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Proposal for Project

Comparison of Brand loyalty and Customer satisfaction of NayaTel & PTCL prepaid services

Student Id
Virtual University Of Pakistan

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to project
!. Project Proceedin"s ......................#
. $et%odolo"y . &
'. (i)lio"rap%y .1*
Capter !"
!#! $ntroduction of te Project"
+ac% co,pany need to acco,plis% its o)jectives. -or t%is it .ill )e e/tre,ely vital for an association to t%ink
a)out t%e perspective of )uyers and t%eir focused ite,s. 0%is revie. e/ploration ,ay )e like.ise pointed as to
"au"e potential purc%aser for t%e ite,. 0akin" after are t%e reasons .e are leadin" t%is study. 0o distin"uis% t%e
contrast )et.een )usiness sector e/ecution of 1ayatel and Ptcl. 0o study t%e ,arket of 1ayatel and Ptcl on
enor,ous scale teleco, division. 0o t%ink a)out different para,eters of s%o.casin" ,et%ods2 asse,)lin"
,et%odolo"y2 innovation e,)raced preparation strate"y2 pro,otin" coordinated effort2 trade situation2 future
prospect for t%e t.o or"ani3ations and "overn,ent arran"e,ents. 0o study t%e level of client fulfill,ent in
1ayatel and Ptcl. 0o study client purc%asin" conduct and varia)les .%ic% i,pact t%e )uy c%oice procedure. 0o
study s%opper inclination. 0o study t%e custo,er slant in teleco, area. 0o study focused pro,otin" ,et%ods
received )y 1ayatel and Ptcl.
!#% Bac&'round"
Pakistan 0eleco,,unication 4o,pany 5i,ited 6P0457 is a ,e"a corporation and a leadin"
teleco,,unication aut%ority in Pakistan. 0%e corporation provides telep%onic and internet services nation8.ide
and is t%e )ack)one for country9s teleco,,unication infrastructure despite arrival of a do3en ot%er
teleco,,unication corporations2 includin" 0elenor 4orps and 4%ina $o)ile 5td. 0%e corporation ,ana"es and
operates around :!*** telep%one e/c%an"es across t%e country2 providin" t%e lar"est fi/ed line net.ork. Data
and )ack)one services suc% as ;S$2 4D$<2 (road)and Internet2 IP0V2 .%olesale are an increasin" part of its
Ori"inally one of t%e state8o.ned corporations 6SO+s72 t%e s%are %oldin" of t%e P045 %as )een reduced to
:=!>2 .%en !=> of s%ares and control .as sold to +tisalat 0eleco,,unications and t%e re,ainin" 1!> to t%e
"eneral pu)lic in !**= under an intensified privati3ation pro"ra,,e of Pri,e ,inister S%aukat <3i3. ?o.ever2
t%e =!> s%ares are still re,ains under t%e ,ana"e,ent of "overn,ent8o.ners%ip of state8o.ned corporations
6SO+s7 of Pakistan.
1aya0el is a -i)er to t%e ?o,e 6-00?7 services provider )ased in Isla,a)ad2 Pakistan and is a sister concern
of $icronet (road)and. 0%e co,pany launc%ed -00? net.ork in Septe,)er !**= ,akin" it t%e first one to do
so in Sout% <sia. 0%e 0riple play 6teleco,,unications7 services i.e. 4a)le 0V2 0elep%ony2 and (road)and
Internet offered )y 1aya0el are li,ited to t%e cities2 Isla,a)ad and @a.alpindi. 0%e co,pany is also t%e
first to launc% ?i"% Definition 4%annels under t%eir 4a)le 0V services. 4onsu,ers are reAuired to pay an
additional oneti,e fee to %ave an ?D supported Set 0op (o/ in order to vie. ?D 4%annels. Durin" !*112
1aya0el ranked ! on t%e list of Pakistan -ast ;ro.t% !B2 a rankin" of fast "ro.t% entrepreneurial co,panies.
0%e Pakistan -ast ;ro.t% !B is a pro"ra, of <ll Corld 1et.ork in partners%ip .it% ?arvard (usiness Sc%ool
Professor $ic%ael Porter and .as launc%ed in colla)oration .it% DS (ank 5i,ited.
!#( Objectives"
18 0o deter,ine t%e )rand loyalty and custo,er satisfaction 1aya0el custo,ers
!8 0o deter,ine t%e )rand loyalty and custo,er satisfaction of Ptcl custo,ers
8 0o co,pare t%e )rand loyalty and custo,er satisfaction of 1aya0el and Ptcl prepaid custo,ers.
!#) *i'nificance"
Si"nificance of t%is study is to distin"uis% t%e difference )et.een )usiness sector e/ecution of 1ayatel and Ptcl
and to study t%e ,arket of 1ayatel and Ptcl on %u"e scale teleco, sector. 0o analy3e different para,eters of
pro,otin" tec%niAues2 asse,)lin" procedure2 innovation e,)raced creation approac%E pro,otin" coordinated
effort2 send out situation2 future prospect for t%e t.o or"ani3ations and "overn,ent policies. 0o study t%e level
of client fulfill,ent in 1ayatel and Ptcl. 0o study client purc%asin" conduct and varia)les t%ose i,pact t%e )uy
c%oice procedure. 0o study purc%aser preferences. 0o study t%e custo,er incline in teleco, sector. 0o study
focused encasin" ,et%ods received )y 1ayatel and Ptcl.
Capter No %" Conceptual +evie,
%#! -ar&etin' mi.
%#% -ar&et se'mentation strate'ies
%#( Tar'et mar&etin' strate'ies
%#) /at is Customer *atisfaction0 Or 1efinin' Customer *atisfaction
%#2 1imensions of Customer *atisfaction
3 +eliability
3 Assurance
3 Tan'ibles
3 Empaty
3 +esponsiveness
%#4 Customer ac5uisition procedure
%#6 Customer +etention
%#7 Brand 1elivery E.perience
%#8 Complaint resolution 9 Grievance :andlin'
%#!; Overall *atisfaction
%#!! Brand Loyalty
%#!!#! 1efinin' Brand Loyalty
%#!!#% Elements of Brand Loyalty
3 Personal *ervice
3 Pricin'
3 <alue Added *ervices
3 =inance
3 Trust
%#!!#( $mpact of Brand e5uity
3 Customer *atisfaction
3 Customer +etention
Capter (" Competitor Analysis
(#! $ntroduction of te competitor firm>s?
(#% -ar&etin' mi.
(#( -ar&et se'mentation strate'ies
(#) Tar'et mar&etin' strate'ies
(#2 Customer ac5uisition procedure of Competitor
(#4 Customer +etention procedure of Competitor
(#6 Brand 1elivery E.perience procedure of Competitor
(#7 Complaint resolution 9 Grievance :andlin' procedure of Competitor
(#8 Overall *atisfaction provided by te competin' or'ani@ation
(#!; Brand Loyalty
(#!;#! Elements of Brand Loyalty provided by competitor
3 Personal *ervice
3 Pricin'
3 <alue Added *ervices
3 =inance
3 Trust
(#!;#% $mpact of Brand e5uity of competitorAs or'ani@ation on
3 Customer *atisfaction
3 Customer +etention
Capter No )" -etodolo'y
<c%ievin" accuracy in any researc% reAuires a deep study re"ardin" t%e su)ject. 0%e pri,e o)jective of t%e
project is to co,pare 1ayatel .it% t%e e/istin" co,petitor Ptcl in t%e ,arket. 0%e researc% ,et%odolo"y adopted
is )asically )ased on pri,ary data via .%ic% t%e ,ost recent and accurate piece of first %and infor,ation could
)e collected. Secondary data %as )een used to support pri,ary data .%erever needed.
)#! 1ata Collection *ources"
Primary data will be collected using the following techniques
Fuestionnaire $et%od
0%e ,ain tool used .ill )e t%e Auestionnaire ,et%od.
)#% 1ata Collection Tools9$nstruments"
Te 5uestionnaire ,ill be formulated by &eepin' in mind te follo,in' points.
;ivin" t%e respondents clear co,pre%ension of t%e Auestion.
Identifyin" t%e needs to )e kno.n.
)#( *ubjects9Participants" *A-PLE BN$T

0%e researc% process .ill )e done )y interactin" .it% nu,)er of custo,ers durin" t%e
activities perfor,ed2 .%ic% included2 ,arkets cold callin"2 canopies2 etc. Sa,ple desi"n consists
convenience sa,plin"
*A-PLE *$CE" ** custo,ers
)#) =ield,or&91ata Collection"
0%ere t.o type of ,et%od of data collection
P@I$<@G D<0<
S+4O1D<@G D<0<
P+$-A+D 1ATA
Data used for t%e researc% .ork .as pri,ary in nature.
Pri,ary data is t%at .%ic% is t%e collected for t%e first ti,e and t%us %appen to )e ori"inated in c%aracter.
In t%e studies a Auestionnaire .ill )e prepared. 0%e Auestionnaire .ill consist of 1B Auestions.
Secondary data refer to t%e data t%at %as )een already collected .0%e secondary data
.ill )e used to carry out t%is study2 are as follo.
(OOHS2 DOU@1<5S2 $<;<II1+S2 1+CSP<P+@S
I1DUS0@G @+PO@0S
4O$P<1GJS I10+@1+0 SI0+
SO$+O0?+@ @+5+V<10 S0UDG $<0+@I<5 <1D C+(SI0+S
-ield procedure for "at%erin" pri,ary data .ill include Auestioner in .%ic% t%e Auestionnaires .ill )e filled
)y t%e personal intervie.s t%rou"% self ad,inistered survey to collect t%e data2 ,arket researc% .ill )e
undertaken2 and t%at .ill )e acco,plis%ed )y perfor,in" various activities desi"ned.
)#2 1ata Processin' & Analysis"
0%e Auestioner .ill consist of B colu,ns in .%ic% custo,ers .ill %ave option to c%oose fro, 18B dependin" on
options ran"in" fro, stron"ly a"ree to stron"ly disa"ree for eac% Auestion. 0%e freAuency2 cu,ulative freAuency
and percenta"e .ill )e calculated and t%en t%e result of t%e reAuired Auestion .ill )e s%o.n t%rou"% a "rap%.
1. %ttp:KKen..ikipedia.or"K.ikiK1aya0el 7
!. %ttp:KKen..ikipedia.or"K.ikiKPakistanL0eleco,,unicationL4o,panyL5td7
. Internet
'. 1e.s Papers
B. $a"a3ines

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