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Parents play a major role in the life of a child.

Although, the invention of so many toys and the

influence of peers have greatly affected childrens behavior of modern time, parents with good
traits can use these influences to mold the personality and behavior of a child for the good. I
believe that ideal parents should be of good moral character, good listener and patience.
Parents should have good moral character, because they are the role models of children. It has
been known that children are the reflection of their parents trait. For instance, my parents do not
smoke, gamble or drink. They express virtue in all their actions. They taught us how to respect to
elders, and be sensitive to other peoples feelings all the time. They have been my idol all my
life, because they were able to raised six children so well and none of us went astray.
Furthermore, being a good listener is very important. When parents have time to listen to their
children, the communication is open between parties. To illustrate, my brother failed his science
subject in school. My parents did not judge or scold him, instead they talked to him and listened
to his concerns. They found out that he did not understand his lesson well because of his
assigned seat. He was sitting next to an air conditioner, and it bothered him.
Having patience has a lot to do with parenting. Although children behavior gets out of hand
sometimes due to certain issues like mood, parents exert extra mile of patience to comfort them
with love and care. For example, my sister when she was in her elementary years, she refused to
attend school. My mother was always late for work, because of my sisters action. She would
always try to bribe her with something so she would go into class.
Parenting is a tough job comes with big responsibility. Therefore it is crucial that parents should
have outstanding character, a good listener and patience, so that they would have wonderful
Love is the most important and most powerful emotion; consisting of both heart and mind.
Emotion is a state being, often accompanied by physical reaction. A deep affection for a child
must exist. Affection is part of the love. Devotion to the child, which is love given without
question. No strings attached for the love the child needs to achieve full potential. A fondness for
a child is part of the loving a child; taking pleasure in being a Parent.

Giving the child all the attention it needs for the development of their mind and body. Nursing
the child to grow up healthy; nurturing to their every need to make them feel safe and gaining
their trust. So the child knows that they will not get hurt; to look out for the child's best interest.
Knowing that the child is always is taking care of.
Parenting is also about giving proper guidance; guiding them in the right direction. Help lead a
child to choose the correct action; the proper way to conduct themselves.
Supporting a child mentally is essential for a parent; helping the child strengthens mind and
body. Fulfilling the needs of a child is a key ingredient for gaining the trust one needs to be a
good parent. The parent needs to be patient, tolerating the learning of the child. Actively in favor
of whom the child wants to be.
Discipline is the tool in which a parent sets forth rule for the child to obey, training the child
mentally. Enforcing the rules for the child, when the child breaks the rules there is a punishment.
Discipline also builds the character the will have throughout life.
Parents need to be good listeners. They are sometimes too quick to judge their children's actions
and words that they do not hear them cry for love, attention or help. Parents need to listen to their
child's feelings and reactions to things. Also, they need to let them have their own opinions and
voice them too. They should look at their child and show them that they are listening to them.
Understanding their point of view and where they are coming from also will help one to be a
good parent.

If parents want their child to do what is right, I think that they need to set an example by also
doing what is right. Children should be taught how to be responsible, caring, hardworking and
patient from watching and learning these traits from their parents.

Making time and traditions for your family is another part of being a good parent. True, many
parents do have to work a lot to provide their family with the things they need. Spoiling children
does not mean parents don't need to show love and spend quality time with their kids. Parents
should invest time, not money into their children. Children shouldn't have to ask if they are
important to their parents to know. They should just know. The time a parent puts into their
family and the traditions they have will always be there.

Parents should respect their child's interests and get involved in their life. They should participate
in activities that they all can enjoy. Parents should try out new things that their child likes.
Parents should have a foundation of love where they actually care about the child. This includes
giving attention and showing affection to the child. Parents must be able to create and sustain a
good family environment. Possessing the resources and capital to be able to support the baby for
many years after their birth is just a small part of this. A good parent should also be a good
person. They should be able to take care of themselves and have the general characteristics of
patience, care, responsibility, and understanding. A good parent is someone who can provide
love, life necessities for their child and themselves
If a parent does not love their child there is no hope in them being a good parent. Love is the
most essential quality in creating a constructive parent child relationship. When there is no love
present in the parent it will create problems in the child. A strong foundation based on love is
very beneficial in making a good parent, however if the parent is unable to express their love,
and the child does not know their parents love them, it is useless. Giving the child an adequate
amount of attention and showing affection are two good examples of how a parent can show
their child they love them.

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