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The Ka|zen Partnersh|p Ltd

We are passionate about our work, and we stand by our results

"I be||eve the cencepts enshr|ned |n yeur werk are essent|a| te be ab|e te
preduce cens|stent and s|gn|hcant persena| and ergan|sat|ena| change"
0||rer Bet|, 0|ret|er, Cemmea Pcrpese
ho Kuizon Purlnorship Lld is un innovulivo,
oulcomo-ocusod lruining und consulluncy
compuny producing oulslunding rosulls in lho
urous o Pogonorulion, Housing, Educulion und
Employmonl. Cur undorslunding und oxporionco ucross
lho old brings doplh lo our work in ouch individuul
soclor. Wo vuluo lho divorsily in our work, nol only
bocuuso our inlorosls uro cross-culling, bul bocuuso wo
boliovo lhul lho issuos uro ucluully inlorlinkod.
Wo uro unushumodly dioronl, dovoloping pruclicul
upprouchos lo complox probloms, spociulising in
conslrucling ooclivo rolulionships und building
communily inlo purlnorship. Wo boliovo lhul
ooclivo loudorship ul ull lovols is crilicul lo lho quulily
o purlnorship, und lhul susluinublo communilios uro
buill on cohosivo communilios.
Susluinublo communilios uro mudo up o pooplo, nol
bricks und morlur or sorvicos. Too olon work wilh
lho pooplo is lol us u boll on, undor rosourcod und
undorvuluod. We believe lhol lhe people will
eilher provide lhe loundolion lhol ollows lhe
communily lo be susloinoble, or lhey will be lhe
obslocle lhol will keep lhe vision ol susloinoble
communilies o dreom rolher lhon o reolily.
Cur clionls rungo rom Locul Aulhorilios lo schools,
smull churilios lo lho London 20T2 Clympic Dolivory
Wo spociuliso in dosigning und dolivoring culling odgo
pro|ocls in lho communily soclor, our work ocusos on
muking u dioronco lhrough ompoworing individuuls
und communilios. Wo oor croulivo, highly pruclicul
und succossul inlorvonlions viu our uniquo workshops,
lruining progrummos und mulli-compononl pro|ocls.
Cur work is busod on sound und pruclicul lhoory und
uppliculion, und wo uliliso bosl pruclicos lo onsuro
ln ull o our progrummos wo omphusiso how lo build
und susluin ooclivo rolulionships und purlnorships
- lho humun uspocl o how lo dovolop ooclivo
purlnorship working in complox onvironmonls. Wo ocus
on lho rolulionul uspocl o pluco muking, bolioving lhul
il is nol sololy lho individuul purls lhul mullor, bul lho
wuy lhoso purls inlorucl und rolulo lo ouch olhor. Wo
ulso uddross how our vuluos und lho wuy wo hubiluully
soo lhings cun limil lho croulivily wo bring lo purlnorship
Tho ollowing summurisos und oullinos our lhoorolicul
ussumplions und pruclicul upprouch lo building
susluinublo communilios.
Common Unily
"Whor srops peopIe lrom ellecrng chonge ond
whor rechnques ore needed ro losrer peopIe's
porenroI7 l Ieornr rhor we con redehne 'commu-
nry' os 'common unry' n o socery so dverse r
oppeors roo dlhcuIr ro overcome our dllerences
ond see ourseIves os one noron."
Cem1ea resl1ea| jer|ltlje|la la ear |s|e|es Prl1e Preremme
Al lho hourl o succossul pluco-muking progrummos is
u common unily whoro communily und proossionuls
work in hurmony lo croulo u pluco o opporlunily und
uspirulion. Common unily is buill on u oundulion o
ugroomonl uboul whul sorl o pluco pooplo wunl lo
croulo und livo in. ll omorgos rom croulivo und ooclivo
purlnorships umong proossionuls, ucross divorso
ugoncios, und wilh lho rosidonls who livo in lho plucos
wo uro sooking lo lrunsorm. Common unily doscribos
u dynumic procoss in which rosidonls und proossionuls
ul rogionul und sub-rogionul lovols como logolhor lo
ovorcomo probloms und work logolhor lo croulo und
susluin vibrunl und lhriving plucos.
"Fveryone hos o srory ro reII, emorons ro express
ond wsdom ro mporr, ond o good procrroner
con hnd ond nrerprer rhem ond rurn rhem nro o
unlyng norrorve."
Pleaala ea1 |aela wl|l la|ertal|arel Cemmaal|les, Ceme1le
To croulo und nd lhul uniying nurrulivo roquiros u
procoss o building long-lorm purlnorships lhul involvo
complox inlorporsonul und orgunisulionul rolulions.
Tho humun uspocls o lhis procoss, building muluul
undorslunding, rouching consonsus, lourning uboul
powor shuring, how lo ooclivoly doul wilh conicl olc.
luko limo lo lourn. ln our work wilh ugoncios ucross lho
UK, wo huvo discovorod lwo koy uspocls o
communiculion lhul slrongly impucl upon
purlnorship working und building communily cohosion.
kelolionship lo Chonge
in Complex Environmenls
ln u rupidly chunging world, lhoro is un inhoronl
chullongo or uny orgunisulion or communily, lo
muinluin oquilibrium und purposo whilsl rosponding lo
inlornul und oxlornul chungos. This is bocuuso
orgunisulions und communilios uro nol closod sysloms,
lhoy roly upon und uro inuoncod by lho oxlornul
onvironmonl in which lhoy oxisl und by inlornul sysloms
such us lho pooplo und loums lhul muko up lho
communily or orgunisulion.
We are passionate about our work, and we stand by our results
"Tho ooloiog chotoc|otis|ic ol o sys|om is |ho| i|
coooo| 6o uooots|ooo os o luoc|ioo ol i|s iso|o|oo
compoooo|s. Tho 6ohoviout ol |ho sys|om oooso|
oopooo oo who| ooch pot| is ooiog 6u| oo how ooch
pot| is io|otoc|iog wi|h |ho tos|."
Ke|mea ea1 !eae, !1
Tho ubilily lo bo uppropriuloly oxiblo in onvironmonls
churuclorisod by porpoluul lrunsormulion (oconomic
orcos, govornmonl policios, lho muko up o communi-
lios und humun noods olc} roquiros our rolulionul skills
lo romuin opon und uduplivo in lho uco o chungo.
When we loil lo grosp lhe syslemic or
inleroclive nolure ol communilies, we will lend
lo oddress symploms rolher lhon underlying
couses; wo will lry lo solvo probloms o communily
cohosion by ullompling lo x u purl o lho syslom, und
nulurully lhoro will bo divorso idous uboul whul purl
o lho syslom noods xing. Tho moro discussion und
oodbuck lhoro is uboul lho wholo syslom. lho
communily, orgunisulions wilhin lho communily, loums
wilhin orgunisulions, und how lho purls o lho syslom
uro inlorucling or co-oporuling, lho moro likoly wo uro
lo bo conlinuully rosponsivo und uduplivo. Tho moro
commillod wo uro lo lho procossos o inloruclion und
cooporulion, lho moro ublo wo uro lo build und susluin
vilul und croulivo communilios.
This lovol o co-oporulion involvos boing opon lo olhor
viows und idous, golling lo lho hourl o whul il is wo
ouch moun by lhriving communily, und conlinuing lo
koop ulivo lhul concopl in u conslunlly chunging world.
This mouns lhul u corluin umounl o conicl is inovilu-
blo. ln lho Acudomy or Susluinublo Communilios (ASC}
rosourch ndings on 'Plunning und Enguging wilh
lnlorcullurul Communilios, lhoy idonliy conicl us un
oocl o chungo, und slulo lhul, "pIonnng ond
deveIopmenr whch ovod conhcr moy couse
more horm rhon conhcr rseIl."
Wo boliovo lhul il is possiblo lo rodono conicl us u
procoss in which divorso idous und opinions cun ow
und bocomo purl o now solulions.
Foully keosoning
Humun boings uro noilhor logicul nor consislonl in lho
wuy lhoy muko docisions. Wo uro pluguod by uully
rousoning on muny lovols, und vory olon muko choicos
lhul uro nol in our long-lorm (or ovon shorl-lorm}
inlorosls. Tho usuul purudigm o lhinking is lho bolio
lhul inormulion ullors uclions und bohuviours. ln
Kuizon, howovor, wo boliovo lhul inormulion ulono
doos nol nocossurily ullor uclions. A clour oxumplo is
smoking, whoro lhoro is no shorlugo o inormulion o
lho houllh risks yol muny pooplo uil lo muko lho
logicul docision lo slop smoking.
ll is nocossury lhul wo undorslund und miligulo lho
omolionul und cullurul uclors lhul impodo our ubilily lo
rospond lo chungo und conicl. Ihis involves o shill
lrom seeing problems os coused by someone
or somelhing 'oul lhere' lo seeing how our own
oclions ond views ploy o porl in lhe problems
we experience. Wo could suy lhul wo co-croulo lho
communily, lho orgunisulion, or lho loum lhul wo nd
oursolvos in. This in lurn mouns wo huvo lho cupucily lo
chungo lho communily, orgunisulion or loum wo uro in
simply by ucknowlodging und luking on now
porspoclivos or coursos o uclions.
ln ordor lo do lhis wo musl rocogniso lho uws und
orrors o |udgomonl rom which wo hubiluully suor, or
oxumplo, lhul ucl lhul wo uso cognilivo hourislics
or 'rulos o lhumb lo roduco lho comploxily o
muking |udgmonls. Subslunliul bodios o rosourch, ovor
muny yours und in muny disciplinos, show lhul in lio
gonorully, und in orgunisulionul sollings, pooplo ruroly
sook oul ull lho inormulion lhoy nood lo muko ooclivo
docisions. Wo insloud roly upon shorl-culs.
inormulion wo cun ousily rocull, lhul wo ugroo wilh,
und lhul is umiliur. So, whon wo communiculo wilh
pooplo, ospociully now pooplo or pooplo who ull
oulsido lho norm o whul wo uro usod lo, wo cun ull
loo olon roly on lhoso rulos o lhumb or sloroolypos lo
muko our docisions. Similurly, whon wo sook lo onvision
u pluco lhul wo wunl lo livo, limiling idous o whul is
possiblo cun hold us buck.
A rolulod lhoory lhul ulso highlighls our inubilily lo look
roshly ul lhings is lho idou o 'monlul modols.
Doscribod us inlornul idous lhul rogululo our uclions,
lhoy inuonco how wo ool und ucl much moro lhun
whul is ucluully hupponing in lho momonl. A simplo
oxumplo is lho monlul modol lhul groups o young
pooplo hunging oul on u slrool cornor poso u lhroul.
Somoono who holds lhis monlul modol will huvo u
roox rosponso o uvoidunco und our upon
oncounloring u group o young pooplo rogurdloss o
whul lho young pooplo uro ucluully doing. Al u simplo
lovol il lrunslulos lo lho ucl lhul we lend lo poy more
ollenlion lo whol we rhnk is being soid or done
lhon lo whol is ocruoIIy being soid or done.
Cur monlul modols uro vuriod, bul lho rosourch
highlighls u common undorlying molivulion, lho dosiro
lo uvoid porcoivod lhroul.
We are passionate about our work, and we stand by our results
Wo pruclico lhis 'doonsivo rousoning in ordor lo onsuro
lho ollowing.
Io remoin in unilolerol conlrol;
Io moximise winning ond minimise losing;
Io suppress negolive leelings;
Io be os rolionol os possible. (Argyris, 11}
Sloroolypicul lhinking und monlul modols, uddod lo
olhor uclors und ulliludos, ucl lo limil our ubilily lo
croulo ooclivo purlnorships und build susluinublo
ln ordor lo work ooclivoly in opon sysloms lhul uro
porpoluully chunging, wo nood lo huvo u lovol o skill
in communiculion lhul ullows us lo soo lho uws in our
monlul modols und rousoning. Wo musl ulso lourn lho
skill o opon communiculion lhul ullows or divor-
gonco und ovon conicl. Mosl imporlunlly, wo musl
rocogniso lhul in un opon syslom, wo will novor rouch
un ond slulo o communily cohosion. ll is un ongoing
procoss lhul rolios upon dovoloping und slronglhoning
rolulionships und connoclions, und building lho skills lo
uchiovo lhul.
Tho ollowing prosonls u rolulionul modol or building
lhoso skills, und is busod on bosl pruclicos rom lho
rosourch on susluinublo communilios.
Eoclivo communiculion und purlnorship working noods
lho ollowing lo rouliso ils polonliul.
8uilding und susluining shurod vision lhul oslors
commilmonl lo long-lorm ongugomonl,
Dovoloping communiculion skills which ocus on lho
oponnoss noodod lo unourlh our prosonl wuys o sooing
lho world, und
Colluborulivo working lhul promolos lho skills lo
look or lho lurgor picluro lhul lios boyond individuul
8uilding shurod vision in chunging onvironmonls is
nol u slulic or nilo procoss. ll roquiros limo und
commilmonl, und orms uround longor-lorm slrulogic
pluns or communily cohosion. Tho vision musl
oncompuss u long-lorm porspoclivo o involving lho
communily und purlnors in pluco muking oorls rulhor
lhun |usl shorl-lorm lurgols.
Posourch shows lhul lho bosl upprouchos inlogrulo
shorl-lorm purlicipulion uclivilios wilh chungos in locul
docision-muking slrucluros lhul ongugo locul rosidonls
und purlnors.
5horl-Ierm Porlicipolion Aclivilies
Engugomonl, wholhor o lho communily or
purlnors, should idoully bo buill ovor u long limo und
musl includo mouningul opporlunilios or conlinuul
involvomonl und oodbuck.
Crouling u common undorslunding und vision o
whul u susluinublo communily looks liko roquiros u
lhorough und ur-rouching ongugomonl procoss lhul
goos boyond lho usuul suspocls lo onsuro u roprosonlu-
livo group on lho busis o olhnicily, ugo, gondor olc.
For communily ongugomonl lo bo succossul, il musl
luko inlo uccounl lho spocic churuclorislics und nuluro
o lhul communily, und idoully bo busod on u lhorough
mupping o lho urou. ln lhis wuy, sociul nolworks lhul
ulroudy oxisl cun bo luppod inlo und slronglhonod, und
gulokoopors in lho communily cun bo idonliod und
lhoir knowlodgo buso bo rosourcod.
Engugomonl should ulso oncourugo discussion
uround issuos lhul uro o inlorosl lo u divorsily o
pooplo. ln conducling communily workshops ull ovor
lho counlry, wo huvo ound lhul i you ongugo pooplo
lhrough spouking und lisloning lo lhoir uspirulions, you
druw on u dooply hold commilmonl lhoy huvo lo living
in u suo und ullruclivo pluco.
Posourch shows lhul lo susluin posilivo rolulionships,
il is bollor lo ongugo lho communily in mouningul
uclivilios uround issuos lhoy ool molivulod by rulhor
lhun simply dobuling lho issuos.
"1he sk|||s acqu|red Irem the werkshep are ge|ng te be
necessary en the estate te a||ew |t te part|c|pate pes|t|ve|y
|n the next Iew menths |n what |s a t|me eI majer change Ier
the estate, Irem |ns|de and eut."
C|e|r e| Is|e|e Beaegemea| 8eer
We are passionate about our work, and we stand by our results
Tho ulliludo o lhoso who uro currying oul lho
ongugomonl uclivilios is ulso cruciul. As lho ASCs
roporl on working wilh inlorcullurul communilios slulos,
Slu musl bo opon, bo good lislonors, bo honosl und
ongondor lrusl. This roquiros opporlunilios lo idonliy
und work wilh sloroolypos, so slu uro opon lo houring
und working wilh u divorsily o opinions und idous.
Chonges in Locol Decision-moking /
Democrolic 5lruclures
8uluncing lho nood or ocioncy wilh lho limo il lukos
lo build consonsus is porhups lho biggosl chullongo
Locul Aulhorilios uco in dovoloping domocrulic und
inclusivo slrucluros. ll is imporlunl lo muko suro lhis
doos nol loud lo ugoncios roducing invoslmonl or
puying lip sorvico lo communily inpul.
Crousy, ol ul, ound in lhoir rosourch lhul inormul
inloruclion is o vuluo in building shurod vuluos. lhoy
conlruslod lho roluxod ool o inormul inloruclions wilh
lho moro ormul und limo-roslriclod nuluro o locul
uulhorily iniliulivos.
"l| is |ho oo|uto ol out commuoi|y oovo|opmoo| wotk
|ho| wo oooo c|oso coo|oc| ooo uooots|oooiog ol out
co||ooguos. Tho to|o|iooships which oto o|toooy s|toog
hovo 6ooo s|toog|hoooo |htough |ho 2 ooys."
8rem|e | 8ew Hee||| ||r|ag Cea|re wer|s|ep per||t|pea|
Tho ucl lhul pooplo ool ublo lo inuonco docisions
in lhoir noighbourhood hus u slrong posilivo inuonco
on communily cohosion (Luuronco und Houlh, 2008}. ll
is imporlunl lo soo purlicipulion us un ond in ilsol, und
nol |usl us u mouns lo un ond. Tho purposo o
inloruclions bolwoon pooplo is olon ur loss imporlunl
lhun lho quulily o lho inloruclions lhomsolvos
(Crousy, ol ul}.
Al lho hourl o succossul purlnorship working is lho
ubilily lo communiculo lo u broud rungo o pooplo.
Purlnorships will oundor or ourish, nol sololy us u
rosull o lho procoduros pul in pluco or domocrulic
docision-muking or purlnorship working, bul on our
colloclivo ubililios lo communiculo und gonorulo
common unily whilo |uggling divorgonl inlorosls und
domunds. This involvos luking inlo uccounl u wido
vurioly o idous, opinions und viows.
We are passionate about our work, and we stand by our results
Negolive posl
experiences ol lokenislic or
Negolive olliludes
lowords people in
A cullure ol blome-ond-
comploin lrom o ploce
ol onger ond perceived
Lock ol opporlunilies lor
residenls ond prolession-
ols lo build posilive
Feelings ol resignolion,
powerlessness ond inerlio;
Longuoge ond
cullurol borriers;
Lock ol conhdence.
5ilo-ism ond lurl
Feelings ol resignolion,
powerlessness ond inerlio;
A cullure ol blome ond
Ever increosing workloods
ond bureoucrolic demonds;
Porlnership loligue;
kesislonl colleogues who
do nol buy inlo lhe chonge
ond empowermenl ogendo;
A view lhol prolessionols
know whol is besl lor lhe
"I have created geed ||nks wh|ch I w|||
cens|der |n my Iuture werk - th|s sheu|d
prevent dup||cat|en"
8rea| kegeaere||ea pre|ess|eae|
"It's a geed way Ier peep|e |n the
cemmun|ty te get te knew each ether and
va|ue ether peep|e's v|ews net just yeur ewn"
kes|ea| ea e Cemmca|| |eeers||p Pregremme
"Mak|ng peep|e Iee| va|ued g|ves them the sense
eI sp|r|t a||ew|ng them te take en the wer|d"
fec|| wer|er per||t|pe||ag |a ea Is|e|e Cemmca|| |eeers||p Pregremme
We are passionate about our work, and we stand by our results
8ocuuso monlul modols und rulos o lhumb cun
govorn lho wuy wo muko docisions, il is imporlunl lo
croulo onvironmonls in which individuuls cun dobulo
und vulidulo lhoir ussumplions. Tho moro wo cun muko
conscious whul our ussumplions uro, lho moro likoly wo
uro lo corroclly ulign our lhoughls und ussumplions wilh
whul is ucluully hupponing. Truinod ucililulors cun pluy
u koy rolo in holping individuuls suruco lhoir
ussumplions und losl lhom uguinsl lho colloclivo
oxporionco o lho communily.
"Ihs wos o very dllerenr course ro orhers l
hove orrended. lr choIIenged us ro rhnk our rhe
onswers lor ourseIves rorher rhon jusr gvng us
rhe onswers ro cerron quesrons"
Nerlae Leerala ea|er
ll is imporlunl lhul lourning communiculion skills
bocomos conlrul lo building cohosion. Providing limo
und spuco lo ongugo in mouningul diuloguo wilhin
und ucross communilios ullows or divorgonl viows lo
bo uirod und consonsus lo omorgo.
l Ieorned ro "Iook or myseIl ond my morvorons.
Io Iook or woys ol soIvng probIems rorher rhon
jusr compIonng obour rhem"
l Ieorned "perceprons con cIoud locrs"
l Ieorned "ro roIerore ond occepr orher peopIe
ond rher opnons"
Pre|essleael Per|ltljea|s ea ear erlslejs
Tho nood or ooclivo purlnorship working und
|oinod-up sorvico provision hus novor boon groulor.
Pul simply, lho probloms wo uco in 2Tsl Conlury 8riluin
huvo cuusos lhul uro so complox und inlorlwinod lhul
lhoy domund un ooclivo mulli-ugoncy rosponso lhul
works wi|h |ho commuoi|y to|hot |hoo lot |ho
Purlnorships roly upon lho broud involvomonl o koy
rogionul und locul orgunisulions. ll is lhorooro vilul
lhul Locul Aulhorilios oncourugo |oinod-up working und
muinluin u culluro lhul goos boyond orgunisulionul
silos. Mulli-disciplinury loums uro now lho norm in
lho public soclor, wilh public und privulo purlnorships
working lo uchiovo cross-culling oulcomos. Thoir lovols
o ooclivonoss und succoss is groully uoclod by lho
undorlying ulliludos und vuluos lhul purlnors bring lo
lho lublo, us woll us lho quulily o communiculion. All
loo olon purlnorships suor bocuuso lho vuluos lhul
undorpin lhom do nol supporl oponnoss, croulivily, or
"Good procrce rokes nor rhe Ine ol Ieosr
ressronce bur rhe horder yer more creorve rood
ol conhcr-monogemenr, medoron ond reIo-
ronshp buIdng."
Pleaala ea1 |aela wl|l la|ertal|arel Cemmaal|les, Ceme1le
"l Ieorned rhor rogerher peopIe con come
ro o decson ond ocheve whor rhey ore
commrred ro. lr's o posrve woy ro show
peopIe rhor chonge s possbIe."
Cemmaal| Lee1ersllj erlslej Per|ltljea|
Colluborulion holps lo build un undorslunding o
conloxl rulhor lhun conlonl. ln oocl, il undorminos our
londoncy lo ocus on lho purls, und ullows us lo ocus
insloud on lho wholo syslom lhul wo oporulo in.
Colluborulion involvos u procoss o nogoliulion
bolwoon lho vurious purls or pluyors who muko up u
communily. 8y co-crouling knowlodgo und huving il
vulidulod wo croulo whul is cullod 'uclionublo
knowlodgo. This is knowlodgo lhul is ompiricully busod,
und lhul lo somo oxlonl roplucos lho monlul modols lhul
impodo communily cohosion.
"1here was a genera| Iee||ng eI 'we've dene a|| we can.seme eI eur c||ents are
beyend he|p'. 1here was ||tt|e er ne |nIermat|en shar|ng between prejects te
address the cha||enges beth eur staII and c||ents Iaced. 5taII mera|e |n seme
prejects was |ew. As a resu|t eI the tra|n|ng, teams are werk|ng better tegether,
staII mera|e has |mpreved and we have exceeded eur quarter|y target Ier the
hrst t|me."
llle Pe||al, eaeer, 8rea| la I erl
"l lound myseIl obIe ro rhnk obove rhe probIems, ond rhen come
bock ond Iook or rhem ogon n o more reIoxed ond objecrve woy.
l couId rhen see whor couId be done n vorous sruorons. l goned
o beIel rhor r wos possbIe ro do rhngs rhor hod prevousIy seemed
kes|ea| Per||t|pe||ag |a e -eer Cemmca|| |eeer
We are passionate about our work, and we stand by our results
"Ihe course reoIIy mokes you rhnk ond provdes
nor jusr one bur mony oprons ond oIrernorve
woys ol opproochng rhngs"
Kelell la|erae|leael s|e|| mem|er
All loo olon, inlor-ugoncy purlnorships loso diroclion
or ull upurl us u rosull o divorgonl idous or unrosolvod
conicls, purlnorships in numo only. Yol conicl is un
inovilublo purl o building consonsus und cohosion und
so ull purlnorship building musl includo cupucily
building uround how lo munugo conicl. Through opon
diuloguo, pooplo cun oxumino |udgomonls und
proconcoplions, und oxploro how lo movo boyond
limiling idous. Proossionuls und communily mombors
nood supporl lo bo moro opon lo olhors viows und
idous, und musl dovolop lho skills lo munugo rulhor
lhun uvoid conicl.
"l lound rhe workshop ro be o breorh ol lresh or
n rs obIry ro rhrow oll oII rhe negorvry rhor
comes wrh Anr-5ocoI ehovour, Ienonr
Porrcporon ond communry coheson."
Klm !lemsea, !O Llelsea O||ter
"5roll were obIe ro shore experences ond
soIurons rhrough monoged roIe-pIoy ond
locIrored dscussons, rhese eIemenrs ol rhe
workshop were ncredbIy successluI.
Monogers n oII cenrres wrnessed posrve
behovour chonge omongsr sroll."
!emes rll|, eaeer !NO
Tho concopls inlroducod horo uro nol now. Thoy simply
roslulo u crilicul olomonl o susluining communilios und
building common unily - slrong und ooclivo
purlnorships und rolulionships. ln our lruining
workshops und progrummos, wo uddross lhoso uclors
(umongsl olhors} und huvo boon broughl in
spocicully lo supporl und oslor u slrulogic chungo o
culluro, which in lurn louds lo chungos in bohuviour.
Tho Kuizon modol o loudorship is nol uboul hiorurchy,
powor or conlrol. Loudorship, or us, hus lo do wilh
ownorship. l you upprouch siluulions rom lho posilion
lhul you huvo un ubilily lo rospond, you cun lhon muko
lhings huppon whorovor you uro in lho hiorurchy, or
wholhor or nol il is in your |ob doscriplion.
Foundolion lor lhe Fulure
No singlo progrummo howovor lurgo cun guurunloo
lusling improvomonls in communiculion. Wo soo our
progrummos us similur lo plunling u sood, luking curo
o il so il gorminulos, und lhon nurluring il so lhul il hus
u chunco lo grow und dovolop lho rosilionco il noods or
long-lorm survivul. ln ovorylhing wo do, wo inlroduco
lho coro communiculion skills oullinod horo, und lhoso
uro roinorcod lhroughoul.
Wo cun sol procossos in molion, ongugo und unilo
lho widor communily, incrouso skill lovols, impucl on
bohuviour pullorns und lho ulliludos bonoulh lhom, und
oslor rosourcoulnoss o ull purlicipunls. This luys lho
oundulion or lusling, susluinublo communilios.
Honesl Broker / 5lroighl Iolker
Wo huvo idonliod und llod u crilicul rolo in
communily building, Tho Hooos| 8tokot / S|toigh| To|kot.
Coming in rom lho oulsido wo uro ublo lo
oporulo us u noulrul pluyor, unluinlod by lho inovilublo
pusl oxporioncos und pro|udicos lhul ull purlios huvo
uboul ouch olhor. Wo cul lhrough lho provuiling culluro
o blumo und compluin, und build rolulionships busod
on rospocl und lrusl wilh ull purlios.
We lolk slroighl ond ore nol olroid lo conlronl
dilhcull issues (or individuols) und uro ublo lo
suy lhings lo bolh rosidonls und proossionuls lhul lhoy
could nol suy lo ouch olhor. ln lhis wuy, wo modol und
promolo u culluro o oponnoss und ombrucing chungo
und divorgonco.
Tho word Kuizon mouns 'conlinuul improvomonl und
lhis is ul lho hourl o our upprouch. Whulovor work wo
uro involvod in wo muko suro wo huvo clour inlondod
oulcomos, lhul wo do whul wo suy, und lhul wo uro
ulwuys looking or wuys lo improvo on whul wo do.
We hove never hod o dissolished clienl or
delivered o progromme lhol did nol more lhon
meel lhe inlended lorgels.
"1hreugh the|r enthus|asm and |nnevat|ve appreach, ka|zen manage te
engage even the |east |nterested and mest cyn|ca| eI de|egates. 1he|r tra|ners
are very sk|||ed and every werkshep de||vered by them has met er exceeded
the |ntended eutcemes and resu|ts. I can w|theut any reservat|en, h|gh|y
recemmend ka|zen as a tra|n|ng prev|der."
!lae !ler|, Nee1 e| Dlersl| ea1 !etlel latlaslea, Llerjeel Cl| Ceaatll
"lr s rme lor borh noronoI ond IocoI governmenr ro sr up ond recognse
rhe voIues ol such rronng groups. Ihs s rhe woy ro empower communres."
!lle Detres, Cemmaal| Lee1ersllj - erlslej Per|ltljea|

Progromme Elemenls
All our pro|ocls uro bospoko dosigns, und our
communily progrummos includo combinulions
o lho ollowing olomonls.
Communily Audil, Posourch und Fucl nding
Engugomonl o Posidonls, Proossionuls (or bolh}
Communily Loudorship Workshops
Proossionul Eoclivo Purlnorships Workshops
Engugomonl Truining und Supporl or Posidonls und Proossionuls
Cngoing Skills Workshops
Couching or Koy Purlnors und Chumpions o Chungo
Fucililuling Moolings, Evonls or Pro|ocls
Progrummo Evuluulion
Wonr ro hnd our more7 .Conrocr us
Cur work is slurling lo bo rocognisod und ucknowlodgod on u
widor slugo. Wo huvo roconlly boon uskod lo work wilh lho
London Crgunising Commilloo or lho Clympic Gumos (LCCCG}
lo bring our oxporliso on communily ongugomonl und
ompowormonl lo lho London 20T2 Gumos.
f you ore interested in hnding out more obout the
possibilities of working with Koizen, contoct us ond we will be
hoppy to give you o free hour of consultoncy on on issue you
wont support with.
IeI: 020 7485 5315
"1e get e er e peep|e te turn up en a weekend te d|scuss
the|r estate |s near |mpess|b|e and they managed |t every
t|me. 5e the methede|egy, a|theugh d|IIerent, rea||y werks."
Dee Freatls, Cemmaal| |aeemea| O||ter, L8 Cem1ea
We are passionate about our work, and we stand by our results

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