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Welcome to G5MicroEngine code name "Beef"

Squirrel 2.1.2 stable

Command line: E:\Game Kecil\supermarket mania\SupermarketMania\SupermarketMania.
[Display] Init: 800x600
[Display] D3D Driver: nv4_disp.dll
[Display] Description: NVIDIA GeForce 9100M G
[Display] Version:
[Display] Mode: 800 x 600 x X8R8G8B8
[SoundDriver] BASS v2.3.0.3
[SoundDriver] Device: Realtek HD Audio output
Profiles loaded.
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/console_00.tga (size: 128x64)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/console.fnt (height: 11 glyphs: 95)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/comic_00.tga (size: 256x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/comic.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 95)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/comic_small_00.tga (size: 256x128)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/comic_small.fnt (height: 27 glyphs: 95)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_20_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_20.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 141)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/money_numbers_00.tga (size: 256x64)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/money_numbers.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 10)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_14_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_14.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 12)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_16_blue_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_16_blue.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 136)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_16_dark_blue_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_16_dark_blue.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 136)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_20_blue_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_20_blue.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 136)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_20_red_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_20_red.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 136)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_20_dark_blue_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_20_dark_blue.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 136)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_32_dark_blue_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_32_dark_blue_01.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_32_dark_blue.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 140)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_32_blue_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_32_blue_01.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_32_blue.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 140)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_clock_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_clock.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 13)
[Texture] Loaded res/fonts/font_statistics_00.tga (size: 512x256)
[Font] Loaded res/fonts/font_statistics.fnt (height: 45 glyphs: 14)
loading pattern class: SimplePattern
loading pattern class: ComplexPattern
loading pattern class: DynamicPattern
loading pattern class: PointPattern
loading pattern class: StringPattern
loading pattern class: VarStringPattern
loading pattern class: ProductListPattern
loading object class: Checkout
loading object class: Exit
loading object class: Player
loading object class: StoreHouse
loading object class: TrashContainer
loading object class: ShelfRedApple
loading object class: ShelfSausage
loading object class: ShelfYoghurt
loading object class: ShelfOrange
loading object class: ShelfCabbage
loading object class: ShelfMelon
loading object class: ShelfPineapple
loading object class: ShelfPizza
loading object class: Trash
loading object class: CustomerYappy
loading object class: CustomerGrandma
loading object class: CustomerGirl
loading object class: ShelfFish
loading object class: ShelfCheese
loading object class: ShelfBeef
loading object class: ShelfChicken
loading object class: ShelfBanana
loading object class: ShelfTomato
loading object class: ShelfMilk
loading object class: ShelfGreenApple
loading object class: ShelfYellowApple
loading object class: ShelfBread
loading object class: ShelfIceCream
loading object class: ShelfChocolate
loading object class: ShelfZephyr
loading object class: ShelfMineral
loading object class: ShelfAquarium
loading object class: ShelfWater
loading object class: ShelfGum
loading object class: NavPoint
loading object class: CustomerHooligan
loading object class: CustomerThief
loading object class: MovieStarMale
loading object class: MovieStarFemale
loading object class: Guard
loading object class: ShelfTorgBanana
loading object class: ShelfTorgBeef
loading object class: ShelfTorgCheese
loading object class: ShelfTorgChicken
loading object class: ShelfTorgFish
loading object class: ShelfTorgGreenApple
loading object class: ShelfTorgMelon
loading object class: ShelfTorgMilk
loading object class: ShelfTorgMineral
loading object class: ShelfTorgPineapple
loading object class: ShelfTorgRedApple
loading object class: ShelfTorgTomato
loading object class: ShelfTorgYoghurt
loading object class: ShelfGlamAquarium
loading object class: ShelfGlamBanana
loading object class: ShelfGlamBeef
loading object class: ShelfGlamCabbage
loading object class: ShelfGlamGreenApple
loading object class: ShelfGlamIceCream
loading object class: ShelfGlamMelon
loading object class: ShelfGlamMilk
loading object class: ShelfGlamMineral
loading object class: ShelfGlamPineapple
loading object class: ShelfGlamPizza
loading object class: ShelfGlamRedApple
loading object class: ShelfGlamSausage
loading object class: ShelfGlamTomato
loading object class: ShelfGlamYellowApple
loading object class: ShelfGlamYoghurt
loading object class: ShelfGlamZephyr
loading object class: TorgTrashContainer
loading object class: TorgStoreHouse
loading object class: GlamTrashContainer
loading object class: GlamStoreHouse
loading object class: ShelfTorgSweet
loading object class: ShelfGlamCheese
loading object class: ShelfGlamChicken
loading object class: ShelfGlamChocolate
loading object class: ShelfGlamFish
loading object class: TorgTrash
loading object class: ShelfGlamKefir
loading object class: ShelfFinalAquarium
loading object class: ShelfFinalBanana
loading object class: ShelfFinalCabbage
loading object class: ShelfFinalCheese
loading object class: ShelfFinalChicken
loading object class: ShelfFinalChocolate
loading object class: ShelfFinalFish
loading object class: ShelfFinalGreenApple
loading object class: ShelfFinalIceCream
loading object class: ShelfFinalMelon
loading object class: ShelfFinalMilk
loading object class: ShelfFinalMineral
loading object class: ShelfFinalPineapple
loading object class: ShelfFinalPizza
loading object class: ShelfFinalRedApple
loading object class: ShelfFinalSausage
loading object class: ShelfFinalSweet
loading object class: ShelfFinalWater
loading object class: FinalStoreHouse
loading object class: ShelfCheapBeef
loading object class: ShelfCheapBread
loading object class: ShelfCheapCheese
loading object class: ShelfCheapChicken
loading object class: ShelfCheapChocolate
loading object class: ShelfCheapFish
loading object class: ShelfCheapIceCream
loading object class: ShelfCheapPizza
loading object class: ShelfCheapSausage
loading object class: ShelfCheapSweet
loading object class: ShelfCheapWater
loading object class: ShelfCheapZephyr
loading object class: CheapTrashContainer
loading object class: CheapStoreHouse
loading object class: ShelfCheapBanana
loading object class: ShelfCheapCabbage
loading object class: ShelfCheapGreenApple
loading object class: ShelfCheapPineapple
loading object class: ShelfCheapRedApple
loading object class: ShelfCheapMilk
loading object class: ShelfCheapMineral
loading object class: BonusMoney
loading object class: CustomerHooligannotrash
loading object class: BonusInfCart
loading object class: BonusSpeed
loading object class: BonusReturnDissatisfied
loading object class: Cashier
loading object class: Smail1
loading object class: Smail2
loading object class: Smail3
loading object class: Smail4
loading object class: FinalTrashContainer
loading object class: ShelfCheapMelon
loading object class: Decor
loading object class: CoffeeMachine
loading object class: TV
loading object class: Floor
loading object class: VideoCamera
loading object class: DecorGlam
loading object class: Arrow
loading object class: CustomerTutorial
loading object class: SmailClock
loading object class: ProductBubble
loading level class: Level1_1
loading level class: Level1_2
loading level class: Level1_3
loading level class: Level1_4
loading level class: Level2_1
loading level class: Level2_2
loading level class: Level2_3
loading level class: Level2_4
loading level class: Level2_5
loading level class: Level2_6
loading level class: Level2_7
loading level class: Level2_8
loading level class: Level2_9
loading level class: Level2_10
loading level class: Level2_11
loading level class: Level2_12
loading level class: Level3_1
loading level class: Level3_2
loading level class: Level3_3
loading level class: Level3_4
loading level class: Level3_5
loading level class: Level3_6
loading level class: Level3_7
loading level class: Level3_8
loading level class: Level3_9
loading level class: Level3_10
loading level class: Level3_11
loading level class: Level3_12
loading level class: Level4_1
loading level class: Level4_2
loading level class: Level4_3
loading level class: Level4_4
loading level class: Level4_5
loading level class: Level4_6
loading level class: Level4_7
loading level class: Level4_8
loading level class: Level4_9
loading level class: Level4_10
loading level class: Level4_11
loading level class: Level4_12
loading level class: Level5_1
loading level class: Level5_2
loading level class: Level5_3
loading level class: Level5_4
loading level class: Level5_5
loading level class: Level5_6
loading level class: Level5_7
loading level class: Level5_8
loading level class: Level5_9
loading level class: Level5_10
[Texture] Loaded res/Logo1.png (size: 800x600)
[ResourceManager] error: Can't load: res/Logo2.png
[Sound] Loaded sounds/G5_Logo.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 flags: 20000)
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/G5_Logo.ogg
[Texture] Loaded res/SplashDev.tga (size: 1024x1024)
created control: Back
created control: LoadingBar
ordered: Back
ordered: LoadingBar
[Texture] Loaded res/MenuLoading.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Effects_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level1_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Young_girl.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Yappie_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface2_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level3_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Thief_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level4_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Maincharacter_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface3_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level3_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Old_woman_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level5_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Female_celebrity.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Teenager.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface2_2.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface2_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Map_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level2_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Old_woman_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface3_2.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Male_celebrity.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface3_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Upgrade_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Upgrade2_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Maincharacter_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MainMenu2_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level4_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MenuUpgrade_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Effects_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level1_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MainMenu_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Upgrade_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MainMenu_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface2_4.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Hint_0.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface2_6.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MenuUpgrade_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level_Upgrades.tga (size: 512x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Hint_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface2_5.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level2_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface3_4.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MainMenu2_2.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Effects_2.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Upgrade2_1.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface3_6.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MainMenu_2.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface3_5.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface3_3.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Hint_2.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Yappie_1.tga (size: 512x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MainMenu2_3.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface2_7.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Upgrade2_2.tga (size: 1024x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/MainMenu2_1.tga (size: 1024x512)
[Texture] Loaded res/Interface2_3.tga (size: 512x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Security.tga (size: 1024x512)
[Texture] Loaded res/Level5_1.tga (size: 512x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/Shadows.tga (size: 512x512)
[Texture] Loaded res/Statistic.tga (size: 512x512)
[Texture] Loaded res/Gloves.tga (size: 512x512)
[Texture] Loaded res/Load.tga (size: 512x512)
[Texture] Loaded res/Table.tga (size: 512x256)
[Texture] Loaded res/food.tga (size: 512x256)
[Texture] Loaded res/Cashier.tga (size: 256x512)
[Texture] Loaded res/Map_1.tga (size: 1024x128)
[Texture] Loaded res/Gum.tga (size: 128x512)
[Texture] Loaded res/Objects.tga (size: 256x128)
[Texture] Loaded res/TimeNumbers.tga (size: 32x1024)
[Texture] Loaded res/WayPoints.tga (size: 128x128)
[Texture] Loaded res/Thief_1.tga (size: 64x128)
[Texture] Loaded res/TimeArrows.tga (size: 16x64)
created control: Background
created control: Stars
created control: Girl
ordered: Background
ordered: Girl
ordered: Stars
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/menu_music.ogg
[Music] Loaded sounds/menu_music.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 ctype: 655
38 flags: 0)
created control: ItemsFrame
created control: BGirl
created control: ButtonAbout
created control: ATileCaption
created control: ButtonScores
created control: PlayerBack
created control: PlayerWelcome
created control: ZStars
created control: PlayerName
created control: ButtonSelectPlayer
created control: ButtonExit
created control: ButtonSettings
created control: ButtonHelp
created control: ButtonNew
ordered: ItemsFrame
ordered: ATileCaption
ordered: BGirl
ordered: ButtonAbout
ordered: ButtonExit
ordered: ButtonHelp
ordered: ButtonNew
ordered: ButtonScores
ordered: ButtonSelectPlayer
ordered: ButtonSettings
ordered: PlayerBack
ordered: PlayerName
ordered: PlayerWelcome
ordered: ZStars
[Sound] Loaded sounds/button_highlited.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flag
s: 20000)
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/cursor_move.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags: 20
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/cursor_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/button_pressed.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags:
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_pressed.ogg
created control: Background
created control: Level5_10
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_7
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_6
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level1_1
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_8
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level5_4
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level1_2
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level5_2
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level1_4
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_12
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_1
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: LgBird
created control: Level4_3
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_2
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_5
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_4
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_11
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_10
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_11
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_12
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_10
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: MDescription
created control: ButtonPlay
created control: ButtonBack
created control: DescNameCenter
created control: DescName
created control: IncomeValue
created control: Income
created control: Level3_1
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_2
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_3
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_4
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_5
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_6
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_7
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_12
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_9
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_10
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_6
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_7
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_9
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level5_8
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level5_9
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level5_6
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level5_7
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_2
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_3
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_4
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_5
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level5_3
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_1
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: LfFountain
created control: Level5_5
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level4_9
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Air
created control: MoneyBack
created control: MoneyText
created control: Level5_1
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level2_8
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_11
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level3_8
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: Level1_3
warning: Class isn't specified for Frame
created control: BackASky
ordered: BackASky
ordered: Background
ordered: Air
ordered: MoneyBack
ordered: MoneyText
ordered: Level1_1
ordered: Level1_2
ordered: Level1_3
ordered: Level1_4
ordered: Level2_1
ordered: Level2_10
ordered: Level2_11
ordered: Level2_12
ordered: Level2_2
ordered: Level2_3
ordered: Level2_4
ordered: Level2_5
ordered: Level2_6
ordered: Level2_7
ordered: Level2_8
ordered: Level2_9
ordered: Level3_1
ordered: Level3_10
ordered: Level3_11
ordered: Level3_12
ordered: Level3_2
ordered: Level3_3
ordered: Level3_4
ordered: Level3_5
ordered: Level3_6
ordered: Level3_7
ordered: Level3_8
ordered: Level3_9
ordered: Level4_1
ordered: Level4_10
ordered: Level4_11
ordered: Level4_12
ordered: Level4_2
ordered: Level4_3
ordered: Level4_4
ordered: Level4_5
ordered: Level4_6
ordered: Level4_7
ordered: Level4_8
ordered: Level4_9
ordered: Level5_1
ordered: Level5_10
ordered: Level5_2
ordered: Level5_3
ordered: Level5_4
ordered: Level5_5
ordered: Level5_6
ordered: Level5_7
ordered: Level5_8
ordered: Level5_9
ordered: LfFountain
ordered: LgBird
ordered: MDescription
ordered: ButtonBack
ordered: ButtonPlay
ordered: DescName
ordered: DescNameCenter
ordered: Income
ordered: IncomeValue
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/menu_music.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/cursor_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_pressed.ogg
created control: ButtonExemplary
warning: Class isn't specified for Basket
warning: Class isn't specified for ProductList
created control: ButtonMenu
created control: TextMenu
created control: AExemplary
created control: ExemplaryText
created control: Money
warning: Class isn't specified for Arrow
warning: Class isn't specified for Back
warning: Class isn't specified for Money2
warning: Class isn't specified for Money0
warning: Class isn't specified for Money1
warning: Class isn't specified for Time
warning: Class isn't specified for Money3
created control: AMovieStar
created control: MovieStarText
created control: NEffect
ordered: AExemplary
ordered: ExemplaryText
ordered: AMovieStar
ordered: MovieStarText
ordered: ButtonExemplary
ordered: ButtonMenu
ordered: TextMenu
ordered: Money
ordered: NEffect
created control: ItemsFrame
created control: GoalMain
created control: CustomerIcon
created control: SecondaryText
created control: GoalExpert
created control: Customers
created control: Text
created control: Title
created control: CustomerBase
created control: ButtonOK
created control: GoalSecondary
created control: Teens
created control: Thieves
created control: LevelName
ordered: ItemsFrame
ordered: ButtonOK
ordered: CustomerBase
ordered: CustomerIcon
ordered: Customers
ordered: GoalExpert
ordered: GoalMain
ordered: GoalSecondary
ordered: LevelName
ordered: SecondaryText
ordered: Teens
ordered: Text
ordered: Thieves
ordered: Title
created control: CustomerBase_0
created control: CustomerIcon_0
created control: CustomerBase_1
created control: CustomerIcon_1
created control: CustomerBase_2
created control: CustomerIcon_2
created control: CustomerBase_3
created control: CustomerIcon_3
created control: CustomerBase_4
created control: CustomerIcon_4
[Scene] Object EffectsManager loaded
Loading level: Level3_12
[Scene] Object TileLayer0 loaded
[Scene] Object TileLayer1 loaded
[Scene] Object TileLayer2 loaded
[Scene] Object ShadowLayer loaded
[Scene] Object PassMap loaded
[Scene] Object Router loaded
Objects: 31
Triggers: 1
[Scene] Object Camera loaded
warning: no class for ScreenCenter
[Scene] Object Exit loaded
warning: no class for SpawnPoint
[Scene] Object ShelfCheese4 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfSausage5 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfFish6 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfChicken7 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfIceCream8 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfMilk9 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfMineral10 loaded
[Scene] Object Guard11 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfBanana13 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfRedApples14 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfPineapple15 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfMelon16 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfCabbage17 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint21 loaded
[Scene] Object TrashContainer0122 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint23 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint24 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint25 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint26 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint27 loaded
[Scene] Object Storehouse0128 loaded
[Scene] Object Checkout loaded
[Scene] Object Player loaded
[Scene] Object Cashier32 loaded
[Sound] Loaded sounds/player_move.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags: 20
[Sound] Loaded sounds/player_move_fast.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flag
s: 20000)
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_pressed.ogg
[Sound]: Play Music (null : 00000000)
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/main_theme3.ogg
[Music] Loaded sounds/main_theme3.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 ctype: 65
538 flags: 0)
[Scene] Object HintsManager loaded
[Sound] Loaded sounds/new_customer.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 flags: 2
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGrandma_0 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_1 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGirl_2 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_3 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_4 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/pinch.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags: 20000)
[CustomerThief_4] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to target
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_3 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_5 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_5 deleted
[Sound] Loaded sounds/empty_shelf.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags: 20
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_6 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_1 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_7 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_8 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerYappy_9 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_10 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_6 deleted
[Scene] Object Smail2_11 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_7 deleted
[Sound] Loaded sounds/guard_whistle.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags:
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_12 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/begin_angring_customer.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans:
1 flags: 20000)
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/begin_angring_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail2_11 deleted
[Scene] Object Smail3_13 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail3_13 deleted
error: [the index 'GetPosition' does not exist]
*FUNCTION [GetHostPosition()] scripts\effects\EffectObject.nut line [97]
*FUNCTION [Create()] scripts\effects\BasePattern.nut line [54]
*FUNCTION [Create()] scripts\effects\SimplePattern.nut line [45]
*FUNCTION [Create()] scripts\effects\DynamicPattern.nut line [68]
*FUNCTION [InitEffect()] scripts\effects\EffectObject.nut line [89]
*FUNCTION [CreateEffect()] scripts\effects\EffectsManager.nut line [92]
*FUNCTION [Update()] scripts\effects\ComplexPattern.nut line [83]
*FUNCTION [Update()] scripts\effects\EffectObject.nut line [174]
*FUNCTION [Update()] scripts\effects\EffectsManager.nut line [61]
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Effect] INSTANCE
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Effect] INSTANCE
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Effect] INSTANCE
[Effect] TABLE
[EffectID] "OrangeMove"
[_EffectsManager] INSTANCE
[_EffectObjectID] "CEffectObject_212"
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Data] "OrangeMove"
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Data] "OrangeMove"
[inc] 0
[Complex] TABLE
[AuxData] ARRAY
[i] 0
[_TimeDelta] 16
[_Effect] INSTANCE
[_TimeDelta] 16
[_Layer] 1
[i] 8
[_TimeDelta] 16
[_Layer] 1
error: [the index 'GetPosition' does not exist]
*FUNCTION [GetHostPosition()] scripts\effects\EffectObject.nut line [97]
*FUNCTION [Create()] scripts\effects\BasePattern.nut line [54]
*FUNCTION [Create()] scripts\effects\SimplePattern.nut line [45]
*FUNCTION [Create()] scripts\effects\DynamicPattern.nut line [68]
*FUNCTION [InitEffect()] scripts\effects\EffectObject.nut line [89]
*FUNCTION [CreateEffect()] scripts\effects\EffectsManager.nut line [92]
*FUNCTION [Update()] scripts\effects\ComplexPattern.nut line [83]
*FUNCTION [Update()] scripts\effects\EffectObject.nut line [174]
*FUNCTION [Update()] scripts\effects\EffectsManager.nut line [61]
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Effect] INSTANCE
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Effect] INSTANCE
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Effect] INSTANCE
[Effect] TABLE
[EffectID] "OrangeMove"
[_EffectsManager] INSTANCE
[_EffectObjectID] "CEffectObject_213"
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Data] "OrangeMove"
[_HostObject] INSTANCE
[_Placement] INSTANCE
[_Data] "OrangeMove"
[inc] 0
[Complex] TABLE
[AuxData] ARRAY
[i] 0
[_TimeDelta] 17
[_Effect] INSTANCE
[_TimeDelta] 17
[_Layer] 1
[i] 8
[_TimeDelta] 17
[_Layer] 1
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_14 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_10 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_15 loaded
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_4 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_16 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[CustomerThief_8] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to target
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_14 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_17 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_12 deleted
[Scene] Object Smail1_15 deleted
[Scene] Object Smail2_18 loaded
[Scene] Object Smail2_18 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object Trash_19 loaded
[Sound] Loaded sounds/falling_trash.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags:
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/falling_trash.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_20 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_17 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_21 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_20 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/refuse_action.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags:
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_22 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_22 deleted
[CustomerThief_16] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfCabbage17
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_23 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_24 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_25 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_21 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_23 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_26 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_25 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_26 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_27 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_28 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/money_profit.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 flags: 2
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_27 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_29 loaded
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_8 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_28 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_30 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_31 loaded
[Scene] Object Smail1_30 deleted
[Scene] Object Smail2_32 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail2_32 deleted
[CustomerThief_24] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfCabbage17
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerHooligan_33 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_34 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_29 deleted
[Scene] Object Smail2_35 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_36 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_16 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/slide_on_trash.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags:
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/slide_on_trash.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Trash_19 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/throw_out_trash.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 flags
: 20000)
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/throw_out_trash.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_36 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_34 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/begin_angring_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail2_35 deleted
[Scene] Object Smail3_37 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGrandma_0 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_38 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_38 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGrandma_39 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_40 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGirl_41 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_42 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_43 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail3_37 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_44 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_45 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_46 loaded
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_31 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_42 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_47 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_44 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_48 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_46 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_24 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_45 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_49 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/romp_begin.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 1 flags: 200
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/romp_begin.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_49 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/romp_begin.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_50 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_47 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_51 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_40 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_48 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_52 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_51 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_50 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_53 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_54 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_55 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_56 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_43] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfCabbage17
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_52 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerYappy_57 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_58 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_54 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_56 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_59 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_60 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_55] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfBanana13
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_53 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_60 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_59 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_61 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerYappy_9 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_62 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_63 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_58 deleted
[Scene] Object Trash_64 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/falling_trash.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGirl_2 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_65 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_61 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_66 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_67 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_63 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_68 loaded
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_43 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_66 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_69 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_67 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_69 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_68 deleted
[Scene] Object Trash_64 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_70 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_71 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_72 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_70 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_71 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/throw_out_trash.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_72 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_73 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_74 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_73 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_62 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_75 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_76 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_77 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_74 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_78 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_79 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_75 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_76 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_77 deleted
[Scene] Object Trash_80 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/falling_trash.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_78 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_81 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_82 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_83 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_83 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_82 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGirl_41 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_65 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_84 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_81 deleted
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_55 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Trash_80 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerHooligan_33 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_85 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/throw_out_trash.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_84 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_79] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfBanana13
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_86 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_85] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfCabbage17
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound] Loaded sounds/shop_close_alarm.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 flag
s: 20000)
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/shop_close_alarm.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_86 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGrandma_39 deleted
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/shop_closed.ogg
[Music] Loaded sounds/shop_closed.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 ctype: 65
538 flags: 0)
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_87 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_85 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_87 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_79 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerYappy_57 deleted
Profiles saved.
created control: ItemsFrame
created control: YouFailed
ordered: ItemsFrame
ordered: YouFailed
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/defeat.ogg
[Music] Loaded sounds/defeat.ogg (freq: 44100 origres: 0 chans: 2 ctype: 65538 f
lags: 10)
created control: ItemsFrame
created control: ButtonOK
created control: ButtonOKCenter
created control: Text
created control: ButtonCancel
ordered: ItemsFrame
ordered: ButtonCancel
ordered: ButtonOK
ordered: ButtonOKCenter
ordered: Text
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_pressed.ogg
created control: ItemsFrame
created control: ButtonReplay
created control: ValueLost
created control: SGoal
created control: SGoal_TXT
created control: SGoal_Ch
created control: ButtonContinue
created control: TextIncome
created control: ValueIncome
created control: TextStatus
created control: MGoal
created control: MGoal_Ch
created control: MGoal_TXT
created control: TextServed
created control: Title
created control: ButtonSkip
created control: TOP5_1
created control: TOP5_1_ICO
created control: TOP5_1_VALUE
created control: TextBonus
created control: ValueBonus
created control: TextLost
created control: TOP5_5
created control: TOP5_5_VALUE
created control: TOP5_5_ICO
created control: TOP5_4
created control: TOP5_4_VALUE
created control: TOP5_4_ICO
created control: TOP5_3
created control: TOP5_3_VALUE
created control: TOP5_3_ICO
created control: TOP5_2
created control: TOP5_2_VALUE
created control: TOP5_2_ICO
created control: BackStatus
created control: ValueStatus
created control: TOP5
created control: ValueServed
ordered: ItemsFrame
ordered: BackStatus
ordered: ValueStatus
ordered: ButtonContinue
ordered: ButtonReplay
ordered: ButtonSkip
ordered: MGoal
ordered: MGoal_Ch
ordered: MGoal_TXT
ordered: SGoal
ordered: SGoal_Ch
ordered: SGoal_TXT
ordered: TOP5
ordered: TOP5_1
ordered: TOP5_1_ICO
ordered: TOP5_1_VALUE
ordered: TOP5_2
ordered: TOP5_2_ICO
ordered: TOP5_2_VALUE
ordered: TOP5_3
ordered: TOP5_3_ICO
ordered: TOP5_3_VALUE
ordered: TOP5_4
ordered: TOP5_4_ICO
ordered: TOP5_4_VALUE
ordered: TOP5_5
ordered: TOP5_5_ICO
ordered: TOP5_5_VALUE
ordered: TextBonus
ordered: TextIncome
ordered: TextLost
ordered: TextServed
ordered: TextStatus
ordered: Title
ordered: ValueBonus
ordered: ValueIncome
ordered: ValueLost
ordered: ValueServed
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/shop_closed.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_pressed.ogg
[Sound]: Play Music (null : 00000000)
created control: ButtonExemplary
warning: Class isn't specified for Basket
warning: Class isn't specified for ProductList
created control: ButtonMenu
created control: TextMenu
created control: AExemplary
created control: ExemplaryText
created control: Money
warning: Class isn't specified for Arrow
warning: Class isn't specified for Back
warning: Class isn't specified for Money2
warning: Class isn't specified for Money0
warning: Class isn't specified for Money1
warning: Class isn't specified for Time
warning: Class isn't specified for Money3
created control: AMovieStar
created control: MovieStarText
created control: NEffect
ordered: AExemplary
ordered: ExemplaryText
ordered: AMovieStar
ordered: MovieStarText
ordered: ButtonExemplary
ordered: ButtonMenu
ordered: TextMenu
ordered: Money
ordered: NEffect
created control: ItemsFrame
created control: GoalMain
created control: CustomerIcon
created control: SecondaryText
created control: GoalExpert
created control: Customers
created control: Text
created control: Title
created control: CustomerBase
created control: ButtonOK
created control: GoalSecondary
created control: Teens
created control: Thieves
created control: LevelName
ordered: ItemsFrame
ordered: ButtonOK
ordered: CustomerBase
ordered: CustomerIcon
ordered: Customers
ordered: GoalExpert
ordered: GoalMain
ordered: GoalSecondary
ordered: LevelName
ordered: SecondaryText
ordered: Teens
ordered: Text
ordered: Thieves
ordered: Title
created control: CustomerBase_0
created control: CustomerIcon_0
created control: CustomerBase_1
created control: CustomerIcon_1
created control: CustomerBase_2
created control: CustomerIcon_2
created control: CustomerBase_3
created control: CustomerIcon_3
created control: CustomerBase_4
created control: CustomerIcon_4
[Scene] Object EffectsManager loaded
Loading level: Level3_12
[Scene] Object TileLayer0 loaded
[Scene] Object TileLayer1 loaded
[Scene] Object TileLayer2 loaded
[Scene] Object ShadowLayer loaded
[Scene] Object PassMap loaded
[Scene] Object Router loaded
Objects: 31
Triggers: 1
[Scene] Object Camera loaded
warning: no class for ScreenCenter
[Scene] Object Exit loaded
warning: no class for SpawnPoint
[Scene] Object ShelfCheese4 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfSausage5 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfFish6 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfChicken7 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfIceCream8 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfMilk9 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfMineral10 loaded
[Scene] Object Guard11 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfBanana13 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfRedApples14 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfPineapple15 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfMelon16 loaded
[Scene] Object ShelfCabbage17 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint21 loaded
[Scene] Object TrashContainer0122 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint23 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint24 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint25 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint26 loaded
[Scene] Object NavPoint27 loaded
[Scene] Object Storehouse0128 loaded
[Scene] Object Checkout loaded
[Scene] Object Player loaded
[Scene] Object Cashier32 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_highlited.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/button_pressed.ogg
[Sound]: Play Music (null : 00000000)
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/main_theme3.ogg
[Scene] Object HintsManager loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGrandma_0 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_1 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGirl_2 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_3 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_4 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_3 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_5 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_5 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_6 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_6 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_7 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_1 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[CustomerThief_4] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to target
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_8 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_9 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerYappy_10 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_11 loaded
[Scene] Object Smail1_7 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_12 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_12 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_13 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_9] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to target
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_8 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_14 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_11 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_13 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_15 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_16 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_17 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_16 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_18 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_18 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_4] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to target
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_15 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_19 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_20 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_20 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_14 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_21 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_19 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_22 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_23 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_17] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfCheese4
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/refuse_action.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_21 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_23 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_24 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_25 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_26 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_22 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_27 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_25 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_28 loaded
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_4 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_27 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_28 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_29 loaded
[CustomerThief_17] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfCheese4
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_26 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_30 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_29 deleted
[CustomerThief_24] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfBanana13
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_9 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_31 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_32 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_31 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_33 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_34 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_30 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerHooligan_35 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_36 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_34 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_32 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_37 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[CustomerThief_33] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfBanana13
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_36 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_38 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_37 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGirl_2 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_17 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_39 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGrandma_40 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_41 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGirl_42 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_43 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_44 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_38 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_45 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_43 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_46 loaded
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_24 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_45 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGrandma_0 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_44] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfChicken7
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_39 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_47 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_46 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_48 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/romp_begin.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_47 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/romp_begin.ogg
[CustomerThief_33] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfCheese4
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_49 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_50 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_49 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_48 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_51 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_52 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_41 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_51 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerYappy_53 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_54 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_55 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_56 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_52 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_57 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_56 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_58 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_44] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfBanana13
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_55 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_58 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_59 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_57 deleted
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_33 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_54 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_60 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_61 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_62 loaded
[Scene] Object CustomerYappy_10 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_60 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_63 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_64 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_63 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_59 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_64 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_65 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_66 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_67 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_66 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_68 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_65 deleted
[Scene] Object Trash_69 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/falling_trash.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_67 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_70 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_71 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_68 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object Trash_69 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_72 loaded
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_61 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_44 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/throw_out_trash.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_70 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_72 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_73 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_74 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_71 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_75 loaded
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_74 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_62 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_76 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_77 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_73 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_77 deleted
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_50 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_76 deleted
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_78 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_79 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_78 deleted
[Scene] Object CustomerGirl_42 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_79 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound sounds/pinch.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/new_customer.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_80 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_81 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerHooligan_35 deleted
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_75 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[CustomerThief_80] warning: !!! Customer_GoToNextPoint: Can't find path to targe
t ShelfBanana13
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_81 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_82 loaded
[Sound]: Play Sound Loop sounds/player_move.ogg
[Scene] Object ProductBubble_82 deleted
[Sound]: Stop Sound FadeOut sounds/player_move.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/empty_shelf.ogg
[Scene] Object Smail1_83 loaded
[Scene] Object Smail1_83 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/shop_close_alarm.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerGrandma_40 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/shop_closed.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/money_profit.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerYappy_53 deleted
[Sound]: Play Sound sounds/guard_whistle.ogg
[Scene] Object CustomerThief_80 deleted
Profiles saved.
created control: ItemsFrame
created control: YouFailed
ordered: ItemsFrame
ordered: YouFailed
[Sound]: Play Music sounds/defeat.ogg
[Display] close window
[Sound]: Play Music (null : 00000000)
Profiles saved.

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