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Breakdown of training Lessons for Diploma Course in Pali and Sutta Study.

Module 1 Lesson Topics for sutta Class Lesson Topics for Pali Class teac assign total
01- ! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.
A-Introduction to Course & Purpose Bhante V
B- Birth of the Tipitika by Bhante Kusula
C- Introducing the Forat of the !utta Class- !K



02- #haapada $orning Verses
Precepts in full % using #& outline
! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.
'ead te Morning $erses one set at a time.
()plain te (ssential and *nessential $s cra$ing+clinging in
meditation and in life.
Make up an analogy for te Precepts you can remem,er.
1. List te - precepts and - Distractions.
%. write up . e)amples of (ssential+*nessential situations
&. ()plain te Precepts in an analogy of your own.
.. For preparation, read Sutta MN-128

03- MN-128 Imperfections- (Upakkilesa Sutta)
! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.

Review MN-128
Summarize the Imperfections and their
1# Ma$e a !ist of Imperfections that tr" to stop meditation
2# %rite down a &ife app!ication from this sutta
For preparation# read Sutta MN-'(

Breakdown of training Lessons for Hours

0!- $&-'( To Canki ) Canki !utta*
+Ad,ice for !uccessful !tudy & ho- to

! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.
'e$iew Cacakka Sutta Cue seet
!uestion and discuss /ey points in M012-
Summari3e te 1% steps for successful training
Descri,e ow te Budda " Bramins reaced trut
0ame & states of in$estigation te Budda taugt
4or preparation5 read M011.& 6andout7

0"- $&-/01 Ad,ice to Anathapindika
)An#thapi$%iko,#da !utta*
+Ad,ice for Pain $anageent.
! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.
'e$iew Cacakka Sutta Cue seet
'e$iew parts of M011.&1
How does #natta practice ease pain8
()plain 9o #natapindika was8
9y didn:t He know a,out tis teacing8
4or preparation5 read S01 *panissa Sutta 6andout7

23- !&-41)1* Pro5iate Cause )6panissa !utta*
) A Transcendental #e,elopental Chart by Buddha*
! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.
'e$iew Cacakka Sutta Cue seet
Cart links for Transcendental Dependent ;rigination
'e$iew links of D.;. and Line of De$elopment
Descri,e progressi$e aspect in Transcendental links
9y is tis cart called Transcendental D.;.8
For preparation7 8ead $&-/4/

29- :istory of Councils and !chiss in Buddhis
$r; #a,id <ohnson
! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.
History of te Councils and Scisms
1. 9at as canged from te ,eginning teacing8
.. 4or preparation5 'ead M011=

2=- $&-/= :oneyball !utta )$ahupi$%ika !uta*
! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.
8e,ie- $&-/=
#ependent >rigination

()plain wat is Mental Proliferation8
()plain ;,>ecti$e and Su,>ecti$e witin e)perience.
9at is te pro,lem wit Mental Proliferation8
4or preparation5 'ead M011%1

2'- $&-/4/ The greater #iscourse on Voidness
)$ahasu&&ata !utta*
! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.
Be a,le to discuss primary aspect of ?oidness in class
'e$iew Cacakka Sutta troug completely

Descri,e $oidness according to te Budda11 para.
How do you e)perience $oidness in te >anas8
4or preparation5 'ead *panissa Sutta 6andout7

/2- Coplete recitation practice of $&-/0=

! " # for prior e$ening Damma talk.

!uttas ay be changed per the n eed of an
indi,idual group being taught;


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