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Church of Scotland

St Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church

Sunday 29th June Stuart ac!en"ie
Introit Choir (CH4 532: Lord, you have come to the seashore)
Welcome and Announcements
Call to worship:
Leader: O God, thou art my God, I seek thee,
My soul thirsts for thee;
My flesh faints for thee,
As in a dry and weary land where no water is
All: Because thy steadfast love is better than life,
My lips will praise thee.
So I will bless thee as long as I live
I will lift up !y hands and call on thy na!e.
(From Psalm 63)

C"# $%&: '( for a thousand tongues to sing)
! O for a thousand ton"ues, to sin"
My "reat #edeemer$s praise,
%he "lories of my God and &in",
%he triumphs of his "race'
( )esus' %he name that charms our fears,
%hat *ids our sorrows cease;
+tis music in the sinner$s ears,
+tis life, and health, and peace
, -e *reaks the power of cancelled sin,
-e sets the prisoner free;
-is *lood can make the foulest clean,
-is *lood a.ailed for me
/ -e speaks, and listenin" to his .oice,
0ew life the dead recei.e,
%he mournful, *roken hearts re1oice,
%he hum*le poor *elie.e
2 -ear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dum*,
3our loosened ton"ues employ;
3e *lind, *ehold your 4a.iour come;
And leap, ye lame, for 1oy'
5 My "racious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
%o spread throu"h all the earth a*road
%he honours of thy name
Charles esley (!"#"$!"%%)
6rayer of Approach and Lord$s 6rayer
7amily %alk
*ischy Music + Ma,e a -ifference
& ca' ma(e a d)**ere'ce
+ou ca' ma(e a d)**ere'ce
e ca' ma(e a d)**ere'ce
&' th)s ,orld o* ours ( - 2)
I)ve got the power 8 to do some "ood
I)ve got the power 8 to chan"e my attitude
I)ve got the power 8 to say if I don$t a"ree
I)ve got the power 8 to dream what I$d like to do
& ca' ma(e a d)**ere'ce..... (-2)
.ou)ve got the power 8 to "o the e9tra mile
.ou)ve got the power 8 to listen for a while
.ou)ve got the power 8 to lend a helpin" hand
.ou)ve got the power 8 to try and understand & ca' ma(e a d)**ere'ce..... (-2)
/e)ve got the power 8 to choose *etween ri"ht or wron"
/e)ve got the power 8 to sin" alon" with this son"
/e)ve got the power 8 to show a little "race
/e)ve got the power 8 to make this a *etter place
& ca' ma(e a d)**ere'ce:/;
6rayers of Confession and Intercession
C"# 0#1: 'See, ye first)
! 4eek ye first the kin"dom of God
And his ri"hteousness;
And all these thin"s shall *e added unto you;
Allelu, alleluia
/llelu)a, allelu)a, allelu)a, allelu)a0
( Ask, and it shall *e "i.en unto you,
4eek, and ye shall find;
&nock and the door shall *e opened unto you;
Allelu, alleluia
/llelu)a, allelu)a, allelu)a, allelu)a0
, 3ou shall not li.e *y *read alone,
<ut *y e.ery word
%hat proceeds from the mouth of the Lord;
Allelu, alleluia,
/llelu)a, allelu)a, allelu)a, allelu)a0
1are' La**erty (!24%)

#eadin": Matthew$s Gospel !,: ,! 8 ,,; // 8 2(
C"# %12: '3ove divine, all loves e4celling) 3/s 4**er)'5 u6l)*ted7
! Lo.e di.ine, all e9cellin",
1oy of hea.en, to earth come down,
fi9 in us thy hum*le dwellin",
all thy faithful mercies crown
)esus, thou art all compassion,
pure, un*ounded lo.e thou art;
.isit us with thy sal.ation,
enter e.ery trem*lin" heart
( Come, almi"hty to;
let us all thy life recei.e;
suddenly return, and, more thy temples lea.e
%hee we would *e always *lessin",
ser.e thee as thy hosts a*o.e,
pray, and praise thee without ceasin",
"lory in thy perfect lo.e
, 7inish then thy new creation:
pure and spotless let us *e;
let us see thy "reat sal.ation
perfectly restored in thee,
chan"ed from "lory into "lory,
till in hea.en we take our place,
till we cast our crowns *efore thee,
lost in wonder, lo.e, and praise Charles esley (!"#"$%%)
Charles esley (!"#"$%%)C"# %5% v.1: 'All that I a!) 3/s 4**er)'5 8rou5ht *or,ard7
All that I am, all that I do,
All that I$ll ha.e I offer now to you
%ake and sanctify these "ifts for your honour, Lord
&nowin" that I lo.e and ser.e you is enou"h reward
All that I am, all that I do,
All that I$ll ha.e I offer now to you
9e8ast)a' :em6le !22%$!22")
6rayers of =edication and %hanks""
C"# %1&: '6o 7od be the glory)
! %o God *e the "lory, "reat thin"s he
has done'
4o lo.ed he the world that he "a.e us his
Who yielded his life an atonement for sin,
And opened the life>"ate that all may "o
Pra)se the Lord0 Pra)se the Lord0
Let the earth hear h)s vo)ce0
Pra)se the Lord0 Pra)se the Lord0
Let the 6eo6le re;o)ce0
4h, come to the Father, throu5h <esus
/'d 5)ve h)m the 5lory0 =reat th)'5s he
has do'e0
Pra)se the Lord0 Pra)se the Lord0 . .
( O perfect redemption, the purchase of
%o e.ery * the promise of God;

7or e.ery offender who truly *,
%hat moment from )esus a pardon
Pra)se the Lord0 Pra)se the Lord0 . .
, Great thin"s he has tau"ht us, "reat thin"s he has done,
And "reat our re1oicin" throu"h )esus the 4on:
<ut purer, and hi"her, and "reater will *e
Our 1oy and our wonder, when )esus we
Pra)se the Lord0 Pra)se the Lord0....
Fra'ces (Fa''y) <a'e Cros8y (!%2#$!2!5)
<enediction :4un" Amen;
CCL L)ce'ce >o 625%
4cottish Charity 0o 4C??@@2?

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