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We take immense pleasure in thanking M#. A*h)9 P"#$9h2 M"n"1$n1 D$#:t)#, and
D#. D!t$ +h"#1"5", our beloved P#$n:$!"% for having permitted us to carry out this
project work.
We wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to my project uide2 M"n$*h
Sh"#("2 P#)&.2 Sh#$n"th4$ G#)'! )& In*t$t't*2 D!"#t(nt )& M"n"1(nt2 for
his able guidance and useful suggestions, which helped us in completing the project
work, in time.
!inally, yet importantly, " would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my beloved
parents for their blessings, my friends#classmates for their help and wishes for the
successful completion of this project.
M)n$9" *"n",h6"
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$ompetition mapping offers a <uick and easy visual guide of nearby competitors to a
selected site. 1 retailer looking to open a location in a new area should take
competitor data into account when analy=ing specific locations. "f you were looking to
open a pi==a shop, you probably would not want to do so in a building that has >
other competing pi==a shops within a / block radius. .ou would more than likely want
to be located in an area where there are few competing businesses.
1ccording to the + 9 1 () .+ . + ma ll 9 u si n e ss 1 dm in istratio n ? , one of the e ss e n ti a l
e leme n ts o f a g oo d bu sin e ss p la n is a market analysis which includes research on
your business industry, the market, and your competitors.
1 competitor analysis can include identifying who your competition is, where they are
located, the types of products and services they offer, hours of operation, marketing
tactics they use, etc. @nowing where your competition is located can be a primary
factor in the market you target and site that you choose.
1 more inAdepth approach to competition mapping is what is known as a g a p
ana ly sis. 1 gap analysis is a report that is compiled from competitor data and market
information on a specific location or target area to determine whether there is a
or shortage (known as Bgaps? of a product or
While competition mapping is <uick and easy and gives you a visual understanding
of where your competitors are located, a gap analysis can include much more;
Overall market#location information
'esident lifestyle and shopping habits
9usiness and workforce mix
eneral demographics such as population and income
$ompetition data
0arket gaps
$ompetition mapping and gap analysis can be used to help effectively market
properties to potential buyers#lessees. !or example, an owner of a shopping center
seeking new tenants for vacant spaces can use a gap analysis to determine what
types of products or services are needed their center. 1 gap analysis can be
used to determine what types of tenants to look for and as a way to entice those
tenants to
lease spaces. %his type of strategy could help reduce BhapAha=ardous marketing
that can be costly and ineffective.
Overall, the keys to any successful business venture are to know your market and
use your tools and resources wisely.
$ustomer satisfaction, a term fre<uently used in ma rk e ti n g , is a measure of how
products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation.
$ustomer satisfaction is defined as Cthe number of customers, or percentage of total
customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings?
exceeds specified satisfaction goals.C "n a survey of nearly /DD senior marketing
managers, E& percent responded that they found a customer satisfaction metric very
useful in managing and monitoring their businesses
"t is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a
9 a la n c e d +c o rec a rd . "n a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for
customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has
become a key element of business strategy
CWithin organi=ations, customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects. %hey
focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers2 expectations. !urthermore,
when these ratings dip, they warn of problems that can affect sales and profitability. . . .
%hese metrics <uantify an important dynamic. When a brand has loyal customers, it
gains positive wordAofAmouth marketing, which is both free and highly
%herefore, it is essential for businesses to effectively manage customer satisfaction.
%o be able do this, firms need reliable and representative measures of satisfaction.
C"n researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customers whether their product or
service has met or exceeded expectations. %hus, expectations are a key factor
satisfaction. When customers have high expectations and the reality falls short, they
will be disappointed and will likely rate their experience as less than satisfying. !or
this reason, a luxury resort, for example, might receive a lower satisfaction rating
than a
budget motelFeven though its facilities and service would be deemed superior in
GabsoluteG terms.
%he importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has
increased ba rg a ini n g po w e r . !or example, c e ll p h on e plan providers, such
as 1 % * % an d 5 e ri= o n , participate in an industry that is an o lig opo ly , where only a few
suppliers of a certain product or service exist. 1s such, many cell phone plan contracts
have a lot of f in e p rin t with provisions that they would never get away if there were,
say, a hundred cell phone plan providers, because customer satisfaction would be
way too low, and customers would easily have the option of leaving for a better contract
%here is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits
of customer satisfaction for firms.
1 business ideally is continually seeking feedback to improve customer
C$ustomer satisfaction provides a leading indicator of consumer purchase intentions
and loyalty.C C$ustomer satisfaction data are among the most fre<uently
collected indicators of market perceptions. %heir principal use is twofold;C
&. CWithin organi=ations, the collection, analysis and dissemination of these data
send a message about the importance of tending to customers and ensuring
they have a positive experience with the company2s goods and
/. C1lthough sales or market share can indicate how well a firm is
performing currently, satisfaction is perhaps the best indicator of how likely it
that the firm2s customers will make further purchases in the future. 0uch
research has focused on the relationship between customer satisfaction and
retention. +tudies indicate that the ramifications of satisfaction are most
strongly reali=ed at the extremes.C On a fiveApoint scale, Cindividuals who
rate their satisfaction level as G8G are likely to become return customers and
might even evangeli=e for the firm. (1 second important metric related to
satisfaction is willingness to recommend. %his metric is defined as C%he
percentage of surveyed customers who indicate that they would
recommend a brand to friends.C When a customer is satisfied with a
product, he or she might recommend it to friends, relatives and
colleagues. %his can be a powerful marketing advantage.? C"ndividuals who
rate their satisfaction level as G by contrast, are unlikely to return. !urther,
they can hurt the firm by making negative comments about it to prospective
customers. W illin g ne ss to re c o m me n d is a key metric relating to customer
Organi=ations need to retain existing customers while targeting nonAcustomers.
0easuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the
organi=ation is at providing products and#or services to the marketplace.
C$ustomer satisfaction is measured at the individual level, but it is almost always
reported at an aggregate level. "t can be, and often is, measured along various
dimensions. 1 hotel, for example, might ask customers to rate their experience with its
front desk and checkAin service, with the room, with the amenities in the room, with
the restaurants, and so on. 1dditionally, in a holistic sense, the hotel might ask
about overall satisfaction Gwith your stay.G
1s research on consumption experiences grows, evidence suggests that consumers
purchase goods and services for a combination of two types of benefits; hedonic
and utilitarian. 3edonic benefits are associated with the sensory and experiential
attributes of the product. )tilitarian benefits of a product are associated with the more
instrumental and functional attributes of the product (9atra and 1thola &HHD?.
$ustomer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual
manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and
product#service to product#service. %he state of satisfaction depends on a number of
both psychological and physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviors
such as return and recommend rate. %he level of satisfaction can also vary depending
on other options the customer may have and other products against which the
customer can compare the organi=ationGs products.
Work done by ,arasuraman, Ieithaml and 9erry (4eonard 4? between &HJ8 and
&HJJ provides the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a service by
using the gap between the customerGs expectation of performance and their
perceived experience of performance. %his provides the measurer with a satisfaction
CgapC which is objective and <uantitative in nature. Work done by $ronin and %aylor
propose the Cconfirmation#disconfirmationC theory of combining the CgapC described by
,arasuraman, Ieithaml and 9erry as two different measures (perception and
expectation of performance? into a single measurement of performance according to
%he usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a s u rv e y w ith a set of
statements using a 4 ikert %ec h n i< u e o r scale. %he customer is asked to evaluate
each statement and in term of their perception and expectation of performance of the
organi=ation being measured. %heir satisfaction is generally measured on a fiveApoint
C$ustomer satisfaction data can also be collected on a &DApoint
C'egardless of the scale used, the objective is to measure customers2
satisfaction with their experience of a firm2s offerings.C "t is essential for firms
effectively manage customer satisfaction. %o be able do this, we need
accurate measurement of satisfaction.
ood <uality measures need to have high satisfaction loadings, good reliability, and low
error variances. "n an empirical study comparing commonly used satisfaction measures
it was found that two multiAitem s e m a n tic d iffe re n ti a l s cales performed best across
both hedonic and utilitarian service consumption contexts. 1ccording to studies by
Wirt= * 4ee (/DD6? they identified a sixAitem EApoint s em a n tic d iffe re n tia l s cale (e.g.,
Oliver and +wan &HJ6?, which is a sixAitem EApoint bipolar scale, that consistently
performed best across both hedonic and utilitarian services. "t loaded most highly on
satisfaction, had the highest item reliability, and had by far the lowest error variance
across both studies.
"n the study, the six items asked respondents2 evaluation of their most recent
experience with 1%0 services, along seven points within these six items; Bplease me
A displeased me , Bcontented with A disgusted with , Bvery satisfied with A very
with , Bdid a good job for me A did a poor job for me , Bwise choice A poor
choice and
Bhappy with A unhappy
with .
1 s e ma n tic d iffe re n ti a l (7 items? scale (e.g., -roglu and 0achleit &HHD?, which is a
fourA item EApoint bipolar scale, was the second best performing measure, which was
again consistent across both contexts. "n the study, respondents were asked to
evaluate their experiencewith both products, along seven points
withinthese four items;
Bsatisfied to dissatisfied , Bfavorable to unfavorable , Bpleasant to unpleasant and
B" like
it very much to " didn2t like it at
%he third best scale was singleAitem percentage measure, a oneAitem EApoint bipolar
scale (e.g., Westbrook &HJD?. 1gain, the respondents were asked to evaluate their
experience on both 1%0 services and ice cream restaurants, along seven points
Bdelighted to
"t seems that dependent on a tradeAoff between length of the <uestionnaire and <uality
of satisfaction measure, these scales seem to be good options for measuring
customer satisfaction in academic and applied studies research alike. 1ll other
measures tested
consistently performed worse than the top three measures, and#or their performance
varied significantly across the two service contexts in their study. %hese results suggest
that more careful pretesting would be prudent should these measures be used.
!inally, all measures captured both affective and cognitive aspects of satisfaction,
independent of their scale anchors. 1ffective measures capture a consumer2s attitude
(liking#disliking? towards a product, which can result from any product information or
experience. On the other hand, cognitive element is defined as an appraisal
conclusion on how the product2s performance compared against expectations
exceeded or fell short of expectations?, was useful (or not useful?, fit the situation (or
did not fit?, exceeded the re<uirements of the situation (or did not exceed?.
1 me ric a n $us t o me r + a ti s f a ct io n "n de x (1$+"? is a scientific standard of customer
satisfaction. 1cademic research has shown that the national 1$+" score is a strong
predictor of ross ( o me stic ,ro d u ct ( (,? growth, and an even stronger predictor
of , e rs ona l $ o n s u m p ti o n - x pe n d it u re (, $-? growth. On the m ic roe c o n o m ic le vel,
academic studies have shown that 1$+" data is related to a firmGs financial performance
in terms of re tu rn o n in v e stme n t ('O"?, sales, longAterm firm value (% o b inGs <? , c a sh
f lo w , cash flow volatility, hum a n c ap it a l performance, po rtfo lio ret urns, d e b t financing,
risk, and consumer spending "ncreasing 1$+" scores has been shown to predict loyalty,
wordAofAmouth recommendations, and purchase behavior. %he 1$+" measures
customer satisfaction annually for more than /DD companies in 76 industries and &D
economic sectors. "n addition to <uarterly reports, the 1$+" methodology can be applied
to private sector companies and government agencies in order to improve loyalty
and purchase intent. %wo companies have been licensed to apply the methodology
of the 1$+" for both the private and public sector; $!" ro up , "n c. and ! o res e e 'es u lts
a pply the 1$+" to websites and other online initiatives. 1+$" scores have also
been calculated by independent researchers, for example, for
the mobile phones




h igher education,




a nd e lec t ro n ic
ma il .
%he @ an o m o de l is a theory of product development and customer satisfaction
developed in the &HJDs by ,rofessor Nor ia ki @ a n o that classifies customer
preferences into five categories; 1ttractive, OneA(imensional, 0ustA9e, "ndifferent,
'everse. %he @ano model offers some insight into the product attributes which are
perceived to be important to customers.
+-'5M)14 or '1%-' is a serviceA<uality framework that has been incorporated
into customerAsatisfaction surveys (e.g., the revised Norwegian $ustomer
+atisfaction 9arometer to indicate the gap between customer expectations and
N.(. , o w e r an d 1ss o c ia te s p rovides another measure of customer satisfaction, known
for its topAbox approach and automotive industry rankings. N.(. ,ower and
1ssociatesG marketing research consists primarily of consumer surveys and is publicly
known for the value of its product awards.
Other research and consulting firms have customer satisfaction solutions as well.
%hese include 1 .% . @ ea rn e yGs $ustomer +atisfaction 1udit process, which
incorporates the
+tages of -xcellence framework and which helps define a company2s status against
eight critically identified dimensions.
!or 9usiness to 9usiness (9/9? surveys there is the "nfo Muest box. %his has been
used internationally since &HJH on more than &&D,DDD surveys (Nov GDH? with an
average response rate of E/.E7O. %he box is targeted at Cthe most importantC
customers and avoids the need for a blanket survey.
"n the -uropean )nion member states, many methods for measuring impact and
satisfaction of e Ag o v ernm e n t s ervices are in use, which the e o v 0 o Net p roject
sought to compare and harmoni=e.
%hese customer satisfaction methodologies have not been independently audited by
the 0 a rk e ti n g 1cc oun tab ility +t anda rds 9 oa rd (0 1+9? a ccording to 00 1, (0 a rketing
0 e tric 1 ud it ,rot o c o l? .
K)t"9 S:'#$t$* P5t. Lt,.
Originally established in &HH7, @otak +ecurities is a subsidiary of @otak 0ahindra
9ank, which services more than E.7 lakh customers. %he firm has a wide network of
more than &7DD branches, franchisees representative offices, and satellite offices
across 77J cities in "ndia and offices in New .ork, 4ondon, (ubai, 0auritius and
+ingapore. We process more than 7DDDDD trades a day which is much higher than
some of the renowned international brokers.
%he company is a corporate member of both %he 9ombay +tock -xchange (9+-?
and %he National +tock -xchange of "ndia (N+-?. Our operations include stock
broking services for trading in stock markets through branches * internet and
distribution of various financial products including investments in ",Os, 0utual !unds
and $urrency (erivatives. $urrently, @otak +ecurities is one of the largest broking
houses in "ndia with substantial geographical reach to 1sia ,acific, -urope, 0iddle
-ast and 1merica. @otak +ecurities 4imited has 's. &,/D/ crore of 1ssets )nder
0anagement (1)0? as of
6&st (ec, /D&&.
We have been the pioneers in providing many products and services which have
now become industry standards for stock broking in "ndia. +ome of them include;
0obile stock trading application to keep track of your investments even on the go
!acility of 0argin !inance to the customers for online stock trading
"nvesting in ",Os and 0utual !unds on the phone
+0+ alerts before execution of depository transactions
1uto "nvest A 1 systematic investing plan in -<uities and 0utual funds
,rovision of margin against securities automatically against shares in your
(emat account
R*"#:h E=!#t$*7
We speciali=e in !undamental and %echnical analysis backed by a team of highly
trained and <ualified individuals. Our fullAfledged research division is involved in
0acro -conomic studies, +ectorial research and $ompany +pecific -<uity 'esearch
which publishes inAdepth stock market analysis. %his is combined with a strong
and well networked sales force which helps deliver current and up to date market
information and news.
We are also a depository participant with National +ecurities (epository 4imited (N+(4?
and $entral (epository +ervices 4imited ($(+4?. 9y being a stock broker and
depositary participant, we provide dual benefit in our services wherein the investors
can avail our stock broking services for executing the transactions and the
depository services for settling them. Our ,ortfolio 0anagement +ervice comes as
an answer to those who would like to grow exponentially on the crest of the stock
market, with the backing of an expert.
@otak +ecurities caters to both primary and secondary market under the e<uity
segment. %he primary market provides the channel for creation and sale of new
securities, while the secondary market deals in securities previously issued. %he +tock
market or -<uities market is where listed securities are traded in the secondary
market. $urrently more than &6DD securities are available for trading on the National
+tock -xchange (N+-? and over >DDD on 9ombay +tock -xchange (9+-?.
?h6 E>'$t6@
0any people are afraid of stock market investment due to the fear that a fall in stock
market might jeopardi=e their financial security. 3owever, weGre aware that thereGs an
element of risk in all investments. 3olding cash in our bank accounts is considered to
be very safe, but historically it has not always provided an ade<uate hedge against
inflation. +o, cash cannot be considered as the most effective for longAterm
investment. $learly, -<uity investment can provide excellent longAterm returns,
illustrated by the chart below;
%he key to successful stock market investment lies in appreciating the longAterm
nature of the returns and keeping away from worries of dayAtoAday uncertainties.
5olatility is the reality of the stock market. 1 disciplined and informed approach will
always help in taking control of your money. @otak +ecurities always strives to keep
its customers
informed of all the stock market events to help you make an informed decision.
?h"t $n*t#'(nt* "# *'!!)#t, 86 K)t"9 S:'#$t$* P%"t&)#(@
!ollowing are the various instruments that are available to trade through @otak
A -<uity +hares
A ,reference +hares
A ,artly $onvertible (ebentures
A !ully $onvertible (ebentures
A NonA$onvertible (ebentures
A Warrants # $oupons # +ecured ,remium Notes# other 3ybrids
A 9onds
)nits of 0utual !unds
?h"t "# 6)'@ An $n5*t)# )# " t#",#@
.ou can make money in e<uity market by investing or trading or both. 3owever, to
avoid disappointment of losing money, customers should make very prudent and
informed decisions.
AIn5*t)#*A put their money into stocks for a long term. %his is under the principle
that over time, the underlying investment will increase in value, and the investment will
be profitable.
On the other hand At#",#*A take a proactive approach to their investing. %hey follow
or predict a trend in the stock and use strategies like buyAlow, sellAhigh and make
profits. %hough there is really no right or wrong type of stock trading, it is necessary for
you to identify which type of trading is right for you. .ou can make a great amount of
money either wayP however, you must consider your time frame, risk, and how much
work you want to put into it.
While traders can make more money much faster, they are re<uired to do more work
and monitoring than the typical investor. (etermine what type of trader you want to
be, and then make sure that the people you take guidance from have the same goals
as you.
?"6* 6)' :"n 8'6 E>'$t6 )n K)t"9 S:'#$t$* !%"t&)#(7
N)#("% O#,#7
1ll buy orders are normal orders. +ell orders placed without having shares in your
demat account can be placed under normal. %hese are short sale orders and can
be placed if sufficient limits are available in the account.
L$($t O#,#7
%he order refers to a buy or sells order with a limit price. %he investor specifies the
price while placing the order.
M"#9t O#,#7
%he market order means buying or selling at the current market
St)! L)** O#,#7
1 +top 4oss Order is placed to minimi=e the losses. "t allows the trading member to
place an order, which gets activated only when the last traded price (4%,? of the
share is reached or crosses a threshold price known as the trigger price. %he trigger
price will be <uoted as per the risk you are ready to bear.
10O stands for 1fter 0arket Order. "t is a facility that @otak +ecurities extends to its
customers whereby they can place orders even after the trading hours of a particular
day. %here is a &DO price band for placing 10Os. %his facility is available in the time
slots mentioned below;
1nytime between 6.6D p.m. to &.DD a.m.
1nytime between 7.6D a.m. to H.DD a.m.
@otak +ecurities has introduced service of 9N+% i.e. 9uy Now +ell %omorrow where
client will be allowed to sell the entire 9). <uantity but the responsibility of any
short fall in delivery will be clientsG as it is not guaranteed by @otak +ecurities.
-.g. for 9N+%; +uppose you have bought &DD shares of -"3 on % (ay. %he
settlement day for this buy transaction is %Q/ (ay. .ou can sell these &DD shares of
-"3 under 9N+% either on %Q& (ay or on %Q/ (ay. 1s this scrip is not in specified list
of 9N+%, @otak +ecurities doesnGt guarantee the delivery of these shares.
In$t$"% P'8%$: O&&#$n1 0IPO-
1n initial public offering, or ",O, is the first sale of stock by a company to the public.
1 company can raise money by issuing either debt or e<uity. "f the company has
never issued e<uity to the public, itGs known as an ",O.
"nvesting in ",Os is not complex anymore, @otak +ecurities has made buying ",Os
very simple. 1ll you have to do is make one phone call, and thatGs all. No ",O
application forms, no <ueues, simply pick the phone or log on to
ww w .k o ta ks e c u riti e s.c o m and place your ",O order within seconds.
We also provide with you with information on ",O News, forthcoming ",Os in "ndia
and a lots more. %o start investing in ",Os, all you need to do is open an online trading
account. $hoose from our wide range of accounts that suits your investment needs.
R$1ht In5*t(nt P"#tn#
We see investing from your perspective, and make recommendations based on your
needs. One of our important goals is to simplify investing for youP along with this we
also provide long term values to our customers.
We have a million reasons for you to choose us. 4isted below are a few;
+tability; We are a subsidiary of @otak 0ahindra 9ank and one of the oldest and largest
stock broking firms in the "ndustry. We have been the first and only N9!$ to receive
the license to be converted into a bank.
"nnovators in the "ndustry; We have been the first in providing many products
and services which have now become industry standards.
!irst to provide 0argin !inancing to the customers
!irst to enable investing in ",Os and 0utual !unds on the phone
,roviding +0+ alerts before execution of depository transactions
4aunching of 0obile application to track portfolio
1uto"nvest A 1 systematic investing plan in -<uities and 0utual fund
,rovision of margin against securities automatically against shares in your (emat
5alue; Whether you are a customer with a small or large wallet si=e, you can expect
us to bring value to you in every form.
Muality 'esearch
Muick trade execution
4ow brokerages
1ccounts that suit your investment profile
'isk ,rofiler
+uperior $ustomer +ervice
+ervice; We believe in high standards of service and thatGs precisely what we offer.
"tGs an honour to be awarded the most customer responsive company award in the
!inancial "nstitution sector by 151.1 lobal$onnect 1ward both in /DD> and /DDE
'obust %echnology; We have developed our own proprietary trading platform which
is robust and among the best in the industry. We have more than &8D technology
professionals constantly working on upgrading and speeding up all our systems.
$entralised 'isk 0anagement +ystem; )nlike many other players we have a
centralised risk management system. %his allows us to offer the same levels of
service to customers across all locations.
-xceptional 'esearch; )nlike most other competitors we have our own in house
research team. Our in house research team is among the best in the industry and
they have years of experience in the financial markets. %hey scan through the
plethora of stocks and find the scrips that have high potential of providing you good
Our investors get research %echnical, !undamental, (erivatives, 0acroAeconomic
and mutual fund research.
4arge ,resence; We are present in 77E cities with &7/D outlets all over the country.
Our employee strength extends beyond 6JDD.
0ultiple +hare %rading ,latforms
We understand your trading needs. "f youGre an Online $ustomer, @otak +ecurities
offers multiple mechanisms to place your trade. 9e it a wi fiA=one or a cybercafR or
6 connection or ,'+ handset or a completely aloof from internet =one, youGll
always have access to trade through @otak +ecurities. We are one of the brokers
to have the highest number of trading platforms to serve your trading needs.
0ode 1pplication
%ype of
+atisfying Need
"nternet Website Web 1ccess all the features on the web
(esktop @- 1 % ,ro:
.-:- based
)ltra high speed experience with
advanced features. -xe based
(esktop !1+%41N- Nava applet
@-1%,ro: like experience when your
office premises do not allow
application installations
0 ob ile +t o ck
% ra d e r
3igh speed trading experience on a
0obile #
:tralite Web
When you have a weak internet
$all and
A When youGre not in an "nternet =one
A When youGre not in an "nternet =one
+hare 0arket -ducation
When it comes to online trading, lack of certainty leads to inaction. One needs to be
completely informed about the markets, online trading applications, processes and
basics of investing. @otak +ecurities has created several programs to help you
learn everything about the stock market investing. %his initiative has helped several
customers learn stock markets and online trading and become successful traders.
9elow are few of our programs and demos under the customer education initiative;
@otak +ecurities 1cademy; 1n online initiative that depicts our relentless commitment
to educate on the basics of investing, with a collection on -<uities, (erivatives and
0utual !unds.
+mart +tart; 1n inspiring storyboard for young investors to understand the importance
of saving and investing for the future.
Webinars; 1s a customer of @otak +ecurities, youGll be invited to all our
educative webinars from time to time. .ouGll get to learn online trading methods
with @otak +ecurities and tactics of stock market investing.
3ori=on; 1 fortnightly newsletter that educates you on various assetAclasses
and updates you on the markets.
'esearch 'eports; 9e informed of every investment you make by referring to
our various detailed reports. .ouGll have an access to
"ndustryAlevel reports
$ompany specific reports
0utual !und recommendation reports
$urrency derivatives reports
'esearch +eminars; We conduct workshops and tutorial seminars at fre<uent
intervals across the country. 1s a customer of @otak +ecurities, you shall have the
privilege to get invited for all such events.
'esearch and -ducative $onferenceAcalls; Our regular conAcalls educate you on our
how to use our various platforms for online trading and also would update you on
the markets.
9ooks; "t has been our constant endeavour to come out with handy books that you
can use to increase your financial literacy. !ew books that we have published are;
&. 1 guide to (erivatives; et this book for free when you open an account with us
/. -verything you wanted to know about stock market investing; "n collaboration
with $N9$ %5 &J, this book will help you understand the all the market nuances.
6. -verything you wanted to know about "nvesting; "n collaboration with $N9$ %5
&J, this book helps you understand every bit of the investment world.
+ocial 0edia; %hink about it, it was only approximately /D some odd years ago that the
average person was beginning to become associated with the internet. ,rior to that,
the internet was mostly reserved for academia and various government agencies.
%oday, we have not only the internet, but we have social media tied in there as well.
We know that youGre already there or will be there soon and made our presence noted.
!ollowing are our pages on various social media sites where you can follow us, learn
and be up to date;
+lideshare; !ind presentations on the various financial concepts that we wish
you to learn.
. ou tub e ; We regularly upload our views on the market here.
% w itt e r; !ollow us to get market updates and latest happening.
!aceb oo k; W e have a dedicated page here with lots of activities.
5alue 1dded %rading +ervices
oing above and beyond your basic need of of transactions in e<uities, we offer you
a plethora of 5alue 1dded +ervices. When you choose any of @otak +ecurities
% ra d ing a cc o u n ts , the combination of our research, tra d in g p la tf o rm s a nd
communication channels enable us to deliver a higher value to you.
Our speciali=ed services like %rade +mart, 'es ea rch o n +0+ and -Amail subscription
constantly gives you stock ideas that you can benefit from. Our services ensure that
your endAtoAend trading needs are satisfied.
+%)3 "# th 5"#$)'* ;"%' A,,, S#5$:* 3 h"5 &)#
+upe r 0u ltip le
% win 1d van ta ge
,o rtf o lio % racke r
+0+ 1 lert +ub scrip tion
% rade +ma rt
+ e c u rity @e y
C"!$t"% M"#9t
1 capital market is a ma rket f or s e c u riti e s (d eb t o r e < u it y ?, where business enterprises
(c om p an ie s ? and g o v e rn m e n ts c an raise longAterm funds. "t is defined as a market in
which money is provided for periods longer than a year, as the raising of shortAterm
funds takes place on other markets (e.g., the m o n e y ma rke t ?. %he capital market
includes the st o ck m a rket (e <uity securities? and the bo n d ma rk e t (d ebt?. !inancial
regulators, such as the )@Gs !inancial +ervices 1uthority (!+1? or the ).+.
+ e c u riti e s an d - x c han g e $ o mm iss io n (+-$?, oversee the capital markets in their
designated jurisdictions to ensure that investors are protected against fraud, among
other duties. $apital markets may be classified as p rima ry ma rk e ts a nd s e c on d a ry
ma rket s . "n primary markets, new stock or bond issues are sold to investors via a
mechanism known as un d e rw riti n g . "n the secondary markets, existing securities
are sold and bought among investors or traders, usually on a s e c u riti e s e x c han g e ,
o v e rAthe Ac oun te r. %he market where investment fu n d s like bonds, e<uities and
mortgages are traded is known as the capital market. %he primal role of the capital
market is to channeli=e investments from investors who have surplus funds to the
ones who are running a deficit. %he capital market offers both long term and
overnight funds. %he financial instruments that have short or medium
term maturity periods are dealtin the m o ne y ma rk e t w hereas the
financial instruments that have long maturity periods are dealt in the capital market.
%he different types of financial instruments that are traded in the capital
markets are e<uity instruments, credit market
instruments, ins u ra n ce instruments, foreign exchange instruments, hybrid instruments
and derivative instruments.
T6!* )& $n5*t(nt )!t$)n*
1 derivative is a financial instrument A or more simply, an agreement between two
people or two parties A that has a value determined by the price of something else
(called the underlying?. "t is a financial contract with a value linked to the expected future
price movements of the asset it is linked to A such as a share or a currency. %here
are many kinds of derivatives, with the most notable being swaps, futures, and
3owever, since a derivative can be placed on any sort of s e c u rity , the scope of all
derivatives possible is nearly endless.
%hus, the real definition of a derivative is an agreement between two parties that is
contingent on a future outcome of the underlying.
1n investor has numerous investment options to choose from, depending on his risk
profile and expectation of returns. (ifferent investment options represent a different
riskA reward tra d e o ff. 4ow risk investments are those that offer assured, but lower
returns, while high risk investments provide the potential to earn greater returns.
3ence, an
investor2s risk tolerance plays a key role in choosing the most suitable
9anks today provide a range of investment options, including international investing,
investing in commodities, stocks, bonds, precious metals and investment funds.
Other options for in v e sti n g include certificates of deposit, futures and investment clubs.
1ll investment options have their inherent risk and benefits. !or instance,
international investing is prone to social, political,
e c o n o m ic a nd currency risks, while fixed in c o m e in vesting is prone to interest
!utures * Options
!ixed "nterest;
%ermed as conservative investments or Blow risk#low return investments, these
provide assured returns. 3owever, the shortfall is their exposure to inflation. %hat is,
the returns could be completely wiped out owing to the erosive impact of inflation
on money.
"n v e sti n g in c ash or money market funds may get you higher
9onds represent money that an investor lends to a bond issuer. %he issuer may be
the government or corporate bodies. While c o rp o rate bo n d s typically offer greater
returns, they also represent higher risk. "n case the company declares
bankruptcy, the bondholders may not be repaid the principal invested. 3ence,
those with low risk appetites should opt for government bonds, which offer assured
returns and regular income.
E>'$t$* )# Sh"#*7
%he st o ck m a rket o ffers the opportunity to enjoy very high returns. 3owever, it also
exposes investors to high risk. 3aving a longAterm hori=on can minimi=e the risk,
since the stock market is volatile in the short term. "nvestors can either invest in
individual companies or across different companies through e<uity mutual funds,
which are managed by professionals and do not re<uire an investor to
conduct extensive research.
(iversifying your investment p o rtf o lio to include the main asset classes (bank
deposits, bonds, shares and property? can give an investor a better riskAreturns
profile. 1n investor can hire the services of a professional investment manager to
organi=e his investments and update the portfolio.
3ere are six commonly asked <uestions regarding it.
What is settlementS
1fter you have bought or sold shares through your broker, the trade has to be
settled. 0eaning, the buyer has to receive his shares and the seller has to receive his
money. +ettlement is just the process whereby payment is made by all those who
have made purchases and shares are delivered by all those who have made sales.
3ow %Q/ settlement cycle will work
+-9" had introduced %Q8 rolling settlement in e<uity market from Nuly /DD& and
subse<uently shortened the settlement cycle to %Q6 from 1pril /DD/. 1fter
having gained experience of %Q6 rolling settlement and also taking further steps
such as introduction of +%,, it is now felt appropriate to further reduce the
settlement cycle to %Q/ thereby reducing the risk in the market and to protect the
interest of investors.
%he shortening of settlement cycle to %Q/ needed coAoperation, coAordination and
active support of various entities and intermediaries in the market such as stock
exchanges, clearing corporations#houses, depositories and depository participants,
!""s, custodians, fund managers, brokers, etc. +-9" had held several rounds of
consultation with all the market participants and based on the consensus, decided
to introduce %Q/ rolling
settlement in "ndian e<uity market from &st 1pril /DD6. %he calendar of events #
activities in %Q/ rolling settlement would be as follows;
T $onfirmation of the institutional trades by the custodians latest by &&.DD a.m. on %Q&.
1 provision of an exception window would be available for late confirmations. %he
time limit and the additional charges for the exception window would be decided by
the exchanges.
T %he exchanges # $learing 3ouse # $learing $orporation would process and download
the obligation files to the brokersG terminals latest by &.6D p.m. on %Q&.
T (,s shall accept instructions for payAin of securities by the investors in physical form
at least up to 7 p.m. and in electronic form by > p.m. on %Q&.
T %he depositories would accept the re<uests from (,s till J;DD p.m. for Usame day
T %he depositories would accept the re<uests from (,s till J;DD p.m. for Usame day
T %he (epository would permit the downloading of the payAin files of securities and
funds till &D;6D a.m. on %Q/ from the broker pool accounts.
T %he (epository would process the payAin re<uests and transfer the consolidated payA
in files to the $learing 3ouse # $learing $orporation by &&;DD a.m. on %Q/.
T %he -xchanges # $learing 3ouse # $learing $orporation would execute the payAout of
securities and funds latest by &;6D p.m. on %Q/ to the (epositories and $learing 9anks
and the (epositories and the $learing 9anks would in turn complete the process by
/;DD p.m. on %Q/.
+-9" would be issuing the necessary administrative instructions to market participants,
intermediaries and exchanges shortly. We are also initiating various steps in the
interim to ensure smooth transition into %Q/ rolling settlement and these include
widening of scope of +%,, wider use of electronic fund transfer facility and issue
of electronic contract notes.
$ircuit breakers
$ircuit breakers are the price put by +-9" on the $ompany +hare ,rice in order to curb
the fluctuation * protect the interest of the investors.
1 rollover occurs when you move your money from a <ualified retirement plan, such
as an employerAsponsored 7D&(k? plan, into a %raditional "'1 or another
<ualified retirement plan. %ypically, you are eligible for a rollover only when you are
eligible to receive a distribution from a <ualified plan. +uch situations would include;
'etiring. .ouGve been saving for years and years...and now itGs finally time to
enjoy your hardAearned savings. 0any people find that consolidating their
retirement assets into a %raditional "'1 makes it easier to manage and monitor
their money.
$hanging jobs. When people change jobs, they often have money in a
<ualified retirement plan sponsored by their employer. 1 rollover lets them
move this money into a %raditional "'1 of their own choosing.
9etween jobs or switching careers. ,erhaps youGre taking advantage of
opportunities to explore a new profession. Or maybe youGre simply spending time
away from the work force to raise a family or go back to school. Whatever your
situation, you may wish to simplify your finances by transferring the money from
a previous employerGs plan to a %raditional "'1.
Open interest
/nd Open "nterest;
Open interest (also known as open contracts or open commitments? denotes the
total number of derivative contracts, such as futures and options, that are currently
active on;
%hat is, the total contracts for a specific strike price and expiration date, that have
been traded, but have not yet expired, have not yet been closed through a
closing transaction, or have not yet been terminated via early exercise. 1 closing
transaction occurs when a counterparty that is long the contract sells, or,
conversely, when counterparty that is short the
contract buys. F)# ="(!%, in a stock option to buy &DD
shares of Nokia at -)' 8D in +eptember
/DD>, the underlying is a Nokia share. "n a futures contract to buy -)' &D million &D
year erman overnment 9onds, the underlying are the erman overnment
bonds. Other examples are stock market indices such as the (ow Nones "ndustrial
1verage and Nikkei fixedAincome derivatives are an example of derivatives whose
underlying is also a derivative. !or example, -uroA9und options (O94? are traded
on -urex and their underlying is the -uroA9und futures contract (!94?
$all Option
1n agreement that gives an investor the right (but not the obligation? to buy a stock,
bond, commodity, or other instrument at a specified price within a specific time period.
,rice bands
%he +ecurities and -xchange 9oard of "ndia (+-9"? proposes to relax the price band
/DD stocks from J per cent to &/ per cent.
What is a price band and why is it usedS 1 price band is essentially the price range
within which a stock is permitted to trade during a day.
%ake, for instance, 3(!$. "f it closes on Wednesday at 's. 7DD and the price band is J
per cent, 3(!$ can trade between 's. 6>J and 's. 76/ on %hursday. "f 3(!$ hits 's.
76/ ('s. 6>J?, one cannot buy#sell the stock above (below? that price on that day.
Often, trading comes to a halt when stocks hit the upper or the lower price band.
"t is normally heavy demand that pushes a stock towards the upper price band.
'eali=ing the marketGs appetite for the stock, sellers ask for a higher price.
%he upper price band, however, caps the sellersG ask price for the stock. %he resultS
%here would be no sellers for the stock leading to a trading halt.
9y the same logic, stocks that hit the lower price band will experience trading halts as
there would be no buyers at that level. %his is inAsoAfar as the working of price band
is concerned. 9ut why have a price bandS 9ecause the market either overAreacts or
underAreacts to rumors and information.
'umors. for instance, of a &;& bonus by $ompany : would drive people to buy that
stock, pushing up its price to very high levels.
4ikewise, rumors or information of a negative development may push a stock to
levels far lower than warranted.
1nd, therein lies the problem. "f the market reali=es its folly, a stock that was pushed
to low levels would start rising while that driven to high levels would move downs.
+uch price swings are harmful to the marketP they may prompt sellers and buyers to
default on their obligations. %hey may also keep nervous investors away from the
market. "t is to prevent such happenings that stock exchanges impose a price band.
(ifferent types of orders that can be placed in @otak
&. Normal orders; When u sell shares without making delivery it is treated as a short
sale and would be executed if there are sufficient funds available to execute the
/. (elivery mark orders; %his intimates the system to take delivery for the order placed
..ou need not mark delivery for a buy order, because if you don2t s<uareAoff the
transaction, the system automatically takes delivery ."n case you mark delivery for a
sell order, then it is not reckoned as a utili=ation of limits and hence your
margin will remain unchanged on execution of these transactions. %he system
check your demat stock availability and the transaction will go through only if the
stock is available in your demat account.
6. 0argin finance orders; 1 margin finance order can be placed only if you have
registered for margin funding. )sing this facility you can buy shares at 8DO
margin, the balance 8DO is provided by @otak at a nominal interest
7. 0arket orders; 1n order placed for execution at the prevailing market price. %o
place a market order type D as the price column or the price displayed by default is
taken as market order.
8. 4imit orders; 1n order placed with a specific price that we want is a limit order.
"n such a case we may replace the market price with a price of our own.
>. +top loss orders; 1n order placed, which gets activated only when the market price
of the relevant scrip reaches or crosses a threshold price, which is trigger price.
)ntil then the order does not enter the market but sits with the N+-.
E. (isclosed order <uantity; %he order <uantity to be placed in the market can be
any number with a minimum <uantity of one share. "n case of large <uantity orders,
there is an option of disclosing smaller <uantity i.e., in lots of &DO of the total
<uantity .1s
and when the lot is executed, the next lot will be pushed into the market
automatically foe execution till the <uantity is filled.
J. 0ultiple orders; "t is facility provided by @otak which allows you to
place an order in 8 scripts with a single click.
$over order; "t is a facility provided by @otak wherein two orders will be
accepted at the same time, one being a normal order and second a stop loss order
with a trigger price. -gA if you place an order to buy /DD shares of +9" 1% JJ>, .ou
can simultaneous, place a sell order at JJD to restrict your losses. "n case +9" does
not reach JJD, this order will be automatically cancelled at the end of the trading day.
.ou need to mention the trigger price at which stop loss will be released in the system.
C)( !t$ t)#*
S6*t("t$: C"!$t"% S#5$:* P5t. Lt,.
+ystematic $apital +ervices ,vt. 4td, the "nvestment 9anking arm of the roup,
provides financing solutions to the clients of +ystematic group. %he company2s core
operating activity is raising funds (e<uity * debt? for large and midAsi=ed corporates
with a minimum re<uirement of )+( 8 million and above through modes at very
attractive terms and the shortest possible time. Other services include business
consulting, corporate restructuring, corporate finance, structuring of funding,
amalgamations, mergers, and ac<uisitions. %he company alsooffers
consulting on emerging opportunities in "ndia on a global
perspective. Our %eam constituted by experienced professionals has entrenched
knowledge and proven credentials in the business with cross product knowledge. %he
key strengths of the team are;
expertise in industry sectors
deep understanding of the capital markets
strong networking with buy side institutions
ability to structure transaction and products suitable to needs of the clients
A!!#)":h7 Our 1pproach is characteri=ed by 3igh <uality financial advice resulting in
outstanding execution through;
)nderstanding clientGs businesses and needs and associated risk implications
1dding value in valuation assumptions, structuring, negotiating, and
4ong term commitment and strong relationships
Our team provides full fledged support to strong growth oriented companies raise
$apital through;
,reparation of 9usiness and !inancial ,lans.
,reparation of the "nformation 0emorandum.
(iscussions and Negotiations with prospective investors.
(eal closure and -xecution.

+ystematix has exponentially expanded pan"ndia in a very short span of time

with a presence at >DD plus locations via branches * franchisees servicing
around >D,DDD clients with around &DDD terminals spread across /D states and
&8D plus cities targeting a strong client base across "ndia. We have around 7DD
employees of which over 68O are professional. M$**$)n C%o enhance the
economic value of our client2s business by providing integrated financial *
investment services and productsC ;$*$)n C%o be amongst the most admired
financial institutions in "ndia with a reputation built on strong ethics and trust.C
S6*t("t$= Sh"#* "n, St):9* 0I- Lt, 0SSSIL-
Offers personali=ed broking services to its institutional, corporate and
individual clients
+trong panAindia presence, it has more than 7/ branches and over 66/
franchisees nationwide and is expanding rapidly across the nation to increase
its customer reach.
+++4 is a member of 9+- ($apital? segment, N+- ($apital and !utures *
Options? segment and is also a depository participant of $(+4.
+++4 is also clearing and trading member of derivatives.
+trong research team of competent and experienced professionals.
+tate of art infrastructure in order to provide smooth and hassle free trading.
4atest front office and back office software to ensure error free nonstop
services to the customers.
1ll offices are interconnected through stateAofAart (atabase 0anagement
+ystems for providing speedy service and optimising the operational efficiency.
S#5$:* O&&#,
i. 9roking
ii. 3igh Net worth "ndividuals
iii. 'esearch
iv. 'etail
v. $orporate
vi. "nstitutions
vii. (epository ,articipant of $(+4
viii. $ash
ix. !utures * Options
A:t$5$t$* 'n,#t"9n 86 SSSL7 +#)9$n1 8'*$n** $* ,$5$,, $nt) th &)%%)3$n1
8#)", *1(nt*7
Wealth 0anagement including ,$ * ,0+
"nstitutional 9roking
!ullAfee 9rokerage +ervices through its 9ranch and !ranchisee Network
"nternet based %rading ,latform to reach ,rofessionals, 0edium si=e customers
and where company don2t have its branch network
(istribution of 0utual !unds and ",O
,resently +++4 has established its 9ranch network to only high potential
geographies to cater !ullAfee brokerage services and ,$ (esk
+++4 $lient 9ase
i. (, $lients ; /8DDD
ii. -<uity
iii. 9+- ; /8DDD
iv. N+- ; /DDDD
?"%th M"n"1(nt $* S6*t("t$=* ,,$:"t, "!!#)":h t) :"t# $t*
+ystematix provides the full spectrum of wealth management solutions to you. 1t
+ystematix Wealth 0anagement we assume nothing about your re<uirements or the
level of involvement you are seeking. %hat is why we have a full range of
personali=ed services to meet your needs. 1 wide range of expertise and experience
supports every
aspect of your wealth management. Our admired wealth management advises are
credential of the combination of insightful research, winning strategies and
important management2s close connectivity with the industry which provide easy access
for first hand information. 1t +ystematix Wealth 0anagement, we have extensive
experience working with $orporates and 0ar<uis Who2s Who wealthy individuals,
families and promoter groups throughout "ndia. Not limited to that, we also provide
wealth management solutions to Wealth 0anagers. While every investor of this
category is uni<ue, the knowledge we have accumulated helps us to foresee situations
and needs that even our clients and their families might not anticipate. Our multiA
disciplinary team of advisors is trained to identify issues and propose solutions
appropriate to their specific situation.
S6*t("t$= ?"%th M"n"1(nt has a dual structure where P#$5"t C%$nt G#)'!
offers personali=ed advisory services, on the other side P)#t&)%$) M"n"1(nt
S#5$:* offers personali=ed asset management services. P#$5"t C%$nt G#)'!
We believe that the key to a successful investment relationship is a full understanding of
our client2s short and long term goals, attitude towards risk and investment hori=on.
(iversification among desired assets need special attention which is why we aim to
develop innovative and customi=ed investment strategies to meet the specific needs
of our clients.
Our team of investment advisory specialists strive to cater to the needs of investors
who choose to be highly active in their investment decisionAmaking. %hey use their
expertise in asset allocation and investment selection to provide clients with appropriate
choices, whether they are aiming for more aggressive strategies to capture immediate
market trends, or seeking advice on conservative hedging strategies. Our advisors
provide customi=ed investment opportunities in e<uity, fixed income * li<uidity
management (through 0!s?, derivatives, currency, commodities and innovative
instruments (through third party products?, that seek to meet specific investment
objectives. Our innovative mindset, unparalleled research, agile sales teams, and
intensive execution systems have enabled us to relentlessly service our clients in
newer and different ways. P)#t&)%$) M"n"1(nt S#5$:* 0PMS- %hose clients who
may not have the time or expertise to manage their wealth, and prefer to delegate the
management of their portfolio, our discretionary investment service is an ideal approach
to achieve your financial goals. Our ,ortfolio 0anagers work with clients to design an
individual investment strategy in accordance with their objectives, risk tolerance, and
li<uidity needs and draw upon the best suited portfolio.
"n a nut shell, based on our holistic investment approach and innovative product
capabilities we offer you very active ('%t$ "**t :%"** !)#t&)%$) ",5$*)#6 <
("n"1(nt *#5$:* with !#*)n"%$B, "ttnt$)n and ":t$5 !"#t$:$!"t$)n )&
S6*t("t$=C* ("n"1(nt.
M#:h"nt +"n9$n17 We have a decade experience in the capital markets public
offering and maintain a close relationship with local * lobal investment banking firms
that can
provide initial public offerings (",Os? and other secondary and follow Von registered
offerings. +ystematix roup maintains active relationships and provides services
with numerous institutional investors including major venture capital fund, private
funds, leveraged buyout funds, regional * money center commercial banks
and insurance companies.
+ystematix +hares * +tocks ("? 4imited provides depository services to investors as a
(epository ,articipant with $entral (epository +ervices 4td ($(+4?. (ematerialisation
and trading in the demat mode is the safer and faster alternative to the physical
existence of securities. (emat as a parallel solution offers freedom from delays,
thefts, forgeries, settlement risks and paper work.
Our customer centric account schemes have been designed keeping in mind the
investment psychology. With a competent team of skilled professionals, we have a
dedicated $ustomer $are $entre, exclusively trained to handle <ueries from our
customers. With our country wide network of branches, you are never far from
+++"4 depository services.
1t +++"4, our commitment is to provide a complete demat solution which is *$(!%2
*"& "n, *:'#. .our (, account with us takes care of your depository needs like
demateriali=ation, rematerialisation, transfer and pledging of shares, stock lending
and borrowing etc. .our demat account is safe and absolutely secure in our hands,
every debit instruction is executed only after its authenticity is established.
? )&&# )'# :'*t)(#*7
Muick account opening
-lectronic $redit against $orporate 1ctions
,ledging # )npledging of shares
(emateriali=ation of shares
'ematerialisation of shares
0onthly statements of 3olding # %ransaction
)pdating the account based on investorsG instructions
Other related services
E-+#)9$n17 Int#nt T#",$n1 - %he "nternet revolution has been changing the
fundamentals of our society. "t shapes the way we communicate and the way we do
business. "t brings us closer and closer to vital sources of information. %oday,
investors can use revolutionary "nternet $lientA+erver technology to buy and sell
stocks nearly
anywhere, anytimeW .ou can place online trades for virtually any stock listed on N+- *
9+-. We offer plenty of powerful ways to place stock orders ... along with the trading
tools and services that help you move <uickly and conveniently to trade stocks. "n
Online %rading, you can access our website through your internetAenabled ,$ and
place orders through our internetAbased trading engine. %hese orders are routed to the
+tock -xchange without manual intervention and executed thereon in a matter of a
few seconds.
Online trading portal of +ystematix roup is a single gateway for your
multiple investment needs.
With us you can trade in e<uities, derivatives, commodities * currency at just click
of your mouse button. We deliver stateAofAtheAart technology, efficient customer
care service, competitive pricing * entire product basket to make your trading
journey smooth.
E>'$t67 .ou can trade on maximum stocks available on N+- * 9+-. We offer
various options to place stock orders.
D%$5#6 +"*, T#",$n17
.ou can place delivery based orders on maximum stocks available on N+- * 9+-.
Int#","6 t#",$n17
%rade in intraday segment up to 6AE times of your available funds. %his facility is
available for selected scripts on N+- * 9+-.
D#$5"t$5*7 Wide range of futures * options trading strategies available with speed
and ease. C'##n:6 D#$5"t$5*7 $urrency (erivatives are standardi=ed foreign
exchange contracts traded on an exchange to buy or sell one currency against
another on a specified future date. %he contracts will be traded online through the
orderAdriven market mechanism, <uite similar to e<uity derivatives.
C)((),$t$*7 %rade in commodities (both 0$:* N$(-:? through +ystematix online
trading platform.
T#",$n1 P%"t&)#(*7
&. ?"%th T#",
;"%' ",,, *#5$:*7
C'*t)(# :"# ,*9 7
(edicated customer service desk to handle your <uery related to passwordP
transaction reports * other day to day support re<uired
C"%% n t#", 7
(edicated call n trade desk for placing your order thru phone
+":9 O&&$: A::** 7
(ownload your all reports like daily contract note, ledger, trade summary etc
?h6 S6*t("t$= 7 "n an endeavor to offer you nothing less than best, we at
+hares * +tocks ("? 4td brings you freedom to trade thru our 6 in &
With 6 in & account we offer you integration between trading, banking * demat
9ank account offered will be from an option of 1xis * "$"$" bank, whereas trading *
demat account will be with +ystematix +hares * +tocks ("? 4td.
Online transfer from your linked bank account to your trading account * vice
&/J bit encryption ++4 certificate for Online trading which makes it a fool
proof system for trading
"nstant update on status of purchase#sale orders.
1utomated payAin of shares and payAout of funds#shares to and from your
(,#bank account.
"nvest#trade online in multiple products A e<uity and derivatives trading, ",O, O"
bonds and mutual funds
.ou can place orders online or through the ,honeA/A%rade facility.
O&&#$n1 )& S6*t("t$= PMS
+ystematix ,0+ offers a range of portfolios to help meet the varied needs of client
re<uirements that provide further customi=ation and flexibility.
ICICI S: '#$ t$* Lt,.
"$"$" +ecurities 4td is an integrated securities firm offering a wide range of services
including investment banking, institutional broking, retail broking, private wealth
management, and financial product distribution.
"$"$" +ecurities sees its role as CC#"t$n1 In&)#(, A::** t) th ?"%th )& th
N"t$)nC for its diversified set of client that include corporates, financial institutions,
high netAworth individuals and retail investors.
3ead<uartered in 0umbai, "$"$" +ecurities operates out of >> cities and towns in
"ndia and global offices in +ingapore and New .ork.
"$"$" +ecurities "nc., the stepdown wholly owned )+ subsidiary of the company is a
member of the !inancial "ndustry 'egulatory 1uthority (! "N'1? # +ecurities "nvestors
,rotection $orporation (+" , $ ?. "$"$" +ecurities "nc. activities include (ealing in
+ecurities and $orporate 1dvisory +ervices in the )nited +tates. "$"$" +ecurities "nc.
also registered with the 0onetary 1uthority of +ingapore (0 1+? and operates a
branch office in +ingapore.
"$"$" +ecurities empowers over / million "ndians to seamlessly access the capital market
with "$"$", an award winning and pioneering online broking platform. %he platform not
only offers convenient ways to invest in -<uity, (erivatives, $urrency !utures, 0utual !unds but
also other services !ixed (eposits, 4oans, %ax +ervices, New ,ension +ystems and "nsurance
are available. "$"$" offers a convenient and easy to use platform to invest in e<uity
and various other financial products using its uni<ue 6AinA& account which integrates customerGs
saving, trading and demat accounts.
1part from convenience, "$"$" also offers access to comprehensive research
information, stock picks and mutual fund recommendations among other offerings.
%ailored services and tra d ing stra te g ies a re available to different types of customersP
long term investors, day traders, highAvolume traders and derivatives traders to name
some. "$"$" uses the most advanced commercially available &/JAbit
encryption technology enabled +ecure +ocket 4ayer (++4?, to ensure that the
information transmitted between the client and "$"$" across the internet is
safe and cannot be accessed by any third party. "$"$" is the first broker in
"ndia to introduce U(igitally +igned $ontract NoteG to its customers. 1s a result, the
process of generating contract notes has been automated and the same would be
instantly available to its customers in a safe and secure manner through the website.
D$*t#$8't$)n Ch"nn%
"$"$" +ecurities has setAup neighbourhood financial stores which offer a variety of
financial products and services under one roof. "t is a oneAstop shop that facilitates
existing and potential customers to speak to our team and understand their financial
plans and goals. "$"$" +ecurities has /8D stores across >> cities in "ndia.
1nother uni<ue concept called the "$"$"direct 0oney @itchen, was launched in late
/DDH. 1n extension of the superstore model, the money kitchen is an
innovative financial store where visitors can create their profiles to not only
analy=e their investment strategy by using various financial tools but also monitor it
from timeAtoAtime.
%o enable our customers to maximi=e their returns and plan for their future,
"$"$"direct has also started financial planning services at these stores. $ustomi=ed
financial plans can be created for our customers by dedicated 'elationship
0anagers who will understand the customerGs re<uirements and future goals.
9ased on this information, the 'elationship 0anager works on creating a
comprehensive and easyAtoAread financial plan. %his enables "$"$"direct to move from
just a transactional based relationship to a meaningful and valueAadded longA
term relationship with our customers. "$"$"directs services and offerings evolves
according to the customerGs ever changing re<uirements and goals.
$ustomers can walkAin to the financial superstores for products like "$"$"direct 6AinA&
online trading account, e<uities, mutual funds, ",O, 4ife and eneral insurance,
!ixed (eposits and many other financial products. %he stores also conduct periodic
training sessions on markets and demo sessions of the trading website.
"$"$" +ecurities understands the need for insightful research to make the right
investment decision. 1n independent e<uity research team provides strong and timely
updates to ensure that customer can avail of market opportunities. %he research team
focuses on both large cap as well as small and midAcap. 4arge cap companies
provide an overview of industry environments, while small and midAcap companies are
GbottomAupG, providing a uni<ue perspective to a generally underAresearched end of
the market. %he focus is on identifying companies, which we believe are likely to
generate wealth for investors on a sustained basis through inAdepth fundamental
We cater to the entire gamut of investment and return hori=on re<uirements of an
investor through our flagship offerings like (etailed $ompany 'eport, ,ick of the
Week, 0odel ,ortfolio, +tock on the 0ove, (aily * Weekly derivatives, "ntraAday calls,
(aily, Weekly * 0onthly %echnicals with a regular update on the performance of our
T#",$n1 $n *h"#*7
C"*h T#",$n1 7 %his is a delivery based trading system, which is generally done
with the intention of taking delivery of shares or monies.
M"#1$n T#",$n1 7 .ou can also do an intraAsettlement trading upto 6 to 7 times your
available funds, wherein you take long buy# short sell positions in stocks with the
intention of s<uaring off the position within the same day settlement cycle.
M"#1$nPLUS T#",$n1 7 %hrough 0argin,4)+ you can do an intraAsettlement
trading upto /8 times your available funds, wherein you take long buy# short sell
positions in stocks with the intention of s<uaring off the position within the same day
cycle. 0argin,4)+ will give a much higher leverage in your account against your limits.
C"%%NT#",E 7 $allN%radeX allows you to call on a local number in your city * trade
on the telephone through our $ustomer +ervice -xecutives. %his facility is currently
available in over && major states across "ndia.
T#",$n1 )n NSEF+SE 7 %hrough "$"$", you can trade on N+- as well as
M"#9t O#,# 7 .ou could trade by placing market orders during market hours that
allows you to trade at the best obtainable price in the market at the time of execution
of the order.
L$($t O#,# 7 1llows you to place a buy#sell order at a price defined by you. %he
execution can happen at a price more favorable than the price, which is defined by
you, limit orders can be placed by you during holidays * non market hours too.
In,$" I n& )%$n F$ n"n: Lt ,.
%he ""!4 ("ndia "nfoline? group, comprising the holding company, "ndia "nfoline 4td (N+-;
"N("1"N!O, 9+-; 86/>6>? and its subsidiaries, is one of "ndia2s premier providers of
financial services.
""!4 offers advice and execution platform for the entire range of financial
services covering products ranging from -<uities and derivatives, $ommodities,
Wealth management, 1sset management, "nsurance, !ixed deposits, 4oans,
9anking, old bonds and other small savings instruments.
We have a presence in;
E>'$t$* our core offering, gives us a leading market share in both retail and
institutional segments. Over a million retail customers rely on our research, as
do leading !""s and 0!s that invest billions.
P#$5"t ?"%th M"n"1(nt services cater to over /8DD families who have trusted
us with close to 's /8,DDD crores (Y 8bn? of assets for advice.
In5*t(nt +"n9$n1 *#5$:* are for corporates looking to raise capital. Our forte is
-<uity $apital 0arkets, where we have executed several mar<uee transactions.
C#,$t < F$n"n: focuses on secured mortgages and consumer loans. Our high
<uality loan book of over 's. >,/DD crores (Y &./bn? is backed by strong capital
ade<uacy of approximately /DO.
IIFL M't'"% F'n, made an impressive beginning in !.&/, with lowest charge Nifty
-%!. Other products include !ixed 0aturity ,lans.
L$& In*'#"n:2 Pn*$)n "n, )th# F$n"n:$"% P#),':t*2 on open architecture
complete our product suite to help customers build a balanced portfolio.
""!4 has received membership of the $olombo +tock -xchange becoming the first
foreign broker to enter +ri 4anka. ""!4 owns and manages the website, which is one
"ndia2s leading online destinations for personal finance, stock markets, economy and
business. ""!4 has been awarded the G+*t +#)9#2 In,$" by FinanceAsia and the
GM)*t $(!#)5, 8#)9#"12 In,$" in the AsiaMoney polls. "ndia "nfoline was
also adjudged as GF"*t*t G#)3$n1 E>'$t6 +#)9$n1 .)'* - L"#1 &$#(*
by Dun &
Bradstreet. 1 forerunner in the field of e<uity research, ""!42s research is acknowledged
by none other than Forbes as G+*t )& th ?8 and ZW" ('*t #", &)# $n5*t)#* $n
Our research is available not just over the "nternet but also on international wire
services like 9loomberg, %homson !irst $all and "nternet +ecurities besides
others where it is amongst one of the most read "ndian brokers.
""!4 is a listed company with a consolidated group networth of about 's &,JDD
crores. %he income and net profit during !./D&DA&& were 's. &7.E bn and 's. /.& bn
%he roup has a consistent and uninterrupted track record of profits and dividends
since its listing in /DD8. %he company is listed on both -xchanges and also trades in
the derivatives segment.
""!42s $risil and "$'1 'ating for short term is top rated as $'"+"4 1&Q and "$'1 (1&Q?
respectively. !or long term, ""!4 has been rated "$'1(11A? by "$'1 and $'"+"4 11A
#+table by $'"+"4 indicating high degree of safety for timely servicing of
financial obligations.
""!4 is near you physically; we are present in every nook and cranny of the country, with
over 6,DDD business locations across 8DD cities in "ndia. .ou can reach us in a variety
of ways, online, over the phone and through our branches. 1ll our offices are connected
with the corporate office in 0umbai with cutting edge networking technology. %he group
caters to a customer base of about a million customers.
Our physical presence in key global markets includes subsidiaries in $olombo, (ubai,
New .ork, 0auritius, 4ondon, +ingapore and 3ong @ong.
@arv y +toc k 9rok i ng 4i mi ted
@arvy +tock 9roking 4imited is a member of the National +tock -xchange of "ndia and
%he +tock -xchange 0umbai. We rank among the top 8 brokers on the N+-", with over
&6D,DDD trades per day. We began with the aim of serving the small investors today we
have over 6,8D,DDD clients trading through us. We are uni<uely positioned to offer the
best to you, with over 8E8 branches, one is located near your office # home. "f you
prefer to trade from the comfort of your home or office, our online platform provides the
ideal way to trade. Our laser focused approach to serving the retail investors remains
the cornerstone to our success over the last two decades.
"f you are looking for an easy and convenient channel to trade in the stock markets
[\]@1'5. is your trusted trading services partner. %o start trading in e<uities, you need
to register as a client with us, and you are ready to trade on the premier exchanges of
@1'5. offers you featureArich trading accounts with options to trade through any of our
branches or by yourself using our proprietary online trading platform. Our friendly and
<ualified staff can assist you in putting through the trades at the branches. Our advise
is backed by a top notch research team. Our 7D strong research team, based in
0umbai and 3yderabad, generate up to date and dynamic 'esearch $all for our
customers and affiliates in various market segments ($ash and !utures # Options?. %he
calls are issued on multiple verticals and can be "ntra (ay 'ecommendations,
,ositional $alls and hedge # arbitrage strategies
(-,O+"%O'. +-'5"$-+
@1'5. +tock 9roking 4imited provides depository services to investors as a (epository
,articipant with the National +ecurities (epository 4imited (N+(4? and $entral
(epository +ervices ("ndia? 4imited ($(+4?. %he (epository system in "ndia links
"ssuers, National level (epositories, (epository ,articipants and $learing 3ouses #
$learing $orporation of +tock -xchanges. Our demat services are accessible through
any of our network of over 8E8 branches # investor service centers located in over 6E8
cities and towns across the country.
Our demat services business has the distinction of having all its operations "+O HDD&;
/DDD certified with stateAofAtheAart technology and operations capabilities. Our demat
services has innovated over time and we provide online access to account
statements and transaction alerts through +0+ to its clients.
@1'5.2s (emat services offer you a secure, convenient and paperless way to keep
track of your investments in shares and other security instruments over time, without
the hassle of handling paper based transcripts.
We provide the following services
(emateriali=ation of +hares
'emateriali=ation of +hares
%ransfer of +hares
,ledging of +hares
-lectronic $ustodial +ervices
0aintenance of 9eneficial 3oldings
-lectronic $redit 1gainst $orporate 1ctions
"N%-'N1%"ON14 "N5-+%O' +-'5"$-+
@arvy +tock 9roking 4imited is a member of the National +tock -xchange of "ndia
4imited and %he +tock -xchange, 0umbai (9+-?, in both the -<uities and !utures
segment. We are also registered as a (epositary ,articipant with National +ecurities
(epositary 4imited and $entral (epositary +ervices 4imited. We offer the
convenience of trading through any of our 8E8 branches or online from the comfort of
your home. @arvy +tock 9roking 4imited is also registered as a $orporate 1gent with
the 1ssociation of 0utual !unds of "ndia.
We have more than 6,8D,DDD customers trading though us and we service more than
>,DD,DDD investors who maintain their (epositary accounts with us. Over
&D,DD,DDD clients have invested through us in some of the best 0utual !unds in
9acked by a topAnotch research team that tracks both the global and domestic markets,
we advise our clients on achieving both their short term and longAterm goals.
@1'5. +tock 9roking 4imited has a special business services unit to support NonA
'esident "ndians (N'"s? who are interested in investing in the "ndian e<uity markets.
"ndia is one of the fastest growing and emerging financial markets in the world and a
preferred destination for investments among the global investors. ,ersons of "ndian
Origin (,"O? across the world can invest in the "ndian markets through any of the
following channels;
-<uity %rading on N+- * 9+-
(erivatives %rading on the N+-
"nitial ,ublic Offers
,ortfolio 0anagement +ervices
"nvestments in 0utual !unds
@1'5. has also offices in New .ork, )+1 (@1'5. "nc.? and (ubai, )1- (@1'5.
+tock 9roking 4imited? who can assist you in your investments in "ndia. ,lease contact
us in case of any <ueries at .
"N+%"%)%"ON14 9'O@"N
%he institutional broking arm of @1'5. +tock 9roking offers corporate houses and
institutions dealing capabilities on "ndia leading stock exchanges (N+- and 9+-? in
the cash and derivatives segments. %his unit has devised a process driven approach
to address the needs of institutional investors who have uni<ue and speciali=ed
investment needs.
%he institutional broking services desk is a speciali=ed business unit at @1'5. that
operates out of 0umbai, the financial capital of "ndia and is staffed with bestAofA
industry e<uity market professionals and highly skilled dealers. @1'5. also supports
institutional traders through their institutional sales and research teams with
information and insightful reports on stocks, sectors and industry verticals.
@1'5.Gs institutional broking clientele include some major domestic 0utual !unds,
"nsurance $ompanies, 9anks and !""Gs in "ndia.
-M)"%. * (-'"51%"5- '-+-1'$3
B"t pays well to be informed and stay connected V a philosophy that drives the
research team at @1'5. to produce and deliver inAdepth and incisive market research
to you. 1ll
of @1'5.2s businesses are backed by a dedicated research unit which strives to keep
investors abreast with news, information, events and conditions of markets. ,enetrative
and investigative research techni<ues unearth a wealth of information that empowers
investors in their investment decisions.
%he @1'5. research team creates the following reports and publications for
consumption by investors in the "ndian e<uity markets. %hese include the following
T$t% )& th *t',67 $O0,-%"%"ON 01,,"N O! @O%1@ +-$)'"%"-+ 4%(.,
O84:t$5 )& *t',67
A. %o study the "nvestors satisfaction regarding the services provided by @otak
+ecurities 4td. and its competitors.
9. %o study the preferences of the "nvestors of @otak securities 4td. and
its competitors.
$. %o analyse the "nvestors satisfaction of @otak securities 4td., 3(!$ securities,
1nand 'athi securities, 'eliance securities., 1ngle 9roking and -mkay shares *
securities 4td.
S:)! )& th *t',6
%his study helps in understanding consumer behavior towards !inancial
%his research describes consumer perception about these services.
%his study describes influence factor of customers.
%his study measure the customer loyalty in !inancial avenues.
%his study helps the organi=ation to understand their competitor
T6! )& #*"#:h7 D*:#$!t$5 R*"#:h
D*:#$!t$5 #*"#:h2 also known as statistical research, describes data *
characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. (escriptive research
answers the <uestion who, what, where, when, * how.
1lthough the data description is factual, accurate * systematic, the research cannot
describe what caused a situation thus descriptive research cannot be used to create
a casual relationship where one variable affects another. "n other words
descriptive research can be said to have a low re<uirement for internal validly.
%he description is used for fre<uencies, averages * other statistical calculation. often
the best approach prior to writing descriptive research is to conduct a survey
investigation. Mualitative research often has a aim of description * researchers may
follow up with examination of why the observation exists * what the implication of
the findings are.
%he main goal of this type of research is to describe the data * characteristics
about what is being studied. %he idea behind this type of research is to study
fre<uencies, averages, * other statistical calculations. 1lthough this research is highly
accurate, it does not gather the causes behind the situation.
R*"#:h D*$1n7
'esearch design specifies methods and procedures for study.
+ufficient thought have been given to frame research <uestion and data types to be
collected * procedures to be used for the study among consumers. 3owever it was
exclusively personal interview. %o solve the purpose of the study separate
<uestionnaire for consumers were made.
D"t" C)%%:t$)n7
%his report was prepared after collecting data from the consumers and past data
was arranged from the various studies conducted in last few years.
P#$("#6 D"t"7
%hese data were collected by personal interview with consumer. !or this
purpose <uestionnaire was prepared in such that all necessary data would be collected.
S:)n,"#6 D"t"7
"nformation regarding the project, secondary data was also re<uired. %hese data
were collected from various past studies and other sources of the company.
R*"#:h T))%*7
oogle (ocs
S"(!% *$B7- H0
%here were 6DD <uestionnaire distributed among service users * investors.
Only investors in financial instruments were selected, so they were selected for the
@atak securities 4td
+ystematic capital service pvt ltd.
"cici securities ltd
"ndia infoline finance ltd
@arvya stock broking limited.
Mth),* )& *%:t$n1 *"(!%- :)n5n$nt *"(!%$n1
$onvenient +ampling
1 sample is a subject chosen from a population for investigation. 1 convenient
sampling is one chosen by a method involving an unpredictable component. convenient
sampling can also refer to taking a number of independent observations without
involving any real population. 1 probability sample is one in which each item has a
known probability of being in the sample.
" have taken sample according my convenient of @otak securities 4td. and its
An"%6*$* )& D"t"
%he real task was started, after the data was collected. %he analysis of data
re<uired operations such as establishment of categories, the application of these
categories , the application of these categories to raw data through coding, tabulation
and then drawing statistical inference. %he unwieldy data was condensed into a few
manageable groups and tables for further analysis .%hen classification of data into
purposeful and usable category. $oding, editing and tabulation was done
simultaneously a then analysis was based on computation of various percentages.
+#)9#"1 .)'*
F#>'n:6 P#:nt
&D &>.E &>.E &>.E
S#5$:* P5t
&D &>.E &>.E 66.6
&D &>.E &>.E 8D.D
&D &>.E &>.E >>.E
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
&D &>.E &>.E J6.6
K"#56 St):9
&D &>.E &>.E &DD.D
T)t"% >D &DD.D &DD.D
T6! )& In5*t(nt
T)t"% D#$5"t$5* C"*h +)th
S:'#$t$* Lt,.
6 / 8 &D
S#5$:* P5t
6 7 6 &D
St):9 +#)9$n1
> 7 D &D
ICICI S:'#$t$*
/ > / &D
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
/ J D &D
K"#56 St):9
+#)9$n1 L$($t,
D > 7 &D
T)t"% &> 6D &7 >D
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
"n this study, " tried to find out what was the type of investment in which the
investors invested in the securities market.
" found that @otak +ecurities 4td. 3ad the maximum number of investors who traded
in both $ash as well as (erivatives whereas. +harekhan +tock 9roking 3ouse had
the maximum number of traders who traded in (erivatives and "ndia "nfoline !inance
4td. had the maximum number of traders who traded in $ash.
3 Cash
s Ltd.
c Ca"ita#
$vt Ltd.
% Stock
s Ltd.
e Ltd.
T$( F#"(
t#( +)th
S:'#$t$* Lt,.
D / J &D
S#5$:* P5t
6 / 8 &D
St):9 +#)9$n1
7 / 7 &D
S:'#$t$* Lt,.
/ 6 8 &D
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
6 D E &D
K"#56 St):9
8 & 7 &D
%otal &E &D 66 >D
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
"n this table, " have tried to find out the time frame for which the investors invest in the
securities market. @otak +ecurities 4td. have the maximum investors for both 4ong
term * +hort term whereas "$"$" +ecurities 4td. has the maximum number of 4ong
term investors and @arvy +tock 9roking 4td. 3as the maximum +hort term investors.
s Ltd.
c Ca"ita#
$vt Ltd.
% Stock
s Ltd.
e Ltd.
ter! Lo%&
ter! Both
M), )& In5*t(nt
T)t"% On-L$n O&&-%$n +)th
7 D > &D
S#5$:* P5t
6 6 7 &D
8 6 / &D
& 6 > &D
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
8 / 6 &D
K"#56 St):9
/ 6 8 &D
%otal /D &7 /> >D
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
"n this table, " have interpreted that @otak +ecurities 4td. * "$"$" +ecurities 4td. 3olds
the maximum number of both online as well as offline customers whereas +harekhan
+tock 9roking 3ouse* "ndia "nfoline !inance 4td. hold the maximum online customers.
s Ltd.
$vt Ltd.
% Stock
s Ltd.
S"t$*&":t$)n L5% &#)(
T)t"% N't#"% S"t$*&$,
D D &D &D
S#5$:* P5t
/ 8 6 &D
6 8 / &D
7 7 / &D
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
& 8 7 &D
K"#56 St):9
/ 6 8 &D
T)t"% &/ // /> >D
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
"n this table, " have analysed that investors investing in @otak +ecurities 4td. were
highly satisfied with the software provided to them by their broking house whereas
some investors were satisfied with the software provided to them by their broking
house or were neutral with the view when asked about the satisfaction with the
software provided to them by their broking house.
&":t)#* :)n*$,#, ()*t $(!)#t"nt 8&)# :h))*$n1 "n
$n5*t(nt )!t$)n
6 <
, &$=,
S"&t6 )&
D &D D J 8 /6
: C"!$t"%
P5t Lt,.
E D 8 > 7 //
n St):9
6 8 8 J J /H
E D E & D &8
6 7 > J D /&
E 7 8 6 6 //
T)t"% /E /6 /J 67 /D &6/
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
"n this table, " studied the factors considered important by the investors before choosing
an investment option.
%he investors of @otak +ecurities 4td. were mainly focused on the steady * stable
%he investors of +ystematic $apital +ervices ,vt. 4td. were mainly focused on the
speedy increase in wealth and fixed monthly income.
%he investors of +harekhan were mainly focused on the +afety of fund "nvestment and
previous experience.
%he investors of "$"$" +ecurities 4td. were mainly focused on the speedy increase
in wealth * assured fixed monthly income.
%he investors of "ndia "nfoline finance 4td. were mainly focused on the +afety
"nvestment of !und.
Kotak Securities Ltd.
Sste!atic Ca"ita# Services $vt
Sharekha% Stock Broki%& 'ouse
(C(C( Securities Ltd.
(%dia (%)o#i%e *i%a%ce Ltd.
Karv Stock Broki%& Li!ited
S"t$*&":t$)n 3$th +#)9#"1 R"t*
,$**"t$*&$, N't#"% S"t$*&$,
D D 7 > &D
S#5$:* P5t
D 8 7 & &D
D & E / &D
D 6 > & &D
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
D & > 6 &D
K"#56 St):9
& & > / &D
T)t"% & && 66 &8 >D
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
"n this table, " have analysed that the investors of @otak +ecurities 4td. were highly
satisfied with the brokerage rates whereas the investors of other broking houses
were satisfied with the brokerage rates provided to them by their broking houses.
'i&h# dissatis)ied
.)7 %here is no significance difference between the customer satisfaction of the
customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its competitors.
; %here is significance difference between the customer satisfaction of the
customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its competitors.
D1# )& F#,)(
3ere " have applied $hiA+<uare %est and in my test " found that the
$alculated 5alue ^ %abulated 5alue
%herefore, the 3ypotheses is rejected. 3ence, there is a significance
difference between the customer satisfaction of the customers of @otak +ecurities
4td. and its competitors.
D"%#C* In!'t
T)t"% N't#"% S"t$*&$,
K)t"9 S:'#$t$*
D 7 > &D
S6*t("t$: C"!$t"%
S#5$:* P5t Lt,.
6 8 / &D
Sh"#9h"n St):9
+#)9$n1 .)'*
& H D &D
ICICI S:'#$t$*
> / / &D
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
D J / &D
K"#56 St):9
+#)9$n1 L$($t,
6 8 / &D
T)t"% &6 66 &7 >D
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
"n this table, " have found that the investors investing with @otak +ecurities were highly
satisfied with the dealers2 input whereas the investors dealing with the competitive
broking houses were satisfied or were neutral in their views when asked about the
satisfaction from dealers2 input.
(%dia Karv

s $vt
e Ltd.
.)7 %here is no significance difference between the customer satisfaction of the
customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its competitors.
; %here is significance difference between the customer satisfaction of the
customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its competitors
C"%:'%"t, ;"%'0Ch$-
D1# )& F#,)(
T"8'%"t, ;"%'0Ch$-
3ere " have applied $hiA+<uare %est and in my test " found that
$alculated 5alue ^ %abulated 5alue
%herefore, the 3ypotheses is rejected. 3ence, there is a significance
difference between the customer satisfaction of the customers of @otak +ecurities
4td. and its competitors
C)(!"n6C* R*"#:h A,5$*
T)t"% N't#"% S"t$*&$,
D 6 E &D
S#5$:* P5t
8 7 & &D
> 6 & &D
6 E D &D
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
> 7 D &D
K"#56 St):9
6 6 7 &D
T)t"% /6 /7 &6 >D
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
3ere, in this table " have analysed that the customers of @otak +ecurities 4td were
highly satisfied with the research advice provided to them by the $ompany2s 'esearch
team whereas the customers of other competitive broking houses were satisfied or were
neutral in their views when asked about the satisfaction from their company2s research
s Ltd.
$vt Ltd.
% Stock
s Ltd.
.)17 %here is no significance difference between the customer satisfaction of the
customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its competitors.
C"%:'%"t, ;"%'0Ch$-
D1# )& F#,)(
T"8'%"t, ;"%'0Ch$-
3ere " have applied $hiA+<uare %est and in my test " found that
$alculated 5alue ^ %abulated 5alue
%herefore, the 3ypotheses is rejected. 3ence, there is a significance
difference between the customer satisfaction of the customers of @otak +ecurities
4td. and its competitors.
R%"t$)n M"n"1#C* In!'t
*"t$*&$, N't#"% S"t$*&$,
0 0 0 10 10
S#5$:* P5t
0 I I 0 10
0 1 J 2 10
1 2 H 1 10
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
0 2 J 1 10
K"#56 St):9
0 H 2 2 10
T)t"% 1 1H 2J 1H H0
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
"n this table, " have found that the investors of @otak +ecurities 4td were highly satisfied
with the 'elationship 0anager2s input whereas the investors dealing with the
competitive broking houses were satisfied or were neutral in their views when asked
about the satisfaction from their 'elationship 0anager2s input.
s Ltd.
c Ca"ita#
$vt Ltd.
% Stock
s Ltd.
e Ltd.
.)17 %here is no significance difference between the customer satisfaction of the
customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its competitors.
C"%:'%"t, ;"%'0Ch$-
D1# )& F#,)(
T"8'%"t, ;"%'0Ch$-
3ere " have applied $hiA+<uare %est and in my test " found that the
$alculated 5alue ^ %abulated 5alue
%herefore, the 3ypotheses is rejected. 3ence, there is a significance difference
between the customer satisfaction of the customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its
P#)&$t"8$%$t6 )& In5*t(nt $n E>'$t6
*"t$*&$, N't#"% S"t$*&$,
D & 6 > &D
S#5$:* P5t
D & 7 8 &D
8 8 D D &D
D 8 6 / &D
In,$" In&)%$n
F$n"n: Lt,.
& > & / &D
K"#56 St):9
/ 6 7 & &D
T)t"% J /& &8 &> >D
D"t" Int#!#t"t$)n-
3ere, " analysed the investors whether they felt it to be profitable in investing in the
securities market or not.
"n my findings " analysed that the investors of @otak +ecurities 4td. were highly
satisfied with the fact that it was profitable in investing in the securities market
whereas other investors investing in some other broking houses were
satisfied#neutral#dissatisfied with this fact.
s Ltd.
c Ca"ita#
$vt Ltd.
% Stock
s Ltd.
e Ltd.
.)17 %here is no significance difference between the customer satisfaction of the
customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its competitors.
C"%:'%"t, ;"%'0Ch$-
D1# )&
T"8'%"t, ;"%'0Ch$-
A::!tFR4:t 'ejected
3ere " have applied $hiA+<uare %est and in my test " found that the
$alculated 5alue ^ %abulated 5alue %herefore, the 3ypotheses is rejected.
3ence, there is a significance difference between the customer satisfaction of the
customers of @otak +ecurities 4td. and its competitors.
FINDINGS < C)n:%'*$)n
C)n:%' *$)n < FINDIN GS
&. " found that @otak +ecurities 4td. 3ad the maximum number of investors who
traded in both $ash as well as (erivatives whereas. +harekhan +tock 9roking
3ouse had the maximum number of traders who traded in (erivatives and
"ndia "nfoline !inance 4td. had the maximum number of traders who traded in
/. @otak +ecurities 4td. have the maximum investors for both 4ong term * +hort
term whereas "$"$" +ecurities 4td. has the maximum number of 4ong term
investors and @arvy +tock 9roking 4td. 3as the maximum +hort term investors.
6. " have interpreted that @otak +ecurities 4td. * "$"$" +ecurities 4td. holds the
maximum number of both online as well as offline customers whereas +harekhan
+tock 9roking 3ouse* "ndia "nfoline !inance 4td. hold the maximum online
7. " have analysed that investors investing in @otak +ecurities 4td. were highly
satisfied with the software provided to them by their broking house whereas
some investors were satisfied with the software provided to them by their
broking house or were neutral with the view when asked about the satisfaction
with the software provided to them by their broking house.
8. %he investors of @otak +ecurities 4td. were mainly focused on the steady *
stable growth.
%he investors of +ystematic $apital +ervices ,vt. 4td. were mainly focused on
the speedy increase in wealth and fixed monthly income.
%he investors of +harekhan were mainly focused on the +afety of fund
"nvestment and previous experience.
%he investors of "$"$" +ecurities 4td. were mainly focused on the speedy
increase in wealth * assured fixed monthly income.
%he investors of "ndia "nfoline finance 4td. were mainly focused on the +afety
"nvestment of !und.
>. " have analysed that the investors of @otak +ecurities 4td. were highly
satisfied with the brokerage rates whereas the investors of other broking
houses were satisfied with the brokerage rates provided to them by their broking
E. " have found that the investors investing with @otak +ecurities were highly
satisfied with the dealers2 input whereas the investors dealing with the
competitive broking houses were satisfied or were neutral in their views when
asked about the satisfaction from dealers2 input.
J. " have analysed that the customers of @otak +ecurities 4td were highly satisfied
with the research advice provided to them by the $ompany2s 'esearch team
whereas the customers of other competitive broking houses were satisfied or
were neutral in their views when asked about the satisfaction from their
company2s research advice.
H. " have found that the investors of @otak +ecurities 4td were highly satisfied with
the 'elationship 0anager2s input whereas the investors dealing with the
competitive broking houses were satisfied or were neutral in their views when
asked about the satisfaction from their 'elationship 0anager2s
&D. " analy=ed that the investors of @otak +ecurities 4td. were highly satisfied with
the fact that it was profitable in investing in the securities market whereas other
investors investing in some other broking houses were
satisfied#neutral#dissatisfied with this fact.
Muestionna ire
1ge ;A
o 9elow &J years
o &JA6D years
o 6DA8D years
o 8DA>D years
o >D * above
o +tudent
o 9usiness
o ,rofession
o +erviceman
o Others
o 0ale
o !emale
0arital +tatus;A
o 0arried
o )nmarried
&? (o you trade in derivatives#cash #bothS
o (erivatives
o $ash
o 9oth
/? (o you like to trade on shortAterm basis or on longAterm basisS
o +hort Vterm
o 4ongAterm
o 9oth
6? (o you trade on online mode# offline modeS
o Online
o Offline
"f on online mode, are you satisfied with the software provided to
you by the broking companyS
3ighly dissatisfied 3ighly +atisfied
7? Which factor would you consider as most important before choosing an
investment optionS
o +peedy increase in wealth
o +teady * stable growth
o 1ssured fixed monthly income
o +afety of funds invested
o ,revious experience
8? 1re you satisfied with the brokerage rates provided to you by your broking
3ighly dissatisfied ooooo 3ighly +atisfied
>? (oes your dealer satisfy you at the level you want him regarding updates *
3ighly dissatisfied ooooo 3ighly +atisfied
E? (o you get advisory from the company2s researchersS
3ighly dissatisfied ooooo 3ighly +atisfied
J? 1re you satisfied with the '02s work and the information provided by him to
3ighly dissatisfied ooooo 3ighly +atisfied
H? (o you think it is profitable to invest in the e<uity market S
3ighly dissatisfied ooooo 3ighly +atisfied
&D?(o you +uggest your friends * relatives to trade with the 9roking house with
which you are attachedS
o .es
o No
Books and Articles: -
i. 'eilly#9rown (/DDE?, B"nvestment 1nalysis and ,ortfolio
-ight -dition, )niversity of dame, %homson ,ublication; 3aryana, pp
ii. (onald -. !ischer and 'onald N. Nordan (/DD6?, +ecurity 1nalysis and
portfolio management, sixth edition, )niversity of %exas, ,3"; New
(elhi, pp >E/A>EE.
iii. +harp, William !. B0utual fund performance , Nournal of business
(&H>>?; &&HA&6J.
iv. %reynor, Nack 4., B3ow to rate management of investment
3arvard 9usiness review, 76(&H>8?;pp >6AE8
v. Nensen, 0ichael $., B%he performance of mutual fund in the period
&H78A&H>7 , Nournal of finance, /6(&H>J?; pp6JHA
vi. +arkar, 1.@., B ,erformance -valuation of 0utual funds,
1ccountant,H(&HH&?; pp >H&A>H6
vii. 0agnus (ahl<uis, and +oderlind ,aul, -valuating ,ortfolio
,erformance with +tochastic (iscount!actors, Nournal of
9usiness,6(&HHH?; pp6J&A7&/
viii. 9ollen, ,.9. Nicolas and Neffrey 1. 9usseP B On %he %iming 1bility of
0utual !und 0anagers, Nournal Of !inance, 6(&HHH?; p
ix. (utta. 1 (/DDE?, B0utual !unds "n "ndia , !irst -dition,
,ublication; New (elhi, pp &EEA&J6
x. !riend, "rwin, 9rown, !.-., 3erman -dward +. and 5icker (ouglas. ,
study Of 0utual !unds; "nvestment policy and "nvestment ,olicy
performance , -lements of "nvestment; +elected 'eadings, ed.
9y 3sikA@wang Wu, 1lan, N.Iakon 3olt, 'inehart and winstor,
inc(&H>8?; pp6E&A6J8
i. http#w w w .ea s y m f .c o m
ii. h ttp ;## w w w .hd f c fu n d .c o m #n a v c o rn e r#n a vO f (a te + ho w . jsp (/
iii. h ttp ;## w w w .icic ip ru am c.c om #p ruic icin #h tdo cs #h om e & #n a v s & .h tm l (/
iv. h ttp ;## w w w .m one y c on tro l.c o m #mf#mf _ in fo #h is tda ta .p h p (/
v . h ttp ;## w w w .m one y c on tro l.c o m #mf#mf _ in fo #m f s ea rch. p h p S 1 0 $n a m e
` 'elia n c e O / D ta x O / Ds a v e r* f n a m e ` n a p (/

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