are su"'itte! for approal, the
#oern'ent a#enc) whose functions e'"race the t)pe of pro5ect for which the structure is
inten!e!, shall reiew the plans an! specifications an! reco''en!e! to the Council proper
action thereon an! the latter shall approe the sa'e onl) when the) are inconfor'it) with the
re(uire'ents of this Co!e an! the rules an! re#ulations pro'ul#ate! ") the Council.
Notwithstan!in# such approal, neither the en#ineer who !rew up the plans an! specifications of
the h)!raulic structure, nor the constructor who "uilt it, shall "e reliee! of his lia"ilit) for
!a'a#es in case of failure thereof ") reason of !efect in plans an! specifications, or failure !ue
to !efect in construction, within ten 6/?7 )ears fro' the co'pletion of the structure.
An) action recoer such !a'a#es 'ust "e "rou#ht within fie 6C7 )ears followin# such failure.
Ar)*c+e /7. +he Council or its !ul) authori8e! representaties, in the e%ercise of its power to
inesti#ate an! !eci!e cases "rou#ht to its co#ni8ance, shall hae the power to a!'inister oaths,
co'pel the atten!ance of witnesses ") su"poena an! the pro!uction of releant !ocu'ents ")
su"poena !uces tecu'.
Non&co'pliance of iolation of such or!ers or su"poena an! su"poena !uces tecu' shall "e
punishe! in the sa'e 'anner as in!irect conte'pt of an inferior court upon application ") the
a##riee! part) with the proper Court of ,irst Instance in accor!ance with the proisions of
Rules 1/ of the Rules of the Court.
Ar)*c+e //. +he Council shall hae ori#inal 5uris!iction oer all !isputes to relatin# to
appropriation, utili8ation, e%ploitation, !eelop'ent, control, conseration an! protection of
waters within the 'eanin# an! conte%t of the proisions of this Co!e.
+he !ecisions of the Council on water ri#hts controersies shall "e i''e!iatel) e%ecutor) an!
the enforce'ent thereof 'a) "e suspen!e! onl) when a "on!, in a a'ount fi%e! ") the Council
to answer for !a'a#es occasione! ") the suspension or sta) of e%ecution, shall hae "een file!
") the appealin# part), unless the suspension is irtue of an or!er of a co'petent court.
All !ispute shall "e !eci!e! within si%t) 62?7 !a)s after the parties su"'it the sa'e for !ecision
or resolution.
+he Council shall hae the power to issue writs of e%ecution an! enforce its !ecisions with the
assistance of local or national police a#encies.
Ar)*c+e /9. +he !ecisions of the Council on water ri#hts controersies 'a) "e appeale! to the
Court of ,irst Instance of the proince where the su"5ect 'atter of the controers) is situate!
within fifteen 6/C7 !a)s fro' the !ate the part) appealin# receies a cop) of the !ecision, on an)
of the followin# #roun!s$ 6/7 #rae a"use of !iscretion$ 6>7 (uestion of law$ an! 6=7 (uestions of
fact an! law.
Ar)*c+e 90. +he followin# acts shall "e penali8e! ") suspension or reocation of the iolator:s
water per'it or other ri#ht to the use of water an!Bor a fine of not e%cee!in# *ne +housan!
Pesos 6P/,???.??7, in the !iscretion of the Council3
6a7Appropriation of su"terranean or #roun! water for !o'estic use ") an oerl)in#
lan!owner without re#istration re(uire! ") the Council.
6"7 Non&o"serance of an) stan!ar! of "eneficial use of water.
6c7 ,ailure of the appropriator to 4eep a recor! of water with!rawal, when re(uire!.
6!7 ,ailure to co'pl) with an) of the ter's or con!itions in a water per'it or a water
ri#hts #rant.
6e7 ;nauthori8e! use of water for a purpose other than that for which a ri#ht or per'it
was #rante!.
6f7 Construction or repair of an) h)!raulic wor4 or structure without !ul) approe! plans
an! specifications, when re(uire!.
6#7 ,ailure to install a re#ulatin# an! 'easurin# !eice for the control of the olu'e of
water appropriate!, when re(uire!.
6h7 ;nauthori8e! sale, lease, or transfer of water an!Bor water ri#hts.
6i7 ,ailure to proi!e a!e(uate facilities to preent or control !iseases when re(uire! ")
the Council in the construction of an) wor4 for the stora#e, !iersion, !istri"ution an!
utili8ation of water.
657 -rillin# of a well without per'ission of the Council.
647 ;tili8ation of an e%istin# well or pon!in# or sprea!in# of water for rechar#in#
su"terranean or #roun! water supplies without per'ission of the Council.
6l7 Violation of or non&co'pliance with an) or!er, rules, or re#ulations of the Council.
6'7 Ille#al ta4in# or !iersion of water in an open canal, a(ue!uct or reseroir.
6n7 Malicious !estruction of h)!raulic wor4s or structure alue! at not e%cee!in#
Ar)*c+e 91. A. A fine of not e%cee!in# +hree +housan! Pesos 6P=,???.??7 or i'prison'ent for
not 'ore than three 6=7 )ears, or "oth such fine an! i'prison'ent, in the !iscretion of the Court,
shall "e i'pose! upon an) person who co''its an) of the followin# acts3
/. Appropriation of water without a water per'it, unless such person is e%pressl)
e%e'pte! fro' securin# a per'it ") the proisions of this Co!e.
>. ;nauthori8e! o"struction of an irri#ation canal.
=. Cultiation of a rier "e!, san! "ar or ti!al flat without per'ission.
@. Malicious !estruction of h)!raulic wor4s or structure alue! at not e%cee!in#
+went)&,ie +housan! Pesos 6P>C,???.??7.
<. A fine e%cee!in# +hree +housan! Pesos P=,???.??7 "ut not 'ore than Si% +housan!
Pesos P2,???.??7 or i'prison'ent e%cee!in# three 6=7 )ears "ut not 'ore than si% 627
)ears, or "oth such fine an! i'prison'ent in the !iscretion of the Court, shall "e i'pose!
on an) person who co''its an) of the followin# acts3
/. -istri"ution for pu"lic consu'ption of water which a!ersel) affects the health
an! safet) of the pu"lic.
>. E%caation or enlar#e'ent of the openin# of a hot sprin# without per'ission.
=. ;nauthori8e! o"struction of a rier or waterwa), or occupanc) of a rier "an4
or seashore without per'ission.
@. Esta"lish'ent of a ce'eter) or a waste !isposal area near a source of water
suppl) or reseroir for !o'estic 'unicipal use without per'ission.
C. Constructin#, without prior per'ission of the #oern'ent a#enc) concerne!,
wor4s that pro!uce !an#erous or no%ious su"stances, or perfor'in# acts that
result in the intro!uction of sewa#e, in!ustrial waste, or an) su"stance that
pollutes a source of water suppl).
2. -u'pin# 'ine tailin#s an! se!i'ents into riers of waterwa)s without
1. Malicious !estruction of h)!raulic wor4s or structure alue! 'ore than
+went)&,ie +housan! Pesos 6P>C,???.??7 "ut at not e%cee!in# *ne Hun!re!
+housan! Peso 6/??,???.??7.
C. A fine e%cee!in# Si% +housan! Pesos 6P2,???.??7 "ut not 'ore than +en +housan!
Pesos 6P/?,???.??7 or i'prison'ent e%cee!in# si% 627 )ears "ut not 'ore than twele
6/>7 )ears, or "oth such fine an! i'prison'ent, in the !iscretion of the Court, shall "e
i'pose! upon an) person who co''its an) of the followin# acts3
/. Misrepresentation of citi8enship in or!er to (ualif) for water per'it.
>. Malicious !estruction of a h)!raulic wor4s or structure, alue! at 'ore than
*ne Hun!re! +housan! Pesos 6P/??,???.??7.
Ar)*c+e 9,. If the offense is co''itte! ") a corporation, trust, fir', partnership, association or
an) other 5uri!ical person, the penalt) shall "e i'pose! upon the Presi!ent, Aeneral Mana#er,
an! other #uilt) officer or officers of such corporation, trust fir', partnership, association or
entit), without pre5u!ice to the filin# of a ciil action a#ainst sai! 5uri!ical person. If the offen!er
is an alien, he shall "e !eporte! after serin# his sentence, without further procee!in#s.
After final 5u!#'ent of coniction, the Court upon petition of the prosecution attorne) in the
sa'e procee!in#s, an! after !ue hearin#, 'a), when the pu"lic interest so re(uires, or!er
suspension of or !issolution of such corporation, trust, fir', partnership, association or 5uri!ical
Ar)*c+e 93. All actions for offenses punisha"le un!er Article 0/ of this Co!e shall "e "rou#ht
"efore the proper court.
Ar)*c+e 9-. Actions for offenses punisha"le un!er this Co!e ") a fine of not 'ore than +hree
+housan! Pesos 6P=,???.??7 or ") an i'prison'ent of not 'ore than three 6=7 )ears, or "oth
such fine an! i'prison'ent, shall prescri"e in fie 6C7 )ears$ those punisha"le ") a fine
e%cee!in# +hree +housan! Pesos 6P=,???.??7 "ut not 'ore than Si% +housan! Pesos 6P2,???.??7
or an i'prison'ent e%cee!in# three 6=7 )ears "ut not 'ore than si% 627 )ears, or "oth such fine
an! i'prison'ent, shall prescri"e in seen 617 )ears$ an! those punisha"le ") a fine e%cee!in#
Si% +housan! Pesos 6P2,???.??7 "ut not 'ore than +en +housan! Pesos 6P/?,???.??7 or an
i'prison'ent e%cee!in# si% 627 )ears "ut not 'ore than twele 6/>7 )ears, or "oth such fine an!
i'prison'ent, shall prescri"e in ten 6/?7 )ears.
Ar)*c+e 9.. Within two 6>7 )ears fro' the pro'ul#ation of this Co!e, all clai's for a ri#ht to use
water e%istin# on or "efore -ece'"er =/, /01@ shall "e re#istere! with the Council which shall
confir' sai! ri#hts in accor!ance with the proisions of this Co!e, an! shall set their respectie
When priorit) in ti'e of appropriation fro' a certain source of suppl) cannot "e !eter'ine!, the
or!er of preference in the use of the waters shall "e as follows3
6a7 -o'estic an! 'unicipal use
6"7 Irri#ation
6c7 Power #eneration
6!7 ,isheries
6e7 9iestoc4 raisin#
6f7 In!ustrial use, an!
6#7 *ther uses.
An) clai' not re#istere! within sai! perio! shall "e consi!ere! waie! an! the use of the water
!ee'e! a"an!one!, an! the water shall thereupon "e aaila"le for !isposition as unappropriate!
waters in accor!ance with the proisions of this Co!e.
Ar)*c+e 96. No este! or ac(uire! ri#ht to the use of water can arise fro' acts or o'issions
which are a#ainst the law or which infrin#e upon the ri#hts of others.
Ar)*c+e 97. Acts an! contract un!er the re#i'e of ol! laws, if the) are ali! in accor!ance
therewith, shall "e respecte!, su"5ect to the li'itations esta"lishe! in this Co!e. An)
'o!ification or e%tension of these acts an! contracts after the pro'ul#ation of this Co!e, shall "e
su"5ect to the proisions hereof.
Ar)*c+e 9/. Interi' rules an! re#ulations pro'ul#ate! ") the Council shall continue to hae
"in!in# force an! effect, when not in conflict with the proisions of this Co!e.
Ar)*c+e 99. If an) proision or part of this Co!e, or the application thereof to an) person or
circu'stance, is !eclare! unconstitutional or inali! for an) reason, the other proisions or parts
therein shall not "e affecte!.
Ar)*c+e 100. +he followin# laws, parts an!Bor proisions of laws are here") repeale!3
6a7 +he proisions of the Spanish 9aw on Waters of Au#ust =, /822, the Ciil Co!e of
Spain of /880 an! the Ciil Co!e of the Philippines 6R.A. =827 on ownership of waters,
ease'ents relatin# to waters, use of pu"lic waters an! ac(uisitie prescription on the use
of waters, which are inconsistent with the proisions of this Co!e$
6"7 +he proisions of R.A. 2=0C, otherwise 4nown as the Reise! Charter of National
Power Corporation, particularl) section =, para#raph 6f7, an! section />, insofar as the)
relate to the appropriation of waters an! the #rant thereof$
6c7 +he proisions of Act No. >/C>, as a'en!e!, otherwise 4nown as the Irri#ation Act,
section =, para#raphs 647 an! 6'7 of P.-. No. 8/=, R.A. >?C2$ Section 0?, C.A. /=1$ an!,
6!7 All -ecree, 9aws, Acts, parts of Acts, rules of Court, e%ecutie or!ers, an!
a!'inistratie re#ulations which are contrar) to or inconsistent with the proisions of this
Ar)*c+e 101. +his Co!e shall ta4e effect upon its pro'ul#ation.
-one in the Cit) of Manila, this =/st !a) of -ece'"er, Nineteen Hun!re! an! Seent)&Si%.

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