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3. Discuss the importance of role play in communication.

Illustrate how one

can conduct an effective role play.
Communication is said to involve more listening than speaking. It requires you to truly
release your own thoughts while taking in the ideas and opinions of the person speaking
and vice versa. Where communication most often breaks down is when you are more
engrossed in your thoughts and how you will relay them, chomping at the bit to speak and
actually missing a good percentage of what the other person is conveying. ole playing is
a great way to improve communication skills.
ead more!
importance of role play in communication
ole playing is a useful tool for communication. "layers take on personalities and a
storyline is created. #ction comes from the participants$ understanding of their
characteri%ations. &he scenarios prepare participants for future situations, helping them
see new perspectives. "articipants may also retain the lessons they learned for long
periods of time. emember these points to ma'imi%e the benefits of role playing.
Create scenarios where the speakers have a clear message and make an effort to convey it
easily to others. &his means using the appropriate vocabulary and tone and being concise
with language. &he speakers may struggle to control their feelings, but it$s important to
focus on relaying the message without emotional outbursts.
ole playing gives people a chance to practice their listening skills. "eople have a
tendency to race forward in their own thoughts when another person is speaking, which
means they aren$t hearing what the other person is saying. "reparing to speak by thinking
through ideas can be constructive, but it shouldn$t replace time spent listening. &his can
be e'tremely counterproductive in communication, so be patient and focus on the other
person$s words. "layers may consider bringing a notepad to (ot down thoughts that pop
into their minds or to stay focused on other peoples$ responses.
Utilizing Tension
In any scenario, there should be some kind of conflict that drives action. &hese
disagreements, confusions and obstacles will demand resolution. "eople should
understand the motives behind their actions. &his will allow players to work toward their
Utilizing Humor
While players should take the game seriously enough to inhabit their roles, they should
also be encouraged to find humor in the scenarios. &his will defuse potentially hostile
moments, and it can facilitate a more positive approach to handling real)life scenarios.
*ltimately, knowing how to laugh is a useful skill in most circumstances in life.
Establishing the Environment
ole playing allows people to engage their imaginations, stepping out of life$s
constrictions. &here are endless scenarios that can be created to target issues and
stimulate team)building. In all cases, players must be committed to participating and feel
comfortable and safe in the conditions set forth.
Varying the Game
"layers can become conditioned to scenarios, which means that they will make choices
on autopilot without e'amining or questioning the details. #s a result, their learning can
be stunted. &his is especially true during long workshops and training sessions. &o incite
growth, new situations and structures should constantly be created to challenge and bring
new awareness to participants
ole)"lay +'ample
In an effort to improve customer support, ,ohn, Customer -ervice .anager for .ythco
&echnologies, sets up a team role)playing session. #cting as the leader/trainer, ,ohn
brings together a group of software developers and customer support representatives.
0e divides the 12 people into two role)playing groups! 3roup # represents the customer
support representatives4 3roup 5 represents the customer.
,ohn tells 3roup # that the customer in this situation is one of .ythco6s longest)standing
customers. &his customer accounts for nearly 17 percent of the company6s overall annual
revenue. In short, the company cannot afford to lose her business8
,ohn tells 3roup 5 that the customer has recently received a software product that did not
live up to e'pectations. While the customer has a long)standing relationship with .ythco,
this time she6s growing weary because .ythco has previously sold her faulty software on
two separate occasions. Clearly, her relationship with .ythco is in (eopardy.
,ohn now allows the groups to brainstorm for a few minutes.
9e't : with this particular approach to role)play : each group sends forth an ;actor; to
take part in the role)play. &he actor receives support and coaching from members of the
team throughout the role)playing process. +ach team is able to take time)outs and regroup
quickly as needed.
,ohn runs through the scenario several times, starting with the ;customer; behaving
gently and ending with the customer behaving aggressively. +ach time, a best solution is
found. <f course, ,ohn can always ask for additional role)playing and suggestions if he
feels that the process needs to continue, or that the team has yet to uncover the very best
<nce it6s clear that they cannot identify any more solutions, ,ohn brings the two groups
together and discusses the session. During this, they discuss the strategies and the
solutions that the actors implemented, and how they could apply them to a real)life
,ohn also asks each team to write a short summary of what they learned from the role)
playing e'ercise. 0e then combines the summaries and provides a copy of everything
learned to all participants.
=ey "oints
ole)playing happens when two or more people act out roles in a particular scenario. It6s
most useful for helping you prepare for unfamiliar or difficult situations.
>ou can also use it to spark brainstorming sessions, improve communication between
team members, and see problems or situations from different perspectives.
&o role)play!
1 Identify the situation.
2 #dd details.
3 #ssign roles.
? #ct out the scenario.
7 Discuss what you have learned.

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